SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Kjersti AAGAARD Baylor College of Medicine (USA) Peer BORK EMBL (GERMANY) Stanislav Dusko EHRLICH INRA (FRANCE) Francisco GUARNER University Hospital Vall d’Hebron (SPAIN) Lanjuan LI Zhejiang University (CHINA) Mark MORRISON University of Queensland (AUSTRALIA) Karen NELSON J Craig Venter Institute (USA) Oluf PEDERSEN University of Copenhagen (DENMARK) Lita M. PROCTOR National Institute of Health (USA) Bhagi SINGH University of Western Ontario (CANADA) George WEINSTOCK Jackson Lab (USA) Owen WHITE University of Maryland (USA) Paul WILMES LCSB (LUXEMBOURG) Charlie XIANG Zhejiang University (CHINA) Liping ZHAO Shanghai Jiao Tong University (CHINA) Dear Colleagues, After 4 successful past congresses held in France, Canada, China and the United States, the International Human Microbiome Consortium (IHMC) is pleased to announce that the 5th International Human Microbiome Congress will take place from March 31st to April 2nd, 2015 in Luxembourg. Entitled « Future Directions for Human Microbiome Research in Health and Disease », the congress agenda will reflect this focus and will gather 50 internationally renowned speakers from around the world, who will present the cutting edge approaches, which advance new knowledge for this field. For this 5th congress, every effort has been made through concurrent sessions, poster sessions and workshops to provide opportunities for all scientists to learn about state-of-the-art research methods and clinical protocols for conducting microbiome work, while offering plenty of opportunity for discussion and networking over 3 days. The congress agenda will be organized into 3 plenary sessions, setting up a theme for each day: “The Microbiome and Human Evolution”, the “Role of the Microbiome in Health and Disease”, and on “Future Interventions of the Microbiome”. The congress will also feature 6 concurrent sessions designed to provide more in-depth exposure to the current approaches and methods for microbiome research. Poster sessions will run throughout the 3 days of the congress and will feature junior scientists and scientists from less well-represented countries in this field. The Scientific Committee has also reviewed the abstracts to elevate some for short talks in the concurrent sessions. Co-organized with the support of of our local host, IBBL (Integrated BioBank of Luxembourg), a leading biobank with a strong focus on microbiome research, the congress will also feature a dedicated session on biobanking of human microbiome samples, which will stress the importance of biobanking for research and disease intervention. The congress will include an exhibition, which will gather vendors from all around the world who will demonstrate the latest products, services and technology in the field. With such a comprehensive agenda, this 5th IHMC promises to be a truly outstanding congress for the field of human microbiome research. Welcome to Luxembourg! The Organising and Scientific Committees GENERAL INFORMATION TABLE OF CONTENTS pages AWARDS The best poster will be selected amongst the 300 submitted abstracts by the IHMC jury. The Microbiome, BioMed Central IHMC Congress Best Poster Prize will be handed over by Jacques Ravel. GENERAL INFORMATION 4 PROGRAMME AT A GLANCE 5 TUESDAY 31 MARCH CLOAKROOM The cloakroom will be open during the following hours: Tuesday 31 March: 09:00-21:00 Wednesday 1 April: 07:00-18:00 Thursday 2 April: 07:30-18:00 COFFEE BREAKS All coffee breaks and lunches will be served in the exhibition area. EXHIBITION WEDNESDAY 01 APRIL 6-7 8-10 THURSDAY 02 APRIL 11-13 POSTERS 14-22 PARTNERS 23 EXHIBITION AREA AND EXHIBITORS 24-25 The exhibition hall will be open during the following hours: Tuesday 31 March: 11:00-21:00 Wednesday 1 April: 8:00 - 17:30 Thursday 2 April: 8:00 - 16:00 INFORMATION The Luxembourg Convention and Tourism Office will provide information about Luxembourg City and surroundings. Their booth will be open during coffee and lunch breaks. LANGUAGE The official language of the meeting is English. No simultaneous translation will be provided. REGISTRATIONS KEY CONTACTS: CONGRESS ORGANISATION MCO Congrès - 27, rue du Four à Chaux 13007 Marseille – FRANCE The registration desk will be open during the following hours: Tuesday 31 March: 09:00-17:00 Wednesday 1 April: 07:00-17:00 Thursday 2 April: 07:30-17:00 Sponsorship & Exhibition: [email protected] SPEAKER PREVIEW ROOM Information & registrations: [email protected] Speakers are REQUIRED to upload their presentation(s) in the preview room immediately upon arrival, after retrieving their badge. Computers will be available for speakers who need to check their presentation(s) or make last-minute updates. May we remind you that the only authorised media is PC or Mac video projection. MEDIA: [email protected] WIFI Free WiFi Internet connection will be available during the congress throughout the venue. Tel: +33 (0) 4 95 09 38 00 - Fax: +33 (0) 4 95 09 38 01 CONgRESS WEBSITE PROGRAMME AT A GLANCE TUESDAy 31 MARCH TIME ROOM 1 11:00 WELCOME SESSION 12:00 LUNCH BREAK POSTER SESSION 14:00 PLENARY SESSION #1 THE MICROBIOME AND HUMAN EvOLUTION 16:15 COFFEE BREAK 16:45 PLENARY SESSION #1 THE MICROBIOME AND HUMAN EvOLUTION 19:00 WELCOME COCKTAIL POSTER SESSION WEDNESDAy 01 APRIL TIME ROOM 1 ROOM 2 ROOM 3 08:15 PLENARY SESSION #2 ROLE OF THE MICROBIOME IN HEALTH AND IN DISEASE 10:00 COFFEE BREAK 10:30 PLENARY SESSION #2 ROLE OF THE MICROBIOME IN HEALTH AND IN DISEASE 12:15 LUNCH BREAK POSTER SESSION LUNCH BREAK POSTER SESSION LUNCH BREAK POSTER SESSION 14:00 CONCURRENT SESSION A COMPUTATIONAL AND INTEgRATIvE ‘OMICS ANALySES FOR MICROBIOME RESEARCH CONCURRENT SESSION B EvIDENCE FOR CAUSE AND EFFECT IN MICROBIOME DISEASES CONCURRENT SESSION C MODEL SySTEMS IN MICROBIOME RESEARCH 15:00 COFFEE BREAK COFFEE BREAK COFFEE BREAK 15:30 CONCURRENT SESSION A COMPUTATIONAL AND INTEgRATIvE ‘OMICS ANALySES FOR MICROBIOME RESEARCH CONCURRENT SESSION B EvIDENCE FOR CAUSE AND EFFECT IN MICROBIOME DISEASES CONCURRENT SESSION C MODEL SySTEMS IN MICROBIOME RESEARCH THURSDAy 02 APRIL TIME ROOM 1 ROOM 2 ROOM 3 08:30 CONCURRENT SESSION D APPLICATION OF TOOLS FOR MICROBIOME RESEARCH CONCURRENT SESSION E STATUS OF CURRENT INTERvENTIONS FOR MICROBIOME DISEASES AND DISORDERS CONCURRENT SESSION F BIOBANkINg AND THE MICROBIOME: USE, APPLICATION, ETHICS 09:40 COFFEE BREAK COFFEE BREAK COFFEE BREAK 10:10 CONCURRENT SESSION D APPLICATION OF TOOLS FOR MICROBIOME RESEARCH CONCURRENT SESSION E STATUS OF CURRENT INTERvENTIONS FOR MICROBIOME DISEASES AND DISORDERS CONCURRENT SESSION F BIOBANkINg AND THE MICROBIOME: USE, APPLICATION, ETHICS 11:50 LUNCH BREAK POSTER SESSION LUNCH BREAK POSTER SESSION LUNCH BREAK POSTER SESSION 13:45 PLENARY SESSION #3 FUTURE INTERvENTIONS OF THE MICROBIOME 15:30 COFFEE BREAK 16:00 PLENARY SESSION #3 FUTURE INTERvENTIONS OF THE MICROBIOME 17:00 FUTURES PANEL 18:00 FORMAL CLOSING OF IHMC 2015 5th International Human Microbiome Congress 2015 I 5 tuesday 31 MarCH 11:00-12:00 WELCOME SESSION Room 1 > Welcome addresses by - Paul WILMES and Catherine LARUE, local hosts - Marc HANSEN, Secretary of State for Higher Education and Research, Luxembourg - Lanjuan LI and Yan SHEN, IHMC co-chairs - Frank GLOD, National Research Fund (FNR) 12:00-14:00 LUNCH BREAK 14:00-16:15 POSTER SESSION PLENARY SESSION #1 Room 1 THE MICROBIOME AND HUMAN EVOLUTION Chairs: Lanjuan LI (CHINA), Karen NELSON (USA) > Origin and evolution of the microbiome. Joe ALCOCK (USA) > Viral impact on the evolution of the microbiome. Frederic Dixon BUSHMAN (USA) > Host genetic control of the microbiome. Andrew BENSON (USA) > Interactions between breastmilk oligosaccharides and mother/infant microbiome. Lars BODE (USA) 16:15-16:45 COFFEE BREAK 16:45-18:15 PLENARY SESSION #1 Room 1 THE MICROBIOME AND HUMAN EVOLUTION Chairs: Lanjuan LI (CHINA), Karen NELSON (USA) > Role of the microbiome in brain development and function. Premysl BERCIK (CANADA) > Human gut microecology and infectious disease. Lanjuan LI (CHINA) > Studying the Amerindian microbiome. Maria Gloria DOMINGUEZ-BELLO (USA) 19:00 WELCOME COCKTAIL POSTER SESSION Exhibition Hall 5th International Human Microbiome Congress 2015 I 7 wednesday 01 aprIl 08:15-10:00 PLENARY SESSION #2 Room 1 ROLE OF THE MICROBIOME IN HEALTH AND IN DISEASE Chairs: Nan QIN (CHINA), Jim VERSALOVIC (USA) > Gut-microbiome-brain axis. Sven PETTERSSON (SINGAPORE) > The comparative analysis of antimicrobial resistance genes of human and animal gut microbiota. Baoli ZHU (CHINA) > Cardiovascular disease and the gut microbiome. Karine CLEMENT (FRANCE) 10:00 10:30-12:15 COFFEE BREAK PLENARY SESSION #2 Room 1 ROLE OF THE MICROBIOME IN HEALTH AND IN DISEASE Chairs: Nan QIN (CHINA), Jim VERSALOVIC (USA) > New era for gut microbiome, from infectious disease to autoimmune diseases. Nan QIN (CHINA) > Address by Lydia MUTSCH, Minister of Health, Luxembourg. > Host/microbe cross talk in obesity. Patrice CANI (BELGIUM) > Microbiome disease in pediatric populations viewed through metabolomics. Jim VERSALOVIC (USA) 12:15 LUNCH BREAK POSTER SESSION 14:00-15:00 CONCURRENT SESSION A Room 1 COMPUTATIONAL AND INTEGRATIVE ‘OMICS ANALYSES FOR MICROBIOME RESEARCH Chairs: Peer BORK (GERMANY), Mark MORRISON (AUSTRALIA) > IHMS: Standardization of methodology for human microbiome studies. Joel DORE (FRANCE) > The Microbiome QC (MbQC) Project ( Rashmi SINHA (USA) > Comparability between microbiome studies. Peer BORK (GERMANY) CONCURRENT SESSION B Room 2 EVIDENCE FOR CAUSE AND EFFECT IN MICROBIOME DISEASES Chairs: Kjersti Marie AAGAARD (USA), Oluf PEDERSEN (DENMARK) > Diet changes, obesity and the microbiome. Lars ENGSTRAND (SWEDEN) > Colorectal cancer and the gut microbiome. Christian JOBIN (USA) > Maternal diet during pregnancy and lactation driving microbiome composition. Kjersti Marie AAGAARD (USA) CONCURRENT SESSION C Room 3 MODEL SYSTEMS IN MICROBIOME RESEARCH Chairs: Bhagirath SINGH (CANADA), Paul WILMES (LUXEMBOURG) > Companion animal microbiomes. Kelly SWANSON (USA) > Engineered microbiomes. Robert BRITTON (USA) > Organoids and tissues-on-a-chip for microbiome research. John C. MARCH (USA) 5th International Human Microbiome Congress 2015 I 9 wednesday 01 aprIl 15:00 COFFEE BREAK 15:30-17:20 CONCURRENT SESSION A Room 1 