INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN MEDICAL AND DENTAL ASSOCIATION CHRISTIAN MEDICAL AND DENTAL ASSOCIATION - SOUTH SUDAN Whole Spirit, Whole Soul, Whole Body (1 Thessalonians 5:23) OFFICIAL LAUNCH OF THE CMDA SOUTH SUDAN OCTOBER 31, 2014 ISSUE 13 EDITORIAL FROM THE REGIONS ICMDA PROJECT CONFERENCE CALENDAR PG PG PG PG 01 02 16 17 JANUARY - MARCH 2015 1 EDITORIAL Jesus said to her, “Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you seeking?” Supposing Him to be the gardener, she said to Him, “Sir, if you have carried Him away, tell me where you have laid Him, and I will take Him away.” 16 Jesus said to her, “Mary!” She turned and said to Him in Hebrew, “Rabboni!” (which means, Teacher). 17 Jesus said to her, “Stop clinging to Me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father; but go to My brethren and say to them, ‘I ascend to My Father and your Father, and My God and your God.’ John 20:15-17 In a society that depersonalizes human beings, this Easter story acts like a powerful reminder to the power of a “name”. When I was a registrar in Pediatric surgery, I was looking after a child who had a nephrectomy for a Wilm’s tumor. Her official name was Sobhupriya and I would call her that the first few times when I did her dressing. Then one day I discovered she was called “Gudiya” or a doll by her family, a pet name. The next time I got to her bedside I called her “Gudiya,” and she gave me a warm, wonderful smile that lit the whole room. The power of being called by your own name! We see the same phenomenon with Mary Magdalene who came to the Garden tomb to see where the body of Jesus lay. She saws Jesus, but yet did not “see Him.” It was only when Jesus called her by name, “Mary” that she suddenly came alive and recognized Jesus. Note also how Jesus gives both Mary and the disciples a strong sense of belonging. He says - Tell my “brethren” and also says “My father and your father and My God and your God”. Remember that this is also our identity: “brothers of Christ having the same Father.” What an encouragement!! In a world where people are lonely and discouraged, this Easter story reminds us that we should know people personally and call them by their names as we care and look after them. We can do this since we have a very secure identity! Vinod Shah CEO- ICMDA 1 FROM THE REGIONS EURASIA NETHERLANDS Dr. Rick Paul, Eurasia Regional Sectary Report: From 19 March to 22 March 2015, the regional committee of ICMDA Eurasia together with Regional Represen -tatives, Area Representatives and Members of the International Board Participants of the Eurasia Committee meeting 2015 had its annual meeting in Budapest, Or Visionary leaders Hungary. This central location was ideal as participants came from all corners of our vast area - England (west), Kazakhstan (east), Norway (north) and Romania (south). Three inspiring days of worship, fellowship and meetings with special breaks. On Friday, we saw partial Sun-eclipse together with the protective eye gear (brought by our Chairman, Hans-Rudi Pfeifer for all) and Saturday afternoon, we made a Budapest city-tour together with Board-members of KOMT (CMF Hungary). Major topic of the discussion was about the relation between ICMDA Eurasia and the national CMF’s strengthening bonds, the role of delegates, and extension of the work and other topics were about the role of regional and sub-regional conferences. Due to visa problems, short time and financial constraints, there will be no pan-Eurasia Conference before the World Conference 2018 in India, but Participants of the Eurasia Committee meeting watching the sun-eclipse! a number of sub-regional meetings (often language-based) will be held. A Russian-speaking meeting for the Central Asian Republics in Kyrgyzstan between 16th-19th July and the “Pan-Portuguese Conference” in Lisbon between 8th -11th Oct 2015 will be held. Other activities are: • Evangelistic Medical English conference • Baltic Christian medical camp • Russian medical outreach camp • Belarus and Ukraine outreach camp • International student conference Madrid, 12-13 June 2015 Estonia, 6-10 July 2015 Russia, 3-9 August 2015 Ukraine, 9-15 August 2015 Ukraine, October 2015 (Dates TBA) We give thanks to God for the meeting held in good harmony and with fruitful discussions. 