Use of ICT to improve Livelihood of the Poorest in Rural Areas : e-PADEE May 25, 2015 Il Jeong Jeong IFAD What is IFAD The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) is an international financial institution and a specialized UN agency based in Rome – the United Nations’ food and agriculture hub. IFAD works with poor rural people to enable them to grow and sell more food, increase their incomes and determine the direction of their own lives. IFAD invests in rural people Since 1978, IFAD has invested about US$15.6 billion in grants and low-interest loans to developing countries through rural development projects reaching approximately 420 million people and helping to create vibrant rural communities. Korean Supplementary Fund USD 2 million (2013-2016) ICT for Development Solution 4 Countries : India (Pastoral community) Bangladesh (e-commerce) PNG (Connection) Cambodia (Extention: e-PADEE) Contents Background e-PADEE IFAD- MAFF Cambodia; PADEE (Project for Agricultural Development and Economic Empowering) Partnership with IFAD - Grameen-Intel Social Business; Un leashing ICT Power for Rural Empowerment The general objective; introduction of Agriculture Expert Sy stem to enhance overall productivity of the rice farming to im prove the livelihoods of its target beneficiary. 6 Agriculture Expert System (GISB) assists with their existin g e-agriculture system, consisting of 4 software modules on a mobile device: fertilizer recommendation software (“Mrittika”); seed recommendation (“Ankur”); pest control (“Protikar”); harvest and sales management (“Vistar”). + soil testing kit Soil t est Few simple tests ma ke big differences. Who will use the system? 100 MST (Mobile Support Team) 100 Farmer business advisors (FBA) As a business model • mrittikā is a fertilizer recommendation software • The software is able to recommend the type, quantity and dosage of fertilizer for the specific crop • mrittikā can be used to supply information to farmers on local fertilizer suppliers storing the recommended fertilizers Example; How Figure 1: How mrittikā works system works Screenshots of Android in Khmer Current status of the project MAFF-PSU made agreements with GDA, GISB, SNV and iDE Expert group localised the content Translation to Khmer Acquisition of tablets, software licenses and soil kits GISB incorporated feedback from testing into the softw are Training of Master Trainers conducted from 17th Novem ber-21st November, 2014 and also for the mass training t hat carried out in December 2014 Importance of Markets Population of Jeon Ju city : 650,000 Farm Household in Wan Joo Gun : 10,000 Wan Joo Gun (among them 3,000 are small scale FH) Jeon Joo City Possibility of ICT in Development market information, price negotiation weather information, disease information mobile banking, sending remittances farmers organization extension service Thank you
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