Monetary News Shocks Nadav Ben Zeev∗ Christopher Gunn† Hashmat Khan‡ Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Carleton University Carleton University March 17, 2015 Abstract We pursue a novel empirical strategy to identify monetary news shocks and determine their effects on the US economy during the Greenspan-Bernanke era of Federal Reserve Chairmanship. We first construct a monetary policy residual as gap between the observed federal funds rate and a policy rule. Using the maximumforecast error variance (MFEV) approach, we identify a monetary news shock as the linear combination of reduced form innovations orthogonal to current policy residual which maximizes the sum of contributions to policy residual’s forecast error variance over a finite horizon. Real GDP declines in a hump-shaped manner after a positive monetary news shock. This contraction in economic activity is accompanied by an immediate fall in inflation and a rapid increase in the nominal interest rate. By contrast, we highlight that in most DSGE models the nominal interest rate falls after a positive monetary news shock. Our findings suggest caution in interpreting the effects of forward guidance for the path on nominal interest rates. JEL classification: E32, E52, E58 Key words: Monetary News Shocks, Monetary Policy Residual, Federal Funds Rate, New Keynesian DSGE Models ∗ Department of Economics, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel. E-mail: [email protected]. † Department of Economics, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada. E-mail: [email protected]. ‡ Department of Economics, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada. E-mail: [email protected]. 1 Introduction Monetary news shocks refer to deviations from a central bank’s policy rule that are anticipated by private agents. Although the policy rule is not observed it is typically described by a Taylor Rule (Taylor (1993)) or its variants. A potential source of monetary news shocks is the practice of ‘forward guidance’ through which a central bank provides information about the future course of monetary policy (Rudebusch and Williams (2008), den Haan (2013), Svensson (2014)). In an attempt to quantify the impact of forward guidance in dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models, recent work has included anticipated components to the exogenous (non-systematic) portion of the policy rule, similar to the news shock approach of Beaudry and Portier (2006).1 Moreover, central banks are also currently using this approach for policy analysis.2 There is, however, little work on identifying monetary news shocks in the data in parallel to the vast literature on identifying unanticipated monetary shocks.3 The main objective of this paper is to fill this gap. We pursue a novel empirical strategy to identify monetary news shocks and determine their effects on the US economy during the Greenspan-Bernanke era of Federal Reserve Chairmanship. We first construct a monetary policy residual. This policy residual measures deviations from an interest rate rule that tracks the observed federal funds rate well during this period. Next, we propose a restriction to identify monetary news shocks using the maximum-forecast error variance (MFEV) approach within the structural vector autoregression (SVAR) framework similar to Barsky and Sims (2011), Francis et al. (2012), and Ben Zeev and Khan (2012). Specifically, a monetary news shock is identified as the linear combination of reduced form innovations orthogonal to current policy residual which maximizes the sum of contributions to policy residual’s forecast error variance over a finite horizon. 1 See, for example, Lasseen and Svensson (2011), Milani and Treadwell (2012), Gomes et al. (2013), Harrison (2014), De Graeve et al. (2014), McKay et al. (2015), among others. 2 See, for example, the ‘FRBNY DSGE Model’ (Negro et al. (2013)) and the ‘Chicago FED DSGE model’ (Brave et al. (2012)) 3 Some examples of the literature on identifying unanticipated monetary shocks are Bernanke and Mihov (1998), Christiano et al. (1999), Romer and Romer (2004), and Barakchian and Crowe (2013). 1 There are at least four advantages of our approach. First, by imposing orthogonality with respect to the current policy residual we can isolate a pure news component that defines a monetary news shock. Second, relative to an event-study approach that identifies the effects of specific policy announcements (Gurkaynak et al. (2005)), our approach allows for forward guidance to be communicated to private decision makers via all channels available to the FOMC. Third, the approach allows for a more general view of anticipated monetary policy beyond just forward guidance. In particular, we allow that monetary news shocks may comprise both forward guidance via central bank communications about future policy positions as well as signals received by market participants that are unrelated to formal central bank communications. For example, an announcement in the news-media (or comments by a key observer of