Bores, Surges and Hydraulic Jumps: from tidal bore field measurements to tsunami-induced bore propagation – can we trust fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling? by Hubert CHANSON (a) Professor, School of Civil Engineering, The University of Queensland, Brisbane QLD 4072, Australia, E-mail: [email protected] (b) University of Bordeaux, Institute de Mecanique I2M, France Tidal bore of the Garonne River (France) Acknowledgements: Numerous people involved during field works, incl. Prof. Pierre LUBIN Kesennuma city, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan, March 2011 Presentation 4.5 m/s Hydraulic jump in translation # Positive surge (open channel hydraulics) 2.8-3 m Flow discontinuity at leading edge of flood tidal wave + Large tidal range > 4-6 m + Flood tidal wave amplification + Low freshwater level Tidal bores occur twice (2 times) per day Tidal bore of Qiantang River at Yanguan (China) on 12 October 2014 Field measurement sites and instrumentation Bay of Mt St Michel Two very different systems Tidal range [10-15 m] vs [4-6 m] River mouth vs 120 km inland Sediments: ‘Tangue’ vs cohesive mud Instrumentation Bathymetry – Manual surveys Water elevations – Continous sampling ADV – Nortek Vector (64 Hz), Nortek Vectrino+ (200 Hz), Sontek microADV (50 Hz) – Continuous sampling Sediment characteristics Rheometry Granulometry Acoustic backscatter Microphone (acoustic properties) -1 Water surface on 25/9/10 after tidal bore Water surface on 25/9/10 before tidal bore Bed elevation ADV sampling volume on 25/9/10 -1.5 -2.5 -3 -3.5 -4 -4.5 -5 -5.5 -6 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Distance from right bank "herbu" (m) 120 130 140 150 Bed (19/10/13) Water surface before bore Conjugate water surface ADV sampling volume before bore Channel bed (7/6/2012) Channel bed (11/9/2010) 0 -0.5 -1 z (m NGF-IGN 1969) Vertical elevation (m) -2 Seal (Phoca vitulina) fishing behind bore -1.5 -2 -2.5 -3 -3.5 -4 -4.5 -5 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Distance (m) from pylon centreline - Looking upstream 80 90 100 Free-surface properties Tidal bore = Hydraulic jump in translation sudden discontinuity in terms of water depth B' B' B' 2 B 2 8 Fr 2 1 B B B 1 A2 1 B B' A1 2 B V1 U Fr1 A g 1 B1 2 Fr1 = 1.27 (19 Oct. 2013) "Momentum Considerations in Hydraulic Jumps and Bores." Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 138, No. 4, pp. 382-385 (DOI 10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0000409) (2012). Field data sets: Wolanski et al. (2004), Simpson et al. (2004), Mouaze et al. (2010), Chanson et al. (2011), Furgerot et al. (2012), Reungoat et al. (2014a,b) 11 Daly River 2003 Dee River 2003 Garonne River 2010 Sélune River 2010 Sée River 2012 Garonne River 2012 Garonne River 2013 Momentum eq. (1-1) Bélanger eq. (4-2) 9 A2/A1 7 2 B' B' B' 2 2 8 B Fr1 2 B1 B B A2 1 B B' A1 2 B 5 3 1 1 2 Fr1 2.6 d2 1 1 8 Fr12 1 d1 2 Field measurements - Velocity Major deceleration Flow reversal Large velocity fluctuations Slow fluctuations (period ~ undulation period) Vx Vy Vz 0.2 2.48 2.4 -0.2 2.32 -0.4 2.24 -0.6 2.16 -0.8 2.08 -1 61515 61518 61521 61524 Time (s) since 00:00 on 19/10/2013 61527 Turbulence during undular bore front passage - Data: 15 s at 200 Hz 2 61530 Water depth (m) Vx, Vy, Vz (m/s) 0 150 Vx 0.75 0.7 60 0.65 30 0 Vx Depth (m) Vx VITA Depth VITA 0.6 0.55 -30 0.5 -60 0.45 -90 0.4 -120 0.35 -150 0.3 70050 70051 70052 70053 70054 70055 70056 70057 70058 70059 70060 Time (s) since 00:00 on 24 Sept. 2010 150 Major deceleration Flow reversal Large velocity fluctuations Vz (cm/s) Instantaneous data & VITA (Fcutoff = 1 Hz) Breaking bore (Fr = 2.35), z/do =0.60 120 0.75 90 0.7 60 0.65 30 0.6 0 0.55 -30 -60 0.5 Vz 0.45 Vz 0.4 Depth (m) -120 Vz VITA 0.35 Depth VITA -150 0.3 70050 70051 70052 70053 70054 70055 70056 70057 70058 70059 70060 Time (s) since 00:00 on 24 Sept. 2010 -90 Breaking bore (Sélune River on 24-25 Sept. 2010, Fr1 = 2.3-2.4) 0.8 Water depth (m) 90 Water depth (m) Vx (cm/s) 120 0.8 Field Measurements - Turbulent Reynolds stresses 20 18 16 16 12 14 8 12 4 10 0 8 -4 6 -8 4 -12 2 -16 