Surname First Name Title of Entry Adzic Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Allcorn Sladjana Jane Margot Margot Suzanne Julianne Ross Flying Free Storm I Life Drawing (1) Life Drawing (2) High Street Wharf, North Sydney 'Hidden Colours of the Australian Bush' Allman Anderson Annes Armstrong Balassa Balassa Balloch Pearson Barfod Barlow Barlow Bauhof Beck belobrajdic Benn Benn Bennett Bennett Connie Pat Peculiar Anne Jacqueline Jacqueline Debra Gail Simon Simon Richard Louise tony Ethne Ethne Jane Jane Berling Robyne Together Forever Compassion Seraph Time is elastic Winter Shadow Wilderness Waterfall Magpie Blue Into The Light Poppy Le coq de ferme de cour Palm Cockatoo Ticket to Ride Sydney Fish Market A Field of Flowers Autumn Landscape Sydney Heritage Fleet at Rozelle Bay Under the Hammerhead Crane (Homage to Piranesi) Late Afternoon Shelly Beach Central Coast NSW Berling Betts Biggart Bird Bird Bishop Bishop Bishop Bishop Blackburne Bobbin Boland Bradburn Brancatisano Briggs Brooke Buchanan Buchanan Buller Burns Burns Buselli Robyne Keith John Murray Murray Marina Marina Marina Marina Sandra Penelope Mary Shanon Helen Therese John Katrina Katrina Suzanne Lyn Lyn Anthony Into the Mist The Copse, Sutton Forest Estuary Construction Gum Blossom with Banksia The White Jug Blue Sky, Rock Pool Down at the Bay Road through the Hills Chiswick Baths Tides Out Tub Ntxawg (Youngest Son) Killed in Action. Aged 23 'In Bloom' (hydrangeas) Rebuke Banksia, Vincentia Bloom 2 Mr Blue Bee (of Gladesville) Summer Beauty The Lake First Light Wollemi Stalwarts Kiama Surname First Name Title of Entry Buttitta Filippa Carboni Cassidy Choi Claremont Claremont Raewyn Rubi Christine Richard Richard Lost Child Somewhere Near Mount Carcalgong, NSW Undergrowth Haymarket Canowindra 7 Road to the Farm Remembered Landscape With White Tree Coates Cockle Collins Collyer Cook Cook Cook Cooper Craig Cunningham Davis Davis Davison Deane Deane Deane Dion Dion Dion Drewitt Smith Dunlevie Dunlevie Dunlevie Dwyer Edmonds Edmonds Egan Evans Fazal Mark Anne Susan Michelle Peter Peter Peter Karen Leasha Joel Cilla Cilla Barbara Francesca Francesca Francesca Dana Dana Dana Pamela Eugenia Eugenia Eugenia Ted Anne Judith Heather Kaye Shazia Bushland ABUNDANCE The Road South Expanse Gibb River Road, Kimberley Mist Rising, Blackheath Birchgrove When Time Stops (Brush Farm) All the Cards Harmonic Hallucinations Dollies and masks November pond Swinging Fuchsia Still life with Cast White Lily Mel's Scarf country dissipation Desert Submission Hopeful Season 'Chair of memories' A Moment In Time Poppy - Vista Our - Coast Dusk Solitude Water and Dreams Begonia Santa Cruz Grey 1 Maggie ANGER (let your emotion speak for itself) Ferguson Fewtrell-Gobert Filipich Filipich Filipich Finlayson Fisher Fisher Fitzmaurice Florance Gallart Nick Ferguson Jacki Werner Werner Werner Felicia Angus Leonie John Victoria Sonia Dan, 2015 On the path (and local resident) Provence Cremorne Woodford Bay A Sense of Autumn Parthenon Lion Portrait in Ink Screwed Up Jenny There is light Surname First Name Title of Entry Galvin Gambotto Gardner Garrett Garrett Garritano Garritano Gerlach Gibson Gillespie Gillespie Giovanelli Giovanelli Gourlay Grasevski Grasevski Green Green Grillmeier Gloria Joanna Barbara Fran Fran Sandra Sandra Dianne Sarah Jennifer Jennifer Kath Kath Chrys Kiril Kiril Deborah Deborah Bruce The River Bank Cue the Pig 'A Bridge in Morocco' Light, Sea and Air Last Light - South Coast Harbourside Rust Yellow Hill Beijing Bookstore Bathing Sheds Mt Eliza Made In Italy Wedderburn Landscape Into the light - Provence Eve Peter Bouquet of Blue (hydrangeas) Waiting for Her This is going to be an awesome year! [Reminiscing about 11.59pm, Febuary 19th, 2015] Grzybowski Guest Gulcin Gulcin Guthrie Haldane Hansell Hansen Harrington-John Harris Harrison Hatchwell Hatchwell Hatchwell Heibel