COMPUTATIONAL AND INTEGRATIVE ‘OMICS ANALYSES FOR MICROBIOME RESEARCH Chairs: Peer BORK (GERMANY), Mark MORRISON (AUSTRALIA) > [Short talk] #18 Chemical-based Metaproteomics of the Healthy Human Gut Microbiome. Dennis WOLAN (USA) Ana Y. Wang, Sandip CHATTERJEE, Peter THUY-BOUN, John R. YATES III, Andrew I. SU. > Host-microbiome 'omics dynamics of IBD onset. Curtis HUTTENHOWER (USA) > Host-microbiome 'omics dynamics of Type II diabetes onset. Shana LEOPOLD (USA) > Host-microbiome 'omics dynamics of preterm birth. Gregory A. BUCK (USA) > [Short talk] #131 Pangenome-based, meta'omic analysis highlights association of E. coli accessory gene content with risk of necrotizing enterocolitis in a cohort of pre-term infants. Nicola SEGATA (ITALY) Matthias SCHOLZ, Doyle V. WARD, Thomas TOLIO, Moreno ZOLFO, Adrian TETT, Ardythe MORROW > QA session. CONCURRENT SESSION B Room 2 EVIDENCE FOR CAUSE AND EFFECT IN MICROBIOME DISEASES Chairs: Kjersti Marie AAGAARD (USA), Oluf PEDERSEN (DENMARK) > [Short talk] #341 Lactobacillus spp. genotypes may drive vaginal community stability. Bing MA (USA) Mike HUMPHRYS, Pawel GAJER, Hongqiu YANG, Doug FADROSH, Larry FORNEY, Jacques RAVEL > Metabolic syndrome related pathologies and the microbiome. Oluf PEDERSEN (DENMARK) > Microbiome of actinic keratoses and progression to squamous cancer. Philip HUGENHOLTZ (AUSTRALIA) > The elderly microbiome in disease. Claudio FRANCESCHI (ITALY) > [Short talk] #220 Distinct fecal microbiome associations with breast cancer and colorectal pre-cancer: Populationbased studies. James J. GOEDERT (USA) Ying ZHENG, Heather S. FEIGELSON, Yangming GONG, Gieira JONES, Yimin HE, Xing HUA, Peng PENG, Xia XU, Roni T. FALK, Wenjing WANG, Mitchell H. GAIL, Huanzi ZHONG, Jianxin SHI, Jacques RAVEL > Q&A session. CONCURRENT SESSION C Room 3 MODEL SYSTEMS IN MICROBIOME RESEARCH Chairs: Bhagirath SINGH (CANADA), Paul WILMES (LUXEMBOURG) > [Short talk] #92 Disentangling complex diseases with strain level resolution time-series metagenomes. Chengwei LUO (USA) Rob KNIGHT, Heli SILJANDER, Mikael KNIP, Ramnik J. XAVIER, Dirk GEVERS > In vitro models to support in vivo microbiome research. Tom VAN DE WIELE (BELGIUM) > Single cell genomics and the microbiome. Mircea PODAR (USA) > Novel cultivation methods provide insights in microbiome function. Thomas SCHMIDT (USA) > [Short talk] #210 Transit time influences gut microbiota species diversity, growth rates and enterotypes. Doris VANDEPUTTE (BELGIUM) Gwen FALONY, Sara VIEIRA-SILVA, Raul TITO, Marie JOOSSENS and J. RAES > Q&A session. 10 I 5th International Human Microbiome Congress 2015 tHursday 02 aprIl 08:30-09:40 CONCURRENT SESSION D Room 1 APPLICATION OF TOOLS FOR MICROBIOME RESEARCH Chairs: Lita M. PROCTOR (USA), Owen WHITE (USA) > Neuro-active compounds and the gut microbiome. Elaine HSIAO (USA) > Modeling of human gut microbiota metabolism. Petra LOUIS (UK) > Virome of the skin microbiome. Geoffrey HANNIGAN (USA) > [Short talk] #187 A microfluidics-based co-culture platform to systematically investigate host-microbe molecular interactions. Pranjul SHAH (LUXEMBOURG), Joëlle V. FRITZ, Mahesh DESAI, Enrico GLAAB, Matthew ESTES, Frederic ZENHAUSERN, Paul WILMES CONCURRENT SESSION E Room 2 STATUS OF CURRENT INTERVENTIONS FOR MICROBIOME DISEASES AND DISORDERS Chair: Francisco GUARNER AGUILAR (SPAIN) > The role of the colonic microbiota in colorectal neoplasia. Emad EL-OMAR (UK) > What is the evidence for probiotics in clinical studies, animal models? Colin HILL (IRELAND) > Status of microbial cocktails for treating C diff, IBD and other conditions. Elaine O. PETROF (CANADA) > [Short talk] #361 A gut-scale computational model reveals the potential of precise dietary interventions and rational microbiota design. Hsuan-Chao CHIU (USA), Elhanan BORENSTEIN CONCURRENT SESSION F Room 3 BIOBANKING AND THE MICROBIOME: USE, APPLICATION, ETHICS Chairs: Paul WILMES (LUXEMBOURG), Shana LEOPOLD (USA) > Biobanking and cohort based populations. Heinz-Erich WICHMANN (GERMANY) > Biobanking and disease collections. Fay BETSOU (LUXEMBOURG) > Creating a US registry of fecal microbiota for FMT. Gary WU (USA) > [Short talk] #351 Standards for human intestinal samples identification, collection and DNA preparation. Joel DORE (FRANCE), S.Dusko EHRLICH, Florence LEVENEZ, Eric PELLETIER, Adriana ALBERTI, Laurie BERTRAND, Peer BORK, Paul I. COSTEA, Sinishi SUNAGAWA, Francisco GUARNER, Chaysavanh MANICHANH, Alba SANTIAGO, Liping ZHAO, Jian SHEN, Chenhong ZHANG, James VERSALOVIC, Ruth A. LUNA, Joseph PETROSINO, Huanming YANG, Songgang LI, Jun WANG, Emma ALLEN-VERCOE, Greg GLOOR, Bhagirath SINGH and IHMS Consortium (2015) 09:40 COFFEE BREAK 10:10-11:50 CONCURRENT SESSION D Room 1 APPLICATION OF TOOLS FOR MICROBIOME RESEARCH Chairs: Lita M. PROCTOR (USA), Owen WHITE (USA) > Transcriptional modulation in the intestinal epithelium. Gray CAMP (GERMANY) > The role of viruses in the oral microbiome. David PRIDE (USA) > Twin microbiomes reveal a heritable microbiome. Jordana BELL (UK) > [Short talk] #239 Development and validation of a gut microbiota analysis pipeline: from specimen collection to sequencing. Vincent THOMAS (FRANCE), Matthieu PICHAUD, Nicolas GOFFARD, Florence LEVENEZ, Alessandra CERVINO, James CLARK, Joël DORé 12 I 5th International Human Microbiome Congress 2015 tHursday 02 aprIl CONCURRENT SESSION E Room 2 STATUS OF CURRENT INTERVENTIONS FOR MICROBIOME DISEASES AND DISORDERS Chair: Francisco GUARNER AGUILAR (SPAIN) > Functional dynamics of the gut microbiome during probiotic consumption. Emiley ELOE-FADROSH (USA) > Modulating end-organ function in cirrhosis with a novel nanoporous Carbon, Yaq-001 through its effects on the microbiome. Rajiv JALAN (UK) > Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine for reducing Streptococci in infant microbiome. William C. NIERMAN (USA) > [Short talk] #326 Phase I trial on FMT in autistic children. Chaysavanh MANICHANH (SPAIN) Lara HUDY, Alba SANTIAGO, Marta POZUELO, David CAMPOS, Yeire PEZZOTTI, Beatriz CORDOVA, Yasel LEE, Manuel ABOOD, Francisco GUARNER, Dolly de MOTTA > Q&A session. CONCURRENT SESSION F Room 3 BIOBANKING AND THE MICROBIOME: USE, APPLICATION, ETHICS Chairs: Paul WILMES (LUXEMBOURG), Shana LEOPOLD (USA) > Issues to consider for microbiome biobanks. Pamela SANKAR (USA) > Biobanking for microbiome studies in developing regions of the world. Karen NELSON (USA) > Biobanking and ethics. Philippe DESMETH (BELGIUM) > [Short talk] #47 Method optimization for fecal sample collection and fecal DNA extraction. Conny MATHAY (LUXEMBOURG), Gael HAMOT, Estelle HENRY, Laura GEORGES, Camille BELLORA, Laura LEBRUN, Brian de WITT, Wim AMMERLAAN, Anna BUSCHART, Paul WILMES, Fay BETSOU > Q&A session. 11:50 13:45-15:30 LUNCH BREAK POSTER SESSION PLENARY SESSION #3 Room 1 FUTURE INTERVENTIONS OF THE MICROBIOME Chairs: Stanislav Dusko EHRLICH (FRANCE), Charlie XIANG (CHINA) > Diagnostics, prognostics and patient monitoring of the microbiome. Stanislav Dusko EHRLICH (FRANCE) > Geometric framework analysis of nutrient intake, microbiome composition and health. Andrew HOLMES (AUSTRALIA) > Mixed microbial community therapeutics as a treatment and prophylaxis against enteric pathogens and antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Matthew HENN (USA) 15:30 16:00-17:00 COFFEE BREAK PLENARY SESSION #3 Room 1 FUTURE INTERVENTIONS OF THE MICROBIOME Chairs: Stanislav Dusko EHRLICH (FRANCE), Charlie XIANG (CHINA) > Late breaking talk: "Exploiting the immune response to illuminate host-microbiota interactions" Noah Wolcott PALM (USA) > Microbiome studies in low resource global settings: ethics, limitations and practical considerations: H3Africa as the example programme. Clement ADEBAMOWO (NIGERIA) 17:00-18:00 FUTURES PANEL Room 1 Moderator: Michele WEBER (LUXEMBOURG) 18:00-18:30 FORMAL CLOSING OF IHMC 2015 Room 1 > International Scientific Committee: Kjersti Marie AAGAARD (USA), Lanjuan LI (CHINA), Mark MORRISON (AUSTRALIA), Paul WILMES (LUXEMBOURG) > Poster Award by Jacques Ravel, co-editor, BMC Microbiome 5th International Human Microbiome Congress 2015 I 13 POSTERS APPLICATION OF TOOLS FOR MICROBIOME RESEARCH App-001 /#28 Impacts of infection with different toxigenic Clostridium difficile strains on faecal microbiota in children / Zongxin Ling, Xia Liu, Xiaoyun Jia, Yiwen Cheng, Yueqiu Luo, Li Yuan, Yuezhu Wang, Chunna Zhao, Shu Guo, Lanjuan Li, Xiwei Xu, Charlie Xiang App-002 /#41 Evaluation of microsphere intergrity in modified fluidized bed bioreator compared to choanoid fluidized bed bioreator / Juan Lu, Lanjuan Li App-003 /#42 In vitro and in vivo analysis of antimicrobial agents alone and in combination against multi-drug resistant Acinetobacter baumannii / Songzhe He, Hui He, Yi Chen, Yueming Chen, Wei Wang, Daojun Yu App-004 /#44 Influence of diet and parasitism on the gut microbiome of African hunter-gatherers, farmers and fishers / Elise Morton, Joshua Lynch, Alain Froment, Sophie Lafosse, Evelyne Heyer, Molly Przeworski, Ran Blekhman and Laure Ségurel App-005 /#70 The Metabolic Contribution of the Mammalian Gut Microbiota Revealed by a Study of the Urine and Feces of Germ-Free Rats / Ping Yi, Yong jun Li, Qin Xie, Deying Cheng, Zhenggang Yang, Jiezuan Yang, Lanjuan Li App-006 /#76 Large Quantity Cryopreservation of Microencapsulated immortalized human hepatocyte cell line for Application of BAL / Jianzhou Li,Ying Yang,Juan Lu,Xiaoping Pan,Ermei Chen,Ning Zhou,Lanjuan Li App-008 /#113 Deciphering the gut microbiome in infants / Herbert Pang, Nana Jin App-019 /#197 Time-varying network construction with CoNet / Karoline Faust & Jeroen Raes App-020 /#200 Microbiome-Gut-Brain Health Questionnaire and its application in mental health assessment / Yunfeng Duan,Xiaoli Wu, Feng Jin App-021 /#208 A genome-based identification approach for members of the genus Bifidobacterium / Chiara Ferrario, Christian Milani, Leonardo Mancabelli, Gabriele Andrea Lugli, Francesca Turroni, Sabrina Duranti, Marta Mangifesta, Alice Viappiani, Douwe van Sinderen, Marco Ventura App-022 /#222 Revealing microbial recognition by the immune system / Aurea Simon-Soro, Giuseppe D’Auria, M. Carmen Collado, Maria Dzunkova, Shauna Culshaw, Alex Mira App-023 /#226 Safety assessment of Lactobacillus gasseri JDM511 based on complete genome sequences / Lu