0 61510 61517.5 61525 61532.5 61540 61547.5 Time (s) since 00:00 on 19/10/2013 -20 61555 Water depth 10 9 8 8 6 7 4 6 2 5 0 4 -2 3 -4 2 -6 1 -8 0 61510 Large shear stresses (all components) Large & rapid fluctuations beneath bore front during early flood tide flow .vxvz 10 61517.5 61525 61532.5 61540 61547.5 Time (s) since 00:00 on 19/10/2013 -10 61555 Tangential shear stress (Pa) .vz.vz Water depth Normal stress (Pa), 4Water depth (m) .vxvy Tangential shear stress (Pa) Normal stress (Pa), 8Water depth (m) .vx.vx 20 Turbulent shear stress amplitudes up to 100 Pa during tidal bore |×v×v| > Sediment yield stress & Shields criterion Yield stress c = 5-50 Pa Shields diagram (o)c = 0.1 to 5 Pa (Garonne River) (Sand 0.1 to 10 mm) Major impact of tidal bore on sediment fluxes Garonne River, Sept. 2010 – Bore passage Qiantang River, Oct. 2014 – Sediment floc clouds at free-surface Modelling bores: physical (laboratory) vs numerical (CFD) modelling 2 Ph.D. theses at the University of Queensland Nazanin KHEZRI (2014) & Bruno SIMON (2014) CFD Code developed at the University of Bordeaux (France) Thetis (2D & 3D) / LES (Large Eddy Simulation) – SEM (synthetic eddy method) Physical modelling at the University of Queensland SIMON, B. (2014). "Effects of Tidal Bores on Turbulent Mixing: a Numerical and Physical Study in Positive Surges." Ph.D. thesis, Civil Eng., Univ. of Queensland, Australia, 259 pages & 7 movies. KHEZRI, N. (2014). "Modelling Turbulent Mixing and Sediment Process Beneath Tidal Bores: Physical and Numerical Investigations." Ph.D. thesis, Civil Engineering, Univ of Queensland, Australia, 267 pages. Free-surface elevations at 7.15 m, 6.15 m, 5.15 m upstream of gate q = 0.10 m2/s, Fixed gravel bed Source: KHEZRI (2014) Free-surface elevations during undular bore propagation upstream of gate; smooth PVC bed - Source: SIMON (2014) Velocity at 6.15 m upstream of gate q = 0.10 m2/s, Fixed gravel bed Source: KHEZRI (2014) Vertical velocity component during undular bore propagation upstream of gate; smooth PVC bed - Source: SIMON (2014) Numerical data bring new information but … Numerical issues & challenges incl. Boundary shear (!?) Bed roughness Sediment transport (scour, deposition, suspension) Breaking roller Validation process … Velocity contours and flow streamlines beneath a breaking bore q = 0.10 m2/s, Fixed gravel bed Source: KHEZRI (2014) Streamline patterns beneath breaking (Top) and undular (Bottom) bores Conclusion Field measurements in tidal bores Massive challenges… Intense unsteady turbulent mixing (even in a ‘gentle’ undular bore) Major sediment processes suspended sediment flux, longitudinal advection, vertical & transverse convection Hydraulic/CFD modelling technical & economical challenges poor validation !?!? No prototype data means no definite validation of any kind of modelling! (Theoretical, Laboratory, Numerical [CFD] …) Quality experimental data are the ‘sine qua non’ of validation no experimental data = means no validation THANK YOU {} {} 2.5 m Qiantang River bore in October 2014 Tidal bore research at the University of Queensland Physical modelling Study period Experimental researcher 2000-2001 K. HICKOX, C. QUILAN, C. DONNELLY 2004-2004 C. KOCH & H. CHANSON 2008 C. GUALTIERI 2008 H. CHANSON 2009 H. CHANSON 2009 K.K. TAN 2009-2010 N.J. DOCHERTY 2012 M. REICHSTETTER 2010-2011 N. KEHZRI Topic Undular tidal bore, quasisteady flow analogy Primary instrumentation Pitot tube (pressure & velocity field) Unsteady velocity measurements in undular & breaking bores Unsteady velocity measurements in undular & breaking bores Unsteady velocity measurements in undular & breaking bores over smooth & rough bed, and against adverse slope Unsteady velocity measurements in undular tidal bores incl. propagation between bridge piers Fish egg dispersion under tidal bores Unsteady turbulence in breaking tidal bores Sontek microADV 2D (sidelooking head) Physical and numerical modelling of positive surges incl. bore generation Inception of sediment bed Sontek microADV 2D (sidelooking head) Peer-review publications CHANSON (2001), CHANSON (2005), DONNELLY