South Carolina Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy Communication. Customization. Capacity Building. Commitment. Annual Report 2007-2008 1 2008 Annual Report.indd 1 9/4/08 2:59:30 PM Mission Statement: The mission of the South Carolina Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy is to prevent adolescent pregnancy in South Carolina through education, technical assistance, public awareness, advocacy and research. Our Values: As an organization, and as a team, we are committed to using: Our Heads to provide innovative programs and services that are based in research and grounded by science; Our Hearts to guide our efforts with care and compassion, being mindful to respect the potential in each other; Our Voices to advocate for those who cannot fight for themselves. Our Beliefs: The prevention of adolescent pregnancies is in the best interest of adolescents, their families and society. Parents should be the primary sex educators of their children. The most effective health and sexuality education is abstinence-first, age-appropriate and comprehensive. The use of research-proven curricula and programs will reduce adolescent pregnancy. Communities play a key role in reducing adolescent pregnancy. Youth should be recognized as assets and involved as equal partners in all aspects of prevention activities in their communities. The prevention of adolescent pregnancies will improve the health and economic prosperity of South Carolina. 2 2008 Annual Report.indd 2 9/4/08 2:59:31 PM Our Staff Forrest L. Alton, MSPH, CHES - Executive Director Gwen K. Baker - Deputy Director of Operations Cayci S. Banks - Director of Communications Jeannette Barton - Conference & Training Coordinator Suzan D. Boyd, DrPH - Executive Consultant Kim Butler - Research and Evaluation Specialist Zenica Chatman, MMC - Public Awareness Associate Bernetta D. Cooper - Senior Associate, Education and Training Tina Devlin, MPH, CHES - Health Education Specialist Jennifer Duffy, MA - Evaluation Coordinator Shannon Flynn, MSW - Director of Research and Evaluation Sarah Huggins, MPH, CHES - Technical Assistance and Research Data Associate Erin Johnson, MPH, CHES - Education Manager Jennifer Kahn, Ph.D. - Senior Grants and Development Consultant E. Michelle Thomas Nimmons, LBSW, CGS, CGC - Senior Program Consultant Polly Edwards Padgett - Director of Technical Assistance Lashanda Palmer, MSW - Grants and Development Specialist Mary Prince, Ph.D., MPH - Senior Research Consultant Linda Robinson - Contraceptive Consultant Schrendria Robinson - Health Education Specialist Chris Rollison - CDC/Technical Assistance Coordinator Carol Singletary - Outreach Coordinator Kenya Smith - Office Manager/Executive Assistant Tina Torres - Accounting and Human Resources Coordinator Taylor Wilson - Technical Assistance Associate 2008 Annual Report.indd 3 3 9/4/08 2:59:32 PM A Year of Growth I was recently going through photo albums and came across a picture of my daughters at the beach. Taken about 15 years ago, they look so small! Now they are off to college. Watching them grow up was a great joy, but having them as adult friends is even more wonderful. I often have that feeling as I look at the SC Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy. I am amazed at the growth this organization has experienced. As you read this report I hope you will feel the same sense of pride and accomplishment that our Board of Directors does. The reduction in teen pregnancies in our state has been nothing short of amazing. The staff continues to add highly qualified professionals to assist with programs in every county in our state. We have become the organization that policy makers and media outlets turn to for valid, up-to-date, proven information. In short, the SC Campaign is growing up! The growth in the organization is not just in the improved numbers. As a more mature organization we are able to raise more mature questions about how we, as an organization and as a state, can continue to address the serious problems facing our teens. No longer will we settle for what feels good, but rather what research shows is working. No longer are we content to rest on the past, but rather go to great lengths to identify the challenges ahead. It will take the work of all of us to continue the positive changes we have begun to see in South Carolina. On behalf of the Board of Directors I want to express our appreciation for the