International Journal of Innovative and Emerging Research in Engineering Volume 2, Special Issue 1 MEPCON 2015 Available online at International Journal of Innovative and Emerging Research in Engineering e-ISSN: 2394 – 3343 p-ISSN: 2394 - 5494 Design Analysis of Top and Bottom Frame of Cotton Lint Bailing Press-A Review Ashwini R.Burghatea, M. V. Gudadheb a,b Department of Mechanical Engineering PRMIT&R Badnera, Amravati, Maharashtra, India ABSTRACT: In Ginning Industries, Bailing Press is used for the purpose of pressing cotton, which makes it easy for further packing and handling. This pressing operation is performed with the help of three Hydraulic Cylinders located in between Top and Bottom Frame. Hence, the main objective of this paper is to analyze this Top and Bottom Frame. Model of the Frame is done in CATIA and the Static Structural Analysis is performed in ANSYS Software. Keywords:Finite Element Method, Frame Structure, Modelling, Static Analysis. I. INTRODUCTION Ginning is the process in which cotton gets separated from its seed. Ginnery performs ginning and pressing operations to convert lint cotton into a bale for easy transportation of voluminous cotton to textile mills in India and abroad, lint cotton was packed at high density. The Cotton Lint Bailing Press consist of Frame, Three Hydraulic Cylinders, Pusher Assembly. In this Frame Structure, two frames (Top and bottom) are attached with the help of three Tie Bars. Top and Bottom Frame is most important part of the Bailing Press. So it must be strong enough to resist the shock, vibration and stresses. Maximum stress and maximum deflection are important criteria for design. This paper deals with the static structural analysis of top and bottom frame of cotton bailing press. The modified design of top and bottom frame is modelled in CATIA with accurate dimensions. The objective of this paper is to determine the maximum stress, maximum deflection and to recognize critical regions under static loading condition. Static structural analysis of this Top and Bottom Frame is carried out by FEA method using ANSYS software. This Frame Structure is analysed to improve its performance and quality for press working operation. Structural design is a branch of Engineering that deals with systems comprised from a set of structural members. These members may be characterized as either truss or frame elements, connected by pinned or fixed joints. Structuraloptimization has become a valuable tool for engineers and designers in recent years. Structures are becoming lighter, stronger, and cheaper as industry adopts higher forms of optimization. ANSYS is one of the FEM tool, which is incorporated in the present work. The ANSYS commitment is to provide unequalled technical depth in any simulation domain. Whether its structural analysis, fluids, thermal, electromagnetic, meshing or process and data management. The ANSYS capability in multiphysics is unique in the industry; flexible, robust and architected in ANSYS workbench to enable to solve the most complex coupled physics analysis in a unified environment. Adaptive software architecture are mandatory for today’s world of engineering design and development where a multiplicity of different CAD, PLM, in-house codes and other point solutions typically comprise the overall design and development process. A software environment is needed which anticipate these needs and gives you the tools and system services for customisation as well as interoperability with other players. ANSYS workbench can be the backbone of your simulation strategy. The ANSYS commitment to simulation driven product development is the same in any case. II. REVIEW ON DESIGN ANALYSIS OF FRAME STRUCTURE OF HYDRAULIC PRESS B. Parthiban [1] states that hydraulic press is a machine using a hydraulic cylinder to generate a compressive force. Frame and cylinder are the main components of the hydraulic press. In this project press frame and cylinder are designed by the design procedure. Press frame and cylinder are analysed to improve its performance and quality for press working operation. Structural analysis has become an integral part of the product design. The frame and cylinder are modelled by using modelling software CATIA. Structural analysis has been applied on C frame hydraulic press structure and cylinder by using analysing software ANSYS. An integrated approach has been developed to verify the structural performance and stress strain distributions are plotted by using ANSYS software. According to the structural values the dimensions of the frameand cylinder are modified to perform the functions satisfactory 147 International Journal of Innovative and Emerging Research in Engineering Volume 2, Special Issue 1 MEPCON 2015 Figure. 1 Maximum principal stress of frame after modification Figure.2 Maximum principal stress of cylinder after modification Author concludes that actual structure of the frame and cylinder were designed and analysed. The cylinder is modified in fillet radius from 25mm to 15mm. According to the design and analysis results the thickness of the plate is reduced in frame. A. G. Naik [2], addresses the analysis and optimization of hydraulic cotton lint bailing press. He observed that in modern day, capacity of ginning plant is such that the cotton bale handled by their press system gives rise to very large forces and also explains the Frame structure like all the other equipment has to be able to withstand these forces without damage. It is essential that the calculations for mechanical strength to check the suitability of top and bottom frame and their supports for hydraulic forces in cotton bale press at required level and duration in the system. Structural design is a branch of Engineering that deals with systems comprised from a set of structural members. These members may be characterized as either truss or frame elements, connected by pinned or fixed joints. Structural