and CHANSON (2005) KOCH and CHANSON (2005), KOCH and CHANSON (2008), KOCH and CHANSON (2009) GUALTIERI and CHANSON (2011,2012) Nortek ADV Vectrino+ 3D CHANSON (2008), CHANSON (4 receivers sidelooking head) (2010), CHANSON (2010) Nortek ADV Vectrino+ 3D CHANSON (2009), CHANSON (4 receivers sidelooking head) (2010), CHANSON (2011a,b) Video-camera CHANSON and TAN (2010a,b), CHANSON and TAN (2011) Nortek ADV Vectrino+ 3D DOCHERTY and CHANSON (2010), (4 receivers sidelooking head) CHANSON and DOCHERTY (2010,2012), DOCHERTY and CHANSON (2011,2012) Video-camera REICHSTETTER (2011) Nortek ADV Vectrino+ 3D (4 receivers sidelooking head) Nortek ADV Vectrino+ 3D KHEZRI and CHANSON motion under tidal bore 2011 Y. TOI Turbulence in breaking bores Auto-correlation analyses Unsteady turbulence in breaking tidal bores Tidal bore in staged channel & dyke overtopping 2011 B. SIMON 2013 Dongzi PAN 2013 S. SUN Tidal bore generation 2014 C. LENG Tidal bore, bore roller and turbulent advance (4 receivers sidelooking head) Video-camera Nortek ADV Vectrino+ 3D (4 receivers sidelooking head) Nortek ADV Vectrino+ 3D (4 receivers sidelooking head) Video-camera Acoustic displacement meters (Microsonic Mic+25) Video-camera Acoustic displacement meters (Microsonic Mic+25) Nortek ADV Vectrino+ 3D (4 receivers sidelooking head) High-speed video-camera Acoustic displacement meters (Microsonic Mic+25) Nortek ADV Vectrino+ 3D (4 receivers sidelooking head) (2011,2012a,b,c,2013) CHANSON and TOI (2013), TOI and CHANSON (2013) SIMON and CHANSON (2013) SUN et al. (2014) LENG and CHANSON (2014,2015a,b) References CHANSON, H. (2001). "Flow Field in a Tidal Bore : a Physical Model." Proc. 29th IAHR Congress, Beijing, China, Theme E, Tsinghua University Press, Beijing, G. LI Ed., pp. 365-373 (ISBN 7-302-04676-X/TV). (CD-ROM, Tsinghua University Press, ISBN 7-900637-10-9.) CHANSON, H. (2005). "Physical Modelling of the Flow Field in an Undular Tidal Bore." Jl of Hyd. Res., IAHR, Vol. 43, No. 3, pp. 234-244 (ISSN 0022-1686). DONNELLY, C., and CHANSON, H. (2005). "Environmental Impact of Undular Tidal Bores in Tropical Rivers." Environmental Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 5, No. 5, pp. 481-494 (DOI: 10.1007/s10652-005-0711-0) (ISSN 1567-7419). KOCH, C., and CHANSON, H. (2005). "An Experimental Study of Tidal Bores and Positive Surges: Hydrodynamics and Turbulence of the Bore Front." Report No. CH56/05, Dept. of Civil Engineering, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, July, 170 pages (ISBN 978-1-86499-824-5) (ISBN 1864998245 [10 digits]). KOCH, C., and CHANSON, H. (2008). "Turbulent Mixing beneath an Undular Bore Front." Journal of Coastal Research, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 999-1007 (DOI: 10.2112/06-0688.1) (ISSN 0749-0208). KOCH, C., and CHANSON, H. (2009). "Turbulence Measurements in Positive Surges and Bores." Journal of Hydraulic Research, IAHR, Vol. 47, No. 1, pp. 29-40 (DOI: 10.3826/jhr.2009.2954) (ISSN 0022-1686). CHANSON, H. (2008). "Turbulence in Positive Surges and Tidal Bores. Effects of Bed Roughness and Adverse Bed Slopes." Hydraulic Model Report No. CH68/08, Div. of Civil Engineering, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 121 pages & 5 movie files (ISBN 9781864999198). CHANSON, H. (2010). "Unsteady Turbulence in Tidal Bores: Effects of Bed Roughness." Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 136, No. 5, pp. 247-256 (DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)WW.1943-5460.0000048) (ISSN 0733-950X). CHANSON, H. (2011). "Turbulent Shear Stresses in Hydraulic Jumps and Decelerating Surges: An Experimental Study." Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, Vol. 36, No. 2, pp. 180-189 & 2 videos (DOI: 10.1002/esp.2031). CHANSON, H. (2011). "Undular Tidal Bores: Effect of Channel Constriction and Bridge Piers." Environmental Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 385-404 & 4 videos (DOI: 10.1007/s10652-010-9189-5) GUALTIERI, C., and CHANSON, H. (2011). "Hydrodynamics and Turbulence in Positive Surges. A Comparative Study." Proc. 34th IAHR World Congress, Brisbane, Australia, 26 June-1 July, Engineers Australia Publication, Eric VALENTINE, Colin APELT, James BALL, Hubert CHANSON, Ron COX, Rob ETTEMA, George KUCZERA, Martin LAMBERT, Bruce MELVILLE and Jane SARGISON Editors, pp. 1062-1069 (ISBN 978-0-85825-868-6). GUALTIERI, C., and CHANSON, H. (2012). "Experimental Study of a Positive Surge. Part 1: Basic Flow Patterns and Wave Attenuation." Environmental Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 145-159 (DOI 10.1007/s10652-011-9218-z) (ISSN 1567-7419 [Print] 1573-1510 [Online]). CHANSON, H. (2009). "An Experimental Study of Tidal Bore Propagation: the Impact of Bridge Piers and Channel Constriction." Hydraulic Model Report No. CH74/08, School of Civil Engineering, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 110 pages & 5 movie files (ISBN 9781864999600). CHANSON, H. (2010). "Undular Tidal Bores: Basic Theory and Free-surface Characteristics." Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 136, No. 11, pp. 940944 (DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0000264). CHANSON, H., and TAN, K.K. (2010). "Particle Dispersion under Tidal Bores: Application to Sediments and Fish Eggs." Proc. 7th International Conference on Multiphase Flow ICMF 2010, Tampa FL, USA, May 30-June 4, Paper No. 12.7.3, 9 pages (USB Memory Stick). CHANSON, H., and TAN, K.K. (2010). "Turbulent Mixing of Particles under Tidal Bores: an Experimental Analysis." Journal of Hydraulic Research, IAHR, Vol. 48, No. 5, pp. 641-649 (DOI: 10.1080/00221686.2010.512779 (ISSN 0022-1686). CHANSON, H., and TAN, K.K. (2011). "Dispersion of Fish Eggs under Undular and Breaking Tidal Bores." Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, Vol. (ISSN 1555-256X (printed); ISSN 1555-2578 (online)) [In Print]. DOCHERTY, N.J., and CHANSON, H. (2010). "Characterisation of Unsteady Turbulence in Breaking Tidal Bores including the Effects of Bed Roughness." Hydraulic Model Report No. CH76/10, School of Civil Engineering, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 112 pages (ISBN 9781864999884). CHANSON, H., and DOCHERTY, N.J. (2010). "Unsteady Turbulence in Tidal Bores: Ensemble-Average or VITA?" Proc. 17th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, 5-9 Dec., 4 pages. DOCHERTY, N.J., and CHANSON, H. (2011). "Unsteady Turbulence Measurements in Breaking Tidal Bores including the Effect of Bed Roughness." Proc. 34th IAHR World Congress, Brisbane, Australia, 26 June-1 July, Engineers Australia Publication, Eric VALENTINE, Colin APELT, James BALL, Hubert CHANSON, Ron COX, Rob ETTEMA, George KUCZERA, Martin LAMBERT, Bruce MELVILLE and Jane SARGISON Editors, pp. 1039-1046 (ISBN 978-0-85825-868-6). CHANSON, H., and DOCHERTY, N.J. (2012). "Turbulent Velocity Measurements in Open Channel Bores." European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids, Vol. 32, pp. 52-58 (DOI 10.1016/j.euromechflu.2011.10.001) (ISSN 0997-7546). DOCHERTY, N.J., and CHANSON, H. (2012). "Physical Modelling of Unsteady Turbulence in Breaking Tidal Bores." Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 138, No. 5, pp. (DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0000542) (ISSN 0733-9429). REICHSTETTER, R. (2011). "Hydraulic Modelling of Unsteady Open Channel Flow: Physical and Analytical Validation of Numerical Models of Positive and Negative Surges." MPhil thesis, School of Civil Engineering, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 112 pages. KHEZRI, N., and CHANSON, H. (2011). "Inception of Gravel Bed Motion beneath Tidal Bores: an Experimental Study." Proc. 34th IAHR World Congress, Brisbane, Australia, 26 June-1 July, Engineers Australia Publication, Eric VALENTINE, Colin APELT, James BALL, Hubert CHANSON, Ron COX, Rob ETTEMA, George KUCZERA, Martin LAMBERT, Bruce MELVILLE and Jane SARGISON Editors, pp. 1077-1084 (ISBN 978-0-85825-868-6). KHEZRI, N., and CHANSON, H. (2012). "Inception of Bed Load Motion beneath a Bore." Geomorphology, Vol. 153-154, pp. 39-47 (DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2012.02.006) (ISSN 0169-555X). KHEZRI, N., and CHANSON, H. (2012). "Sediment Inception