Water Conservation and surveillance HRDS developed its expertise in Water quality monitoring, water resource management, surveillance and mitigation and promoting locally adaptable solutions for accessible safe drinking water. Keeping in view the importance of water quality, HRDS established a water testing “The Water Clinic” that comprises of water experts. The Water Clinic team has designed Bio-sand filter, House-hold water filters, mass chlorination and arsenic removal filters for the community. The laboratory is also providing water quality monitoring services to the masses and different organizations. Engineering and Community infrastructure HRDS also provides engineering and community infrastructure services to the Donors and humanitarian organizations working for vulnerable communities. The services include installation of hand pumps, VIP latrines, pit latrines, flush latrines, washrooms, labor rooms, ramps, and accessible washrooms for PWD's, check dams, water canals, brick lined roads and semi-pakka roads etc. Monitoring & Surveys Services HRDS also provides monitoring services to different organizations. HRDS signed Long Term Agreement (LTA) for the monitoring and supervision services of 40 Different IP's working on water supply schemes of schools in Punjab, Sindh, Gilgit Baltistan, Baluchistan, AJK, and FATA. Third party validation is also a proficiency of HRDS and has a vast experience working as a third party validation WASH related projects. HRDS completed third party validation of CDWI project for the Ministry of Industries, Production and special initiative, Government of Pakistan. HRDS conducted consumer surveys for WASA Rawalpindi, water quality of WASA Lahore, LG and RDD AJK for UNICEF. HRDS did the technical surveys of militant affected schools in Swat. Field Offices in Pakistan PESHAWAR Address: House # 59/F2 Khaleed Lane (Near Ayesha Institute), University Road University Town, Peshawar E-mail ID: [email protected] Phone: +92915702066 Facsimile: +92514433754 SOCIETY QUETTA Address: E-mail ID: Phone: Facsimile: C-5, Kabeer Building, Jinnah Road, Quetta [email protected] +92 81-2865615 +92 51 4433754 MANSEHRA Address: E-mail ID: Phone: Facsimile: H.no 34/1, Township, Mansehra [email protected] +92 997-302870 +92 51 4433754 RAHIM YAR KHAN Address: E-mail ID: Phone: Facsimile: Behind Ghous Flour Mill Abbasi Town, Rahim Yar Khan. [email protected] +92 68-5034417 +92 51 4433754 MANGORA Address: E-mail ID: Phone: Facsimile: Old seep Office, behind Swat Serena Hotel, College Colony Saidu Shareef. Swat [email protected] +92 946-726822 +92 51 4433754 SHADADKOT Address: E-mail ID: Phone: Facsimile: Near Syed Hassan Ali Shah Mosque. Drib Mohalla Shadadkot [email protected] +92 744 7013225. +92 51 4433754 CHITRAL Address: E-mail ID: Phone: Facsimile: Shinjal Danin near District Jail, District Chitral, KPK. [email protected] +92 943-414592. +92 51 4433754 HANGO (Waziristan) Address: Fazal-e-Qayoom house, near Bangash petrol pump, PTC district Hangoo. E-mail ID: [email protected] Phone: +92 92 5620014 Facsimile: +92 51 4433754 MOMMAND AGENCY Address: Civil Colony, Ghalanay HQ, Political Administration, Mohmand Agency E-mail ID: [email protected] Phone: +92 34-5210303 Facsimile: +92 51 4433754 Human Resource Development Society (HRDS) Programme Coordination Office House # 580 Street # 110, I-8/4, Islamabad Phone: +92 51 4433752, 4901557, Facsimile: +92 51 4433754 E-mail ID: [email protected], [email protected] w w w . h r d s o c i e t y . o r g . p k HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT SOCIETY (HRDS) Value Investment for Inclusive Development Human Resource Development Society (HRDS) was established in April, 1992. It is registered with Directorate of Social Welfare, under Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies (Registration and Control) Act, and 1961 DDSW-LD/92-417(23rd April 1992). HRDS holds CSO Certification Award by Pakistan Centre for Philanthropy (PCP), Certificate No: PCP2011/213.The organization works as a nonprofit and non political organization for the development and prosperity of deprived communities especially women and children without any discrimination of caste, color, creed, culture, sect and religion or ethnic discrimination. HRDS is working in different sectors in all provinces of Pakistan with partnership of different national and international organizations like UNICEF, UNDP, SightSavers, IRC, PPAF, RAF, Care international, ERRA, Paiman, WASA, DTCE, CDWI, and LG & RDD etc. VISION: HRDS visualizes that the Marginalized Communities have Access to Basic Amenities with Improved Quality of Life MISSION: HRDS believes in Creating Enabling Environments by Developing Locally Adaptable Solutions CORE VALUES: HRDS works with the following set of organizational core values; Accountability Transparency HRDS values Mutual Respect Gender Equality Inclusion HRDS OBJECTIVES: The main strategic objective of HRDS is to enable communities to plan, implement and manage development assistance programs through countrywide network of community groups at grassroots level for improving the