AB Ukulele Book Published by Ashley Entertainment Corporation 7370 Eastgate Rd., Bldg M, Suite 155, Henderson, Nevada 89011 Under license from Music Sales Corporation 275 Park Avenue South, New York, NY10010. Published in 2011 by Ashley Entertainment Corporation under license from Music Sales Corp. All Rights reserved. International Copyright Secured No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means , including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the publisher. This book Copyright © 2008 Amsco Publications, A Division of Music Sales Corporation, New York Unauthorized reproduction of any part of this publication by any means including photocopying is an infringement of copyright. Written by Steven Sproat Edited by Ann Barkway Music processed by Paul Ewers Music Design Cover and book design by Samantha Marshall & Kay Leung Photography by Matthew Ward and Geoff Green Printed in the China Images courtesy of: Henry Diltz/Corbis (Tiny Tim), page 5 Hal Roach/MGM/The Kobal Collection (Laurel and Hardy, from Sons of the Desert), page 5 Getty Images (George Formby), page 5 Gab Archives/Redferns (Cliff “Ukulele Ike” Edwards), page 31 LFI (Joe Brown), page 31 Your Guarantee of Quality: As publishers, we strive to produce every book to the highest commercial standards. The music has been freshly engraved and the book has been carefully designed to minimize awkward page turns and to make playing from it a real pleasure. Throughout, the printing and binding have been planned to ensure a sturdy, attractive publication which should give years of enjoyment. If your copy fails to meet our high standards, please inform us and we will gladly replace it. www.ashleyentertainmentcorp.com AB Ukulele Book v.7:AB Guitar Book 06/07/2011 13:37 Page 3 Contents Introduction 4 More chords 22 History of the ukulele 5 3-String technique 23 Which instrument? 6 My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean 24 Shopping around 7 Molly Malone 25 Parts of the ukulele 8 Fingerpicking 26 Tuning 9 Speed it up 27 Holding your instrument 10 My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean 28 Playing chords 11 Adding color 30 First five chords 12 Familiar tunes 31 Strumming 14 Yellow Rose Of Texas 32 Downstrokes & Upstrokes 15 My Grandfather’s Clock 34 Counting beats 17 Mama Don’t ’Low 36 Let’s play! 18 Happy strumming! 37 Rivers Of Babylon 19 Chord dictionary 38 Nobody Knows The Trouble I’ve Seen 20 CD track listing 40 3 AB Ukulele Book v.7:AB Guitar Book 4 06/07/2011 13:37 Page 4 Introduction Welcome to Absolute Beginners Ukulele. The ukulele has been around for more than 100 years but has been enjoying a 21st-century worldwide revival! This often misunderstood instrument will open up a whole new world to you as you explore its history, charm and versatility. The “uke” is stylish, portable and loveable... so read on! Easy-to-follow instructions will guide you through: s History of the ukulele s Tuning s Parts of the ukulele s First chords s Strumming s Fingerpicking Listen to the CD several times to get the hang of how the chords and exercises sound. Once you’ve got them in your head, playing is so much easier. Practice is very important: little and often is best. If you can practice for just 15 minutes every day, that will make you a better uke player than practicing for two hours just once a week. Your fingers need to adjust and get used to stretching, especially for changing chords. This might be the first-ever instrument that you’ve wanted to learn and it will take time and patience – but it gets easier. Get to know the names of the chords and how they are positioned. This will help build up your speed when you learn new songs, as you will start to recognize familiar chords. AB Ukulele Book v.7:AB Guitar Book 06/07/2011 13:37 Page 5 History of the ukulele The ukulele has its origins in both Portugal and Hawaii. According to various sources, back in the 1890s some Portuguese travelers made a long voyage to Hawaii, taking with them their native instruments including the braguinha and the cavaquinho. The local islanders were enchanted with the selfaccompaniment that these instruments allowed and the ukulele was developed and made popular. It was nicknamed “dancing flea” or “jumping flea.” In the 1920s and 1930s the ukulele had huge popularity in the United States and Europe with most sheet music showing ukulele chord boxes. The great Laurel & Hardy even used the instrument in Sons Of The Desert (below). The ukulele waned in popularity during the 1950s when rock ’n’ roll was emerging. However, various artists, including Tiny Tim (above), brought it back into the limelight in the 1960s, and the Ukulele Orchestra Of Great Britain (below) has helped establish the ukulele throughout the past two decades by showing how versatile an instrument it can be and how much fun can be had with it. In the UK, the comic singer George Formby (left) played the ukulele in his developing career but became more widely known for playing a “banjo uke” or ukulele banjo – a standard ukulele with the body of a banjo. The late George Harrison was a big uke fan and Paul McCartney, along with Brian May, Joe Brown and Elvis Costello, have all been pictured with the instrument. There are now other young fine exponents of the ukulele who have taken the instrument to its limits (see page 37), proving that this is an instrument worth learning. 