under Breaking Tidal Bores." Mechanics Research Communications, Vol. 41, pp. 49-53 (DOI 10.1016/j.mechrescom.2012.02.010) (ISSN 0093-6413). KHEZRI, N., and CHANSON, H. (2012). "Undular and Breaking Tidal Bores on Fixed and Movable Gravel Beds." Journal of Hydraulic Research, IAHR, Vol. 50, No. 4, pp. 353-363 (DOI: 10.1080/00221686.2012.686200) (ISSN 0022-1686). KHEZRI, N., and CHANSON, H. (2013). "Simultaneous Measurements of Turbulent Velocity and Sediment Motion under Tidal Bores." Proc. 35th IAHR World Congress, Chengdu, China, 8-13 Sept., WANG Z., LEE, J.H.W., GAO, J., and CAO S. Editors, Paper A10216, 10 pages (ISBN 978-7-302-33544-3). CHANSON, H., and TOI, Y.H. (2013). "Breaking Tidal Bore: Comparison between Field Data and Laboratory Experiments." Proc. 21ème Congrès Français de Mécanique CFM 2013, Bordeaux, France, 26-30 Aug., 6 pages. TOI, Y.H., and CHANSON, H. (2013). "Turbulent Mixing in Breaking Tidal Bores: Comparison between Field and Laboratory Data." Proc. 35th IAHR World Congress, Chengdu, China, 8-13 Sept., WANG Z., LEE, J.H.W., GAO, J., and CAO S. Editors, Paper A10201, 10 pages (ISBN 978-7-302-33544-3). SIMON, B., and CHANSON, H. (2013). "Turbulence Measurements in Tidal Bore-like Positive Surges over a Rough Bed." Hydraulic Model Report No. CH90/12, School of Civil Engineering, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 176 pages (ISBN 9781742720685). SUN, S., LENG, X., and CHANSON, H. (2014). "Rapid Operation of a Tainter Gate: the Transient Flow Motion." in "Hydraulic Structures and Society – Engineering Challenges and Extremes", The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, Proceedings of the 5th IAHR International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures (ISHS2014), 25-27 June 2014, Brisbane, Australia, H. CHANSON and L. TOOMBES Editors, 8 pages (DOI: 10.14264/uql.2014.27) (ISBN 978-1-74272-115-6). LENG, X., and CHANSON, H. (2014). "Turbulent Advances of Breaking Bores: Experimental Observations." Hydraulic Model Report No. CH96/14, School of Civil Engineering, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 40 pages (ISBN 978 1 74272 130 9). LENG, X., and CHANSON, H. (2015). "Turbulent Advances of a Breaking Bore: Preliminary Physical Experiments." Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol. 62, pp. 70-77 (DOI: 10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2014.12.002) (ISSN 0894-1777). LENG, X., and CHANSON, H. (2015). "Breaking Bore: Physical Observations of Roller Characteristics." Mechanics Research Communications, Vol. XXX (DOI: 10.1016/j.mechrescom.2015.02.008) (ISSN 0093-6413). Field observations Study period Topic Instrumentation 2000 Experimental researcher H. CHANSON Dordogne River 2004 H.. CHANSON Baie du Mt St Michel 2008 H. CHANSON CHANSON (2008) 2008 H. CHANSON Dordogne & Garonne Rivers, Baie du Mt St Michel Rumble sound of tidal bore, Baie du Mt St Michel Turbulence in the Garonne River Tidal Bore Camera & videocamera Camera & videocamera Camera Video-camera CHANSON (2009) 2010 2010 2012 2013 Peer-review publications CHANSON (2001) CHANSON (2004), CHANSON (2005) H. CHANSON, P. ADV Vector (64 Hz), CHANSON et al. (2010), SIMON et al. LUBIN, B. Video-camera, .... (2011), CHANSON et al. (2011) SIMON, D. REUNGOAT D. MOUAZE, H. Turbulence in the Sélune River ADV Vector (64 Hz), MOUAZE et al. (2010) CHANSON, B. Tidal Bore Video-camera, .... SIMON D. REUNGOAT, Turbulence in the Garonne MicroADV (50 Hz), REUNGOAT et al. (2012, 2013,2014a) H. CHANSON, B. River Tidal Bore Video-camera, CAPLAIN Temperature, Salinity D. REUNGOAT, Turbulence in the Garonne Nortek ADV REUNGOAT et al. (2014b), CHANSON H. CHANSON, C. River Tidal Bore Vectrino+ 3D et al. (2014), REUNGOAT et al. (2015), KEEVIL (4 receivers KEEVIL et al. (2015) downlooking head), Video-camera, CTD, OBS, Temperature, Salinity References CHANSON, H. (2001). "Flow Field in a Tidal Bore: a Physical Model." Proc. 29th IAHR Congress, Beijing, China, Theme E, Tsinghua University Press, Beijing, G. LI Ed., pp. 365-373 (ISBN 7-302-04676-X/TV). (CD-ROM, Tsinghua University Press, ISBN 7-900637-10-9.) CHANSON, H. (2004). "Coastal