Heibel Heinemann Hennessey Hildebrandt Hill Honeyfield Hopkins Huggins Huggins Hughes Hungerford Hunt Hunt Anastazia Melissa Seven Seven Maria Chris Greg Ian Jan Jill Amanda Lyndsey Lyndsey Lyndsey Michele Michele Birgit Maureen Johanna Jann Pamela Colin Debra Debra Lisa Ellen Judy Nicole Nicole Peacock in Arcadia Harbourscape #5 BAA - BAA BLACK SHEEP PRUDENCE Cockatoo from Clarks Point From Bridge to Bridge Burralow Rd Bass Strait When the Rain Comes Ground Cover Obelisk Boadicea's Bodice Ginormous Mutant Ninja Bunny Milsons Point Circa Late 1800's Misfits Steeping Beauty Adam Fury SATIN BOWER BIRDS After the Fires Place Of Repose The mantling vine, the door agape. Kitchen Table In the Kitchen BEER O'CLOCK On the block Devotion Le Palmier Surname First Name Title of Entry Hunter Hurlstone Hutton Hutton Irving Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jakubik Jakubik Jakubik Tina Joan Sean Sean Shelagh Dee Dee Dee Dee Rosemary Dorota Dorota Dorota Still Life Peonys Roll On Mountains Mist Susan's Gaze South Coast - NSW The Path of Least Resistance Celeste Ilanga Linda - From Life Coastal Scrub Destination It's a boy! My name is Joker. I live on the second floor. Jannar Johnson Jones Jones Joyce Kazarinov Keegan Kelly Kim Kim Kirk Koeppl Lamport Lamport Langshaw Le Dain LeGuennec Lester Lethem Lim Lloyd Lloyd Lynch Macdonald Mackinnon Mackinnon Maclaine-Cross Maclaine-Cross MacLaren MacLeod-Beere MacLeod-Beere Mah Maree Marks Maurice Steve Judith Claude Gabrielle Linda Paulina Rosemary Nicole Jumae So Jung Maria Michelle Kurt Keith Keith Yvonne Michelle Eric Leon Kristen Ria Chrissie Chrissie John Karen Debbie Debbie Jennifer Jennifer Judi Sue Sue Diane Jennifer Deborah Margaret Figtree House, Hunters Hill II 'Listen to the Coach' Poupette Luna Park New Years Eve HEROISM - CIRCA 1878 Afternoon Tea Bush Track Cape Bruny Mosman bay 4 Untitled Moon 1 White Lilies - Botanic Garden, Cairns Woolwich Wharf Nostalgia Tea Party Kaleidoscope 2 Bushfire Ghosts No Separation Gresford Hill - II The End Of Journey Waterline - The Kimberley 'Windswept Plains" Dolce vita Byron Hinterland Sunset Moorings Fragmentation Deliverance Comingle The Omen Home and Garden Diary Rivendell, Concord Dahlias COLOURFEST Liminality 2 Thinking Surname First Name Title of Entry May May McCarthy McCarthy McDonald McDonald McEwen McGilvray McGuinness McGuinness McKay McKay McKenzie Benato Merrington Mewing Meyer Michell Miley Miller Miller Monk Morgan Mork Barbara Barbara Paul Paul Vivienne Vivienne Cathryn Ian Sophie Sophie Kevin Kevin Mary Wendy Libby Sue Matilda Neil Lydia Paul S Victoria Debra Anthony 'Blue Jeans' 'Yellow & Blue' The Marina at White Horse Point Woolwich Dock Jugs One Day … Wish Me Luck Bare Gift Composition in light and shade (2) Composition in light and shade (1) Potter St Stack, Waterloo Commuter Car Park, Kogarah Roy Jackson's Letters (Wedderburn) 'Sydney Harbour From Woolwich" Hole in the Wall Breakthrough Boy with Guitar Curiosity Road To Alice Tim's Land Birdwoman Dragon River (Guilin China) They clipped his wings to steal his song. Morris Morrow Muir Murray Nguyen Nicholson Nicholson Nicholson Nocentini Norton Knight Nuthall Nuthall Oehlbeck Olah Oram Oram O'Young Parker Parker Parker Parker-Smith Parry Patel Patel Patel Camellia Sabina Julie Ulan Mary T Clare Patti Patti Sandro Kay Jenny Jenny Maggy Margaret Helen Helen Jennifer Ian Ian Ian Janet Mary Anne Hiren Hiren Hiren Waters Edge F.A.L. Please Pat Ficus Koi Carp False Favourite Winter in Belgium Pomegranates and african cloth Drawing All The Way Reflection Bustle and Bikes in Old Saigon Cabbage Festival 'STIX' Red essence The quarry children 'Homage to the Dryad Keepers' Road Through Gunbower Forest Old Orchard Shed, Shippley A Days Work Done The Power of Progress Window Shopping Winter Light Winter Rain Light and Shadow Surname First Name Title of Entry PEKOWSKI Pierce KRZYSZTOF