Lesson 2. INDEX: Plan of action (and goals) for your second lesson. Section 1. Check your progress UpGuitarHill on your progress graph. Section 2. Your overall goal this lesson is to be able to play the song called Sinnerman by Nina Simone. The chords are D Major and E minor. We are still using the simple strum that we learned in our first lesson. The words and chords for this song are on page 4. You can listen to your teacher playing the song on the mp3 file you have been sent. Our goal with lesson 2 is to increase your ability and confidence in guitar playing by slowly introducing a new chord and a new song. Section 3. These are the steps you must work through to be able to play this lesson’s song. Section 4. Practice new guitar concepts you have been shown with exercises here. Also find new chords to learn in order to prepare for the next lessons. Section 5. Work through the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) Section 6. Read the student motivation Remember that the FAQ contains a number of additional knowledge areas that you must keep in mind, and strive towards perfecting, while you progress through your initial lessons. The FAQ answers many questions like these: Am I holding the guitar correctly? Do I know the correct right and left hand technique when playing guitar? Do I know what the right hand and left hand notation is for each hand? Etc. If you are left-handed then you will need to click here to understand how this will affect you with your UpGuitarHill lessons. Http://www.UpGuitarHill.Com Section 1. Check how I am doing on my progress graph. Http://www.UpGuitarHill.Com Section 2. Your goal this lesson is to be able to play the song called Sinnerman by Nina Simone. Nina Simone Nina Simone in 1969. The photo by Jackie Robinson was used as the cover of Simone's posthumous compilation album Forever Young, Gifted & Black Background information February 21, 1933 Born Tryon, North Carolina United States Died Genres April 21, 2003 (aged 70) Carry-le-Rouet France Jazz, blues, soul, R&B, folk, gospel Http://www.UpGuitarHill.Com She is best known for the following songs: "My Baby Just Cares for Me", "I Put a Spell on You", "Four Women", "I Loves You Porgy", "Feeling Good", "Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood", "To Be Young, Gifted and Black", "Mississippi Goddamn", "Ain't Got No, I Got Life" and "I Want a Little Sugar in My Bowl". Sinnerman is a gospel song and if you look for it on the internet, you will find many different versions of the song. Sinnerman uses the D Major chord which you already know but now introduces a new chord called E minor or Em. In this section (2.) below: I just want you to look over the song sheet and see how it is presented. Note the two chords listed on the right hand side of the song. We are now busy with the D Major chord and the E minor (or Em) chord. Note: The song is presented on its own on pages 5. and 6. below. This will enable you to print the song out, and have it easily available, when you learn to play it. I would recommend that you acquire a book with A4 plastic sleeves and put this song into the next empty sleeve. You can also print out the rest of the information pertaining to the lesson and file this in a separate file. Ultimately you will want to grow your song file so that it contains all 30 songs (steps UpGuitarHill) and have this on hand at all times in a pocket of your guitar case or guitar bag to facilitate easy playing and practicing. Http://www.UpGuitarHill.Com Oh Sinner Man Em __ __ Oh sinner man, where you gonna run to D Oh sinner man, where you gonna run to Em Oh sinner man, where you gonna run to D Em All on that day __ Em Run to the Lord, Lord won’t you hide me D Run to the Lord, Lord won’t you hide me Em Run to the Lord, Lord won’t you hide me D Em All on that day __ Em Lord said sinnerman you should be praying D Lord said sinnerman you should be praying Em Lord said sinnerman you should be praying D Em All on that day __ Em Run to the sea, sea will be boiling D Run to the sea, sea will be boiling Em Run to the sea, sea will be boiling Http://www.UpGuitarHill.Com D Em All on that day __ Em Run to the Lord, Lord won’t you hide me D Run to the Lord, Lord won’t you hide me Em Run to the Lord, Lord won’t you hide me D Em All on that day __ Em Lord said sinnerman step right in D Lord said sinnerman step right in Em Lord said sinnerman step right in D Em All on that day __ (end song with one downward strum with Em then pause for one beat. Then one downward strum with D Major and a final downward strum with Em) Http://www.UpGuitarHill.Com Section 3. Below are the 7 steps you must work through to learn to play this lesson’s song. Please work through the steps in order, perfecting each step, before you move onto the next. You will realise that the work here is very much the same as the first song. Please do not be put off by this. Beginners need to start slowly and work towards a solid base. Being able to play these first songs properly means that you would have taken a very big jump into guitar playing. Repetition is the only way towards perfecting your technique! In the next song “Oh Susanna” we will be learning a new strum as well as two new chords so hang in and stick to the plan. OK! ;~) Step 1 (of 7): There are two chords in Sinnerman. The first chord is the D Major 1 2 (numbers of the fingers you will be using to press the chord) 