Know that I AM St. Stephen’s Lenten Devotional Booklet March 5 – April 20, 2014 Know that I AM “Be still and know that I am God,” says Psalm 46, verse 10, and herein lies the title of this devotional booklet: Know That I AM. As you read through the reflections for each day, you will note that a many of the verses focus on the sayings of Jesus as recorded in the book of John: I am the bread of life, I am the gate, I am the Good Shepherd, I am the vine. These common images from everyday life mingle with other more mysterious images, such as, I am the way and the truth, I am the resurrection and the life. Yet, in each instance, the words “I am” evoke a remembrance of the powerful God encountered by Moses in the burning bush. The God so majestic that to look upon his face meant death. The God who thundered when Moses asked his name: I AM WHO I AM. I AM. Present tense. Always. Because this mighty God is always and ever present. God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit have been present since the dawn of time. They are present now and will be until the end of the ages. May the devotions in these pages remind you of God’s constant presence, of Jesus’ closeness and of the Spirit’s delightful creativity. As you begin each devotion, we invite you to use Psalm 46:10 as a starting point. Breathe deeply and repeat each line as written here: Be still and know that I am God. Be still and know that I am. Be still and know. Be still. Be. When you sit down each day to take some time apart for these devotions, you may want to read the day’s scripture passage several times, both out loud and to yourself. Then read the devotion and take a moment to sit in silence to ponder what you have read. Then end with prayer, including a word of thanks for, and blessing upon, the day’s writer and for all who are reading and pondering these words on this day. May God bless our journey together as a congregation of readers and with our everpresent God, as we travel toward the cross, the empty tomb and a joyous Easter. Soli Deo Gloria (to God alone the glory) Meg Nielsen, AIM Lenten Devotion Booklet Editor Page 1 Ash Wednesday, March 5, 2014 He indeed sustains us In this passage, one of the seven “I am” passages in the Gospel of John, Jesus declares that he is the source of all sustenance, the basic things that keep us alive. In this affluent society, even considering the current tight economy, it is easy to forget about the Lord’s role in our daily lives. For those of us who live from paycheck-to-paycheck or on disability or pensions and social security, there may be some greater cognizance of the Lord’s role in our daily lives, but even then it is easy to forget about God when things go smoothly. Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.” John 6: 35 Since my mother died, I have kept a journal. My family and I have had a lot of ups and downs over the last many years. One thing I have noticed, though, in looking back at that journal, is that at the lowest times something has somehow suddenly gotten us past difficult problems, gotten us past those lows and kept us going and onto somewhat better times. To me it seems that the hand of my Lord Jesus Christ, is in all of that – he indeed sustained us, fed us and kept us going despite everything that had gone wrong. That idea has supported me for a long time. I keep coming back to it when I grow weary of the world and things start to get hard again. It has strengthened my faith, because what is easily ignored has been made clear to me in concrete ways. It makes me eternally grateful that our Lord is the kind of friend who is with us through thick and thin, a friend we can lean upon. Jesus is truly the “Bread of Life,” the provider of all sustenance! Prayer: Thank you, Lord, for sustaining us, for your ever-loving presence in our lives. You are truly the Bread of Life. Keep us in your hands, and help us to see your love and presence in everything we do. Amen! Phil Kober has been a member of St. Stephen’s for almost 13 years and has been involved in a number of aspects of the music program. He keeps busy by following various sports teams and by becoming involved in discussions and commentary on a variety of issues. Page 2 Thursday, March 6, 2014 Deliverance! The word “fear” is used interchangeably throughout the scriptures; and, this Psalm is I sought (asked) the Lord for help, and he a prime example. Sometimes “fear” is saved me from all my fears. Psalm 34:4 negative. For instance, when it refers to one’s anxiety or panic. Sometimes “fear is positive, as when it means inspiring awe or expressing reverence. I share from a personal experience how I encountered both: Last November and December, my wife, Lorraine, suffered from a fall resulting in a compression fracture of the ninth vertebrae. Nothing appeared to be wrong at the time, but ten days later anxiety unleashed itself mercilessly, causing her extreme pain in the abdomen and around the lower center back. Severe constipation also set in. In spite of several ER trips, a five-day hospital stay and my home care, pain and discomfort prevailed. We were told that the keys to recovery were to be found in medications, patience and prayer. During those low days, I “sought” (prayed to) the Lord and experienced deliverance. Good neighbors and saints from the church became present to help. They brought encouragement, food and escort service. Nothing was more comforting than the presence of those friends who gave hugs and their time. Indeed, I would have fallen prey to fear (anxiety) had it not been for the goodness of the Lord among the living. My anxieties were calmed. In retrospect, I was awed by the many incarnate experiences of God’s presence helping us through those difficult days. Today, Lorraine’s pain and medications have ceased. Life goes on. Thanks be to God for bringing us this far! Prayer: Thank you God for seeing us through difficult times; thank you for your presence in the lives of others around us – ever comforting, challenging and leading us into the future. Amen Edward Johnson is Senior Visitations Ministries Pastor at St. Stephen’s and a retired United Methodist pastor who is thankful for a church home among the Lutherans. Page 3 Friday, March 7, 2014 The best buy [Jesus said] “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me, and let the one who believes in me drink.” John 7: 37b- 38a We are coming off “commercial” season. I had to remind myself during the Super Bowl to take my bathroom break during the game and NOT during the commercials. Which kind of car should I pick next? A Kia? The all-new Toyota Highlander? A Maserati?! Now THAT’s what I need, Brent! It occurs to me that the book of John is like a commercial convincing us to pick Jesus. “I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry and he who believes in me will never be thirsty.” But, we doubt. Really? You’ll be there for me even if I have been awful to “_________?” YES! Even if I’ve ________? YES! Even if I get cancer? YES! PERIOD. (No fine print.) Granted it may be easier to believe once we’ve lived through a few accidents, some flat tires, maybe a ‘stalled engine’ and have many miles on our bodies. It’s ok to doubt our faith and to ask questions as we discussed at our last Bold Café gathering. We also learned that it’s amazing how some people, whose faith we most think might be doubting in the face of horrible circumstances, are not. We learn from them how Jesus really does do what he says and stays with us through our hardest times. I firmly endorse Jesus! I honestly believe HE is the best ‘thing’ I have ever ‘bought!’ Prayer: Dear God, help us to share our endorsement of you with others. We pray that through our stories and through their own ‘test drives’ others will come to believe that you are the best buy. Amen Jill Ruffridge is the mother of two teenage girls who have fairly low mileage. She is married to Brent – who has more miles on him than her! She is thankful for pastors and friends at St. Stephen’s – many of whom are also ‘older models.’ One pastor has considerably less miles on him but seems to be ‘wise beyond his miles.’ Maybe it’s the fresh air quality of his miles?! Page 4 Saturday, March 8, 2014 Tell a friend, bring a friend The Temple Police were the “gatekeepers,” foot soldiers monitoring and enforcing behavior. They were in charge of the ordinary maintenance of Jewish law. They were the “first call” when a disturbance, disruption or inconsistency was reported. Sounds to me like the Temple Police were sent by the Pharisees to arrest Jesus. The Temple Police went back to the chief priests and Pharisees, who said to them, “Why did you not bring him?” The officers answered, “No one ever spoke like this man!” John 7:45-46 Imagine the Temple Police as they showed up to arrest Jesus among a crowd. I suspect Jesus was pretty persuasive. Articulate. Speaking and sounding as though he was God-sent. Convincing. Full of wisdom. Clear and powerful. I imagine as the Police listened they became more impressed and had trouble believing Jesus had committed any crime. Having been raised Catholic by an Engineer Father and a German Mother I was used to a certain regimen – a very linear path that I rarely diverted from in faith and in life’s journey. A long time ago I started to attend worship at Bethel Lutheran Church in Madison with Teri. I went to Bethel like the Temple Police, certain that something was out of order and wondering who are these non-Catholic Christians? This cannot be right! But the more I listened the more convinced I became. Pastor Borgwardt was an extraordinary teacher. The more I listened, the more I wanted to know. Each week I would return. Each week I would take home the printed copy of the previous week’s sermon to engage again. This was all very different from what I had known of the Christian faith. All of my subsequent reports to Catholic friends and family were the same. “This guy, these folks, have a message worth listening to. Lighten up a little. Take notice. Have a listen.” But the message I returned with, much like the Temple Police, was met with disappointment. It was not what was expected. Prayer: Lord guide us as we take the Christian message to the world. Give us the strength to never give up even in the face of doubt and detraction. Amen You can usually find Jim O’Connor in Agape on Sundays around 11 a.m. at Emerging Worship. He encourages you to join him sometime soon: Tell a friend, bring a friend. Page 5 Sunday, March 9, 2014 Part of the big picture Have you ever gone online and looked at The Lord counts the number of the images generated by the Hubble Telescope? stars and calls them all by their The photographs of distant galaxies and nebulas are both amazingly beautiful and mind names.” Psalm 147:4 bogglingly vast. The sum of our human imagination (and there are some big imaginations writing sci-fi out there) haven’t been able to accurately or adequately prepare us for what a tin can full of mirrors and a camera launched into orbit has actually shown us. Several writers within the framework of the Bible have looked into the night sky and said, “Wow! There are too many stars, they are uncountable.” They were right! The Hubble Telescope has exponentially increased the number of stars we even knew existed. When I think about that, it freaks me out, and makes me feel infinitesimally small. I wonder: How do I fit into this vastness of being? How will anything I do make a difference in the grand scheme of things? Why should I try to do good in the world? No one will notice. There is a lot in the world to make us feel insignificant. In the 11 verses of Psalm 147, God tells us what matters and how we fit into it. When viewed in terms of human accomplishment, it sounds like we ought to feel like it doesn’t matter. God is telling us (in v.10) that it doesn’t matter who wins our race. Our race is unimportant to God. How many blades of grass are on the side of that hill over there, well, that God knows, because those blades of grass are part of God, part of this universal being that is Creation. Most importantly, God reassures us to not worry. We are noticed by God and provided for. We too, are part of this vastness of Being. Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, please don’t forget to include me in the big picture. I’m not too worried about standing out in the crowd, I know it’s a big frame. Just let me be in it, and not get lost. In Jesus’ name, and by the Spirit that moves upon the waters and the cosmic rays, Amen Stephen Redmann has read and watched lots of science fiction in his lifetime. Images of God causing galaxies to come into existence at the dawn of Creation can be found at Page 6 Monday, March 10, 2014 God’s steadfast (Woohoo!) love Isn’t “fearing” God an outdated idea from an But the Lord finds pleasure in outdated time? The God I know and love would not those that fear the Lord, in find pleasure in anyone’s fear. Martin Luther was those who await God’s steadfast obsessed with fearing (and loving) God. Most likely love. Psalm 147:11 “fear” is a word whose meaning has changed or can be understood to mean respect or honor or revere or trust. That’s better. I could understand God finding pleasure in our feeling that way. Psalm 147 speaks of God building us up, gathering the outcasts, healing the brokenhearted, lifting the downtrodden, and having understanding beyond measure. It tells how God created the stars and named them, prepares the rain for the earth, brings about life, nurtures and cares for it. This Psalm even says God causes the wind, the cold, the hail and the snow. It says God will strengthen us, bless our children and grant us peace. This is a “Praise the Lord” psalm! And, what about “await”? What are we waiting for? God loves us now. Always has, always will. No matter what. We may not deserve or understand it, but it’s ours. Await? Maybe anticipate or yearn for. Other translations use the word “hope.” Hope is good. Steadfast – constant, loyal, faithful, unchanging. Woohoo! Good words to describe God’s love. And God absolutely, continuously overflows with love. Love overcomes fear. God finds pleasure in those who yearn for God’s love, with all its wonderful and terrible implications. How different everything would be if we truly comprehended the implications of God’s love. God who created planets and stars and universes loves us, we who are tiny insignificant beings existing for only a blip in time. All creation receives God’s steadfast love. Praise the Lord indeed! Prayer: Lord, thank you for overcoming fear and blessing us with your steadfast (Woohoo!) love. Amen Erik Nielsen has been at this church his whole life. He is married to Ann, with a daughter, Juniper Hope. He makes noise at Emerging Worship with the band Steadfast. Whenever he hears, reads or says the word “steadfast,” he says woohoo! He thinks you should too. Steadfast rocks! Page 7 Tuesday, March 11, 2014 Reminded of rescue He has rescued us from the power of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. Colossians 1:13-14 “[God] has rescued us from the power of darkness” (v.1:13). These are very powerful words and often so hard to believe. It is so easy to be in the power of darkness and think that there is no way out, or no other way. We have hurt people in our lives and hurt ourselves. Sometimes we are so ashamed. Today’s verse continues: “[God has] transferred us into the kingdom of his beloved son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.” But God has already rescued us. We just need to be reminded again and again and again. It is so healing and essential and awesome to know that God forgives our sins. And when we reach out to forgive others, we are truly living in God’s kingdom. Prayer: Dear God, please help us to live in your kingdom with mercy and generosity and forgiveness. Help us to understand the true peace we receive when we are forgiven and to share that peace by also forgiving others. Amen Teri O’Connor and her husband Jim have been active in St Stephen’s worship and ministries since 1990. They raised their two sons in this church and are still very excited that this is their church home. Page 8 Wednesday, March 12, 2014 Consciousness of Christ Can our mortal mind perceive of what we might think of as a consciousness of the universe or of all things seen or unseen, material or ethereal? Try to do this by thinking of something that can’t not-be. This something would be far beyond any useless mortal consideration of nonexistence. It would simply exist in the forever-now. He [Christ] is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation; for in him all things in heaven and on earth were created, things visible and invisible… Colossians 1:15-16a I’ve wrestled with this concept of who and what God is over and over again with my tiny bit of organized stardust brain. And I realize it may be as a friend of mine once said, “It’s like an audio recorder trying to record light.” We live in the shadow of the valley of death, which leaves us only to have faith because of what we cannot know. Some claim to know, but regardless of how much we do know, there is infinitely more that we do not know. And, even though we are made of small bits of stardust, we are given consciousness with our program of life. So how, in all the wonders of the universe, can there not be its own consciousness? A consciousness of the universe? Now that’s believable! Prayer: Lord Jesus, please keep us conscious with you as well as we are capable – at least aware that we need not ask you to hear our prayer, because certainly, with your allencompassing consciousness, you surely must always hear us. Amen Monty Clifcorn says he lives in the grace of God with friends and family despite his rebellious attitude. He is married to Kathryn. They have two sons, Javier and Dakota. Page 9 Thursday, March 13, 2014 Peace through the cross It was indeed a joy to read Colossians 1:1-20. As so often happens, our challenges and questions don't seem too far removed from those of the original recipients of this letter. The author praises them for their faith and love. He encourages them by recognizing the fruit they are bearing. (We would benefit from such praise ourselves.) The writer assures them he is praying for them to continue to be filled with the knowledge of God's will, spiritual wisdom and understanding. He prays that they will be strong and endure with patience. (That’s a big one for me!) He claims that they (and he) have been transferred into the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. It seems to me that we are doing the same, trying to live within God's kingdom by living lives that are worthy of the effort. And through him God was pleased to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, by making peace through the blood of his cross. Colossians 1:20 Verses 19 and 20 are quite a theological statement: “All the fullness of God” dwells in Jesus and through him all things on earth and in heaven are reconciled. That seems pretty straightforward, if a bit challenging to understand and accept. To me it seems a good explanation of the trinity to say, “the fullness of God dwelt in him.” You figure it out?! How do we deal with the idea that Christ's sacrifice on the cross reconciled all things to God? How do we become exclusionary with a statement like that? (I could credit pastor Nick in Bible study repeatedly mentioning that it is all things, not just all people.) I think I’ll go back to verse 10 where I am challenged to lead a life worthy of the Lord, pleasing to him and bearing fruit through good work. That should keep me busy! Prayer: Lord, help us be a people who are joyful in the Lord, known by our faith and love and leading lives worthy of the Lord. Keep us searching for the knowledge of God and enduring with patience. Amen Nancy Morris and her husband Roger have been members of St. Stephen's for three years. They both enjoy singing in the choir, attending Soup Group and going to Wednesday morning Bible study. Nancy practices prayer with a group of women on the second Monday of the month. She loves to read theology and finds Pastor Nick is a good sport about arguing with her about it. Page 10 Friday, March 14, 2014 Not obstacle, but entry point If we honestly acknowledge it, most of our lives are filled with “gates” that block our passage to the So, Jesus said to them, “Very things we want most in life. When I was young truly, I tell you, I am the gate for and a single parent, my life started falling apart. I the sheep.” John 10:7 found out that the company that I worked for was moving out of state and so my job (which I dearly loved) would be terminated in about a year. Prior to learning about my job loss, I had purchased my first house and wanted to adopt a child. Both journeys were filled with doors slamming shut. I was told there was a shortage of Caucasian babies and only married couples could apply. In the meantime I continued sending out resumes for employment. I was either overqualified, made too much money, or didn’t meet their requirements. The gates that blocked my progress seemed to get higher and thicker as time went by. And yet, my problems were minor compared to the obstacles that other people have to overcome. But here’s the difference with our Lord: He is both Gate and Shepherd. As the Gate he keeps his sheep (you and me) safe and within the sheepfold. As Shepherd, we hear his voice and follow him. Not only that, as our shepherd he hears our cries and willingly enters our pain. He walks the journey with us. As both the gate and the shepherd, Jesus is not an obstacle, but an entry point, if we are willing to believe. It is not easy to open the doors of life by ourselves, but with Jesus, all things are possible. He is the shepherd who willingly lays down his life for us. Next time you have a locked gate, talk to Jesus, for he is the open gate of life. Prayer: Lord Jesus, Help us to acknowledge you as both shepherd and gate. Help us to trust your guidance, internalize your love and follow you as sheep. Amen Barb Kepler is “Nana GG” to one of her six grandchildren, a volunteer at Bethel Homeless Ministries and a loyal Packer fan. In her spare time she loves to read novels, listen to music, travel and graze. Page 11 Saturday, March 15, 2014 Grateful for the Shepherd’s care [Jesus said] “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” John 10:11 I have sometimes been a shepherd at St. Stephen’s having often brought a sheep to church for services on Christmas Eve. The Jacob’s sheep was met with enthusiasm by the children as well as the adults. One year, when returning the sheep, a relief stop had to be made. The car window was left open too far and the animal escaped into the deep snow that had recently fallen. With help, I was eventually able to recapture the confused sheep and return it safely to its home. I am thankful that no one – especially the borrowed animal – was injured. I was especially concerned when it crossed Highway 14. Fortunately the Christmas Eve traffic was light. I talked with the owner afterwards and she was grateful for my care. As it says in Psalm 23: The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside still waters; He restores my soul. He leads me in right paths for his name’s sake. Prayer: Jesus, you are the Good Shepherd who gave his life for us all. Thank you. Amen Sometimes shepherd Tom Moran has been a member of St. Stephen’s since 1997 and is happy to be here. He is retired from the Carpenters Union and likes to play cards. Page 12 Sunday, March 16, 2014 I AM: God’s presence It’s always about fear, isn’t it? Fear of prison, fear of death, fear of change, fear of the ‘other,’ fear of failure, fear of freedom, fear of being who we really are, fear of the enemy. There’s a lot to be afraid of. Even tho’ I walk through the darkest valley, I fear no evil; for you are with me: your rod and your staff they comfort me. Psalm 23:4 Psalm 23 is like the little song we whistle when we are on a dark street in an unfamiliar part of a strange city. We say the words not because we always believe them but because we want to believe them. We say these comforting words to hear these comforting words, God’s comforting