2 SERBIA Dr. Klara CMF of Serbia Report We praise God for His goodness, grace and His love given for us at the cross. Seminar on Grace Based Family The One Night Parenting seminar with Tim and Darcy Kimmel from Phoenix was held on March 19th 2015 in the Main Hall, PHZ in Novi Sad. It was organised by Christian Medical Fellowship of Serbia and PHZ-Church. A total of about 70 attended, mostly young couples from Novi Sad and also from the surrounding cities. The participants were from 7 different churches and denominations. Dr. Tim Kimmel spoke on the topic “Grace Based Families:-Treating the People We Love the Way God Treats Us,” “Bringing the Best Out of Strong-willed Children,” and “Leading Your Family Towards True Greatness:- Resisting the Lure of the Success Lie.” Feedback: The host of the evening, Pastor, said, it is extremely valuable to hear a lecture about the family where you learn a lot about the relationship with Jesus. Tim taught us how to deepen our love toward God and how it relates to the understanding of God's love for our family members. I have participated on seminars about Family, but this was a valuable experience for me. I'm surprised to notice many mistakes within me. I often paid attention to irrelevant details and thereby missed in my relationship with my wife and children. CMF members were involved in a very historical event. The First Balkan Marriage couple’s Conference 20th to 22nd March on Grace Based Family. Te Conference was held in Ethno village Stanisic-Bijeljina (Bosnia and Herzegovina). Eighty-five married couples came together from Slovenia, Croatia, B&H, Rep.Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro. Some of the Medics were encouraged to meet each other there. National Oral Health Day Outreach was held on 23rd March at a Kindergarden in Novi Sad. Workshop was managed by Dr. Klara K.D. Dentist, Vesna-Dental Healthcare Assistant and Students of Dentistry. A Day for Oral Healthcare had an opportunity to coordinate the workshop between the students of Dentistry from Medical University at a Kindergarden, which is a regular Annual Program. Students have special opportunities to learn practically to care for the children. They were excited to teach the children. They gave additional training for children on technique of brushing teeth and gave out a prepared poster on Healthy Teeth-game to share it with their family. 3 Prayer need: Pray for salvation of more healthcare workers and among the medical students. To raise leaders. For Belgrade Saline Process seminar. CMF Serbia Annual meeting for preparation, speakers and good attendance. PRAYER WEEK IN JANUARY PRAYER WEEK 2015 Our Today's era has attack on marriages and many divorces cause health problems. The HCFI Europe Prayer Week 2015 was held at Sremski Karlovci, Serbia and hosted by CMF of Serbia. It was a privilege to spend a week with healthcare professionals and others for the sake of the God’s Kingdom in the healthcare where we have been called to serve. It was a blessed time of personal quiet time with the Lord, fellowship, worship and prayer. The meeting was held on the banks of the River Danube. It was an inspirational place to focus and hear His voice. We kept apart a time to ‘count our blessings,’ and for exploring the main theme of prayer week ‘Compassion and Building the Kingdom of God.’ During the worship times, we seeked to stay closer to Him, listen and learn from our Lord how to serve more compassionately according to His will and how to bring the reality of heaven in our profession, not just the doctrine of heaven, but to build the Kingdom of God and to manifest the heart of God (especially the Father’s) to our colleagues and patients. We continue with building relations ‘Building as God builds - building relationally.’ We looked at the River Danube every morning and enjoyed with songs, “The sun comes up, it’s a new day dawning.” The river looked sometimes blue, sometimes grey, reflecting sky – we asked – what are we reflecting? How do people see us? Are we bringing Hope of the future by faith? The next themes were ‘What does it mean to be compassionate?’ and ‘What does compassionate healthcare? We went through the Bible story of the Good Samaritan - a stranger and from a different culture, like believers in the healthcare. We prayed for different service and professionals at Healthcare, for hospitals and Departments and for the caregivers to become more compassionate. Prayed to God to comfort in our fear and distress, disgrace and the gap between the generations. God gave us much encouragement and some points to pray: 1. The compassion and hope we need only comes from intimacy with Him. 2. Speak out blessings over people and places. 3. Replace complaining with Remembering that we are His temple and 4. We declare his mighty works and blessings! 5. Take risks and step out in faith. 