monetary policy in the financial sector) about the increased likelihood of a monetary authority of leaning against asset prices in the future might constitute news about future monetary policy, and one that is unrelated to forward guidance if the monetary authority chose not to address it in its formal regular communications. Fourth, the impulse responses to monetary news shocks that we report are a useful benchmark to compare with those obtained from DSGE models that include these shocks. To our knowledge, our empirical approach is first in identifying monetary news shocks in the tradition similar to that of identifying unanticipated shocks (see, for example, Christiano et al. (1999)). Our paper is related to Campbell et al. (2012) who identify forward guidance shocks at the quarterly data frequency.4 The main similarity is that, like their work, we also consider the monetary policy residual based on an interest rate rule as the starting point for identifying monetary news shocks. The identification approaches, however, are completely different. Campbell et al. (2012) use quarterly aggregates of Blue Chip forecasts and interest rate futures prices in an interest rate rule with two lags of the interest rates and measures of the unemployment gap and inflation. The monetary policy residual has both an unanticipated contemporaneous component and a forward guidance component that is anticipated by the public up to four 4 Campbell et al. (2012) distinguish between Odyssean and Delphic central bank communications. The former implies public commitment to action whereas the latter do not. 2 quarters before the change in interest rate. The four quarter ahead forward guidance shock is, for example, constructed as a gap between two expectations: the four-period ahead expected interest rate minus the four-period ahead expected interest rate implied by the interest rate rule, given values of the parameters in the rule. They use a Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) approach to estimate the parameters. By contrast, we construct a policy residual conditional on calibrated values of the interest rate rule parameters, and identify monetary news shocks via the MFEV approach imposing orthogonality with the contemporaneous residual. The monetary news shocks that we identify may capture not only Odyssean commitments in the sense of Campbell et al. (2012), but also changes in private sector expectations’ about future monetary policy not communicated formally by the central bank, information to the public about the Federal Reserve’s objectives, and beliefs about the long-run natural rate of unemployment. Calomiris (2012) has stressed the importance of these latter two aspects of forward guidance. Moreover, our identification allows for the possibility of capturing the effects of forward guidance and/or changes in expectations about monetary policy that may last for more than four quarters. A prominent example of long-term forward guidance is the phrase ‘...policy accommodation can be maintained for a considerable period ’ in the August 12, 2003 FOMC statement. More recently, the February 18, 2015 press release suggest a potential longterm forward guidance ‘Based on its current assessment, the Committee judges that it can be patient in beginning to normalize the stance of monetary policy.’.5 Our main empirical findings are as follows. There is an immediate and persistent decline in real GDP after a positive monetary news shock. The response is hump-shaped reaching its trough after about 10 quarters. This contraction in economic activity is accompanied by an immediate fall in inflation, and recovers within about two years. The federal funds rate responds very little initially but then rises rapidly in subsequent periods, peaking after about 5 quarters. Over a two year horizon, monetary news shocks account for approximately 50 percent of the forecast variance in the policy residual, and approximately 20 percent of the forecast variance 5 3 in output, federal funds futures, and the federal funds rate. They account for about 10 percent of the variance in inflation. Relative to DSGE models with monetary news shocks, the striking finding is the response of the interest rate. In New Keynesian model with a Taylor rule, a positive monetary news shock (i.e., anticipated contractionary monetary policy) always leads to a contemporaneous fall in the nominal interest rate. This result is a robust feature of any contemporary DSGE model with monetary news shocks. By contrast, our empirical results suggest a hump-shaped increase in nominal interest rate to a monetary news shock identified in the data. In the remainder of the paper we proceed as follows. In Section 2, we construct the monetary policy residual and examine its properties. In Section 3 we introduce our empirical approach and identification methodology, and present the main results. In Section 4 we present a canonical New Keynesian DSGE model to illustrate the responses of variables to monetary news shocks. Section 5 concludes. 