quality of life. The specific objectives are: Enhance the capacity of government officials, stake holders and communities in different areas of social development especially women to consider their contribution in community development activities. Enhance the implementation capacity of project partners as well as communities to enable them to undertake village level development activities on an individual &/or collective basis. Establish linkages with Govt. agencies and other NGOs / COs having common objectives for optimal utilization of available resources for community development. Provision for safe drinking water, improved sanitation, hygiene promotion, primary education, maternal & new born health and primary health care. Focus on bringing a positive behavioural change regarding health & hygiene in children as the main target group. Raising awareness and foster cooperation in the communities through organizational networking at grassroots level. Empower the communities through self-reliance approach for long term sustainability PROGRAMMATIC FOCUSED AREA 1. Water , Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) 2. Primary Health 3. Education Cross Cutting Programmatic Area 1. Disaster Risk Reduction including Drought Mitigation & preparedness 2. Advocacy, Raising awareness and Capacity Building 3. Food Security & Livelihood 4. Facilitating internally Displaced Persons(IDPs) 5. Early Recovery and Emergency Response 6. Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities & Older people 7. Engineering &Community infrastructure 8. Third party Validation & Monitoring services 9. Community Inclusive Development PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION APPROACH HRDS believe in participatory approach for implementation of programs. Community participation and relevant line departments are the integral part of program implementation strategy. Sustainability of the program interventions can be insured through the capacity building and development of ownership in the target community and line department through their involvement in planning, designing, implementing and monitoring. Gender equality is also an integral part of HRDS program interventions. Keeping in view the emergencies, disasters in the country and climate change at global level, HRDS caters the DRR approach in its program implementation. HRDS will implement its program in coordination and collaboration of all stakeholders in the sectors including, COs, NGOs, INGOs, and Government department. Participation in cluster meetings and sharing of information with the clusters at local as well national level will be the integral part of HRDS's strategy. WASH Sector Water, sanitation & hygiene remain the main focus programme for HRDS since 1992 and develop its capacities in the sector. About 50 projects have been implemented in Punjab, sindh, KPK and AJK during last 10 years. Provision of improved WASH facilities to IDPs and flood affected communities, Construction, installation and rehabilitations of washing places, tube wells and water supply schemes, washing places in schools, implementation of rain water harvesting schemes, ensuring accessible WASH facilities for people with disabilities(PWDs), promotion of hygiene practices, formation of WASH committees and their capacity building was the main focus of WASH projects. Health Sector HRDS is striving to strengthen and improve the basic health systems to provide quality health care facilities to mother and neonatal. HRDS has been implementing basic health projects for the last decade. The two significant projects for HRDS in health sectors are PIAMAN (USAID) and RAF (Research & Advocacy Fund) on mother and Neonatal Health. Major activities of HRDS in this sector includes Advocacy via participatory Governance, medical Camps, TT vaccination for the expecting mothers, capacity building of traditional birth attendants on safe deliveries and establishing birth centers. About 40,000 persons benefitted from these projects. Education Sector HRDS has taken significant steps towards increasing the enrolment and reduction of drop out ratio. HRDS successfully implemented the education projects in different areas of Pakistan including FATA. Despite of the deteriorating law and order situation of South Waziristan, HRDS with the financial support of UNICEF took a challenge to strengthen the education sector for the repatriated children especially girls affected by the militancy. Recently, HRDS completed education projects in Swat for the provision of missing school facilities, repairing schools and their up-gradations, provision of rented schools buildings, teacher trainings, and PTC trainings. Serving People with disabilities Inclusion of PWDs and older age people is the integral part of HRDS programme implementation strategy. HRDS with the partnership of Sightsavers International is implementing water and sanitation projects for PWD's. "Promoting Social Inclusion through Accessible water & Sanitation in Mansehra, Shahadkot, and chitral is one of the major projects.
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