Blood Emanate Discernment and Oxygen level

ISSN(Online): 2320-9801
ISSN (Print): 2320-9798
International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer
and Communication Engineering
(An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization)
Vol. 3, Special Issue 2, March 2015
Blood Emanate Discernment and Oxygen level
Monitoring by using Emerging Technology in
Hemodialysis Therapy
E.Viveka1, G.Jayapradha2
UG Student, Department of ECE, K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Trichy, Anna University, India1
UG Student, Department of ECE, K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Trichy, Anna University, India 2
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this paper is to design and characterize of a bracelet monitoring device for blood leakage
detection and oxygen level monitoring during the hemodialysis treatment. The design includes a colour sensor, a
ZigBee wireless module, and alert components. The validation results show that it only needs a very small amount of
blood (0.01 ml) and takes 1.6 sec to detect a blood leakage. As long as the patients wear this bracelet blood leakage
detector during the hemodialysis therapy and affix the absorbent material in the junction of fistula, any blood leakage
can be detected. As the absorbent material is placed at the light sensing position of the color sensor which causes the
received light intensity to change during blood leakage. Once a blood leakage occurs or pulse oxygen level is reduced,
the absorbent material absorbs the blood due to the capillary action and pulse oxygen level monitored by pulse
oximeter (SpO2 is considered to be normal when it is above 95%), if anyone is abnormal system will triggers the alarm.
A warning light will also be activated, and a leakage occurrence is transmitted to the healthcare stations alarming
healthcare workers via the ZigBee. The healthcare workers can take appropriate action immediately to prevent any risks
to the patients during hemodialysis therapy. The proposed blood leakage monitoring system can improve the current
medical approach for the hemodialysis therapy.
KEYWORDS: Hemodialysis, Blood leakage detection, colour sensor, pulse oximeter and zigbee wireless module
Venous needle dislodgement is a potential serious complication in hemodialysis therapy. Venous needle dislodgement
happens when the venous fistula needle becomes dislocated from vascular access resulting in blood loss. It discusses
practice recommendations for nephrology nurses and other healthcare station that treat patients under hemodialysis
treatment [1]. An apparatus is used for detecting the dislodgement of a needle when inserted into a patient. It includes a
sensor used for detecting the wetness due to blood and a sensor holder is used to secure the sensor to the patient such
that the sensor detects wetness due to blood loss from the patient upon dislodgement of the needle. In this various
methods and apparatus for detecting, monitoring or controlling blood loss from a patient due to needle dislodgement
are also used within this system. The sensor used in this has a less detection time. But its major drawback is it needs an
independent monitoring device [2]. A blood leak detection device is used to detect the blood leak from the wound
caused by insertion of a cannula into a vein or artery. A blood transport element can be disposed between the support
and absorbent patch. This type of detector device can be used in all type of intravenous cannula insertion. The
drawback in this system is that the probe can create some extra wounds on the patched area [3]. A sensor and a sound
alarm is used as a new safety device in hemodialysis by which the blood leakage can be easily detected. In this a small
amount of blood falls on the sensor and the sensor activates the light and simultaneously the sound alarm is also
activated. When a new device is used a simple questionnaire was filled out by the nurses at each dialysis concerning
their feeling of safety [4]. The leak detection in water pipes, spectral analysis is very interesting and then an alternative
method of spectral analysis is the decimated signal diagonalization (DSD) which has higher performance in terms of
resolution and fast processing. The aim is to reconstruct the unknown components as the harmonic variables, estimating
the estimating the fundamental complex frequencies and amplitudes. The DSD has windowing technique produces a
considerable reduction of size of the original data matrix and acquisition time can be shorter. In this the DSD method
Copyright to IJIRCCE
ISSN(Online): 2320-9801
ISSN (Print): 2320-9798
International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer
and Communication Engineering
(An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization)
Vol. 3, Special Issue 2, March 2015
for leak detection problem in an experimental zigzag pipeline and this method produce good results in terms of
resolution when compared with FDM [5].
Mainly this system used to create a safer workplace for medical professionals and more comfortable environment
for the patient with a reduced risk of infection. Wireless medical devices offer an important solution for preventative
and managed care. Many wireless medical devices communicate with nearby receivers that are connected to landline
networks, cellular systems or broadband facilities, communication and wireless devices that access the Internet. For
patient care and hospitality point need, the new communication techniques are developed for medical applications, the
government often must adjust its rules to accommodate these advancements. Generally electronic components based
wireless systems fall into two categories.
