NEWSLETTER F~ ~~AL COUNCIL ON FAMILY RELATIONS 1219 Un\Y",rslty Ayenue S. E. Minneapolis. Minnesota 55414 July 26, 1976 Volume 21, Number 3 Ruth H. Jewson, Editor 1976 NCFR ANNUAL MEETING ROOSEVELT HOTEL NEW YORK CITY OCTOBER 19-23 THEME: FAMILY AND SEX ROLES LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS: IMPORTANT: ize for not having read the copy before the viaS printed, and I can see that I wasn! t commun j cat i ng too clearly. I'll try to make up for it now in th is Th year hotel reservptions are made t h mug h the New York office of NCFR, Room 503, sui! S.t1C.rct, Nel'J Voltk, New Yoltl, 10022. Rates at the Roosevelt are: 527.00 single s40.00 for twin, triple, or four in a room (Yes--we'll try to find roommates If you ask us.) One nightls deposit is required. t rave 1 CORRECTION The price shown in the brochure for the New York Special Events - 7 days and 6 nights should read person In double occupancy and Sl72.50 for si rather " than $250.50 per person. my words on dining out in New York, a remarkable new restaurant has opened. Called_~~~~~~~ World, it is atop the World Trade The view is ificent, and the restaurant un a private cl at lunch, and open to the public p~m. for dinner. By all means) put it on your and make your reservations as soon as you come .even before by rna i 1 • I n your 'II tour of museums, etc., on ly New York as It.) When you reserve your tour, spec ify the Wednesday 1 Friday. This is Tour tour of Harlem will be Friday. The tour of Jewish Ne\'J York wi 11 be Wednesday. The visit to the U.ti. is Thursday. Luncheon reservaions should be made early by contacting me directly. (See Newsletter.) Agency tours are not yet defini teo Changes in hours, and such due to budget cuts have made it agencies to think of entertaining guests, By we hope all <Jill be settled and the planned visits arranged. A II NCFR-arranged tours ,.;1 11 be 50~6 the than regular tours_ There wi 11 registration area specifically for tours, etc. Be sure to stop and make final arrangements. 1 appear that some members have recently mailing addresses and have not received the for travel arrangements. For those of you who have not received a copy please NCfR, Room #~03J 136 EM.t snit S.tJr.ed, New Valtle, New 10022. Some members have sent in their deposits for the istration only and have not rndicated on their form their transportation requirements. Group fare rates not listed in the brochure are available, and we strongly urge that travel arrangements be made through our New York Even less exare the excursion or tour basing rates t isted in brochure. Those using excursion rates must be in New York City a minimum of seven days~ To ify for a Tour Basing Fare, you must purchase an Airl Industry Tour Package consisting of hotel and/or sightseeing costing a minimum of $65.00 Please add the following air fares to your jist included in the brochure: (Write if you need other departure points.) MINNEAPOLIS: S1. LOUIS: First Clas5-5294.00; Coach/Economy-$196.00; Excursion-$16].00j Tour Basing- -; Group$157.00 Fi rst Cla55-$268.00; Coach/Economy-$178.00; Tour Basing- -; Group$109.26 