optimization has become a valuable tool for engineers and designers in recent years. Structures are becoming lighter, stronger, and cheaper as industry adopts higher forms of optimization. This type of problem solving and product improvement is now a crucial part of the design process in today’s engineering industryFEM analysis which simulated loads and the stress field which correspond to measured and calculated displacements in the crack zone, before and after the redesign, revealed a significant drop in stress in the crack zone. He concluded that the design calculations of Hydraulic press system are playing important role as we come to know the value of total force develops in the system. The value of tensile stresses developed in the system is greater than the permissible limit. Selection of good shape provides strength to the system as the system is only undergoing through bending according to the FEA Analysis the best solution is obtained by changing the shape and design of the top and bottom frame structure. Satish G Sonwane [3] in this paper, he took the ‘hooping platen’ of 400 ton cotton baling press as research object, established its 3D model through CATIA software. Then carried out finite element analysis for it by using FE software ANSYS 13.0 to gain the stress and strain distribution of the platen. The detailed analysis of the results was then carried out. At the end, shape optimized design model is compared with the actual part that is being manufactured for the press. It is inferred that topology optimization results in a better and innovative product design. It also serve as guidance to further improve its performance with less cost; at the same time provide a theoretical basis for the structural design of the same type of platens. He concluded that the maximum von-mises stress of the platen are far less than the materials yield limits at major locations in working condition, and there is a lot of optimization design space, can consider reducing materials and reduce costs.As per the results, it can be concluded that the weight of optimized design is up to 20% lighter and maximum stress also predicted lower than the initial design of platen. The figure 1 shows that max von mises stress of the platen is far less than the materials yield limits in the working condition. 148 International Journal of Innovative and Emerging Research in Engineering Volume 2, Special Issue 1 MEPCON 2015 Figure.3 : Von mises stress S. M. Bapat [4],deals with the FEA implementation for analysis and optimization of hydraulic forming press machine. Metal forming is one of the manufacturing processes which are almost chip less. These operations are mainly carried out by the help of presses and press tools. These operations include deformation of metal work pieces to the desired size by applying pressure or force. Press machine always works under impact load condition. Because of continuous impact load, the hydraulic press machine always experience continuous stress. Some parts of the machine experience compressive stresses and some experience tensile stresses. Press machine continuously deals with stress and because of that there are frequent structural failure problems in the machine. Different components of the machine are subjected to different types of loading conditions and are analysed using FEA tool. ANSYS is one of the FEM tool, which is incorporated in the present work. Weight optimization of press frame and upper head is done, which in turn resulted into reduction in thickness of frame structure and material. It is found that optimal design of a hydraulic press in terms of its weight is the need of the hour. The research on machine tool structures was stepped up by the application of the finite element method (FEM). This is a more generalized method in which a continuum is hypothetically divided into a number of elements interconnected at nodal points to calculate the strain, displacement and stress FEM is preferred because it permits a much closer topological resemblance between the model and the actual machine. The ANSYS Finite Element software system is used as a tool to establish the theoretically predicted numerical model. This theoretically predicted numerical model is based on different factors, like the boundary condition, the mesh density and the type of the element being used. The Authors work is based on the finite element analysis of different parts of the hydraulic press machine and weight optimization of critical components of the hydraulic press machine. Figure.4 shows a line diagram of the analysis Once the physical problem is identified, a mathematical model is prepared which is governed by differential equations with the assumptions on geometry, kinematics, loading, boundary conditions, etc. Then a finite element solution is obtained for the mathematical model. This solution includes choice of different types of finite elements, 149 International Journal of Innovative and Emerging Research in Engineering Volume 2, Special Issue 1 MEPCON 2015 mesh density and solution parameters. The finite element solution represents the type of loading, boundary condition etc. Finally the results are interpreted after a proper assessment of accuracy of finite element solution of mathematical model is done. An attempt was made to analyse and optimize the 30 tonne hydraulic press machine using ANSYS software. The values of stresses obtained by ANSYS software conform with the values obtained theoretically within 15 % of error. Weight optimization is done for frame and upper head. From results we can say that as the thickness is reduced the maximum stress in the frame is increased but still it is well below the yield stress of the mild steel. III. REVIEW ON DEVELOPMENT AND DESIGN OF MECHANICAL PRESS J. F. Agrawal [5], discusses development and design of a low cost mechanical press for compressing 90 kg bale. Presently 100 HP hydraulically operated press