3 Http://www.UpGuitarHill.Com Above is an image of the D Major chord showing how you will press the chord with your left hand. The other image (below it) “the chord diagram” shows D Major chord as a diagram. Try and lift your wrist up as in the image below but keep your fingers (not thumb) off the strings. Remember that the D Major chord does not use the top string (6th string) (there is an X in the chord diagram to show this) so you will run your thumb down the strings 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. It may take a while to get the chord to sound clearly. i.e. strings may sound muted of muffled. Or some strings sound clear but others don’t. This is very normal for beginners. If you practice at perfecting the D Major chord it will start to sound better. Just keep at it! For more information read the FAQ on using the left and right hands to play chords correctly. Http://www.UpGuitarHill.Com Step 2 (of 7): Now learn the E minor Chord. Now focus on the second chord of Sinnerman which is the E minor chord. Play it and get it to sound clear. Remember that to move from the D Major chord to the Em chord you are simply moving your left hand fingers 1 & 2 (the finger formation) that you had in the D Major chord upwards and together and placing them in the second fret on strings 4 and 5. It is important to visualize the move first and then try and do it. Then when you move back down to the D Major chord from Em you will be moving this formation down again by 2 strings and then adding the 3rd finger to form the D Major Chord. Http://www.UpGuitarHill.Com Step 3 (of 7): Now learn to change your left hand position from the D Major chord to the Em Chord and back again. Keep trying until you can get both the chords to sound clearly. Also practice to get the chord change to be fluent. i.e. to land in the correct position each time so that the chord sounds clearly and without pause. Here is a link to a video clip showing you how to change between the two chords: http://www.upguitarhill.com/Vids/Lesson2.htm Http://www.UpGuitarHill.Com Step 4 (of 7): Sinnerman uses the Simple Strum that we learned in Tom Doolie. This is a particular nylon guitar strum that is in 4/4 time. 4/4 timing means that we count 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 (repeat) or 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 as you strum. The song Sinnerman (like Tom Doolie and Hush Little Baby) is also in 4/4 (or quarter) time. Remember our goal in lesson 3 is only to grow the amount of chords you can play and to give you another song with which to do this! As such we don’t want to complicate this by adding a new strum. Here is some revision of the simple strum. To play this strum you will use your thumb T and strum it down (the thumb or T is also called “p” or “P” in guitar notation) and then follow this with the index finger F (or fingers) and also strum this down. P F This strum alternates P F P F ,P F P F etc. on the count of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and keeps repeating itself. Note 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 is exactly the same as 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 &. Below is the link to a video clip showing you how to do the simple strum: http://www.upguitarhill.com/Vids/Lesson2.htm Http://www.UpGuitarHill.Com Step 5 (of 7): Now we learn how to strum to the words of Sinnerman but still without playing any chords as yet. i.e. just leave the strings open. The important thing to realize is that each time you see an underline you should strum with your P. i.e. For the first line: P FPFP F PF PF P F Right hand fingers 1,2 3,4 1, 2 3,4 1,2, 3,4 Beat / count / strums or 1& 2& 1& 2& 3& 4& __ man, where you gonna run to __ Oh sinner Note the 4 beat introduction before you start singing. At each underline you play a P (Thumb) followed by an F (index finger). Use your ear and common sense to find the best rhythm that fits, as the above is only a close approximation. Http://www.UpGuitarHill.Com Step 6 (of 7): Now we introduce the chord E minor (or Em) Chord into the first line. You start the song with its two beat introduction by playing the Em chord and then try to change to D Major where it enters into the song at Oh at the beginning of line 2. Em __ __ Oh sinner man, where you gonna run to D Oh sinner man, where you gonna run to Http://www.UpGuitarHill.Com Step 7 (of 7): Now you should be ready to bring everything together and play the song Sinnerman by Nina Simone. You must use your ear to hear the song in order to get the timing to work correctly with your voice, the chord-producing left hand and strumming right hand. If it sounds right then it is! This song has been chosen for its simplicity because you need to focus on the chord changes and timing etc. and not get side tracked by other complexity. Therefore, it has a very simple structure. To benefit you must aim to pay the song all the way through i.e. keep at it. By doing this you will (through the length of the song and its repetitions) be perfecting your ability with Em and D Major (or DM). Also the songs length will force you to keep at it and not waiver as you perfect your technique. That’s it for Sinnerman. Well done! Now for some exercises to get your guitar skills up! Section 4. Http://www.UpGuitarHill.Com Practice of the new guitar concepts and preparation for the next lesson, is given in additional exercises below. Note that this is a repeat of the first lesson (last week’s lesson) and as such, I require you to keep doing the exercises for another week. I hope that if you have been keeping at it, your left hand will be getting tougher and stronger and chords will be sounding clearer. In addition, your timing with the strumming will start to become more precise! Additional exercises to practice chord clarity, chord changes, and strumming technique: There are 3 exercises you need to work through before you are fully ready for your next lesson. 