Short range data transmission system
In this system the local receiver may stand alone or connected to a central monitoring station. In ancient systems
most of the devices operate in the bands below 200 kHz and communicate at distances of less than one foot from the
patient’s body. But nowadays some of the devices are used to communicate data’s which are Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Zigbee,
UWB etc. These devices operate in the range of 5725-5850 MHz bands at distances up to a few hundred feet.
Long range data transmission system
In this long range system the datas are transmit to a distance up to several kilometers. The devices which are used
to communicate datas from patients are Wireless Medical Telemetry (WMTS). These devices operate in various bands
between 600 and 1432 MHz band at distances up to several hundred feet, and Worldwide Interoperability for Internet
Access (WiMAX), it provides wireless transmission using a variety of transmission modes, from point-to-multipoint
links to portable and fully mobile Internet access. The technology provides up to70 Mbps broad band at distances over
several kilometres.
Both the technologies transmit data from the patient to a local Receiver/Monitor. In this system using zigbee
module to transmit patient health conditions to receiver from the microcontroller. The functional block diagram of our
emerging system is shown in Fig.1.
Figure.1.Functional Block Diagram of the system
In this system colour sensor and pulse oximeter are the source devices, the sensor detects the blood leak during
dialysis and the pulse oximeter find out the oxygen saturation level in the blood. Once the devices are receives their
signals, it will be convert by A/D converter which are mounted in the printed circuit board microcontroller. The
Copyright to IJIRCCE
ISSN(Online): 2320-9801
ISSN (Print): 2320-9798
International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer
and Communication Engineering
(An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization)
Vol. 3, Special Issue 2, March 2015
microcontroller transfers data to wireless zigbee module and tends to activate alarm and switch on the smd-led. The
signals are converted by UART into user interface data. The zigbee module receives the data and send to the local
user/computer. These data are processed by system by help of user interface software to monitoring and find out the
As we discussed in previous section, here going to discussed about hardware components.
Figure.2.PIC16F877A Microcontroller
It is one of the most popular pic microcontrollers. It is an electronic circuit that can be programmed to carry
out a vast range of tasks. They can be programmed to be timer or control a production line. They are found in most
electronic devices such as alarm system, computer control systems, and phones. Pic microcontroller is relatively cheap
and can be bought as pre built circuits. Each pin is only shared between two or three functions. The features are 256
bytes of EEPROM data memory, self programming and 2 comparators, 8 channels of 10 bit analog to digital converter.
It is used for industrial and consumer applications. This microcontroller normally have low price, Wide range of
application, High quality and Easy availability.
Zigbee is a new wireless technology. It is used to the overcome the limitations of Bluetooth and wifi. The
frequency range of zigbee is operating on 2.4GHZ. It supports various topologies such as star, clustered tree topology
and mesh topology. It is designed for low-power consumption and allows batteries to last up to years using primary
cells without any chargers (low cost and easy installation). It has a wide application area such as home networking,
industrial networking, health care monitoring and many more having different profiles specified for each field. Zigbee
standard is a set of protocol for data communication devices using low power, low data rate and low complexity. The
standard is defined for short-range radio frequency (RF) transmissions. Zigbee Wireless sensor network (WSN) is an
emerging technology and has great potential to be employed in critical situations and the sensor networks have been
deployed in various monitoring applications such as industrial, health, environmental, and security. A schematic
working diagram of Zigbee module is shown in fig.3.
Copyright to IJIRCCE
ISSN(Online): 2320-9801
ISSN (Print): 2320-9798
International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer
and Communication Engineering
(An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization)
Vol. 3, Special Issue 2, March 2015
Figure.3.Schematic Block Diagram of Zigbee module working
Pulse oximeter is a way to measure the oxygen level in the blood by using a small device. It is used to check
the oxygen level in the blood and without needing to be stuck with a needle. The blood oxygen level measured with an
oximeter is called oxygen saturation. This is a percentage of how much oxygen patient blood is carrying compared to
the maximum capable of carrying. Normally, more than 89% of red blood should be carrying oxygen.
Figure.4.Pulse oximeter
It is used for hospitals, homes, medical clinics, operating rooms. A pulse oximeter comes either as a small unit
with a built in finger/toe clip, or a small hand held device that has a wire probe that can clip onto your finger, toe or
earlobe. The small unit is less expensive and more practical for home use. The oxygen level from a pulse oximeter is
reasonably accurate. Most oximeter gives a reading 2% over or 2% under what your saturation would be if obtained by
an arterial blood gas. For example, if our oxygen saturation reads 92% on the pulse oximeter, it may be actually
anywhere from 90 to 94%. The oximeter reading may be less accurate if a person is wearing nail polish, artificial nails,
has cold hands, or has poor circulation. A pulse oximeter may also be less accurate with very low oxygen saturation
levels (below 80%) or with very dark skin.