leadership of our staff and their hard work; and also to the multitude of citizens who have grown up with the organization and who are making a difference in the lives of our youth. It has been an amazing adventure, but the real fun is just beginning! Every 58 Minutes A South Carolina Teen Gets Pregnant Board of Directors Rev. Don Flowers, Jr. Chair Carol E. Burdette Vice-Chair Lynne B. Ford Secretary Michael Stout, M.D. Treasurer Elizabeth Barry, MPH Susan A. Brill Judy Davis, J.D. Lilly Filler, M.D. Marcous D. Gardner Rozalynn Goodwin Joan Johnakin Janice Key, M.D. Lori Lyles, M.D. Wendy Nance Erica Grace Powell Monnie Singleton, M.D. Molly Talbot-Metz, MPH, CHES Rev. Don Flowers, Jr., Chair Grant Warren, M.D. Jessalyn Wynn Story 4 2008 Annual Report.indd 4 9/4/08 2:59:33 PM Keeping Our Promises O ne of the true joys of being the Executive Director of the South Carolina Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy is that I am afforded the opportunity to be a storyteller. Many of my days are spent traveling around South Carolina and throughout the nation recounting the amazing accomplishments of our talented staff. Perusing this year’s Annual Report brings a similar sense of pride as we reflect on our contributions and investment in our state’s most valuable resource – young people. Throughout the Annual Report you will see mention of the Campaign’s Four Organizational Promises. I hope you will agree that we are keeping our promise(s) to you and the thousands of providers our organization touches across South Carolina annually. Over the past decade plus, the Campaign has established itself as the key leader and quality resource for comprehensive, science-based teen pregnancy prevention efforts. As a part of this work we promise to: Communicate: our office is located in Columbia, but the real work we do happens in communities throughout the state. It is our vow to communicate with and listen to parents, providers, key leaders and community members throughout South Carolina to gain an increased understanding of local needs and assets. Customize: accordingly the communication that happens only has value if it is followed by action. We promise to customize approaches to teen pregnancy prevention that combine the very best research and evidence-based approaches with the unique fabric of every community we serve. Build Capacity: the Campaign has changed a great deal since its inception in 1994 but one thing has remained constant—our unprecedented effort to increase the capacity of community members (parents, youth serving organizations, school staff, faith leaders and youth) to address the complex issue of teen pregnancy. Commit: teen pregnancy rates in our state and across the nation have decreased dramatically for the past 15 years. However, recent trends in teen sexual activity, other health indicators and the national teen birth rate are cause for concern. The Campaign understands the need to be committed and fully invested for the long term. My hope is that as you read this Annual Report you will do two things. First, take time to reflect on the awesome progress that has been made in reducing teen pregnancy in South Carolina. Second, and perhaps most importantly, understand that there is still much work to be done. The Campaign has made a commitment to the long term and to achieving further reductions in teen pregnancy – I hope you will join us! Forrest L. Alton, MSPH, CHES Executive Director 5 2008 Annual Report.indd 5 9/4/08 2:59:33 PM Capacity Building What Others Have to Say: “Training I receive from the SC Campaign equips me with the necessary skills to incorporate new and innovative approaches with the youth in my program.” “As a new employee to this field, the trainings were inspiring, interesting, knowledgeable, and just simply outstanding.” “The Campaign’s workshops are refreshing... they provide excellent tips I can use with my own children.” “The trainings inspire me to go above and beyond with my lesson plans in conducting challenging activities.” “M W “I always enjoy the professional and efficient trainings put on by the SC Campaign.” Pr O E -SI The Campaign’s Education Department continued its hard work in 2007-2008! Highlights of a very successful year include: • • • • 45 education, training, and networking events. Over 1,000 youth-serving professionals reached from non-profit, governmental, and faith-based agencies and schools. 