When the Department Chair is both the PI (or an engaged collaborator) and the authorized individual, an alternate must be identified. Please verify the authorized individuals and list any new authorized individuals. SCHOOL/DEPARTMENT/PROGRAM AUTHORIZED INDIVIDUAL(S) Center for Integrative Research on Cognition, Learning, and Education (CIRCLE) (added 201311-7) Sam Fox School College & Graduate Schools of Architecture & Urban Studies Alternate: College & Graduate Schools of Art Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts Michael Strube Campus Box # Box 1125 Carmon Colangelo, Dean Bruce Lindsey, Dean Box 1213 Box 1079 Enrique Von Rohr, B.F.A Buzz Spector, Dean Enrique Von Rohr, Director of Research - Sam Fox School of Research Office Mahendra Gupta, Dean John M. Olin Business School Alternates: Stephen Nowlis, Todd Milbourn, Kurt Dirks Ralph Quatrano, Ph.D. School of Engineering & Applied Science Elec & Systems Engineering Arye Nehorai Environmental Engineering & Chemical Engineering Pratim Biswas Computer Science & Engineering Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Biomedical Engineering School of Law Alternate: George W. Brown School of Social Work Associate Dean Dept # Box 1031 Box 1031 Box 1031 Box 1133 Box 1133 Box 1163 Box 1127 Box 1180 1310 Roch Guerin/alternate: Dr. Roger Chamberlain Box 1045 1310 Philip V. Bayly Dr. Steven George/Alternate: Mark Anastasio Dan Keating, Dean Susan Appleton, Vice Dean Ed Lawlor, Dean Debra Haire-Joshu, Associate Dean 1310 Box 1185 Box 1097 Box 1120 Box 1120 Box 1196 Box 1196 1310 1310 1310 1310 When the Department Chair is both the PI (or an engaged collaborator) and the authorized individual, an alternate must be identified. Please verify the authorized individuals and list any new authorized individuals. SCHOOL/DEPARTMENT/PROGRAM Alternate: Reseach Administration Institute for Public Health College of Arts & Sciences Alternate: African & African American Studies American Culture Studies Anthropology Art History & Archaelology East Asian Languages Biology Chemistry Classics Comparative Literature Earth & Planetary Sciences Economics Education Alternate: English Environmental Studies AUTHORIZED INDIVIDUAL(S) Enola Proctor, Renee Cunningham Williams, Amanda Moore McBride Siomari Collazo-Colon Barbara A. Schaal, Dean Larry Kuykendall William Tate Iver Bernstein Chair: TR Kidder; alternates: Dave Browman, H. Kathleen Cook, Erik Trinkaus/Fiona Marshall - acting chair Elizabeth Childs Rebecca Copeland Kathy Miller, (Judy Musick), Paul Stein William Buhro Timothy Moore Lynne Tatlock Professor Viatcheslav Solomatov John Nachbar (Chair); Steve Fazzari; Ping Wang Cindy Brantmeier Odis Johnson Wolfram Schmidgen Tiffany Knight Campus Box # Box 1196 Box 1094 Box 1109 Box 1126 Box 1114 Box 1189 Box 1111 Box 1137 Box 1134 Box 1050 Box 1108 Box 1169 Box 1208 Box 1183 Box 1122 Box 1169 Dept # When the Department Chair is both the PI (or an engaged collaborator) and the authorized individual, an alternate must be identified. Please verify the authorized individuals and list any new authorized individuals. SCHOOL/DEPARTMENT/PROGRAM AUTHORIZED INDIVIDUAL(S) Film & Media Studies Germanic Languages & Literatures History Interdisciplinary Program in the Humanities International & Area Studies Program/Overseas