A Sensitive LC/MS/MS Method for the Quantification of Telmisartan in Human Plasma ASMS 2011 MP 10- 181 Srividya Kailasam, Life Sciences Center, Agilent Technologies, India I t d ti Introduction E Experimental i t l Results R lt Di i l andd Discussion Results R lt andd Discussion Di i In this study we describe a sensitive LC/MS/MS method System Tuning of the mass spectrometer was optimized using g No peak was seen for the telmisartan transition in the Each calibration and QC sample was injected three times. The mean response ratios of telmisartan to telmisartan-d3 were for quantification of telmisartan in human plasma. G1312B 1260 Infinity binary pump MassHunter Optimizer software, which identifies the mostt first plasma blank injected after injecting the ULOQ pplotted against g the concentrations of telemisartan to obtain the calibration curve. A linear curve fitting g was used and abundant product ions together with the optimum fragmentorr sample (5000 pg/mL) thrice as can be seen in figure 3. 3 weighted (1/x). (1/x) A linear dynamic range of 50 - 5000 pg/mL was achieved for telmisartan in human plasma with an R2 value voltages and collision energies. A simple protein precipitation n The figure 4 shows the overlay of the telmisartan peaks in greater than h 0.995. 0 995 Figure Fi 6 shows h a representative i calibration lib i curve for f telmisartan l i i plasma in l using i telmisartan-d3 l i d3 as the h sample p ppreparation p method was used to extract telmisartan n the LLOQ and blank samples. p It can be seen that the area internal standard. From Table 1 it can be seen that the calculated concentrations for all calibration standards and the QC and the internal standard, standard telmisartan-d3 from 200 μL of spikedd of the MRM signal in the blank is less than 20% of the samples show good precision and accuracy. plasma l samples. l area off analyte l peakk in i the h LLOQ sample l confirming fi i that h acts by blocking angiotensin II receptor. The deuterated analog, g telmisartan-d3 was used as the internal standard in this study. study The structures of the analyte and the internal standard d d are shown h i figure in fi 1 The 1. Th high hi h sensitivity i i i off the h 6460 mass spectrometer with the Agilent Jet Stream ESI source enabled the quantification of 50 pg/mL of telmisartan in human plasma. plasma This makes the method suitable for the analysis of sample from low dose studies. G1379B 1260 Infinityy micro degasser g G1367D 1260 Infinity autosampler G1330B 1260 Infinity I fi it Thermostat Th t t G1316A 1260 Infinity Thermostatted Column Compartment G6460 Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer with the Agilent Jet Stream Technology Software MassHunter B.03.01 (Acquisition and Qualitative Analysis) MassHunter B.04.00 ((Quantitative analysis y 1 6 criteria. 5.5 5 45 4.5 Column: ZORBAX Eclipse Plus - C8 3.0 3 0 X 50 mm, mm 1.8 1 8 m C l Column temperature: 45 C 05 0.5 3 04 0.4 Telmisartan-d3 300 pg/mL 15 1.5 03 0.3 02 0.2 1 01 0.1 0.5 Mobile phase B: Acetonitrile 0 0 0.5 Flow rate: 0.5 0 5 mL/min 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 Counts vs. Acquisition Time (min) 4 4.5 Figure g 2: MRM chromatogram g of the Mid-QC sample p Time (min) % Acetonitrile All plasma samples were treated with 500 μL of cold 0 20 acetonitrile aceto t e aandd tthen e vortexed o te ed for o 1 min. 66755 μμL supe supernatant ata t 05 0.5 95 was transferred to a new microcentrifuge tube and dried by 25 2.5 95 vacuum concentration. The residues were resuspended in 200 2.6 20 μL of 9:1 (v/v) water:methanol, and centrifuged prior to Stop time 5 min -200 Figure 4: Telmisartan peak in the LLOQ (50 pg/mL) sample analysis analysis. Source: ESI with Jet stream (+) Figure 1: Instrumentation and analytes Product Fragmentor ion voltage (V) ( /) (m/z) Collision energy ( ) (eV) 515.2 ((Telmisartan)) 275.6 180 52 518.44 (Telmisartan-d3) 518 (Telmisartan d3) (ISTD) 279 2 279.2 180 50 Figure g 3: First blank injected j after the ULOQ sample p injections 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 3200 3400 3600 3800 4000 4200 4400 4600 4800 5000 5200 5400 Concentration oncentration(pg/m (pg/ml) Figure 6:Standard curve in plasma with 3 replicate injections at each calibration level Telmisartan-d3 Telmisartan d3 Precursor ion (m/z) 07 0.7 3.5 2.5 Mobile pphase A: 10 mM Ammonium acetate 08 0.8 06 0.6 Telmisartan,750 pg/mL 4 2 Telmisartan the carryover meets the FDA bioanalytical recommended x10 2 + MRM (515.2000 -> 275.6016) Pl_750Telmisartan300Tel-d3-r003.d 6.5 1 Telmisartan - 8 Levels, 8 Levels Used, 23 Points, 23 Points Used, 0 QCs y=0001913*x = 0.001913 x +0003180 + 0.003180 x10 1 y R^2 = 0.99679385 09 0.9 Rela ative Resp ponse es Telmisartan is used for the treatment of hypertension and Figure g 5: Overlay of the telmisartan peaks in the LLOQ and blank samples Concentration (pg/mL) Mean Calculated C Concentration i (n=3) Precision (% R.S.D.) Accuracyy ((%)) 50 46 93 46.93 11 11 11.11 93 86 93.86 A sensitive and selective LC/MS/MS method for the 75 77.08 10.40 102.77 250 251.12 2.18 100.45 qquantification of telmisartan in human pplasma using g an 500 510.31 6.41 102.06 1000 994.50 7.49 99.45 1500 1519 06 1519.06 6 54 6.54 101 27 101.27 2500 2531 09 2531.09 8 34 8.34 101 24 101.24 5000 4617.22 11.35 92.34 internal standard from plasma. plasma The response ratio of the 150 (LQC) 130.68 5.80 87.12 analyte and the internal standard was found to be linear 750 ((MQC)) 773.39 4.17 103.12 over the range g 50 - 5000 pg pg/mL. 4000 (HQC) 3746 79 3746.79 7 95 7.95 93 67 93.67 C Conclusions Table 1: Response ratios, precision and accuracy at the various concentrations Agilent 1260 Infinity LC system and 6460 Triple Quadrupole M Mass S Spectrometer with i h the h Agilent A il J Stream Jet S ESI source has been described. A simple protein precipitation method was used for extracting the analyte and the
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