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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume22 Number 5- April 2015
Pick and Place Fire Sensing Robot Supervise by
Sajani Pravinbhai Mendapara#1, Mihirkumar Jamesbhai Parmar#2, Prof. Chetan B. Bambhroliya*3
Student, *Professor, Electronics and Communication Department,
Dr.Subhash Technical Campus, Junagadh-36200, 1Gujarat (INDIA)
Abstract— In recent days, the definition of a robot is
generally used to mean an unmanned system or automation as
often seen in industrial application, deep sea planetary probes.
Historically speaking, a robot used to be shaped like humans,
and referred to as machines and electric system that were
capable of performing similar action as humans. This robot that
plays an active role in comic magazines, animation and science
friction because they are artificially created called “artificial
man”. As the name “pick and place fire sensing robot” suggested,
this robot is able to perform three different tasks. The main
function of the robot is that it will pick any thing or material
from one place, grip it for a sometime and then place it to the
right place. Then second it is able to sense the fire in inform to
the supervisors by buzzer. That is why it can be used in any risky
industries also, like army and ammo industries. Third it does not
need any continues supervision, because it having its personal
camera. By which head can supervise robots easily while they are
working in bulk.
Keywords— Pick & Place, ASK Technique, Micro-controller
AT89S52, Fire Sensing, Camera.
A title of project is “Pick and Place Fire Sensing Robot
Supervised by Camera”. The objective of this project is to
make a micro-controller based robot which is able to do work
in any industry, challenging and heavy material transferring
work with very good efficiency. It can easily pick the object
and place it on target. And with a new extra ordinary feature,
we are adding two new features, which having an ability to
enhance the application of this project model.
First one is the fire sensing ability which makes it
applicable to use in any kind of industrial application. It will
able to sense the fire and control according to command.
Second one is the camera facility. By which continue
monitoring of robot and its work is possible. [3]
When the switch will be pushed from the transmitter
circuit, the related command will be send to micro-controller.
This command as per pre-programmed in the micro-controller
the relative output signal will send to the RF module. Then the
module will transmit the signal. As at receiver side the same
module is used will receive the signal and this received signal
will send to the microcontroller through the RF module. Now
the microcontroller‟s task will begin. It will execute the
operation as per the signal received by it in addition it will
also display the command on LCD display for conformation
or for information. After resulting on the input signal as per
program the output will be send to the motor drivers. Here two
motor drivers are connected and it will respond as per the
input signal given by microcontroller. The four motor is
connected to this two drivers two will perform the same task
as forwarding and reversing the robot and the other one is for
flexibility of arm means it offers the arm to upward and
downward direction. The remaining one is an output of whole
task it offers gripping and realizing the things which it has
picked. So at the last we get the required work from the robot.
Here the fire sensor is also connected to the microcontroller. It
is a type of infrared sensor resistor. It works on the effect of
the temperature on resistor phenomena. As we have use the
temperature sensor having threshold temperature 950C means
when the temperature will break or cross the threshold level of
resistor it will allow to pass voltage from it which will be
given as an input in microcontroller.
The microcontroller will send the signal to buzzer
and now as the sufficient condition is performing the buzzer
will start alarming. It is seen that this robot can provide a
maximum security to the object.
Fig. 1 Block diagram
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Fig. 2 Transmitter circuit
Fig. 3 Receiver circuit
Here transmitter
having microcontroller
AT89C2051 connected the 8 one way switches for controlling
of the receiver circuit. This all switches connected to the port
1 as IC having only 20 pin configuration. The transmitter used
Tx-02 based on ASK technique. The short form of Amplitude
Shift Keying is referred as ASK. It is the digital modulation
technique. In this technique, amplitude of the RF carrier is
varied in accordance with baseband digital input signal. [2]
Here receiver circuit having microcontroller AT89S52.
LCD is interfaced to the micro controller for guide of
command of transmitter. The infrared ray sensor is used for
fire detection. It having variable intensity registers help out to
control intensity as required field of application. It is
connected to the buzzer through the IC to alarm when the
infrared rays are detected during the action. The four dc motor
for forwarding and reversing the robot is connected through
motor driver to IC. Operation will be performing when
external command through remote or transmitter is given to
The one more feature added to this circuit is camera. The
wireless mini camera is placed on the working part of the
robot which provides a perfect surveillance on work. It is easy
to install and easy to make servile the robot for user. Through
it user can define the detected fire intensity and take an action
as require as in short time with minimum losses.
The set of operation of whole system is given below which
will full fill the requirement of user.
When the command given from the transmitter it will
transmit through space medium and receiver will follow the
command the receiver will send the data to the micro
controller AT89s52.
