Music, Language, and Cognition Study Group Session 2.2, 9/28: Overview of tonality and syntax Jonah Katz, IJN 1 A fact about particular pieces of music we’ll focus on: they doesn’t use every note of the chromatic. • a piece is composed of only a subset of 12-note chromatic • this subset, which we’ll call a collection, defines the key of the piece (3rd line up) • the same collection is used in every octave Lightning review of pitch space, continued There exists a hierarchy of pitches in most kinds of Western music. The vast majority of all Western music uses a very small number of collections (in the sense of ordered sets of pitch intervals): • <2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1>, the major scale we just saw • <2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2>, the natural minor or aeolian mode • <2, 2, 3, 2, 3>, the major pentatonic scale • <3, 2, 2, 3, 2>, the minor pentatonic scale The ‘shapes’ of these collections may be rooted in principles of perceptual contrast or in physical properties of interval relationships. But if so, then there exist various musical systems in other cultures that violate one or more of the relative constraints on tonality. 1.4 1.1 The pitch continuum A further fact about the music we’ve discussed: when more than one note is sounded simultaneously, it is not the case that any note is equally likely to be sounded with any other note. • simultaneously sounded notes almost always form part of a tertian triad (4th line up in the diagram) Pitch is physically on a continuum (bottom line). 1.2 The chromatic Out of the continuum, every genre G of music chooses a finite set of discrete pitches which may occur in G. • Central to our topic: the Western chromatic (2nd line up) • breaks every octave into 12 semi-tones 1.3 The triad Tertian triad: • defined as three notes x, y, and z, where y is two steps (called a third) above x in the relevant collection and z is two steps above y. • given that the diatonic family has 7 members, there are 7 triads in the family. The family (key, scale, collection) 1 I don’t know how typologically widespread tertian triads are. • but my guess is ‘not very’ • Indian Carnatic music, which uses a chromatic derived from the 12-tone one, and even uses versions of the diatonic collection, does not use tertian chords o vi o vii diminished (notated vii0) Confusingly, both scale degree numbers (for diatonic collections) and these chord numbers have an alternate set of labels. I list them here for reference, but I’ll try to use Roman numerals in general. o I ‘tonic’ o ii ‘supertonic’ o iii ‘mediant’ o IV ‘subdominant’ o V ‘dominant’ o vi ‘submediant’ 0 o vii ‘leading tone’ (more the note than the chord) Given the makeup of the diatonic family, the thirds picked out by chords will always span either 3 or 4 semi-tones. • 4 semitones is a major third • 3 is a minor third • when y is a major third above x, and z is a minor third above y, the chord quality is major • when y-x is a minor third, z-y a major third, the chord is minor • when both intervals are minor thirds, the chord is diminished • chords with two major thirds don’t occur in the diatonic family; they’re called augmented chords • diatonic family contains 3 major, 3 minor, and 1 diminished triad Even more confusingly, some of the names given above are sometimes used to refer to classes of chords that share a syntactic function, rather than specific chords. I apologize on behalf of Western music theory, and promise I’ll be clear when we eventually discuss these things. We can refer to chords by their absolute pitch values, using x, which is called the root, to label the chord, e.g. C major, D-sharp minor. So the triad is an important entity in studying how simultaneouslysounded notes are organized. The word harmony could be plausibly defined at this level: ‘how simultaneously sounded notes and sequences of such collections of simultaneously-sounded notes are organized’. In other words, understanding chords and sequences of chords is central in the study of harmony. We can also refer to chords by their relative position within the diatonic collection. • we do this by using Roman numerals, starting with the tonic chord (chord with the tonic note as its root) and counting up • using uppercase for major, lowercase for minor • So the major collection contains o I o ii o iii o IV o V It turns out that the triad level shown in the diagram above is also important for the stability hierarchies we discussed last year. • centuries of intuition and Krumhansl’s results suggest that pitches which belong to the tonic triad are more stable w/r/t a key than pitches