Church of the Immaculate Conception 389 East 150 Street, Bronx, New York 10455 Tel. 718-292-6970 • Fax 718-292-4603 Redemptorist Pastoral Staff Pastor Rev. Francis Skelly, C.Ss.R. (ext 21) Associate Rev. Edmundo Molina C.Ss.R. Rector Very Rev. Richard Bennett, C.Ss.R. (x49) In Residence Rev. Anayo Nna C.Ss.R. Pastoral Associates Deacon Rev. Mr. Cristóbal Rodriguez Religious Education Sister Melissa MPS (ext 15) Parish Ministry Sister Consuelo MPS Liturgical Ministry Ms. Mary Meade (ext 17) Social Justice Ministry Ms. Marilyn Ortiz (ext 17) Parish Secretary Ms. Gina Soto (ext 46) Parish Receptionist Josephine Pou (ext 10) Odessa Diaz (ext 10) Sorinil Barea (ext 10) Youth Minister Mr. George Spence PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday: 9am-5:00pm, Saturdays: 9am-2pm Tues. thru Fri. 9am-7pm, Sunday: 8:30am-2:00pm MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil Mass at 7:00pm (Spanish) Sunday at 9:00am, 10:30am (Spanish), 12:30pm Daily at 12:10pm (bilingual) RCIA RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS Inquiry Session For Adults: Wednesday Evening in Parish Rectory 7:00pm to 8:00pm. BAPTISM Parents and Godparents must come in for an interview, Monday through Saturday during regular Office Hours. RECONCILIATION (Confession) Daily from11:50am to 12:05pm. Saturdays from 6:00pm to 6:45pm. Or by appointment at the Parish Office. MARRIAGE Arrange for an interview with one of the parish priests at least six months in advance. ANNOINTING OF THE SICK Call the Parish Office anytime. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Friday after 12:10pm Mass until Benediction at 4:00pm. PERPETUAL HELP NOVENA Wednesdays after the 12:10pm Mass (spanish). SPANISH PRAYER GROUP Every Tuesday evening at 7pm in Neumann Hall. YOUTH MINISTRY Every Friday from 7:00pm to 9:00pm Music Ministry O. Joseph Rodriguez, Immaculate Conception School Phone# 718-585-4843 Fax# 718-585-6846 Sr. Patrice Owens, S.C.C. (Principal) Ms. Nelsy Nuñez (School Secretary) Website Convent of the Sisters of Christian Charity Phone# 718-585-8981 Sr. Janice Kraft, S.C.C. Institute for the Puerto Rican and Hispanic Elderly Phone# 718-292-5601 Mrs. Patricia Rivera-Avelo South Bronx Churches Phone# 718-665-5564 Michael Stanley Redemptorist Formation Community Phone# 917-688-1472 Rector/Directors Very Rev. Francis Mulvaney C.Ss.R. Rev. Steve Wilson C.Ss.R. Br. Leo Patin, C.Ss.R. HORAS DE OFICINA Lunes: 9am-5:00pm, Sábado: 9am-2pm, Martes hasta Viernes 9am-7pm, Domingo: 8:30am-2:00pm HORARIO DE MISAS Sábado: 7:00pm (español) Domingo: 9:00am, 10:30am (español), 12:30pm Diario: 12:10pm (bilingüe) RICA RITO DE INICIACION CRISTIANA PARA LOS ADOLTOS Preguntas sobre Fe Católica para Adultos: miércoles desde las 7:00pm hasta las 8:00pm. BAUTISMO Los padres y los padrinos vienen a la Rectoria durante las horas de oficina, lunes hasta el Sabado para una entrevista. RECONCILIACION (Confesiones) Diario de 11:50am hasta las 12:05pm. Sábados 6:00pm hasta las 6:45pm. O por cita en la Oficina Parroquial. MATRIMONIO Comuníquese con un sacerdote con seis meses de anticipación para una entrevista. UNCION DE LOS ENFERMOS Llame a la Officina Parroquial a cualquier hora. ADORACION EUCARISTICA Los Viernes después de Misa de 12:10pm Hasta Bendición con el Santísimo a las 4:00pm. Primer Sábado del Mes 8pm-10pm. NOVENA DEL PERPETUO SOCORRO Miércoles después de la Misas de 12:10pm (español). GRUPO DE ORACION EN ESPANOL Todos los martes a las 7pm en Neumann Hall. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CHURCH BRONX, N.Y. 10455-2770 March 22, 2015 Envelopes $3,091.93 Loose: Weekly: TOTAL “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed if the kingdom of our father David that is to come! Hosanna in the highest!” Mark 11:10 Palm Sunday is March 29. We will begin the 9:00 A.M. Mass at 8:45 A.M. around the corner on 151 Street. Monday, March 30, is an Archdiocesan Day of Reconciliation. In every church a priest will be available for confession from 3 PM until 9 PM. We will have a Penance Service at 7 PM. $847.01 $341.37 $4,280.31 March 23, 2014 $2,434.43 $662.93 $609.83 $3,707.19 Tithing means I am a Planned giver (designating money in my budget to give) Priority giver (giving to God first before other expenses) Percentage giver (giving a percentage, not a dollar amount) Progressive giver (increasing the percentage regularly) We have begun the 2015 Cardinal’s Appeal. Our goal this year is $23,500.00 and 150 families participating.. As of today we have $2,118.00 from 29 families. Reflection books for April/May are available in the Parish Office. $2.00. Tuesday, March 31, 8:30 AM Confessions 3rd Grade Tuesday, March 31 Open House 5 PM Thursday, April 2, Retreat/Dismissal at 11:30 AM Holy Thursday is April 2. We will celebrate the Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7:30 P.M. with exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from 9 P.M.—10 P.M. 10 A.M. Stations of the Cross English 12 Noon Seven Last Words Bilingual 3 P.M. Communion Service Bilingual 7 P.M. Soledad Spanish Our Parish is hosting the formation sessions for Catechists who are part of the Religious Education Program as well as for parishioners who are interested in becoming a Catechist or who are interested in their ongoing faith formation. Introduction to the Scripture Tuesday, April 14 7:00 PM—9:00 PM Church Rectory For more information, call Sr. Melissa at 718-292-6970 ext. 15 We will NOT have Saturday classes April 4 & April 11 Easter Vigil 7:30 P.M. Bilingual Please bring a lily to remember a deceased loved one to the rectory on Thursday, April 2 between 9:00 A.M.—12:00 P.M. Come help us decorate our church on Saturday, April 4 at 9 AM Easter Sunday Masses will be 9:00 AM, 10:45 AM & 12:30 PM. NarAnon/AlAnon Meetings If your home is unhappy because someone has an addiction (drugs or alcohol), please come join our support group every Friday at 6:30 P.M. in the Rectory. We can help you! PALM SUNDAY OF THE LORD'S PASSION “¡Hosana! ¡Bendito el que viene en el nombre del Señor! ¡Bendito el reino que viene, el reino de nuestro padre, David! ¡Hosana en las alturas!” Marcos 11:10 MARCH 29, 2015 Mar. 30 Mar. 31 Apr. 1 Apr. 2 Apr. 3 Apr. 4 Apr. 5 12:10 P.M. 12:10 P.M 12:10 P.M. 7:30 P.M. + +Marion Vaughan + +Andrea Rivera 7:30 P.M. 9:00 A.M. 10:45 A.M. 12:30 P.M. For the People +Carmine Nardiello +Hirginio Conde +Isidora Bibiel/Gregoria Zunig Diezmo significa Un Plan (designar dinero en mi presupuesto para donar) Una prioridad (dar a Dios antes de otros gastos) Un porcentaje (dar un porcentaje en vez de una cantidad de dinero) Un porcentaje progresivo (aumentar el porcentaje regularmente El lunes, 30 de marzo será un Día de Reconciliación en nuestra Arquidiócesis. En cada parroquia un sacerdote va a ser disponible para las confesiones de 3 PM hasta 9 PM Hemos empezado la 2015 Campaña del Cardenal. Nuestra meta este año es $23,500 y la participación de 150 familias..Desde hoy mismo, tendremos $1, 463.00 de la parte de 13 familias. El jueves santo se celebra 2 de abril. Vamos a celebrar la misa de la Cena del Señor a las 7:30 PM con exposición del Santísimo de 9 P.M.