Curriculum Vitae Atef Mahmoud Mohamed Sayed Personal data Name Birth Date Gender Nationality Languages Marital Status Position Adress E.mail : Atef Mahmoud Mohamed Sayed : 27/2/1973 : Male : Egyptian : English: Listening, Writing, Reading - Excellent (Arabic Mother Tongue). : Married and have three children. : Researcher, Ismailia Agricultural Research Station, Biological Control Research Department, Plant Protection Research Institute (PPRI), Agricultural Research Centre (ARC). : Ismailia Agriculture Research Station . Ismalia. Plant Protection Department, P.O.321 , Ismailia Governorate, Egypt. Tel & Fax : (+20) 064 3345564 Mobil : 0100 0757006 : [email protected] Qualification: 1- B.Sc., Faculty of Agriculture, Suez Canal University (1995). 1- M.Sc., Faculty of Agriculture, Zagazig University (2001). The title of thesis : " Studies on Bacillus thuringiensis as a pest control agent" 3- Ph.D., Faculty of Agriculture, Al-Azhar University (2008). The title of thesis : " Studies on the mealybug infesting some fruit trees and its natural enemies" Occupation : - Researcher Assistant Appointment Date: 1999 Affilation: Plant Protection Research Institute (PPRI), Agricultural Research Centre. - Assistant Researcher Appointment Date: 2002 Affilation: Plant Protection Research Institute (PPRI), Agricultural Research Centre. - Researcher Appointment Date: 2008 Affilation Plant Protection Research Institute (PPRI), Agricultural Research Centre. Practical Experience : 1- Principal investigator of the reserch project No.(5423) to sustainable insect Pest Control with Microbial Insecticides. 2- Principal investigator of the research project No.(191) evaluate the effect of the new pesticides against pests attack vegetable crops at Ismailia area. 3- Co-principal investagtor of the research project No.(509) to evaluate the effect of the new acariicides against pests attack vegetable crops at Ismailia area . 4- Co-principal investigator of the research project No.(471) to carry out IPM program against the two spotted spider mite on Cucumber and Strawberry under green house conditions. 5- Co-principal investigator the research project No.(337) evaluate the effect of the new pesticides against pests attack fruit crops at Ismailia area. 6- Co-principal investigator the research project No.(647) evaluate the effect of the new pesticides against termites at North Sinai area. 7- Representing Plant Protection of Egyptian-Finland Agriculture Research project (EFARP).from 1996 until now It has many activities including practices which allow to get knowledge, to learn, see, discus and contact with researchers and colleges. 8- Member of Egyptian Sociaty of Biological Pest Control . 9- Member of Egyptian Sociaty of Entomoloy . 10- Member of Egyptian- Germain Society of Zoology 11- Scientific Advsior of of Peach Fruit Fly Eradication National Area-Wide Program in Suez and Red Sea Governortes. 12- Supervision of one master and one PhD scientific theses in entomology and integrated pest management in different Universities and Research Centers. Training courses: Attendenss some following courses: - Training courses belonging to Egyptian Finland Agricultural Research Project. - Toefl preparation session from 18/4/2000 to 24/6/2000, Public Service Language Center, Suez Canal University. - “How to make proposal for EU” by Prof. Dr. Mccarthy - “Strategic Planning by sharing” by Prof. Dr. Saed Abdel Maksod - Agricultural Training courses in Plant Protection and other Agricultural Sciences in Ismailia Agricultural Research Station in Plant Protection and other Departments. - Granting certificate of International compuer Driing Licence (ICDL), endorsed by Minstery of Communicattion and Information Technology on 04/09/2011. Training abroad : Scentific visit to MTT Agrifood Research Finland for three weeks during from 13th May to 3rd June 2002 at Agricultural Research Center of Finland (MTT). Scholarship : CNR scholarship for the Course 2 within the framework of the Programme 'Science for Diplomacy' promoted by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in cooperation with the National Research Council of Italy, for the duration of 6 months from12 May 2014 to 11 November 2014. 2 Presentation given and meeting attended : Participate in 7th Nat. conf. of pests& Dis. of veg. &Fruits in Egypt. Ismailia, Egypt, 1995. Participate in 7th Nat. conf. of pests& Dis. of veg. &Fruits in Egypt. Ismailia, Egypt, 1997. Participate in 8th Nat. conf. of pests& Dis. of veg. &Fruits in Egypt. Ismailia, Egypt, 1999. Participate in the 2nd international conference of economic entomology in Egypt. This conference was organized by the Entomological Society of Egypt from 8th to 11th of December, 2007 held Pyramisa hotel in Cairo, Egypt. Participated in the the 1st international conference of biological sciences in Arab Countries and their applied. This conference was organized by the Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University from 27th to 29th of September, 2010 held in Cairo, Egypt. Participate in the 3rd Symposium of Biological Pest Control in Egypt. This symposium was organized by the Egyptian Association of Biological Pest Control from the 10th to the 12th of October, 2011 held in the faculty of Agriculture located in the Egypt. Participate in TWAS-ARO 7th Annual Meeting-Water, Nuclear and Renewable Energy: Challenges Versus Opportunities”, which was held from 28 to 29 December 2011, at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Alexandria, Egypt. Participate in a training workshop” Climate change : An Introductory workshop”, which was held on 10 October 2012, at Alexandria