Excursion-$1~2.00; Group fare rates are based on a minimum of 10 participating passengers. Should there be more than 10, a lower existing group air fare would be used. When confirming air space using group rates, the final cost of the air fare will be determined by the number of participants takins advantage of this service. The brochure erroneously stated that full payments for air fare must be received by August 1st. Please send in your reservations as soon as possible, but they must be received by the New York office no later than September 12!Jl. other information) or clarificatIon about just write to me at NCFR, Room 503, 136 EM.t 57t1t C"-ty 10022, and I'll as prompt I y and as well as I can. If fIve confused you, ought to unconfuse you~ See you in the Big Apple, NoltmCl Ne.wmClltk, Loc.a.t AititCll'tgemc.I'tU ChaiJ1.pc.lt601l PROGRAM CATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING UntveMa'i 06 FloJLWa, Chai rperson B!'.JUV~do, Manhattan Suite Filix M. 8:30 PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOP ON AGING AND FAMILY LIFE EDUCATION Ca..tltf'IUl11'. A. Rac.iwood, Nord;lllVut nUna.u UnA.VeMa!!, Chai E. Ja.l1'. OyeJt, ~u.c.lugal1 U.uv elL6i.ty , Valto:tity F,~tU.t, ~ en:t S.ta:t1'. U,.UVI1Il.6.{;ty. Clad Malty Anditi'JlJ<\, Nolt.theJtn I Ul110,u U.uu eM.i.ty, committee members. This workshop will be an opportunity for family 1 ife educators to explore problems, share experiences. and raise questions about focus, content and teaching methods used in family life courses that include aging. Registration is 1 imited. Write Vit. Rodwood a.t 208 FaiJunovct V11-<.ve, VeKa£b, UUl1o.i.o 60115. 9:00 AM-5:00 PM Colonial Room PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOP cussed is MultiMedia Instruction? What Procedures are Invo1ved in the Organization of Mul ti-Media Instruction7 What Procedures are Involved in the Development of Multi-Media Instruction7 What Procedures are Involved in the Implementation and Evaluation of Multi-Media Instruction7 Multi-Media Colored V Cassette Courses with Manuals; Multi-Media Cassette Course; Getting Your O\"m Show on the Road; Implementation and Evaluation Session. Cost $15. (Registration 1 imited to 16 persons.) Wr i te t1ltd GoldbeJtg a.t 718 Ultde, S:ta:te College, 16801. -2- TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19, Continued 9;00 AM 10;00 PM Parlors A and B HOSPITALITY SUITE SPONSOREO BY THE TRI-STATE COUNCIL ON FAMILY RELATIONS B:30 AM-IO:OO AM THEORY AND METHODOLOGY WORKSHOP Session A Terrace Room Session B Grand Ba II room I'Toward a Science of Couples,ll Ma.x. GalL6.!.nUe, UH-Lve)u,Uy 06 Montfleal.. MalLi' H.i.e/u., F.eafl-Lda S:ta.te UH-LVeM,uy and RobVt.t R!ldVt, Ul1ive!l~.