1. Use the three chords you know i.e. Em, A7 and D Major and play them against the following timing: 8, 4, 2 i.e. Play Em (8 times) with P F and then A7 (8 times) with P F then and then D Major (8 times) with P F i.e. P F P F P F P F for Em and then P F P F P F P F for A7 and then P F P F P F P F for D Major When you are finished working through the three chords then play them all again but now reduce 8 times to 4 times and then again but reduce 4 times to 2 times. Do this as an exercise by moving from 8 to 4 to 2 and then repeat until you feel you can do the chord changes and strums fluently. This may take time so please be patient. Http://www.UpGuitarHill.Com The above exercise will assist you to reinforce the chords into your playing ability and help you to apply them correctly and in time to the rhythm. 2. As additional work in preparation for the next lessons, you can also try to learn the following 2 new chords. By learn I am asking you only to get to know the names and formation of the two new chords and be able to put them onto the guitar fret board. If you feel up to it, you can try exercise 3. and 4. But don’t fret if you feel it is going to be too tough initially. I am adding this in as an optional extra for the brave students out there! For the more cautious ones, take your time and slowly build up ability to move into the exercises below when you are ready. Http://www.UpGuitarHill.Com 3. Now try to use all the chords you know i.e. D Major, A7, E minor, E Major and A Major and play them against the following timing: 8, 4, 2 i.e. Play D Major (8 times) with P F then A7 (8 times) with P F and E minor (8 times) then E Major (8 times) and A Major (8 times). When I say times, you can also think strums. i.e. P F alternating. When you are finished playing through all the chords then play them again but now reduce 8 times to 4 times and then 4 times to 2. This will assist you to learn the different chords and help you to apply them correctly in time to the rhythm. It does take time for your hands to learn where to go to play the chords. In addition, it will take you time to be able to do faster changes from one chord to another as you reduce your times from 8 to 4 and then to 2. Take it slowly. Remember that learning guitar is not a destination but a journey. Gradually, as you get better and your hands get fitter and stronger, you will be able to speed up. Http://www.UpGuitarHill.Com 4. Now play the following chords as above in 8, 4, 2 times. Note we are now using the simplified chord symbols to identify the chords. i.e. as they are given on the top of the lines of the song. This lesson is teaching you to handle the shorter symbols for the chords and to play them as you read them. For example we call E minor = Em, E Major is just = E etc. D Em A7 D E A D E A7 D E A7 Em E A D E A7 D E A E Http://www.UpGuitarHill.Com This is the end of your second Lesson. I hope you found this lesson easy enough and enjoyable. Please feel free to contact me when you are ready for your next step UpGuitarHill. Our next song is “Oh Susanna”. "Oh! Susanna" is a song written by Stephen Foster. It was first published on February 25, 1848. Popularly associated with the California Gold Rush, the song is occasionally (incorrectly) called "Banjo on My Knee". Working through this song you will be able to apply your new chords A Major and E Major and you will also learn a new strum called the “pick strum”. Also, remember to use the mp3 file of the song (with your guitar teacher playing the song), listen to the song, and try to play along to it. And don’t forget to visit the http://www.UpGuitarHill.com web site and read or download the FAQ’s (the download button can be found at the bottom of each FAQ) as these have been included to assist you with necessary guitar playing information and skills that you will require for the instrument. Http://www.UpGuitarHill.Com The Student Motivation is very important because this will help you understand that bigger picture with you as a student and learning the nylon string guitar. Remember the nylon guitar can become your very best friend for life. Enjoy! [email protected] Http://www.UpGuitarHill.Com For left-handed guitarists please read this: All instructions below assume you are right handed. If you are left-handed then your guitar will need to be strung opposite to instructions you find here. With the top string (Thickest base E string) on bottom and bottom string (Thinnest treble & nylon E string) on top as guitar will now, be played in the exact opposite to a right-handed student. i.e. with tuning pegs on your right. As a left-handed guitarist then, to follow along with this lesson, you simply swop instructions in the lesson for the right hand to the left hand and vice versa. Http://www.UpGuitarHill.Com
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