INTERNAL REGULATION Adopted on the 12th Council Meeting of the 22nd Union Session Publicized by: Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Students’ Union Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Students' Union Internal Regulation Part 1 Preliminary 1. SHORT TITLE 1.1 The following Regulation may be cited as the “Internal Regulation” and hereinafter shall be referred as “Regulation”. 2. AIMS AND COMMENCEMENT 2.1 All affiliated societies and office-bearers of all affiliated societies shall abide by this Regulation. 2.2 This Regulation shall govern all affiliated societies in compliance with the Constitution of the HKUSTSU, the operations and activities of all affiliated societies, and the creation and establishment of criminal offence on violation of this Regulation. 2.3 This Regulation comes into operation immediately after approved by the Council. Part 2 General 3. GENERAL 3.1 The rights in execution of this Regulation shall rest with ASC, with exception to those delegated in this Regulation. 3.2 Only Full Members of the Students’ Union shall be eligible for being Full Members or office-bearers of affiliated societies. 3.3 All affiliated societies shall use their full name (with HKUSTSU at the back of the name) in all occasions. 3.4 All affiliated societies shall have proper administration and representation of their members, while avoiding any behavior dishonoring the Students’ Union. Page 2 of 20 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Students' Union Internal Regulation Part 3 Constitution 4. GENERAL 4.1 This section regulates the Constitution of the affiliated societies. 4.2 The full name of affiliated societies shall bear the abbreviation of the Students’ Union “HKUSTSU” in English, while an official Chinese name of the affiliated societies shall be adopted consisting of the Chinese name of the Students’ Union “香港科技大學學生 會”. 4.3 The affiliated societies shall be operated by the executive committee of the affiliated societies. The executive committee of the affiliated societies may by resolution delegate its duties to its committees having composition and terms of reference as may be specified in such resolution, provided that no decision or recommendation of such committee shall have effect unless approved by a further resolution of the executive committee of the affiliated societies. 4.4 The executive committee of each affiliated society shall consist of no less than four members, including but not limited to: a) President or equivalent; b) One Vice-President or equivalent; c) Financial Secretary or equivalent. 4.5 The positions mentioned in section 4.4 shall not hold any other position in the same affiliated society. 4.6 Procedures of dissolution of affiliated societies shall be stated clearly. 5. OBJECTS 5.1 The objects of affiliated societies shall state the direction and mission of the societies. 5.2 The objects of affiliated societies shall comply with the objects of the Students’ Union as stated in the Constitution of the HKUSTSU. Page 3 of 20 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Students' Union Internal Regulation 6. MEMBERSHIP 6.1 Affiliated societies shall clearly define their membership systems, privileges of each membership type, and procedures in applications, acceptances and withdrawal of membership. 6.2 Full Members of affiliated societies shall be Full Members of HKUSTSU. 6.3 Only Full Members shall be eligible to vote at any statutory voting events. Affiliated societies may define other rights for different membership types. 6.4 Only Full Members of affiliated societies shall be eligible for being the office-bearers of affiliated societies. 7. GENERAL MEETING 7.1 General Meeting shall be a general meeting of members of the affiliated societies. 7.2 General Meeting of the affiliated societies shall possess ultimate authority. A resolution passed by a General Meeting can only be revoked by a subsequent General Meeting. 7.3 General Meeting shall be commenced no less than once in every year. 7.4 Affiliated societies shall define in what condition that a General Meeting shall be convened, including but not limited to convene “by the Executive Committee not more than fourteen days on receiving a written requisition signed by no less than X Full Members with necessary details as determined by the Executive Committee”, where X shall be a fixed number as stated in the Constitution of the affiliated societies. 7.5 Proceedings of General Meeting, including condition that a motion is carried or defeated, shall be clearly stated and regulated by the standing orders. 7.6 General Meeting shall be held by a chairperson as designated in the Constitution of the affiliated societies. In absence of the chairperson and the substitute, Full Members present shall elect one among themselves to preside as chairperson of the General Meeting. Chairperson shall issue notice and agenda of the General Meeting before a clearly stated period of the General Meeting. 