2 Monetary policy residual Consider a policy rule it = g(Ωt ) + εt , (1) where it is the nominal interest rate, Ωt is the time t information set of the policymaker, g(Ωt ) is a function of the variables in the information set and denotes the unobserved systematic component of policy, and εt is a collection of both unanticipated and anticipated shocks to the interest rate. Specifically, εt is given as εt = ε0t + P X εjt−j (2) j=1 where ε0t denotes the unanticipated shock at time t, and terms for 1 < j ≤ P are anticipated shocks, up to an including some horizon P periods in the future, such that the εjt−j is a shock 4 received j periods in advance of period t but that impacts the interest rate process in period t. We consider a linear approximation of g(Ωt ) in (1) given as g˜(it−1 , πt , ut ) ≡ 0.8it−1 + 0.2 2 + πt + 0.5 πt − 2 + 2 6 − ut , (3) where πt is the inflation rate, and ut is the unemployment rate. The intercept of 2 captures the normal level of the real interest rate, the inflation target is assumed to be 2 percent, and the long-run normal level of unemployment is 6 percent. This modified ‘Taylor rule’ is similar to that considered in Clark (2012). A policy rule like (3) with unemployment gap in place of the output gap is appealing for two reasons. First, it is often argued, as in (Clark (2012)), that unemployment is a better reflection of the maximum employment element of the Federal Open market Committee’s dual mandate. Indeed, Campbell et al. (2012) also consider a policy rule with unemployment. Second, in the theoretical literature the output gap is a model-specific notion. It is typically defined as the gap between actual and the unobservable flexible price level of output (see Woodford (2003)). Determining an appropriate empirical counterpart to the output gap implied by theory is thus wrought with issues.6 In this regard, using the unemployment gap serves as a practical empirical proxy for the economic ‘slack’ implied by the output gap of many theoretical models. Indeed Gal´ı (2011) uses a New Keynesian model with unemployment to show that one can construct unemployment-based measures of the modelimplied output gap. Moreover, he shows that a simple policy rule that responds to price inflation and the unemployment rate can not only approximate the optimal policy rule, but better capture movements in the Federal Funds rate from 1987 to 2008 than a similar policy rule using a more traditional HP-Filtered measure of the output gap. We then define our policy rate process as it = g˜(it−1 , πt , ut ) + vt , 6 See Gal´ı (2011) for additional discussion. 5 (4) and refer to the term vt as the policy residual. That is, the residual obtained from netting out an assumed policy rule parameterized as in (3) from the nominal interest rate using time series observations on it , πt and ut to construct (3). In effect, our policy rule is a structural element analogous to the Solow Residual obtained from netting out a parameterized aggregate production function from real output, using the appropriate time series observations. Since equation (4) is not a regression model, we allow at least in principal that vt may be correlated with g˜(·), such that it may contain both endogenous or systematic elements of policy as well as exogenous shocks. For example, if in the data the central bank targets asset markets in addition to inflation and the output gap, or, responds to inflation more aggressively than the response implied by the simple policy rule g˜(·), then vt would include systematic components capturing the central bank’s reaction function to asset prices (which is not captured in (3) or its additional inflation response). Thus, the policy residual is vt = it − g˜(it−1 , πt , ut ) ≡ f (Ωt ) + ε0t + P X εjt−j , (5) j=1 where f (Ωt ) is some linear function of variables of the information set that captures all the deviations between the systematic components of the unobserved policy rule and its approximation. 2.1 Properties of the Baseline Policy Residual Figure 1 shows a plot of vt using quarterly data observations of the federal funds rate it , the inflation rate πt , and the employment rate ut from 1960Q1 to 2014Q2.7 As is clear from the figure, the policy rule (3) tracks quite closely the federal funds rates for much of the sample, even before the modern inflation-targeting era. 7 The data were obtained from FRED Database at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (with mnemonics in brackets). The effective federal funds rate (F F ) is a quarterly average. The inflation rate is measured as annualized percentage of the growth in the GDP deflator (GDP DEF ). The unemployment rate is the quarterly average of the civilian unemployment rate (U RAT E). 6 Figure 2 shows the policy residual vt over this same era, constructed as in (3). Note that the policy residual appears to move systematically in and out of recessions, reflecting movements in either the systematic components of vt responding to realized or anticipated changes in the fundamentals of the economy, or, movements in the realized or anticipated exogenous variation in vt . 