Observations: The Tidal Bore of the Sélune River, Mont Saint Michel Bay, France." Shore & Beach, Vol. 72, No. 4, pp. 14-16 (ISSN 0037-4237). CHANSON, H. (2005). "Tidal Bore Processes in the Baie du Mont Saint Michel (France): Field Observations and Discussion." Proc. 31st Biennial IAHR Congress, Seoul, Korea, B.H. JUN, S.I. LEE, I.W. SEO and G.W. CHOI Editors, Theme E.4, Paper 0062, pp. 4037-4046 (ISBN 89 87898 24 5). CHANSON, H. (2008). "Photographic Observations of Tidal Bores (Mascarets) in France." Hydraulic Model Report No. CH71/08, Div. of Civil Engineering, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 104 pages, 1 movie and 2 audio files (ISBN 9781864999303). CHANSON, H. (2009). "The Rumble Sound Generated by a Tidal Bore Event in the Baie du Mont Saint Michel." Journal of Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 125, No. 6, pp. 3561-3568 (DOI: 10.1121/1.3124781) (ISSN 00014966). MOUAZE, D., CHANSON, H., and SIMON, B. (2010). "Field Measurements in the Tidal Bore of the Sélune River in the Bay of Mont Saint Michel (September 2010)." Hydraulic Model Report No. CH81/10, School of Civil Engineering, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 72 pages (ISBN 9781742720210). CHANSON, H., LUBIN, P., SIMON, B., and REUNGOAT, D. (2010). "Turbulence and Sediment Processes in the Tidal Bore of the Garonne River: First Observations." Hydraulic Model Report No. CH79/10, School of Civil Engineering, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 97 pages (ISBN 9781742720104). SIMON, B., LUBIN, P., REUNGOAT, D., and CHANSON, H. (2011). "Turbulence Measurements in the Garonne River Tidal Bore: First Observations." Proc. 34th IAHR World Congress, Brisbane, Australia, 26 June-1 July, Engineers Australia Publication, Eric VALENTINE, Colin APELT, James BALL, Hubert CHANSON, Ron COX, Rob ETTEMA, George KUCZERA, Martin LAMBERT, Bruce MELVILLE and Jane SARGISON Editors, pp. 1141-1148 (ISBN 978-0-85825-868-6). CHANSON, H., REUNGOAT, D., SIMON, B., and LUBIN, P. (2011). "High-Frequency Turbulence and Suspended Sediment Concentration Measurements in the Garonne River Tidal Bore." Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, Vol. 95, No. 2-3, pp. 298-306 (DOI 10.1016/j.ecss.2011.09.012) (ISSN 0272-7714). REUNGOAT, D., CHANSON, H., and CAPLAIN, B. (2012). "Field Measurements in the Tidal Bore of the Garonne River at Arcins (June 2012)." Hydraulic Model Report No. CH89/12, School of Civil Engineering, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 121 pages (ISBN 9781742720616). REUNGOAT, F., CAPLAIN, B., and CHANSON, H. (2013). "Field Measurements in the Tidal Bore of the Garonne River after a Recent Flood." Proc. Coastal Dynamics 2013, 7th International Conference on Coastal Dynamics, Arcachon, France, 24-28 June, pp. 1309-1318. REUNGOAT, D., CHANSON, H., and CAPLAIN, B. (2014a). "Sediment Processes and Flow Reversal in the Undular Tidal Bore of the Garonne River (France)." Environmental Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 591–616 (DOI: 10.1007/s10652-013-9319-y) (ISSN 1567-7419 [Print] 1573-1510 [Online]). REUNGOAT, D., CHANSON, H., and KEEVIL, C. (2014b). "Turbulence, Sedimentary Processes and Tidal Bore Collision in the Arcins Channel, Garonne River (October 2013)." Hydraulic Model Report No. CH94/14, School of Civil Engineering, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 145 pages (ISBN 9781742721033). CHANSON, H., REUNGOAT, D., and KEEVIL, C. (2014). "Unsteady Turbulence in a Tidal Bore: Field Measurements in the Garonne River in October 2013." Proceedings of 19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Melbourne, Australia, Paper 118, 4 pages (ISBN 978-0-646-59695-2). REUNGOAT, D., CHANSON, H., and KEEVIL, C.E. (2015). "Field Measurements of Unsteady Turbulence in a Tidal Bore: the Garonne River in October 2013." Journal of Hydraulic Research, IAHR, Vol. XX (DOI: 10.1080/00221686.2015.1021717) (ISSN 0022-1686). KEEVIL, C.E., CHANSON, H., and REUNGOAT, D. (2015). "Fluid Flow and Sediment Entrainment in the Garonne River Bore and Tidal Bore Collision." Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, Vol. XX (ISSN 0197-9337). Review papers Study period 2003-2005 2008-2009 Main researcher H. CHANSON H. CHANSON 2009 2010 2012 2012 H. CHANSON H. CHANSON H. CHANSON, P. LUBIN, S. GLOCKNER H. CHANSON 2013 H. CHANSON Topic Environmental impact of tidal bores Book Undular tidal bores Physical and numerical modelling of bores Fluid dynamics of tidal bores Field observations and Modelling of tidal bores Peer-review publications CHANSON (2004), CHANSON (2005) CHANSON (2009, 2010, 2011) World Scientific, 2011 CHANSON (2010) CHANSON et al. (2012) - Book chapter CHANSON (2013) - Book chapter CHANSON (2013) - Invited lecture References CHANSON, H. (2004). "Mixing and Dispersion Role of Tidal Bores." in "Fluvial, Environmental & Coastal Developments in Hydraulic Engineering", Balkema, Leiden, The Netherlands, Proc. Intl Workshop on State-of-the-Art Hydraulic Engineering, 16-19 Feb. 2004, Bari, Italy, M. MOSSA, Y. YASUDA and H. CHANSON Ed., pp. 223-232 (ISBN 04 1535 899 X). CHANSON, H. (2005). "Mascaret, Aegir, Pororoca, Tidal Bore. Quid ? Où? Quand? Comment? Pourquoi ?" Jl La Houille Blanche, No. 3, pp. 103-114 (ISSN 00186368) (in French). CHANSON, H. (2009). "Environmental, Ecological and Cultural Impacts of Tidal Bores, Benaks, Bonos and Burros." Proc. International Workshop on Environmental Hydraulics IWEH09, Theoretical, Experimental and Computational Solutions, Valencia, Spain, 29-30 Oct., P.A. LOPEZ-JIMENEZ, V.S. FUERTES-MIQUEL, P.L. IGLESIAS-REY, G. LOPEZ-PATINO, F.J. MARTINEZ-SOLANO, and G. PALAU-SALVADOR Eds., Invited keynote lecture, 20 pages (CD-ROM). CHANSON, H. (2010). "Tidal Bores, Aegir and Pororoca: the Geophysical Wonders." Proc. of 17th Congress of IAHR Asia and Pacific Division, IAHR-APD, Auckland, New Zealand, 21-24 Feb., B. MELVILLE, G. DE COSTA, and T. SWANN Eds., Invited keynote lecture, 18 pages (ISBN 0-86869-125-9). CHANSON, H. (2010). "Undular Bores." Proc. Second International Conference on Coastal Zone Engineering and Management (Arabian Coast 2010), November 1-3, 2010, Muscat, Oman, Invited plenary lecture, 12 pages. CHANSON, H. (2011). "Current Knowledge in Tidal bores and their Environmental, Ecological and Cultural Impacts." Environmental Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 77-98 (DOI: 10.1007/s10652-009-9160-5). CHANSON, H., LUBIN, P., and GLOCKNER, S. (2012). "Unsteady Turbulence in a Shock: Physical and Numerical Modelling in Tidal Bores and Hydraulic Jumps." in "Turbulence: Theory, Types and Simulation", Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge NY, USA, Ed. R.J. MARCUSO, Chapter 3, pp.113-148 (ISBN 978-1-61761-735-5). CHANSON, H. (2013). "Environmental Fluid Dynamics of Tidal Bores: Theoretical Considerations and Field Observations." in "Fluid Mechanics of Environmental Interfaces", Taylor & Francis, Leiden, The Netherlands, C. GUALTIERI and D.T. MIHAILOVIC Editors, 2nd edition, Chapter 10, pp. 295-321 (ISBN 9780415621564). CHANSON, H. (2013). "Tidal Bore Research: Field Works, Physical Modeling, CFD & More." Proc. 35th IAHR World Congress, Chengdu, China, 8-13 Sept., WANG Z., LEE, J.H.W., GAO, J., and CAO S. Editors, Invited lecture, Paper A12210, 11 pages (ISBN 978-7-302-33544-3). CHANSON, H. (2011). "Tidal Bores, Aegir, Eagre, Mascaret, Pororoca: Theory and Observations." World Scientific, Singapore (ISBN 9789814335416). Numerical Modelling Study period 2006-2007 Main researcher(s) S. FURUYAMA 2008 P. LUBIN & S. GLOCKNER P. LUBIN, S. GLOCKNER, B. SIMON M. REICHSTETTER 2010-2011 2010-2011 Numerical method Peer-review publications Cubic-Interpolated Pseudo-particle FURUYAMA and CHANSON (2008,2010) (CIP) Combined Unified Procedure (CIP-CUP or C-CUP) method equipped with a Large Eddy Simulation (LES) model 2D Large Eddy Simulation (LES) LUBIN et al. (2010a,b) 3D Large Eddy Simulation (LES) Method of characteristics, St Venant Equations, Flow-3DTM CHANSON et al. (2012), SIMON et al. (2011) REICHSTETTER and CHANSON (2011), REICHSTETTER (2011) References FURUYAMA, S., and CHANSON, H. (2008). "A Numerical Study of Open Channel Flow Hydrodynamics and Turbulence