7.7 General Meeting shall have secretary as designated in the Constitution of the affiliated societies. In absence of the secretary and the substitute, Full Members present shall elect one among themselves to preside as secretary of the General Meeting. Secretary shall prepare minutes and any related papers of the General Meeting before a clearly stated period of the General Meeting. Page 4 of 20 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Students' Union Internal Regulation 7.8 Amendments to the Constitution of the affiliated societies shall only be effective with specific requirement fulfilled in the General Meeting. 7.9 Business of the Annual General Meeting shall include but not limited to the amendments of the Constitution, and the consideration and, if thought fit, the approval of the financial report of the affiliated societies. 7.10 At an Extraordinary General Meeting, the only business to be considered shall be that specified in the notice convening the Extraordinary General Meeting and unless the meeting determine otherwise, shall be taken in the order therein set forth. 7.11 No resolution of business not mentioned in the agenda of General Meeting shall be passed in the General Meeting. 7.12 A quorum shall be set for General Meeting. It shall be either a fixed number of Full Members, or in a percentage of total number of Full Members. A General Meeting shall not be commenced or progress if the quorum requirement is not fulfilled at any time of the General Meeting. 7.13 Notice of General Meeting shall be posted on the designated Notice Area of the affiliated societies and communicated to members of the affiliated societies through official channels within clearly stated period. 8. ELECTIONS 8.1 The affiliated societies may at their own choice decide whether an election shall be held. 8.2 In cases of an election, the following requirements shall be satisfied: a) The election shall be regulated by an Election Regulation executed by the Election Committee of the affiliated societies; b) The election shall be held in secret ballot; c) There shall be a Returning Officer of the election overseeing the election. Upon sealing of the ballot box, the Returning Officer shall sign on the seal, while ensuring the seal is intact before every voting session. The Returning Officer shall also confirm that seal is intact before opening the ballot box for vote counting; d) The election shall be announced to all Full Members of the affiliated societies no less than five clear days prior to the election. An election notice with details of the election shall be posted on the official Notice Area; and Page 5 of 20 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Students' Union Internal Regulation e) The preliminary result of the election shall be announced by posting the notice on the official notice board, including i. The number of votes cast in the election; ii. The number of valid and invalid ballot papers in the election; iii. The number of votes cast for, against and abstain to each candidate; and iv. The list of elected candidates. 8.3 The preliminary result of the composition of the executive committee members shall be posted on the official Notice Area for no less than three clear days. If no complaint is received by the Election Committee of the affiliated societies, the list of executive committee members shall be announced as official. 9. REARRANGEMENT OR RESIGNATION OF OFFICE-BEARER 9.1 Any change in the office-bearer of the affiliated societies shall be announced to members of affiliated societies through issuing public notice within clearly stated period. 9.2 Such notice shall be posted on the designated Notice Area of the affiliated societies and communicated to members of the affiliated societies through designated channels. 10. FINANCE 10.1 Affiliated societies shall not apply or accept any loans outside the Students’ Union. 11. PENALTY 11.1 In violation of the regulations under section 4, section 5, section 6, section 7, section 8, section 9 and section 10, the affiliated societies would be prosecuted by ASC. 11.2 The maximum penalty shall be one year suspension of affiliation status to the Students’ Union. Page 6 of 20 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Students' Union Internal Regulation Part 4 Rights 12. GENERAL 12.1 This part determines the rights of affiliated societies. 13. BROADCASTING MAILS 13.1 Affiliated societies can only send broadcasting mails to its members, while content of the mails are of the members’ interest. 13.2 Affiliated societies shall allow members the choice of not receiving the mails from affiliated societies, with the following caption added at the very end of every mail sent: “In case you do not want to receive mails from our societies, send us a note on your request. We will then delete your address from our mailing list.” 13.3 Affiliated societies shall not directly forward any incoming mails to their members. 