International Conference on Mechanical And Industrial Engineering (ICMAIE’2015) Feb. 8-9, 2015 Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) Optimization of a Two Joint Cross-Ply Laminated Conical Shells to Minimize the Natural Frequencies F. Bakhtiari-Nejad, and E. Alavi Abstract -This study deals with the vibrational behavior of two joined cross-ply laminated conical shells. Natural frequencies and mode shapes are investigated. Joined conical shells can be considered as a general case for joined cylindrical-conical shells, joined cylinderplates or cone-plates, cylindrical and conical shells with stepped thicknesses and also annular plates. Governing equations are obtained using thin-walled shallow shell theory of Donnell type and Hamilton’s principle. The equations are solved assuming trigonometric response in circumferential directions and series solution in meridional directions. All combinations of boundary conditions can be assumed in this method. The effects of semi-vertex angle, meridional length and shell thickness on the natural frequencies and circumferential wave number of joined shells are investigated. The finite element analysis is conducted to predict the natural frequencies of isotropic and composite specimens. Index Terms— Optimization; Two joint cross play; conical; shell; Vibration behavior. I. INTRODUCTION The joined shells of revolution have many applications in various branches of engineering such as mechanical, aeronautical, marine, civil, and power engineering. The research on their mechanical behavior such as vibration characteristics under various external excitations and boundary restrictions has great importance in engineering practice. Although the results of many investigations on the vibration analysis of rotating and non-rotating conical and cylindrical shells are available [1], a few publications exist on the vibration analysis of joined conical-cylindrical shells. A numerical and experimental work was performed by Lashkari and Weingarten [3]. They employed finite element method to determine the natural frequencies and mode shapes of joined conical–cylindrical shells. Irie et al. [4] used the transfer matrix approach to solve the free vibration of joined isotropic cylindrical–conical shells. Efraim and Eisenberger [5] applied a power series solution to calculate the natural frequencies of segmented axisymmetric shells using the theory of Reissner. Patel et al. [6] presented results for laminated composite joined conical–cylindrical shells with first order shear deformation theory (FSDT) using finite element method (FEM). The free vibration of joined complete cone-cylinder was also investigated using FEM by Ozakca and Hinton [7] with a 305 DOF cubic four-nodded C0 Mindlin–Reissner element model. Firooz Bakhtiari-Nejad, Professor, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran Iran Ehsan Alavi , MS Student Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran Iran, [email protected] 32 El Damatty et al. [8] performed experimental and numerical investigation to assess the behavior of the joined conicalcylindrical shells. Recently, Caresta and Kessissoglou [9] analyzed the free vibrations of joined truncated conicalcylindrical shells.. Kamat et al. [10] studied the dynamic instability of a joined conical-cylindrical shell subjected to periodic in-plane load using C0 two-nodded shear deformable shell element. Sivadas and Ganesan [11] have analyzed cylinder-cone, cylinder-plate and stiffened shells for their free vibration characteristics using a high-order semi-analytical finite element solution. Lee et al. [12] studied the free vibration characteristics of the joined spherical–cylindrical shell with various boundary conditions using Flügge shell theory and modal testing. In this study, joint cylindrical shells were investigated. Joint conical shells can be considered as a general mode for joint conical-cylindrical shells [13], joint cylindrical-plate [14],, cylindrical shells with various thicknesses [16], conical shells with various thicknesses [17] and annular plates [18], can be considered. In addition, the changes in the levels of conical and cylindrical shells were considered. Governing equations are obtained using thin-walled shallow shell theory of Donnelly type and Hamilton’s principle. The equations were solved assuming trigonometric response in circumferential directions and series solution in meridional directions. All combinations of boundary conditions can be assumed