3,200 continuing education units (CEU) and networking hours awarded. 17 highly-qualified professionals admitted into the Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Certificate Program co-sponsored by the University of South Carolina. 6 2008 Annual Report.indd 6 9/4/08 2:59:40 PM Moving Mountains Creating Change Through Leadership and Innovation Summer Institute 2008 was highly successful. • • • • • Highlights include: Just over 400 participants attended the 9th Annual Summer Institute held for the first time in Greenville, SC. Attendees were offered four keynote presentations, 48 breakout sessions and 11 half-day workshops. Topics ranged from reading and understanding research articles, to grandparents raising grandchildren, to putting the “men” back into mentoring. Conference highlights included an inspirational reflection from a former teen mother, highly-rated keynote addresses by Coach Ken Carter, inspiration for the movie Coach Carter; Leonard Pitts; Laura Sessions-Stepp; and closing keynote by Victoria Rowell, former foster child turned actress. More than 3 out of 4 participants reported that SI was equal to or better than other conferences they attend. 94% of participants said they would recommend SI to their friends and colleagues. “Marvelous! Wonderful! Great! Productive! Organized! Excellent!” -SI 2008 Participant 7 2008 Annual Report.indd 7 9/4/08 2:59:43 PM Commitment to Research • • • • The Campaign received funding from 13 federal, state or local organizations/foundations to improve the delivery of research-proven approaches to teen pregnancy prevention in school and community settings. A grant from the BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina Foundation will inform the design of a pregnancy prevention model for 18 – 19 year old emerging adults - a population that represents over 2/3 of all teen pregnancies in South Carolina. South Carolina is one of only 9 states in the country to receive funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to increase use of the “Getting to Outcomes” model. Initial data collected from nine strategically selected partner sites is shown in the following graph. The Campaign will work over the length of the grant to ensure that all nine sites increase their use of the GTO model and science based approaches. The Campaign distributed more than 35,000 fact sheets in South Carolina. The Campaign hired Shannon Flynn as Director of Research and Evaluation. She previously served as the Director of Planning and Policy Analysis for the New York City Department for the Aging. Formerly Deputy Director of Management Evaluation and Analysis at the Department of Homeless Services, Flynn’s knowledge of program evaluation and strategic planning are sure to be an asset! Mary Prince, past Director of Research, has transitioned into a consultant role for the Campaign. Use of Science-Based Approaches 9 Number of Local Programs • The p Thos The 8 7 That 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Conducted a Needs Assessment Have Detailed Logic Model Implementing researchproven programs Implementing programs with fidelity Measuring Outcomes Using Evaluations to Improve Program Abou O T Customized Technical Assistance. The Technical Assistance Department strives to build capacity of local programs to apply research and training of teen pregnancy prevention into practical application with local communities. This goal is accomplished through various strategies: Mini Grants, Technical Assistance Contacts (phone, email and online discussion boards), Site Visits, Resource Library, Scholarships and Regional Roundtables. T Mini Grants: With funding from the Department of Social Services, the Campaign awarded over $143,000 in mini grants. Programs representing 16 counties received mini-grants to implement research-proven, science-based approaches including sex education curriculum and peer norm projects. Counties included: Aiken, Anderson, Cherokee, Charleston, Clarendon, Dillon, Edgefield, Hampton, Kershaw, Newberry, Orangeburg, Richland, Spartanburg, Sumter, Williamsburg and York. These mini grants served a total of 400 youth and 118 adults in South Carolina. “ ” Assistance from the SC Campaign is 100%. They provide excellent trainings, workshops, and knowledge on how to clearly implement science-based approaches. The Campaign provides the much-needed knowledge for successful programming. - Mini Grant Recipient 2007-2008 Contacts: 