13.4 Affiliated societies shall not promote any commercial activity. 14. VENUES, EQUIPMENTS AND BANNERS 14.1 Affiliated societies may apply for society desk, cabinets and mail box from SAO. 14.2 Affiliated societies may use venue on campus with permission of the respective University office in charge of the venue. 14.3 In relation to the activity at the venue, affiliated societies may borrow equipments from the LG3 Amenities Service Counter. 14.4 Affiliated societies may use banner area with permission of the respective University office in charge of the banner area. 14.5 All bookings shall be presented with valid affiliated society chop, and shall only be used for activities of that affiliated society. 14.6 Affiliated societies should not use any booking beyond its booking period. 14.7 All activities occurring at the booked area shall follow the rules of the venue. 14.8 No loudspeaker, amplifier or percussive materials are allowed in Atrium and Concourse area. Page 7 of 20 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Students' Union Internal Regulation 14.9 Safety precautions shall be observed at all times. 14.10 If a counter is found vacant at 11 am, affiliated societies may book the counter at FMO office. 14.11 Size of the banner must not exceed the restriction of each banner location. 15. NOTICE AREA 15.1 On campus Notice Areas for the use of HKUSTSU are allocated among the following fields of affiliated societies: a) School of Business and Management b) School of Engineering c) School of Science d) House Students’ Association e) Independent Clubs f) Sports Clubs g) Public Notice h) School of Humanities and Social Science i) Interdisciplinary Programs 15.2 Eligibility to use and administrative power of each Notice Area shall subject to Appendix 1. 15.3 No notice or poster thicker than 1 mm shall be allowed. 15.4 For all Notice Areas, except for those installed in the two bridge-links, each affiliated society is eligible to post at most 2 notices or posters of A3 size in regardless of the events being published, on the appropriate Notice Areas. Regardless of content of notice or poster, posting more than two notices or posters is prohibited at all times. 15.5 For those Notice Areas installed in the two bridge-links, each affiliated societies is eligible to post at most 1 notice or poster of A3 size on the appropriate Notice Areas. Posting more than one notice or poster is prohibited at all times. 15.6 All notices or posters shall include either the full name of the affiliated society or its short form. Page 8 of 20 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Students' Union Internal Regulation 15.7 All notices or posters shall include a clear notification of the expiry date of 2 weeks maximum. 15.8 All notices or posters shall be endorsed by the affiliated society chop. 15.9 All posters shall only promote activities held by respective affiliated societies with organizing body clearly stated. 15.10 Affiliated society chop shall be consistent with the name of the affiliated society on notice or poster. 15.11 Affiliated societies shall not inappropriately remove or cover any posters on any Notice Area. 15.12 No double-sided tape shall be used. 15.13 No notice or poster shall be allowed beyond the boundary. 16. PENALTY 16.1 All complaints related to broadcast mails will be forwarded to ITSC for investigation. 16.2 In violation of the Regulation under section 15, ASC may issue warning letter to affiliated societies if it deems fit. 16.3 In violation of the rules under section 15, ASC and the affiliated societies with managing rights to that Notice Area may tear off the inappropriate posters after the issuance of warning letter. 16.4 Any violation of the Regulation under section 13, section 14 and section 15, the affiliated societies may be prosecuted by ASC. 16.5 In violation of the rules under section 13, maximum penalties would be three months suspension of Union subsidy and one year suspension of affiliation status to the Students’ Union. 16.6 In violation of the rules under section 14, maximum penalties would be one year suspension of venue and equipment booking. 16.7 In violation of the rules under section 15, maximum penalties would be three months suspension of Union subsidy, three months suspension of venue and equipment booking, and indefinite suspension of affiliation status to the Students’ Union. Page 9 of 20 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Students' Union Internal Regulation Part 5 Obligations 17. GENERAL 17.1 This section determines the obligations of affiliated societies. 