3 Identifying monetary news shocks In this section we present our empirical results for identifying the macroeconomic impact of anticipated monetary policy shocks. We begin by first providing an overview of our empirical approach before presenting our identification and estimation methodology in detail. Following this, we discuss the impulse responses and forecast error variance decompositions of the identified shocks, and as well, explore the robustness of these results over several dimensions. In the context of our interest rate process defined previously, it = g˜(it−1 , πt , ut ) + vt , where P vt = it − g˜(it−1 , πt , ut ) ≡ f (Ωt ) + ε0t + Pj=1 εjt−j , we wish to identify the macroeconomic impact P of the anticipated exogenous shocks Pj=1 εjt−j , interpreted as a pure change in expectations. We use a VAR-based procedure using quarterly time series on the monetary policy residual (MPR), the Federal Funds Rate (FF), the log of the Federal Funds Rate futures index (FFF), CPI inflation, and the log of output (real GDP) per capita. The Federal Funds Rate futures is a contract for the average daily federal funds rate during the particular month of the contract (in our case, 6 months in the future). We include this futures data to exploit its forward-looking nature to capture variation due to changes in expectations about future monetary policy, much in the same way that the original news shock literature such as Beaudry and Portier (2006) used stock prices to capture unobserved changes in expectations about future productivity. One may argue that an analogous approach to that taken by Beaudry and Portier (2006) to identifying TFP news shocks as innovations in stock prices orthogonalized with respect to TFP can be taken in our setting by identifying monetary news shocks as innovations in FFF 7 orthogonalized with respect to MPR. Yet while such a restriction partitions out the impact of the unanticipated monetary shock ε0t and potential impact policy-change f (Ωt ), nothing assures us that monetary news shocks are the only shocks not affecting MPR on impact and impacting the FFF, effects that would manifest themselves through f (Ωt+p ) for p > 0. For example, if in the presence of a news shock about future TFP agents expect (correctly) the Federal Reserve to alter its future policy-response, f (Ωt+p ) would change in the future and show up in the future policy residual. As such, we propose to identify these expectational shocks using the maximumforecast error variance (MFEV) framework. Specifically, a monetary news shock is identified as the linear combination of reduced form innovations orthogonal to the current policy residual which maximizes the sum of contributions to policy residual’s forecast error variance over a finite horizon that is thought to correspond to the operative horizon of monetary policy. The following section details this approach. 3.1 Methodology We now show in more more detail our identification methodology. Let yt be a kx1 vector of observables of length T . Let the reduced form moving average representation in the levels of the observables be given as yt = B(L)et (6) where B(L) is a kxk matrix polynomial in the lag operator, L, of moving average coefficients and et is the kx1 vector of reduced-form innovations. We assume that there exists a linear mapping between the reduced-form innovations and structural shocks, εt , given as et = Aεt . 8 (7) Equation (6) and (7) imply a structural moving average representation yt = C(L)εt , (8) where C(L) = B(L)A and εt = A−1 et . The impact matrix A must satisfy AA0 = Σ, where Σ is the variance-covariance matrix of reduced-form innovations. There are, however, an infinite number of impact matrices that solve the system. In particular, for some arbitrary orthogonale (we choose the convenient Choleski decomposition), the entire space of permissible ization, A e where D is a k x k orthonormal matrix (D0 = D−1 and impact matrices can be written as AD, DD0 = I, where I is the identity matrix ). The h step ahead forecast error is yt+h − Et yt+h = h X e t+h−τ , Bτ ADε (9) τ =0 where Bτ is the matrix of moving average coefficients at horizon τ . The contribution to the forecast error variance of variable i attributable to structural shock j at horizon h is then given as Ωi,j = h X 0 e 0A e0 Bi,τ Bi,τ Aγγ , (10) τ =0 e is a kx1 vector corresponding with the jth column of where γ is the jth column of D, Aγ a possible orthogonalization, and Bi,τ represents the ith row of the matrix of moving average coefficients at horizon τ . We put MPR in the first position in the system and index the unanticipated MPR shocks as 1 and the monetary news shock as 2. Monetary news shocks identification requires finding the γ which maximizes the sum of contribution to the forecast error variance of MPR over a range of horizons, from 0 to H (the truncation horizon), subject to the restriction that these shocks have no contemporaneous effect MPR. Formally, this identification strategy 9 requires solving the following