6. Carry His presence into our workplaces even though suffering might come. The Prayer Week had an afternoon guided tour at a local village, Sremski Karlovci and the nearby city of Novi Sad, to take a look into the history and culture of the region. Two guests took part in the evening session, a local pastor Bera and worshipper Darijo. The participants were moved by the Spirit of the Lord to pray for the church and healthcare in the Balkans and said ‘May they continue to sing a new song – a song of praise to our God.’ 4 CENTRAL ASIA Third Central Asia Christian Medical Congress from July 16th – 20th, 2015 Issyk-Kul, Kyrgyzstan Greetings from the land of Central Asia. As 2014 ended, we would like to share with you our plans for this year. Our major event this year is the Third Central Asia Christian Medical Congress from July 16th – 20th, 2015, Issyk-Kul, Kyrgyzstan While many enjoyed being a part of the last Congress in 2010, the good news is that during these last four years the Father has brought us new medical professionals into the family and the Central Asia Christian Medical Union. Most of them did not had a chance to meet the “extended” medical family since the last “reunions” as this happen once in 5 years. We would like to welcome them at this congress. It is always encouraging for both old and new members to finally meet each other face to face and to get to know each other better. We treasure these times of fellowship, time to share stories and testimonies, time to establish close ties and most of all to realize that we are not alone in this (medical) world – we have a Like Minded People Who Make A FAMILY! The Theme of the Congress will be The Future and Hope for Christian Medical Professionals of Central Asia Central truth: Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, “declares the LORD,” plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. We are hoping to have about 200 medical professionals from all over Central Asia and we welcome guests from all over the world. We will not be able to do it without the help of our friends in bringing such a big family together. Would you please consider prayerfully if you can help us in anyway. Overall cost will be approximately 25,000 USD - one third will be covered by participants themselves or raised locally and we need help in raising the rest of it. If you would like to help us financially or you know someone who would like to help, please contact us (Secretaries of the CM Union) at [email protected] (Dina) or [email protected] (Nurgul). 5 UNITED KINGDOM Dr. John Martin, CMF Head of Communications Reports: Pray for CMF UK Over 80 CMF staff, board members and link people attended CMF’s inaugural CMF Prayer Summit (16-18 January). It was an excellent time of prayer, praise, reflection and celebration. Pray for CMF as we continue to seek the Lord’s guidance for our future life and work. Over 40 delegates attended the CMF London and SE Day conference (8th November 2014), under the theme ‘Fruitfulness on the Frontline of Healthcare.’ Praise God for the many local CMF groups and their role in supporting our members in their place of work. In May, the Scottish Parliament will be voting on an Assisted Suicide (Scotland) Bill led by Patrick Harvie MSP. CMF’s CEO Peter Saunders has been giving evidence in opposition to this bill. Pray that there will be an honest debate and an outcome that honours God. We are encouraged by the response to The Human Journey, our eight-part course looking at the interface of the Bible and key issues in health and healthcare. It is possible to know what’s happening with The Human Journey through our e-newsletter or on Facebook. Pray that this ministry will grow. Dr John Greenall is CMF’s new Head of Student Ministries. He is married to Heidi, a nurse, and they have three children. Please pray for John as he takes up this vital role and for vital work among medical students. The National CMF Conference will be held from 24-26 April. Theme is ‘Hope in a Suffering World.’ There will be a special programme tracks for nurses and select student leaders. Main speaker Lindsay Brown former general secretary of IFES. Pray that those attending will be inspired and receive fresh zeal to live and speak for Christ. Dear Friends, BULGARIA We request for a very special prayer for a Dental student Iveta from Varna, Bulgaria, who suffered a severe brain injury last December. The campaign Support for Iveta is going on in several cities in Bulgaria: We appreciate your support! Pray for the healthcare system and medical students in Bulgaria. God bless! Dr. Eleonora Encheva 6 DENMARK Two regional meetings this spring dealt with our annual theme; “How cultural differences and understanding of illness impact medical treatment.” Both meetings brought up experiences from doctors working with immigrants and refugees in Denmark, a vulnerable and growing patient group. Another issue is that of making euthanasia legal, still illegal in Denmark, opinion polls show that an overweight of the Danish population wants assisted suicide legalized. This is a great ethical challenge and we as Christian Doctors need to join the public debate on this topic. New part time employee, Elisabeth Dørken, has as one of