SCHEDULE OF QUANTITY Sl. No. Issued to: Name of work Preparation of Currency-Chest including security-guard cabin in the Bank's main building at The Mall,Shimla. Sl. No. Particulars/Item 1 Removing white wash or colour wash by steel wire brushing and/or scrapping sand papering and preparing the wall surface smooth including necessary repairs to scratches complete. Quantity 40.33 Sqm Rate in figures and words Unit Per Sqm 2 15mm cement plaster in single coat 69.31 Sqm on the rough/fair side of brick/concrete/stone walls for interior/exterior plastering upto floor two level including arrises, internal rounded angles, chamfers and/or rounded angles not exceeding 80mm in girth and finished even and smooth in Cement Mortar 1:5 (1 Cement: 5 Sand) Per 3 Supplying and applying bitumeneous 40.33 Sqm Per Sqm solution primer on roof and/or wall surface at 0.24 litre per sqm. 4 Grading floor/passage for water treatment with cement mortar 1:3 (1 Cement:3 sand) Sqm 0.55 Cum Per Cum Page 5 of 11 Amount Sl. No. Particulars/Item Quantity 5 Kota stone slab flooring 20mm (average) thick base of cement mortar 1:4 (1cement:4sand) laid over and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slab including rubbing and polishing complete. 25mm thick 32.26 Sqm 6 Brick work using common burnt clay 1.17 Cum Rate in figures and words Unit Per Sqm Per building bricks in superstructure above plinth level upto floor two level in Cement Mortar 1:6 (1Cement: 6 Sand) First Class Bricks 7 Providing wood work in frames of doors, windows , c/windows and other frames wrought, framed and fixed in position. 2nd class deodar wood. 8 Providing 40X3 mm flat iron hold Cum 0.15 Cum Per Cum 6 Nos Each 0.26 Cum Per fast 40 cm long including fitting to frame with 10mm dia bolts and nuts and wooden plugs and embedding in CC block 30X10X15 cm 1:3:6 9 Providing wood work in trusses, purlins, rafters, posts, post plates, wall plates and the like wrought, framed hoisted and fixed in position. 10 P/F panelled, glazed or panelled and Cum 1.89 Sqm Per glazed shutters for doors, windows and C/windows including black enameled iron butt hinges with necessary screws. 35mm thick, 1st class deodar wood. Sqm Page 6 of 11 Amount Sl. No. Particulars/Item 11 P/F board partitions with butt Quantity 4.52 Sqm Rate in figures and words Unit Per jointing and nails (frame work and cover fillets to be measured and paid for separately). Prelaminated board bwp phenol bonded exterior/interior grade both sides. Sqm 12mm thick. 12 Supplying and cutting of glass panes 7.35 Sqm Per as per required sizes for fixing in the partitions (frame work and cover fillets to be measured and paid for separately). Plate glass 5.5 mm thick. 13 P/F plain square- Sqm 78.80 Rmtr Per edged/taper/corner cover fillets (beading) 40mmx12mm section with headless nails in partitions including mitring at junctions. 1st class Indian teak wood. 14 Providing and fixing M.S. grills of Rmtr 79 Kg required patterns in wooden frames of windows etc. with MS flats, square or round bars with round headed bolts and nuts or by screws including applying a coat of read lead paint. Plain grill. Page 7 of 11 Per Kg Amount Sl. No. Particulars/Item 15 Providing and fixing in position Quantity 3.24 Sqm Rate in figures and words Unit Per collapsible steel shutters with vertical channels 20mmx10mmx2mm and braced with flat iron diagonals 20mmx5mm size with top and bottom rails of Tiron 40mmx40mmx6mm with 38mm dia steel pulley complete with bolts and nuts locking arrangements, stoppers, handles, including applying Sqm a coat of read lead paint. 16 P/F bright finished brass 100mm mortice latch and lock and a pair of levers, handles with necessary screws etc. complete. Godrej/Harrison Make. 1 No. Each 17 Applying Birla white wall care putty 166.39 Sqm Per over plaster surface after thoroughly brushing the surface free from mortar drops, dust, loose materials and other foreign matters sand papered smooth to give final matter Sqm finish to the surface complete. Page 8 of 11 Amount Sl. No. Particulars/Item 18 Distempering (two coats) with oil Quantity 166.39 Sqm Rate in figures and words Unit Per bound washable distemper of approved brand and manufacture and of required shade on undecorated wall surfaces to give an even shade over and including a priming coat with distemper primer of approved brand and manufacture after thoroughly brushing the surface free from mortar droppings and other foreign matter and also including preparing the surface even and sand papered smooth. priming coat with distemper primer. 19 Distempering (two coats) with oil bound washable distemper of approved brand and manufacture and of required shade on Sqm 32.26 Sqm Per undecorated ceiling and/or sloping roofs to give an even shade over and including a priming coat with distemper primer of approved brand and manufacture after thoroughly brushing the surface free from mortar droppings and other foreign matter and also including preparing the surface even and sand papered smooth. priming coat with distemper primer. Sqm Page 9 of 11 Amount Sl. No. Particulars/Item 20 Painting two coats (excluding Quantity 10.53 Sqm Rate in figures and words Unit Per priming coat) on new steel & other metal surfaces with readymixed paint, brushing oil, grease to give an even shade including cleaning the surface of all dirt, dust and other foreign matter:- With white readymixed paint. 21 Polishing two coats with french polish on new wood and wood based surfaces to give an even surface including cleaning the surface of all dirt, dust and sand papered smooth and including a coat of wood filler 22 P/F digital wall tiles 300X600X8mm Sqm 27.65 Sqm Per Sqm 74.14 Sqm Per in skirting, risers of steps and dado 12mm thick cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 Sand) and jointed with cement slurry. Kajaria make. Sqm Page 10 of 11 Amount Sl. No. Particulars/Item 23 Required demolitions of cupboards Quantity Rate in figures and words L.S. Unit Nil in commercial-board, cutting/removal of aluminum section paritions & ceilings and steel railings with the use of welding set and disposal of same within a lead of 50 mtrs. Estimated for Rs.5500/Total General Manager Name of the Contractor/firm/party Address Telephone/Mobile No. Fax No. Page 11 of 11 Amount
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