18. SUBMISSION TO COUNCIL 18.1 By the second Friday of June, affiliated societies are obliged to submit the following information to the Affiliated Societies Committee of the Council: a) Information sheet of affiliated societies together with hardcopy and softcopy of list of executive committee of the affiliated societies, as to indicate the occupancy of the executive committee of the affiliated societies. Office-bearers of affiliated societies shall comply with section 3.2 of this Regulation; b) Hardcopy and softcopy of the Constitution of the affiliated societies as of the date of submission and list of amendments to the Constitution in the past year, as to ensure its compliance with requirements on the Constitution as stated in this Regulation; and c) Financial Report as to regulate finance of the affiliated societies and to confer that affiliated societies is in healthy and sustainable financial position. Such report shall include hardcopies of Income Statement and Balance Sheet indicating the financial position of the affiliated societies in previous session, along with 12 months Bank Account Statements from April of previous year. 18.2 By the end of October, affiliated societies are obliged to submit the membership list as of the date of submission, as to ensure the membership status in compliance with requirements on membership system as stated in this Regulation. 18.3 In case of any change in office-bearer or any amendment in the Constitution at any time, the Council shall be acknowledged of such changes. 19. RIGHT OF KNOWLEDGE OF MEMBERS 19.1 Notice of General Meeting, election, amendment in the Constitution and/or change of office-bearer of the affiliated societies shall be posted on designated Notice Area of the affiliated societies and communicated to members of the affiliated societies through clearly stated channel within clearly stated period. Page 10 of 20 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Students' Union Internal Regulation 20. PENALTY 20.1 Any violation of the Regulation under section 18 and section 19, the affiliated societies would be prosecuted by ASC. 20.2 In violation of any one item among 18.1a, 18.1b, 18.1c, maximum penalties would be three months suspension of Union subsidy and one year suspension of affiliation status to the Students’ Union. 20.3 In violation of all items under section 18.1, maximum penalties would be the following: a) Immediate suspension of full affiliation status of the affiliated societies for the following one year; b) Suspension on rights to use society desk, cabinet and email account; c) Control of mailbox, bank account balance and properties assumed by Council temporarily Administrative suspension of such penalties would be in effect if any interested party successfully became the new executive committee of the affiliated societies within one year of suspension. The following rights would be immediately resumed: a) Resumption of control over society cabinet, mailbox, properties and bank account; b) Eligibility to rights of applying for society desk; c) Application to reactivation of email account. 20.4 In violation of all items under section 18.1 for two consecutive years, maximum penalties would be the following: a) Indefinite suspension of full affiliation status of the affiliated societies; b) Indefinite termination on rights to use society desk, cabinet, mailbox and email account; c) Confiscation of properties and bank account balance by the Council. Administrative suspension of such penalties would be in effect if any interested party successfully became the new executive committee of the affiliated societies following the normal procedures beyond one year of suspension. 20.5 In violation of the Regulation under section 18.2, 18.3 and 19.1, maximum penalties would be three months suspension of Union subsidy and one year suspension of affiliation status to the Students’ Union. Page 11 of 20 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Students' Union Internal Regulation Part 6 Activities 21. GENERAL 21.1 This section regulates the activities of affiliated societies. 22. PROMOTION 22.1 Commercial activities and activities involving money transaction are strictly prohibited in campus area, with exception for: a) Collection of membership fee; b) Charity-based functions that do not involve selling of goods; c) Selling of welfare products of the affiliated societies; and d) Selling of tickets for the functions which are organized by the affiliated societies. 22.2 All counters and promotion shall be held by HKUST students. All outsiders are strictly prohibited in all counters and during promotion, except in the Mega Sale organized by the Students’ Union. 22.3 Selling of alcoholic drinks, cigarettes and illegal goods on campus are strictly prohibited. 23. ACTIVITIES ORGANIZED BY THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, HKUSTSU 23.1 This section includes the events of Orientation Affairs, Mega Sale and Promotion Period. 