Program Jewish Islamic and Near Eastern Studies Mathematics Music Performing Arts Philosophy Philosophy Neuroscience Psychology Physics Political Science Psychology Gaylyn Studlar Matthew Erlin Peter Kastor Joseph Loewenstein Tim Parsons/Andy Sobel/Jeremy Caddel Religious Studies Romance Languages & Literatures Teaching Center (informal affiliation with A&S) Women & Gender Studies Writing Center (informal affiliation w/ A&S) Hillel Kieval David Wright Peter Schmelz Mark Rollins Christopher Wellmon Ron Mallon/John Heil Mark Alford Jim Spriggs; Alternate: Sunita Parikh Jan-June 2014 - Michael Strube, Randy Larsen, David Balota Effective July 1, 2014 - Deanna Barch, Jeff Zacks, Mitch Sommers Beata Grant Michael Sherberg Gina Frey (alternate: Michelle L. Milligan assistant provost) Mary Ann Dzuback Alternates: Steve Pijut and Shelley Milligan Campus Box # Box 1064 Box 1104 Box 1062 Box 1122 Box 1173 Box 1111 Box 1146 Box 1032 Box 1108 Box 1073 Box 1073 Box 1105 Box 1063 Box 1125 Box 1111 Box 1077 Box 1022 Box 1183 Box 1122 Dept # When the Department Chair is both the PI (or an engaged collaborator) and the authorized individual, an alternate must be identified. Please verify the authorized individuals and list any new authorized individuals. SCHOOL/DEPARTMENT/PROGRAM AUTHORIZED INDIVIDUAL(S) Writing One Arts & Sciences Centers Center for the Humanities Ctr for Inquiry in Science Teaching & Learning Center for New Institutional Social Sciences Cornerstone: The Center for Advanced Learning (informal affiliation w/ A&S) Weidenbaum Center Doreen Salli Vice Chancellor Students Health Promotion and Wellness Center Habif Health and Wellness Center Institute for Public Health Alternates: University College Alternate: University Libraries SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Anatomy & Neurobiology Anesthesiology Alternates: Campus Box # Jean Allman William Tate John Patty Robert Koff Box 1071 Box 1183 Box 1063 Box 1135 Steven Smith, Steve Fazzari, Associate Director Sharon Stahl, PhD Alan Glass Box 1027 Dept # Box 1136 Box 1201 William Powderly, M.D. Graham Colditz, M.D., Deputy Director (First) Victoria Anwuri, MPH (Second) Dean Wiltenburg Steve Ehrlich Jeffrey Trzeciak Larry Shapiro, Dean Azad Bonni, MD, PhD Alex S. Evers, M.D., Evan Kharasch, M.D. Robert Gereau, M.D. Box 1064 Box 1064 Box 1061 Box 8108 Box 8054 Box 8054 3021 3025 When the Department Chair is both the PI (or an engaged collaborator) and the authorized individual, an alternate must be identified. Please verify the authorized individuals and list any new authorized individuals. SCHOOL/DEPARTMENT/PROGRAM AUTHORIZED INDIVIDUAL(S) Ellen Lockhart, M.D. John A. Cooper, MD, PhD Biochemistry & Molecular Biophysics Division of Biology & Biomedical Sciences (DBBS) John Russell, Associate Dean for Graudate Education, designated the department Students chairperson where the student's faculty sponsor is from. (2015-1-9) Ralph Quatrano, Ph.D. Biology & Biomedical Sciences D.C. Rao, Ph.D. Biostatistics (division) Alternates: J. Philip Miller, Ph.D. or Ken Schechtman, Ph.D. Robert Mecham, PhD Cell Biology & Physiology Alternate: Douglas Hanto, MD, PhD Continuing Medical Education (CME) Larry Shapiro, M.D. Dean’s Office/Central Administration Lilianna Solnica-Krezel, Ph.D. Developmental Biology