her chores to help the Danish CMF actively join the public debate, to encourage Christian Doctors in their work and more generally to promote our vision and purpose. Please pray for: 1. Kristelig Lægeforening and the challenge of euthanasia 2.New employee, Elisabeth Dørken, that her work may be a benefit to Kristelig Lægeforening, Denmark. Sincerely, Elisabeth AUSTRIA The conference in May is fully booked and we have a waiting list. Please pray for it. Our conference is from 8-10 May 2015 in Schladming Schütterhof about Trauma and Healing referent Sharon and Martin Van Horn and Dr. Reinhard Pichler; and in October 2015, we are organising a conference in Salzburg with the German (D) the Austrian (A) and Swiss (CH) also called DACH Conference (German speaking doctors) about the biblical picture of man. Visit our homepage Yours Friedrich 7 METNA AREA Dr. Ehab Fahmi Ayoub Metna Regional Secretary Report: Metna Region Conference Summary about second METNA region conference. It was held in Bet El WAdi, Wadi El Natroon from 14th to 17th February 2015 under the tittle But we have the mind of Christ (1cor 2:16). It was attended by 27 persons from Egypt, Tunisia, Mauritania, Bahrein, South Sudan, Pakistan, Turkey Speakers were Dr. Vinod Shah from India, Dr. Kevin from U.K, Dr. Anil Cherian ICMDAIHS, Dr. Russell USA, Dr.Issam Raad USA, Dr.Maher Samuel Egypt. We had a good time which included spiritual talk, songs, prayers and discussion. It was so encouraging to see believers and share with them our vision and spend time in Holy fellowship with them. 8 OCEANIA NEW ZEALAND Christian Medical Fellowship of New Zealand With the appointment of Dr. Fraser Hodgson as part time National Director, in the middle of 2014, there seems to be a new momentum within the organisation. The year 2015 has commenced with a number of regional meetings attended by doctors and students in various cities around the country. We are endeavouring to match students with doctors in a mentoring programme. The campus student groups in Otago and Auckland are active. Over 30 Otago medical students attended a recent camp. We are looking forward to our National Conference to be held in August 2015, where Dr Peter Saunders from CMF UK will be the main speaker. Praise God • for the energy and commitment of Dr. Fraser Hodgson and the CMF-NZ leadership • for the witness of the student campus groups. Prayer • for good planning; strong interest and attendance; and rich fellowship and teaching for our August 2015 Conference. • for effective infrastructure solutions. 9 AUSTRALIA Dr. Ben Reardon Reports, CMDFA Vision Committee Vision conference is an annual conference run through the CMDFA (Christian Medical and Dental Fellowship of Australia) to equip medical and dental students throughout Australia and to prepare them for campus ministry. This year, we had the exciting privilege of extending this to two New Zealand and two Papua New Guinean Medical students. This year it was held on the Gold Coast and was attended by a total of 56 delegates including students and mentors. At the end of conference many students shared about how they were encouraged and uplifted in their walk with Jesus. They were also excited to return to their various campuses to organise and run their campus ministries. Some students were also embarking on starting new campus groups. For some, it was their first exposure to God’s work through Christian doctors and dentists and they were eager to catch the CMDFA Vision of integrating faith and practice. Eric Mange, MBBS 5, UPNG SMHS (feedback) Vision conference was one of the best student conferences ever. The location and the number of students that attended the conference were just perfect. Also, the timing of the conference was great. It was just the right time before the start of 2015 academic year. Personally, I felt honoured and fortunate to be a medical student and being part of CMDFA is a privilege and opportunity for me to collaborate with the Australian Christian medical and dental students to influence the medical schools and the later hospitals for Christ. The 10 feeling of connecting with medical students of various ethnicities but with a same purpose is just wonderful. At the conference, it was more like home to me and the courtesy shown by the students was amazing. Being an international student, I thought it would have been difficult for me but the gesture and greetings of all the students and the mentors including the visitors was very welcoming and that made me feel at ease. The thing that made me more contented was the excitement and joy that all of you had in having us international students from Papua New Guinea and New Zealand attending Vision Conference. It was such a lovely gesture from all of you. My highlight for the conference was difficult to