23.2 Affiliated societies or any nominated cabinets shall abide by rules and regulations laid by the Executive Committee, HKUSTSU. Full version of the rules and regulations for such events shall be published on website of the Executive Committee with any updates communicated through Notice Area. 24. PENALTY 24.1 Any violation of the Regulation under section 22 and section 23, the affiliated societies would be prosecuted by ASC. 24.2 In violation of the Regulation under section 22 and 23, maximum penalties would be three months suspension of Union subsidy and one year suspension of affiliation status to the Students’ Union. Page 12 of 20 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Students' Union Internal Regulation Part 7 Authorization, Contract and Endorsements 25. GENERAL 25.1 This section states the authorization, contractual issues and endorsement of affiliated societies. 26. AUTHORIZATION 26.1 Letters of Authorization may be issued by the Executive Committee in authorizing a SU member in representation of any affiliated societies if necessary. 27. CONTRACT 27.1 The Students’ Union will not bear any liability for any contract created between affiliated societies and third parties unless with endorsement by the Executive Committee. 28. ENDORSEMENT FOR COMMERCIAL TRANSACTION 28.1 AND ACTIVITIES INVOLVING MONEY Commercial activities and activities involving money transaction in campus area shall seek endorsement from the Students’ Union with submission of proposal to the Executive Committee. Restrictions imposed in this section would be excluded for: a) Collection of membership fee; b) Selling of welfare products of the affiliated societies; and c) Selling of tickets for the functions which are organized by the affiliated societies. 28.2 No amendment shall be made to the endorsed proposal. 28.3 Only proposal with endorsement may then proceed to book any communal area, furniture and equipment for the activity. The respective University offices reserve their rights to disapprove the booking if the proposal of the respective activity is not endorsed. Such University offices also reserve the right to withdraw or suspend the booking with immediate effect if the activity is actually organized in a way different from that stated in the endorsed proposal. 28.4 Subject to section 28.1, any activity involving money transaction without endorsement will be terminated. Page 13 of 20 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Students' Union Internal Regulation 29. ENDORSEMENT FOR CHARITY FUNCTIONS 29.1 Any kinds of student activity organized by any affiliated societies involving fund-raising for registered charitable organization shall be referred as charity function, regardless of the form or format of the fund-raising methodology. 29.2 The affiliated societies shall seek the endorsement from the Students' Union and SAO (if necessary) by submitting a detailed proposal to the Executive Committee. The proposal shall include details about the nature and the format of the charity function with emphasis on the fund-raising methodology. A copy of the approval letter from the respective charitable organization is also required. 29.3 Affiliated societies have to state and explain clearly the purpose and the nature of the charity function in all their promotional items with special emphasis on the target charitable organization of the donation. 29.4 Affiliated societies are reminded that the respective function shall be held for charitable purpose only, and only promotions for the respective function shall be allowed. 29.5 The endorsement for the respective charity function will be issued on or after the fourth clear working day, after the submission of the proposal, provided that there is no amendment required to be made to the submitted proposal. 29.6 Affiliated societies are reminded that charity functions that involve selling of goods are not allowed in Atrium. 29.7 Once the proposal is endorsed, no amendment shall be made to the endorsed proposal. The Executive Committee will keep a copy of the endorsed proposal as record. 29.8 With the endorsed proposal, the affiliated societies can then proceed to book communal area, furniture and equipment for organizing the charity function. The respective University offices reserve their rights to disapprove the booking if the proposal of the charity function is not endorsed. Such offices also reserve the rights to withdraw or suspend the booking with immediate effect if the function is actually organized in a way different from that stated in the endorsed proposal. 