2015 International Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (ICCSIS-15) April 24-25, 2015 Pattaya (Thailand) Optimizing Web Application’s Execution Time By Caching PHP ByteCode Using Zend OPCache R. Olalia Jr., A. Bugayong, and R. Eden Abstract—In this paper, the researchers tested several factors that could affect a PHP web applications execution time such as web browsers, presence of anti-virus or anti-malware, operating system, versions of PHP, MySQL and Apache and the absence of PHP optimizer. Necessary computer has been configured and set-up to simulate stated scenario. This paper also discussed how caching PHP bytecode will greatly increase web application’s execution time. II. BACKGROUND During the development of the Student Information Management System (SIMS) by the MIS department of San Carlos College, specifically in preparation of collection report by the accounting department, it is noted the PHP web application generated a collection report for 122 seconds at the server itself. Although the process displays accurate result, the execution time is somewhat unacceptable. According to the report by Amy Gesenhues [1], the average web page load time is 7.25 seconds. The collection report composes of 56 lines of PHP codes with three nested iterations (while statement) and 4 nested selection statements, accessing a total of, by the time of testing, 39,712 records from 3 different tables but within a single database. The actual number of records that were processed was calculated by inserting a simple PHP code on the existing web app (the collection report) that will sum the records. The web application is running on a computer with an Intel i3 3.10 GHz (Quad Core) Processor, 2 Gb RAM, and 2 TB of HDD. The computer was installed with MySQL Community Server 5.6.12, Apache 2.4.4, PHP 5.4.16 and Windows 8 operating system. The said server is connected through a ProLink H5004n router (with 4 ethernet ports and 1 WAN port) and a 16-Port TP-Link (10/100Mbps) desktop switch. Index Terms—caching bytecode, optimizing web application, web application execution time, zend opcache. I. INTRODUCTION Normally, after a web application has been setup and tested to be running, it will be left until something unusual was discovered like the slow execution time and too much delay. That is one of the loopholes most developer go into during the phase of their development and maintenance. This scenario is especially true when developing web applications that stores and retrieves record from a relational database system. Added to this is the compatibility issues of web browsers, the server’s operating system, presence of antivirus and firewall, versions of PHP and Apache, and absence of PHP optimizer. This research focused on how to optimize the execution time of a PHP web applications by testing known and possible factors that may affect the throughput of the application. The hypothesis is that the researchers believe that one or more factors directly affect the speed of the execution and thus after series of testing the researchers can come up with configuration and settings that will fully optimize web application’s execution time. As a disclaimer, this research was conducted based on the scenario experienced by the researchers with their Student Information Management System (SIMS) for San Carlos College and therefore will not represent all web applications. Test result may vary from one application to another. III. FINDINGS As investigation furthers on, some assumptions on the factors affecting the execution time were drawn. Since it can be agreed that an increase in hardware performance will make the execution time even faster, the researchers disregarded it because an upgrade in server hardware is not instant and cheap. It is not also a good idea to just keep on upgrading hardware components to speed up execution time but the application is still not optimize. Table I shows factors that could affect, directly or indirectly, the web applications execution time. TABLE 1 FACTORS THAT MIGHT AFFECT EXECUTION TIME Factors that could affect execution time 1. Web Browsers 2. Presence of anti-virus / anti-malware 3. Version of Apache, MySQL and PHP 4. Operating System 5. Absence of PHP optimizer R. Olalia Jr., Head of the MIS department and a faculty member of the College of Information and Computing Studies A. Bugayong, Technical Assistant at the MIS Department of San Carlos College and a faculty member of College of Information and Computing Studies at San Carlos College, Pangasinan R. Eden, Dean of the College of Information and Computing Studies and concurrently, as Head of Quality Assurance and Standards Office of San Carlos College, San Carlos City, Pangasinan. http://dx.doi.org/10.15242/IAE.IAE0415015 35 2015 International Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (ICCSIS-15) April 24-25, 2015 Pattaya (Thailand) To be able for the researchers validate the hypothesis, they have set up the same PHP web application to run in the original server computer (as stated in the background). It can be concluded based