q-sfroraq. et gfutr rnrt pf Mo-arau. * 4s2 012 1u-.av=ro) Err.D q'n. Irqw Email - [email protected] Telephone : 0771-297 0217 Orl .lz.qdr.,/{d{ / 2014 15 wg<, ;/ flnio /02/zo1s qft, 5q ordqTG-q olEffirfr, aidlrrr e tiqrc trugl ftq{r: 1ifufl (tI) qqqT rmTPtir l?qIIffiT qz d oEi rfle-T elqq t (1.) Sound System (2.) Gym Item (3) Stereo Zoom Research tq $d.-{ ltli-<r Wqr ol \.f, qerrfiq W gfi {*q srq d qqrsn qa d ern"fr eio '.) (') oio.r i uflftrc 6{4fi .h'l ar+qet olil lil,rcTr ururq {qa yr.rr-r .\ q[tl"l dl(l fisrlfio tlal,li .i( d tm erf}ercrt, qts rafuqroq. q?rgq d ;rrq ?i, r+re{ fr vm t+qrars q, Et qo-g-6 qfr fi .gqfleT s{rtit Microscope I I / 31fuwrm yElEq-dT./{d{ /2o14-i5/ sftltfr,r. qrnlio. {.Tl.E.fa., 2 s qqgs, Rqr6 2e 3QO 5 ,r oz/ zots vr.tgt qr;rfiq qeul? m d ftq €Er?ro. v.mq.fr. v-lgv 1Tf{ qrrffi, c-,tr.Eft, rtqgq I Eq{rT lrf,r.r I}rh<T qa-n ai 1?Pqh-smq ot A-{€.r{d www.igau.edu.in r\ vf.),i- oG tn oe +l,l I INDIRA GANDHI KRISHI VISHWA VIDYALAYA KRISHAK NAGAR, RAIPUR (C.G.) 492 012 No. Tender/2015 3t+?s- Raipur, Dated 2102/2015 TENDER NOTICE Sealed tenders are invited separately for (1.) Sound System (2.; Gym Item (3) Stereo Zoom Research Microscope. Separate tender documents with terms and conditions for each item can be obtained from the Office of the Dean, College of Agriculture, Krishak Nagar, Raipur (C.G.) during all working days by depositing tender fees of Rs.20001 either by cash or by demand draft in favor of "Dean, College of Agriculture, Krishak Nagar, Raipur,,. It can also be down loaded from the university website www.igau.edu.in and the tender fee can be submitted with tender in the form of DD. The details given below: e . o e o o Tender document fee: Rs.2000/- for each item. !, to 12.03.2015 by 5:00 pM Last date ofsubmission oftender document: 16.03.2015 by 12:00Noon Date and time olopening oftenders (Technical Bid): 16.03.2015at 2:00pM Date and time of opening of tenders (Financial Bid): 16.03.2015 at 4:00 pM The tender details can also be downloaded from www. igau.edu. in Sale of tender document between 20.02.2015 Details/Specifi cations of Equipment/Item/Article 1. Sound Systems Specification of Items: S.No. Product Description 2 Livelier Cordless Microphone 160 watts Amplifier ., 700 wans 4 60 watts Speaker box 5 Audio Cabie, Speaker Cable and Connectors 1 Rate/Unit Amplifier EMD 25000.00 2. Gvm Items S.No. Equipment I Seated chest press 2. Seated arm clip chest Specifications Rate/Unit EMD Specification :- structurally and 50000.00 biomechanically deigned for intensive club / gym use F Dimensions : 56" (L) a7" 1W; x 59" iH) F Frame : High tensile strength steel , continuous welded, factory. Assembled weight frame ) Tube size : l00mm + 50mm mainframe and oval tubing l Weight plate : cast iron with coated rubber, machine drilled to exact spec and employ oversized nylon busing , lor super smooth operation ) Tube gage : 3mm ) Weight stack : 176 lbs ) Weight guard rod : 20mm chrome plated solid steel highly polished for smooth movements F Weight selected rod : 25mm chrome plated highly policed for smooth movements P Weight selector pin : lOmm gauge steel F Pulley, size: 120 mm } Cushioning : oyer 2" high density top $ade foam ) Color: grey Specification :- structurally and biornechanically deigned for intensive club / gym use Dimensions : 56" (L) 47" ( w) * 7e" (H) L Frame : High tensile strength steel , continuous welded. factory. Assembled weight lrame ) Tube size : 100mm * 50mm mainframe and oval tubing F Weight plate : cast iron with coated . rubber, machine drilled to exact spec and employ oversized nylon busing , F &r,' F F F F ) F F J. 4. for super smooth operation Tube gage :3mm Weight stack : 176 lbs Weight guard rod : 20mm chronie plated solid steel highly polished lor smooth movements Weight selected rod : 25mm chrome plated highly policed for smooth movements Weight selector pin : l0mm gauge steel Pulley, size : 120 mm Cushioning : over 2" high density top grade foam ! Color: grey High let pully Specification :- structurally and biomechanically deigned for intensive club / gym use ) Dimensions :52" (L) 38" 1W) x 62" 1i! ) Frame : High tensile strength steel , continuous welded, factory. Assembled weight frame F Tube size: l00mm * 50mm mainframe and oval tubing ) Weight plate : cast iron with coated rubber, machine drilled to exact spec and employ oversized nylon busing , for super smooth operation F Tube gage : 3mm F Weight stack : 176 lbs F Weight guard rod : 20mm chrome plated solid steel highly polished for smooth movements F Weight selected rod : 25mm chrome plated highly policed