Ye, Yan-Xia Wei, Xiao-Kui Guo, Chang Liu App-024 /#230 Enhanced virome sequencing with capture enrichment and its application to the EV-D68 outbreak / Kristine M. Wylie, Todd N. Wylie, Brandi N. Herter, Anthony Orvedahl, Richard Buller, Vincent Magrini, Richard K. Wilson, Gregory A. Storch App-025 /#233 iCLiKVAL: Community resource for curating the vast wealth of metagenomic-related literature through the power of crowdsourcing / Todd D. Taylor, Naveen Kumar App-026 /#237 Decontaminator: detection and removal of contaminating sequences of unknown source / Bettina Halwachs, Rene Snajder, Gregor Gorkiewicz, Gerhard Thallinger App-009 /#132 Micelle PCR reduces artifact formation in 16S microbiota profiling / Stefan A. Boers, John P. Hays, Ruud Jansen App-027 /#242 Assessing V4 and V6-8 16S variable regions for the microbiome analysis of skin samples using Illumina next generation sequencing / Christophe Lambert, Béatrice Sente, Stephanie Van Horn, Christopher Traini, Lynn Tomsho, James Brown, Jean-Louis Ruelle, Nathalie Devos App-010 /#147 Type II toxin-antitoxin systems as a functional marker for identification of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus strains suitable for metagenomic studies / Ksenia Klimina, Siarhei Hladyshau, Natalia Zakharevich, Artem Kasianov, Elena Poluektova, Vsevolod Makeev, Valery Danilenko App-028 /#243 The effect of sampling and storage on the fecal microbiota composition in healthy and diseased subjects / Danyta Tedjo, Daisy Jonkers, Paul Savelkoul, Ad Masclee, Niels van Best, Marieke Pierik, John Penders App-011 /#151 A method for selectively enriching microbial dna from contaminating vertebrate host dna / Erbay Yigit, Fiona J. Stewart, George R. Feehery, Samuel O. Oyola, Yan Wei Lim, Bradley W. Langhorst, Victor T. Schmidt, Eileen T. Dimalanta, Linda A. Amaral-Zettler, Theodore Davis, Michael A. Quail, Sriharsa Pradhan App-029 /#251 A human infant gut microbial gene catalog by SOLID sequencing / Amine Ghozlane, Anne-Sophie Alvarez, Mathieu Almeida, Florian Plaza Oñate, Emmanuelle Le Chatelier, Nicolas Pons, Edi Prifti, Harm Wopereis, Christophe Lay, Rocio Martin, Raish Oozeer, Jan Knol, Sean Kennedy, S. Dusko Ehrlich App-012 /#323 Prediction of folate metabolism in gut microbes by whole genome comparison and metabolic modeling / Stefania Magnusdottir, Ines Thiele, Michael Blaut, Delphine M. Saulnier App-013 /#154 Methodological impact on metagenomic analyses / Patrick Robe, Cyrille Jarrin, Daniel Auriol, David Villanova, Kuno Schweikert App-014 /#155 Short-term diet drives quick changes in the metabolic activity and composition of human gut microbiota / Marisol Aguirre, Anat Eck, Paul H.M. Savelkoul , Andries E. Budding, Koen Venema App-030 /#254 Genomic and functional analysis of Romboutsia ilealis CRIB reveals adaptation to the small intestine / Jacoline Gerritsen, Bastian Hornung, Bernadet Renckens, Sacha A. F. T. van Hijum, Vitor A.P. Martins dos Santos, Ger T. Rijkers, Peter J. Schaap, Willem M. de Vos and Hauke Smidt App-031 /#257 Mucosa-associated biohydrogenating microbes protect the simulated gut microbiome from stress by a Western-style fat consumption / Rosemarie De Weirdt, Emma HernandezSanabria, Bruno Vlaeminck, Eva Mees, Ruy Jauregui, Dietmar H. Pieper, Annelies Geirnaert, Florence Van Herreweghen, Ramiro Vilchez Vargas, Veerle Fievez and Tom Van de Wiele App-015 /#178 Clinical applications of proteomic analysis based on shotgun strategy / Wangjie, Li Lanjuan App-032 /#264 Metabiote®: development and application of an integrated solution for microbiota analysis / Nathalie Adele-dit-Renseville, Do Ngoc Linh Nguyen, Louise-Eva Vandenborght, Sébastien Terrat, Nausicaa Gantois, Laurence Delhaes, Lionel Ranjard, Stéphanie Ferreira App-016 /#188 A Metagenomics Approach to Studying Blastocystis / Lee O'Brien Andersen, Ida Bonde, Henrik Bjørn Nielsen, Christen Rune Stensvold App-033 /#266 Dynamics of Moraxellaceae in the Nasal Microbiota of Healthy Infants Using Oligotyping / Moana Mika, Daniel Wüthrich, Insa Korten, Weihong Qi, Urs Frey, Philipp Latzin ,Markus Hilty App-017 /#194 Saliva and tongue swab based metaproteome analysis / Alexander Rabe, Manuela Gesell Salazar, Stephan Fuchs, Helge Senkbeil, Thomas Kocher, Uwe Völker App-034 /#275 Fluorescence in situ imaging of placental bacteria in the absence of infection / Maxim Seferovic, Eumenia Castro, Angela Major, Michelle Moller, Brigid Boggan, Kjersti Aagaard App-018 /#196 Proteome analysis of human sebaceous skin follicles reveals health- and disease-associated proteins of human and microbial origin / Hans B. Lomholt, Malene Bek-Thomsen, Carsten Scavenius, Jan J. Enghild, Holger Brüggemann App-035 /#277 Extensive characterisation of the gut resistome yields new insights about the microbiome / Amine Ghozlane, Etienne Ruppé, Julien Tap, Nicolas Pons, Alexandre G. de Brevern, Sean P. Kennedy, S. Dusko Ehrlich 14 I 5th International Human Microbiome Congress 2015 posters App-036 /#281 A novel sampling method for analysis of the human gut microbiome / Jodie Booth, Andrew Llewelyn, Cheryl Collins App-055/ #365 Gut Microbiota analytical platform / Françoise Le Vacon (France) BIOBANKING AND THE MICROBIOME: USE, APPLICATION, ETHICS App-037 /#284 Intestinal microbiota composition influences the response to a dietary intervention with resistant starch / Fabiana A H Sarda, Christian Hoffmann, Eliana B Giuntini Carla R Taddei, Frederic Bushman, Elizabete Wenzel de Menezes Bio-001 /#19 Draft genome sequence of Staphylococcus gallinarum DSM20610 / Ding Shi, Xinjun Hu, Ang Li, Lanjuan Li App-038 /#295 Comparative evaluation of metagenomic sequencing and data analysis methods / V Manghina, C Fraumene, M Deligios, A Palomba, S Uzzau Bio-002 /#21 Saccharomyces boulardii ameliorates carbon tetrachloride-induced liver fibrosis in rats / Ming Li, Lin Zhu, Ao Xie, and Jieli Yuan App-039 /#310 Validation of IS-pro for bacterial quantification in complex microbial communities / M.L.M. van Doorn-Schepens, A. Eck, Martine Bos, P.H.M. Savelkoul, A.E. Budding Bio-003 /#23 Screening and characterization of purine nucleoside degrading lactic acid bacteria isolated from Chinese sauerkraut and evaluation of the serum uric acid lowering effect in hyperuricemic rats / Ming Li, Dianbin Yang, Lu Mei, Lin Yuan, Ao Xie, Jieli Yuan App-040 /#311 IS-pro: fast and portable clinical microbiota analysis / Dries Budding, Malieka Degen, Suzanne Jeleniewski, Linda Poort, Paul Savelkoul App-041 /#312 Analysis of B-vitamin biosynthesis pathways suggests co-operation among human gut microbes / Stefania Magnusdottir, Dmitry Ravcheev, Valerie de Crecy-Lagard, Ines Thiele App-042 /#317 Effects of Long Term Exposure to a Subantimicrobial Dose of Doxyxyxline on the Fecal and Oral Microbiota / Bart Keijser, Mamun-Ur Rashid, Gino Kalkman, Guus Roeselers, Georgios Panagiotidis, Tobias Bäckström, Andrej Weintraub, Roy Montijn, Carl Erik Nord App-043 /#321 Identification of new MAMPS modulating human intestinal epithelial cells using functional metagenomics / Nicolas Lapaque, Véronique Lejard, Alexandre Jamet, Alhosna Benjdia, Moez Rhimi, Olivier Berteau, Sylvia Guglietta, Dario Brunelli, Florence Ledue, Emmanuelle Maguin, Joël Doré, Maria Rescigno, Hervé M. Blottière App-044 /#327 Identification of factors impacting reproducibility and quality of microbiome profile analysis / Evgueni Doukhanine, Anne Bouevitch, Lindsay Pozza, Carlos Merino, Rafal M. Iwasiow Bio-004 /#51 Identification of a toxin-antitoxin module implicating in osmotic stress from Bifidobacterium longum / Yanxia Wei, Lu Ye, Dianbin Liu, Xiaokui Guo, Chang Liu Bio-005 /#50 Activation of the Chromosomally Encoded mazEFBif Locus of Bifidobacterium longum under Acid Stress / Yanxia Wei, Lu Ye, Dianbin Liu, Zhuoyang Zhang, Chang Liu, Xiaokui Guo Bio-006 /#53 Fecal Microbiota Transplant for Treatment of Food Allergic Proctocolitis in Pediatric Patients: a Clinical Observation / Yan Liu, Chen Dong ,Zhi-hua Huang Bio-007 /#85 Draft Genome Sequence Of Staphylococcus Gallinarum / Ding Shi, Xinjun Hu, Ang Li, Lanjuan Li Bio-008 /#135 Circulating long non-coding RNA NEAT1 is a novel potential biomarker for HIV-1 infection / Changzhong Jin, Xiaorong Peng, Tiansheng Xie, Xiangyun Lu, Fumin Liu, Haibo Wu, Zongxing Yang, Juan Wang, Linfang Cheng, Nanping Wu App-045 /#328 Gist – an ensemble approach to the taxonomic classification of short read data / Samantha Halliday, John Parkinson Bio-009 /#149 Transmission of neonatal intensive care unit microbes to the gut of premature infants / Brandon Brooks, Seema Bhangar, Robyn Baker, Brian A. Firek, Xiaochen Tang, Michael J. Morowitz, William W Nazaroff, Jillian F. Banfield App-046 /#340 Influence of nisin intake on gut microbiome and physiological parameters in healthy volunteers / Fabiana A Hoffmann Sarda, Eliana B Giuntini, Christian Hoffmann, Bernadette DBG Franco, Elizabete Wenzel de Menezes Bio-010 /#238 Microbiomic Mapping reveals Structural Shift of Fecal Microbiota as a Predictor of the Progression of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease / Baohong Wang, Xiangyang Jiang, Qiongling Bao, Jianping Ge, Zhenya Lu, Lingling Tang, Yu Chen, Lanjuan Li App-047 /#344 Microbiome analysis of early childhood caries from Chinese She and Han race / Wen Jiang, Zongxin Ling, Xiaolong Lin, Yadong Chen, Jie Zhang, Jinjin Yu, Hui Chen Bio-011 /#209 Creating a US registry of fecal microbiota for FMT / Gary D. Wu App-048 /#346 Disposable For Faster And More Convenient Stool Sample Sreparation : Metagenomic Application / Hervé Rostaing, Agnes Dupond Filliard, Elise Simonazzi, Mollon Patrick, Emmanuelle Santiago-Allexant, Sandrine Gicquel, Bertrand Bonnaud, Magali Jaillard, Ghislaine Guigon, Patrick Broyer, Jerôme Blaze, Frederic Mallard, Carole Vachon COMPUTATIONAL AND INTEGRATIVE 'OMICS ANALYSES FOR MICROBIOME RESEARCH Comp-002 /#26 Characterization of skin microbiome of Chinese individuals of Hong Kong / Marcus H. Y. Leung, David Wilkins, Patrick K. H. Lee App-049 /#347 Exploring the functional capacity of the Faecalibacterium prausnitzii pan-genome / Páraic Ó Cuív, Nur Sabrina Mohd Najman, Sriti Burman, Harry Sokol, Philippe Langella & Mark Morrison Comp-003 /#29 The Expression of SIgA in the Intestinal Mucosa of IBD Mice and the Effect of Probiotics : Guina Wang, Zhiqin