e- balaguruswamy c++ solution PROGRAMMING EXERCISE – 5 1. Define a class String that could work as a user defined string type. Include constructors that will enable us to create an uninitialized string and also to initialize an object with a string constant at the time of creation. #include<iostream> #include<cstring> using namespace std; class String { char*str; int length; public: String() { length=0; str=new char[length+1]; } String(char*x) { length=strlen(x); str= new char[length+1]; strcpy(str, x); } void concat(String &x,String &y) { length=x.length +y.length; delete str; str=new char[length+1]; strcpy(str,x.str); strcat(str, y.str); } void disp() { cout<<"\nlength is\n"<<length; cout<<"\nstring is \n"<<str; } }; int main() { char s1[30],s2[40]; gets(s1); gets(s2); String s(s1),t(s2),u,v; u.concat(s,t); u.disp(); getch(); } 2. Design a system using a class called books with suitable member functions and constructors. Use new operator in constructors to allocate memory space required. #include<conio.h> #include<iostream> #include<cstring> using namespace std; class book { char *author,*title,*publisher; int price; int copies; public: book() { author= new char[30]; title= new char[30]; publisher= new char[30]; } void get_info() { cout<<"\nenter the author,title and publisher res."<<endl; cin>>author; cin>>title; cin>>publisher; cout<<"enter the price of book"; cin>>price; cout<<"enter the number of copies "; cin>>copies; } void disp() { cout<<"Author "<<author; cout<<"\nTitle "<<title; cout<<"\nPublisher "<<publisher; cout<<"\nPrice is "<<price; cout<<"\nno. of copies available"<<copies<<endl; } void sold(int x) { if(x>copies) cout<<"out of stock"; else { cout<<"Thank u!!! " ; copies-=x; } } int searcher(char*x,char*y) { if((!strcmp(x,title))&&(!strcmp(y,author))==1) return copies; else return 0; } }; int main() { int i=1,j=0,k,x,l=1; char title[30],author[30]; book obj[10]; cout<<"enter the books in stock"; while(i==1) e- balaguruswamy c++ solution e- balaguruswamy c++ solution { obj[j].get_info(); cout<<"press 1 to enter more "; cin>>i; j++; } while(l==1) { cout<<"\nenter the title and author of book"; cin>>title; cin>>author; i=0; while(i<j) { if(k=(obj[i].searcher(title,author))) { cout<<"book available in object "<<i+1<<endl; break; } i++; } if(k==0) cout<<"no copies available\n"; else { obj[i].disp(); cout<<"how many copies u want"; cin>>x; obj[i].sold(x); } cout<<"press 1 to buy any other book"; cin>>l; } getch(); return 0; } 3. Improve the system design in question 2 to incorporate the following features:a. The price of the books should be updated as and when required. Use a private member function to implement this. b. The stock value of each book should be automatically updated as soon as a transaction is completed. c. The number of successful and unsuccessful transactions should be recorded for the purpose of statistical analysis. Use static data members to keep count of transactions. #include<conio.h> #include<iostream> #include<cstring> using namespace std; class book { char *author,*title,*publisher; int price; int copies; static int i; static int j; void update() { cout<<"enter new price"; cin>>price; } public: book() { author= new char[30]; title= new char[30]; publisher= new char[30]; } void get_info() { cout<<"\nenter the author,title and publisher res."<<endl; cin>>author; cin>>title; cin>>publisher; cout<<"enter the price of book"; cin>>price; cout<<"enter the number of copies "; cin>>copies; } void disp() { cout<<"Author "<<author; cout<<"\nTitle "<<title; cout<<"\nPublisher "<<publisher; cout<<"\nPrice is "<<price; cout<<"\nno. of copies available"<<copies<<endl; } void sold(int x) { if(x>copies) { cout<<"out of stock\n"; i++; } else { j++; cout<<"Thank u!!! \n" ; copies-=x; } } int searcher(char*x,char*y) { if((!strcmp(x,title))&&(!strcmp(y,author))==1) return copies; else return 0; } int searched(char*x,char*y,char*pass) { if(!strcmp(pass,"password")) { e- balaguruswamy c++ solution if((!strcmp(x,title))&&(!strcmp(y,author))==1) { update(); return copies; } else{ return 0; } } else{ return -1; } } static void transaction() { cout<<"\nsuccessful transactions "<<j; cout<<"\nunsuccessful transactions "<<i; } static void inc() { i++; } ~book() { cout<<"\ndestructor