choose but certainly an “eye opener” for me. As a fifth year medical student in the University of Papua New Guinea, School of Medicine and Health Sciences, I have the passion to be a mentor. Not knowing what it was and the costs involved, I finally learned something about mentorship during the streams and am more than thankful to the mentors, especially Northern Russel and Caroline Russel. I acquired the adequate knowledge I needed in order to become a mentor. I also learned that “in order to be a teacher, you must first be taught, and in order to lead, you have to follow first;” similarly, “in order to be a mentor, you have to be a mentee;” only then will you know how to be a good one, and to do it properly. So I guess all of us individually have our own highlights of Vision in a different way. But this is my short highlight. All in all, I very much appreciate the fellowship, love, joy and peace that you guys have shared during the conference. I am really grateful and delighted to God for the wonderful opportunity through the sponsors and those who have tirelessly worked to make it possible for me and my friend Hermin to attend this conference. May God bless you all in your future endeavours. Our partnership in Christ is indescribable as we are one body in Christ. I look forward to seeing you all at IMPACT. 11 SOUTHERN AFRICA MALAWI Dr. Gareth Lipunga and Dr. Mulinda Nyirenda, CMDF Malawi still remains the warm heart of Africa as God reigns even in the midst of unstable economic and social circumstances for its people. The health sector faces many challenges that require Christian health professionals to experience God in reality in order to “Serve, Share and Shine” for Christ in their workplaces. In such circumstances, fellowship among brothers and sisters in Christ needs to be encouraged for edification, inspiring, teaching and encouraging each other. All this is done using the gifts God has given us to stimulate the spirit of unity and enjoy one another’s company as a family. The CMDF Malawi central region group decided to put this in practice and maximize the wonderful hot weather with good Christian fellowship on the 15th November 2014. Students from Malawi College of Health Science and College of Medicine together with qualified clinicians and their families (CMDF Lilongwe) travelled to Senga Bay on Lake Malawi. On the beautiful sand beaches in the warm sun, relaxed, playing games, singing songs of worship and reflecting on God’s word. Dr Nicky shared from Psalm 121 that “our help comes from the Lord” in the moment of physical, emotional and spiritual fatigue. All were encouraged to remember this spiritual truth and learn to draw strength in the Lord to serve others in our tough environment, even though we face our own weaknesses as individuals. The day ended with a barbeque and time to splash and swim in the lake. Upcoming Events: CMDF Malawi National Conference: October 2015 Prayer Points: • Pray for wisdom and boldness for Christian health professionals in Malawi to take up the challenge of improving health care standards and bring back professionalism in their workplaces. • Pray for students that they will be filled with purpose and passion for their studies as they prepare to contribute towards Malawi Health • Initiative and commitment for those called to take forward CMDF Malawi in 2015. A new national committee will be formed and a junior doctor will be appointed to coordinate student activities. 12 EAST ASIA MONGOLIA Dr. Altankhuyag Akhai reports Mongolian Christian Medical Association {MCMA, previously “Good Acts” Society} continue our activity for the vision “to build Lord's Kingdom in Healthcare field through Christian groups in Hospitals and Medical schools.” News: - We continued our regular activity - Bible study, discipleship, and weekly prayer meeting and fellowship in these last 3 months. - New people - medicals and students join us every week. Praise: - We could share gospel to 230 children of medical workers and their patients during Christmas. - God provided us an office for rent through a local church and meeting room for our weekly prayer meeting. Pray: - Regular support for full or part time staffs of our Medical and Student Movement. - National annual Christian Medical Conference in April. CENTRAL AMERICA PANAMA Promotions: our next Latin America Congress in Panama on June 19, 2015 to June 20, 2015. All medical, dental and other Christian Health professionals of the region are welcome to attend. For more information please contact Dr. Mario Ruiz, who is the Chairman of the Congress. Email: [email protected] 13 EAST AFRICA SOUTH SUDAN LAUNCH OF THE CMDA SOUTH SUDA CHRISTIAN MEDICAL AND DENTALOFFICIAL ASSOCIATION - SOUTH SUDAN Official launch of the CMDA was on October 31, 2014 OCTOBER 31, 2014 Following