(.t" u6 Cunl1eeUc~t, Session A Terrace Room "Methods for Applying Developmental Psychology to Developmental Family Theory," Ffled S,tuUz, Oh£o State IIStructural Equation Models and an Appl ication from Fami ly Survey Research," Lu.thVt O,tto, Wa;.,luftg.tol1 S.ta.te UYLtveMLt" and /,Ic.LaughUn, UMlleM.i-ty 06 ~UI1I1<U\ota Session 8 Grand Ba J 1room "Symbollc Interaction--Role Theory and the Family," We6.fe.u Bw'tJ[, GC.06(;flC" Lugh, Randal. Vay, afld John COM.tanUnc., Bfl.igltam Young 3:30 PM-S:30 PM 5:00 PM-7:00 PM 7:30 PM-9;00 PM 7:30 PM-IO:)O PM Vanderbilt Suite 7:30 PM-9:30 PM Session A Terrace Room Session A CClJtf{"ted Bflode!lLek, U"'LveMLt" o{, THEORY AND METHODOLOGY WORKSHOP Cont i nued Confl i ct Equi I Ibrium Model in the Major Faml I y Frameworks," Epl1ir1Wn A. "Typology of Marital Interaction: CI Analysis of IMe Data," Session B Grand Ba 11 room ..J Vonal.d Tlw,mall, Slleer,o; 6eLe Ai!VV'Liage NeLlMtettefl, Kan6M C,Lt!!, M.1.6MuM, Cha i rperson U,"LveMwJ 06 Rhode T~.ea.l1d. Vavid Rew~, GeOflge Wa.i>lul1gtol1 UluveM.iA:y and Mallg CJl, UIUVeMLt" 06 M.i.l1nuota, discussants 8:00 AM 6:00 PM 8:00 AM-6:00 PM Continued Systems l'An Ecological Systems Approach to the Prel iminary Conceptual iZatian,I' Ml1.!l.gaJtet Bubo,Ez: and BeatflLc.e Pao wecA.,,Lgal1 S.mte UnLveM.Lty B:OO AM-5:00 PM NCFR EMPLOYMENT SERV I CE NCFR REG I STRAT I ON 9;00 AM-IO;OO PM HOSP I TAL ITY SU ITE SPONSORED BY THE TRI-STATE COUNCIL ON FAMILY RELATIONS 9:00 AM-II;qS AM NCFR BOARD OF D I RECTORS MEET I NG B.~ode)L<:c.I" UH-LVeMU", NCFR Pres 8:30 AM-IO;OO AM THEORY AND METHODOLOGY WORKSHOP pres i ding Session A Terrace Room lIntVe~h.£t!l' Cati:6lted Bltori~lttd<, UI1Lvc.v...Lty 06 So~hefl" Cae..t60fl',ia, discussant Session B Structure of Theory l l ' Laflfllj COM.tallane, Aeto II , Ma;.,~ aduL6 "Adapting Scheff's Coorientation Theory to the Ma rita 1 Re 1at ionshi p, II Vavid Ktc.t" , lIYL{VC.1t6.(tV 06 No.t'te Vrone. Jet." Spflelj, Ca;e We<.·tVtIl Re6eltve UnlveJt1..L:ty ruut GeOflge Lev.Lllg C)I., tlllLc'e.fl1.,Lt" 06>, AUe.Jl, &took.e.YI1 Co,uege, B:oo AM-7:30 PM U,uve'L6L tu 0 (, Maltyi,,"d Approach for Studying Family Relationship," S11.1ld" CE11.1t1<, NCFR FILM AND FILMSTRIP EXHIBIT Chairperson View of Family Relations and ~II Cha./l..J:o"tte ChUltaman, IITm-lard the Utilization of a Systems NCFR BOOK EXHIBIT Pa.f.fl£",[a HwmpMI1, He/tbeflt Le.lvTIaI1 CotEege, Chal rperson R~th THEORY AND METHODOLOGY WORKSHOP discussants!aAd GeUu, WEDNESDAY, OC~TO~B~ER~~27.0~,~1;9~7~6" NCFR PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE MEETI NG Pen,u,ul'.vanta .sm.te OLlOH, UH-LVe!l6.Lt" 0(, M.inl1iMo.ta and Bltent M.i.UVt, UH-LVeMU" 06 Tef1ilUhee. Sue S.tul1me-tz, U",lVeM.Lt!! 0 6 Ve[m<lalLe. and Jay ScilVal1eve£d.t, Utal, S:ta.,te UH-LVeMLt", discussants Sens i t i ve Issues I'Computer and Film Techniques for StUdying Non-Verbal Behavior/ i J. CfllLi.g PeVttj, Utah State UIUVe!l1..LtU lIMethods for Studying Sensitive Fam I I y Top i cs," NCFR INTERNATIONAL LIAISON COMMITTEE MEETI NG Fami Iy: Grand Ba 1 t .-oom NCFR EXECUT I VE COMM I TTEE MEET I NG I'A Dialect1cal Critique of the NCFR KEMBERSH I P COMMITTEE MEETING VCflo.thy MafltLl1, Ft. COULf16, CotOflMo, Cha i rpe r50n Cha i rperson Terrace Room REG I STRAT I ON FOR ANNUAL MEET I NG Sou.titefll1 CaU6oflH-La, NCFR Pres i dent, presiding Joltn, BOl>tult UntVe!l6.Lt!l, 1:30 PM-3:)0 PM NCFR AFFILIATED COUNCILS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING AND DINNER, Mezzan i ne ConneeUe~, on Gramercy Suite MEETING OF NCFR TASK FORCE CHAIRPERSONS E. M. Ra.f.Ul1gh, Un..LveMUy 