on Table 4 that upgrade on the version of PHP, Apache and MySQL does not contributed much on the execution speed. It only lessen the execution time by 1 second on both browser. A. Web Browsers D. Operating System To narrow the testing, the web application was tested on 4 major web browsers to test if the choice of browser affects the execution time. The following table (Table II) show the execution time of each browser. Since Windows 8 is not the most appropriate operating system for a server [3] because of its memory limitation on x86 systems compare to Ubuntu[4], the researchers loaded a live Linux Debian variant (Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Trusty Thar) into the same computer through a bootable 8GB flash drive. The web application was migrated on top of the Linux OS utilizing the upgraded Apache, MySQL and PHP. Table V shows the result of the test. TABLE II EXECUTION TIME FOR EACH WEB BROWSERS. Browser Execution Time Firefox (Developer) 124 seconds Chrome 123 seconds Opera 122 seconds Internet Explorer 125 seconds TABLE V EXECUTION TIME FOR OPERA AND INTERNET EXPLORER FOR THE WEB APPLICATION RUNNING ON UBUNTU LINUX. Browser Execution Time Opera 51 seconds Internet Explorer 52 seconds Based on the result, all browsers have very little difference on the execution. Although Opera is a bit faster by 3 seconds compare to Firefox and Internet Explorer, the difference between these browsers cannot compensate the problem. After noting that Opera executes the fastest and Internet Explorer the slowest, these two browsers was used to get the execution range of web application. Surprisingly, web application running on a Linux operating system is faster than the original operating system. Execution time was increased by 58% on both Opera and Internet Explorer compare to the original recording. This criterion is a major milestone to the study and a major decision factor that may affect the MIS Department in migrating their web application to Ubuntu Linux. B. Presence of anti-virus / anti-malware The next factor that might affect the execution is the presence of any anti-virus and/or anti-malware software. These were disabled and tests are conducted again. Table III shows the result. E. Absence of PHP Optimize According to article by David Shafik,[5] PHP is a scripting language which is compiled every time it is executed. Fig. 1 shows the compilation life cycle of PHP. TABLE III EXECUTION TIME FOR OPERA AND INTERNET EXPLORER WITH ANTIVIRUS AND ANTIMALWARE DISABLED. Browser Execution Time Opera 118 seconds Internet Explorer 120 seconds With antivirus and antimalware disabled, Internet Explorer lessens execution time by 4% and Opera by 3.3%. Although time was lessen, anti-virus and anti-malware should not be disabled for security purpose. Therefore, antivirus and antimalware were re-enabled on the succeeding tests. C. PHP Version PHP has been updated regularly. Up to this writing, latest version of PHP is 5.6. With lots of addition and optimization involve in every version, updating the server’s PHP might help speed up web application’s execution time. From PHP 5.4 the server was updated to PHP 5.5. Zend Technologies has opened their product OPCache (formerly known as Zend Optimizer) and has been bundled with PHP distribution starting version 5.5 but by default is disabled.[2] Apache was also upgraded from version 2.4.4 to 2.4.7 and MySQL from version 5.6.12 to 5.6.23. The following tests were conducted with OPCache disabled. Table IV shows the execution time for Opera and Internet Explorer after the upgrade. (Note that the anti-virus and antimalware is enabled again.) Fig. 1 The PHP Compilation Life Cycle A PHP Optimizer works by storing OpCodes (compiled PHP code) into the cache. There are two scenarios during the execution while PHP optimizer is loaded. The first run will be as usual as if no optimizer is loaded and second run will be the optimized since a compiled version of the code is now present.[6] Fig. 2 shows the whole process. TABLE IV EXECUTION TIME FOR OPERA AND INTERNET EXPLORER UTILIZING PHP 5.5. Browser Execution Time Opera 120 seconds Internet Explorer 124 seconds http://dx.doi.org/10.15242/IAE.IAE0415015 36 2015 International Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (ICCSIS-15) April 24-25, 2015 Pattaya (Thailand) department of San Carlos College. Appropriate test are conducted setting each scenario in a controlled environment. While some other factors didn’t affect much of the execution time, the choice of operating system and proper configuration and utilization of PHP optimizer did the job expected. It is therefore recommended by the researchers that a bold move to migrate the web application stated in the background of the study be done and Zend OPCache be implemented to solve the aforementioned problem. ACKNOWLEDGMENT Authors would like to thank the administration of San Carlos College for supporting our research financially and for the encouragement bestowed during the conduct of the research. To our relatives and love ones who continue to believe in us and pray for