Alternate: David M. Ornitz, M.D., Ph.D. Stephen Beverley, Ph.D. Molecular Microbiology Brent Ruoff, M.D. Emergency Medicine Alternates: Dr. Robert Poirier and Dr. Richard Griffey Jeffrey Milbrandt, M.D. Genetics/Human Genetics Alternate: Michael Province Rick Wilson, Ph.D. Genome Institute Campus Box # Dept # Box 8228 3030 Box 1137 Box 8067 Box 8067 3236 Box 8228 Box 8228 Box 8077 Box 8106 Box 8103 Box 8103 Box 8230 Box 8072 Box 8072 3225 Box 8232 Box 8232 Box 8501 3034 3221 3121 3310 3533 When the Department Chair is both the PI (or an engaged collaborator) and the authorized individual, an alternate must be identified. Please verify the authorized individuals and list any new authorized individuals. SCHOOL/DEPARTMENT/PROGRAM Alternates: Goldfarb School of Nursing at Barnes-Jewish College Internal Medicine (Delegates signature authority to Div. Directors) NOTE: If division director is PI: Then Dr. Fraser will sign Applied Physiology Alternate: Allergy & Immunology Bioorganic Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology Bone & Mineral Disease Cardiology/Cardiovascular Diseases Dermatology Endocrinology, Metabolism and Lipid Research Gastroenterology General Medical Sciences/Health Behavioral Research Alternate: Geriatrics & Nutritional Sciences AUTHORIZED INDIVIDUAL(S) Timothy J. Ley, M.D. or Dr. Elaine Mardis Jean Davis; Michael Bleich Campus Box # Box 8007 Dept # Chair Vicky Fraser, M.D. or vice chair Jeffrey Box 8066 Crippin, M.D., Brad Evanoff, M.D. Box 8031 Box 8113 Box 8122 Box 8020 3059 Roberto Civitelli, M.D. Box 8301 Douglas Mann, M.D. Chief/ alternate: Gregory Box 8086 Ewald, M.D. Lynn Cornelius, M.D. Box 8123 Clay Semenkovich, M.D. Box 8127 Nicholas Davidson, M.D Box 8124 Bradley Evanoff, M.D, MPH Box 8005 3073 Samuel Klein, M.D. John Holloszy, M.D. H. James Wedner, M.D (acting) Richard Gross, M.D. Brian Gage, M.D. Samuel Klein, M.D. Box 8005 Box 8031 3059 3052 3037 3040 3042 3056 3046 3051 3057 When the Department Chair is both the PI (or an engaged collaborator) and the authorized individual, an alternate must be identified. Please verify the authorized individuals and list any new authorized individuals. SCHOOL/DEPARTMENT/PROGRAM Hematology Alternate: Hospital Medicine Infectious Diseases (Basic Science) Infectious Disease (Clinical) Medical Education Oncology Bone Marrow Transplant Medical Oncology Molecular Oncology Hematology/Oncology Breast Oncology Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Renal Diseases AUTHORIZED INDIVIDUAL(S) J. Evan Sadler, M.D. Stuart Kornfeld Mark Thoelke, M.D. Daniel Goldberg, M.D William Powderly, M.D. Daniel Goldberg, M.D. Melvin Blanchard, M.D. John DiPersio, M.D., Ph.D. (If pi: Dr. Westervelt, Dr. Govindan, or Dr. Ratner will sign) Peter Westervelt, M.D. (If PI: Dr. DiPersio or Dr.Govindan will sign) (If Dipersio or Dr. Westervelt are engaged then Dr. Ratner or Dr. Govindan can sign) Ramaswamy Govindan, M.D. Or Lee Ratner, M.D. Lee Ratner, M.D., or Ramaswamy Govindan, M.D. Campus Box # Box 8125 Dept # 3048 Box 8066 Box 8230 Box 8051 Box 8230 Box 8121 Box 8007 3065 Box 8056 3064 Box 8056 3071 Box 8069 3071 3045 3045 3036 3071 3048 Matthew Ellis, MB or (if PI: Dr. Govindan or Dr. Ratner will sign) or in Ellis’ absence Dr. Govindan or Dr. Ratner will sign Michael Holtzman, M.D. Marc