06 NOidh Ca/tO"Ui1a aX GJte.en.bbOlLO, Cha i rperson ism; Mental and Social, and Its Fami1y Application,'1 TllOrna;., F. Condon, UnLVefl6,i-ty 06 GueEph, OI'CtaJtLo. MaJ,:tLn Penlwt, U,UVe!l6.Lt1' 0 6 So~h FtoiUda aftd BOM, Unive!l6Lt!l W,i,6eOIt6.i.n, discussants 1:30 PM-3:30 PM J. WoU" and Unda U,uveMU" !lExperimental Methods for Studying Generations,1! Stephen Wi..e.tLl1g, UH-LVeM.i.ty 06 Iowa, G,taitron SrJ11.H-LI1A, P(!.I1M!lfvantit State UnLveMLty and Jo~eph Caflflo,u, U'UVeMU" 06 New HamphlUite., discussants Fflal1ke£, UnLveMLt" of, w.iu.o,,,,,,il1 06 1:30 PM-);30 PM lI\anhattan Suite The Role of Myth and Belmet.t, GeOflge Wa;.,hlllg.tOI1 Reub"" Hill, WUVeM,i-t" 0 6 M.tJ1l1<U\ota and J ~Jtotd flew!>, ::30 PM-3:30 PM Hudson Suite Cont inued Gene rat i cns IIFamily -Identity and Intergenerational Contlnul Ritual," Un,Lv r!.)l.f.J.{ty. Session C Grand Ballroom Foyer THEORY AND METHODOLOGY WORKSHOP East Room UntVeM.Lt!l. GalL" C. SpollflUg.Ee, M.i.nn~6ota and Ronald P<."ehllLtfli.e TM.UMe, V.C., discussants 10:30 AM-12:00 Noon Sess i on A Terrace Room IIAssessing Theories of Social C1ass and Socialization: Where Do We Go From Here?" V.i.IU:ofl GeCM, WMlung.ton S:ta..t:e Uf'uveMLty, Phillip Kunz, 8JU.fJ "am Yaung UH-LveMLty and Lyfe LaMon, UH-LveMLty 06 AfbM..ta., discussants discussants Session C Grand Ballroom Foyer 4:00 PM-S:30 PM Session B Oval Suite Cont i nued "Measuring Intra-family Conflict and Vio1ence~ The CRT Scales," MWVLa-U S.t/U1U6 , UluveM.Lty 06 New HCUllpl>hiJle. John. ScaYlZCHU, I nd.w.n.a Uni.veJt3,i..ty, d i 5cussan t "The Interface of Family and Society in Sex Ro 1e Changes til Ba/r.baJtc1 Sc.ttfe1, U,uvefl1.i.t:lJ 06 VefQl~:L~e. Nail, U".iveMLty 06 Te,meMee ruld Bltel~t Ropf!Jt, TC.xct1 Teeh UI1-t.veJl..OUy, discussants -3WEDNESDAY, OC~T~O~B~E~R~2;O~,~1~9~7i.6~CioFn~t~i~n~urre~d~ ~:30 AI1-1 0: 60 AM Session C Colonial Room THEORY AND METHODOLOGY WORKSHOP liThe Conceptualization of Communication Through Family and Social inguistics,1I Kay TfLOG.6t, flat" CMM Co.UQ.gQ.. . Ml'..(vil1 WllfUl14ol1, FtoiUdll S.ta.:te THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1976 8:00 AM-l0:00 AM FeLix BeJLaItdo. Univeu,alj On FtoiUda., Cha i rperson 8:00 AM-IO;OO AM U,1-lveitM;ty aYld Ramol1a MMotz, discussants Terrace Room THEORY AND METHODOLOGY WORKSHOP Cont i nued Soc i a 1 Exchange-Sys terns Theory of Coha b ita t i on," Clu:vLtM L. Cote, Iowa. S;tlLte UniveJul.{;ty and CIta.iLtM B. Hennon, UniveJul.{;ty 06 utah 8:00 AM-6:00 PM NCFR BOOK EXHIBIT 8:00 AM-6:oo PM NCFR FILM AND FILMSTRIP EXHIBIT 8;00 AM-6:00 PM Hudson Suite HDSP I TALI TY RDOM--NCFR TASK FORCE ON WOMEN'S RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBiliTIES Manhattan Suite UfUVeJulUlj /Lt Sa" V-cego, Chairperson HaSP !TALI TY ROOM--NCFR TASK FORCE ON DIVORCE Ro~ e ItAn Exchange and Nurtuiant Socialization Theory of Personal ity Development ,II KeJultel1, Elu..teitl1 IMc.h.igal1 EmUy R~OWI1, V-cvoltce aOO MaiUt:cU: rUnic, Wan ik£f1g.t0f1, V.C., Cha i rperson Gramercy Sui te "Equity Theory and Social Exchange Study Power in Family Relationships)'1 Ma/L.lQ. O.omoYl.d l Ff.OJr.irfll