Mao App-050 /#349 Profiling Vaginal Microbiota Using Real-Time PCR with OpenArray® Technology / Kelly Li, Boli Huang, Sunali Patel, Ioanna Pagani, Pius Brzoska, Evan Diamond, and Kamini Varma Comp-004 /#55 Identification of new potential CAZymes in the gut microbiome from Hadza hunter gatherers / Simone Rampelli, Matteo Soverini, Stephanie L. Schnorr, Silvia Turroni, Elena Biagi, Sara Quercia, Clarissa Consolandi, Alyssa N. Crittenden, Amanda G. Henry, Patrizia Brigidi and Marco Candela App-051 /#352 Stool metatranscriptomics: A technical guideline for mRNA stabilisation and isolation / Michael Reck, Jürgen Tomasch, Michael Jarek, Peter Husemann, Irene-Wagner Döbler App-052 /#354 MetaFun : a functional metagenomic platform allowing to decipher gut microbiota-host cell cross-talk / Véronique Lejard, Aline Letur, Camille Bruneau, Adeline Dubreuil, Stanislas Dusko Ehrlich, Joël Doré, Hervé M. Blottière App-053/#363 Flexible Method for Targeted Transcript Depletion from RNA-Seq Libraries / Svenja DebeyPascher, Steve Kain, Lin Pham, I-Ching Wang, Marie Eide, and Doug Amorese App-054/#364 Overcoming the Challenges of Fecal Sample Handling – Use of Frozen Aliquotting Technology to Improve Efficiency and Performance of Fecal Microbiome Analyses / Long, G.S., Fraone, J.M. Comp-005 /#57 The gut microbiome in response to temporal and technical variability / Anita Voigt, Paul Costea, Shinichi Sunagawa, Jens Roat Kultima, Georg Zeller, Simone Li, Peer Bork Comp-006 /#66 Analysis of the genome of Bifidobacterium longum GT15: focus on the unique genes and genes potentially involved in the microbiota-gut-brain communication / Natalia Zakharevich, Olga Averina, Artem Kasianov, Ksenia Klimina, Vsevolod Makeev, Valery Danilenko Comp-007 /#65 Seqlib: an integrated website to process amplicon reads / Li Ang ,Li Lanjuan Comp-008 /#75 A preliminary study of gut microbiomes in early diagnosis of liver cirrhosis Li Shao, Ang Li, Nan Qin, Lanjuan Li 5th International Human Microbiome Congress 2015 I 15 posters Comp-009 /#98 Omics of Acne: Microbiome and Metabolic Profile in Human Skin – A Preliminary Report / Alessandro Afornali, Rodrigo Makowiecky Stuart, Ariane Caroline Campos Paschoal, Andressa Katiski da Costa, Sarah da Costa Amaral, Aline Raquell Leck, Carla Abdo Brohem, Márcio Lorencini, Marcelo Távora Mira Comp-027 /#190 MetaShot: a complete workflow for the characterization of the human associated microbiome from shotgun metagenomic data / Fosso B, Santamaria M, Lovero D, Corrado G, Vizza E, Passaro N, Crescenzi M, and Pesole G Comp-010 /#101 Viral and microbial communities in the oral cavity are part of a complex ecosystem / Rodrigo García-López, Andrés Moya, José V. Bagan, and Vicente Pérez-Brocal Comp-028 /#198 Towards population-level microbiome analysis: the Flemish Gut Flora Project / Jeroen Raes Comp-011 /#111 Global metabolic interaction network of the human gut microbiota / Jaeyun Sung, Seunghyeon Kim, SungHo Jang, Yong-Su Jin, Gyoo Yeol Jung, Nicholas Chia, Pan-Jun Kim Comp-012 /#108 Temporal dynamics of gut microbiome in people sharing a confined environment, the ground space-simulation MARS500 / Silvia Turroni, Simone Rampelli, Clarissa Consolandi, Marco Severgnini, Clelia Peano, Elena Biagi, Sara Quercia, Matteo Soverini, Franck Carbonero, Giovanna Bianconi, Petra Rettberg, Francesco Canganella, Patrizia Brigidi, and Marco Candela Comp-013 /#122 Association of Preterm Birth with Alterations in the Microbiome and Linkage to Host mtDNA Variants / Kjersti Aagaard, Jun Ma, Amanda Prince, Derrick M. Chu, Lori Showalter, Kathleen M. Antony, James Versalovic Comp-029 /#205 PathoScope: a multi-omic approach to characterize human microbiomes / Marcos PérezLosada, Eduardo Castro-Nallar, Evan Johnson, Keith A. Crandall, Robert J. Freishtat Comp-030 /#206 Changes in the human gastrointestinal microbiome during cancer treatments Anne Kaysen, Anna Heintz-Buschart, Patrick May, Cédric C. Laczny, Shaman Narayanasamy, Norbert Graf, Arne Simon, Jörg Bittenbring, Stephanie Kreis, Jochen G. Schneider, Paul Wilmes Comp-031 /#212 Human gut virome epigenetics and how DNA modifications can block CRISPR attack / Alexandra Bryson, Young Hwang, Sam Minot, Scott Sherrill-Mix, Anatoly Dryga, Tyson Clark, Lindsay Black, Frederic D. Bushman Comp-014 /#127 Application of metagenomics in human gut microbiome / Shaoyan Xu, Zhigang Ren, Weilin Wang, Jianwen Jiang, Shusen Zheng Comp-032 /#218 Metagenomics of a Population-Based Prospective Cohort Reveals No Discernable Impact of Mode of Delivery (MOD) on the Infant Microbiome by 6 Weeks of Age Derrick M. Chu, Jun Ma, Amanda Prince, Kathleen M. Antony, Michelle Moller, Brigid Boggan, Kjersti Aagaard Comp-015 /#128 Identifying biomarkers of vaginal diversity and dysbiosis: a multiplatform untargeted metabolomics approach / Amy McMillan, Jean M. Macklaim, Justin Renaud, Stephen Rulisa, Mark Sumarah, Gregory B. Gloor, and Gregor Reid Comp-033 /#219 Alterations in the Intestinal Microbiome of Infants are Associated with Breastfeeding Practice / Derrick M. Chu, Jun Ma, Amanda Prince, Kathleen M. Antony, Diana Racusin, Michelle Moller, Brigid Boggan, Kjersti Aagaard Comp-016 /#146 Functional analysis of type II toxin-antitoxin systems of the MazEF, RelBE, VapBC families of Bifidobacterium longum subsp. infantis ATCC 15697 strain / Olga Averina, Maria Alekseeva, Andrei Shkoporov, Valery Danilenko Comp-034 /#225 Healthy human microbiota as reservoir of antibiotic resistance genes: a multi- body habitat analysis / Yanjiao Zhou, John Martin, Richard Wilson, Makedonka Mitreva Comp-017 /#148 A Fungal Signature in the Gut Microbiota of Pediatric Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease / Christel Chehoud, Lindsey G. Albenberg, Colleen Judge, Christian Hoffmann Stephanie Grunberg, Kyle Bittinger, Robert N. Baldassano, James D. Lewis, Frederic D. Bushman, and Gary D. Wu Comp-018 /#192 Building a disease specific gut microbiome catalogue and early evaluation / Emna Achouri, Alban Mathieu, Nicolas Goffard, Alessandra Cervino and Matthieu Pichaud Comp-019 /#158 Analysis of antibiotic resistance genes in ascites and feces of SBP-complicated hepatocirrhosis patients / Lin Liu, Yonghong Xiao Comp-020 /#160 Metatranscriptomic sequence analysis pipeline for human gut microbiome / Xavier Martinez, Suchita Panda, Marta Pozuelo, Ivo Gut, Marta Gut, Fernando Azpiroz, Francisco Guarner, Chaysavanh Manichanh Comp-021 /#168 Deep learning of human microbiome in health and disease Sultan Imangaliyev, Bart Keijser, Wim Crielaard, and Evgeni Tsivtsivadze Comp-022 /#170 Metagenomic sequencing analysis of microbial communities in the oropharynx of individuals with schizophrenia and controls / Eduardo Castro-Nallar, Matthew L. Bendall, Sarven Sabuncyan, Emily Severance, Faith Dickerson, Jennifer R. Schroeder, Robert Yolken, and Keith A. Crandall Comp-023 /#175 Mining of the incidental virome in the whole-exome sequences from patients at different stages of liver diseases / Kunkai Su, Xin Huang, Dasong Hua, Jingjing Tao, Xianzhong Jiang, Mingding Li, Lanjuan Li Comp-035 /#227 A Robust Approach For Identifying Differentially Abundant Features In Metagenomic Samples / Michael B. Sohn, Ruofei Du, Lingling An Comp-036 /#236 Investigating Microbial Co-Occurrence Patterns Based On Metagenomic Compositional Data : Yuguang Ban, Lingling An, Hongmei Jiang Comp-038 /#248 Integrated omics analyses of the human gut microbiome in a multiplex family study of type 1 diabetes mellitus : Anna Heintz-Buschart, Patrick May, Cédric Laczny, Laura Lebrun, Linda Wampach, Angela Hogan, Jochen Schneider, Carine de Beaufort, Paul Wilmes Comp-039 /#250 Integrative metagenomic analyses of gut microbiota development during infancy / Yvonne Vallès, Alejandro Artacho, Alberto Pascual-García, María José Gosalbe, M. Pilar Francino Comp-040 /#252 Enterotype based determination of statistical power for microbiome case-control studies / Bie Verbist, Luc Bijnens, Federico Matiello, Olivier Thas, Karoline Faust and Jeroen Raes Comp-041 /#255 Unravelling the fate of dietary fibers in the murine cecum / Floor Hugenholtz, Katja Lange, Guido Hooiveld, Michiel Kleerebezem, Hauke Smidt Comp-043 /#265 Seeking differentially abundant taxa: Parkinson’s gut microbiome as an example Velma T. E. Aho, Pedro A. B. Pereira, Lars Paulin, Eero Pekkonen, Petri Auvinen and Filip Scheperjans Comp-044 /#268 The comparative genomic analysis of Lactobacillus rhamnosus strains, isolated from human gut, saliva and vagina / Ksenia Klimina, Kirill Emelyanov, Natalia Zakharevich, Artem Kasianov, Elena Poluektova, Vsevolod Makeev, Valery Danilenko Comp-024 /#184 The infant airway microbiome in health and disease impacts later asthma development / Shu Mei Teo, Danny Mok, Kym Pham, Merci Kusel, Michael Serralha, Niamh Troy, Barbara J. Holt, Belinda J. Hales, Michael L. Walker, Elysia Hollams, Yury A Bochkov, Kristine Grindle, Sebastian L. Johnston, James E Gern, Peter D. Sly, Patrick G. Holt, Kathryn E. Holt, Michael Inouye Comp-045 /#274 Country specificity of the human gut microbiome revealed by comparative metagenomics / Suguru Nishijima, Wataru suda, Hidetoshi Morita, Masahira Hattori Comp-025 /#186 Metagenomic Deconvolution Improves the Draft Genomes of Metagenomic Species / Youwen Qin, Henry Chi Ming Leung, Pak Chung Sham Comp-046 /#280 Tools for fast and comparative metagenome analysis / Kathrin Petra Aßhauer, Heiner Klingenberg, Robin Martinjak, Thomas Lingner, and Peter Meinicke Comp-026 /#189 BioMaS: a friendly web service for an accurate taxonomic assessment of microbiomes through target-oriented metagenomics / Fosso B, Santamaria M, Marzano M, Donvito G, Monaco A, Notarangelo P, Maggi GP, Pesole G Comp-048 /#285 SM3: statistical modeling & marker identification from metagenomic data / Georg Zeller, Shinichi Sunagawa, Julien Tap, and Peer Bork 16 I 5th International Human Microbiome Congress 2015 posters Comp-049 /#286 Genomics analysis of the respiration the microbiota of human intestine / Dmitry A. Ravcheev, Ines Thiele Evi-010 /#39 Implication of commensal microbiota in anxiety and alzheimer's disease / Mei-Ling Liu, Ben-Hua Zeng, Hong Wei & Peng Xie Comp-050 /#293 Associations between intake of vitamin D and other micronutrients and maternal gut microbiota composition at delivery / SiddharthaMandal, Keith M Godfrey, Daniel McDonald, Tore Midvedt, Shyamal D. Peddada, Merete Eggesbø Evi-011 /#40 Gut microbiota metabolites in term infants at 3-4 months of age according to breastfeeding status / Sarah L Bridgman, Petya Koleva, Meghan B Azad, Catherine J Field, Andrea M Haqq, Allan B Becker, Stuart E Turvey, Piush J Mandhane, Padmaja Subbarao, Malcolm R Sears, David S Wishart, Anita L Kozyrskyj, and the CHILD Comp-051 /#297 A Longitudinal Study of the Crohn's Disease Microbiome During Treatment with Exclusive Enteral Nutrition / Christopher Quince, Nick Loman, Konstantinos Gerasimidis Comp-053 /#309 In-situ profiling of microbial growth in the human gut / Damian R. Plichta, Martin F. Laursen, Tine Licht, H. Bjørn Nielsen Comp-054 /#314 Gene expression of Bifidobacterium pseudocatenulatum CECT 7765 in response to lactulose-derived galacto-oligosachharides / Alfonso Benítez-Páez, F. Javier Moreno, M. Luz Sanz, Yolanda Sanz Comp-055 /#330 Mechanistic understanding of polysaccharide-degrading enzymes involved in xylan hydrolysis and utilization in human colonic Bacteroides : Meiling Zhang, Jonathan R. Chekan Dylan Dodd, Pei-Ying Hong, Satish K. Nair, Roderick I. Mackie and Isaac Cann Comp-056 /#333 Human intestinal microbiota dynamics and stability in large population cohorts Leo Lahti, Anne Salonen, Jarkko Salojärvi, Marten Scheffer, Willem M de Vos Comp-057 /#337 Metatranscriptomics of colonic lesions in inflammatory bowel disease / Feargal Ryan, Emilo Laserna, John O’callaghan, Ian B Jeffery, Aldert Zomer, Aine Fanning, Fergus Shanahan, Marcus J Claesson Comp-058 /#353 Metatranscriptomics unravels the social life of periodontal microbes / Szymon P. Szafrański, Zhi-Luo Deng, Jürgen Tomasch, Michael Jarek, Sabin Bhuju, Jan Kühnisch, Helena Sztajer, Irene Wagner-Döbler Comp-059 /#358 Microbiome-based biomarker discovery for periodontitis diagnosis / Zhi-Luo Deng, Szymon P. Szafrański, Jürgen Tomasch, Michael Jarek, Helena Sztajer, Irene Wagner-Döbler Comp-060 /#360 An integrative computational framework for identifying taxonomic drivers of functional shifts in the human microbiome / Ohad Manor and Elhanan Borenstein Evi-012 /#45 Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare Complex infection mistreated as Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in immunocomplete person: Two cases / Yu Haiying, Sheng Jifang Evi-013 /#52 Analysis of infant with auditory nerve injury and their breast milk infection human cytomegalovirus / Yu Luo ,Kaixian Du ,Wei Guo ,Hongmei Zhang, Guoxin Zhao ,Linmin Meng Evi-014 /#56 Modulation of gut microbiota dysbioses in type 2 diabetic patients by macrobiotic Ma-Pi 2 diet / Elena Biagi, Marco Candela, Matteo Soverini, Sara Quercia, Clarissa Consolandi, Marco Severgnini, Francesco Fallucca, Mario Pianesi, Paolo Pozzilli, Simone Rampelli, Silvia Turroni, Patrizia Brigidi Evi-015 /#169 Dynamic Patterns of Serum Metabolites in Fulminant Hepatic Failure Pigs Analysis by GCMS / Ermei Chen ,Ning Zhou, Jianzhou Li, Danhua Zhu, Lanjuan Li Evi-016 /#58 Germline HIF2A mutation in a patient with clear-cell variant hepatocellular carcinoma and polycythemia / Jiong Yu,Hongcui Cao, Chunzhang Yang, Cody L. Nesvick, Xiaoru Su, Pauline Dmitriev, Zhengping Zhuang, Lanjuan Li Evi-017 /#60 Early Bacterial coinfection in H7N9 influenza / Meifang Yang, Hainv Gao, Jiajia Chen, Xiaowei Xu, Lingling Tang, Yida Yang, Weifeng Liang, Liang Yu, Jifang Sheng, Lanjuan Li. Evi-018 /#73 Biode gradable antimicrobial polycarbonates with In vitro and In vivo efficacy against methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus(MRSA) infection / Junchi Cheng, Willy Chin, Huihui Dong, Liang Xu, Yuan Huang ,Lanjuan Li, YiYan Yang and Weimin Fan Evi-019 /#79 Bioartificial liver system ameliorated the enteric dysbiosis in fulminant hepatic failure pigs / Liang Yu, Qiongling Bao, Lanjuan Li Evi-020 /#78 Metabolomic and Microbiological Analysis of the Dynamic Changes of Faeces in the Acute Liver Failure Pigs / Ning Zhou, Jianzhou Li, Yimin Zhang, Ermei Cheng, Danhua Zhu, Lanjuan Li EVIDENCE FOR CAUSE AND EFFECT IN MICROBIOME DISEASES Evi-001 /#362 Gut microbiota and lipid metabolism in humans / Jingyuan Fu, Marc Jan Bonder, Maria Carmen Cenit, Ettje Tighchelaar, Floris Imhann, Rinse K. Weersma, Lude Franke, Tiffany W. Poon, Ramnik J. Xavier, Dirk Gevers, Marten H. Hofker, Cisca Wijmenga, Alexandra Zhernakova Evi-002 /#46 Active and IgA-coated fractions of gut microbiota of patients with Clostridium difficile infection / Mária Džunková, Giuseppe D'Auria, Alejandro Artacho, Jorge Vázquez-Castellanos, Xinhua Chen, Ciaran Kelly, Andrés Moya Evi-004 /#27 Metagenomic analysis of human gut microbiome in acute on chronic liver failure Jing Guo ,Nan Qin, Lihua Guo, Yanfei Chen, Guirong Qian, Daiqiong Fang ,Ding Shi, Xinjun Hu, Fengling Yang, Lanjuan Li Evi-006 /#31 Alterations of Bacteroides sp., Neisseria sp., Actinomyces sp. and Streptococcus sp. in oropharyngeal microbiome are associated with liver cirrhosis and pneumonia / Zhang-Hua , Lu-Hai Feng, Qian-Gui Rong, Zhang-Chun Xia, Ren-Zhi Gang Evi-007 /#34 Altered Fecal Microbiota Composition in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder / Haiyin Jiang, Zongxin Ling, Yonghua Zhang, Hongjin Mao, Yan Yin, Wenxin Tang, Zhonglin Tan, Jianfei Shi, Lanjuan Li, Bing Ruan Evi-008 /#35 NKT cells play a role in modulating ConA-induced hepatitis by gut microbiota Jianing Chen, Yingfeng Wei, Guangying Cui, Yunan Zhu, Chong Lu, Yulong Ding, Toshimitsu Uede, Lanjuan Li, Hongyan Diao Evi-009 /#36 Intestinal bacterial translocation in rats with cirrhosis is related to intestinal immune dysfunction / Haiyan Shi, Longxian Lv, Lanjuan Li Evi-021 /#81 Imbalace of Treg cells to Th17 cells Ratio in an Animal Model of Acute Liver Failure induced by LPS/D-galactosamine / Qiongling Bao, Jianping Ge ,Liang Yu Evi-022 /#86 Dynamic pattern of frequency and skewed TCRBV of peripheral CD4+CD25+ Tregs in HBeAg-positive chronic hepatitis B patients during antiviral treatment / Jiezuan Yang, Guoping Sheng, Li Wei, Ping Ye, Yixin Zhu, Hongcui Cao, Lanjuan Li Evi-023 /#87 Immunological Characteristics Of The Patients With Liver Cirrhosis / Daiqiong Fang, Jing Guo, Yanfei Chen, Ding Shi, Lanjuan Li Evi-024 /#88 Correlation between liver enzyme levels and human cytomegalovirus antigenemia after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation Hong Zhao, Huihui Dong, Jianhua Hu, Hainv Gao, Meifang Yang, Xuan Zhang, Lichen Xu, Jun Fan, Weihang Ma Evi-025 /#89 Correlation between liver enzyme levels and human cytomegalovirus antigenemia after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation Hong Zhao, Huihui Dong, Jianhua Hu, Hainv Gao, Meifang Yang, Xuan Zhang, Lichen Xu, Jun Fan, Weihang Ma Evi-026 /#94 Virus opportunistic infections after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation Jianhua Hu, Hanying Liang, Anbing Liu, Hainv Gao, Meifang Yang, Xuan Zhang, Hong Zhao, Yaping Huang, Jun Fan Evi-027 /#97 Enterotypes of the human gut microbiome varied between diseases and ethnicities / Fengling Yang, Nan Qin, Ang Li, Edi Prifti, Yanfei Chen, Li Shao, Jing Guo, S. Dusko Ehrlich, Lanjuan Li 5th International Human Microbiome Congress 2015 I 17 posters Evi-028 /#100 Gut microbiota composition and associations with obesity and impaired glucose metabolism in seniors / Kathrin Lippert, Livio Antonielli, Ludmilla Kedenko, Igor Kedenko, Miriam Leitner, Carolin Gemeier, Alexandra Kautzky-Willer, Bernhard Paulweber, Evelyn Hackl Evi-046 /#171 Gut Microbiome Compositional Differences between Tumor and Matching Adjacent Normal Tissues from the US and Spain / Imane Allali, Susana Delgado, Aurora Astudillo, Hassan Ghazal, Saaïd Amzazi, Jen Jen Yeh, Temitope Keku ,M. Andrea Azcarate-Peril Evi-029 /#109 The association of cervical microbiota with an increased risk for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in Korea / Mi Kyung Kim, Hea Young Oh, Bong-Soo Kim, Sang-Soo Seo, Ji-Sook Kong Evi-047 /#174 Associations of gut microbiota with metabolic syndrome and heritability in Korean twins and their families / Mi Young Lim, Hyun Ju You, Hyo Shin Yoon, Bomi Kwon, Jae Yoon Lee, GwangPyo Ko Evi-030 /#115 Disease specific differences in intestinal microbiota between pediatric inflammatory bowel disease and healthy control / Evelien F.J. de Groot, Nanne K.H. de Boer, Marc A. Benninga, Andries E. Budding, Ad A. van Bodegraven, Paul H.M. Savelkoul, Tim G.J. de Meij Evi-031 /#116 Distinct Alterations in the Placental Microbiome Among Spontaneous Preterm Births / Amanda L. Prince, Jun Ma, Kathleen M. Antony, Derrick M. Chu, Renata Benjamin, Claire Cook, Lori Showalter, Michelle Moller, Brigid Boogan, James Versalovic, and Kjersti M. Aagaard Evi-032 /#117 Chorioamnionitis Induced by Intramniotic Injection of IL-1, LPS, or Ureaplasma parvum is Associated with an Altered Microbiome in a Primate Model of Inflammatory Preterm Birth (PTB) / Amanda L. Prince, Jun Ma, Lisa Miller, Min Hu, Alan Jobe, Claire Chougnet, Suhas Kallapur, and Kjersti Aagaard Evi-033 /#118 The Microbiome of the Placenta is Altered Among Subjects with Severe Chorioamnionitis and Spontaneous Preterm Birth / Amanda Prince, Jun Ma, Paranthaman Kannan, Manuel Alvarez, Tate Gisslen, Kathleen M. Antony, Christine Knox, Alan Jobe, Claire Chougnet, Suhas Kallapur, and Kjersti Aagaard Evi-048 /#179 Structural Shift of Intestinal Microbiota during Daily Green Tea Consumption might Contributes to the Decrease of Body Weight in Mice / Baohong Wang, Qiongling Bao, Jiangping Ge, Yuejian Mao, Xiangyang Jiang, Lingling Tang, Yu Chen, Lanjuan Li Evi-049 /#180 Study of subgingival microbiome in subjects with periodontal disease and HFE-related hereditary hemochromatosis / Sandrine Le Gall-David, Vincent Meuric, Yves Deugnier, Martine Bonnaure-Mallet and Frédérique Barloy-Hubler Evi-050 /#181 Effects Of Lactulose On Acute Phase Proteins And Liver Function In Patients With HBV-related Acute-on-chronic Liver Failure / Yumin Xu, Hui Wang, Wei Cai, Qing Xie Evi-051 /#182 Airway dysbiosis is associated with enhancing susceptibility to Allergic rhinitis Xingche Xu, Xiaopeng Yuan, Liyuan Pang, Rui Ding, Li Tang, jin Zhang, Wenkai Yu, Yinhui Liu, Yanjie Guo, Jieli Yuan, Shu Wen Evi-034 /#126 The role of gut microbiome in the initiation