—10 P.M. Los libros de reflexión para los meses de abril/mayo están disponibles en la Oficina Parroquial. $2.00. 10 A.M. Via Crucis inglés 12 Mediodía Siete Ultimas Palabras Bilingue 3 P.M. Servicio de Comunión Bilingue 7 P.M. Soledad español El martes, 31 de marzo Casa Abierta 5 PM El martes, 31 de marzo, @ las 8:30 A.M. Confesiones 3erGrado El jueves, 2 de abril Día de Retiro Salida @ las 11:30 A.M. Vigilia Pascual 7:30 P.M. Bilingue No hay las clases de educación religiosa el 4 y 11 de abril . Favor de traer los lirios para nuestro altar en memoria de un ser querido el jueves, 2 de abril. Vengan y ayuden a decorar nuestra iglesia el sábado, 4 de abril a las 9:00 AM. Misa de la Pascua del Señor 10:45 AM La próxima reunión de las parejas será el sábado, 11 de abril a las 6 P.M. hasta 8 PM. Hable con la Hermana Consuelo. El domingo, 17 de mayo, de 1:30 PM hasta 6:30 PM nuestro Circulo de Oración auspiciará un concierto en Neumann Hall. Donación: $5 incluye comida (niños menores de 5 no pagan) Para más información, llamar a Alma Nieves 917-531-7590 Tel. (718) 585-1150 • Tel. (718) 993-0495 PETER’S FLOWER SERVICE LENOX TERRACE FLORIST, INC. Downtown Bronx Deli FRESH CUT FLOWERS DAILY FUNERALS and WEDDINGS - Wire Service 627 MELROSE AVENUE (Between 151st and 152nd Streets) BRONX, NEW YORK 10455 Fax: 718-292-2956 Mon. - Sat. 8:30 to 7:00 pm Sundays 8:30 to 4:00 pm 10% Off w/This Ad 622 Melrose Ave. 712-402-7300 Pedro Ortega Graham Windham Agency is looking for individuals to Become MTFC foster Parents Today We are seeking unique and caring individuals who can open their homes to at-risk youth Between the ages of 12-17 years old. We offer wrap around support services to our foster parents such as: 24 hour on call support A very Generous Monthly stipend Weekly support Groups (Food and beverages served) Call Now: Evette Richardson, Foster parent recruiter Phone 718-294-1715 EXT. b178 Cell 917-597-9456 Kenneth B. Cooperman, D.M.D., P.C. Braces for Kids and Adults 355 E. 149th Street, Suite 202 718-993-5454 FineFare Supermarket JOIN THE FIGHT AGAINST CANCER 675 Morris Ave., Bronx, NY 675 Morris Ave. TH OFFICIAL THE SPONSOR OF BIRTHDAYS Comida de la provincia mexicana COMPLIMENTS OF 718-402-5400 MONTGOMERY ELECTRIC Free Delivery (min. $10) Free Delivery For Advertising Information, call MARK GRESENS at LPi today! 1 (800) 888.4574 ext. 3352 [email protected] NYC Lic. 1629 Fire Sup. 688-B Westchester 1046 (347) 590-8300 Fresh Meats, Produce, Deli, Groceries, Hot Foods We accept WIC, EBT, all major Credit Cards 718-292-2500 Sean Coakley Master Plumber Family Restaurant 653 Melrose Ave. (bet. 152nd & 153rd St.) Bronx, NY 10455 BEE & BEE DEPARTMENT STORES GENERAL MERCHANDISE Men, Ladies & Childrens Wear • Housewares & Linen Health & Beauty Aids • Furniture 2980 3rd Ave • Bronx 1000 Morris Ave • Bronx 718-585-9781 718-588-8825 Yolanda’s Italian Pizzeria & Restaurant Italian cuisine at its best Family owned since 1960 292 East 149 Street PLUMBING & HEATING Inc. Bronx, New York 10451-5600 721 East 136th Street Bronx, NY 10454 Tel: (718) 585-2092 • Fax: (718) 585-2085 [email protected] 718-993-2709 Can’t Sleep? Dr. Erichsen Can Help To schedule an appointment, call the SBH Sleep Center at 718-960-9122. SBH HEALTH SYSTEM • 4422 THIRD AVENUE • BRONX, NEW YORK 10457 • WWW.SBHNY.ORG 463 WILLIS AVE • BRONX, NY 10455 CORN. OF 146ST • MADISONCAFENYC.COM TEL: 718.993.3555 • 718.993.3666 Download our Menu at FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. MARCH 11, 2015 4:31 PM IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, BRONX, NY 03-0696
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