S.ta:te U",tVVL6.Lty. SlulitOf1 Pk-tQ.e-Boflham, Ol1hrhoma Smte. U"'"V~,'t6"i;.ttJ and Robe.Jot Le-t/<, Uttivellh.Lty aD Mbme6ota, discussants 2:QO PM-3:00 PM Terrace Room Chairperson (All conference dele- gates are welcome to visit the hosp ita Ii ty rooms at any time) 8:00 AM-S:OO PM 8:00 AM-5:00 PM 9:00 AM-IO:OO PM 8:30 AM-IO:OO AM Counsel ing Session A THEORY AND METHODOLOGY WORKSHOP BUSINESS MEETING 1:30 PM-2:30 PM PM Vavid I(ni.i>l<e/t.I1, lInivelLlHy W.u.Q.OI~l"[" Directed Training Program in Family Therapy," LMlty Smte Education ROUND TABLE COFFEES {Please see enclosed sheet for 1 ist of topics and instructions for stering for a coffee~ Round are limited to 10 persons, and you must make a reservation in advance. ) 7:30 PM-IO:30 PM OPEN I NG PLENARY SESS I ON Address: "Social Change, the Family, and Sex Differences ,II La.i.!! WtarLLo H06(,mlln, 1I11t"E)L6.itU D6 /.Iich/gllil 1I11).lIc'<.6.ity un SC1l.LtitC.'tH NCFR Pres t dent~ Ca'Lf.nlted pres i ding 8: 00 PM-M I DN I GHT RECEPTION SPONSORED BY THE J. C. PENNEY COMPANY. Reception "Jill be held in the McGra« Hill Building, Little Old New York Mea. "The New York Experience!! will be featured, Film shown at 8:30 and 10:00 p.m. Refreshments Bo~tol1 Principles Approach to Teaching WMtey BuJ1Jt, MlVtgalte-t J<'.I1.6"-11, and LaMlj Bltady, BJt,4Jhrun VOl<llg Session B Teaching the Total Family Un-i:veJ'J.:.Ltf} VOl<g.ea:;~ Sp~el·dde, PwtdUe U'UVeJulLtlJi LoLl WalilleJulmlln and AblUlhrun . Wal1dVWIl1lIlI1, GeOitge Peabody CoUege.; Sa.!La Taub""", V,~exet UIUVeJuI-L.ty NeiUYlall, 3:30 PM-S:30 PM Con6talttlf1e, Ho~pLt:cU: 5ess ion A CaMle£.( UnivcJuLty; TaM Hyatt, Cummtln-Lty Advtl!H'A!.merlt PlLoglLcr.m, CambfLtdge, M(LMachMett6; BalLbalLll UfLtVeit-l.Lty 0 Ii Rlwde IM.al1d; Ill1d Rl<6oeLt SlnI:lJCt, UllivVWI.Gty 0(, Rhode Buud, panel ists od a"t Mad.u.Oll I'Designed Experience ~ A Multiple Goal SPEC I AL SESS I ON COlmeetlcu,t; Mottle SHlalLt, rperson "The Negative Effects of Marital and Family Therapy," AU1l1 S. GUl1Jnan Ilnd SESS I ON FOR ORGAN I ZING AN INTERNATIONAL SECTION ON THE FAMILY Rtt6.6c-CA~ Sage Co.e.e119e.; PhiLip NCLUlI<111, lifl.tOIl CaUcg e; LauJitl S!1Hlil,t .. UnLvC./t6Ltlj o~ NoH!! Hazards of Teach Ing and Learning Family Therapy}1! Howalui Uddte Ilnd IUc.l1llJid Hupin, Tempt" llJuveT.,IHy ORI ENTATION FOR ROUND TABLE LEAOERS HMp.i;t(LC; Joal1 pJt.lV(Lte IJiUtC.ticc, ACtOl1 , Ma.J.>6a.c.iJ!LJ..e,tt6; MaJtgalLc.t Feldman, I.tleaca CaUege; Fetdman, SECT ION MEET I NGS I Use of Audio-Visual in Counseling liThe Use of Films in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Sexual Problems," Siean CoLey, U',"lveJulay ClVtoUnll /Lt CIUtpeL H.LU, Can6"mn;Unll Sa!i.lf.i06-Roth6C.h-LCd, Wlly"e State U",ivc)LJ...ity, Chai rperson 3:30 PM-S:30 PM NCFR EMPLOYMENT SERV I CE HOSP I TAL I TY SU I TE SPONSORED BY THE TRI-STATE COUNCIL ON FAMILY RELATIONS Sess i on B Jo"c.e SutUva", FilJJr.ida Smte lhUVeJulLty, Cha i rperson 3: 15 NCFR REGISTRATION ~[ehalta Pk-[ee, EVCOA Pltodl<,,"tionb, E"gteJ.