optimization problem argmax γ H X Ω1,2 (h) = argmax γ h=0 H X h X e 0A e0 B 0 B1,τ Aγγ 1,τ (11) h=0 τ =0 e j) = 0 ∀j > 1 subject to A(1, (12) γ(1, 1) = 0 (13) γ 0 γ = 1. (14) The first two constraints impose on the identified news shock to have no contemporaneous effect on MPR. The third restriction that imposes on γ to have unit length ensures that γ is a column vector belonging to an orthonormal matrix. This normalization implies that the identified shocks have unit variance. We follow the conventional Bayesian approach to estimation and inference by assuming a diffuse normal-inverse Wishart prior distribution for the reduced-form VAR parameters. Our benchmark choice for the truncation horizon is H=5, a horizon that generally corresponds to an operative period of monetary policy of less than two years in the future. We explore the sensitivity of our identification to changes in this horizon length later in the paper. 3.2 Impulse response functions Figure 3 depicts the median and 84th and 16th percentiles of the posterior distribution of impulse responses to a positive one standard deviation monetary news shock (that is, an anticipated tightening of policy). The posterior distribution was constructed by taking 2000 draws from the posterior distribution of the VAR parameters. Following a positive monetary news shock there is an immediate and persistent decline in real GDP. The response is hump-shaped, reaching its trough after about 10 quarters. This contraction in economic activity is accompanied by an immediate fall in inflation, which then recovers within about two years. The policy residual does not change in the initial period by construction because of our orthogonality restriction. It rises quickly however in subsequent 10 periods, peaking after about 5 quarters. The Federal Funds Rate - which is left unrestricted - inherits much of the dynamics of the policy residual, changing very little initially, and then peaking about the same time as the policy residual. To the extent that in reality the Federal Funds Rate is a function of both a systematic rule (which in this instance would loosen monetary policy in the face of the drop in output and inflation) and the policy residual, this suggests that the monetary news shock is playing a critical role in driving behavior of the federal funds rate. Moreover, the fact that the Federal Funds Rate does not move in the initial period when the policy residual also does not move suggests there is no significant systematic effect of monetary policy in the initial period. Finally, the Federal Funds Rate Futures rises immediately, consistent with the eventual rise in the Federal Funds Rate itself. 3.3 Forecast error variance decompositions Figure 4 shows the median forecast error variance decompositions along with the 68% posterior probability bands. Over a one year horizon, monetary news shocks account for 56% of the forecast variance in the policy residual, and 8%, 32%, and 29% of the forecast variance in output, federal funds futures, and the federal funds rate, respectively. Furthermore, they account for 12% of the one year variation in inflation. A very important element of these results is that the monetary news shock explains a considerable share of the variation in the policy residual, indicating that monetary news shocks are strongly present in the data. The large shares explained of the variation in the federal funds futures and the federal funds rate are also interesting in that they suggest that i) market participants’ expectations about the stance of monetary policy are strongly affected by signals about future monetary policy and that ii) an important component of the Fed’s determination of the interest rate is anticipated in advance. 11 3.4 Robustness We now explore the robustness of our results to an alternate specification of the policy rule and a change in the truncation horizon, and as well, we investigate the extent to which our identification shocks may be related to news shocks about fundamentals. 3.4.1 Alternative monetary policy residual Proceeding as before when constructing our baseline residual, we now repeat that exercise, this time using a ‘Taylor rule’ that is exactly identical to that considered in Clark (2012), i.e., one that uses the lagged unemployment rate rather than the current unemployment rate. We view this as a less appealing specification as it is reasonable to assume that the Fed responds within the quarter to variations in the unemployment rate. That said, it is still an informative exercise to run; results are shown in Figure 5. Impulse responses for all variables apart from output are quite similar to the benchmark ones. In contrast to the immediate decline observed in the benchmark VAR, output now goes down only with a delay of about two years. This is likely the result of the omission of the current level of the unemployment rate from the ‘Taylor rule’ which generates a bias in the identified monetary policy residual. 