of the Tidal Bore and Dam-Break Flows." Report No. CH66/08, Div. of Civil Engineering, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, May, 88 pages (ISBN 9781864999068). LUBIN, P., GLOCKNER, S., and CHANSON, H. (2010). "Numerical Simulation of a Weak Breaking Tidal Bore." Mechanics Research Communications, Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 119-121 (DOI: 10.1016/j.mechrescom.2009.09.008) (ISSN 0093-6413). LUBIN, P., CHANSON, H., and GLOCKNER, S. (2010). "Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulence Generated by a Weak Breaking Tidal Bore." Environmental Fluid Mechanics, Vol. (DOI: 10.1007/s10652-009-9165-0) (ISSN 1567-7419 [Print] 1573-1510 [Online]). FURUYAMA, S., and CHANSON, H. (2010). "A Numerical Solution of a Tidal Bore Flow." Coastal Engineering Journal, Vol. 52, No. 3, pp. 215-234 (DOI: 10.1142/S057856341000218X) (ISSN 0578-5634). SIMON, B., LUBIN, P., GLOCKNER, S., and CHANSON, H. (2011). "Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of the Hydrodynamics generated by a Weak Breaking Tidal Bore." Proc. 34th IAHR World Congress, Brisbane, Australia, 26 June-1 July, Engineers Australia Publication, Eric VALENTINE, Colin APELT, James BALL, Hubert CHANSON, Ron COX, Rob ETTEMA, George KUCZERA, Martin LAMBERT, Bruce MELVILLE and Jane SARGISON Editors, pp. 1133-1140 (ISBN 978-0-85825-868-6). REICHSTETTER, M., and CHANSON, H. (2011). "Negative Surge in Open Channel: Physical, Numerical and Analytical Modelling." Proc. 34th IAHR World Congress, Brisbane, Australia, 26 June-1 July, Engineers Australia Publication, Eric VALENTINE, Colin APELT, James BALL, Hubert CHANSON, Ron COX, Rob ETTEMA, George KUCZERA, Martin LAMBERT, Bruce MELVILLE and Jane SARGISON Editors, pp. 2306-2313 (ISBN 978-0-85825-868-6). REICHSTETTER, R. (2011). "Hydraulic Modelling of Unsteady Open Channel Flow: Physical and Analytical Validation of Numerical Models of Positive and Negative Surges." MPhil thesis, School of Civil Engineering, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 112 pages. CHANSON, H., LUBIN, P., and GLOCKNER, S. (2012). "Unsteady Turbulence in a Shock: Physical and Numerical Modelling in Tidal Bores and Hydraulic Jumps." in "Turbulence: Theory, Types and Simulation", Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge NY, USA, Ed. R.J. MARCUSO, Chapter 3, pp.113-148 (ISBN 978-1-61761-735-5). Theoretical analyses Study period 2008 2010 Main researcher(s) H. CHANSON H. CHANSON 2013-2014 H. CHANSON Theoretical developments Undular wave theory Momentum considerations in tidal bores Effect of bed slope and friction on momentum considerations in tidal bores Peer-review publications CHANSON (2009,2010) CHANSON (2012) CHANSON (2013), LENG and CHANSON (2015) References CHANSON, H. (2009). "Current Knowledge In Hydraulic Jumps And Related Phenomena. A Survey of Experimental Results." European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 191-210 (DOI: 10.1016/j.euromechflu.2008.06.004). CHANSON, H. (2010). "Undular Tidal Bores: Basic Theory and Free-surface Characteristics." Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 136, No. 11, pp. 940944 (DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0000264). CHANSON, H. (2012). "Momentum Considerations in Hydraulic Jumps and Bores." Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 138, No. 4, pp. 382-385 (DOI 10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0000409) (ISSN 0733-9437). CHANSON, H. (2013). "Tidal Bore Research: Field Works, Physical Modeling, CFD & More." Proc. 35th IAHR World Congress, Chengdu, China, 8-13 Sept., WANG Z., LEE, J.H.W., GAO, J., and CAO S. Editors, Invited lecture, Paper A12210, 11 pages (ISBN 978-7-302-33544-3). LENG, X., and CHANSON, H. (2015). "Breaking Bore: Physical Observations of Roller Characteristics." Mechanics Research Communications, Vol. XXX (DOI: 10.1016/j.mechrescom.2015.02.008) (ISSN 0093-6413). Not without risks….. Hubert Chanson’s experience on 25/8/2013 on the Garonne River (France) 8 stitches, numerous cuts and bruises, a broken board ….
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