~ood. New JVWley Bl'..'Ct Aarun<l, U}1.tVeitoLty 0(, 1II.t6C0l1.6.tfl, Chairperson. (For information about the pre-conference workshop vir i te Vit. AdruM a-t VepaJl,tl1len.t u6 SO,,"toCogy, UII""Ve!L6.Gty 06. W.i~Q.Or1L>il1, MaMbOl'l, W.u,c.on6in 53706) HOSP I TAL I TY ROOM--NCFR TASK FORCE ON BUS INESS AND INDUSTRY VO[(g.fiLI SpIt<?ftkte, Pl<ltdl<e UnivVWI-Lty, Theory in the Context of Family Theory ~ II Jani2. TIl.Q.U.pmann, UfUVeJulUy 00 W.u,Q.ol1L>il! IlComputerized Simulation of Couple Exchange: Proposal of a Method to Someitv-Lf.f.e. Cdtn oltn£a StlLte S.tJtM~ LawJt..QJ1Ci2. UIl-cVVWlLty THE FAMILY COOROINATOR EDITORS' MEETING Jal1lM W!LUVWI, UluvVWlLty 06 Geo!'<g-La, tha i rperson Utah S;tJrte UniVeJuI.{;t![j 10:30 AM-12:30 PM JOURNAL OF MARRIAGE AND THE FAMilY ED !TORS' MEET I NG Fami Iy Action Sess ion A Multiple Perspectives on the Middle Years: Pane 1 IITeaching About the Middle Years ,11 BeaWQ.e Bagby, llJuVr!M"Lty 06 IW,IO"W at liltDanll "Life Satisfaction and Adult Learning in the Middle Years,!! Ba;Lbalta Boe.t'xelleit, Ilt Liltcotlt lIttiVeit~Ltu on Neb~a.6I,a IITheories of Aging and Their Implications for Physical Status in Geoltge. F.Ltze-Ue, UV,{VCIL6.Gfy a 6 Rlwde L;.tlll1d liMarriage in the Hiddle Years,1! EdMlaltd the Middle Years," PafillM, AllIeit<icall! 6M Re.tiJtea PelLl 0 ILJ.. , Wa6i1"tng:tolt, V. C. IITouching, Importance in the Middle Years, II Je6J.iie Pot.teJt, ChiC11.go I lW"o,W "Developmental Psychology and r ts Application to the Middle Years?1t Flted s.tuUz, O"'tO S.ta.:te Univeu,ay llFuture Directions tn Public Policy for the Middle Years,H VOlLo,tlty Waugrunlll1, NaUol1llt I f16"Ut:u.te 06 HellUh, Bl'..tlte6da, Ma!tljund 1l0 ep ression in Middle Age Women Following Divorce,!! Kate. Voung, FtoiUaa Smte Ulr.iv~6aLj IlKinship, Occupation, and Premature Death in the Middle Years," Vel1~ La.dbltook, UniVe,"'lLty 0 6 W"t6eol14ill ILt Ma.du,OIl. Veal! Ho66man, II1d-Lan He!LUh Seitvic.e., HEW, Cha i rperson 10:15 AM-ll:45 AM Education Session A Va!ftotl, L~.gi6.ea.uv~ A~~i6tal1.t to SenatOlt Mondale, Wa.~lungton, COltne.U UrUveMU,,; Ma.~y AUen JoUey, AtneAican Home Ec.onotni"-'l A~Mc.ia:tCal1, WMitcl1gton, V.C.; A. s.i.dney JohMan, GeOltge WMMl1g:tOI1 Um.VeA~Uy, . . CI!lVLi~ F.lgLelj, PUltdu.e UIU.VeA~.cty, V.C.; f/ Fehfman, Fami Act ion ion f!, Cha i rpe rson Research and Theory Sess ion A Men, Women, Sex Rot~_s and Sexuality IIS ex as Play: Recreat i ona 1 Sexua 1 i ty as a Preference .Amon g and Wives,lI Ve,U'LL6 K. and Jay A. ManurU, 06 Nouh Cl1!l.OUna a.t IIS ex and Sexua 1 i ty Among the Elderly," ~y K. Gu.:teMc.lw.:ageA, St. Lo~ UrUve~~Uy of American Attitudes ta 1 Sexua 1 Relations: Survey Research of N.O. R. C, Data," Wei;, PlLltdu.e. Ultcve.MLty . " IIAndrogyny, Intimacy and Sexuatlty, LUyt~~ and Leal:Md ~M~, PertJt6fjLvavwl S:ta.te UIUVe.M.cty "Gender, Sex Role Equal itarianism t and Sexuality in Student and Parent Samples,ll RobeJt..t W~h, SECTION MEETINGS II Education Section Business Meetin~ Rebec.c.a Smah, UrUve.May 06 CtLloL{na a.t Glt£en6bolto, Chairpersan Pane1: "Direction of NCFR From Viewpoint of Leaders in the ion Section" Adolescent Parents: A Special Case of the Unplanned Farni ly "Adolescent Parenthood: An Introduction to the Issues)" John Bltu.c.I1., E, C. BItOWH Fou.nda:tLon, POFL-.,tfand, Ofte.gon 'IRising Rates in Adolescent PreMarital Coitus and Possible Causes UI1.lve.Mliy 06 'IAdolescent Parents: W. Stanf.ey /OUlgM, WMil.i.l1g:toy!, V.C. "Schoo 1 Age Pa ren t s : and Responsibil ities Advocates ," June..t AUia.'lc.e COI1c.eAlled wUh Pa.