DOI 10.4010/2015.324 ISSN-2321 -3361 © 2015 IJESC Research Article April 2015 Issue Mind-Bot: An EEG Based Mind Controlled Mobile Robot Muhammed Hafs P1, Salas K Jose2 Vedavyasa Institute of Technology, Malappuram, Kerala, India Abstract: Mind-controlled mobile robot is a robot that uses an EEG-based Brain-Robot Interface (BRI) system that serves as a powerful aid for severely disabled people in their daily and professional life which does not uses a computer in between user and robot as in Brain-Computer interface (BCI), particularly to help them move deliberately by translating the brain signals into useful commands. Robot intelligence includes heart rate measurement, fire detection, collision avoidance and life detection systems for improving the safety of individuals. Two modes of robot controlling are used; BRI controlling system and wireless Remote controlling system. The switching of one control method to another or vice versa is possible with a mode selector. Index Terms: Brain-robot interface (BRI), Brain-Computer interface (BCI), Mind/Brain controlled robot, EEG, Robot intelligence, Control methods, Doppler Effect. I. INTRODUCTION The modern life technologies have contributed a lot of things to people‟s lives in many ways. Especially the robotic systems can perform many industrial duties and they are getting to be increasingly important for some people. Growing demand of Assistive robots can lead to the idea of robots for disabled people both in their daily and professional life. In general, the healthy users can operate the robots with a traditional input device such as a keyboard, a joystick, or a mouse. But these devices are difficult to use for elderly or disabled individuals. In this juncture some special interfaces like external single switch, tongue drive and eye-tracking systems have been proposed [1],[2]. Yet, these special interfaces also do not work for severely disabled people with illnesses such as multiple sclerosis, strokes or oral cancer. Brain-robot interfaces (BRIs) have been developed to address this challenge. People who are partially or fully paralyzed (e.g., by brainstem stroke or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)) or have other severe motor disabilities can find BRI as an alternative communication channel. BRIs are Systems that can bypass customary channels of communication (i.e., speech and muscles) to provide direct communication and control between the human brain and physical devices by converting diverse patterns of brain activity into commands in real time. Invasive or Noninvasive mechanism is an option to collect the brain signal for BRIs. Electrodes may embed on or inside the cortex by surgery is invasive and without the surgery is Noninvasive. Noninvasive BRIs can use various brain signals as inputs, such as electroencephalograms (EEG), blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) signals , magnetoencephalogras (MEG), and deoxyhemoglobin concentrations [3],[4]. Due to the low cost and convenient use in practice, EEG is the most popular signal that has been use in BRIs. The notion of controlling mobile robot or prosthetic devices just by mere “thinking” (i.e., brain activity) which is different from manual control has mesmerized researchers over the last couple of years. A mind-controlled robot is a robot that uses brain signal for its control via BRIs (hereafter, brain-controlled robots refer to Mind-Bot: An EEG-based mind-controlled mobile robots only). A special attention over mind-controlled mobile robotic systems is necessary than other mind-controlled devices because mobile robots require higher safety since they are used to transport very disabled people. The systems used to develop these kinds of robots need better performance parallel pronouncing its higher accuracy. Robot intelligence includes heart rate measurement, obstacle/collision avoidance, and fire detection and pronounces presence of life. All of these are considered as an additional safety techniques of Mind-Bot. II. SYSTEMIC ANALYSIS AND KEY TECHNIQUES OF MIND-BOT The significant role of a mind-controlled mobile robot is to empower the user to access and control the robot to reach the intented destinations safely and efficiently with his brain signals. The core technique that is applied to implement mind controlled robot is the BRI, which translates EEG signal into user intention and is imperative for any mind-controlled mobile robot. In addition to BRI, other techniques include 1) Robot intelligence technique in sensing surrounding situations. 