29.9 After the charity function is organized, the affiliated societies shall submit the financial report with valid receipt from the charitable organization to the Students’ Union. Page 14 of 20 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Students' Union Internal Regulation 29.10 Affiliated societies shall then also announce the result of total amount of fund raised, total expenditure and the total amount donated by broadcasting email using the affiliated society email account and post the result on Public Notice Area. 29.11 Affiliated societies are reminded not to involve in any direct money transaction with people who wish to donate money. Donation box with proper lock provided and managed by the charitable organization is needed. In case that money transaction is inevitable (e.g. ticket selling), affiliated societies are reminded to issue official receipt as record for the donors. 29.12 Affiliated societies are reminded to keep very clear and careful record of all financial transactions. 29.13 There are complicated legal restrictions on charity function in the general public. To avoid any confusion or possible legal responsibility, affiliated societies are reminded to be very careful when organizing charity functions. In case of any uncertainties, the affiliated societies are also reminded to seek advice from the registered charitable organization or other appropriate organization. 29.14 If any affiliated societies who do not observe the above regulations when organizing charity function and subsequently be engaged in any legal responsibility, the Students’ Union shall not bear any responsibility for that affiliated society in settling the dispute. 30. PENALTY 30.1 Any violation of the Regulation under section 28 and section 29, the affiliated societies would be prosecuted by ASC. 30.2 In violation of the Regulation under section 28 and 29, maximum penalties would be six months suspension of affiliation status to the Students’ Union. Page 15 of 20 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Students' Union Internal Regulation Part 8 Defense, Interpretations and Amendments 31. DEFENSE 31.1 For any offense created by this Regulation, an honest and reasonable believe is not a defense. 32. INTERPRETATIONS 32.1 In this Regulation, unless where the context requires, the following expressions shall have the following meanings: “Affiliated society” shall mean the the body of persons referred in Article 16 in the Constitution; “ASC” shall mean the the body of persons referred in Article 13.3 in the Constitution of HKUSTSU; “Constitution” shall mean the Constitution of the affiliated societies; “Constitution of the HKUSTSU” shall mean the Constitution of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Students' Union; “Council” shall mean the body of persons referred in Article 12 in the Constitution of the HKUSTSU; “Court” shall mean the body of persons referred in Article 14 in the Constitution of the HKUSTSU; “Executive Committee” shall mean the body of persons referred in Article 10 in the Constitution of the HKUSTSU; “Editorial Board” shall mean the body of persons referred in Article 15 in the Constitution of the HKUSTSU; “FMO” shall mean Facilities Management Office of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; “HKUSTSU” or “Students’ Union” or “Union” or “SU” shall mean Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Students’ Union; “ITSC” shall mean Information Technology Services Center of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Page 16 of 20 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Students' Union Internal Regulation “Notice Area” shall mean the specific area within the campus of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology referred in Article 20.1 in the Constitution of the HKUSTSU; “SAO” shall mean Student Affairs Office of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology “University” shall mean the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. 32.2 In this Regulation, unless where the context otherwise requires, the plural shall be deemed to include the singular and vice versa and the masculine gender shall be deemed to include the feminine and neuter genders. 32.3 The interpretation of this Internal Regulation shall be vested to the Vice-President (Internal) of the Executive Committee or the Council. Both parties should also have the rights to determine all the situations that are not covered by the set of this Internal Regulation. However, the final adjudication shall be vested to the Council. 