for smooth movements ) Weight selector pin : 1Omm gauge steel ) Pulley, size : I 20 mm F Cushioning : over 2" h igh density top grade foam F Color : grey Multi-functional trainer Specification :- structurally and biomechanically deigned for intensive club i gym use Dimensions : 56" (L) 56" 1W; + 96" 11r, Duel independent weight stack : 2-165 lb .commercial weight stack allows you to independently work each side ofyour body . Split resistance : 5resistance rations provide a smooth ,continuous feel , and Ionger range of motion . Accessories included ; one pair ofsingle ) F ) s\ F &q,'* " D " handles , multi- function belt easy curl bar , straight bar , ankle 5. Olympic incline bench 6. Olympic flat bench press , cuff, swing handle , triceps rope Tube size : l00mm * 50mm mainframe and oval tubing Weight plate : cast iron with coated rubber, machine drilled to exact spec and employ oversized nylon busing , for super smooth operation Tube gage : 3mm Weight guard rod : 20mm chrome plated solid steel highly polished for smooth movements Weight selected rod : 25mm chrome plated highly policed for smooth movements Weight selector pin : 10mm gauge steel Pulley, size : 120 mm Color : grey Specihcation :- structurally and biomechanically deigned for intensive club / gym use D Dimensions : 78" (L) 67" (W) * 56" 1r, F Frame : High tensile strength steel , continuous welded, factory. Assembled weight frame F Tube size : l00mm * 50mm mainframe and oval tubing > Weight plate : 50mm Olympic plate require F Tube gage : 3mm ! Weight stack : free weight F Cushioning : over 2" high density top grade foam F Color : grey Specification :- structurally and biomechanically deigned ior intensive club / gym use Dimensions : 69" (L) 67" (W; x 49,, iH; Frame : High tensile strength steel , continuous welded, factory. Assembled weight frame Tube size : 100mm * 50mm mainframe and oval tubing Weight plate : 50mm Olympic plate require Tube gage : 3mm Weight stack : free weight D Cushioning : over 2" high density top grade foam F F F F ) F F 7. Color:grey Double twister ( standing'& sitting ) u- ,Sa,- 1 Dimensions : 158 cm (L) * 8l cm * 98 cm (H) Capacity : l2 pair of dumbbellwith 3 layer 8. Dumbbell stand 9. Imported Dumbbell with bounced rubber coated Olympic rod 7 fit Leg massager Olympic plate Size : 50mm tempard rod 75. 85 14. Anti Bust Gym Ball Mirror 6rnm thick complete with fitting 15. Foot Massager 10. ll 12. 13. 16. 17. 18. Size : 50mm 7 hole & Olympic plate 95 cm Commercial Vynoyal 2mm with fixing & Fitting Gym floorinq Commercial Treadmill ) Motor - ac motor, 5.5hp vector control . speed/max power 8.5hp ! Inverter- heavy duty ) Speed- 1.0-20 krnh . lncline - automalic 0oh-2004 > BELT SIZE - 73"(L)x 23.2" (W) F Display feedback - heart rate.speed, time, distance and calories. Programs - 12 Power requiremenls - 220v I 50hz Accessory holder - high-fidelity sound box , video and audio play systern SET UP AREA - 96"(L)x 36"(w) x 67"(H) Net weight - 220kgs or more Max user weight - 200kgs USP - l. Speech training lessons 2. Sitica gel shock pad 3. Pause- clear record automatically in 30 seconds 4. USB/SD card player system 5. Self lubrication 6. Accessory holder 7. High-fidelity sound box, video and audio play systern ) Machine be weight- minimum 220 kgs or' mote Note: JHOULD BE LPI TAIWAN CERTIFIED ) Computer console- led dot matrix Commercial Recumbent Bike F Programs - manual, constant watts, interval, hills, plateau ! Mountain heaft rate control, fitness test ) Resistance - 8 resistancc levels electro magnetic break ) Pulse sensor - hand grip pulse sensor F Goal workout - time, calolies" distance" speed. rpm, scan ! Seat - ergorromically designed comfortable seat -sAr With flex back suppot and with 27 levels seat easy slide adjustment Pedals - balanced extra wide pedals with adjustable straps Power - self generator re-chargeable battery { Iser wei to 15 Note: MADE IN TAIWAN (COMPULSOR Commercial Spin Bike F F F F F ) F > F F Wheel weight - 25 kgs Mechanism - two way system 3pc crank/v-belt Display - pulse recovery/calories/ Body fatltime/speed Distance/ternperature Net weight - 42kgs USP - magnetic resistance Ergonomic design Sturdy bike for Note: SHOULD BE CERTIFED BY LPI TAIWAN Commercial Elleptical ) Dimensions - 68"(L)X24"(W)X50"(H) P ) L - 16" inches natural strides, maximum uatt: 0-999 wans Resistance level - i6levels, v belt Strides Resistance system - electro - magnetic resistance F ) L ) ) ) ! F F > F Commercial Upright Bike Power - selfgenerated power system Programs - 08 programs - manual, hrc, random, valley, rolling, Mountain, interval