words. Especially when we are afraid. The presence of God is not the absence of enemies. Just now, I have two dear friends afflicted with late stage cancer. The Lord is my shepherd... My physician of 30 years, a fit and vigorous man, died suddenly of a massive heart attack just weeks ago. I will fear no evil... Bombings occur, children go hungry in Syria. Tho’ I walk through the darkest valley… People are without access to health care, even here. Your rod and your staff… The earth’s balance is being damaged. He restores my soul… God’s presence, as our knees tremble. God’s presence, when we are not sure. God’s presence, in the hospital waiting room. God’s presence, in the earthquake, the hurricane, the sudden reversal. God’s presence. Prayer: Lord, we walk through so many dark valleys. Guide us, instruct our hearts and comfort our terrors. Give us your grace and courage as we face of our fears. Amen Connie Kilmark has been a member of St. Stephen’s since 1994. In her occupation as a counselor, she often reassures others but is not without her own fears. Page 13 Monday, March 17, 2014 Praying a new mantra The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. Psalm 23:1 Of the 150 psalms written, probably the most familiar and the most popular one is the 23rd Psalm. It begins: The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” The Psalms were written in the time of ancient Israel, so the image of a shepherd is one who feeds, protects and loves the sheep. If one sheep were to stray, the shepherd would find it and return it to the flock. God is like that. God loves us, keeps us safe and provides everything we need, we “shall not want.” Psalm 23:1 says in essence: Believe that God provides everything we need. As a volunteer at Agrace HospiceCare, I often hear the 23rd Psalm prayed and we often hear or speak it at funerals. I’ve always associated it with difficult times and death. After doing some deep thinking about Psalm 23:1, I believe it should also be used as a prayer of thanksgiving. I plan to start using it as my mantra: The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. Thanks be to God! Prayer: O Lord, my shepherd, thank you for your loving care. Forgive us when we want more and forget that you provide all our needs. Help us to grow in faith. In your name we pray. Amen Jo Hanson and her husband Gene joined St. Stephen’s in 1956. Jo volunteers in the Food Pantry and plays in Gosbells, the Bell Choir. Page 14 Tuesday, March 18, 2014 What’s the score? People like to know how things stack up. Sports fans fixate on win/loss records and medal counts. Students and parents anxiously await report cards. I’ll admit it; I keep a small notebook where, over the years, I have logged Academy Award winners. But too often, we use record keeping to help us determine merit. If you, Lord, kept a record of sins, Lord, who could stand? But with you there is forgiveness, so that we can, with reverence, serve you. Psalm 130: 3-4 How often are we guilty of keeping score when it comes to our faith? It’s easy to award ourselves our “Christian grade” based on how often we attend church, how much we give or how frequently we volunteer. I know too many times I’ve been motivated by a sense of obligation rather than a real desire to worship or serve. Too often we let “should” get in the way of genuinely wanting to joyfully serve God and others. Luckily, God doesn’t keep score and doesn’t judge us by our stats. That’s good news! As the psalmist writes, “If you, Lord, kept a record of sins, Lord who could stand?” The answer is no one could stand. We’d each be crushed by the weight of our own sins. But God and Jesus are there to lift our sins off of us. No matter what we do, or think we should do, God is always there to forgive us and renew us. Time and time again, God forgives us and continues to love us. That forgiveness lifts our soul and empowers us to serve God and care for each other. When we embrace that forgiveness, we feel the joy of God’s love for us and we want to share that joyful love with others. God says: I AM forgiveness, I AM unfailing love, I AM redemption. God’s forgiveness gives us the strength and joy to reply – I AM a blessed child of God. Prayer: Holy Lord, thank you for your freeing forgiveness. Amen Julie Buss loves being a part of the St. Stephen’s family. She is active in Ministry Board, Gosbells, Sanctuary Choir and Bold Café. Page 15 Wednesday, March 19, 2014 Keep sharing your stories My Grandma Jenny died when I was less than a year old so I have no memory of her holding me or loving me. But, throughout my growing years, my mom often told me Grandma Jenny stories. From those stories I learned that her faith in God never faltered, that she was gentle and loved God’s creatures, that she was a wise mother and a loving wife, and that she kept her sense of humor even in light of Depression Era challenges and almost yearly moves from one rented farmstead to another. As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving. Colossians 2:6 Throughout my life Grandma Jenny has been an example for me – one whose life taught me to try to act with faith and thanksgiving. It seems that before I was even able to understand about Jesus or God or Spirit, I was grafted into the faith that lived first in my Dutch great-grandparents, then in Grandma Jenny, then in my mother. Being well-rooted is important, as anyone who’s ever tried to pull up a burdock or a thistle or even a dandelion will tell you. Roots go deep. Roots also bring nourishment. Roots hold you firmly when life’s troubles threaten to tear you away from all you hold dear. Stories of faithful people can help us to stay rooted in Christ Jesus. When we are in danger of losing our grounding, we return to those stories. That’s why it’s so vital that we continue to share our faith stories with each other, through this booklet and in any way we can. Prayer: God of stories, we thank for a rich heritage of faith that keeps us rooted and continues to build us up. We give you thanks today for those who taught us and for every story shared in the pages of this booklet. Amen Meg Nielsen is thankful to be part Czech and part Dutch. She is especially grateful for the witness of Grandma Jenny and for the stories – always for the stories – that keep us rooted and grounded and built up. Page 16 Thursday, March 20, 2014 Saved by Grace through Faith Saint Paul wrote Colossians, a letter to a Christian church in Colossae a small town near Ephesus, which is currently in Turkey, because he saw this church moving away from what he thought were Christ’s teachings, the teachings on which the Christian church is based. The Colossae church was using strict dietary requirements, special rituals and circumcision as their way of practicing Christianity instead of emphasizing Jesus’ teachings and death on the cross. For when you were baptized you were buried with Christ, and in baptism you were also raised with Christ through your faith in the active power of God who raised him from death. Colossians 2:12 In verse 2:12 Paul tells the Christians in Colossae that when you were baptized and in your faith you are saved by Christ’s death on the cross and his resurrection. The church in Colossae’s focus was on how to worship rather than who to worship. Paul’s words still speak to you and me, telling us that we need to remember that we are saved by Christ’s death on the cross and by faith not, by anything we do. That is the focus of Easter! Prayer: God help us to stay focused on being saved by Christ’s death on the cross and to be thankful. Amen John Esser has been a member of St. Stephen’s since its inception. After college he traveled for a while. Then he and his wife Joann returned to Madison in 1973. They raised their children Kim and Steve here. Their granddaughter Samantha comes to Sunday School now and also considers St. Stephen’s her home church. Page 17 Friday, March 21, 2014 A promise with meaning In our Wednesday morning Bible studies here at St. Stephen’s we have been studying the Gospel of John. Pastor Nick pointed out the seven “I am” passages. Among these is “I am the resurrection and the life.” This passage has seemed to have the most meaning to me. I remember our three daughters coming home from a week at Lake Shetek Bible Camp singing at the top of their lungs: “I am the resurrection**** and the life****.” Can’t you just hear it? I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies. John 11:25 And, among my favorite arias from “Messiah” is the soprano singing this fervent message, I Know That My Redeemer Liveth. Yes, this is most certainly true. So this story has had meaning for me for many years, but especially so after I suffered a stroke in 2009. I know my Lord has an eternal home waiting for me. This brings to mind the adage, “God may be slow, but He is never late.” Mary, beloved sister of Lazarus, tells Jesus that if he had come to the aid of her brother sooner (Jesus waited two days), he could have healed him. Instead, Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead, making more of a statement than performing just one more instance of a healing. Jesus has his own particular timing to the events in our lives. “Why, oh why, does this have to take so long,” says a friend as she keeps death watch over her beloved father. We don’t know now; maybe it will be revealed to us someday. But by then we won’t care, because we believed. And we will be living in perfect eternity. Soli Deo Gloria! Prayer: Glorious God, my Abba Father, I ask to believe more strongly in the words of Jesus. Let me live vibrantly, always knowing that my future is secure in your hands. Amen Cheryl Mahaffay and Les, her husband of 50 years, are three-year members of this church home. Soup Group, Wednesday Bible study and regular attendance at worship are very important parts of their growth in faith. Page 18 Saturday, March 22, 2014 Jesus’ life-giving commands No magic spell. No potions or talismans. No bargaining. Just an order: Come out! The dead man came out, his hands and feet bound with strips of cloth, and his face wrapped in a cloth. Jesus said to them, “Unbind him, and let him go.” John 11:44 And so the dead man came out, still wearing his shroud. John doesn't preserve the reaction of the onlookers when the mummy-like Lazarus made his way from the tomb into their midst, but one expects that they were surprised to say the least. Surprised enough that it took prompting from Jesus for them even to take the reasonable action of providing assistance to the not-sorecently deceased and to help him out of the linen wrapping that bound him to the grave. How often do we feel in the grip of something we cannot escape? Perhaps we suffer from an addiction or at the hands of an abuser. Sometimes it is less outwardly dramatic: we can be bound by fears and worries over the state of the economy, or by the condition of the environment. Maybe illness – our own, or that of a loved one – distracts and redirects our attentions. All these things can bind us as tightly as the linen cloths worn by Lazarus, and like Lazarus, we cannot extricate ourselves. In fact, like Lazarus, we may be so tightly bound that we are unable even to call for assistance. But Jesus knows. Without our asking or lifting a finger, he comes to our rescue. Not with a magic potion, or a charm, but with life giving commands: Come out! Unbind him! Let him go! Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for knowing our needs and for removing all that binds us to the death of worry, fear and insecurity. Amen Rebecca Redmann is the Director of Music Ministries, as well as the director of the Sanctuary Choir and GosBells. Page 19 Sunday, March 23, 2014 Graced to connect faith and daily life All of them look to you to give them their food in due season . . . Psalm 104:27 If we believe that God can provide in due season, why isn’t there enough for everyone? Well, apparently there is. “Hunger is caused by poverty and inequality, not scarcity,” says Eric Holt Gimenez of Food First in a Huffington Post article, We Already Grow Enough Food For 10 Billion People – and Still Can't End Hunger. Gimenez gives practical solutions to hunger that are related to farming. What about in our own state? Is there enough here for everyone to go to bed with a full stomach? If so why do some seniors struggle deciding between whether to purchase food or medication? Why are there children with hunger pangs and people of all ages worried about keeping their homes? Those are big questions. And, I am pleased we have studies that guide us through some of the complexities of the problem of poverty in Wisconsin. They show how we could diminish hunger by giving tax credits to those most vulnerable, increasing job-training programs for people severely impoverished and raising the minimum wage. Moving to a personal level we may also ask if we have enough? The question can be a spiritual exercise during meditation and prayer. If we recently lost a job we’ll reflect differently than when we were fully employed. But we can be honest about what we lack in general – silence, rest, activity, friendship or health. The exercise can lead us to uncovering pain, but also to realizing all which we possess that is good. Exploring what it means to have enough we also engage our church’s calling to be a public church. While nurturing our spiritual growth, we look for ways to make connections between our faith and daily lives. As we remain faithful in the work within our own situations, we are sometimes graced to offer actions or to have a public voice that bolsters our brothers and sisters who are most disenfranchised. Prayer: God, help us to know your abundant gifts in your creation and to be wise stewards who advocate as instruments of your peace. Amen Reverend Cindy Crane is Director of the Lutheran Office for Public Policy in Wisconsin (LOPPW). To learn more, go to Page 20 Monday, March 24, 2014 Tickled all the way to renewal I was surprised to be asked to contribute this You send forth your spirit, and they devotional booklet; after all, I’ve been a bit of a are created; and so you renew the stranger to St. Stephen’s lately. But then again, face of the earth. Psalm 104:30 I’m not surprised, because the booklet is just one of many beautiful caring outreach ministries St. Stephen’s brings to our community. It’s not that I don’t want to be there. On the contrary, my absence has been due to a whole bundle of mixed up circumstances. I truly miss everyone – the spirit that lives in everything about St. Stephen’s, and the fellowship that creates a sense of renewal with every “peace be with you” handshake. Renew. We all do it from time to time. Renewing can be as simple as redecorating or organizing, although either may lead to overwhelming challenges when trying to decide on color or placement. We take vacations to renew and recharge our internal batteries; we renew ourselves in our favorite music or book. These are tangible renewals meant to lift our spirits. But where is the elusive renewal that can bring forth our spirit to create and renew our face on this earth? How does a weary spirit create breath that is in concert with the Spirit Jesus so graciously bestows on us? These are questions I’ve faced on my quest to renew myself in faith, exploration, decisions, creation, and surrender. I’m almost there. Sometimes the spirit of renewal comes when we least expect it. For instance, during one of our “sleepovers” my granddaughter Elena and I were taking a rest from tickling – one of our favorite things – Elena’s because it lets her silliness out, mine because her little girl laughter is delightfully contagious. There’s really no end to Elena wanting more tickle laughter, but to keep an element of surprise in the mix, I told Elena it’s when she least expects it that the laughs are the best. She sat quietly for about 30 seconds then turned to me and said, “Gramma, I’m least expecting it.” What a gratifying renewal of spirit that was! Prayer: Dear God, I pray for a renewed spirit. I pray for great creations of love, direction, peace and joy. I pray that your Spirit rises up in all of us as we create a blessed and spiritual time upon this earth. Amen Cheryl Schiltz serves on the Board of Directors for Movin’ Out and Access to Independence and is actively involved in several disability advocacy and support efforts. She is a Group 15 Fellow of Leadership Wisconsin and will be leaving March 3 rd for a Seminar in Tanzania, Africa. Cheryl is also intensely occupied working on her book, “Subject Zero,” and her blog, “Silencing the Noise of Disability.” Page 21 Tuesday, March 25, 2014 Creating true Grace moments I was drawn to this verse because to me it represents the message of the Gospel. I love the image of God’s world full of the diversity of the peoples and cultures on this planet. We can call to mind so many cute or trite or profound representations of people of every nation and tribe and culture all as part of God’s family. Yet we also live in a world of tribal and religious and political conflict that so deeply and painfully divides us and fills us with distrust, animosity and even hatred. In that renewal, there is no longer Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave and free, but Christ is all and in all! Colossians 3:11 I have always felt so alive and my spirit sings in contexts of multicultural gatherings where one just knows this is the world God created and about which God said, “It is good!” I love being part of a motley crew of people gathered because all of us have been renewed in Christ, each in our own journey of faith. Celebrating the Seder in the Cross Lutheran Church basement in Milwaukee with African-American, Latino and EuropeanAmericans is a “stuck in the bones” memory of God’s grace. I also love having travelled and been with people of deep Muslim faith and of faithful Hindu traditions and knowing we are all God’s children! Sitting outside on a warm night last January with our daughter, her host mother and 10-year-old daughter in Thimbindallah, Senegal, and sharing stories and laughter is one of those memories that will live in my heart as a true grace moment. Those are the true “highs” of life. Yet, living in the grace of God’s love and Christ’s renewal, which, in this passage, seems to be about living with compassion and in community is more often really challenging. We also have to authentically address those real differences in our understandings of politics, religion and how to live together on this planet. Prayer: Loving God, thank you for the wonderful diversity of peoples and cultures in this world. Give us open hearts to love and open minds to listen to one another. Amen Mary Nervig and husband Rolfe have been members of St. Stephen’s for about three years and are very thankful that they were able to travel to Senegal last year. Page 22 Wednesday, March 26, 2014 I AM ~ God as a VERB! The Big Reveal. The Grand Unveiling. The Important Announcement. God is about to tell Moses His True Name: I Am? Hmm, not very masculine. Or godlike for that matter. Thor, now there’s a powerful sounding name, manly too. How about Apollo? Or Marduk? Osiris maybe? God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” He said further, “Thus you shall say to the Israelites, ‘I AM has sent me to you.’” Exodus 3:14 I Am. Well, I am too, for that matter. Wait, is that blasphemous? Well for a long time, yes, that could have gotten me executed. People believed there was magical power in the uttering of the four letters in God’s name sequentially. Qabbalists and alchemists tried to distill the essence of that power using numerology and other occult methods. Rules were developed about God’s name, how it could be used, what was to be avoided, how this I Am could be depicted, what was punishable by death. All of that, simply because it makes very little sense to us, that the most powerful thing that ever existed, simply, Is. The confusion lies in the fact that we humans have always been really big on naming things, first names, last names, place names, you-name-it names. We also want God to be really, really big, incredibly HUGE. But no, the most powerful being in existence, just Is. No, it’s not Is, it’s I Am. Yes, God Am. “Oh, that’s just bad grammar now,” you say. Yes, it is, and that convoluted twisting of words is also where we ought to look to find God’s true meaning, not just his True Name. God is so powerful, that there is no need to impress us with a flashy display. “Who shall I say sent me?” Moses asks. “I Am sent you,” is the response – that which simply Is. Existence. The verb is (in English) to be! God is not a proper noun, God is a verb. God Is. It Is present tense, and God Is, present. Within everything, yet not apart from, or a part of. Simply Is. Prayer: Dear God, I won’t ever be able to “get” you. Please let me stop trying, and just accept that you Are. Banish my notions that you are like the Wizard of Oz, behind some kind of heavenly curtain, or that you’re a cranky old guy who lives on the ceiling and shoots lightning bolts from your finger. Let me Be, with you. Create in me a new heart, oh God. Cast me into your Presence, and renew your Spirit as all that Is, within, around, and through me. Amen Stephen Redmann is just trying to be. That can get a little out of sorts with a toddler in the house, though. Page 23 Thursday, March 27, 2013 Cultivating stillness Be still and know that I am God! Psalm 46:10 Stillness can be hard for me. I find it hard to sit still so I fidget, always tapping a foot or jiggling a leg. When I was little my mom would have me sit next to my Dad in church with the hope that my fidgeting would keep him from nodding off. My brain fidgets too. I am constantly thinking about work and home, family and friends, things I need to do, things I should’ve done, replaying the past and planning the future and worrying more than I probably should about all of it. And, now that I think about it, I’m worrying about why God didn’t make that list. Psalm 46 is one of my favorite passages to read when I am worried or stressed. I think it was written especially for us worriers. It presents all sorts of worst-case scenarios (mountains shaking, nations in an uproar) but we are reminded throughout that even in the most dire circumstances, God is present, God is our refuge and strength. But to me, verse 10, the command to “Be still, and know that I am God,” is the most comforting verse of Psalm 46. It reminds me that I am human and I am not in control, God is, and that I need to take time to ‘be still’ so I can hear God and recognize his presence. The season of Lent is good time to cultivate stillness. As we reflect on Jesus’ journey to the cross, this verse reminds us that God was there then and God is here now with us. Prayer: Lord, help us to find time to be still in our busy everyday lives so we are able to recognize your presence in our lives and hear your word. Amen Carla Schubert is married to Glen and they have been members of St. Stephen’s for seven years. Carla enjoys Bold Café and participating in the monthly Bold Fit activities. Page 24 Friday, March 28, 2014 Finding the way home Christ here tells us that he is the “be all” and “end all” to our relationship with God and the world. If we want to be in eternal relationship to God, we must follow him and he will provide for us. His disciples don’t seem to understand. “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6 After Jesus talks about going to prepare a place for us in his kingdom, Thomas asks, “How are we supposed to get there? We don’t know the way.” Jesus answers that he is the way; we are to follow him. Thomas is probably still unsure what that means. Then Philip tries to muddle his way through: Well just “show us the Father” and we will know the way, he says. We can sense Jesus’ consternation when he tries to explain that he has been showing them the way – that if they paid attention to his example, they would know the Father because they are one and the same. When we know Jesus and follow him, we will find the way to the place he is preparing for us. This is a hard concept to grasp and often we go astray or become as confused as Thomas and