3.4.2 Longer truncation horizons Figures 6(a) and 6(b) show the median and 84th and 16th percentiles of the posterior distribution of impulse responses to a positive one standard deviation monetary news shock obtained from setting the truncation horizons to H=10 and H=15, respectively. These figures indicate that our results are robust to having longer truncation horizons than H=5, both qualitatively and quantitatively. 3.4.3 Relation with other news shocks To assess whether our monetary news shock is related to two other important types of news shocks identified in the literature using a similar approach to ours - the TFP news shock identi- 12 fied in Barsky and Sims (2011) and the investment-specific technology (IST) news shock recently identified in Ben Zeev and Khan (2012) - we report the correlation of our recovered shock series with these other shocks recovered independently. Table 1 shows the median correlations of our monetary news shock with the two news shock series from Barsky and Sims (2011) and Ben Zeev and Khan (2012), along with the 16th and 84th percentiles. It is apparent that our shock is largely unrelated to these news shocks having low correlations with both shocks. We can therefore be fairly confident that we are not picking up news shocks about fundamentals other than the monetary policy residual. Table 1: Correlation between monetary news shocks and TFP and IST news shocks. Correlation TFP news shocks IST news shocks -0.11 [-0.16,-0.07] 0.03 [-0.05,0.11] Notes: This table presents the median correlation between the monetary news shocks identified in this paper and the TFP and IST news shocks identified in Barsky and Sims (2011) and Ben Zeev and Khan (2012), respectively. The 16th and 84th percentile correlations are shown in parenthesis. 4 Implications for DSGE models We now illustrate the impact of monetary news shocks in a standard small-scale New Keynesian model without capital based on the model used by Milani and Treadwell (2012). The model consists of an infinitely-lived representative household, a measure of imperfectly competitive intermediate goods producers, and a single final goods producer that nonetheless acts competitively. Household preferences are defined over sequences of consumption and leisure, where the period utility function is separable in consumption and leisure and includes habit-formation in consumption. Nominal variables into into the model in a cashless manner. Nominal rigidities are based on a Calvo pricing mechanism for intermediate goods prices. The monetary policy rule is standard Taylor-rule whereby the central bank adjusts the nominal interest rate in re- 13 sponse to variations in the inflation rate and the output gap, but only partially each period such that there is interest-rate inertia built into the policy rate. For simplicity, we limit the shocks in the model to unanticipated and news shocks to the monetary policy rule. Moreover, for illustrative purposes we assume that agents receive a single news shock 4 periods in advance. The resulting linearized system representing the model equilibrium is giving by xt = πt = 1 φ σ −1 (1 − φ) Et xt+1 + xt−1 − (it − πt+1 ) (15) 1+φ 1+φ 1+φ σ −1 γ (1 − θ) (1 − βθ) β ωxt + Et πt+1 + πt−1 + (xt − φxt−1 ) (16) 1 + βγ 1 + βγ θ (1 + βγ) (1 − φ) it = ρit−1 + (1 − ρ) (χπ πt + χx xt ) + νt (17) νt = ρν νt−1 + ενt + εν,4 t−4 , (18) where xt , πt and it are the output gap, inflation rate and nominal interest rate respectively, and νt is the exogenous (non-systematic) component of the monetary policy rule which is comprised of unanaticipated and anticipated shocks ενt and εν,4 t−4 respectively. Equation (15) is the household’s Euler equation, where φ parameterizes the degree of consumption habits, σ is the intertemporal elasticity of consumption, and χ is the Frisch elasticity of labour supply. Equation (16) is the New Keynesian Phillip’s curve, where θ is the Calvo probability of no price adjustment, β is the household’s rate of time discount, γ is the indexation to past inflation, and ω depends on two structural parameters, namely, the intertemporal elasticity of labour supply (χ) and the elasticity of output with respect to labour (α), and is given as ω = (χ + 1 − α)/α. Equation (17) is the monetary policy rule, where ρ governs the degree of interest rate inertia due to partial adjustment, χπ and χx govern the systematic response of the monetary authority to inflation and the output gap respectively. Finally, equation (18) describes the process for the non-systematic portion of the monetary policy rule, where ρν is the persistence parameter. Table 2 shows the calibrated values of the parameters taken from Milani and Treadwell (2012). Figure 7 shows the response of the model economy to a monetary news shock. Specifically, 14 Table 2: Parameterization β φ χ γ θ α ρ χπ χx ρν ρµ 0.99 0.9 2 0.88 0.7 0.89 0.88 1.52 0.5 0.23 0.03 agents receive as news in period 1 about a positive shock to the interest rate that will hit 4 periods later. Both output and inflation fall in the present. These responses appear to be consistent with the conventional effects on unanticipated