which do not There may be a category error here, however: 2 • • • • • • it’s certain that pitches belonging to some chord are more stable w/r/t that chord and the tonic triad is the most stable chord w/r/t a key it’s not actually clear that it’s meaningful to talk about a note’s stability w/r/t a key in Krumhansl’s experiments, all of the key-defining contexts either sounded a tonic chord prior to the ‘probe tone’ or built up strong expectations for a tonic chord to occur in the position of the probe tone so those judgments could be seen as judgments of stability w/r/t a tonic chord, rather than a key this won’t make much practical difference, because we’ll rarely talk about the stability of a pitch w/r/t a key The fifth also plays an important role in harmony. • It is the most frequent relationship between the roots of adjacent chords • It is the most frequent relationship between the tonics of adjacent regions of music in different keys Some facts about harmony 2.1 Transitional probabilities Given the summary of tertian triads (henceforth chords) above, we know that (most) notes that co-occur in a piece of tonal music will be members of the same chord. A further fact: combinations of simultaneous notes that constitute chords do not occur freely in sequences, that is, some sequences of chords are much more likely than other sequences. But it is worth noting that these stability judgments depend more strongly on which chord is occurring in the music than they do on which key a piece is in. • for instance, if a piano is playing a piece in C major… • and is sounding a D minor chord (ii)… • and a singer sings the pitch A at the same time… • it will be perceived as a much better ‘fit’ to the context than if the singer sings a G • despite the fact that G is arguably more stable in the key of C than A is 1.5 2 In other words, there are some constraints on linear sequences of chords in a piece of tonal music. Shown below is a table of common two-chord sequences (called bigrams) in major-key Bach chorales, taken from Rohrmeier (2007). The fifth Conventional wisdom in music theory, and to some extent Krumhansl’s results, suggest that, amongst the pitches in the tonic triad, the fifth scale degree (‘dominant’) is more stable than the third. • This is the case in all of the tonalities (or collections) we’ve discussed today. • Also in Indian Carnatic music. 3 We’ll refer to this number, multiplied by the number of total observations in the corpus, as the expected count for a bigram. The observed count is the actual occurrence data shown above in table 1. Expxy = N * p(x1) * p(y2) Obs I ii iii IV V vi vii Total I 132 36 474 668 191 43 1544 ii 116 35 11 100 59 5 326 iii 47 13 73 22 52 12 219 IV 351 63 31 138 29 45 657 V 1042 60 63 73 147 1 1386 vi 106 72 62 64 159 14 477 vii 92 1 4 3 2 4 106 Total 1754 341 231 698 1089 482 120 4715 Table 1. Bigram sequences in a corpus of Bach chorales. Rows represent first chord, columns following chord. After Rohrmeier (2007). Where N is the total number of observed bigrams, and p(in) is the probability of observing chord i in nth position. Exp I ii iii IV V vi vii I 112 76 229 357 158 39 ii 121 16 48 75 33 8 iii 81 16 32 51 22 6 IV 244 48 32 152 67 17 V 516 100 68 205 142 35 vi 177 34 23 71 110 12 vii 39 8 5 16 24 11 Table 2. Expected counts for the Bach corpus. Obvious statement: some chord sequences occur much more often than others. • not particularly interesting in and of itself • because some chords are more common than others • and the sequences may just be reiterating those relations Now we have a notion of how often sequences ought to occur if there were no interesting constraints on them. • Q: how closely does this model match reality? • one answer: ratio of the values in table 1 to the values in table 2 o large numbers: sequence occurs more often than expected o small numbers (limit of 0): sequence occurs less often than expected • checking the Observed: Expected ratios (O/E values) will give us some idea of whether the factors {preceding chord, following chord} are independent. If there are no interesting principles governing the combination of chords into sequences: • then every chord should be equally likely to follow every other chord, all else being equal • i.e., the likelihood of observing some chord shouldn’t depend at all on the chords that precede and follow it • so the probability of observing a sequence xy should be equal to the product of the independent probabilities of observing x in 1st position and observing y in 2nd position 4 I ii iii IV V I 1.18 0.48 2.07 1.87 ii 0.96 2.19 0.23 1.33 iii 0.58 0.82 2.25 0.43 IV 1.44 1.33 0.96 