Rebecca Pietracci Pietracci pomroy Pratt Pratt Pratt prest prest Protopsaltis Pulvers Pulvers Pustoshkina Revell Richman Ridsdale Ringger Roberts Rochford Rogers Rogers Rolfe Romandi Ross Rush Saadie Saadie Salvemini Schlederer Schuster-Callus Scolari Sealy Sedgwick Sharpe Simmons Simmons Skinner Skinner Smith Smoker Smoker Spence Stack Stack Gaye Gaye pennie Hal Hal Hal ashleigh ashleigh Panagiotis Alice Sophie Yulia Sinan Lesley Sharon Judith Michelle Lynette Christina Christina Paul Pierette Marilyn Kevan Zeina Zeina Danielle Marie Jan Lara Kasey Pauline Sue Julie Julie Ross Ross Judy Kathy Kathy Debra Claire Claire Australian Spring GLASSHOUSE 2014 - RESOLUTE - MOUNT TIBROGARGAN Tarban Creek Boats Early Morning Tarban Creek Birds of a Feather II Waterline Belmore Basin Terra - Australis Sea of Blue Subtropical Attica Figures Relief My Sister Lucy Under a Magnolia Tree One Horned Indian Rhinoceros Miniature #1 - Night Hunters' Tea Tulips Please Don't Stereotype. PREPARATION OF THE BIRTHING DEN Paenitere III The Village Laugh A Flowery Speech Meditation Across Lane Cove River Creek Medley Cups and Saucers Sunset on Anzac Grey washed Lulu Julius Reflection Sea Foam I 'The Race' Aquarius #1 Bridge over River Namoi The Musicians 'Two's Company' The Boatyard Lost in a Sea of Gold Blue Hydrangeas THe Path Beneath the Bridges Trees of the Megalong Snails Bay Morning Venice VI Swanlight Paper Kite Butterfly (Idea leuconoe) Eastern Tiger Butterfly (Papilio glaucas) Staudinger Steele Giulia Denice Loyal Study, Glorious Mood on the Harbour Surname First Name Title of Entry Stevenson Stratton Stratton Stroud Stroud Stroud Suen Suen Tarkowski Teal Thomas Toulis Townsend Ullmann Ullmann Ullmann Ullmann Ullmann Urge Valpiani Van Vliet Van Wyk Velasquez Wallwork Wallwork Walsh Walsh Wang Waples Waples Warburton Warburton Watson Watt Chris Brian Brian Marion Peter Peter Yvonne Yvonne Kathryn Lyn Janelle Jan Helen Gerhard Gerhard Gerhard Gerhard Gerhard Andrew Catherine Leon Angela Alvin Diana Diana Marianne Marianne David Peter Peter Greg Greg Jeanette Wendell Renegade1 Estuary Fragments, Crookhaven Locked II The Roadside Bush Old Rosewood Natural Edge Red Gum Red Teapot with Pears Street Scheme Enmore The Boudoir Banjo Man Spring at Chateau de Chenonceau Ellery Creek Japanese Wind Flowers At The Café At The Café II Early Morning Track Work Hill Town In Tuscany Café in Vienna Golden Cavalcade Bay of Fires Friedo stool Remembering Indigo Blue with Yellow and Red Summer By The Lake Autumn Waters Walking towards Guerilla Bay Valley Floor - Govetts Leap 1 THE MORNING OF SYDNEY Fishy Pieces Dad's Toolshed Door WATERSHED Fig,Art Gallery Rd. Night Ride LEAF DRIFT IN CAMPASPE RIVER POOL, VICTORIA Weir Whiston White White White Wilding Marie Larraine Jane - Marie April April Richard Lana Cockatoo Island No 12 Swimming Away Distant Blue Floating Garden Ghost of Woolwich Dock Orange Sun/Winterwood/Hawkesbury Tree Wilding Lana Earth Circles/Bark Patterns/Leaf Drift Green Wilding Wilkin Williams Williams Williams Lana Dot Janet Robert Stephen Postcards Hawkesbury A town called Vermilion Sumo Wrestlers Uberrest Rush Surname First Name Title of Entry Wilson Wincote Wincote Witton Witton Wohlfahrt Wong Woodger-Grant Woodley Graham Woodley Graham Woodley Graham Woodroffe Woodroffe Woodroffe Wu Yates Yates Yates Yates Yates Yokoyama Zufferey Patricia Belinda Belinda Elaine Elaine Elke Lilian Lyn Bronwyn Bronwyn Bronwyn Salwa Salwa Salwa Bing Kay Kay Michael Michael Trish Kayo Pauline Moorings at Hunters Hill Nasturtium Blue Wave CARNIVAL 1. CARNIVAL 2. Ulrich Urban Landscape Ascension Middle Earth Passing through the Pilbara 1 Sera Illuminare Murchison Gorge How Cute! Ancient Lands, Flinders Ranges High Tea for Two Golden Days Spring Rain I am waiting My House, Your House 2 Harmony Where it Begins Still life
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