monetary shocks. By contrast, however, we now see that the fall in output is accompanied by a fall in the nominal interest rate in the present. To understand this result, note that agents looking forward from period 1 know that the shock will drive up the real interest rate in period 5, and thus they lower consumption in the present to smooth the drop in consumption over time. The drop in consumption in the present leads to downward pressure on inflation and the output gap in the present, and as a result the monetary authority systematically lowers the interest rate, softening the drop in consumption. As the interest rate panel clearly shows in the figure, all variation in the nominal interest rate from periods 1 to 4 is due to the systematic response of the monetary authority, whereas in period 5 the exogenous non-systematic portion counteracts this and results in a small overall rise the interest rate in the future. Additionally, we can see from the figure that the systematic portion of policy continues to dominate the behaviour of the interest rate even after the exogenous shock hits, such that at its peak in period 6 the interest rate rises only slightly above steady state before again dropping below steady state. Figure 8 shows the response to the same shock, except this time assuming a persistent shock process. As the figure clearly shows, the systematic portion of the policy rule dominates even more than in the previous case, such that at no point does the interest rate every move above steady state. Curiously then, in the baseline model we see that expectations of tight monetary policy in the future result in loose monetary policy in the present, and that the systematic portion of the monetary policy rule dominate the dynamics of the interest rate both before and after the 15 exogenous shock hits 8 . This lies in stark contrast with our empirical results from earlier. Recall those results suggest that the Federal Funds Rate barely moves initially given anticipation of future tightening, and then rises to a peak significantly above steady state over several quarters, such that the dynamics of the rate are dominated by the policy residual rather than than the systematic simple rule as in this structural New Keynesian model. As a result of this tendency in New Keynesian models for the interest rate in the present to move in the opposite direction of the expected future monetary policy shock, recent structural work seeking to capture forward-guidance has often specified shock processes that allow for pure news shocks combined with contemporaneous unanticipated monetary policy shocks. Such specifications effectively allow the exogenous shock in the present, working in the same direction of the expected exogenous shock in the future, to dominate the effect of the systematic response in the present. Our empirical results have a lot to say with regard to this approach, since we identify anticipated shocks that are orthogonal to monetary policy shocks in the presents, but still, the federal funds rate moves in the same direction as the policy residual, such that an expected future tightening indeed leads to a gradual tightening. Thus our empirical results suggest that the approach of combining contemporaneous shocks with news shocks about monetary policy only masks a more fundamental problem of associated with anticipated monetary policy shocks in New Keynesian models. 5 Conclusion We pursue a novel empirical strategy to identify monetary news shocks and determine their effects on the US economy during 1988-2008 period. Starting with a parameterized policy rule we construct a policy residual. Using the maximum-forecast error variance (MFEV) approach, we identify a monetary news shock as the linear combination of reduced form innovations orthog8 This result holds up in larger scale versions of the New Keynesian model that incorporate variable capital, investment adjustment costs and other real rigidities present in typical DSGE models used in policy. Impulse response functions for these larger scale models are available from the authors upon request. 16 onal to current policy residual which maximizes the sum of contributions to policy residual’s forecast error variance over a finite horizon. Real GDP declines in a hump-shaped manner after a positive monetary news shock. This contraction in economic activity is accompanied by an immediate fall in inflation and a rapid increase in the nominal interest rate. By contrast, we highlight that in most DSGE models the nominal interest rate falls after a positive monetary news shock. Our findings suggest caution in interpreting the effects of forward guidance for the path on nominal interest rates. 17 References Barakchian, S. M. and Crowe, C.: 2013, Monetary policy matters: Evidence from new shocks data, Journal of Monetary Economics 60, 950–966. Barsky, R. B. and Sims, E. R.: 2011, News shocks and business cycles, Journal of Monetary Economics 58(3), 273–289. 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URL: Woodford, M.: 2003, Interest and prices, Princeton University Press. 