R. Hammerman, M.D Box 8052 Box 8126 3058 3062 When the Department Chair is both the PI (or an engaged collaborator) and the authorized individual, an alternate must be identified. Please verify the authorized individuals and list any new authorized individuals. SCHOOL/DEPARTMENT/PROGRAM Alternate: Rheumatology AUTHORIZED INDIVIDUAL(S) Aubrey Morrison, M.D. John Atkinson, M.D. (Interim) Wayne Yokomama, M.D. Paul Schoening Medical Library Koong-Nah Chung, Ph.D. (Asst Dean of Medical Student Education - med students verify Admissions/Student Affairs) with admissions Office of Medical Student Education (Faculty/Staff) Michael Awad, M.D. - must call registrar's office to verify 362-6848 or Danforth 935-5959 NOTE: Undergraduate Medical Education curriculum - Alternate: Alison Whelan, M.D. related to IRB - Dr. Awad contacted first, if he's not available then Dr. Whelan will sign. Ralph G. Dacey, M.D. (signs all protocols) Neurological Surgery Alternates: Keith Rich, M.D. Matt Smyth, M.D. Neill Wright, M.D. David Holtzman, M.D. - will also serve as Neurology alternate Vice Chair of Clinical Neurology Brad Racette, M.D. - will also serve as alternate (Delegates signature authority to Division Directors/Section Heads) If a section or division head is the PI, then Brad Racette, M.D. signs off as dept. chairperson Campus Box # Box 8045 Box 8045 Box 8132 Box 8107 Dept # 3076 Box 8073 Box 8057 Box 8057 Box 8111 Box 8111 3255 When the Department Chair is both the PI (or an engaged collaborator) and the authorized individual, an alternate must be identified. Please verify the authorized individuals and list any new authorized individuals. SCHOOL/DEPARTMENT/PROGRAM AUTHORIZED INDIVIDUAL(S) Adult Epilepsy Cerebrovascular Diseases Aging and Dementia HIV Neurology & Neuro-Infectious Disease Movement Disorders Neurology (General) Neuroimmunology Neurological Critical Care Neuromuscular Diseases Neuropsychology Pediatric and Developmental Neurology Pediatric and Developmental Neurology Sleep Medicine Center Spinal Cord Injury Rehab Stroke and Brain Injury Rehab Ob-Gyn Alternates: R. Edward Hogan, M.D., Section Head Jin-Moo Lee, M.D. Section Head John Morris, M.D., Section Head David Clifford, M.D., Director Joel Perlmutter, M.D., Section Head Sylvia Awadalla, M.D. Section Head Anne Cross, M.D., Section Head Michael Diringer, M.D., Section Head Alan Pestronk, M.D., Section Head Steven Petersen, Ph.D., Division Head Michael Noetzel, M.D., Division Head Brad Schlaggar, M.D., Section Head Kelvin Yamada, M.D., Section Head Oksana Volshteyn, M.D., Section Head Maurizio Corbetta, M.D., Section Head George A. Macones, M.D Kelle Moley, M.D., Michael Nelson, M.D., Ph.D. Carolyn Baum, Ph.D. Box 8505 Susan Stark, PhD OTR/L, PHD., Box 8505 Lisa Connor, Ph.D., or Jack Engsberg, Ph.D. Todd Margolis, M.D., PhD (signs all protocols) Box 8096 Occupational Therapy Alternates: Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences Campus Box # Box 8111 Box 8111 Box 8111 Box 8111 Box 8225 Box 8111 Box 8111 Box 8111 Box 8111 Box 8111 Box 8111 Box 8111 Box 8111 Box 8518 Box 8225 Box 8064 Box 8064 Dept # 3125 3452 3133 When the Department Chair is both the PI (or an engaged collaborator) and the authorized individual, an alternate must be identified. Please verify the authorized