Philip. We are told in John 3:60 (See Ash Wednesday.) that many who were following Jesus gave up because they thought his teachings were too hard. Jesus promises to send the Holy Spirit, through his grace and love, to be our guide, helper and advocate. We are not alone on our journey! Giving up is easy – I know because I have fallen off the way many times. I have been through so much in life that all I can do is cling to Jesus and hang on for dear life, knowing that the Holy Spirit will hold on to me, guide me and bring me home! Yes, the Lord is truly “the way, the truth, and the LIFE!” Prayer: Lord, help us by your Spirit to follow in your footsteps, to follow your example. Help us to know your truths and to lead the exemplary life you have taught us. And when life is done, bring us home to the mansion with many rooms that you have prepared for us. Amen! Phil Kober, a member of St. Stephen’s since 2001, sings in the choir, has done a number of solos and is currently a member of the Worship and Music Ministry team. Page 25 Saturday, March 29, 2014 We walk by faith and not by sight I have many times thought how wonderful it would be if I could physically see God. All of my doubts and fears would be gone if I knew God by sight. It’s helpful to know that Jesus was seen by both his early followers and opponents, but I know that’s not going to happen in the here and now. So, I have found other ways to see him that have more meaning and power than a physical manifestation. “If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will ask the Father and he will give you another Advocate, to be with you forever.” John 14:15-16 Using my intellect, I try to see what Jesus has to say in my life. Reading the Bible is important because it tells me how to lead my life. The most important kind of sight, though, is one that comes through faith. Jesus says, “Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; or at least believe on the evidence of the miracles themselves.” (John 14:11) Faith and love unite the disciples with God and integrate them into God's work, but there are "greater things" that will require God's own resources. So Jesus promises, “I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever.” Having Jesus walk among us helped illuminate the path to righteousness, but God gives us another helper, the Holy Spirit, to be with us in our spiritual journey. Sometimes we think we have all the answers, but other times we realize that we can’t do it on our own. We start feeling alone and helpless and it is difficult to find comfort. Confiding in friends and loved ones can bring answers and understanding. But there are times when even that fails to help us see the right path and we’ve thought about it so much that our brain hurts. That’s when we need to know the divine presence of the Holy Spirit will be with us to strengthen our faith in God. This faith gives us a greater understanding of God and how he works in our lives. Prayer: Come Holy Spirit. Amen Glenn Nielsen and his wife Meg have been members of St. Stephen’s for three years. He sings in the choir and was recently elected to the Ministry Board. Page 26 Sunday, March 30, 2014 Joining words and music Know That I Am is our Lenten theme. So, I ask myself, “Where is the ‘I Am’ here?” I will praise the Lord as long as I Commentaries start by pointing out that these live; I will sing praises to my God last five psalms in our Bible are all about all my life long. Psalm 146:2 praise. No requests, no pleading, no lamentations, some observations but PRAISE writ large. And, no I Am’s! Go figure? It’s also noted that these psalms tell us the when, why and how to praise God, resulting in: 1) Taking our mind off our problems; 2) Moving us from individual to corporate worship; 3) Helping us consider and appreciate God’s character; and 4) Lifting our eyes from earth to heaven/kingdom/God land. Try repeating the verse mantra-like. Go ahead, do it right now. Did the reality of “I AM” enter your mind, your worship, your appreciation of God’s character or lift your eyes from earth? Maybe yes, maybe no – this time. It’s the same for me. I do know God’s hearing me every time – even when I’m not tuning in the response so well. But, it does happen every time with me when doing as the psalmist says – joining word and music. Having a daughter in Nordic Choir under the direction of Weston Noble, lifting up Tschesnokoff’s O, Lord God, or listening to F. Melius Christiansen’s Beautiful Savior with ascending women’s voices and descending men’s voices coupled with great progressing chords. There you have it! Wham, I AM! Yes! Every time I experience this, my problems are overwhelmed by the soaring, inclusive voices of worship and kingdom-pointed eyes to see the chilling, thrilling character of God with us. I AM! I AM! I AM! – for you! Prayer: O, Lord God, help me sing even with my limited range. All thanks to you for the voices surrounding and carrying me. So be it! Amen You can take the Scotch/Irish kid out of Luther College but you can’t ever take the Luther out of a family that has five alumni. (But I did give a little shout-out to St. Olaf.) Peace, Les Mahaffay Page 27 Monday, March 31, 2014 God can set us free Long before Jesus, the goodness of God was evident in the Old Covenant scriptures. Concern was expressed for those in prison, those who could not see, those who fell. Likewise the stranger, the widow and orphan were to invoke our benevolence. Prisons, historically, have been places where people were locked up for indefinite periods of time; cut off from family and friends, to suffer ridicule, abuse and isolation. Does not the command to love our neighbor relate here also? Thankfully, the Church and humanitarians have, and continue to initiate, acts of love and mercy by bringing about prison reform, restorative justice and prisoner review. The Lord cares for the stranger; the Lord sustains the orphan and widow, but frustrates the way of the wicked. Psalm 146:8 But, the imprisoned are all around us and among us – not always behind iron bars or cement blocks. They are prisoners needing to be set free from additions: to drugs, alcohol or sex, hoarders who cannot say when enough is enough, folk with habits too difficult to kick alone. They need help so they may be at peace with God, themselves and their community. While our boys were growing up, we enjoyed developing a family retreat in the Kickapoo Hills of Wisconsin. It was wonderful to have a place truly our own. Every day off and every week of vacation we quickly packed up and drove to our cottage in the wooded hills. There we beheld the glory of nature, being family, playing and working together. We thought this was our “paradise,” until we realized to justify having it, we had to be there. We had made an investment in property that enslaved us, held us prisoner. Today the boys live far away and while great memories abound, they have no intention of returning to the place once called paradise. Lorraine and I are held prisoner to what we created and to the stuff accumulated over the years. Now the question is: How will God set us free? And: Do we want to be set free? Prayer: Lord, free me from that which I find burdensome and distracting to serving you; from my enslavement to stuff, from my prison – not made with iron bars and cement blocks. Help me love others who need release from their prisons. In Jesus’ Name, Amen Edward Johnson is Senior Visitations Ministries Pastor, husband of Lorraine and father of two sons, Kenton of Auckland, New Zealand, and Erik of Seattle, Washington. Page 28 Tuesday, April 1, 2014 Loving one another – one day at a time These words from Colossians remind me of how grateful I am that my wife Kimberly and our sons Aidan (8) and Daniel (6) never, ever have any “complaints against each other.” APRIL FOOL! Of course, like all families we have plenty of conflict to go around, and plenty of times when we have to “bear with” one another. As God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience. Bear with one another and, if anyone has a complaint against another, forgive each other; just as the Lord has forgiven you. Col. 3:11-13 Sometimes kids are like mirrors: when they do or say something I don’t like, or when they try my patience by NOT doing something they are supposed to do (or by doing it v-e-r-y slowly!), I can usually trace it back to something I did or said or didn’t do, which they are reflecting back to me. So if I need to forgive anyone, it’s usually myself. At other times, Aidan and Daniel show me how to be “clothed” with “compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience.” They “skype” with their cousin Oliver in New Jersey, and in the middle of playing together on a computer game I hear Daniel say, “Oliver! I love you!” Aidan shows patience and compassion at school as a “learning buddy,” helping younger students with reading and math. Both of them treat our puppy dog Lincoln with more kindness and patience and love than I often do. These qualities seem to flow naturally from them. They are a basic part of who they are, not something they have to put on like clothes. Paul’s advice to “clothe” myself with these qualities doesn’t mean hiding my “sinful self” behind a veneer of goodness. Rather, I take it as encouragement – to get out of my own way, so that the compassion and kindness and all those other qualities of my original sixor eight-year-old self can come to fruition. Prayer: God, thank you for the love you show us through family relationships, and for your encouragement to keep doing our best to love one another, one day at a time. Amen Tim Mueller is organist/pianist on the staff at St. Stephens, and he operates a piano studio. His wife Kimberly is a researcher with the Wisconsin Alzheimers Institute. Page 29 Wednesday, April 2, 2014 We keep on singing Stuff happens we can't control. Blood sugar drops way too low, the car smashes into a school bus, Roger is diagnosed as clinically dead. Baby Andrew has a rare sarcoma and goes from being a happy two-year-old to gone. Jobs are revoked way before we can afford to give them up. Stuff happens. Colossians 3:16 says to be thankful. But, we get old. Our memory doesn't work very well, our joints ache, we're tired. Be thankful. It's really cold, it's dark. Be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly; teach and admonish one another in all wisdom; and with gratitude in your hearts sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to God. Colossians 3:16 If we wallow in the stuff we can't control, life can be miserable. But we can control being thankful. Colossians calls us to sing songs of joy with gratitude in our hearts. This I can understand and do. When we sing songs of joy with gratitude in our hearts, life is better. Roger and I have been singing in a church choir since we were in third grade. In high school, we sang in the choir. When our kids were little, I let Roger go because they needed basses more than altos. One of the first things Roger could do after his accident – before he could talk intelligently, or walk – was sing songs. For 30 years Roger has sung with a Norwegian Men's chorus. Often he would feel too tired to go, but when he went, he always come back refreshed and happy. “Sing songs with gratitude in your hearts.” If singing isn’t your thing, listening with gratitude and joy also works. We’ve all heard wonderful concerts: choirs, orchestras, bands. Maybe those fifth grade band concerts weren't fun, but we were grateful. (When it was over, if nothing else.) Stuff happens we can't control, but let's check out check out Colossians 3. Put on compassion and kindness. Love and forgive each other. Be patient. Sing songs of joy with gratitude in our hearts. That should keep us busy! Prayer: Creator God, you ask a lot: Patience, love, endurance, joy and gratitude. But we know we will be happier if we live this way. Help us live up to the kind of community you want for us. Thank you for the joy you offer. Amen Roger and Nancy Morris keep busy caring for each other, helping with their grandchildren and singing. They feel there is a