20 Figure 1: Federal Funds Rate and Simple Policy Rule, 1960-2007. 18 MP Rule FFR 16 Nominal Interest Rate 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Q1-55 Q1-60 Q1-65 Q1-70 Q1-75 Q1-80 Q1-85 Q1-90 Q1-95 Q1-00 Q1-05 Q1-10 Q1-Year 21 Figure 2: Baseline Policy Residual, 1960-2007. 6 MP Residual 5 4 Policy Residual 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 Q1-55 Q1-60 Q1-65 Q1-70 Q1-75 Q1-80 Q1-85 Q1-90 Q1-95 Q1-00 Q1-05 Q1-10 Q1-Year 22 Figure 3: Impulse Responses to a Monetary News Shock: Baseline case. Federal Funds Rate 60 Basis Points Basis Points 20 10 0 −10 0 10 Horizon Inflation 20 0 −40 20 10 20 Horizon Federal Funds Futures 0.6 Percentage Points Percentage Points 40 −20 0.2 0.1 0 −0.1 −0.2 −0.3 Percentage Points Policy Residual 30 0 10 Horizon 20 0 Output 0.2 0 −0.2 −0.4 −0.6 −0.8 0 10 Horizon 20 0.4 0.2 0 −0.2 −0.4 0 10 Horizon 20 Notes: This figure shows the median and 16th and 84th posterior percentiles of the impulse responses to the monetary news shock from the benchmark VAR. 23 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 5 10 15 20 Horizon Inflation 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 5 10 15 20 Horizon Federal Funds Rate 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 5 Proportion of Forecast Error 0.8 Proportion of Forecast Error Policy Residual 1 Proportion of Forecast Error Proportion of Forecast Error Proportion of Forecast Error Figure 4: Forecast Error Variance Decomposition of Monetary News Shocks: Baseline case. 10 15 20 Horizon Federal Funds Futures 1 Output 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 5 10 15 20 Horizon 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 5 10 15 20 Horizon Notes: This figure shows the median and 16th and 84th posterior percentiles of the contributions of the monetary news shock to the forecast error variance of the variables from the benchmark VAR. 24 Figure 5: Robustness to monetary policy rule: using lagged unemployment instead of current unemployment. Federal Funds Rate 60 Basis Points Basis Points 20 10 0 −10 0 10 Horizon Inflation 20 0 −40 20 10 20 Horizon Federal Funds Futures 0.6 Percentage Points Percentage Points 40 −20 0.2 0.1 0 −0.1 −0.2 Percentage Points Policy Residual 30 0 10 Horizon 20 0 Output 0.4 0.2 0 −0.2 −0.4 −0.6 0 10 Horizon 20 0.4 0.2 0 −0.2 −0.4 0 10 Horizon 20 Notes: This figure shows the median and 16th and 84th posterior percentiles of the impulse responses to the monetary news shock identified using a monetary policy residual based on a monetary policy rule that includes lagged unemployment instead of current unemployment. 25 26 0 0 10 Horizon 10 Horizon Inflation 20 20 0 −0.4 −0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0 10 Horizon 20 10 20 Horizon Federal Funds Futures 0.6 −40 −20 0 20 Federal Funds Rate 40 −0.8 −0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0 0 10 Horizon Output 20 −0.2 −0.1 0 0.1 0.2 −10 0 10 20 30 0 0 10 Horizon 10 Horizon Inflation 20 20 Policy Residual 0 −0.4 −0.2 0 0.2 0 10 Horizon 20 10 20 Horizon Federal Funds Futures 0.4 −40 −20 0 20 Federal Funds Rate 40 −1 −0.8 −0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0 0 10 Horizon Output 20 Notes: Panel (a): This figure shows the median and 16th and 84th posterior percentiles of the impulse responses to the monetary news shock identified using a truncation horizon of H=10. Panel (b): This figure shows the median and 16th and 84th posterior percentiles of the impulse responses to the monetary news shock identified using a truncation horizon of H=15. (a) Impulse Responses to a One Standard Deviation Mon- (b) Impulse Responses to a One Standard Deviation Monetary News Shock (H=10). etary News Shock (H=15). −0.3 −0.2 −0.1 0 0.1 −10 0 10 20 Policy Residual Percentage Points Percentage Points 30 Basis Points Figure 6: Robustness to truncation horizon: (a) H=10; (b) H=15 Basis Points Percentage Points Basis Points Percentage Points Basis Points Percentage Points Percentage Points Figure 7: Anticipated 1 S.D. positive shock to MP rule in period 5: baseline parameterization. Interest rate Output gap 0 0 −0.02 −0.01 −0.04 −0.02 −0.06 −0.08 −0.1 −0.03 2 4 6 8 10 12 2 4 6 8 10 12 Real interest rate (i−Etpit+1) Inflation 0 0.06 −0.02 0.04 −0.04 −0.06 0.02 −0.08 0 −0.1 2 4 6 8 10 12 2 4 6 8 10 12 Notes: The blue and red shading in the Interest rate panel indicate the systematic and exogenous components of the interest rate respectively. 27 Figure 8: Anticipated 1 S.D. positive shock to MP rule in period 5: persistent shock parameterization. Interest rate Output gap 0 0 −0.1 −0.05 −0.2 −0.3 −0.1 −0.4 −0.5 −0.15 −0.6 2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10 Real interest rate (i−Etpit+1) Inflation 0 −0.1 0.4 −0.2 0.3 −0.3 −0.4 0.2 −0.5 0.1 −0.6 0 2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10 Notes: The blue and red shading in the Interest rate panel indicate the systematic and exogenous components of the interest rate respectively. 28
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