individuals and list any new authorized individuals. SCHOOL/DEPARTMENT/PROGRAM Alternate: Orthopedic Surgery Alternates: Otolaryngology Alternate: Pathology and Immunology Anatomic and Molecular Pathology Immunology (general) Laboratory and Genomic Medicine AUTHORIZED INDIVIDUAL(S) Peter D. Lukasiewicz, Ph.D. and Prabakar Kumar Rao, MD Regis James O'Keefe, MD, Ph.D. Robert Barrack, M.D. Basic: Linda Sandell, Ph.D. Ryan Calfee, M.D. James Keeney, M.D. Ryan Nunley, M.D. Lukas Zebala, M.D. Richard A. Chole, M.D., Ph.D. Jay Piccirillo, M.D. If Dr. Chole is PI J. Gail Neely, M.D. Dr. Jay Piccirillo, or Michael Valente, Ph.D. Herbert W. Virgin, M.D., Ph.D./ Andrey Shaw, M.D. alternate John Pfeifer, M.D./ Steven Teitelbaum, M.D. Andrey Shaw, M.D./ Herbert W. Virgin, M.D., Ph.D. Charles Eby, M.D./ Barry Sleckman, M.D. Campus Box # Box 8096 Dept # Box 8233 Box 8233 Box 8233 3305 Box 8115 3144 Box 8115 Box 8118 Box 8118 Box 8118 Box 8118 3158 When the Department Chair is both the PI (or an engaged collaborator) and the authorized individual, an alternate must be identified. Please verify the authorized individuals and list any new authorized individuals. SCHOOL/DEPARTMENT/PROGRAM AUTHORIZED INDIVIDUAL(S) Neuropathology Robert Schmidt, M.D./ Herbert W. Virgin, M.D., Ph.D. Alan Schwartz, M.D., Ph.D. Pediatrics Alternate: (Delegates signature authority to Div. Directors) Please note if a protocol is submitted by a division director, he/she will have another Pediatric Division Director review and sign the protocol. Allergy/Pulmonary Medicine Alternate: Cardiology Alternate: Critical Care Alternate: Diagnostic Medicine/Adolsecent Medicine Alternate: Emergency Medicine Alternate: Endocrinology/Metabolism Alternate: Gastroenterology, Hepatology, & Nutrition Campus Box # Box 8118 Dept # Box 8116 F. Sessions Cole, M.D. Box 8116 Thomas Ferkol, M.D. Allan Doctor, M.D. George Van Hare, M.D. David Jaffe, M.D. Allan Doctor, M.D. Vikas Dharnidharka, MPH, MD Katie Plax, M.D. David Jaffe, M.D. David Jaffe, M.D. (NOTE: Beginning 2/1/15 Kimberly Quayle, M.D. and David Schnadower, MD, MPH) Geroge Van Hare, M.D. Paul Hruz, M.D. Phillip Tarr, M.D. Phillip Tarr, M.D. Box 8116 Box 8116 Box 8116 Box 8116 Box 8116 Box 8208 Box 8116 Box 8116 Box 8116 Box 8116 Box 8208 Box 8208 Box 8208 3164 3171 3162 3191 3190 3172 3173 When the Department Chair is both the PI (or an engaged collaborator) and the authorized individual, an alternate must be identified. Please verify the authorized individuals and list any new authorized individuals. SCHOOL/DEPARTMENT/PROGRAM Alternate: Genetics & Genomic Medicine Alternate: Hematology/Oncology Alternate: Hospitalist Medicine Alternate: Immunology/ Rheumatology Alternate: Infectious Diseases Alternate: Laboratory Medicine Alternate: Nephrology Alternate: Newborn Medicine Alternate: Physical Therapy Alternates: AUTHORIZED INDIVIDUAL(S) Gregory Storch, M.D. Dorothy Grange, M.D. Phillip Tarr, M.D. Robert Hayashi, M.D. Andy White, M.D. Lisa Moscoso, M.D., Ph.D. and Michael Turmelle, M.D. F. Sessions Cole, M.D. Andrew White, M.D. Robert Hayashi, M.D. Gregory Storch, M.D. Phil Tarr, M.D. Gregory Storch, M.D. Phil Tarr, M.D. Vikas Dharnidharka, MPH, MD Phil Tarr, M.D. F. Sessions Cole, M.D. Allan Doctor, M.D. Gammon Earhart, Ph.D. Michael J. Mueller, PT, Ph.D., FAPTA; Jennifer