Research Center for Adaptation, Alexandria, Egypt. Invited Lectures related Plant Protection Research Institute in Ismailia Agricultural Research Station. Participated Participate in the 3rd conference of Cairo intrnaional conference for clean pest management. This conference was organized by the Plant proecin Research Insituate from the 12th to the 13th of Novembber, 2012 held in Cairo, Egypt. Participate in a training workshop” Climate change and agriculture sctors: impacts, vulnerability and adaptation”, which was held on 11-12 March 2013, at Alexandria Research Center for Adaptation, Alexandria, Egypt. Participate in a training workshop” Climate change updates: IPCC 5th Assessment”, which was held on 06th of May 2014, at Alexandria Research Center for Adaptation, Cairo. Egypt. Participate in Plant Genetic and Biotechnology NETWORK 3rd Annual Meeting 'From genetic diversity to molecular plant breeding through "omic" studies'. Bari, 9-13 June 2014 Aula Ciccarone – faculty of agriculture, via amendola 165/A Bari- Italy. Biodiversitá e Biotechnologie: Due Risorse per L'Agricoltura del Mediterraneo. European Biotech Week 6 ‐12 October 2014 (Second Edizione), Valenzano (Bari)- Italy, 10 October 2014. Fondo Europeo per lo Sviluppo (FES), opportunità per il settore privato". Workshop held on 17 October 2014 at IAM - Valenzano (Bari)- Italy. 3 International Conference "From the SEED FOOD": Cooperation, Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security", held in IAM -Valenzano (Bari) - Italy, 18 October 2014. International Symposium on the European outbreak of Xylella fastidiosain olive, held in Gallipoli and Locorotondo – Italy on October 21-24, 2014. Publications: 1. El-Saedi, A. A.; H. M. Ahmed; S. A. Ahmed and A. M. Sayed (2006): Efficinncy and selectivity of certain insecticdes on mealybug and their natural enemies. Egypt. J. Appl. Sci:22(12B):691-703. 2. Ahmed S. A.; A. A. El-Saedi; H. M. Ahmed, and A. M. Sayed (2006): The hostparasitoid relationship between the parasitoid Anagyrus kamali (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) and Maconellicoccus hirsutus (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae). Egyptian. J. Biol. P. Control. 17(2): 107-113. 3. Ahmed S. A.; A. A. El-Saedi; H. M. Ahmed, and A. M. Sayed (2007): Biological aspects and life tables of the coccinellids predator Rodolia cardinalis and its prey Icerya seychellarum (Homoptera: Margarodidae). Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Egyptian Society of Economic Entomology. Volume 1: 39-53. 4. Ahmed S. A.1; A. A. El-Saedi2; H. M. Ahmed2 And A. M. Sayed (2007): Entomopathogenic fungi a promising biocontrol agent for Icerya seychellarum (Homoptera: Margarodidae) in Egypt. Proc. 2nd. Int. Conf. Egyptian Society of Economic Entomology. Volume 1: 59-77. 5. H. AbdElGwad and A. M. Sayed (2008): Evaluation of Entomopathogenic fungus Verticilium lecnii (Zimmerman) and the predator Chrysoperal carnea (Stephens) against cowpea aphid, Aphis craccivora Koch on faba bean in Egypt. Egyptian Academic Journal Biological Science. 1(2): 211-216 6. H. AbdElGwad, A. AbdElAziz and A. M. Sayed (2009): Effect of releasing the parasitoid Anisopermalus calandrae (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) on certain coleopteran stored product beetles in Egypt. Egyptian Academic Journal Biological Science. 2(2): 211-219. 7. H. AbdElGwad, A. M. Sayed and S. A. Ahmed (2010): Functional response of Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) larvae on Phthorimaea operculella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) eggs. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Science. 4(8): 2188-2195. 8. H. AbdElGwad, A. M. Sayed and S. A. Ahmed (2010): Impact of cold storage on performance Trichogramma evanescens Westwood (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae). Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Science. 4(8): 2182-2187. 9. Badriea, A. EL-Esnawy; Atef, M.M.Sayed and Mohamed, M. Ibrahim (2011): Estimation the Satisfactorily Predatory Numbers in Management the Two-Spotted Spider 4 Mite Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychus). J. Egyptian Society of Economic Entomology. Bul. Entomo.Soc. Egypt, (A.R.E.), Economic Series, 37 : 107-120, 2011. 10. Abdalla, M.M. EL-Adawy; Atef, M.M. Sayed and Han. A. AbdelGwad (2012): Anagasta kueinella as an Isolation Bait of Entomopathogenic Agents. Egypt. J. Agric. Res., 90(2):601-606 11. Sayed A.M.M (2012): Influence of certain bio-agents and climatic changes on the population density of the white mango scale insect, Aulacaspis tubercularis Newstead. Egypt. J. Agric. Res., 90(2):607-624. 12. Atef Mahmoud Mohamed Sayed and Wael M. A. Teilep (2013). Role of natural enemies, climatic factors and performance genotypes in regulating pests and establishment of canola in Egypt. Journal of Basic & Applied Zoology, 66(1):18 – 26. 13. Atef M. M. Sayed; Abdalla M. M. EL-Adawy and Sayed A. Ahmed (2013). Compatibility of biocontrol agents and unconventional pesticides on mealybugs infesting medicinal and ornamental plants. Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control, 23 (1) : 79 -85. 14. Sayed A. M.M and S. M. Abolmaaty (2013). Geographic information system used for assessing the naturally occurrence and biodiversity of entomopathogens in Egypt. Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control, 23 (1) : 159 -168. 15. Atef M.M. Sayed (2013). New record of Cybocephalus rufifrons flaviceps Reitter (Coleoptera: Cybocephalidae) in Egypt. Pakistan Journal of Entomology, 28(1):105-107. 5
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