in this method. The effects of semi-vertex angles, meridional lengths and shell thicknesses on the natural frequency and circumferential wave number of joined shells are investigated. Finite element analysis is conducted to predict the natural frequencies of isotropic and composite samples taken and the results are obtained in good agreement with experimental values. II. CONSTRUCTIVE EQUATIONS FOR JOINED CONICAL SHELLS Consider a set of two joined conical shells with (x,θ,z) coordinates, as shown in Fig. 1, where x is the coordinate along the cones’ generators with the origin placed at the middle of the generators, θ is the circumferential coordinate, and z is the coordinate normal to the cones’ surfaces. R1, R2 and R3 are the radii of the system of cones at its first, middle and end, respectively. The angles α1 and α2 are the semivertex angles of cones and L1 and L2 are the cone lengths along the generators. The thicknesses of cones are h1 and h2. The displacements are denoted by u, v and w along x, θ and z directions, respectively. International Conference on Mechanical And Industrial Engineering (ICMAIE’2015) Feb. 8-9, 2015 Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) w , x (6) vcos 1 w R R The parameters (𝜀𝑥 , 𝜀𝜃 , 𝛾𝑥𝜃 ) are membrane strains, and (𝐾𝑥 , 𝐾𝜃 , 𝐾𝑥𝜃 ) are flexural (bending) strains, known as the curvatures. x Fig.1 Geometry Of Two Joined Conical Shells A. Constitutive relations The stress-strain relation for cross-ply laminated conical shell can be shown as [20] The Kirchhoff hypothesis requires the displacement field (𝒖, 𝒗, 𝒘) to be such that (1) where(𝑢0 , 𝑣0 , 𝑤0 ) and (𝛽𝑥 , 𝛽𝜃 ) represent mid-plane displacements and rotation of tangents along the x and θ, respectively. The shells are made of 𝑁𝐿 layers of laminates with the fibers in 0 or 90 degrees with respect to the x axis and the stacking sequences is as shown in Fig. 2. The strains and curvature changes in the middle surface of each cone can be written by Donnell thin shell theory [19] as: Kx K K x (2) B 22 0 A ij Q ij k 1 B ij (3) B 11 B 12 0 D11 B 12 B 22 0 D12 D12 D 22 0 0 0 xx 0 B 66 x 0 K xx 0 K D 66 K x (7) k z k 1 z k i , j z 1 NL Q ij 2 k 1 k 2 k 1 1, 2, 6 z k2 i , j 1, 2, 6 (9) 1 NL Q ij k z k3 1 z k3 i , j 1, 2, 6 3 k 1 The subscript k denotes the kth layer of the laminate and ̅ 𝑄𝑖𝑗 s are transformed stiffnesses expressed for cross-ply laminates as D ij x x K x 1 x sin K K (4) R x K x 1 x 1 sin x R x R x whereR(x) is radius of the cone at any point along its length expressed as R x R 0 xsin (5) 0 0 A 66 0 0 B 66 in which (𝑁𝑥𝑥 , 𝑁𝜃𝜃 , 𝑁𝑥𝜃 ) and (𝑀𝑥𝑥 , 𝑀𝜃𝜃 , 𝑀𝑥𝜃 ) are stress and moment resultants measured per unit length, respectively and defined as NL u x x 1 v usin wcos R x x v 1 u 1 vsin x R x R x A12 A 22 0 B 12 Nx x N N x h / 2 x (8) dz M x h / 2 z x M z M x z x where(𝜎𝑥 , 𝜎𝜃 , 𝜎𝑥𝜃 ) are normal and shear stresses and (𝐴𝑖𝑗 , 𝐷𝑖𝑗 , 𝐵𝑖𝑗 ) are extensional, bending and bendingextensional coupling stiffnesses which are defined in terms of the lamina stiffnesses 𝑄𝑖𝑗 as Fig. 2 Geometry of cross-ply layers ex x e z e x x N xx A11 N A12 N x 0 M xx B 11 M B 12 M x 0 Q 11 Q11cos 4 Q 22 sin 4 , Q 12 Q12 sin 4 cos 4 Q 22 Q11sin 4 Q 22cos 4 , Q 16 0, Q 26 0 (10) Q 66 Q 66 sin 4 cos 4 , 0or 90 andφis the angle of fibers in each ply and 𝑄𝑖𝑗 are known in terms of the engineering constants: E1 E E2 Q11 , Q12 12 2 , Q 22 , Q 66 G12 (11) 1 1221 1 1221 1 1221 33 International Conference on Mechanical And Industrial Engineering (ICMAIE’2015) Feb. 8-9, 2015 Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) whereE, G and ν are elastic modulus, shear modulus and Poisson’s ratios, respectively. RN Γ B. Governing equations The strain-displacement relations (2)-(4) can be used to drive the governing equations of conical shells. Using the dynamic version of virtual work (Hamilton’s principle) we have T U V K dt (12) 0 Where e𝛿𝑈denotes the virtual strain energy, 𝛿𝑉is the virtual potential energy due to the applied loads, and 𝛿𝐾 denotes the virtual kinetic energy. x R N x u RN x M x cos w R T x v RM x R M x x (18) w RM x RN x M sin x x M x w 2 N x RV x w d 0 Thus -neglecting nonlinear terms- the primary or essential variables (i.e., generalized displacements) are 𝑢0 ،𝑣0 ،𝑤0 𝑤𝜕و0 ⁄𝜕𝑥 and secondary variables (i.e., generalized forces) are 𝑁𝑥 ،𝑇𝑥 ،𝑉𝑥 𝑥𝑀وin which M 1 M x (19) V x Qx , T x N x x cos R R III. SOLUTION PROCEDURE ( (13) By the use of trigonometric solution in θ direction u x , , t u x cos n e i t v x , , t v x sin n e i t (20) i t w x , , t w x cos n e and series solution in x direction and with the approach described by Tong [31] we have U ij ij dV V N x h /2 ij ij Rdsd dz A h / 2 A M K N x x M x K x Rdsd w V N x u T x v S x w M x Rd x Γ (15) ̂𝑥 are stress resultants at ̂𝑥 , 𝑇̂𝑥 , 𝑆̂𝑥 , 𝑀 Where parameters𝑁 boundaries, ρ is the density of the shell material, and 𝐼𝑖 s are the mass.By substitution of Eqs.