Stith, PT, PhD, MSW; Linda Van Dillen, PT, PhD; Beth Crowner, PT, DPT, MPPA, NCS Campus Box # Box 8208 Box 8208 Box 8208 Box 8116 Box 8208 Box 8116 Box 8116 Box 8116 Box 8116 Box 8116 Box 8208 Box 8116 Box 8208 Box 8208 Box 8208 Box 8116 Box 8116 Box 8502 Box 8502 Dept # 3174 3176 3161 3170 3177 3169 3177 3163 3455 When the Department Chair is both the PI (or an engaged collaborator) and the authorized individual, an alternate must be identified. Please verify the authorized individuals and list any new authorized individuals. SCHOOL/DEPARTMENT/PROGRAM AUTHORIZED INDIVIDUAL(S) Program of Audiology and Communication Sciences (CID) Alternates: William W. Clark, Ph.D. Psychiatry Alternates: Radiology Alternates: NOTE: when protocols are submitted by Division Director, Dr. Wahl to sign off as dept chair Abdominal Radiology Barnes-Jewish St. Peters Barnes-Jewish West County Breast Imaging Clinical Research Laboratory Diagnotic Radiology Musculoskeletal Radiology Neuroradiology Nuclear Medicine Pediatric Radiology Radiological Sciences Campus Box # Box 8042 Maureen Valente, Ph.D. and Heather Hayes, Ph.D. Charles Zorumski, M.D. Barry Hong, Ph.D., or Eugene Rubin, M.D., Ph.D.; Mike Jarvis, MD, PhD; Ted Cicero, PhD; Cindy Smith, MBA (Exec Director) Richard L. Wahl, M.D. Dr. Picus, Dr. Siegel, Dr. Gropler, and Dr. McKinstry Box 8042 Vamsi Narra, M.D. Michael W. Penney, M.D. Vamsi Narra, M.D. Catherine Appleton, M.D. Box 8131 Box 8131 Box 8131 Box 8131 Daniel D. Picus, M.D. David A. Rubin, M.D. Franz J. Wippold, II, M.D. Barry Siegel, M.D. Robert C. McKinstry, III, M.D., Ph.D. Robert J. Gropler, M.D. Box 8131 Box 8131 Box 8131 Box 8223 Box 8131 Box 8225 Dept # Box 8134 Box 8134 3244 Box 8131 3265 When the Department Chair is both the PI (or an engaged collaborator) and the authorized individual, an alternate must be identified. Please verify the authorized individuals and list any new authorized individuals. SCHOOL/DEPARTMENT/PROGRAM AUTHORIZED INDIVIDUAL(S) Cardiothoracic Radiology Vascular & Interventional Radiation Oncology Sanjeev Bhalla, M.D. Michael D. Darcy, M.D. Dennis Hallahan, M.D. (alternate Jeff Michalski, M.D.) Jeff Michalski, M.D. Timothy Eberlein, M.D. Will Gillanders, M.D. & Will Chapman, M.D. Coy Fitch, M.D. Scott Hickman, M.D. Jennifer Lodge, Ph.D. Clinical Division Surgery Alternate: VA Medical Services WU and VA appoinments Vice Chancellor for Research BARNES-JEWISH HOSPITAL DEPARTMENTS BJH Patient Care Services Coreen Vlodarchyk, RN, MSN, MSA, Vice President Dr. Pat Potter will be the "clearing house" for all internal BJH requests and the department director will be the one signature that will sign off on the form. Alternate to all Barnes-Jewish Hospital Departments BJH Programmatic Heart & Vascular Program BJH Oncology - Clinical BJH Barnes-Jewish Extended Care Alternate: Coreen Vlodarchyk, RN, MSN, MSA, Vice President Patti Crimmins-Reda, RN, MSN, Executive Director Christine Longnecker, Director Anthony Altobella, LNHA, Administrator Bonnie Woods, Director Campus Box # Box 8131 Box 8131 Box 8224 Box 8224 Box 8109 Box 8109 Box 8032 Box 8032 8106 Dept # When the Department Chair is both the PI (or an engaged collaborator) and the authorized individual, an alternate must be identified. Please verify the authorized individuals