~ CJl-t6, WM h.i.n.g:to n., VC 11Demographic and Cul tural Impl ications of Adolescent Parenthood." Rodney Shaw, PopLd'.a.tloll I Jt6.t.uu..te , WM il[l1g.Wl1, V. C, Johl1 Bltuc.e, E. C. B'Lown Founda..t.Lol1, POJt..t1'al1d, Cha i rperson Sess ion B FeAl/.eU, W.i..U.Lam RoLol1e, Po "-'I , nUno.!.; S.ta.te Policies for Programs to Meet the Developmental Needs of Older Americans "Future Directions in Public Policy for Aging: Implications for Future Support of Innovative Social Programs and Research on VOItO;tillj Wllligmnan, MMufand; VOlta.thy fI"-'I:teA, C0!16UUant6, 1He.. , /.I.L(Cl'.; Sail J o.H. S.ta-to. Cha i rpersons Session B flo~e 06 Olt Ag-!Jtg, Repltl1..6elLta-ttvv.. WalJl1LrlfjWn, V~C., Mu..~-LeC B.~OWl1, discussant,. S.tephel16 City, V-lt<tgivua, Cha i rperson Research and Theory Sess ion A Jane.-t 06 s.t nga)JDIte lIPregnancy as a Coping System: The Phi 1 ipino Case,ll Ltu, Ul'uve.MLty 06 I.U£no.i..I, CILi.c.aga C.L!tc..te and ELena Yu., UI'UVeA~.i..ty 06 S·tevl1.l1 Sc.lciJlvo, Wc.e.ev..Ley Ma.Mac.Itu.~ e.t.t~ "Household, Family and Kinship as Mechanisms of Survival in a Changing Society: A Jamaican Example l l' IIFriendship Between the Sexes Some Problems,'! NOl'l.!t G.EctzefL-MCLCbin, Po~tra.nd S:tate UnLof'l'c6.dy lIMale/Female Similarities and Differences TeNl!!, lil1-i.VeAS·i..tU a6 tLt CiUI)J<!.E f/.i.U. W.i.U{a.ll T. tirUv('!l6.i..ty 06 CI~i."ago C.i.JteEe and U,"COI'1l.~.i..tlj urUv('Ju,Uy 06 Pc,tClt StdH, CliNY alld Nona. G.taz eJ1Alalb.i.l1, S:tc"te lIl1.tve.~.i.t!!, Cha I rpersons Sa.n V.iQ.go t Co10:15 AM-ll:45 At< Caunse 1 i ng Session A SECTION MEETINGS II Session B ~~~~~~~~~~~~, ion of Biofeedback Techn i ques in Psychotherapy,ll S,tofLU, tlJ"tV C/L6.tty 06 NOlctiteltlt I oLeu "lIhy Do They Have to Suffer So Long?" JamU F. CltowLeq, TiI~ Joim~Olt IJ1.6.tUu..te, MinJtea.poU~. Edl1lond b'JJ.UClt, Falll.LEy R('Xa.Uol1~ CeltteJt., LOlLLoville, KefLwc.I,y, Chairpersan Session B ~"7=c:T::-"'-U:=C:- Students: A Study of Stress and Success)" Ga...U: BMiwue, Sou.tI!6.t.e,ed, Akc.ltcgalt 'ICounselors~ Atti tudes To\vard Women as a Factor in the Clinical of Cases in IIhich the Had an Extramarital Relationship,l! fltedeA..icll Le.6 Ue.; J e.llfLt6 e.I UnLvvu,.!...ty 06 a.t AlbmlY. Je;ita.i.a Sd1lLi..tzelt, /.10 n;tc..ea.i.Jt , Ne.w J ~ey, Cha i rperson Family Crisis and Sex Roles lIThe Home as a Sex - typed Env j ronmen t: Impl icalions for l1arital Canfl ict,ll GCLl.t MeUolt, Plu.n'u.e U,J,i.Ve.MLty IIFam! ly Role Structure Following Pro long ed Sepa ra t i on , I I Ed net Hurl-telL, C"-ntelt II Olt P~i..s 0 J'[ CJl 0 6 WM S:C"ci{e;, Naval fleaLth R"-'I~aJLc!t Cel1..telt, Salt Viego "S ex Roles. Power Differentials t and Cop i ng Pa t terns of Spau ~es of A[coho 1 i cs l'l la.c.QueUne UlT.lve.-~.i..ty {j 6 a.t SLUl "Psychological Father Presence Families Experiencing Ambiguity of Boundar.y: ImpJications for Sex Role Research J II PuuUne. 