2) Controlling of robot via remote can also performed by a mode selection switch [5] which allows the robot controlled by a person to handle the dangerous situation. Using this remote control technique Mind-Bot can also perform as a rescue robot in natural calamities. There are thousands of peoples who become victims during a natural disaster. The Mind-Bot used in rescue purpose via remote 1201 control is an effective way to find out the trapped lives in disaster area such as area under earth quake and fire. The Signal acquisition, preprocessing and feature extractions are the imperative steps involved in the brain signal analysis. Brain signal is in range of µV (micro volts). Therefore BRIs require microscopic analysis on signal processing for its better performance and accuracy. For achieving this BRIs use an artifact filtering process along with sophisticated EEG signal amplifier. A. Mind-Controlled Mobile Robot The Mind-Bot has four controlled movements that include forward, backward, left and right side movements. These are accessed by translating the thinking of user either for these respective movements or to stop. The block diagram of MindBot includes LPC 2148, ZigBee, EEG amplification, fire detector, heart rate sensor, survivor detector and object detector as shown in Fig.1and the Fig.2 depict the working model of Mind-Bot. Due to their reduced size and low power expenditure, LPC2148 are excellent for applications where miniaturization is a crucial requirement, such as access control and point-ofsale. The remote control of Mind-Bot and the data transfer such as heart rate, presence of life, etc are simply possible through wireless personal area networks (WPANs). ZigBee is a protocol for high-level communication used to create WPANs developed from small, low-power digital radios and it is an IEEE 802.15.4 standard. The technology of ZigBee is specifically designed to be simpler and cost effective than other wireless personal area network such as Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. All these specialties make ZigBee as more suitable for our application. Fig. 1. Block diagram of Mind-Bot. In this era of Internet and technology, microcontrollers are used to accelerate machine-to-machine (M2M) and brain-tomachine (B2M) communications. The central processing unit of the robot can be ARM (Advanced RISC Machine) processor. The LPC2148 microcontroller is a 32bit ARM7TDMI-S CPU with embedded trace supports and realtime emulation that incorporates the microcontroller with 64kB and 512kB of high speed embedded flash memory. A 128-bit wide memory interface and rare accelerator architecture permits 32 bit code execution at the ultimate clock rate. An alternative 16-bit Thumb mode reduces critical codes by more than 30 % with minimal achievement penalty. Fig. 2. Working model of Mind-Bot. 1202 i) Electroencephalogram (EEG) and EEG Amplifier The signal measured and monitored from a biological being is referred as „bio signal‟. The electrical potential difference across a resting cell membrane of varied types of cells in different systems of the body is reffered as Resting Membrane Potential (RMP). RMP of Nerve fiber is –90mV and that of muscle fiber is –70mV. The transmission of signals is the conduction of Action Potential after the membrane depolarization. Neuro-signal (nerve impulse) transmission takes place in the nervous system through axons and dendrites of nerve fiber. The impulses can travel from Central Nervous System (Brain and Spinal Cord) to peripheral effector organs or vice-versa. The technique of Electroencephalograph is a common approach to obtain neuro-signal information of brain. It is an instrument used to record electrical activity and it includes electrodes, amplifier and recording device. Very small silver chloride electrodes are applied on the scalp with the help of a jelly to acquire the brain signal as shown in Fig.3. Fig. 3. International10-20 system seen from left above the head. state of these EEG waves are shown in Table 1 and its graphical forms are shown in Fig.4. The process of Amplification of an EEG signal carried out by differential amplifier. EEG signal are very weak and they can easily be contaminated by other sources. An EEG signal that does not emanate from brain is called an artifact. Artifacts can be physiologic or Non-physiologic. The artifact generated from the human body part (include the heart, eyes, muscle and tongue) is called physiologic artifacts and those what are generated from outside of human body are called Nonphysiologic artifacts. The progress of steps involved in the EEG amplification procedure includes artifact filtering as mentioned in fig.5. and A = ear lobe, C = central, Pg = nasopharyngel, P = parietal, F = frontal, Table. 