0.91 V 2.02 0.60 0.93 0.36 vi 0.60 2.09 2.65 0.91 1.44 vii 2.33 0.13 0.77 0.19 0.08 Table 3. O/E values for Bach corpus. O/E vi 1.21 1.77 2.32 0.43 1.04 In order to know whether something more than bigrams are at work here, we’ll need to look at harmony in greater detail. vii 1.09 0.60 2.15 2.69 0.03 1.15 2.2 Transitions and intuitions Let’s start by checking whether these statistics are reflected in our intuitions. • pick some well-formed (= high likelihood) sequence • take the same set of events and scramble them (preserving 1st and last events as a control) • see if they sound worse 0.37 There seem to be a number of fairly large and fairly small numbers in the table. • suggests that the two factors are not independent • slightly more formal way of examining this: chi square test o if we repeat this corpus analysis many, many times… o with factors that really are independent… o the sums of all O/E values in the table will approximate a chi-square distribution o with degrees of freedom (columns – 1) x (rows – 1) • these particular values would be on the extreme end of such a distribution: χ2 (30) = 49, p = 0.016 • so it’s pretty safe to conclude that these factors are not independent in this sample (1a) F: O/E: OK, so what does that show? • may be that Bach learned a grammar and the grammar results in unequal probabilities for different sequences of chords • may be that Bach just learned the bigram table shown above (or some related statistical properties) 5 vi ii 2.09 V 1.33 I 2.02 (1b) (2b) C: I F: vi V O/E: 1.44 ii (2a) 2.3 O/E: 2.07 Mean: 1.44 I 1.44 V6 vi I 1.87 1.04 0.60 2.07 IV 0.43 vi V I 1.44 2.02 vi I V6 I IV I 0.60 1.87 2.02 2.07 1.44 So if we want to get a more detailed picture of what makes certain transitions sound better than others, it will be useful to look outside a particular diatonic collection… The sense of typicality vs. atypicality may get sharper with longer examples. IV IV This still doesn’t sound that weird. • I could mess around with diatonic sequences until I find one that can be shuffled with a huge decrease in likelihood • but it still won’t be so dramatic, intuitively • because no diatonic sequence is really so ill-formed • even in Bach • but especially in more modern genres that you may be more familiar with 0.96 Well, (1b) certainly doesn’t sound ill-formed. • if you have a keen ear for harmony, it may sound ‘less typical’ or something like that • but no sequence of chords from the same key really sound ‘ungrammatical’ • which is why there are no 0 values in table 1. C: I vi O/E: 1.87 1.04 0.91 0.43 Mean: 1.36 I 0.60 V Modulations and tonicizations When the tonic center shifts during a piece of music, we call it modulation or tonicization. • difference between the two is one of scale: o modulation tends to be for an extended period of time o tonicization for shorter periods of time • theory textbooks sometimes give rules for what ‘counts’ as a modulation 6 • but this needn’t interest us (3b) Modulation will be useful because it has a fairly dramatic perceptual effect. Of course, not all modulations are equally likely: • modulation to a key that shares many notes with the original is more likely than modulation to a key that shares fewer • we say that keys with a lot of shared notes are closer than those with fewer • there is another dimension to key distance, but we ignore it for the moment vi II I (4a) Given that different keys contain different pitches, chords that are licensed in one key are not necessarily licensed in another. • so scrambling chords in examples with modulations can result in outrageous-sounding variants (3a) vi V7 F G a G C Bortnjanskij’s “Tebe Pojom” in reduced form. Example after Rohrmeier (2007). Brackets indicate distinct key areas in the excerpt. II V7 This piece has a number of modulations. • when you put together elements that belong to different key collections, it can sound totally wrong • despite the fact that, in the original, there are elements from different keys next to each other… • and they don’t sound so weird • so there must be something going on here beside likely and unlikely transitional probabilities I Chord in block is dominant of following chord 7 (4b) C7 F G64-35 D7 a F#0 G E7 C * * * * Scrambled Bortnjanskij. Asterisks represent unlikely bigrams. Preview of the solution: the reason that some of the unlikely bigrams here sound OK and others don’t is that the acceptable ones are structurally licensed by one of their members. These structural relations, in turn, relate to some of the diatonic dependencies we’ve looked at. More on that next week… 8
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