Czech Technical University in Prague Faculty of Civil Engineering Pozvánka na přednášku pořádanou Katedrou hydrauliky a hydrologie Fakulty stavební, ČVUT v Praze: The GEOSS Asian Water Cycle Initiative (AWCI) and Water Cycle Integrator Přednášející: Dr. Petra Koudelová z University of Tokyo je absolventka naší fakulty a diplomantka na KHH. Koná se: v úterý 31. března 2015, 10:00, Thákurova 7, B880. Abstrakt přednášky: The lecture will provide overview of the research activities under the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) Asian Water Cycle Initiative (AWCI), in particular the process of development and practical use implementation of an advanced river management system for supporting Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) practices in Asian river basins. The system is based on integration of data from earth observation satellites and in-situ networks with other types of data, including numerical weather prediction model outputs, climate model outputs, geographical information, and socio-economic data. The system builds on the Water and Energy Budget Distributed Hydrological Model (WEB-DHM) that was adapted for specific conditions of studied basins, in particular snow and glacier phenomena and equipped with other functions such as dam operation optimization scheme and a set of tools for climate change impact assessment to be able to generate relevant information for policy and decision makers. In situ data were archived for 18 selected basins at the Data Integration and Analysis System of Japan (DIAS) and demonstration projects were carried out showing potential of the new system. It included climate change impact assessment on hydrological regimes, which is presently a critical step for sound management decisions. CV Petra Koudelová has been serving as an International Coordinator of the Water Cycle Data Integrator Unit activities at the University of Tokyo, Department of Civil Engineering. This includes promoting international collaboration, assisting in the development of an academic foundation using the Data Integration and Analysis System (DIAS) of Japan and promoting integration of water cycle related models and tools and their applications in operational use. After receiving her Master degree in the field of Water Structures and Water Resources Management from The Czech Technical University, Faculty of Civil Engineering in Prague in 1998, and the PhD degree in Hydrology from The University of Tokyo, Department of Civil Engineering in 2002, Koudelová worked at the River and Environmental Engineering Laboratory of the University of Tokyo, Dept. of Civil Engineering as a researcher focusing on hydrological modeling in the Tibetan Plateau. Since 2005 she has been serving as an International Coordinator of several international projects (WCRP/GEWEX/CEOP (till 2010), GEOSS AWCI (Asia) and GEOSS AfWCCI (Africa)) researching into the energy and water cycle from local to global scales and pursuing exploitation of earth observation data and advanced tools in practical use for supporting integrated water resources management. Affiliation The University of Tokyo, Department of Civil Engineering, River and Environmental Engineering Laboratory ( – The Water Cycle Data Integrator Unit ( sponsored by the Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. (the oldest independent consulting firm in Japan). The aim of the Water Cycle Data Integrator (WCI) unit is to promote research activities, education, and operational implementation of the data integration approach for addressing water cycle related issues. Integration of Earth observation data with local measurements and information on water cycle and water-related fields including climate, food, health, energy, biodiversity as well as disasters and economics is essential for holistic understanding of water cycle variability changes, improving capability to predict them, quantitatively evaluate their impact on society, and propose adequate adaptation measures. Such data integration function has been enabled by the Data Integration and Analysis System (DIAS), which was launched in 2006 at the University of Tokyo and has been progressing towards provision of operational services. The WCI unit pursues maximum exploitation of DIAS as a data information infrastructure for generating public benefits at both domestic and international scene. Kontaktní osoba: Vojtěch Bareš, tel. 224 354 339, [email protected]
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