and progression of cancer / Shaoyan Xu, Zhigang Ren, Jianwen Jiang, Weilin Wang, Shusen Zheng Evi-052 /#183 Antibiotic-driven airway dysbiosis in early life elevate allergic respiratory inflammation / Wenkai Yu, Xiaopeng Yuan, Xingche Xu, Li Tang, Rui Ding, Liyuan Pang, Yinhui Liu, Huajun Li, Ming Li, Shu Wen Evi-035 /#129 Selective Sweeps Drive Pseudomonas aeruginosa Evolution in the Cystic Fibrosis Lung / Julio Diaz Caballero, Shawn T. Clark, Bryan Coburn, Yu Zhang, Pauline W. Wang, Sylva L. Donaldson, D. Elizabeth Tullis, Yvonne C. Yau, Valerie J. Waters, David M. Hwang, David S. Guttman Evi-053 /#185 Intestinal dysbacteriosis in mice induces changing of T lymphocyte subpopulations in Peyer’s patches (PPs) / Fei Gao, Ming Li, Shu Wen, Yinhui Liu, Li Tang Evi-036 /#133 Effect of metronidazole on the growth of common strains of vaginal. Lactobacillus in vitro / Rui Zhang, Qinping Liao Evi-054 /#191 Human cellular miR-1224-3p and miR-1913 seed family microRNAs target on HIV-1 and inhibit virus production / Xiangyun Lu, Jin Yang, Changzhong Jin, Linfang Cheng, Juan Wang, Zongxing Yang, Fumin Liu, Tiansheng Xie, Haibo Wu, Xiaorong Peng, Hangping Yao, Nanping Wu Evi-037 /#139 HIV-1 infection is affected by has-miR-191-5p in 293T and Tzmbl / Zongxing Yang, Jin Yang, Juan Wang, Xiangyun Lu, Nanping Wu Evi-038 /#141 Gut colonization with Methanobrevibacter smithii is associated with childhood overweight / Catherine A. Mbakwa, John Penders, Paul H. Savelkoul, Carel Thijs, Pieter C. Dagnelie, Monique Mommers, and Ilja C.W. Arts Evi-039 /#142 The vaginal microbiome as a predictor for acquiring Chlamydia trachomatis / Robin van Houdt, Ma Bing, Arjen Speksnijder, Jannie van der Helm, Henry de Vries, Jacques Ravel Evi-040 /#143 The relationship between gut microbiome and hepatocellular carcinoma / Weilin Wang, Shaoyan Xu, Zhigang Ren, Shusen Zheng Evi-041 /#163 Microbiota in type 1 diabetes and healthy children, both native and immigrant: the casecontrol study protocol / Deborah Traversi, Roberta Siliquini, Violetta Andriolo, Emanuela Lovato, Giorgio Gilli, Marilena Durazzo, Francesco Cadario, Franco Cerutti Evi-042 /#156 Reduction of butyrate- and methane-producing microorganisms in patients with irritable bowel syndrome / Marta Pozuelo, Suchita Panda, Alba Santiago, Sara Mendez, Anna Accarino, Javier Santos, Francisco Guarner, Fernando Azpiroz, and Chaysavanh Manichanh Evi-043 /#159 Microbiota dysbiosis associated with epizootic rabbit enteropathy occurs after disease onset / Ana Djukovic, Sandrine Isaac, Alejandro Artacho, Eugenio Martínez-Paredes, Jorge Martínez, and Carles Ubeda Evi-044 /#161 Optimisation of a probiotic therapy in patients with irritable bowel syndrome (ibs) under real life conditions; an observational study / Ingrid Rollinger-Holzinger, Kim Burgard, Valery Bocquet, Bernard Weber Evi-045 /#166 Enterococcal load and indoxyl sulfate levels as predictors of microbiome diversity in patients receving allogeneic stem cell transplantation / Daniela Sporrer, Andreas Hiergeist, Josef Koestler, André Gessner, Peter Oefner, Katja Dettmer, Daniel Wolff, Wolfgang Herr and Ernst Holler 18 I 5th International Human Microbiome Congress 2015 Evi-055 /#202 Association of classical microbiology and 16s metagenetic analysis to evaluate the presence of clostridium difficile in a belgian nursing home / C. Rodriguez, B. Taminiau, N. Korsak, V. Avesani, J. Van Broeck, M. Delmée, G. Daube Evi-056 /#203 Complementary feeding of breast-fed infants: impact on gut microbiota and gut inflammation / Meghan B. Azad, Elnaz Azad, Wafaa Qasem, Chenxi Cai, Ehsan Khafipour, James Friel Evi-057 /#204 Frequent antibiotic treatment impacts early development of gut microbiota in infants / Meghan B. Azad, Tedd Konya, David S. Guttman, Allan B. Becker, Malcolm R. Sears, Piushkumar J. Mandhane, Padmaja Subbarao, Stuart E. Turvey, James A. Scott, Anita L. Kozyrskyj, and the CHILD Study Investigators Evi-058 /#214 Isolation and characterization of adherent-invasive Escherichia coli in Crohn's disease patients in Brazil / Rafaella Ferreira Avelar Costa, Maria de Lourdes de Abreu Ferrari, Marie-Agnès Bringer, Arlette Darfeuille-Michaud, Flaviano dos Santos Martins, Nicolas Barnich Evi-059 /#215 Bacterial composition of the infant gut is shaped by maternal prenatal weight / Petya T Koleva, Ji-Sun Kim, David S Guttman, Malcolm R Sears, Allan B Becker, Piush J Mandhane, Padmaja Subbarao, Stuart E Turvey, James A Scott, Anita L Kozyrskyj, and the CHILD Study Investigators Evi-060 /#221 The bidirectional stress-obesity relation: mediating role of inflammation and gut microbiota / Nathalie Michels Evi-061 /#224 Bacterial diversity and community types in saliva and oral environment / Toru Takeshita, Michiko Furuta, Hidenori Tsuboi, Shinya Kageyama ,Yoshihiro Shimazaki, Toshiharu Ninomiya, Yutaka Kiyohara, Yoshihisa Yamashita Evi-062 /#228 Correlation between either Cupriavidus or Porphyromonas and primary pulmonary tuberculosis found by analysing the microbiota in patients’ bronchoalveolar lavage fluid / Yuhua Zhou, Feishen Lin, Zelin Cui, Xiangrong Zhang, Chunmei Hu, Tian Shen, Chunyan Chen, Jinhong Qin and Xiaokui Guo Evi-063 /#231 Evaluation of the lower airway microbiome in Rheumatoid Arthritis / Leopoldo N. Segal, M.D., Carles Ubeda, Ph.D., William Wikof, Ph.D., Anca Catrina, M.D., Ph.D; Jose U. Scher, M.D. posters Evi-064 /#234 Exploring the human breast microbiome in benign and malignant disease states Tina J HIeken, Nicholas Chia, Krishna R Kalari, Tanya L Hoskin, Kevin Thompson, Sheri Ramaker, Larry M Baddour, Karla V Ballman, Amy C Degnim Evi-065 /#241 Seminal microbiome in the men with and without prostatitis / Reet Mändar, Eleri Lapp, Ave Ahelik, Paul Korrovits, Margus Punab, Andres Metspalu, Kaarel Krjutškov, Hiie Nõlvak, JensKonrad Preem, Kristjan Oopkaup, Andres Salumets, Jaak Truu Evi-066 /#244 Gut microbiota, obesity, adipose tissue inflammation and Toll-like receptor 5 / Eveliina Munukka, Satu Pekkala, Anniina Rintala, Petri Wiklund, Pentti Huovinen, Sulin Cheng Evi-067 /#249 Epidemiological investigation of the cognitive level of hepatitis B and its influence factors among the general residents and cases infected with hepatitis B virus / Yang Shigui, Yu Chengbo, Xu Kaijin, Ren Jingjing, Wang Bing, Li Yiping, Chen Ping, Xie Tiansheng, Deng Min, Wang Chencheng, Li Jing, Yao Jun, Ruan Bing, Li Lanjuan Evi-068 /#256 Mucosa-associated biohydrogenating microbes protect the simulated gut microbiome from stress by a Western-style fat consumption / Rosemarie De Weirdt, Emma HernandezSanabria, Bruno Vlaeminck, Eva Mees, Ruy Jauregui, Dietmar H. Pieper, Annelies Geirnaert, Florence Van Herreweghen, Ramiro Vilchez Vargas, Veerle Fievez and Tom Van de Wiele Evi-069 /#258 Are you what you eat? Associations of diet and lifestyle with the gut microbiome / Emily Vogtmann, Jianxin Shi, Georg Zeller, Jim Goedert, Peer Bork, Rashmi Sinha Evi-070 /#260 Alterations of oral microbiome in early childhood caries / Hui Chen, Yuan Wang, Xi Chen, Wen Jiang, Ying Wang, Yunjie Zhu, xiaolong Lin, Xiangyu Hu Evi-072 /#267 Intestinal pro-inflammatory disbyosis in HIV-1 infection / Muntsa Rocafort, Marc NogueraJulian, Yolanda Guillén, Mariona Parera, Maria Casadellà, Rocío Bellido, Cristina Rodríguez, Javier Rivera-Pinto, Isabel Bravo, Carla Estany, Josep Coll, Julià Blanco, Bonaventura Clotet, Roger Paredes Evi-073 /#269 Human gut microbial modulation of insulin sensitivity / Helle Krogh Pedersen, Valborg Gudmundsdottir, Trine Nielsen, Matej Oresič, Oluf Pedersen, MetaHIT consortium, Henrik Bjørn Nielsen Evi-074 /#273 Nasopharyngeal as compared to the ear microbiota in toddlers with acute otitis media: a proxy for the diagnosis? / Julia G. Kraemer, Moana Mika, Anne Oppliger and Markus Hilty Evi-075 /#276 Dominant genera of the stool microbiome reflect arginine metabolism in a multi-national cohort of women / J.L. Cope, J.W. Hsu, P. Dwarkanath, J. M. Karnes, C.C. Kao, R.A. Luna, M.M. Thame, A.V. Kurpad, J. Versalovic, E.B. Hollister, F. Jahoor Evi-076 /#279 Metagenomic and metatranscriptomic evidence suggest that altered amino acid and carbohydrate metabolism are associated with pain frequency and intensity in children with irritable bowel syndrome / Emily B. Hollister, Ruth Ann Luna, Kevin Riehle, Xiangjun Tian, Nadim Ajami, Erica M. Weidler, Sabeen Raza, Michelle Rubio-Gonzalez, Toni-Ann Mistretta, Richard Gibbs, Joseph Petrosino, Robert J. Shulman, James Versalovic Evi-077 /#283 Functional profiling of the gut microbiome in HIV infection / Yolanda Guillén, Marc Noguera-Julian, Muntsa Rocafort, Mariona Parera, Maria Casadellà, Rocío Bellido, Cristina Rodríguez, Javier Rivera-Pinto, Isabel Bravo, Carla Estany, Josep Coll, Julià Blanco, Bonaventura Clotet, Roger Paredes Evi-083 /#296 Malleability of the human gut microbiome / Edi Prifti, Shobha Potluri, Gonneke Willemsen, Emmanuelle Le Chatelier, Nicolas Pons, Florence Levenez, Benoit Quinquis, Nathalie Galleron, Sean Kennedy, Steven Pitts, Marina Sirota, Jean-Michel Batto, Pierre Leonard, Joël Doré, Jaume Pons, David R Cox, Eco JC de Geus, Purnima Sundar, Dorret I Boomsma, S. Dusko Ehrlich Evi-084 /#300 The effect of smoking cigarettes on the oral microbiota / Simone S Stahringer, Robin P Corley, Daniel McDonald, Matthew B McQueen, Matthew Simonson, Se Jin Song, Sophie Weiss, John K Hewitt, Rob Knight, Kenneth S Krauter Evi-085 /#302 The effects of a whole grain rich diet on the community structure of the gut microbiome / Lea Benedicte Skov Hansen, Marlene Danner Dalgaard, Martin Iain Bahl, Henrik Bjørn Nielsen, Tine Rask Licht, Ramneek Gupta . Evi-086 /#303 The invasive microbiome / Dries Budding, Martine Hoogewerf, Paul Savelkoul Evi-087 /#304 The microbiome of the aerodigestive tract as a tool in the diagnosis of aspiration in children / Ruth Ann Luna, PhD, Abria Haynes PhD, Jessica Runge, Michelle Rubio-Gonzales, Eric Howard Chiou, MD, Julina Ongkasuwan, MD, Julia Cope, PhD, Emily B. Hollister, PhD, James Versalovic MD, PhD,, and Timothy J. Vece, MD Evi-089 /#308 Gut microbiota in diverticulosis; looking for signs of an inflammatory precursor stage of diverticulitis / M.L.M. van Doorn-Schepens, A.E. Budding, N. de Korte, A. Eck, H.B.A.C. Stockmann Evi-090 /#318 The microbiome of type 1 diabetes autoimmunity: The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young (TEDDY) study / Joseph F. Petrosino, Nadim J. Ajami, Matthew C. Wong, Daniel P. Smith, Ginger Metcalf, Donna Muzny, Richard Gibbs, Richard Lloyd, Beena Akolkar, William Hagopian, Marian Rewers, Jin-Xiong She, Jorma Toppari, Anette-G Ziegler, Åke Lernmark, Heikki Hyöty, Jeffery P. Krischer, Kendra Vehik, and the TEDDY Study Group Evi-091 /#320 Specific microbiome changes after antibiotic treatment enable vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus intestinal colonisation / Sandrine Isaac, Ana Djucovik, Carles Ubeda Evi-092 /#322 Gut microbes provide carbohydrate-derived metabolites that fuel polyp formation in APCMin/+MSH2-/- mice / Antoaneta Belcheva, Thergiory Irrazabal, Susan J. Robertson1, Catherine Streutker, Heather Maughan, Stephen Rubino, Eduardo H. Moriyama, Julia K. Copeland, Sachin Kumar, Blerta Green, Kaoru Geddes, Rossanna C. Pezo, William W. Navarre, Michael Milosevic, Brian C. Wilson, Stephen E. Girardin, Thomas M.S. Wolever, Winfried Edelmann, David S. Guttman, Dana J. Philpott, and Alberto Martin Evi-093 /#325 Insights on the lipid metabolic potential of the gut microbiome in different human and animal groups / Stephanie Schnorr, Simone Rampelli, Silvia Turroni, Elena Biagi, Clarissa Consolandi, Patrizia Brigidi, Alyssa Crittenden, Marco Candela, Amanda Henry Evi-094 /#331 Microbial communities in the ileal tissues of healthy Koreans and patients with Crohns disease / Min-Jung Kwak, Chang Soo Eun, Ar Reum Lee, Byung Kwon Kim, Dong Soo Han, Jihyun F. Kim Evi-095 /#332 Microbiome analysis of human gestational tissues in normal and complicated pregnancies / Lydia Leon, Ronan Doyle, Nigel Klein, Philip Stanier, Gudrun Moore Evi-096 /#336 Cultural Practices Influence Tsimane Gut Microbiome Maturation / Daniel Sprockett, Melanie Martin, Elizabeth Costello, Michael Gurven, and David Relman Evi-078 /#287 A Possible Role Of IL-17 During Salmonella Typhimurium Infection / WL Ling, LJ Wang, Godfrey CF Chan, and James CB Li Evi-097 /#348 Serological, Virulence, Molecular Characteristics and Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Clinical Vibrio parahaemolyticus Strains in Southeastern China: 2009 to 2013 Yu Chen, Xiao Chen, Lanjuan Li Evi-079 /#288 Pregnant Women Contain a Unique Urinary Microbiome / Krystal Thomas-White, Kristin Jacobs, Evann Hilt, James Grayczyk, Thaddeus P. Waters, and Alan J. Wolfe . Evi-098 /#350 Risk Factors for Invasive Fungal Infections in Patients with Hematopoietic Malignancies / Chen Li, Zhang Wei-li, Ye Xian-fei, Ge Chao-rong, Chen Yu, Li Lan-juan Evi-080 /#289 Urine is Not Sterile: A Description of the Female Urinary Microbiome / Alan J. Wolfe, Krystal Thomas-White, Travis Price, Cynthia Fok, Meghan Pearce, Evann Hilt, Michael J. Zilliox, Elizabeth R. Meuller, Kristin Jacobs, Xioawu Gai ,and Linda Brubaker Evi-099 /#355 Intestinal function and bacterial translocation after cerebral ischemia in mice / Naoki Oyama, Katarzyna Winek, Priscilla Koduah, Tian Zhang, Yasmin Beckers, Yvonne Amoneit, Sabine Kolodziej, Andreas Meisel, Ulrich Dirnagl Evi-081 /#291 Delivery mode and feeding method shape infant microbiome composition in a US birth cohort / Anne G. Hoen, Juliette C. Madan, Kathryn L. Cottingham, Hongzhe Li, Shohreh Farzan, Hilary Morrison, Mitchell Sogin, Jason H Moore, Margaret R. Karagas Evi-100 /#356 Risk Factors for Invasive Fungal Infections in Patients with Hematopoietic Malignancies / Chen Li, Zhang Wei-li, Ye Xian-fei, Ge Chao-rong, Chen Yu, Li Lan-juan Evi-082 /#292 Oral microbiome dysbiosis in HIV-associated periodontal disease / Marc Noguera-Julian, Yolanda Guillén, David Reznik, Minh Nguyen, Roger Paredes, Timothy Read, Vincent C. Marconi Evi-101 /#357 Impact of elimination of the microbiota on the outcome of experimental stroke / Katarzyna Winek, Odilo Engel, Priscilla Koduah, Markus Heimesaat, André Fischer, Stefan Bereswill, Olivia Kershaw, Claudia Dames, Caterina Curato, Naoki Oyama, Christian Meisel, Andreas Meisel, Ulrich Dirnagl th 5 International Human Microbiome Congress 2015 I 19 posters Evi-102 /#359 Studying the role of gut microbiome in type 1 diabetes using OMICS approaches / Ramana Madupu, Andrey Tovchigrechko, Vishal Thovarai, Moojin Suh, Karen Nelson, Rembert Pieper Mod-018 /#294 Rapid and profound shifts in the vaginal microbiota / Bryan T. Mayer, Sujatha Srinivasan, Tina L. Fiedler, Jeanne M. Marrazzo, David N. Fredricks, Joshua T. Schiffer MODEL SYSTEMS IN MICROBIOME RESEARCH Mod-019 /#298 Analysis of the skin microbiota in house mice using genetic and evolutionary approaches / Meriem Belheouane, Yask Gupta, Saleh Ibrahim, John F. Baines Mod-001 /#16 The historical origin of microbiome : Pierre Joseph Van Beneden (1809-1894) and commensalism / Brice POREAU, MD, PhD/MA Mod-002 /#38 Immuno-biological effects of different probiotic preparations and bacterial secondary metabolites on a human organo-typical (HOT) co-culture system: HOT-Co gut / Schmolz MW, Venema K Mod-003 /#91 Minimal pathway enumeration to predict gene knockout effects in microbial pathways / Steve Pastor, Yemin Lan, Gail Rosen Mod-004 /#96 correlation of hepatitis B e antigen levels and HBVDNA levels in asymptomatic carriers with HBeAg-positive / Ping Chen, Jinghua Wang, Chengbo Yu, Wei Wu, Shigui Yang, Jingjing Ren, Bing Ruan and Lanjuan Li Mod-005 /#102 Cholesterol-lowering probiotics combined with anthraquinone of cassia ameliorate nonalcoholic fatty liver in diet-induced rats through gut-liver axis / Lu Mei, Zhi-Qiang Liu ,YouCai Tang, Ping-Chang Yang ,Jie-Li Yuan, Peng-Yuan Zheng Mod-006 /#107 Changes of the Gut Microbiome in Acute Liver Failure Pigs / Yimin Zhang, Ning Zhou, Jianzhou Li, Juan Lu, Ermei Chen, Jie Wang, Zhongyang Xie, Lanjuan Li Mod-008 /#145 eGUT: Predictive Tool to Understand Gut Microbiota and Host Interactions / Robert Clegg, Jan-Ulrich Kreft Mod-009 /#193 Glycerol supplementation enhances Lactobacillus reuteri’s protective effect against Salmonella Typhimurium colonization in a 3-D model of colonic epithelium / Rosemarie De Weirdt, Aurélie Crabbé, Stefan Roos, Sabine Vollenweider, Christophe Lacroix, Jan Peter van Pijkeren, Robert A. Britton, Shameema Sarker, Tom Van de Wiele, Cheryl A. Nickerson Mod-010 /#217 The intricate relationships of bifidobacterial communities within the mammalian’s gut microbiota / Francesca Turroni, Sabrina Duranti, Marta Mangifesta, Christian Milani, Alice Viappiani, Gabriele Andrea Lugli, Laura Gioiosa, Paola Palanza, Douwe van Sinderen and Marco Ventura Mod-011 /#229 Systems biology of a defined, simplified gut microbiome / Greg Medlock, Matthew Biggs, Glynis Kolling, Jonathan Swann, Martin Wu, Jason Papin, Richard Guerrant Mod-012 /#253 Phenotypic differentiation of gastrointestinal microbes is reflected in their metabolic repertoire / Eugen Bauer, Cedric Christian Laczny, Stefania Magnusdottir, Paul Wilmes and Ines Thiele Mod-013 /#259 Fate of arabinoxylan and beta-glucan during simulated digestion by human duodenal and stomach fluids and during in vitro fermentation with human faecal slurry / Ida Rud, Anne Berit Samuelsen, Birgitte Moen, Anne Rieder, Ingrid Måge, Gerd Vegarud, Svein Halvor Knutsen Mod-014 /#261 Circadian rhythm and stability of salivary microbial communities / Lena Takayasu, Wataru Suda, Tageyasu Takanashi, Erica Iioka, Misa Kiuchi, Rina Kurokawa, Chie Shindo, Yasue Hattori, Naoko Yamashita, Sangwan Kim, Kenshiro Oshima, Suguru Nishijima, Misako Takayasu, Hideki Takayasu, and Masahira Hattori Mod-015 /#272 Systematic analysis of the metabolic interactions in a model gut microbiota community and its impact on host metabolism / Almut Heinken, Ines Thiele Mod-016 /#278 Mouse model for studying microbiota and metabolic changes induced by different diets / Peter Falck, Eva Nordberg Karlsson, Patrick Adlercreutz. Mod-017 /#290 The Athlete Microbiome Project: The search for the golden microbiome / Lauren M Petersen, Erica Sodergren, Shana Leopold, Purva Vats, Benjamin Leopold, Blake Hanson, Lei Chen, Sai Lek, George M Weinstock 20 I 5th International Human Microbiome Congress 2015 Mod-020 /#305 Pneumococcal vaccination and the nasopharyngeal microbiome: a longitudinal study in The Gambia / Blake Hanson, Brenda Kwambana, Archibald Worwui, Yanjiao Zhou, Maze Bi Ndukum-Ndonwi, Ma Ansu Kinteh, Martin Antonio, Erica Sodergren, Ed Clark, Sulayman Bah, Ebou Bah, Kally Sanneh, Mohammed Kijera, Isatou Gibba, Landing Bojang, Maxine Haffner, Momodou Cox, Amadou Faal, Lamin Sillah, Basiru Said, Patricia Ezedimbu-Michael, Peggy-Estelle Tientcheu, George Weinstock Mod-021 /#307 A multiomics approach to study the effects of diet on the intestinal microbiome of prediabetic patients , Shana Leopold, Wenyu Zhou, Daniel Spakowicz, Blake Hanson, Eddy Bautista, Erica Sodergren, Lauren Petersen, Purva Vats, Sai Lek, Lei Chen, Denis Salins, Brian Piening, George Weinstock, Michael Snyder Mod-022 /#339 Towards The Development Of An In Vitro Screening Platform For Upper Respiratory Tract Microbiota , Bart Keijser, Hakim Rahaoui, Mariska Gröllers-Mulderij, Ingeborg Kooter, Heleen Wortelboer, Debby Bogaert, Roy Montijn STATUS OF CURRENT INTERVENTIONS FOR MICROBIOME DISEASES AND DISORDERS Stat-001 /#125 Quantification of the butyryl-CoA:acetate-CoA transferase gene in the faecal microbiota of overweight and obese pregnant women at 16 weeks gestation / Luisa.F Gomez-Arango, Mark Morrison, Alicia Kang, Helen Barret, Shelley Wilkinson, H.David McIntyre, Leonie K. Callaway, Marloes Dekker Nitert Stat-002 /#33 The gut microbiota and the liver diseases / Zhang Xiaoqian, Li Lanjuan Stat-003 /#37 Characterisation of Novel Biomarkers in HBV-related Acute-on-chronic Liver Failure and Their Predictive Value for Mortality / Qian Zhou, Jiaojiao Xin, Wenchao Ding, Shaorui Hao, Longyan Jiang, Dongyan Shi, Hongcui Cao, Lanjuan Li, Jun Li Stat-004 /#43 Liver disease and intestinal flora / Chenxia Hu ,LanJuan Li Stat-005 /#48 Post-partum antibiotic treatment disturbs development of gut microbiota / Anat Eck, Nicole Rutten, Maartje.Singendonk, Ger Rijkers, Clemens Meijssen, Clarissa Crijns, Annemarie Oudshoorn, Arine Vlieger, Paul Savelkoul, Dries Budding Stat-006 /#54 Dietary modulation of gut microbiota alleviates human genetic obesity / Chenhong Zhang, Aihua Yin, Hongde Li, Ruirui Wang, Guojun