and valley. Drive system - centre design drive, super silent poly-v belt driven Cardio monitor - in-built metallic pulse sensor provided with front handle And upper handle bar grips, enables to the cardio monitoring on board Disptay feedback - multi feedback read out instantly displays time Distance, rpm, calories, pulse, speed, resistance level, watts and mets User Weight - 160kgs, USP - rust prooc low maintenance Step-up height - 09 inches easy step-up Note: MADE IN TAIWAN Computer console - led dot matrix Programs - manual, constant watts Mountain heaft rate control, fitness test Resistance - 8 resistance levels electro magnetic break Pulse sensor - hand grip pulse sensor Coal workout - time, calories, distance, _$Ar speed, rpm,scan Seat - ergonomically designed comfortable seal l5 levels seat easy height adjustable Pedals - balanced extra wide pedals with adiustable straps Power - self generator re-chargeable battery User weighl - up to l50kgs x 57" SET UP AREA ' 47"(L) x22" With Note: MADE IN TAIWAN 3, Stereo Zoom Research Microscope S.No. 1 Product Description make: Carl Zesis Model Stemi DV 4 Microscope, Stereo Zoom Research .I'ENDER 30000.00 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR DIFFERENT ITEMS Tl.re tender document 1. EMD. Rate/Unit will be supplied at nor.r-refundable cost of Rs. 2000.00. The tender documents can be obtained from the office of Dean, College of Agriculture, Krishak Nagar, Raipur (C. G.) 492 012 on any working day between 1 1:00 AM to 05:00 PM or it can also be downloaded from the website www.igau.edu.in and tender fee can be submitted with tender in the form ofDD payable to Dean, College ofAgriculture, Krishak Nagar, Raipur. Sealecl tenders are invited fiorn the manufacturers/Company or their authorized dealers separately 2. 3. 5. for various items. Scope of Supplies: equipments/item DMD: The eamest money in the form of Demand Draft payable to Dean, College of Agriculture, Krishak Nagar, Raipur should be deposited separately for each item as given in the list of items in oftender document, which is refundable after finalization oftenders if rates are not approved, or, 6. after supply ofthe materials and tl,eir documentation / installation ifthe rates are approved. ln case ofoffering more than one model ofsame/other company or make for a particular item, the EMD needs to be subrnitled in rnultiple of model and/or make, otherwise tender will be rejected 1. for same item. The tender should be submitted in tlTee separate sealed envelopes (tlree parts). All the three envelopes should be kept in one bigger (single) envelope duly sealed and submitted in prescribed 4. office ofthe Dean, College ofAgricultule, Krishak Nagar, Raipur. a, [nvelope I: Should contain the documents related to bidders qualification and EMD details. i. Tender fee in the form ofDD (ln favour of Dean, College of Agriculture, Krishak Nagar, Raipur) - in case ofdownloaded documents. ii. EMD and list of items aJong with details of EMD should be in the Format'A' iii. Va!id registration certificate ofthe firm participating in the tender. iv. v. vi. Authorization Certificate ofrespective companies for supply the Gym items. finalciat years (2011-12, 2012-13 and2013-14). Balance sheet of the bidder for the past three financial years (2011-12. 2012-13 and 2013-14). The turnover oflhe firm should be not less than 35 lakh each year. vii. TlN/Service Tax Number registration and viii. Past experience of dealing similar items for 3 years. The proof (one photo copy of supply order for each year) for the same musl be submined. ix Undertaking: The bidder needs to submit an undertaking in the Format-D NOTE-The Envelope-I will .be opened first and the technical bids ofonly those bidders will be .lnconre tax return for tl.te past three opened who will fulfiI1 the above required conditions rnentioned under "Envelopt-1". 4ao- b. L Envelope II - must contain the sealed envelopes of Technical bids separately for each item(s) (separate envelop for each item) clearly indicating the name and serial number of the item(s) ov€r the envelops Technical bid - It must comprise the following details: a. Tecl,nical specification of the item(s) submitted as per the Format 'B'. b. The leaflets! Brochures/ catalogue/ folders of the iterx(s) released by the manufacturer should be enclosed. Technical specifications must be supported with printed on leaflet/brochures ofthe pfoduct. The tender may be rejected if the specrfications given in tendel documents do not match with information printed on leaflets/ brochures/ catalogue. The leaflets/brochures/catalogue/ folder must be released by the manut'acture which should be wel) supponed through the website (where ever possible). c. Walranly period - rninirnurn one ) ear. d. Valid A LLtl'rorization Ceftificate from tlre manufacturer/cornpany/distributer/dealer applicable in the current year valid tbr published tender items. e. The quoted rates should be valid for one year. NOTE - The technical bids of qualified bidders at stage I (envelop I) rvill be opened and the financial' bids of technically qualified / successful bidders will be opened after examination of technical bid(s). c. 2. 