and list any new authorized individuals. SCHOOL/DEPARTMENT/PROGRAM AUTHORIZED INDIVIDUAL(S) BJH Heart & Vascular Program Carla Ashmead, RN, BSN, MBA, Clinical Director Tim Tranor, Director Geralyn Eichelberger (Interim) Dawn Marchetto, RN, BSN, MBA, Director BJH Critical Care Surgical Services BJH Women and Infants BJH Emergency Department, Patient Placement Center, Doctors Access Line, Nursing Office BJH Case Management, Social Work BJH Infection Control BJH Medicine BJH Pharmacy Alternate: BJH Psychiatry BJH Respiratory Care, Rehabilitation BJH Retention Officer BJH Spirit Care, Palliative Care, Ethics, Clinical Pastoral Education BJH Research BJH Education & Professional Practice (Nursing Student Placement) BJH Patient Care Services BJH Patient Care Special Project Kelly Simunovich, RN, MSN, Director Roz Corcoran Teresa Halloran, Ph.D., RN, Director Jim Gray, BS, PharmD, MBA, Director Anthony Kessels, Pharm.D. or Dorothy (Sara) Hancock, PharmD Bonnie Woods, Director Darnetta Clinkscale, RRT, MBA, Director Cathy Koeln William Trogdon, M.Div, BCC, Director Patricia Potter, RN, Ph.D., FAAN, Director; Jennifer Sledge, PhD Patsy Stapleton, Ph.D., Director Dan Bruns, BS, Business Manager Linh Dye, Ph.D., DMGT, CSSAB-ASQ, Manager Campus Box # Dept # When the Department Chair is both the PI (or an engaged collaborator) and the authorized individual, an alternate must be identified. Please verify the authorized individuals and list any new authorized individuals. SCHOOL/DEPARTMENT/PROGRAM AUTHORIZED INDIVIDUAL(S) BJH Patient Care Services - Research Department BJH Lean Integration BJH Clinical Informatics BJH Neuroscience BJH Perioperative Services BJH Ambulatory Services BJH Special Project Manager BJH Transplant Services BJH Radiology BJH Hospitality Services BJH Psycho Oncology Services BJH Radiation Oncology ST. LOUIS CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL STAFF Alternate: Patricia Potter, RN, Ph.D., FAAN, Director Dawn Marchetto, RN, BSN, Manager Sheila Haynes, RN, BSN, CCRN, Manager Julie Griffin, RN, DSN Colleen Becker, RN, MBA, Exective Director Julie Darmon, RN, MHA, Nurse Manager Lynh Dye, Ph.D. Gene Ridolfi Don Latig, Vice President Gail Watkins Christi Longnecker Angel Medina Karen Balakas Ph.D., RN, CNE/Lisa Steurer Terry Bryant, MBA, RN, Director of Professional Practice Greta Todd-Moorhead Child Health Advocacy and Outreach Family & Child Services Professional Practice & Systems Pediatrics Neuro Sciences Nursing Administration Psychology Surgical Services & Radiology Emergency Services & Newborn Intensive Services Michaleen Cradock Campus Box # Dept # When the Department Chair is both the PI (or an engaged collaborator) and the authorized individual, an alternate must be identified. Please verify the authorized individuals and list any new authorized individuals. SCHOOL/DEPARTMENT/PROGRAM Behavioral Health & Child Development Pediatric Intensive Services Human Resources Risk Management Food & Nutrition Quality Management Information Systems Answer Line Family Resource Center Occupational Health & Safety Audiology Pharmacy, Lab & Material Services version date: 2015.04.20 AUTHORIZED INDIVIDUAL(S) Christine Pavlak, Pharm.D./alternate: Melissa Heighman Campus Box # Dept #
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