(2)-(4) into Eqs.(7)-(8), neglecting 𝐼2 due to thin shell assumptions and then imposing all into Eqs.(13)-(15), we have N x 1 1 N x 2u N x N sin I0 2 R R x t 1 N N x 2 1 2v v : N x sin Q cos I 0 2 (16) R R R x t 2 Q sin 1 Q Q 1 w w : N cos x x I0 2 R R R x t Where 𝑄𝑥 and 𝑄𝜃 denote the shear resultants at x and θ directions, respectively andare defined as M x 1 1 M x Qx M x M sin R R x (17) M x 1 M 2 Q M x sin R R s The boundary conditions are then given by u : m 0 m 0 m 0 (21) where 𝑎𝑚 ،𝑏𝑚 and 𝑐𝑚 coefficients can be determined using boundary and continuity conditions. (14) x M x K x N u x am x m , v x bm x m , w x c m x m 34 A. Boundary and continuity conditions All types of boundary conditions can be used at both ends of the joined cones. The simply-supported (shear diaphragm), clamped and free boundary conditions are described as Shear-diaphragm (SD): (22) v N x M x w 0 Simply-supported: w (23) v u w 0 clamped: x free: T x N x M x V x 0 (24) All of the above mentioned boundary conditions are applicable in the current solution method. The continuity conditions at the conical shell joint can be obtained from boundary conditions in Eq. (18) as: u1 cos 1 w 1 sin 1 u 2 cos 2 w 2 sin 2 u1 sin 1 w 1 cos 1 u 2 sin 2 w 2 cos 2 v1 v 2, w 1 w 2 ,Tx 1 Tx 2 , M x 1 M x 2 x 1 x 2 (25) N x 1 cos 1 V x 1 sin 1 N x 2 cos 2 V x 2 sin 2 N x 1 sin 1 V x 1 cos 1 N x 2 sin 2 V x 2 cos 2 These continuity conditions are extracted thoroughly from Hamilton’s principle with no restriction, and guarantee the continuity of the displacements (translations and rotations) and load and moment transfer between the cones. International Conference on Mechanical And Industrial Engineering (ICMAIE’2015) Feb. 8-9, 2015 Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) This means that no flexural motion is allowed at the joint section. IV. SIMULATION PROCESSES OF THE VIBRATION OF JOINT CONICAL SHELLS, GEOMETRICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MODEL In the simulation procedure, following assumptions have been applied: material properties were considered in two separate ways, as isotropic and composite orthotropic Linear perturbation analysis for several modes which will be explained later has been done for a number of given natural frequencies. Fig .4 Iilustration Of The Isotropic Specimen With Mesh In Abacus V. COMPARISON OF ANALYTICAL AND FINITE ELEMENT RESULTS In order to verify the accuracy of the analytical model, results obtained by the solution of Equation 26 in the previous section were compared with the results of finite element analysis in Table 1 A. Results of limit elements for isotropic shells The input data for the simulation are as follows: R1 200 mm , R 2 180 mm , R 3 0 , υ 0.3 , TABLE I COMPARISON OF FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS AND ANALYTICAL SOLUTION FOR ISOTROPIC AND COMPOSITE SHELLS Composite shell Isotropic shell Vibration mode Analytical FEM Analytical FEM 0.2519 0.2513 0.2432 0.2433 1 0.2932 0.2893 0.3505 0.3498 2 0.4253 0.4205 0.5778 0.5778 3 0.6482 0.6449 0.9251 0.9279 4 0.9619 0.9625 1.3924 1.3993 5 E 68.97GPa, h1 h2 2 mm , 1 11.77 2 90 Consequently, the mesh generator model in Abacus is as follows (Figure 3). As seen the model seems a frustum attached to a circular plate which is rounded at its end. Free vibrations are also studied, so the sample isn't influenced by external loads. In addition, the sample at the lower edge of the cone is tangled and bound in all directions, and the other edge is free. In the initial conditions, all measurement parameters have a value of zero. Results Table 1 shows good agreement between the results of the analytical model and the finite element. A. Effect of geometric parameters and materials The impacts of different parameters on the natural frequencies of a few specimens have been examined. Figure 5 shows the effect of the length of cone shell (L/R1) on the lowest dimensionless vibrational parameters (Ω1) and peripheral wave number (n) of the corresponding jointcone shells. The first half apex angle of the cone is 30 °, h / R1 = 0.01and NL = 4 . Sharp points on the graph indicate the points where the