called"; delete(author); delete(title); delete(publisher); getch(); } }; int book :: i; int book :: j; int main() { int i=1,j=0,k=0,x,l=1,t; char title[30],author[30]; char*pass; pass=new char[10]; book obj[10]; cout<<"enter the books in stock"; while(i==1) { obj[j].get_info(); cout<<"press 1 to enter more "; cin>>i; j++; } while(l==1) { cout<<"1. UPDATE PRICE\n"; cout<<"2.PURCHASE BOOK\n"; cout<<" see transaction history\n"; cout<<"enter the desired option\n"; cin>>t ; e- balaguruswamy c++ solution i=0; if(t==2) { cout<<"\nenter the title and author of book"; cin>>title; cin>>author; } else if(t==1) { cout<<"enter the password"; cin>>pass; cout<<"\nenter the title and author of book"; cin>>title; cin>>author; } else if(t==3) { book::transaction(); } while(i<j) { if(t==2) { if(k=(obj[i].searcher(title,author))) { cout<<"book available in object "<<i+1<<endl; break; } } else if(t==1) { if(k=obj[i].searched(title,author,pass)) { if(k==-1) cout<<"wrong password"; else cout<<"book available in object "<<i+1<<endl; break; } } i++; } if(k==0&&t<3) { if(t==2){ book::inc();} cout<<"no copies available\n"; } else { if(t==2) { obj[i].disp(); cout<<"how many copies u want"; cin>>x; obj[i].sold(x); e- balaguruswamy c++ solution e- balaguruswamy c++ solution } } cout<<"\npress 1 to manuplate more"; cin>>l; } cout<<"Thanku for visiting"; getch(); return 0; } 4. Modify the program of question 3 to demonstrate the use of pointers to access the members. #include<conio.h> #include<iostream> #include<cstring> using namespace std; class book { char *author,*title,*publisher; int price; int copies; static int i; static int j; void update() { cout<<"enter new price"; cin>>price; } public: book() { author= new char[30]; title= new char[30]; publisher= new char[30]; } void get_info() { cout<<"\nenter the author,title and publisher res."<<endl; cin>>this->author; cin>>this->title; cin>>this->publisher; cout<<"enter the price of book"; cin>>this->price; cout<<"enter the number of copies "; cin>>this->copies; } void disp() { cout<<"Author "<<this->author; cout<<"\nTitle "<<this->title; cout<<"\nPublisher "<<this->publisher; cout<<"\nPrice is "<<this->price; cout<<"\nno. of copies available"<<this->copies<<endl; } void sold(int x) { if(x>copies) { cout<<"out of stock\n"; i++; } else { j++; cout<<"Thank u!!! \n" ; copies-=x; } } int searcher(char*x,char*y) { if((!strcmp(x,title))&&(!strcmp(y,author))==1) return copies; else return 0; } int searched(char*x,char*y,char*pass) { if(!strcmp(pass,"password")) { if((!strcmp(x,title))&&(!strcmp(y,author))==1) { update(); return copies; } else{ return 0; } } else{ return -1; } } static void transaction() { cout<<"\nsuccessful transactions "<<j; cout<<"\nunsuccessful transactions "<<i; } static void inc() { i++; } ~book() { cout<<"\ndestructor called"; delete(author); delete(title); delete(publisher); getch(); } }; int book :: i; int book :: j; e- balaguruswamy c++ solution int main() { int i=1,j=0,k=0,x,l=1,t; char title[30],author[30]; char*pass; pass=new char[10]; book* obj; obj=new book[10]; cout<<"enter the books in stock"; while(i==1) { obj[j].get_info(); cout<<"press 1 to enter more "; cin>>i; j++; } while(l==1) { cout<<"1. UPDATE PRICE\n"; cout<<"2.PURCHASE BOOK\n"; cout<<" see transaction history\n"; cout<<"enter the desired option\n"; cin>>t ; i=0; if(t==2) { cout<<"\nenter the title and author of book"; cin>>title; cin>>author; } else if(t==1) { cout<<"enter the password"; cin>>pass; cout<<"\nenter the title and author of book"; cin>>title; cin>>author; } else if(t==3) { book::transaction(); } while(i<j) { if(t==2) { if(k=(obj[i].searcher(title,author))) { cout<<"book available in object "<<i+1<<endl; break; } } else if(t==1) { if(k=obj[i].searched(title,author,pass)) e- balaguruswamy c++ solution { if(k==-1) cout<<"wrong password"; else cout<<"book available in object "<<i+1<<endl; break; } } i++; } if(k==0&&t<3) { if(t==2){ book::inc();} cout<<"no copies available\n"; } else { if(t==2) { obj[i].disp(); cout<<"how many copies u want"; cin>>x; obj[i].sold(x); } } cout<<"\npress 1 to manuplate more"; cin>>l; } cout<<"Thanku for visiting"; getch(); return 0; } e- balaguruswamy c++ solution
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