machine is used to compress 170 kg bale, the cost of which is exorbitant. Decentralization of ginnery is possible only if cost of press machine is reduced. The process of compressing lint cotton to form a bale is a very complex phenomenon. The independent variables in the process are the bale size (width and length of the package), initial weight of the lint cotton, cotton fibre length, moisture content and basic cotton ingredients which are geographical area specific, like fineness, strength, maturity etc. The proposed design of mechanical press for ginnery is based on the design of mechanical press utilized for preparing bales from waste cotton. The extensive experimentation and time and motion study executed on this press revealed following aspects for the further development of this press for compressing bales from fresh lint cotton for a decentralized composite ginnery. The structure is designed to withstand the compressive load exerted on the bottom and sides of box of structure during compression of bale. The structure is made up from hot rolled steel sections. Author concludes that utilizing the proposed mechanical press machine will substantially reduce the cost and space required for a composite ginnery. IV. REVIEW ON DESIGN ANALYSIS OF LADDER FRAME AND CHASSIS FRAME Madhu P.S [6] in this paper, Author focused on the Design modification and Static structural analysis of Chassis Frame. The chassis frame is an important part in a truck and it carries the whole load acting on the truck as well as different parts of the automobile. So it must be strong enough to resist the shock, twist, vibration and other stresses. Maximum stress and maximum deflection are important criteria for design of the chassis. The objective of present is to determine the maximum stress, maximum deflection and to recognize critical regions under static loading condition. Static structural analysis of the chassis frame is carried out by FEA Method. The structural chassis frame is modeled using PRO-E wildfire 4.0 software. The Pre-processing has done with HYPERMESH software; then the problem has been solved through RADIOSS and the post processing was done by HYPERVIEW. The results obtained like maximum shear stress, Von-mises stress and maximum deflections are used for improving design modification. Modal analysis of the chassis frame done using ANSYS workbench. Through modal analysis, natural frequencies and corresponding vibration mode shapes of the structure are obtained. In this paper static analysis, modification of chassis frame based on results and modal analysis of structure is achieved. Results indicate von-misses stress below yield strength of the material, which satisfies the design. Modification of design is carried out to reduce deflection of structure. KetanGajananNalawade [7], explains dynamic and static structural analysis of Ladder frame. Automotive chassis is the back bone of an automobile and usually refers to the lower body of the vehicle including the tires, engine, frame, driveline and suspension. Out of these, the frame provides necessary support to the vehicle components placed on it.The main components of ladder frames includes longitudinal members and cross members. It is the most crucial element that gives strength and stability to the vehicle under different conditions. So the frame should be extremely rigid and strong so that it can withstand shocks, twists, stresses and vibrations to which it is subjected while vehicle is moving on road. Thus strength and stiffness are the two important design considerations. The loads acting on a chassis includes weight of vehicle and passengers, load due to road camber, side wind, cornering, engine torque, braking torque, load due to road obstacles and finally the load due to collisions. In this paper static structural analysis and model analysis of a Tata 407 truck chassis is done. Since it is easy to analyse structural systems by finite element method, the chassis is modelled using CATIA and the finite element analysis is done using the ANSYS workbench. From the results of steel and E-glass the maximum shear stress and equivalent stress generated in E-glass is under acceptable limit and the total deformation is also within the limit. So he conclude that E-glass can use instead of steel for the manufacturing of ladder frame for the same load carrying capacity. V. CONCLUSION The above literatures have performed the structural analysis in order to determine the effects of loads on the frame structure and to compute a structure’s deformations, internal forces, stresses, support reactions and stability. The results of the analysis are used to verify a structure's safety for use in working condition. For the static structural analysis of this frame, analysis software ANSYS is used which gives accurate results related to stress and loads acting on the frame. Researchers have done various modifications in different types of frames and have analyzed it in analysis software for loading parameters like stress, strain, displacement, etc. The discussed methodologies can extend for the analysis of modified design. VI. REFERENCES [1] B.Parthiban, “Design and Analysis of C Type Hydraulic Press Structure And Cylinder”, IJRAME 2014,ISSN (ONLINE): 2321-3051,Vol.2 Issue.3. 150 [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] International Journal of Innovative and Emerging Research in Engineering Volume 2, Special Issue 1 MEPCON 2015 A. G. Naik, “Review On Analysis And Optimization Of Hydraulic Cotton Lint Bailing Press”, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 2012, ISSN 1819-6608,Vol 7. Satish G Sonwane, “Structural Optimization Of Hooping Platen Of 400ton Cotton Baling Press For Cost Reduction”, IJPRET 2014, ISSN: 2319-507X , volume 2 (9): 379-389. S. M. Bapat, “Design and Optimization of A 30 Ton Hydraulic Forming Press Machine”, IJRASET 2014. J. F. 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