peripheral wave number has changed. As can be seen , the increase in shell length decreases the natural frequencies Also, this result can be obtained that the first ( lowest ) natural frequency of the joint shells rise when α2and α1 get closer together, meaning that higher amounts of energy are required tor stimulating joint shells when α2 and α1 are clos to each other. When there is a huge difference between α1 and α2 , the first natural frequency of the mode numbers occur in the lower atmosphere (less energy is needed to excite the structure) and the lowest natural frequency of the circuit cone-plate occurs (ie, the half apex angle of one of the cones is 90 °). The effect of number of layers (NL) on the structural frequencies (Ω1) of joint asymmetric cone shells has been shown in Figure 6. The half–apex angle of the first cone is 30 °, h/R1 = 0.01 and L/R1 = 1. It is observed that increasing the number of layers of constant thickness leads in increasing the natural frequency of the shell. Increasing the number of layers in a cross-ply asymmetric laminate results in convergence of the results in the isotropic case and less Fig. 3 Illustration Of Sample Mesh Isotropic In Abacus B. Results of limit elements for composite shells Lamination of the composite material is [0/90]s and the input data for the simulation is as follows. R1 200 mm،hhmmRmm , 2 180 , 1 11.77 1 2 2 R1 200 mm،hhmmRmm 1 2 2 , 2 , 1 11.77 180 R 3 100mm , 2 90, 1600Kg / m , 12 0.33, 3 G12 4.47GPa, E 2 8.8GPa, E 1 135GPa, h 0.5mm Consequently, a model of the mesh generator will be illustrated in Figure 4 which is seen as a model of a frustum attached to a hollow circular plate at the end. 35 International Conference on Mechanical And Industrial Engineering (ICMAIE’2015) Feb. 8-9, 2015 Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) changes in the natural frequency of more than 4 layers can be seen. Fig. 5 Effect Of The L/R1on Lowest Frequency Parameters And Corresponding Environmental Mode Numbers In Asymmetric CrossPly Joint Conical Shells With Free-Clamped Boundary Conditions [𝛼 = 30°, ℎ⁄𝑅 = 0.01, 𝑁𝐿 = 4] Fig 8 Variation Of Lowest Dimensionless Frequency Parameter With Change Of Layer Thiknesses For Free-Clamped Joint AntiSymmetric Conical Shells With [𝑵 = 𝟒 , ⁄𝑹 = , 𝒉⁄𝑹 = 𝟎. 𝟎 ] VI. CONCLUSION Fig. 6 Effect Of Number Of Layers On The Lowest Frequency Parameter Of Asymmetric Conical Shells With Free-Clamped Boundary Conditions [𝛼 = 30° , 𝐿⁄𝑅 = 1 , ℎ⁄𝑅 = 0.01] Variation of lowest dimensionless frequency parameter with change of semi-vertexangles for free-clamped joined antisymmetric cross-ply conical shells with L/R1=1,h/R1=0.01 and NL=4 is presented in Fig. 7. It can be seen that maximum values of first natural frequency occurs when α2 is slightly more than α1. In addition, the cone-platecombination (i.e. α2 or α1=±90°) has the lowest values of fundamentalfrequencies and the semi-vertex angle of the cone has no significant effect on the firstnatural frequenciesin cone-plate combinations. Figure 8 presents the effects of shell thicknesses on natural frequency parameter ofthe joined shells. The semi-vertex of the first cone is set to 30o, h/R1=0.01, NL=4. Joined conical shells can be used to study several types of problems by changing the semi-vertex angles or thickness of the cones. Among these types of problem, we can mention joined cylindrical-conical shells, joined cylinder plates or cone-plates, conical and cylindrical shells with stepped thickness or change in the lamination sequence, and also annular plates. • The first natural frequency of joined shells and corresponding circumferential mode number increases when two semi-vertex angles get close to each other (i.e. higher values of energy are needed to excite the joined shells). • The fundamental frequency of joined shells increases with increase in the thickness of shells. 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Firooz Bakhtiari-Nejad, Iran, 1951 Education: PhD, Engineering; Kansas State University, USA , Aug. 1983 MS, ME; Kansas State University, USA May 1978 BS, ME; Kansas State University, USA December 1975 BS, EE; Kansas State University, USA May 1975 Research Interests: Automatic Controls, Mechanical Vibrations, Engineering Reliability, Health Monitoring, Professor, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran Iran Ehsan Alavi , MS Student Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran Iran, [email protected] 37
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