great community at St. Stephens and encourage you to join in the singing. (The choir could use a few more altos.) Page 30 Thursday, April 3, 2014 Let your light shine through There is a particular U.S. Postal worker at the downtown branch in Madison, a man I Whatever your task, put yourselves encounter only every so often. If he’s into it, as done for the Lord and not there, you sense the glow almost as soon for your masters. Colossians 3:23 as you enter the post office. He makes a gift of himself to everyone he serves, doing the job, but adding a light touch of personality that makes me feel expected and welcomed. The posting of a letter or package becomes the ephemeral scaffolding for a wonderful brief encounter, a lovely little something extra that in Louisiana would be called a lagniappe. The light of his delight takes people by surprise and momentarily melts our isolation. Neither the US Postal Service nor any other human employer can purchase this sort of grace in an employee. It is a gift of the Spirit and completely transcends the job description. An employer, a prison cell or an illness may have claims on my body and attention, but I have a say about my soul. Any job I have can be a vocation. Any job that has me is a form of servitude. As a person alive in Christ and rising daily, will I impede the grace? Or will I let the light shine through? Prayer: Lord, teach me the joy of letting your light shine through! Amen Imagine Connie Kilmark’s surprise when she found this liberating sentence smack dab in the middle of a text that was used to justify slavery for centuries. You never know how scripture is going to surprise you. Oh, yes. She is 65 and has two old kids, Kristin (30) and Jeffrey (27). Page 31 Friday, April 4, 2014 Strength to grow on “I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5 Today’s verse, “I AM the true vine . . . you, my branches, will bear much fruit,” and the verses around it remind me that I, as one of Jesus’ branches, bear fruit. I think about all the help I received 30 years ago when I was badly injured in a car accident. A man stopped the car. People lifted the car off me. A brain surgeon was waiting in the hospital when I arrived. A policeman guided my parents to the hospital. A nun gave me a crucifix to hang onto. Family, friends and strangers gave me strength; all these branches provided what I needed to go on. I need to remember that we all make good fruit. We may not recognize the goodness of our fruit, but it can make a wonderful difference to someone else. Prayer: Dear Lord, Please help us make good fruit on our “branches” to do your work in making this a better world. Forgive those who make big mistakes, and all of us. Let us know we are not forgotten. Amen Connie Newman is married to Jack. They have three crazy cats. After her accident, Connie retired from nursing. She volunteers at the St. Stephen’s Food Pantry and Olbrich Botanical Gardens, Madison’s jewel on the East Side. She also sings in the choir. Page 32 Saturday, April 5, 2014 The importance of charity Jesus’ central theme was Love and Charity. His “This is my commandment, that "State of Union" message (or, more appropriately, you love one another as I have State of the Universe) was the message he loved you.” John 15:12 delivered in the Sermon of the Mount. Those words sum up love and charity better than anything else he said. He intended this message to last throughout the ages – not for 5,000 or 10,000 years, but for eternity. The Beatitudes are a summary of what love and charity really mean. Here they are: The Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-10) Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Years ago while attending the University of Wisconsin, I joined a student chapel. A priest, who was in graduate school, talked to us. I remember now clearly, some 60-plus years later, the essence of what he said: "As students you are concerned about sins against Purity in thoughts and actions. Let me say that Christ is/was much more concerned with sins against Charity and Love. If you speak unkindly of others or hurt someone's feelings, it is more grievous in God's eyes." Yes, love and charity toward others is central to how Jesus wants us to live our lives. Prayer: Lord, fill our hearts with love and let us live with charity towards others. Amen Bill Waldbillig was born and raised in Niagara, WI. He is co-founder of Waldbillig & Besteman Advertising, Inc. and is married to Joan Collins of Joan Collins Publicity, Inc. Bill is VP at Joan Collins Publicity, Inc. They recently became members at St. Stephen’s. Page 33 Sunday, April 6, 2014 Providing a ministry of presence To them God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” Colossians 1:27 There are times in life when we feel unconnected to what is important and vital. Our media saturated culture delivers plenty of trivia and kitsch. These times are in contrast to when we feel we are living with a purpose and enjoy giving our contribution to life’s banquet. A young man in his 20s got the news in jail that his father died. His mother had died 10 years earlier so he felt completely alone. In times like these the simple presence of someone who will listen makes a difference. We are created to be in relationship. Seeing Christ in the grieving one enables us to reflect the love that created and unites us all. Paul sought to make it clear that God’s loving plan is for ALL people. “In him all things were created,” (Colossians 1:16) including YOU, and we find our fulfillment in Christ “the hope of glory.” We see evidence each day that chaos and destruction appear to dominate the news and sometimes our neighborhoods. Eighty percent of the reasons people come to jail is related to addiction. Jail also becomes the default “treatment” center for many mentally ill. I thank God that you at St. Stephen’s join with other congregations to support our ministry of presence there. It is one way you help “make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery.” We don’t know the mind of God or the reasons for so much chaos in our world. What we do know is that in Christ “the fullness of God was pleased to dwell.” (Colossians 1:19) Jesus saw people for who they were created to be and brought healing where there was brokenness. In Christ you and I are reflections of that Good News of mercy today. Prayer: Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Amen Rev. John Mix is a full time chaplain at the Dane County jail. He also paints landscapes and portraits in oil and pastel. To learn more visit: Page 34 Monday, April 7, 2014 Our souls wait in hope The writer of this psalm cries for mercy to a God who is known to be merciful, and in that mercy there is hope. The psalmist is not consumed by total desperation; rather the cry arises from the recognition that we mess up repeatedly in our daily lives, so we need forgiveness. I wait for you, O Lord; my soul waits; in your word is my hope. Psalm 130:5 It requires vulnerability for us to prostrate ourselves before the mercy of the Lord and call out, “Let your ears be attentive to the voice of my pleas for mercy.” Vulnerability is difficult for me, whether in private prayer or with family members. Asking for forgiveness requires submission of ego and admission of failure. Does this resonate with you? And so we wait for the Lord, our souls wait. Years ago my relationship with our son had disintegrated because I was disappointed with his irresponsible and immature actions. My reaction was to write him off and not have much to do with him. Fortunately, he did not give up on the relationship. My wife urged me to reach out to him and I finally responded to his desire to re-establish the bond. Today we have a strong relationship of love and respect. We wait, our souls wait. And we have hope. Prayer: While our souls wait, dear Lord, we look to you for mercy. We wait – God’s response is not instantaneous, but it does provide hope. We wait on the Lord. Amen Rolfe Nervig lives in McFarland with his wife, Mary. Their daughter Sarah and granddaughter Ava also live in McFarland. He and Mary have been members of St. Stephen’s for two years. Page 35 Tuesday, April 8, 2014 Prayer goes beyond words This verse is a joyful reminder to stay mindful moment-to-moment of God’s loving presence and all that God provides. Prayer is how we relate to God, how we communicate with God. Through prayer we express our grief and sorrows seeking contact with God when we need help. We express delight when the world offers us a special event. Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with thanksgiving. Colossians 4:2 One of my favorite quotes (I have it on my refrigerator – the keeper of all wisdom!) is “God gave us a body, why aren’t we praying with it?” I was reminded of this quote and our Colossians verse today as we read Psalm 139:13-14, “for You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother’s womb. I will give thanks to You, for I am lovingly and wonderfully made; wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well.” Let’s praise God for our very being! Given the wonderful gift God gave us in our bodies I believe prayer goes beyond words. Prayer may be a smile as we look up at a multicolored sunset or a sigh as we set down a heavy load. Prayer may be a song, a dance, a painting that we create or that we collectively experience. Prayer may be an act of helping another – a mother calming a fidgety young child, giving food to the food bank, offering your time and energy to any of the world’s boundless needs as a volunteer, reaching out to a friend who is sick or “down,” or simply giving a smile and hello to someone you pass. Every act of kindness is a prayer. So, as you go throughout your day be awake to the constant presence of our God – and communicate that to God through your words, your heart, your body, your life. Prayer: Dear God, Thank you for the countless precious ways we can pray to you! Amen Ann Nielsen has been involved with St. Stephen’s ever since she met up with that wacky drummer Erik Nielsen who now is in Steadfast; they have an amazing daughter, Juniper. Ann is a dance/movement therapist at a local non-profit organization where she works with children and families with trauma backgrounds and developmental challenges. Page 36 Wednesday, April 9, 2014 Seasoned with Grace One definition of grace is “the freely given, unmerited favor and love of God. The influence Let your speech always be or spirit of God operating in humans. A virtue or gracious, seasoned with salt, so that excellence of divine origin. The condition of you may know how you ought to being in God's favor or one of the elect.” Grace answer everyone. Colossians 4:6 means giving something that is not deserved. It’s the love that God has towards us through Christ. We do not deserve it, but he gives it to us freely. To speak graciously means to be pleasant, courteous and kind. Sounds easy enough – I can usually get through a day feeling like I used my words in a pleasant way. But how do we season our words with salt? When food is seasoned with salt, it can taste better. Speech that “tastes” better is more pleasant to listen to and can mean that conversation is flavored with attractive ideas so that listeners are stimulated, their curiosity aroused. Our words can also be used as a preservative (as salt has been used to preserve food) – to build strong relationships among us. Our words can even help to point others toward Christ. This can be a little more challenging and makes me think. Even if my words are pleasant, are they flavored with salt? Do they build up the people around me? Do they reflect that Jesus is present in my heart? Our words not only convey a message, but also can reveal the attitude of our hearts. Since our words can be a true measure of our spiritual self (they tell what is inside), what is in our heart will inevitably flavor our speech. Our conversation can be filled with grace if we are filled with grace. Prayer: Dear God, please help me when I open my mouth. Please help me to be positive and to spread encouragement with conversation that