80 programs received an average number of eight contact hours of Technical Assistance (see chart for TA Strategies). Technical Assistance Strategies Email/Phone Trainings Materials Distributed Site Visits Scholarships: $14,786 in training scholarships were awarded to 19 counties in order to build capacity in science-based approaches. Special Initiatives: Technical Assistance efforts expanded to include several special initiatives to further explore techniques for local communities to prevent teen pregnancy: • March of Dimes Adolescent Health Services for four local teen health facilities to gain greater understanding of how to better serve and retain adolescent patients. • Peer Norm Campaigns at three local high schools; Newberry, Wade Hampton and Crescent to address the misperception of sexual activity among underclassmen. 8 2008 Annual Report.indd 8 9/4/08 2:59:43 PM Win One Voice Brandon, 15 One Voice can be strong. Strong enough to get across, The point that teen pregnancy really costs. One voice can tell, Those people who might not know it well, The problems that teen pregnancy entails. One voice can show, What their parents already know, That parenting is not as easy as they show. Communication • The Public Awareness Department received over 200 entries for the 2008 Teen Expressions contest; three exemplary teens - Brandon Howard from Barnwell, Shanace Isaac from Allendale, and Asia Pegues from Cheraw - all received the top honor. One voice can make them think, About whether or not they are on the brink, Of throwing their life out of sync. • 172 billboards were displayed in 30 counties across the state as part of Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month (May). Billboards featured a “Stay Teen” campaign encouraging kids to stay focused on their future. (See above). That voice can come from anyone. My friend you could be the one. • May activities also included the first annual Road Show. While visiting 19 counties and holding more than 40 events, staff of the Campaign directly impacted more than 1,200 people and through media efforts delivered messages of teen pregnancy prevention to another 1.2 million. Photos of the Road Show are below. • Redesign of the Campaign’s website,, brought an average of 2,300 visitors each month. • Media efforts landed the Campaign 23 television, 9 radio, and 35 newspaper appearances reaching more than 4.8 million people. Media outlets included such stations as WIS, WLTX, and WACH in Columbia; The State, Florence Morning News and Greenville News newspapers; On Point radio program with Cynthia Pryor Hardy; and the nationally syndicated Armstrong Williams Show. One voice can make them see, How hard it will be, Having a baby as a teen. Tears of a Teenage Mother Asia, 17 ” Media Appearance at WIS-TV Forrest & Senator Linda Short York Teen Health Center Winning entries from Teen Expressions 2008 Forrest with Senator John Courson 9 2008 Annual Report.indd 9 9/4/08 2:59:49 PM Thank You For Your Support! Grants & Contributions Received from July 1, 2007 - June 30, 2008 Champion: $10,000 and Above Contributor: Up to $249 BlueCross BlueShield of SC BlueCross BlueShield of SC Foundation Dr. Suzan D. Boyd and M. Edward Sellers The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention March of Dimes Mary Black Foundation Merck & Company, Inc. Palmetto Health SC Department of Education SC Department of Health and Environmental Control SC Department of Social Services SC Health and Human Services William A. Ard Noel Bailey Gwen Baker J. Elizabeth Barry Jeannette Barton Rochelle R. Belka Reuben S. Bennett Debra Brown Winthrop and Sarah Brown Patrice L. Bryant Kimberly Butler Clothilde M. Cammarata Dr. Michael A. Carrera ShaQuanda L. Charles Megan Conklin Bernetta Cooper Sara J. Corwin Carol R. Courtenay Kevin Dailey Tina Devlin Jennifer Duffy Inesha G. Faber Dr. and Mrs. Jerry Ferlauto Lisa W. Franklin Lee A. Fryland Dwan A. Gathers Alonsha D. Gibbs Rozalynn B. Goodwin Perkayja M. Gray Clara H. Heinsohn Keisha A. Holliday Shanel James Valerie Jones Jennifer Kahn Stephen M. Klejka Quentin T. Lee Djaris Mack Debra McSweeney Erica Nelson Polly Edwards Padgett Alexander Perry Mary Ellen Ramos Albert Richardson Dale L. Rish James H. Robinson Marline Robinson Walter C. Robinson Devonia E. Salley David E. Schindler Corey Schmidt Ann Seindler Laura G. Shah Coretta Simmons Ashley Smith Kenya Smith Raghavendran Srinivasan Kama J. Staton