Intel Collaborative Research Institute for Computational Intelligence Distributed Deep Learning Boris Ginzburg May 5, 2015 Agenda • Deep Learning - Phase-I – Deep Learning @ Intel – ICRI-CI academic impact • Deep learning - Phase-II: – Academic impact 2 Phase -1 DEEP LEARNING – PHASE I 3 Phase Intro -1 Deep Learning-I: @INTEL 2012: ICRI-CI was founded, focus on Architecture for Machine Learning; • 6/2012: Started research on HW accelerators for Neural Networks (B. Ginzburg, D. BD Rubin, D. Vainbrand). • 12/2012: Proposed HW accelerator for Convolutional NN 2013: Early path-finding with System LLT lab (R. Fishtein, S. Goffman, and R. Rappoport) • 9/2013: Computer Vision Group founded 2014: Intel Labs started Deep Learning project 2015: Multiple teams working on products and research related to DL and applications 4 Phase -1 Deep Learning-I: Academic impact ICRI-CI accelerated Deep Learning research in Israel – DL boot camps in TAU & Technion – 52 graduate students (B. Ginzburg) – Sponsored DL master class in TAU – Over 300 attenders (organizers: L. Wolf, B. Ginzburg) – Helped to establish DL labs in TAU and Technion – DL in curriculum in TAU, HUJI, and Technion ICRI-CI build partnership with Berkeley BVLC – Build IA-optimized caffe version (openmp and fft branches) – Work in progress on OpenCL and Xeon-phi versions – Intel joined BVLC board of sponsors 5 DEEP LEARNING – PHASE II 6 Large Scale Deep Learning Imagenet-1K: – 1000 classes, 1.2 million images – 75% accuracy (top-1) and 95%(top-5) 7 Phase-2 Very Large Scale Deep Learning Phase-2 Imagenet-100K: – 5/2015: 33,000 classes (“synsets”) with ~500 images/class, with target 100,000 classes – Google, Microsoft, and Baidu build internal distributed system 8 Deep Learning Phase-II: Goals • Scale deep net architecture and algorithms to 100,000 classes • Define reliable distributed system for super-fast training of large deep nets 9 Phase-2 Very Large Scale Deep Learning Phase-2 Major Challenges: 1. Theoretical: Scale deep net architecture and algorithms to 100,000 classes – Very large and Very deep NN (Google, Microsoft - billions of parameters) – Large ensemble of small specialized networks 2. Engineering: Build reliable distributed system for super-fast training of large deep nets – Distbelief (Google), Adam (Microsoft) Our goal: Provide technology to leapfrog DL performance – especially in data centers 10 Distributed Deep Learning: Phase-II Phase-II Phase-2 New Deep Learning Applications: CV, video analytics, medical imaging, … Open Source Distributed Deep Learning Library optimized for Intel Architecture (Intel Labs) Novel Deep Learning Architecture and Theory 11 Parallel and Distributed Optimization Algorithms for Deep Learning Scalable and Robust Distributed Systems for Large Scale Deep Learning Phase II: Theory & Foundations Phase-2 New Deep Learning Applications: CV, video analytics, medical imaging, … Open Source Distributed Deep Learning Library optimized for Intel Architecture (Intel Labs) Novel Deep Learning Architecture and Theory Scalable and Robust Distributed Systems for Large Scale Deep Learning Author Univ Amnon Shahua HUJI SimNets: A Generalization of Convolutional Networks Naftali Tishby HUJI Optimal Deep Learning and the Information Bottleneck principle Amir Globerson HUJI Improper deep learning with kernels Boaz Nadler Shie Mannor 12 Parallel and Distributed Optimization Algorithms for Deep Learning Title Weizman Unsupervised and Semi-supervised Ensemble Learning Technion Outlier robust distributed learning Phase II: Distributed Algorithms Phase-2 New Deep Learning Applications: CV, video analytics, medical imaging, … Open Source Distributed Deep Learning Library optimized for Intel Architecture (Intel Labs) Novel Deep Learning Architecture and Theory Author Ohad Shamir, Nathan Srebro Shai ShalevShwartz Koby Crammer 13 Univ Parallel and Distributed Optimization Algorithms for Deep Learning Scalable and Robust Distributed Systems for Large Scale Deep Learning Title Weizman Distributed Methods for Non-Convex TTI and Deep Learning HUJI New algorithms for distributed deep learning Technion Mega-classification for Deep Learning Phase-2 Phase II: Applications New Deep Learning Applications: CV, video analytics, medical imaging, … Open Source Distributed Deep Learning Library optimized for Intel Architecture (Intel Labs) Novel Deep Learning Architecture and Theory Author Mark Silberstein 14 Univ Parallel and Distributed Optimization Algorithms for Deep Learning Scalable and Robust Distributed Systems for Large Scale Deep Learning Title Technion Distributed deep learning on Xeon-Phi Phase-2 Phase II: Systems New Deep Learning Applications: CV, video analytics, medical imaging, … Open Source Distributed Deep Learning Library optimized for Intel Architecture (Intel Labs) Novel Deep Learning Architecture and Theory Author Lior Wolf Univ TAU Parallel and Distributed Optimization Algorithms for Deep Learning Scalable and Robust Distributed Systems for Large Scale Deep Learning Title Scene understanding: from image to text and from image and a question to an answer Hayit Greenspan TAU Applications of Deep Learning to Medical Imaging Technion Image restoration using deep learning Michael Zibulevsky 15 Phase-2 People HUJI Technion T.Tishby, A.Shashua, S.Shalev-Shwartz A. Globerson* K.Crammer, S.Mannor, M.Zibulevsky, M.Silberstein Intel B.Ginzburg L.Shani TAU L.Wolf H.Greenspan 16 Weizmann B.Nadler, O.Shamir Today Talks Deep Learning Session Chair: Boris Ginzburg Boris Ginsburg Distributed Deep Learning Library - Capstone overview Naftali Tishby Optimal Deep Learning and the Information Bottleneck Method Michael Zibulevsky Compressed sensing and computed tomography with deep learning Lior Wolf Automatic Image Annotation using Deep Learning and Fisher Vectors Break Amnon Shashua Deep Layered SimNets Shai Shalev Shwartz Rigorous algorithms for distributed deep learning Shie Mannor 17 Outlier robust distributed learning
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