APRIL 3-4, 2015 MEGARON ATHENS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE CENTRE FREE ATTENDANCE CREDITS AWARDED ORGANIZED BY UNDER THE AUSPICES OF APRIL 3-4, 2015 MEGARON ATHENS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE CENTRE Chairman’s message Does a man’s destiny lie in his anatomy? If so, is this the natural order or is it a creation of society? Is civilized sexuality the disease of civilization? As Freud said, the direct cause of neurosis is not sexuality, but the conflict with sexuality. And if this conflict is not resolved, problems will keep emerging from this dark room we never dared or did not know how to unlock and enter. This is evident from Freud’s famous unanswered question “what does a woman want?” - in order to understand it one must ask the poets not the doctors. As Isabel Allende said, “for women, the best aphrodisiacs are words. The G-spot is in the ears. He who looks for it below there is wasting his time.” Almost a century later, the science of sexual desire has not progressed much. Indeed, as Richard Feynman, the famous Nobel award physicist, said; science has managed to send man to space but has not been able to explain what happens in a couple’s bedroom. In biology, we have deciphered the structure of chromosomes, but the structure of sexual desire still remains a mystery. While we can understand the process and mechanism of sexual acts, we have almost no clue on how our deepest and most instinctive sexual fantasies come about. In a sense we can draw parallels with astrophysics where we still have no explanation on what happened before the big bang. The aim of this symposium is to create a dialogue between science, with its known boundaries and obvious uncertainties, and the boundless creativity of the arts. These concepts are deeply interconnected; science would be unable to progress without fantasy and creativity, and art would be meaningless if the physical world was not bounded. And while art distorts life through fantasy, it is often science as well that bends the rules in order to progress, based on fantasy instead on mathematical proof. Sexuality, the mother of life and love, needs to be examined under the scientist’s microscope and the artist’s eye in order to facilitate the dialogue between the physical and the imaginary sides of sexuality. But why is this dialogue necessary? According to Octavio Paz, there are two possible answers to the carnal outbreak; loud laughter and apathy; the latter is the philosophical answer, the former the mythical one. Again, as Feynman said: “One suspects that science deems the beauty of stars, when describes them as gaseous masses.” Similarly, it might be the case that when sexuality becomes a topic of strict scientific research, it loses the magic that leads humans to heaven or hell. This is exactly the perspective under which we hope to facilitate the dialogue between strict science and the freedom of art, during our symposium. In a way that turns science to poetry and poetry to a scientific argument. Yours sincerely, Kostas Konstantinidis President of the Organizing Committee FRIDAY 3 APRIL 17.00-17.45 COMMENCEMENT CEREMONY WELCOME SPEECH BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE HELLENIC UROLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, F. SOFRAS 17.45-18.45 (ROUND TABLE) HIV: THE “FORGOTTEN” EPIDEMIC: NEW FRONTIERS Chair: P. DRETTAS • Brief History of HIV infection G. PANAYIOTAKOPOULOS • HIV Infection: Clinical picture, prevention E. SKOPELITIS • Social impact of the HIV epidemic Ο. KOSMOPOULOU 18.45-19:00 BREAK 19.00-19.40 (ROUND TABLE) MALE SUBFERTILITY Chair: EΙ. PEDIADITI • Male subfertility and sexuality V. PROTOGEROU • A couple’s genetic risk for their expected newborn and its prevention C. G. PANGALOS APRIL 3-4, 2015 MEGARON ATHENS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE CENTRE 19.40-21.00 (ROUND TABLE) RISK FACTORS IN ED Chair: CH. VLACHOPOULOS State of the Art Lecture • Sex and the Heart: How much is too much? Ch. VLACHOPOULOS State of the Art Lecture • The new Superman and Androgens P. DRETTAS State of the Art Lecture Human sexuality: Are we genetically predisposed? Ν. GEORGOPOULOS State of the Art Lecture • Sex and Image: Body image and male sexuality. Is there a correlation? Α. ATHANASIOU SATURDAY 4 APRIL 08.00-10.40 (SATELLITE SYMPOSIUM) SURGICAL TREATMENT IN SEXUAL DYSFUNCTION Chair: I. POULIAS, K. G. KONSTANTINIDIS • Peyronie’s Disease & Prosthetic Urology K.G.KONSTANTINIDIS - A. PALLANTZAS - C. FLIATOURAS • Surgical treatment of Peyronie’s Disease and Priapism A. KADIOGLOU • Da Vinci: from the ingenious artist to the ingenious machine Κ. M. KONSTANTINIDIS • Microsurgery for Fertility S. ANDREADAKIS • Gender Reassignment surgery in Belgrade: Why, how and when? V. KOJOVIC - M. DJORJEVIC • Modern diagnostics and therapy of erectile dysfunction - Surgery vs Embolization R. HERWIG 10.40-11.00 TESTICULAR SURGERY: CHANGES IN THE MUSIC (TESTOSTERONE), THE MAESTRO (SERTOLI CELLS) OR THE DANCERS (GAMETES)? Ν. SOFIKITIS 11.00-11.20 STEM CELLS AND SEXUAL HEALTH P. S. SOREN 11.20-11.30 BREAK APRIL 3-4, 2015 MEGARON ATHENS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE CENTRE 11.30-13.00 (SATELLITE SYMPOSIUM) FROM PREMATURE EJACULATION TO ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION Chair: K. G. KONSTANTINIDIS, CH. VLACHOPOULOS • Premature Ejaculation: the role of Dapoxetine EI. PEDIADITI • Erectile Dysfuction: the role of Avanafil Ν. SOFIKITIS 13.00-14.00 (SATELLITE SYMPOSIUM) WHAT IS THE IDEAL TREATMENT FOR PATIENTS SUFFERING FROM LUTS AND ED? Chair: K. G. KONSTANTINIDIS P. DRETTAS, Α. RIGAS 14.00-14.15 BREAK 14.15-14.30 IS THERE A TRUE ASSOCIATION BETWEEN BPH AND ED? Α. PAPATSORIS 14.30-14.45 THE HUMAN BRAIN AND FMRI: ARE WE ABLE TO ILLUSTRATE OUR THOUGHTS AND FANTASIES THROUGH TECHNOLOGY? P. TOULAS 14.45-15.00 THE USE OF SMARTPHONES AND WEARABLE DEVICES IN SEXUAL HEALTH Ch. KONSTANTINIDIS 15.00-15.30 BREAK SESSION 2 Coordinators: K. G. KONSTANTINIDIS, TH. LALAS 15.30-15.45 TO GET OR NOT TO GET MARRIED? Μ. JOSAFAT 15.45-16.00 FROM HOMO ERECTUS TO HOMO ARECTUS Κ. G. KONSTANTINIDIS 16.00-16.15 SYMBOLISM IN LANGUAGE AND LOVE Th. LALAS 16.15-16.30 BREAK 16.30-16.45 PHENOMENOLOGY OF ORGASM Κ. GEMENETZIS 16.45-17.00 DO WE HAVE SEX WITH OUR CHILD’S MOTHER? SEX & PREGNANCY I. MOUZALAS 17.00-17.15 THE RAISIN Th. PELEGRINIS 17.15-17.30 BREAK 17.30-17.45 LAWS AND RULES IN SEXUAL RELATIONS A. DRETTA 17.45-18.00 TURN IT ON! TECHNOLOGY CHANGES OUR LIVES S. AGGELOPOULOU 18.00-18.15 SEX & CINEMA - CINEMA & SEX Ι. TRIANTAFILLIDIS 18.15-18.45 BREAK APRIL 3-4, 2015 MEGARON ATHENS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE CENTRE 18.45-19.00 SEX BETWEEN MEN: FEARS AND FACTS P. DRETTAS 19.00-19.15 50 SHADES OF HUMAN SEXUALITY Ο. N. KACHRILAS 19.15-19.30 SEXUAL OBJECTS AND SEXUAL SUBJECTS IN ADVERTISING M. SIFONIOS 19.30-20.00 BREAK 20.00-20.15 WE PORN! HOW PORN CHANGED THE WAY WE HAVE SEX TODAY