the success of the research. To God be the glory! REFERENCES [1] Fig. 2 The PHP Compilation Life Cycle with OPCache To test, OPCache was enabled once again and will be run twice, recording the difference between the execution time. Browser’s history are erased to make sure browsers cache will not be loaded during the test. A great leap of speed was recorded as shown in Table VI. [2] [3] TABLE VI EXECUTION TIME FOR OPERA AND INTERNET EXPLORER FOR THE WEB APPLICATION RUNNING ON UBUNTU LINUX WITH OPCACHE IMPLEMENTED. Browser Execution Time Execution Time (1st run) (2ndrun) Opera 51 seconds 4 seconds Internet Explorer 52 seconds 4 seconds [4] [5] [6] The first execution recorded the same with the result with no OPCache enabled (refer to Table V). This is because according to figure 2 when no OPCache was detected by the optimizer, normal life cycle of the execution will be done. However, after the second execution, both Opera and IE generated the needed report for only 4 seconds. That is 96.7% less in execution time for Opera and 96.8% for Internet Explorer. Romulo L. Olalia Jr. was born at Bautista, Pangasinan, Philippines on September 17, 1981. He graduated BS Computer Science in 2004 at Lyceum-Northwestern University in Dagupan City, Philippines and recently earned his Master in Information Technology in 2013 at Colegio de Dagupan, Dagupan City, Philippines. He is currently working as the Head of the MIS department and a faculty member of the College of Information and Computing Studies at San Carlos College, Pangasinan. Mr. Olalia has published an article in the institutional level and in an international journal. IV. CONCLUSION While it can be noted that several factors might affect a web applications execution time, the most noted criteria are the change in operating system and the utilization of Zend OPCache. However, the researchers didn’t conduct a comprehensive test on the different operating systems with regards to using it as a server for web application. There is also no comparison on the optimization capability of other PHP optimizer aside from what comes from Zend which is OPCache. This study was initiated with a problem in mind which was personally encountered by the researchers in the MIS http://dx.doi.org/10.15242/IAE.IAE0415015 Gesenhues, A. (March 2013). Top Retail Websites Not Getting Faster: Average Web Page Load Time is 7.25 Seconds. [Online] Available: http://marketingland. com/retail-website-load-times-continue-to-decline-with-a-22-decreaseduring-the-last-year-37604 Fidoloper. (2013). Speed up you PHP application with Zend OPCache. [Online] Available: http://fideloper.com/install-zend-opcache Microsoft. (2015). Memory limits for Windows and \ Windows Server Releases. [Online] Available: https://msdn.microsoft.com/enus/library/windows/desktop/aa366778%28v=vs.85%29.aspx#physical _memory_limits_windows_8 AskUbuntu. (2011). Does Ubuntu desktop 32bit support more than 4GB of Memory with Default Installation. [Online] Available: http://askubuntu.com/questions/20049/does-ubuntu-desktop-32bitsupport-more-than-4gb-memory-with-default-installation Shafik, D. (2013). PHP Performnce I: Everything you need to know about OPCode Cache. [Online] Available: https://support.cloud.engineyard.com/entries/26902267-PHPPerformance-I-Everything-You-Need-to-Know-About-OpCodeCaches StackOverflow. C2014. OPCache – understanding how the cache orks. Retrieved at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20329035/opcacheunderstanding-how-the-cache-works-per-user-or-per-resource Alfie V. Bugayong was born in San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines on June 2, 1990. He graduated BS Computer Science in 2010 at Binalatongan Community College, San Carlos City, Philippines. He earned his Master in Information Technology in 2013 at Colegio de Dagupan, Dagupan City, Philippines. He is currently working as Technical Assistant at the MIS Department of San Carlos College and a faculty member of College of Information and Computing Studies of the same institution. Mr. Bugayong has published an article in the institutional level and in an international journal. 37 2015 International Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (ICCSIS-15) April 24-25, 2015 Pattaya (Thailand) Roldan B. Eden was born at Mangaldan, Pangasinan, Philippines on Jne 12, 1975. He graduated BS Computer Science in 1997 at Asiacareer College, Dagupan City, Philippines. He earned his Master of Science in Information Technology in 2007 at Saint Louis University, Baguio City, Philippines and completed his academic requiremends for his doctoral degree in Information Technology at Technological Institute of the Philippines, Quezon City, Philippines. He is currently working as Dean of the College of Information and Computing Studies and concurrently, as Head of Quality Assurance and Standards Office of San Carlos College, San Carlos City, Pangasinan. Mr. Eden has published an article in the institutional level in the area of data mining. http://dx.doi.org/10.15242/IAE.IAE0415015 38
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