Dean and Terri Stokes Dr. Sharon H. Thompson Jacqueline Thornton Tina Torres Meghan B. Truluck Ann M. Ward Felicia Wesley Pace Setter: $5,000-$9,999 Spartanburg County Foundation Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System Foundation United Way of the Piedmont Leader: $1,000-$4,999 AmeriGroup Jerry and Judy Davis Doctor’s Care Smith Family Fund Marcous Gardner Linda G. Ketner State Department of Education - SC Healthy Schools Dr. Grant Warren Friend: $250-$999 Arthur and Ula Alton Forrest L. Alton Cayci S. Banks Mayor William Barnet, III Alan and Susan Brill Coleman Ureeda Ginger R. Foley Geiger O’Cain Susan W. Simons and John B. Hagerty Alanson B. Houghton Joan D. Johnakin Ivan Juzang Lori Lyles Matrix Consulting Duncan S. McIntosh Anne Darby Parker Charles and Celeste Patrick Robert V. Royall James L. Sacco Carol Singletary Dr. and Mrs. Michael Stout Gregory Taste James R. Walker Vanetta W. White Flemon Williams April R. Worley Paul C. Zenk Murray L. Vincent Memorial Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Andrews Gordon and Sandra Boyd Dr. and Mrs. Shawn Chillag Joseph and Rachel Etherington John F. Folley Friends at Bureau of Environmental Health SCDHEC Rachel D. Hill Mr. and Mrs. S. Jackson Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Steve Jarrett Joan Kuipers Sam and Karen Lake Joyce Larrison Ms. Catherine Long Robert and Mylla Markland HG and PM Merriman Nancy Hunter Padgett A. Cynthia Poole and Karin Pahnke Mary W. Prioleau Margaret B. Reese Riverbanks ONS Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ross Mr. and Mrs. Victor Sakellarios SC Association for the Advancement of Health Education Bernie L. Shealy Dr. Ann C. Slater Sandy Streater Douglas J. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. John Ureda Frank and Winona Vernberg Wayne E. Vincent Michal and Jay Youngflesh James H. Youngflesh State Federal Grants Contributions Income 10 2008 Annual Report.indd 10 9/4/08 2:59:49 PM Join our other supporters by indicating your level of investment. Please return form in the enclosed envelope or visit to make your donation online. Thank you in advance for your support of our efforts. NAME: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ NAME/AGENCY to appear on publications: __________________________________________________________________ CONTACT (phone and/or email): ___________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAMPION $10,000 and above CHAMPION donors will be listed as the title sponsor of an upcoming workshop or keynote presentation at the SC Campaign’s Annual Summer Institute attended by over 500 professionals from South Carolina and surrounding states. PACE SETTER $5,000 – $9,999 Allows for the SC Campaign to continue bringing the best and brightest scholars and presenters in the field to South Carolina to assist with ongoing work. PACE SETTERS will be listed as a sponsor of an upcoming SC Campaign workshop. LEADER $1,000 - $4,999 Allows for the SC Campaign to build capacity through onsite technical assistance and training. LEADERS are recognized on one SC Campaign publication annually (i.e. Teen Expressions). FRIEND $250 - $999 Allows for the SC Campaign to offer scholarships to local providers who might not otherwise be able to attend training events. All donors who give at the Friend level or above will be recognized in our new state-of-the-art training room. CONTRIBUTOR Up to $249 All donations help prevent teen pregnancy. If you are unable to donate at an indicated level, please note your level of contribution here. Contributors will be recognized in our Annual Report. COMMUNITY VOLUNTEER Please follow up with me about volunteering and getting more involved in teen pregnancy prevention efforts in my community. I would like to make this contribution in honor/memory of (insert name below) and would prefer to have them recognized in future publications: _____________________________________________________________________ 11 2008 Annual Report.indd 11 9/4/08 2:59:50 PM Contact Us: 1331 Elmwood Avenue, Suite 140 Columbia, SC 29201 PH: 803-771-7700 FAX: 803-771-6916 [email protected] South Carolina Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy 1331 Elmwood Avenue, Suite 140 Columbia, SC 29201 NON PROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID COLUMBIA, SC PERMIT #390 12 2008 Annual Report.indd 12 9/12/08 12:51:27 PM
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