is filled with grace AND salt. Amen Becky McConnell lives in Monona with her family, Nate, Abby, and Carson. She works as a Physical Therapist with Fort Healthcare in Fort Atkinson. Becky thinks a little salt can help with encouraging both her family and the patients she works with every day! Page 37 Thursday, April 10, 2014 Grace at the very end Have you ever received a hand-written note? With the advent of computers, email, Facebook and Smart phones, the hand-written note is becoming increasingly rare. But there is something special about a handwritten note or letter. I have saved many over the years. Most express thanks. Others are notes of encouragement. Some espouse feelings of friendship and support. When my mom died, my sister and I found boxes of old letters, cards and notes – some were from us. What fun to read the letters that described the day-to-day activities of our family when the children were small, before computers and back when long distance phone bills were prohibitive. I, Paul, write this greeting with my own hand. Remember my chains. Grace be with you. Colossians 4:18 I have a friend who is saving those special hand-written notes in a box she says she plans to take with her when she goes to “The Home,” the idea being that these notes will sustain her during the last days of her life. And maybe that’s the beauty of something hand-written – you can physically hold it in your hand, it doesn’t evaporate into cyberspace. The note is present, a concrete reminder of what you can no longer see. Like when the writer of Colossians ends his letter writing with his own hand – it lends credibility. The bulk of the Colossians letter was probably dictated to a scribe, but to those receiving the epistle, the last few verses would have appeared in a different script – a personal note, a benediction, a blessing – grace at very end. Whether or not the letter was written by the Apostle Paul or by one of his followers is really immaterial. Imprisonment is implied: “Remember my chains.” But, grace has the last word. Wishes of Grace come from one under pressure, one imprisoned, but one who cares enough to add a greeting with “his own hand.” Prayer: O God, your word brings the promise of your incredible Grace. Help us to share that Grace with others through our own actions and in our own hand. Amen Meg Nielsen is an Associate in Ministry. She retired from her call as Director of Children and Family Ministry at McFarland Lutheran in 2010. She and her husband Glenn have been members at St. Stephen’s ever since. She is a member of the Green Team and sings in the choir. Page 38 Friday, April 11, 2014 Sticking to the path ahead Their expectations were not his, he thought, as the crowds waved their palms, wildly screaming “Hosanna.” Their expectations: to save them from oppressors and become their earthly king. His expectations: to save their spirits. Why did they choose not to hear? So they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him, shouting: “Hosanna! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord – the King of Israel.” John 12:13 Yet, as soon as he had posed the question he knew the answer. They had no context for capturing the concept of a dying Savior of the Spirit. Their minds had been shaped by stories of warlords and earthly kings. His way was new to them and would involve a rethinking process – gradual, evolving. Perhaps they would not fully understand until he was gone. His mind wandered back to the day before – a day of conflicting emotions and unexpected events: supper in Bethany with his friends Martha, Mary, and the risen Lazarus, members of his family, and the disciples; then Mary honoring him with precious oil and Judas chastising Mary for wasting the oil; the chief priests plotting to kill Lazarus because of the attention he had drawn to Jesus; the Jews arriving to see Lazarus, jealous of the Lazarus miracle. Conflict and confusion. The cheers rose in his ears. He refocused and grounded himself in silent prayer, fighting against their expectations, distractions, disturbances, and confusion. With clarity, he knew what he must do. His path had been chosen, he had accepted it and he would not deviate. As the cheers rose again, he savored them for only a moment, then sighed, refocused, and returned to silent prayer and his path ahead. Prayer: As we move through the expectations, conflicting emotions, distractions, and disturbances in our lives, Lord, help us find grounding and focus for our path. Help us clearly see your expectations for our lives and grant us strength to realize these expectations. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen Rosemary Lehman is a wife, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. She is an author, Distance Learning Consultant and Partner in eInterface – focusing on creating human presence in online learning. Page 39 Saturday, April 12, 2014 Come, live in the light Jesus said to them, “The light is with you for a little longer. Walk while you have the light, so that the darkness may not overtake you. If you walk in the darkness, you do not know where you are going.” John 12:35 Gardening is a pleasure of mine, one that requires light. And I've seen some days that seem to end too soon, as I can no longer see to pull the weeds. Jesus promised us light, and asks us to walk while we have light. I have found that if I keep busy during the time of light, my accomplishments will be plenty. But, it helps to pay attention to scripture to not just talk but walk. This is such a reality of life, knowing that light will sometimes turn to darkness as we plod along trying to always solve our own problems or someone else’s. It's all too easy to miss the light as we stumble along. That's when things really get clouded over and the light begins to fade. But if we plan our days and lives with God's help, as carefully as possible, we will be able to capture enough light so that we aren’t devastated at the end. We can choose whether or not to do it “My Way,” as the Frank Sinatra song says, or instead to follow Jesus who says, “not my way, but Thine.” This is how we will learn to live in the light. Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for guiding us in our life if we just ask. Sometimes we need to be refreshed and reminded of your presence. You are our light when the dark times seem to overwhelm us. Help us remember that you are willing to guide us back to the light. Please help us to let our light shine. Amen Phyllis Seiler is the mother of two, grandmother of three, and wife to her husband Bob. As they approach their 10th anniversary, they enjoy the morning “Light” in their condo sunroom, especially on cold winter mornings. Phyllis is retired, but enjoys volunteering, especially in the Food Pantry. Page 40 Palm Sunday, April 13, 2014 Enter, King of Glory! I am always struck by those who try to employ Jesus as a locked gate through Lift up your heads, O gates; and be which only selected individuals may pass. lifted up, O everlasting doors, that the And, when Jesus says, "I am the way, and King of glory may come in. Psalm. 24:7 the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" (John 14:6), it is tempting to create an image of him as a gatekeeper, or even a gate. Doors. Gates. We bar them, we lock them, and we close them. We feel secure behind solid doors with sturdy brass latches – safe from those who might wish to do us harm. Smooth wooden gates latch behind us to keep unpracticed walkers from tumbling down the stairs, giving us peace of mind when our hands are full or our attention divided. Doors and gates may protect us, and those we love, from danger, but when locked, they also prevent us from being free: we imprison ourselves in an effort to achieve safety. This is all the more true when we consider the gates and doors of our hearts. Sometimes we lock them so securely, for such a long time, that we forget they are gates and doors at all. We mistake them for walls – walls that seem insurmountable, walls that seem even to separate us from each other and from God. But how wonderful when we remember that we needn't scale those walls! Throw open the doors and unbar the gates! Enter, King of Glory, and usher me through safely as well. Prayer: Throw open the doors and unbar the gates! Enter, King of Glory, and usher me through safely as well. Amen Rebecca Redmann is the Director of Music Ministries. She is also the proud mom of Ned, who can clamber over, squeeze under, or topple almost any baby gate in less than 60 seconds. Page 41 Monday, April 14, 2014 Offering thanks for creation I think everyone knows that God made the The earth is the Lord’s and all that world and everything in it. But, how often do is in it, the world, and those who we actually see God’s creation and give thanks for it? When I read this verse from Psalms, I dwell therein, Psalm 24:1 instantly thought of all the amazing sights from our family trip to India and Nepal last fall – the sunrise on a Himalayan mountain peak, a wild black rhino lumbering off into the forest, the beautiful dark-eyed children in the refugee camps, colorful Tibetan prayer flags against a vivid blue sky. We would just stop and look in awe at the sheer beauty so different from what is a part of our life in Wisconsin. While it’s easy to admire what is unfamiliar to us, sometimes we ignore the beauty of God’s creation in our daily and sometimes mundane lives. We become so focused on what we need to do and where we need to go that we miss creation around us. As I pulled out of the driveway on my way to work this morning, I was busy thinking about what I needed to get done today, how cold it was in my car and how bad the traffic on the beltline would be. When I turned onto the highway, the frosty trees around Lake Waubesa took my breath away. Low-lying clouds hovered above the open water at the boat landing. The frozen lake sparkled in the sun. At times like these, we need to pause, take it all in, and offer a simple “thank you” to God for his creation. Try it! Prayer: Dear God, Open our eyes. Help us to see your beauty around us. We give you thanks. Amen Lisa Hansen is married to Pastor Tim. She’s the mom of three adventure loving kids and loves seeing the beauty in the moms and babies she works with each day as a lactation consultant for Group Health Cooperative. When she’s not working, she spends as much time outside as she can. Page 42 Tuesday, April 15, 2014 Sharing acts of kindness When Jesus spoke these words after washing his disciples’ feet, he knew he would die very soon. There is an urgency in his words, a desperate wish that people would understand the meaning of his actions. “So if I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have set you an example, that you also should do as I have done to you.” John 13:14-15 Jesus’ foot washing is central to our Christian values. It is the message to love our neighbor as ourselves that Jesus wants us to internalize as he literally stoops down to wash his disciples’ feet. Jesus wants us to do the same: to serve others. Not once in a while to check off an item from a to do list, to make ourselves feel better, but as a way of life. This is a hard command, as in our culture we are led from an early age to realize our own dreams and needs, and that we can be and do whatever we want. It took me well into middle age to recognize that only loneliness and desperation comes from such a claim. Recently I went to visit my parents in Germany. Since my mother’s diagnosis of Parkinson’s, their lives have undergone many changes. Not being able to travel far distances is just one of them. Now my father does indeed wash my mother’s feet. He also cuts her nails and puts on her socks and shoes. He helps her with eating her meals, getting in and out of the car, driving her places, and this goes on and on and on. You would have to know my father to appreciate these acts of kindness – he could be described as the macho type, a working class man who still enjoys playing cards and drinking with his buddies. But he internalized Jesus’ command of serving, and he does so with patience and joy. On