9. 10. 1. I 12. 13. l,4. 15. Envelopc III - must contain the sealed envelopes of Financial Bids separately for each item(s) (separate envelop for each item) clearly indicating the name and serial number of the item( s) over the envelopes. Fir.rancial Bid - lt nust comprise followilg details: a. The financial bid must be submitted as per the Format'C'. b. The financial bid should include the rate, taxes, etc. with other tenns and conditions like waffanty, validity etc. c. Central Excise Duly Exemption Certificate, ilrequired. The quoted rates of all items should be !-.O.R., destinatior.r withir.r the state along with all taxes, duties, fi'eight, packing and installation charges etc. Court olJurisdiction - Raipur. Payment and Security Deposi! Full payment will be released only after satisfactory installation of the equipment/ items/ articles. The following security amount will be requiled to be deposited by tl.re supplier in the form of FDR z, l0 oh of cost of equipment costing less than Rs. 5 lakh for one year from the date of installation. b. 5% of cost of equipment costing more than Rs. 5 lakh for three years from the date of installation. The tendem received late or without Earnest Money (EMD) or submitted on wrong address or incomplete in any respect will not be consideled. The firm/cornpany should provide/give the correct and true information while subtnitting the tender. In case of incorect/false information found at any stage, the tender bid will be cancelled and legal actior.r will also be initiated. The tenders will be opened in the presence ola Colnmittee. The tenderer's or their authorized representatives may remain present at the time ofopening ofthe tenders. Olher lerms and condilion: a. b. The quantity may vary as per tl'le requirement. Plicc- The quoted price shouid be inclusivc of all taxes, duties and other charges. No amount shall be paid beyond the quoted rates. Excise duty, custom duty and other taxes as applicable VAT shall be deducted at source at the time of payment, cefiificate in lieu of which shall be issued on demar.rd.VAT shall not be paid on need to be shown separately" The applicable trarrspofl alion charges. F=,a'' c. Taxes - As. per applicable at the time of supply. Delivery period - Witnin 1 5 days after confirm order. Validity - The offer must be valid for one year. Services - The firm need to provide after sale services as and when required. g. Penalty for delay - I o/o per week or maximum up to 100/0. Name ofconsignee: will be indicated in the supply order (within the state). The University reserves all rights to accept or reject any or all tenders in part or full without assigning any reason thereof. For any dispute, the Vishwavidyalaya shall be the final authority d. e. f. 16. 17. t8_ and its decision shall be final and binding on both the parties. The successful bidder has to sign pre Contract Integrity pact in prescribed format. The pro-forma is available on websile www.igau.edu. rz under Tender & CpC link. 6*,, Format - A (List of equipments with details of EMD) Item No. as per tender Details o1' EMD deposited Name of Bank Format-B (Technical Bid) Number of Itenr - Name of Itern Specificatior.rs as per Writer your tcndcr specifi cations or offers - Technical cornpliance (Better/Yes/No) lndicate Speci ficatiols/certifi cation on leaflet/annexure Terms & Conditions Format S.No. Name of items Rate/unit with specification - C - Price bid (Financial Bid) VAT/other Excise/custom tax dutics Fright Other Total charges charge cost FORMAT.t) UNDERTAKING BY THE FIRMIBIDDER It is ccftifled that the tim/company or associated sister company are never been black listed by All the te|rns and conditions rnentioned in this form have been understood antl accepted by arc subnittilg all tlte documcnts duly filled in, signed and stamped on eacir page. anv agency. rus. Wc Date: Seal and Signaturc ot the Tendercr Place: Full Name and Address: S\ &r.r,.
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