1. Different EEG waves and its mental state. Fp = frontal polar, O = ocipatal. The recordings of the electrical activity of the brain from the scalp is called electroencephalogram (EEG). The recorded waveforms reflect the electrical activity regarding the cerebral cortex. There are millions of neurons situated in the brain, each of which generates tiny electric voltage fields. Accordingly, EEG is the superposition of many simpler signals. The intensities of an EEG signal typically ranges from about 0µV to 200µV in a normal adult, and its frequencies ranges from once every few seconds to fifty or more per second. The important frequencies of the human EEG waves are Alpha Beta, Theta, and Delta. The frequency range and mental Fig. 4. Different types of brain waves in the normal EEG. 1203 ERD/ERS: Event-related synchronization and eventrelated de-synchronization is based on the energy changes of EEG signal due to mental task [11]. Fig. 5. Steps of EEG amplification. ii) Remote control For ensuring the safety of the user this system provides an additional type of controlling other than BRI and it is Remote control, which means robot is controlled by an external person. The switching of the control system is optional which is done by a mode selector. Simplified block diagram of remote control is shown in Fig.6. Atmel microcontroller is used in the design process of remote control. These types of microcontroller provide justified technology, an affluent efficiency in integrated product designs, and breaking innovation. The technology of capacitive touch in microcontroller supports to develop navigators like buttons. Furthermore, Atmel microcontrollers provide wireless and security support. The liquid crystal display (LCD) attached to the Atmel microcontroller is a 16x2 dot matrix display, which deliver us the instantaneous data and status regarding the individual uses the Mind-Bot. Fig. 6. Remote control of Mind-Bot. ii) Signal Acquisition and Processing B. Brain Robot Interface (BRI) The idea behind the BRI is to translate the electrical signal of brain into useful commands. The major steps in the BRI involve signal acquisition and signal processing, where Signal processing consist of preprocessing, feature extraction and translation. The schematic of the BRI components are as shown in Fig.7. i) Suitable Brain Signals The P300 (P3), SSVEP and ERS/ERD waves are the most suitable brain signals that are used to design an EEG based BRI. P300: The decision making of a person triggers to generate a waveform is called P3 wave, therefore it is considered as an event related potential (ERP) [6]-[8]. SSVEP: The corresponding signals of visual stimulus at particular frequency (ranging from 3.5 Hz to 75 Hz) is used to generate electrical activity of brain is treated as Steady state visual evoked potentials [9], [10]. Fig. 7. Schematic of the main BRI components. The EEG signals from the scalp are collected using silver/silver chloride (Ag/AgCl) electrodes are the very cost effective method. If gel is required between the electrode and scalp then this kind of electrode is called “wet” electrode. Use of this electrode needs very long time and it is uncomfortable to user. The “dry” electrode address all the problems regarding the usage of “wet” electrode, which does not need any type of gel and skin clearing. 1204 The signal processing includes preprocessing, feature extraction and translation. Preprocessing helps to avoid the artifact from the EEG signal. Preprocessing can be possible with a filter (such as low-pass, high-pass, band-pass and notch filter) that eliminates the Non-physiological (such as line noise) and physiological artifacts. On the basis of thinking, the feature extraction classifies the frequency of preprocessed brain signal into a particular class of activity, whether it belongs to forward, backward, right, left, and or to stop. Finally these frequencies undergo a translation process that translates them into useful commands or code for accessing the physical device like Mind-Bot. C. Mind-Bot Intelligence Mind-Bot has some additional features like measuring heart rate, collision/obstacle avoidance, fire detection and the detecting the presence of living things. These entire features together called Intelligence of Mind-Bot. Number of Cardiac cycle (cardiac events that occur from beginning of one heart beat to the other) or Heart beat per minute is defined as Heart Rate or Heart Pulse. Physical needs of body, including the need to absorb oxygen and excrete carbon dioxide and activities like physical exercise, illness, and drugs cause abnormalities in heart rate of individuals. A “Ring sensor” is used to detect the heart rate of the person who uses the Mind-Bot. The simple arrangement of infrared (IR) sensor on a jewel which is in the shape of a ring hence it is called as a ring sensor as shown in Fig.8. The ring sensor contains both IR receiver and transmitter for counting the heart rate of the individual and sends the data to the Remote. Ring sensor counts the heart rate by counting the blood flow concentration, when heart contracts the blood concentration at ring is high and it is low for each relaxation of heart. When blood concentration is high then the transmitted IR ray doesn‟t receive at