the official national registration of CMDA in South Sudan in March 2014 and with the ICMDA in July 2014, the Association organized an official launching ceremony in Juba on 31st October 2014. The ICMDA Regional Secretary for East Africa Dr. Mesfin Beyero attended the event. Other invited dignitaries that witnessed the launch include Ministry of Health officials, Church representatives, South Sudan Council of Churches and the Medical professionals. At the closing of the launch ceremony, the Bishop of Terekeka Diocese Rt. Rev. Paul Modi prayed over the new executive committee members present during the event. After that, a prayer was also held for all medical professionals to dedicate them to the services of the ministry. NG CEREMONY OF THE CMDA SOUTH SUDAN CMDA South Sudan awarded Certificates of Appreciation to the South Sudan Council of Churches, the National and Central Equatoria State Ministers of Health and to the Regional Secretary for ICMDA East Africa Dr. Mesfin Beyero (Cover photo). CMDA South Sudan Team Email: [email protected] Twitter: @CMDASouthSudan 14 in attendance at the launch CMDA SS members and guests WEST AFRICA BURKINA FASO From Taiwan's friend Angel Wang (Angelique) We are small but in Christ we are strong. Greetings from BCMDA. Thanks to God for bringing ICMDA and BCMDA together for the meeting at HNBC. Our BCMDA program is as listed below and we meet once each month at Ouagadougou, YAD Church. We use “The Doctor's Life Support” through the net as a platform connecting doctors and medical students every week since 2014. May the Lord help us! Blessing BURKINA! BCMDA 2015 Annual plan 1. Medical ethics seminar - (1.suicide, 2.euthanasia, 3.abortion, 4. birth control). Miss.Nadine will be responsible. Date: March 28, 2015; June 27, 2015; October 10, 2015; January 30, 2016. 2.Retirement (will be a day of activities). Mr. Claude will be responsible. Date: November 22, 2015. 3.Mobile Clinic - Mr. Roland will be responsible. Date May 30, 2015. Pray: 1.To restart access to patient and blood donation which was temporarily shelved. 2.Prayer and Bible study at least 15 minutes. 3.To participate in activities for the elderly. 4.Visiting program: Christian doctors or Christian students activities. 5.To participate in ICMDA network linking with Christian doctors and students of EA ICMDA and WA ICMDA (Monthly rotation). 6.Gospel Missionary Activity, May 30, 2015. 7.Ministry among poor people, May 30, 2015. Prayer: 1. West Africa Burkina Faso may have two Christian Medical doctors attendee if they get an opportunity to join workshop on this August of EA ICMDA meeting conference 2015 in Taiwan. 2. West Africa ICMDA also have a meeting in Ghana on July 2015; we are gathering some doctors and students to join the ICMDA event too. 15 ICMDA PROJECT MASTER IN FAMILY MEDICINE Dr. Sangeetha Balaji, an alumnus of PGDFM program, Chirstian Medical Collage, is currently involved in coordinating the MFM program, as the program manager. Her administrative role in the program includes liaising with the program partners, to provide learner counselling, and administrative support for the contact program logistics of the course at the international centres. She is also involved in various activities, assisting the facilitation of Family Medicine program (distance education) at CMC and is in charge of the Primary care research help desk. Highlights of MFM Official MOU signing between ICMDA, UoE and CMC was on 23 Feb 2015, at Chennai, India. Faculty Development program for Facilitators and local coordinators of the MFM contact session was conducted during Jan 15 to 17th, 2015, at CMC, Vellore, India. MFM 2014 batch of 19 candidates are looking forward to attending contact session at the regional centers in Nigeria, Uganda and India. To know more Please visit 16 CONFERENCE CALENDAR April 24 - 26 May 08 - 10 2015 CMF Conference, Conference at Schladming Schütterhof, Austria June 12 - 13 Evangelistic Medical English conference Madrid June 19 – 20 Conference in Panama July 02 - 05 Ghana National Conference. July 16 - 20 Third Central Asia Christian Medical Congress, Issyk-Kul, Kyrgyzstan August 07 - 09 East Asia Regional conference. August 2015 National Conference, New Zealand Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: John 11:25 PLEASE NOTE: ICMDA has an international address - [email protected]. Please update to this preferred address. For useful websites and resources, visit the ICMDA website resource bank. The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of ICMDA. Translations of NPP are encouraged and permissible. NEXT ISSUE DEADLINE - JUNE 2015 ICMDA, No.19, Doctors Avenue, Thutipuet, Vellore - 632 011. South India Tel: +91 416 2266686 : Website: : Email: [email protected] 17
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