New Year’s Eve, as a new year was rung in and we gathered on our street with the neighbors to shout “Prost Neujahr!” (Cheers to the New Year!), he hugged my mother close and said he hoped they would have a few more good years together. And so do I. Prayer: Jesus, show us how we can love each other. Show us the joy we can experience in caring for each other. Amen Angela Heyworth and her family have been members at St Stephen’s for 15 years. Now that her children are (nearly) grown, she hopes to use her German/ English language skills in translation and writing. Page 43 Wednesday, April 16, 2014 I AM even in the darkest night Prior to their last meal together, Jesus washed his disciples’ feet, performing an act of servanthood and inviting them into a life of humility and service. Then, Jesus gave Judas a piece of bread dipped in a dish, identifying him as the traitor. Judas went out. And it was night. In John’s gospel, the darkness that follows becomes the setting for the farewell discourses in which Jesus agonizes over leaving his disciples, all of whom “he loved to the end.” (John 13:1) It was the night in which he was betrayed by Judas and denied by Peter, beaten and mocked. Seemingly abandoned. So after receiving the piece of bread, he [Judas] immediately went out. And it was night. John 13:30 A few years ago, we lived through a difficult time. While it cannot be compared to what Jesus endured, it was the worst we had ever encountered. My mother got sick and was dying by inches, we had to move both my parents to a care center leaving the farm empty, the call to serve a congregation I loved came to an end, a dear brother-in-law died of melanoma, during the winter the pipes froze and broke out a the farmhouse – causing great damage, and through it all I limped painfully, postponing needed hip replacement surgery. Every month brought new sadness. We felt lost and abandoned, like we were sailing on an endless ocean without chart or map. And, it was night. Everyone who lives upon the earth goes through a dark night at some time or another. At those times it can seem like God is silent, absent, and yes, even non-existent. But even when the night is at its darkest and when we feel the most alone, even then God goes with us. We might not know it, but Jesus loves us to the end. The Spirit brings comfort. Jesus washed his disciples feet. He didn’t stop when he came to Judas. Judas betrayed him. Peter denied him. So do we all, and yet Jesus loves us to the end. He goes to prepare a place for us. He sends the gift of the Holy Spirit. He promises that eventually our sorrow will turn to joy. And so, through our deepest misery, we can live as people of hope. And when we forget even to hope, the Spirit intercedes. Jesus loves us to the end. Even, and especially, when it is night. Prayer: Good shepherd, help us to trust in your presence at all times. Amen As editor of this devotional booklet, Meg Nielsen has read all of these great devotions. She is thankful to everyone for sharing their personal experiences of faith. Page 44 Maundy Thursday, April 17, 2014 Love: the verb that keeps on giving We Lutherans tend to be rather stoic about religion … a nice way of saying we don’t talk about it much or try to tell others what they should believe. We don’t do a lot of overt evangelism or personal testifying. So how will “everyone know” we are Disciples of Christ? By example. By the way we love one another and those around us. [Jesus said] “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:34-35 We often think of love as a feeling, an emotion. But the truth is, love is a verb. CS Lewis defined love as extending yourself for the benefit of someone else. Here are some other things love is: Love is Kevin and Tristan crawling underneath a house in Arabi, LA to pry out an old gas heater that was ruined by Katrina’s flood waters. Love is Kristin befriending a lonely little girl in Branchland, West Virginia. Love is Greg teaching other teens and adults how to install siding on a new church building in Dungannon, VA. Love is Laura organizing activities for Bible School children in Bayou La Batre, AL. Love is a crew of teens salvaging window screening from a burned out house to repair a screen door on an elderly woman’s porch in Johns Town, MS. Love is Seth on a very tall ladder painting the eves of a house in Heart Butte, MT. Love is you offering your hands in service, extending yourself for the benefit of someone else. Prayer: Loving God, guide our hands in service to others that they will know we are your disciples by the love we share through our actions. Amen Chris Gantz is married to Dewey, has two children and three grandchildren and has been a member of St. Stephen’s for 18 years. She is an Associate in Ministry called by our synod to Communications Ministry serving multiple ELCA congregations. Page 45 Good Friday, April 18, 2014 An epitaph to remember The summer after ninth grade, my dad and I When Jesus had received the wine, he built our family’s cabin. We’re both pretty said, “It is finished.” Then he bowed his handy and enjoy projects. But we’re not the ideal guys to undertake such an endeavor; head and gave up his spirit. John 19:30 my dad has a frequent proverb: “Better done than perfect.” Dropping a fishing line in the water in the evening was more important than yet again measuring to 1/16 th inch. Despite minor imperfections, the cabin is still standing and serving us well as a getaway. Another of my dad’s frequent proverbs came from an art teacher who told him, “George, when you’re done… quit.” Doing too much not only affects the piece of art, but also gets in the way of much of life. So today we have a beautiful reading from the Gospel of John, telling of this important event in his own understanding. Only in John does Jesus say these last words from the cross. Certainly we put extra weight on anybody’s last words; they are an epitaph we continue to ponder. “It is finished.” We may not expect that Jesus was claiming imperfection or that he decided to quit. He is certainly saying his life is over, is finished. But it’s not just the end, it’s also a completion. He could’ve taught more and healed more, but he didn’t need to keep adding to his life. He did what he came to do. This statement is also a mark of totality, of completeness. Here, finally, Jesus reveals for us the fullness of God. He has not only reached the end of his mission, but the crucifixion also sums up his mission. (I continue to be challenged that he says the finish and goal is the cross, and doesn’t wait to say it until the resurrection. But I don’t get to choose.) Prayer: Lord Jesus, somehow you reveal perfection in brokenness and God’s fullness by emptying yourself of life. In the imperfections and incompleteness that we face, show us your glory. Amen Pastor Nick Utphall’s family cabin is on Otter Lake by Stanley, WI. To woo Acacia, he made a t-shirt that said, “I’m a carpenter.” Page 46 Holy Saturday, April 19, 2014 Bearing a powerful witness! I love this passage from the Gospel of John. It is a powerful post-resurrection story about God’s kingdom breaking in on the reality of the world in a new way that is shockingly loving and powerful. Mary Magdalene went and announced to the disciples, "I have seen the Lord!" and she told them that he had said these things to her. John 20:18 Mary’s world was rocked by the events of the past week and she simply knew what she experienced – the suffering and death of her friend Jesus. It happened so fast and she was reeling from just the horror of these events. Her visit to the tomb in John’s Gospel seems to be one of needing to be close to Jesus, even in his death. Maybe she needed to really be sure of his death, or wanting to believe that this was all a dream. What she discovered in the events of that Easter morning was just as shocking as the preceding events. People don’t simply rise from the dead. It is not a part of our reality. Yet, here she was, confronted by angels and ultimately, by Jesus himself asking: “Why are you weeping? Whom do you seek?” One can’t put too much emphasis on the wonder of that moment when Jesus calls to her, “Mary!” Hearing her name shocked her into the reality of Jesus’ resurrection life. She runs back to tell the other, and as she busts into the room with this excitable declarative, “I have seen the Lord!” Mary bears a powerful witness. I have often thought about those moments when I saw, or felt the presence of the Risen One in our midst: In the middle of a noisy worship with kids running in and out, or squealing sound systems, or a shaky hand holding out the cup of blessing to others in the community, in the middle of a gathered people of faith who come to worship with all of their own pre-conceived notions about what is real and what is not about faith in their lives. In all these situations, Christ shows up, because Christ is the host. Christ is present because he has promised to be with us, wherever we are in our understanding. That is the beauty of this story. Thanks be to God! Prayer: Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief! Amen Tim Hansen is one of the pastors at St. Stephen’s. He enjoys basketball, golf, camping, making music and reading. Tim is married to Lisa. They have three children, Kai, Karin and Anders and two dogs. Page 47 Easter Sunday, April 20, 2014 Christ is risen! Expect the unexpected! I give thanks to you for you have answered me and you have become my salvation, Psalm 118:21 What do you expect when you go to church on Easter Sunday? Brass? Music? The same old familiar story of the empty tomb? What was Mary expecting that morning? Certainly not what she found. She came in deep grief. The one she loved was dead and she was there to prepare his body. She expected to find that body – dead people stay where you put them. She came in fear. It was dangerous to be associated with Jesus. She was expecting trouble. She came with a sense of despair. She had hoped that he would be the one. These were her expectations that morning. She found something else. As Mary stood weeping outside of the tomb, she encountered the unexpected. She heard Jesus speak her name. In that instant, Mary’s grief was replaced by amazement and joy. Her fear was replaced by peace and her despair turned to hope as she went and announced, “I have seen the Lord!” There is so much in our own lives that can lead us to grief, fear and despair. We need to hear again and again the old familiar Easter story, a story of unexpected life – not death – a story of joy and peace and hope. Jesus meets us in our grief and fear and despair. Jesus asks us, “Why are you weeping?” Jesus calls us by name, and when we hear our name we recognize him: the living one who loves us, who knows us intimately and sends us to announce that he is alive. In that recognition we find joy. In that naming we find peace. In that sending we find hope. Today expect the unexpected! Christ is risen! Prayer: Gracious God, surprise us today and every day with the presence of your risen son Jesus who calls us by name and sends us out in joy and peace and hope. Amen Rev. Mary Stumme Froiland is the Bishop of the South Central Synod of Wisconsin, ELCA. To learn more about our synod, go to: Page 48 Opportunities in Lent Besides this prayer guide, we encourage you to take advantage of the many ways to enrich your faith during this season. Midweek Gatherings Wednesday: March 5 – April 9 Worship at noon and 6:45 p.m. Soup Suppers from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Heretics for Armchair Theologians book discussion group at 5:30 p.m. Also, mark your calendars and set aside time to participate in all of these unique worship experiences of Holy Week. Watch for more information. Palm Sunday ~ April 13 – 9:30 a.m. Maundy Thursday ~ April 17 – 7:00 p.m. Good Friday ~ April 18 – 1:00 p.m. Easter Vigil ~ April 19 @ sunset Easter Sunday ~ April 20 @ sunrise, 8:00/10:00/11:00 St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church, ELCA 5700 Pheasant Hill Rd. • Monona, WI 53716 222-1241 •
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