receiver therefore it is treated as a count, such a way the beat per minute (bpm) gives the heart rate of individual using the Mind-Bot. The normal resting adult human heart rate ranges from 60-80bpm (i.e., average 72-75bpm). The collision avoidance system protects the Mind-Bot form hitting the obstacle, which has a definite mass and density. It works on the principle of Doppler Effect in electromagnetic radiation. The collision avoiding is possible by using another IR sensor network. These IR sensors are arranged well on the wheel of the Mind-Bot, therefore they detect the obstacle and stop the robot or change the direction of the robot. Thereby collisions are reduced and provide proper and safety journey of the individuals. The Mind-Bot is also fitted with a Fire/Flame sensor. It is important in the robot because, the flame in front of it may not be considered as an obstacle at times since flame is a form of energy physically having no mass or density. Hence it provides the detection of flame near to the Mind-Bot and reduces the accidents due to fire taking in account that heat and light produced by the flame. Fig. 8. Ring sensor. So many people are killed by natural calamities. It is said that if survivors were detected and rescued very fast, then the number of victims might have reduced. There is no end to the lives lost as the consequence of such disasters as disintegrated tunnels, landslides and avalanches. The development of the survivor/life detector was prompted by an aspiration to help quicken the discovery of survivors trapped inside collapsed buildings or partially buried under mud. The life detector utilizes IR waves (i.e., Infrared waves) of Passive Infrared sensor to detect the survivor. Only living animals have body temperature. A respective Passive Infrared (PIR) sensor identifies variations in the quantity of incident infrared radiation on its surface, which depending on the body characteristics and temperature of the gadget. When a gadget, such as a human, passing through the region, such as a façade. If the temperature at that place increases from room temperature to the body temperature, and back again in the view of sensor. The sensor translates the resulting variations in the infrared radiation and produces corresponding variations in the voltage at output terminal and it triggers the detection of survivor. Passive Infrared sensor module and its working model are shown in Fig.9. III. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION Brain-robot interface is a new technology of communication between human and robot based on the neural activity generated by brain and independent from the conventional channels for communication. The BRI is a great hope of paralyzed people because it supports them to move for their basic needs without a middle computer as in BCI or an assistive person. This technology obviously holds its simplicity in action from BCI for sure Here Mind-Bot is used for much application such as assistive device for disabled individuals and a rescue robot in disaster area thereby reducing the cost for designing multiple robots. It is an optimized and customized solution of robots in human life. 1205 [7] L. A. Farwell and E. Donchin, “Talking off the top of your head: To- ward a mental prosthesis utilizing event related brain potentials,” Clin. Neurophysiol., vol. 70, no. 6, pp. 510–523, Dec. 1988. [8] L. Bi, N. Luo, and X. Fan, “A brain-computer interface in the context of a head up display system,” in Proc. ICME Int. Conf. Complex Medical Engineering, 2012, pp. 241– 244. [9] Fig. 9. (a) PIR module and (b) Working model of PIR. IV. FUTURE SCOPE Administration of Global System of Mobile (GSM) instead of ZigBee can make the controlling range of Mind-Bot increased from 100 meters to a more accessible distance. 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AUTHOR DETAILS Muhammed Hafs P B.Tech graduate in Electronics and Communication Engineering from University of Calicut, Kerala, India, in 2011, where he is currently working toward the M.Tech degree in Embedded System from University of Calicut, Kerala, India. Area of interest is in Robotics, Embedded System, and VLSI. Salas K Jose currently working as a Assistant professor in Embedded System, in Vedavyasa Institute of Technology. He has completed graduate in ECE from University of Calicut, Kerala, India and M.Tech in Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering From Karunya University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India. He has published 3 international journals. [6] E. Donchin, K. M. Spencer, and R. Wijesinghe, “The mental prosthe- sis: assessing the speed of a P300based brain–computer interface,” IEEE Trans. Neural Syst. Rehabil. Eng., vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 174–179, Jun2000. 1206
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