Wu, Jian Shen, Menhui Zhang, Linghua Wang, Yaping Hou, Haimei Ouyang, Yan Zhang, Yinan Zheng, Jicheng Wang, Xiaofei Lv, Yulan Wang, Feng Zhang, Feiyan Yan, Yufeng Zhao, Xiaoyan Pang, Xiaojun Zhang, Huaqing Fu, Feng Chen, Naisi Zhao ,Huiru Tang, Xiaozhuang Zhang, Liping Zhao Stat-007 /#59 The hollow fiber bioartificial liver support system based on mircroencapsulated primary porcine hepatocytes could reduce the risk of Porcine Endogenous Retrovirus transmission / Qian Yang,Fei Liu Stat-008 /#63 sepsis in patients of cirrhosis after endoscopic variceal ligation / Xuan Zhang,Xiaoli Liu Stat-009 /#67 Study of Rat Intestinal Microecology after Liver Transplantation / Chunlei Chen, Xiuli Yu, Haifeng Lu, Weiling Mao, Lanjuan Li Stat-010 /#69 Efficacy of Oseltamivir–Paramivir combination compared to Oseltamivir monotherapy for H7N9 influenza / Yan Zhang, Hai-nv Gao ,Xiao-xin Wu ,Weifeng-Liang ,Ling-ling Tang ,Ji-fang Sheng ,Lan-juan Li ,Qin Gu ,Jian-He Gan ,Hong-Zhou Lu Stat-011 /#71 Epidemiology of Clostridium difficile (sequence type 17 [ST37]) in a tertiary care hospital of China / Si-Lan Gu ,Yun-Bo Chen, Tao Lv, Ping Shen, Lan-Juan Li Stat-012 /#82 comparision of real-time PCR with pp65 antigenemia assay for mesuring viral load of CMV in liver transplant recipients / Xuan Zhang,Yaping Huang,Jun Fan posters Stat-013 /#83 Effects of changed gut microflora on the plasmic metabolic profiles in rats / liyongtao, chenyunbo, wuzhongwen, lilanjuan Stat-033 /#177 The gut microbiota vary in autoimmune liver disease / Feiei Guo, Ding Shi, Daiqiong Fang, Wenrui Wu, Lanjuan Li Stat-014 /#90 Contribution of efflux pumps to tigecycline resistance Klebsiella pneumonia in China Guoping Sheng, Huihui Dong, Yonghong Xiao, Jifang Sheng, Weihang Ma, Laijuan Li Stat-034 /#195 Early dynamics of the gastrointestinal microbiome in infants at risk of metabolic disease in adulthood / Linda Wampach, Anna Heintz-Buschart, Angela Hogan Lutz Bindl, Jean Bottu, Jochen Schneider, Carine de Beaufort, Paul Wilmes Stat-015 /#95 Distribution of pharyngeal flora in adults / Hongyu Jia ,Dairong Xiang ,Jiangshan Lian ,Jun Liu ,Zhi Chen Stat-016 /#110 Effects of a Bifidobacterium Strain Administration in an Acute Liver Injury Rat Model / Ren Yan, Long-Xian Lv, Fang-Qiong Dai, Ding Shi, Xia-Wei Jiang, Lan-Juan Li Stat-017 /#119 Liver ischemic preconditioning (IPC) delays acute rejection following liver transplantation through enhancing Tregs and modulating intestinal microbiota / Zhigang Ren, Haifeng Lu, Shaoyan Xu, Jianwen Jiang, Yong He, Haiyang Xie, Lin Zhou, Weilin Wang, Lanjuan Li, and Shusen Zheng Stat-018 /#120 The imbalance of intestinal microbiota promotes liver diseases / Zhigang Ren, Shaoyan Xu, Haiyang Xie, Lin Zhou, Weilin Wang, Shusen Zheng Stat-019 /#121 Effects of Lactobacillus sp. LI208 in Rats with Liver cirrhosis / Xia-Wei Jiang, Ding Shi, LongXian Lv, Dai-Qiong Fang, Ren Yan, Lan-Juan Li Stat-020 /#123 A prebiotic and glutamine intervention modifies the host immunity in the HIV gut-associated dysbiosis / Jorge F. Vázquez-Castellanos, Sergio Serrano-Villar, Amparo Latorre, Nadia Madrid, Talía Sainz 4 Sara Ferrando-Martínez, Alejandro Artacho, Santiago Moreno, Vicente Estrada, Andrés Moya, María José Gosalbes Stat-021 /#124 Study on effects of CYP for the dysbacteria animals by PCR-DGGE / Yu Lian ,Xu Xin, ,Su Jin ,Sun Weitong ,Li Shou-jun ,Hu Yan-qiu ,Ping Yang ,Zhang Lei ,Zhou Tong ,Ma Shu-xia ,ZhaoTao ,Meng De-xin Stat-022 /#130 Gut microbiome in organ and cell transplantation / Shaoyan Xu, Zhigang Ren, Jianwen Jiang, Weilin Wang, Shusen Zheng Stat-023 /#134 Lactobacilli sp. LI56 selectively inhibits growth of Staphylococci by nutrition competition Longxian Lv, Ren Yan, Daiqiong Fang, Ding Shi, Xiawei Jiang, Haiyan Shi, Lanjuan Li Stat-024 /#137 Expression and significance of B7-H4 and HBx in HBV related hepatocellular carcinoma Hang-Ping Yao, Xiao-Xin Wu, Chang-Zhong Jin, Hai-Bo Wu, Lin-Fang Cheng, Nan-Ping Wu Stat-025 /#138 Clinical significance of inflammatory cytokine and chemokine expression in hand foot and mouth disease / Hang-Ping Yao, Hui-Lin Ou, Xiao-Xin Wu, Chang-Zhong Jin, Hai-Bo Wu, LinFang Cheng, Tian-Shen Xie, Nan-Ping Wu Stat-026 /#140 Distribution of multidrug resistant bacteria and the analysis of treatment of children with severe pneumonia in PICU / Lina Mao, Chunlan Song, Yu Luo Stat-027 /#150 The construct of Computer-Aid Microbiome Intervention Platform / Tiansheng Xie ,Zhehao He Stat-028 /#153 Clostridium butyricum in the prevention of antibiotic-associated diarrhea in patients infected with the novel avain influenza A (H7N9) virus / Guanjing Lang, Hainv Gao, Lanjuan Li Stat-029 /#164 Early-life antibiotic use and the intestinal microbiota : Katri Korpela, Anne Salonen, Lauri J. Virta, Riina A. Kekkonen, Kristoffer Forslund, Peer Bork & Willem M. de Vos Stat-030 /#165 Structural modulation of gut microbiota during alleviation of type 2 diabetes with a Chinese herbal formula / Jia Xu, Fengmei Lian, Linhua Zhao, Yufeng Zhao, Xinyan Chen, Xu Zhang, Yun Guo, Chenhong Zhang, Qiang Zhou, Zhengsheng Xue, Xiaoyan Pang, Liping Zhao, Xiaolin Tong Stat-031 /#172 The clinical experience of probiotics uesd in IBS patients / Jingjing Wu Feifei Guo Stat-032 /#176 Administration of probiotics on the intestinal microbiota: current clinical applications and future perspectives / Wen-Rui Wu 22 I 5th International Human Microbiome Congress 2015 Stat-035 /#199 Long term analysis of gut microbiota in at-risk atopic children: impact of probiotics / Nicole Rutten, Monique Gorissen, Anat Eck, Arine Vlieger, Isolde Besseling-van der Vaart, Dries Budding, Kors van der Ent, Ger Rijkers Stat-036 /#201 An Important Follow-up Point for Predicting Long-term Efficacy after Treatment for Bacterial Vaginosis with Metronidazole / Bingbing Xiao, Ben Wang, Xiaoxi Niu, Risu Na, Qinping Liao Stat-037 /#207 Identification of a gut microbial signature linked to severity of irritable bowel syndrome Julien Tap, Lena Ohman, Hans Törnblom, Boris Le Nevé, Rémi Brazeilles, Joël Doré, Muriel Derrien, Magnus Simren Stat-038 /#211 Fecal microbiota transplantation in inflammatory bowel disease / Marie Joossens, Severine Vermeire, Kristin Verbeke, Jun Wang, Kathleen Machiels, João Sabino, Marc Ferrante, Gert Van Assche, Paul Rutgeerts, Jeroen Raes Stat-039 /#213 Changes of the human gut microbiome induced by a fermented milk product / Patrick Veiga, Nicolas Pons, Anurag Agrawal, Raish Oozeer, Denis Guyonnet, Rémi Brazeilles, Jean-Michel Faurie, Johan E.T. van Hylckama Vlieg, Lesley A. Houghton, Peter J. Whorwell, S. Dusko Ehrlich and Sean P. Kennedy Stat-040 /#216 The endogenous gut microbiota dictates ecosystem permissivity to food-borne bacteria / Chenhong Zhang, Muriel Derrien, Florence Levenez, Sonia A. Ballal, Jason Kim, Marie-Christine Degivry, Peggy Garault, Johan van Hylckama Vlieg, Wendy S. Garrett, Patrick Veiga and Joel Doré Stat-041 /#223 Inflammatory signature in the tissue-associated microbiota in pediatric eosinophilic esophagitis / Christian Hoffmann, Alain J. Benitez, Amanda B. Muir, Jonathan M. Spergel, Frederic D. Bushman, and Mei-Lun Wang Stat-042 /#245 Long-Term Effects of Faecal Transplantation to the Intestinal Microbiota of Patients with recurrent Clostridium difficile infection / Jonna Jalanka, Eero Mattila, Jarkko Salojärvi, Willem M. de Vos, Perttu Arkkila, Reetta Satokari Stat-043 /#319 Gut dysbiosis and phage therapy in Bangladeshi children hospitalized with acute bacterial diarrhea / Shafiqul Alam Sarker, Shamima Sultana, Gloria Reuteler, Deborah Moine, Patrick Descombes, Florence Charton, Gilles Bourdin, Shawna McCallin, Catherine Ngom-Bru, Tara Neville, Mahmuda Akter, Sayeeda Huq, Michèle Delley, Chloe Loiseau, Ying Deng, Bernard Berger, and Harald Brüssow Stat-044 /#270 The Gut Flora Changes under Immunosuppression after Liver Transplantation in Rats / Jianwen Jiang, M.D., Zhigang Ren, M.S., Xinhua Chen, M.D., Lin Zhou, Ph.D. and Shusen Zheng, Ph.D.,M.D.. Stat-045 /#271 The Establishment of Operational Immune Tolerance Model of Liver Transplantation and Gut Flora Investigation in Rats / Yixin Zhu, M.D., Jianwen Jiang, M.D., Lin Zhou, Ph.D., ShuSen Zheng, Ph.D., M.D., Lanjuan Li, MD. Stat-046 /#316 MyNewGut Project: Understanding the role of the gut microbiome in nutrient metabolism and metabolic health / Alfonso Benítez-Páez, Kevin Portune, Eva Maria Gómez-del-Pulgar, Lesli Hingstrup-Larsen, Francoise Blachier, Max Nieuwdorp, Patrizia Brigidi, Yolanda Sanz . Stat-047 /#335 The Present Situation and Prospect of Research on Intestinal Microecology / Hua Guo M.D.,Jianwen Jiang, M.D., Weilin Wang, M.D. and Shusen Zheng, Ph.D.,M.D.. Stat-048 /#342 Cyclooxygenase-2 Gene Polymorphisms And Susceptibility To Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Meta-Analysis Based On 10 Case-Control Studies / Wei Xu, Yaping Huang, Ting Zhang, Rong Yang, Xutao Hong, Lingyun Zhao, Jun Fan, Lanjuan Li Stat-049/#235 Microbiome analysis of the gut microbiota Kazakhstan women / Almagul Kushugulova, Samat Kozhakhmetov, Indira Tynybayeva, Saule Saduakhassova, Gulnara Shakhabayeva, Zhanagul Khassenbekova, Talgat Nurgozhin, Zhaxybay Zhumadilov tHe IHMC organIsIng and sCIentIfIC CoMMIttee would lIke to tHank tHe followIng partners for tHeIr support to tHe 5tH IHMC Congress GOLD SPONSOR SIVLER SPONSOR SPONSORS & PARTNERS aCtogenIX Beneo BIoCodeX BIofortIs BIoMed Central CargoluX aIrlInes InternatIonal CryoXtraCt InstruMents dna genotek enteroMe gatC BIoteCH genosCreen laBoratoIres reunIs lIBragen Mo-BIo orIgIn sCIenCes r.e.d. laBoratorIes seventure partners wafergen BIosysteMs 5th International Human Microbiome Congress 2015 I 23 ExHIBITION AREA level 0 level 1 ROOM 1 ROOM 3 11 12 13 POSTER zONE PREVIEW COFFEE ROOM 2 LEVEL 1 ACCESS 14 COFFEE COFFEE 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 POSTER zONE POSTER zONE 1 2 POSTER zONE WELCOME DESK ENTRANCE 24 I 5th International Human Microbiome Congress 2015 CLOAK ROOM eXHIBItIon eXHIBItor CryoXtraCt InstruMents BootH nr. 8 dna genotek 14 gatC BIoteCH 1 genosCreen 4 IBBl 3 IlluMIna 10 laBoratoIres reunIs 5 lCsB / lIH 7 lIBragen 12 Mo-BIo 2 orIgIn sCIenCes 6 r.e.d. laBoratorIes wafergen BIosysteMs 11 9 5th International Human Microbiome Congress 2015 I 25
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