Copyright to IJIRCCE
ISSN(Online): 2320-9801
ISSN (Print): 2320-9798
International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer
and Communication Engineering
(An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization)
Vol. 3, Special Issue 2, March 2015
SMD is the Surface Mount Led. We use here for knowing the status of the signal. It uses the surface mount
technology. It is small in size and so more space is not necessary. The voltage and the current requirements are very
low. The life span of led is more. It is in multi colour. The brightness is high and low power consumption. It is moisture
sensitive. It contains many modules. It does not get damaged easily and it is high resistant.
It gives high brightness while it has lower power consumption than of a normal LED light tubes. Under proper
current and voltage condition, the life span of SMD LED can reach 100,000 hours is compared with the other LED
tubes (like Dip LED).
Figure.5.SMD LED Structure
Piezo buzzer is an electronic device commonly used to produce sound. Light weight, simple construction and
low price make it usable in various applications like car/truck reversing indicator, computers, call bells etc.
Piezoceramic is class of manmade material, which poses Piezo electric effect and is widely used to make disc.
A piezoelectric element may be driven by an oscillating electronic circuit or other audio signal source, driven
with a piezoelectric audio amplifier. Sounds commonly used to indicate that a button has been pressed are a click, a
ring or a beep. Small in size for an easy mounting to printed circuit board. The best examples of this technology include
the sound creation and detection. This mechanism is also the source of many scientific instrumental systems.
Figure.6.Piezo buzzer Structure
Copyright to IJIRCCE
ISSN(Online): 2320-9801
ISSN (Print): 2320-9798
International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer
and Communication Engineering
(An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization)
Vol. 3, Special Issue 2, March 2015
TCS3200 Colour Sensor is a complete colour detector, including a TAOS TCS3200 RGB sensor chip and 4
white LEDs. The TCS3200 can detect and measure a nearly limitless range of visible colours.TCS3200 color sensor is
a programmable color light-to-frequency converter. The silicon photodiode and the current-frequency converter are
integrated in a single CMOS circuits with red, green and blue (RGB) filters.
Figure.7.Colour Sensor diagram
In the TCS3200, the light-to-frequency converter reads an 8 x 8 array of photodiodes. Sixteen photodiodes
have blue filters, 16 photodiodes have green filters, 16 photodiodes have red filters, and 16 photodiodes are clear with
no filters. The type of photodiode (blue, green, red, or clear) used by the device is controlled by two logic inputs, S2
and S3. Output-frequency scaling is controlled by two logic inputs, S0 and S1. It reduces board space requirements
while simplifying designs. It gives high-resolution conversion of light intensity to frequency. Above the working
principle the sensor detects the leakage of blood while venous needle dislodgment. Pin descriptions of sensor device are
shown in table.1.
Table.1.Colour sensor Pin description
As a result, this device containing recommendations for the assessment of the risk of venous needle
dislodgement and an education resource with proactive recommendations that can be utilized by all patients care staff
collaboratively to minimize the risk of venous needle dislodgement in hemodialysis. Nephrology nurses must lead the
Copyright to IJIRCCE
ISSN(Online): 2320-9801
ISSN (Print): 2320-9798
International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer
and Communication Engineering
(An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization)
Vol. 3, Special Issue 2, March 2015
way in their essential roles of working collaboratively with all patient care staff, patients, and families to reduce the
significant and potentially fatal complication that can occur from loss of blood due to venous needle dislodgement. The
ancient checking and monitoring are invasive methodology. This can create wound and risk happened to the patients. In
our project blood leakage, oxygen level monitoring and drowsiness detection are non-invasive methods. The electronic
components are low cost and reliable to hospital. It could be simply used along with the current hemodialysis
equipment which enables an easy installation of the detector on the human arm. The main feature of the developed
blood leakage and oxygen level monitoring system is that once the blood leakage is detected, the alert sound and a
warning light will be activated, and the alert signal will also be sent to a monitoring computer. This has to be quick and
accurate monitoring device in hemodialysis therapy.
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E.Vivekais a student pursuing, UG degree in the discipline of Electronics& Communication
Engineeringat K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Trichy, Anna University, Chennai,
G.Jayapradhais a student pursuing, UG degree in the discipline of Electronics
&Communication Engineering at K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Trichy, Anna
University, Chennai, India.
Copyright to IJIRCCE