Microcontroller will send the data signal as command is
given from transmitter e.g. motor will rotate forward if
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command is forward motor will be reverse as command
reverse arm up and down and grip un gripe vice versa. [2]
mini camera is shown. Antenna for wireless communication,
audio o/p pin for wired audio o/p, video o/p pin for wired
video o/p, 12v dc power supply socket and mike for detection
of audio. [2]
Fig. 5 A wireless camera used in P&P model
In our project the operation is displayed on the LCD as it is
our working prototype model we have used a LCD as output
display device. And used mini camera in place of high ended
security camera also the infrared sensor for just fire detection,
it is not handle or extinguish the fire. If the supplementary
extinguish mechanism added then it will also able to handle
the fire as quick as it detects.
Fig. 4 A working model of pick and place robot
In fig. 4 the components description is given wheel and
chain link for robot movement [13], LCD for information,
buzzer as alarm device, motor driver L293D for motor driving,
12 volt input socket for power supply, receiver for receiving
the radio signal based on ASK technique, gear for generate
torque, servo motor for arm and gripper movement, gripper
module for pick the object.
Now in fire section the sensor used for fire detection will be
work as it is mounted on the top of the robot arm.
In case of infrared rays will detect the sensor will quick
response to LM358N. Which will connected to the
microcontroller and the microcontroller send back it to buzzer.
Here buzzer is used as a fire alarm. So the pick and place
robot will be now with fire detection.
The pick and place body has a supervising camera to
supervise both among them. It will supervise the whole work
of pick and place robot with gripper module, arm mechanism,
and the primary as well as supplementary body. Most
important think for this camera addition is that the sensitive
work the dangerous work and the critical work in which the
human supervision is needed will fulfilled. It may be wired or
wireless but wireless prefers most for security purpose
because it able to work even after the fire spread over the
sensitive area. As the robot is wireless and wireless camera is
preferred the controller room or observation room or
commanding room can be over the far distance as needed like
in nuclear system in ammunition. In fig. 5 the dual function
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Our project model is working prototype model which is
microcontroller based embedded system. The coding of this
system is done in MicroC Pro software which is compatible
with Atmel family ICs. Our project having three different
coding for three different sections. It have coding for
interfacing the LCD then coding for transmitter and then
coding for receiver. The receiver having two coding for pick
and place and for fire section. All coding is done in C
language. Another software use is Proteus 7 Professional. This
is use for the circuit designing. The fig 3&4 shows the circuit
design which is made in Proteus 7 Professional for theoretical
implementation of the system. It requires DVR software for
capturing image and recording a video through camera.
The pick and place fire sensing robot supervise by camera
is very easy to upgrade as per the requirement of the user. It
can perform different task by different technique.
We give command through remote controller. But it could
be upgrade by voice commanding in which the robot will be
action on the audio signal. This module is able to sense the
fire it does not extinguish. So as per the use of industries they
can connect the fire safety devices. This module gives
information of fire through buzzer alarm. It can be upgrade by
GSM technique in which the information about fire will send
through GSM and commanding trough GSM also possible to
run a robot.
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume22 Number 5- April 2015
After the experience of this working model of “Pick And
Place Fire Sensing Robot Supervise By Camera” we perfectly
able to understand the vertical movement of the robotic arm,
the horizontal axes gripping-ungripping mechanism and the
rotation of the servo motor also weight lifted per power
applied to the system and the weight of robot needed to work
efficiently. In addition we properly use the property of photo
for fire detection and image processing by camera.
It has seen that it is the complete prototype model of a „pick
and place fire sensing robot supervise by camera‟.
Authors: Xuhong, Mei Zhizeng Luo, The Design and implement of
Remote control system in industrial
(IEEE Xplore Digital Library),
Science and Electronics Engineering (ICCSEE)”-2012 International
conference on, Date : 23-25 March 2012, Volume: 3, on pages: 332335.
Project work, lays the foundation of student‟s career today.
The satisfaction that comes with successful completion of task
would be but incomplete without the mention of the people
who made it possible. It gives us immense pleasure to
acknowledge all those who have extended their valuable
guidance and magnanimous help.
It is a matter of great pleasure and privilege to have this
dissertation work entitled:
“Pick and Place Fire Sensing Robot Supervise By
With a deep sense of gratitude, We wish to express sincere
thanks to our honorable guide Prof. C. B. Bambhroliya
(Assistant Professor, Electronics & Communication
Department, DRSTC, Junagadh, GTU) who has the attitude
and substance of a genius and has been a great source of
inspiration throughout the project. We are fortunate to be
given the opportunity of working under him. In spite of a tight
schedule, he always found time for our difficulties and
patiently answered to all our queries. He not only provided the
necessary guidance and support, but also continuously
motivated us to give our best in this advanced project. We
would be our proud privilege to tender the lexes of
appreciation in respect of Head of Department, Electronics
and Communication, for his encouragement, guidance and
kind support. We would be grateful in thanking Department of
Electronics and Communication of Dr. Subhash Technical
Campus, Junagadh for providing us with all the mandatory
requirements as and when needed.
Authors: Parmeshwar Kokre, Makarand JadhavMechanical movement
of robot system
“Proceeding of IRAJ International conference”,
10th August 2013, Department of E&TC
Engineering, post Graduate Student, SCOE, Pune, India.
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