Ε. CHEIRDARI 20.15-20.30 FROM SECRET (DESIRES) TO SOCIAL (MEDIA): HOW SOCIAL MEDIA RADICALY CHANGED OUR SEX LIVES Κ. PSIHA 20.30-20.45 SEXUALITY: THE ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF SEX - ZOUGLA.GR Μ. TRIANTAFYLLOPOULOS SPEAKERS AGGELOPOULOU S., OTE Group, Corporate Responsibility Deputy Director ANDREADAKIS S., Surgeon Urologist - Andrologist, FEBU ATHANASIOU Α., Plastic surgeon, CEO and Medical Director, ABH Medical Group CHEIRDARI Ε., Sex Editor - Author DJORJEVIC M., Surgeon Urologist, Professor of Surgery, Medical School, University of Belgrade DRETTA A., Dentist, Former Director General, Ministry of Labour DRETTAS P., Surgeon Urologist - Andrologist, Director Andrology Institute, Athens FLIATOURAS C., Surgeon Urologist - Andrologist, Andrology Institute, Athens GEMENETZIS Κ., M.D., Psychoanalyst GEORGOPOULOS Ν., Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Division of Reproductive & Endocrinology, Patras Medical School HERWIG R., (Prof. Dr.), MD, PhD, Surgeon Urologist - Andrologist KACHRILAS Ο. N., Pharmacist, MSc, Sales and Marketing Director, Pharmaserve Lilly S.A.C.I. KADIOGLOU A., M.D., Professor of Urology, Istanbul Medical Faculty and Head of Andrology Department, Istanbul Medical Faculty, Vice president of Turkish Association of Urology KOJOVIC V., MD, Pediatric surgeon and urologist KONSTANTINIDIS Ch., PhD, Director, IAI London KONSTANTINIDIS Κ. G., Surgeon Urologist - Andrologist, President, International Andrology Institute KONSTANTINIDIS Κ. M., Head of General, Laparoscopic, Bariatric and Robotic Surgery, Athens Medical Center KOSMOPOULOU Ο., GP - ID Specialist, Nikaia General Hospital JOSAFAT Μ., (Dr.), M.D., DTM, MRCPsych (London), Consultant Psychiatrist & Psychoanalyst LALAS Th., Journalist, Artist MOUZALAS I., Surgeon Obstetrician - Gynecologist PALLANTZAS A., Surgeon Urologist - Andrologist APRIL 3-4, 2015 MEGARON ATHENS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE CENTRE PANAYIOTAKOPOULOS G., Assistant Professor in Clinical Pharmacology, Patras Medical School PANGALOS C. G., MD, DSc, Associate Professor of Medical Genetics (Paris V), Medical Geneticist, Director of InterGenetics S.A. PAPATSORIS Α., Ass. Professor of Urology, 2nd University Department of Urology, Athens PEDIADITI Ei., Surgeon Urologist - Andrologist PELEGRINIS Th., Professor of Philosophy - University of Athens, Former Rector of the University of Athens PΟULIAS I, Head of Urology Department, Red Cross Hospital PROTOGEROU V., Urologist, Assistant Professor In Athens Medical School, Andrology Department of Attikon University Hospital PSIHA Κ., PR Manager blog Secret Desires RIGAS Α., MD, FEBU, PhD, Head of the Urology Dpt. Athens Euroclinic SIFONIOS M., CEO, Run Communications SOFIKITIS Ν., Professor of Urology, Ioannina University School of Medicine SOFRAS F., President of the Hellenic Urological Association, Urologist SKOPELITIS E., GP, Nikaia General Hospital SOREN P. S., Head, Professor Odense University Hospital, Department Clinical Biochemistry and Pharmacology TOULAS P., Neuroradiologist, Director, Imaging Department, Egkefalos - Euromedica; Associate, EKPA TRIANTAFILLIDIS Ι., Journalist - film critic TRIANTAFYLLOPOULOS Μ., Journalist VLACHOPOULOS Ch., Associate Professor of Cardiology APRIL 3-4, 2015 MEGARON ATHENS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE CENTRE S P O N S O R S APRIL 3-4, 2015 MEGARON S E C R E TA R I AT
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