5 AB Ukulele Book AB Guitar Book 6 6/7/11 13:38 Page 6 Which instrument? There are actually four members of the ukulele family (five if you count the ukulele banjo). They are: s s s s Soprano Concert Tenor Baritone The most popular type is the soprano or standard size ukulele – it’s the smallest and has a higher pitch compared to the others in the family. It is usually tuned to G–C–E–A. The next size up is the concert, which has a bigger body and extended fingerboard. It is tuned in the same way as a regular ukulele but is usually a little louder and more mellow. The tenor size is often used when playing complicated classical or jazz pieces where “solo” chord playing and individual strings are plucked. Precision players such as Lyle Ritz, Elias Sibley, James Hill and Jake Shimabukuro tend to prefer tenor instruments. Lastly and perhaps the least popular are baritone ukes. These are almost like a guitar in size but with a narrow fingerboard, and can be tuned in several ways. The ukulele banjo (or banjo uke) As popularized by the late George Formby in the 1930s and 1940s, the banjo uke has a much louder, harsher sound compared to the lilt of a standard ukulele. There are several tunings for this instrument. Generally the playing style is the same but certain strumming techniques work better with a banjo uke than a standard ukulele and vice versa. Soprano Concert Tenor Baritone AB Ukulele Book v.7:AB Guitar Book 06/07/2011 13:38 Page 7 Shopping around Buying a ukulele These days, because of the popularity of the ukulele and cheap imports, it is possible to own a reasonably good instrument. Try to check out a music shop that has several models to look at, and be inquisitive. Compare what you’re getting (or not getting) for your money. Avoid the very cheap models, which are often brightly colored, and be prepared to move up a model or two! This ensures that your uke will have decent tuning pegs and be reasonably set up and ready to play. There are also some fine luthiers making excellent ukuleles too: Phil Davidson, Phil Cartwright and Pete Howlett are just a few makers producing highquality ukes. Jargon Buster Luthier. Someone who makes or repairs stringed instruments.The word “luthier” comes from the French word for lute, luth. Old or “vintage” instruments are extremely sought after and cost thousands of dollars, but once you’ve developed your playing you might wish to consider buying an old one – but do seek advice. Tip When you’re at home, keep your uke away from radiators or from open windows, but by all means, keep it out of its case and near your music stand – you’re more likely to play it and practice it if it’s at the ready! Looking after your instrument Avoid any extremes of temperature and don’t be tempted to leave your ukulele in a car on a hot sunny day or overnight in the trunk on a frosty day. Invest in a decent hard case for your instrument (bags or zipped cases don’t offer enough protection from weather or knocks). 7 AB Ukulele Book v.7:AB Guitar Book 8 06/07/2011 13:38 Page 8 Parts of the ukulele headstock tuning peg nut frets fingerboard (or fretboard) fretmarker neck fretwire body strings soundhole bout rosette saddle bridge Strings Good quality strings can make a big difference to the sound of your instrument. It is good to experiment between brands and see which strings suit your ukulele the best. Once you’re happy, you shouldn’t need to change your strings all that often (unlike a guitar). Some players keep the same ones for years! There are clear nylon and black nylon strings, and recently a company named Aquila has produced specially developed white strings called “Nylgut.” These strings (along with black nylon) usually improve the tone and give more volume on most ukuleles. AB Ukulele Book v.7:AB Guitar Book 06/07/2011 13:38 Page 9 Tuning The ukulele can be tuned in several keys, but the most popular tuning is: G C E Tip The ukulele is unusual among string instruments in that the strings are not tuned in order of pitch. Watch out for this! A These are the strings in order: G (4th string) C (3rd string) E (2nd string) A (1st string) Tuners There are various tuning aids available to keep your ukulele in correct tuning. Years ago, players were limited to pitch pipes or tuning forks but these days electronic guitar tuners are ideal. In particular, the “headstock” tuner (see below) is a neat, compact electronic tuner that clamps onto the end of your instrument, making it possible to tune conveniently and accurately. You can always refer to the CD and tune to the individual strings that we play. Track 1 Metronome A metronome acts as a time-keeper, and as the ukulele is mainly a rhythm instrument it is crucial to learn the secrets of keeping good time early on. There are electronic metronomes as well as traditional manual types. 9 AB Ukulele Book v.7:AB Guitar Book 10 06/07/2011 13:38 Page 10 Holding your instrument Sitting position This is probably the easiest way to start. Sit comfortably on a stool or chair, and hold the uke just above your hip (don’t allow the uke to sit on your lap). Your right forearm should be gently “clutching” the uke and lightly pressing into the side of your body. The left hand is offering support and balance. It should be quite relaxed, with just enough pressure to keep the uke secure. Standing position This is harder and needs more practice (especially with a banjo uke). The same principles apply as before, but practice rising out of your chair while holding or playing your ukulele, and go from sitting to standing until you feel comfortable with how you hold your instrument. It is always better to play standing up. Tip Why not try using a mirror to see how your playing looks? AB Ukulele Book v.7:AB Guitar Book 06/07/2011 13:38 Page 11 Playing chords At first, holding down a chord will seem like a challenge. You have to be able to apply enough pressure from your fingertips and also be pressing into the fingerboard just behind the fret (not actually on the fret). 2nd finger 1st finger 3rd finger 4th finger Your fingers will not be used to pressing down on the strings and so some chords will seem like a real effort and possibly make your fingertips a little sore. Be encouraged that your fingertips will harden with regular playing, and your fingers will get used to stretching. Chords that once looked near impossible become less challenging! Tip Try to keep the nails on your left hand quite short, but allow the nails on your right hand to grow longer for strumming! Sometimes it is okay to allow your thumb to appear to hang over the fretboard. On other chords you might find that pressing your thumb into the middle of the back of the neck works better – it depends on your fingers and the chord shape. 11
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