Conference Programme -

Narratives of Europe and European Integration
11th History of European Integration Research Society (HEIRS) Conference
University of Portsmouth, 15-16 April 2015
Conference Programme
Wednesday, 15 April 2015
8.30- 9.15: Registration / Coffee and croissants
9.15-9.30: Conference opening
Sylvia Balgarinov, University of Portsmouth & Koen van Zon, Radboud University Nijmegen
9.30-12.00: Panel 1
1A: Narratives in education and
Room: 2.05
Chair: Richard McMahon
Reporter: Quentin Jouan
Marret Katharina Bischewski
(Georg Eckert Institut, Braunschweig)
From Laeken to Lisbon: Narratives of the EU reform
process in European textbooks
Discussant: Mano Toth
1B: Narratives as reactions to EU policy
Room: 2.15
Chair: Koen van Zon
Reporter: Lennaert van Heumen
Sylvia Balgarinov
(University of Portsmouth)
New Myths? Yalta and the image of Europe in Polish
post-communist history textbooks
Discussant: Martin Herzer
Clémentine Chaigneau
(BIGSS Bremen)
The impact of collective narratives in the process of
European integration: A comparison between Serbia and
Discussant: Vanessa Bilancetti
Anne Bruch
(University of Hamburg)
Will Europe unite? The construction of European identity
and citizenship through European information films in the
1950s and 1960s
Discussant: Tommaso Milani
Chloë Delcour
(Ghent University)
Constructions of globalization, human rights and the
nation state: Public narratives in the aftermath of a human
rights violation for Roma migrants
Discussant: Adina Maricut
12.00-13.00: Lunch
Ulrike Kaden
(University of Leipzig)
Exploring cooperation rhetoric: Transborder practices and
the promotion of European cross-border regionalism
Discussant: Mathias Häussler
13.00-15.30: Panel 2
2A: Narratives of identity and otherness
Room: 2.05
Chair: Sylvia Balgarinov
Reporter: Martin Herzer
Naomi Truan
(Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin)
(Re)Constructing the legitimacy of the EU: Narratives
of proximity and authenticity. The case study of the
exhibition “Villa Global”, Berlin
Discussant: Quentin Jouan
2B: Narratives of networks and political elites
Room: 2.15
Chair: Brigitte Leucht
Reporter: Adina Maricut
Daniël Stinsky
(Maastricht University)
For Europe, Democracy and Peace. Social Democrat
Blueprints for Postwar Europe in Willy Brandt and
Gunnar Myrdal’s Correspondence, 1947
Discussant: Chloë Delcour
Olga Romanova
(Cranfield University)
External view on Europe: the image of Europe in
Russian foreign policy discourse
Discussant: Marret Katharina Bischewski
Lennaert van Heumen
(Radboud University Nijmegen)
‘Confused by an alternative and greater federation’.
American state-private networks and the interplay between
a European and Atlantic community, 1945-1963
Discussant: Ulrike Kaden
Mano Toth
(University of Cambridge)
Myths of European Integration and Critique
Discussant: Anne Bruch
Mathias Häussler
(University of Cambridge)
A ‘cold war European’? Helmut Schmidt and European
integration, c. 1945-1982
Discussant: Koen van Zon
15.30-16.00: Coffee break
16.00-18.30: Panel 3
3A: Narrative production: public opinion and
public image
Room: 2.05
Chair: Catherine Guisan
Reporter: Marret Katharina Bischewski
Quentin Jouan
(Université Catholique de Louvain)
Narratives of European integration in times of crisis.
Images of Europe and the Tindemans report on
European Union (1975)
Discussant: Olga Romanova
3B: Narrative production: institutional
Room: 2.15
Chair: Oriane Calligaro
Reporter: Ulrike Kaden
Adina Maricut
(Central European University Budapest)
Different Narratives, One Area of Freedom, Security and
Justice: EU Institutions and the Schengen Agreement
Discussant: Daniël Stinsky
Tommaso Milani
(London School of Economics)
Progressives in Wonderland: European Unity and the
«New Statesman & Nation», 1930- 1945
Discussant: Naomi Truan
Koen van Zon
(Radboud University Nijmegen)
Repertoires of legitimacy. The authority of the European
Community contested (1947-1960)
Discussant: Clémentine Chaigneau
Martin Herzer
(European University Institute)
Politics, Economics, Publicity – The Media and
‘European Integration’, 1958-1985
Discussant: Sylvia Balgarinov
Vanessa Bilancetti
(Sapienza University of Rome)
The European Commission’s narrative on good governance
Discussant: Lennaert van Heumen
18.30: Dinner
Thursday, 16 April 2015
8.30-9.00: Coffee and croissants
9.00-10.30: Reports and Roundtable session
How to study the narratives of Europe and European integration
Reports of panels 1A, 2A, 3A
Dr. Brigitte Leucht
Dr. Oriane Calligaro
Dr. Catherine Guisan
Dr. Richard MacMahon
Associate Professor in history at the SAXO Institute, University of Copenhagen,
Alexander von Humboldt Research fellow at the Institut für Zeitgeschichte Munich
and Lecturer in European Studies at the Maastricht University
Visiting Assistant Professor in history at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis,
Marie Curie Senior Research Fellow in history, University of Portsmouth
10.30- 11.00: Coffee break
11.00 – 12.30: Continuation of Reports and Roundtable session
Reports of panels 1B, 2B, 3B & discussion
12.30 – 12.45: Closing remarks