33. AMENDMENTS 33.1 The Council shall have the rights to make any appropriate amendment without advance notification to the affiliated societies. Page 17 of 20 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Students' Union Internal Regulation Appendix 1 Locations of all Notice Areas Type of Notice Area Location Management Strategies Eligibility Bus Stop (x 2) G/F, Inner Wall of the Piazza, near the bank LG7, Lift 10 – 12 Students’ Union The 4th pair of pillars of bridge-link (counted from Managed by the The Executive 10/F, UG Hall I) Executive Committee, the 10/F, Lift Lobby, UG Hall I Committee, notice Council, the Court, 1/F, yellow wall normally removed the Editorial Board G/F, Hall 6 (Seafront Restaurant), near toilet by date of expiry LG5/F, Area outside Students’ Union General Office G/F, Wall adjacent to the stairs to the side entrance of the Sports Hall Bus Stop House Students’ Association G/F, Inner Wall of the Piazza, near the bank Supervised by SU G/F, Lift 3, near bookstore and all House G/F, Lift 25-26 (the wall facing the toilet) Students’ The 5 pair of pillars of bridge-link (counted from Associations shall LG5) have the G/F, Lift Lobby of Lift 2-4, UG Hall I administrative Each pair of pillars, bridge-link between UG Hall I power th All House Students’ Associations and UG Hall II Bus Stop G/F, Inner Wall of the Piazza, near the main entrance of the Sports Hall G/F, Inner Wall of the Piazza, near the bank Independent Clubs Association LG7, Lift 10 – 12 G/F, Lift 17 – 18 1/F, Lift 25 – 26, near toilet The 6th pair of pillars of bridge-link (counted from 10/F, UG Hall I) 10/F, Lift Lobby, UG Hall I Supervised by SU and Independent All Independent Clubs Association, Clubs and HKUSTSU shall Independent Clubs have the Association, administrative HKUSTSU power G/F, Lift Lobby of Lift 6-8, UG Hall I 11/F, Lift Lobby of UG Hall II Page 18 of 20 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Students' Union Internal Regulation Bus Stop G/F, Inner Wall of the Piazza, near the bank LG7, Lift 10 – 12 G/F, Lift 17 – 18 Sports 1/F, Lift 25 – 26, near LTF Association The 5th pair of pillars of bridge-link (counted from 10/F, UG Hall I) 10/F, Lift Lobby, UG Hall I G/F, Lift Lobby of Lift 6-8, UG Hall I Supervised by SU and Sports Association, All Sports Club and HKUSTSU shall Sports Association, have the HKUSTSU administrative power 11/F, Lift Lobby of UG Hall II Bus Stop G/F, Inner Wall of the Piazza, near the main Supervised by SU entrance of the Sports Hall and the respective All Departmental School of G/F, Lift 10 – 12 Departmental and and School Societies Business and The 2nd pair of pillars of bridge-link (counted from School Societies from School of Management LG5) shall have the Business and 10/F, Lift Lobby, UG Hall I administrative Management The 2 left wall of “Fong Shu Chuen Promenade” power nd (方樹泉廊) Bus Stop School of Engineering G/F, Inner Wall of the Piazza, near the main Supervised by SU entrance of the Sports Hall and the respective LG5, Lift 10 – 12 Departmental and The 3rd pair of pillars of bridge-link (counted from School Societies LG5) shall have the 10/F, Lift Lobby, UG Hall I administrative The 2nd right wall of “Fong Shu Chuen Promenade” power All Departmental and School Societies from School of Engineering (方樹泉廊) Bus Stop G/F, Inner Wall of the Piazza, near the main entrance of the Sports Hall School of Science LG1, Lift 10 – 12 The 3 pillar of bridge-link (counted from LG5) rd 10/F, Lift Lobby, UG Hall I The 3 left wall of “Fong Shu Chuen Promenade” rd (方樹泉廊) Supervised by SU and the respective Departmental and School Societies shall have the administrative All Departmental and School Societies from School of Science power Page 19 of 20 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Students' Union G/F, Inner Wall of the Piazza, near the main entrance of the Sports Hall 1/F, Wall adjacent to lift 25 – 26 Interdisciplinary LG7, Lift 10 – 12 Programs The 2nd pair of pillars of bridge-link (counted from 10/F, UG Hall I) The 1st right wall of “Fong Shu Chuen Promenade” (方樹泉廊) Internal Regulation Supervised by SU and the respective All Departmental Departmental and and School Societies School Societies from shall have the Interdisciplinary administrative Programs power G/F, Wall adjacent to the main entrance of the Sports Hall Public Notice Atrium, Area C Managed by FMO, LG5, near escalator removed on each SU and all LG7, Wall adjacent to the Canteen Monday by 9:00 affiliated societies 1/F, Lift 17 – 18, both sides a.m. G/F, New Hall (Seafront Restaurant) (x3) Campus Service Office No affiliated Bus Stop Not Applicable societies are eligible to post here Center for the G/F, Wall adjacent to Exposition Hall Arts G/F, Wall adjacent to Lift 3 No affiliated Not Applicable societies are eligible to post here Supervised by SU School of Humanities and Social Science Bus Stop, new extension 1/F, facing the Coffee Shop-small sized and the respective All Departmental Departmental and and School Societies School Societies from School of shall have the Humanities and administrative Social Science power Bus Stop G/F, Lift 13 – 15 University LG7, Wall adjacent to the Canteen Official Notice The 3rd pair of pillars of bridge-link (counted from 10/F, UG Hall I) No affiliated Not Applicable societies are eligible to post here G/F, Lift lobby of lift 2-4, UG Hall 1 Page 20 of 20
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