06{lloll P~WOl1M 06 WM s:tJJri.lU, Salt flm"U...ton[I1, Unive.M.i..tu Mi.nneho..ta., discussant Pau.UI1e. BOM, UI1.lVe.M.ttrj Maci[6oR, Cha i rperson .10:00 AM-ll:00 AM Tasks and Legal A Study of Call ege 110m en ," EUzabe.tlt BU!i.n6 and MM;/;cll Coooey, S.ta.te Un{vV'..!..i..tlj 06 New Men/Women -- Sex Roles and Companionship "Across the Sex Darriers; Friendsh Betvleen Women and Hen,ll Pe:tM f/eltbeJt:t Lehman Co.Ucge, C.i..ty UILlVeM.i..ty eli New YOIt/' "Finding Time for Compan Couples with Young Chi 06 (ui6COt1.~bl' AFFILIATED COUNCILS BUSINESS MEETING Mo,jel Business Meeting. Ed and MMIj E.tte Bltallch, HUpltw Co it6lLe.tall,a , Edmol1.toVL, A(bvrta, CaJ1a.da Report on Form3tion of Canadian Region, JMon Mor..tgom~ILIj, Uyt.i.v~.i..t!J 06 AlbCfl.ta Other Business E. M. Ra.ULllg~,<z,uaLj 06 NO'Ltll CMo.Una at Chairperson GlteeJl,6bo.~0, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, CONTINUED II :00 AM-12:00 Noon 12:00 Noon-I:30 PM MEET I NGS OF REG I ONAL GROUPS IN NCFR AFF I L I ATED COUNC I L REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVES' ROOMS Reg Ion I--Voltothy B1.tmc.haJtd Reg Ion I 1--NolU1Ja ,l)wnaltR. Reg I on I I I - -Marctiut Cmue.y Reg Ion IV--MMgM~t Me.xaMe.Jt Region V--TheJ'ma VUYlrl Han6e>1 Reg Ion V I --VDltatl,y /U.o.[nge.Jt Region VII--Baltba.!!ll. Bae.ttc.helL Region VI I I--Jay Sc.hvaYlevehU Region IX--La-iJ.. FMO",," Reg i on x--V-i Rex60JLd Region XI--Vialllte. career couples! TASK FORCE ON WOMEN'S RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES MEETING RaJe SamelLv.LUe. rax.l6olt..,La State lIruvlVl.A.i.:ty at Salt VIego. Cha i rperson 1:30 PM-3 :30 PM HOSPITALITY ROOM--NCFR TASK FORCE ON AGING MlLlt.-Let BMW.... COIklttR..:tan:t, Stepltenl C~.ty. HOSP ITALITY ROOM--NCFR TASK FORCES ON MI DOLE YEARS, AND POPULAT I ON AND FAMILY PLANNING Vw" flo 661llan. rJ1ciLaI1 fleaLtlt SelLvic.e, flEW. Rwo. Nevada and Joltn BJt.uc.e, E. C. BJt.OWI1, POlLt.I'.and. OJtegan, NCFR REGISTRATION 8:00 AM-5:DO PM NCFR EMPLOYMENT SERV I CE 9:00 AM-IO:OO PH HOSP I TAL ITY SU I TE SPONSORED BY THE TRI-STATE COUNCIL ON FAMILY RELATIONS 8:30 AM-IO:OO AM SECTION MEETINGS III Counse 1 i og Session A Un.{.vlVl.Ally Commitment," Be,'t-t Kapwn, Ade.l'pli>L for TroUbled Couples Coping with Changing from Traditional SexDifferentiated Roles to Companionate Modified Sex-Roles Based on Preference J II PruJ'le.£it VeQI1.e!'~t, S.[Jt. GeOltg e W<lWaJn6 Fac.uUlf 0 AJt.t6. Mol1-tJt.ea£. AbJtaitam Klle""t"'~. Un.Lvl'!!"",.Lt/f 0 H<?nJty Omli.d, TJtal1611",t.tOna! Fam-U'.y RlUealtc.iI 111<I<tLfu;te. B~thei>da, MaJLywl1d "Population Pol icies and Age at Marriage," Sug.tyrona IlLWk.a. POPUllLt.UII1 V.iv-iJ...[Oit, lIni.te.d N",aolti> "Effects of International Tensions on Family Life," ShLmon Cron.tei'., K.i.bbutz Nwt Mo-tdeea.i. Llltaei'. II f/aavIo-MamU£a., UIUVl'JLJ.,.Lt" 06 f/wInk-i., FbLeand; Ro~e. Some.Jtville., Ca.U60ltJ'LLa S·ta..:te u,UVlVl.A.i.:t:y at Sail V.Lego; ami J. Hel1iLlj KOMan. 1II1-iVlVl.A.i..ty 06 MlLHaeiuu,e.U6, discussants Session B and Sex Role Problems in the Kinetic family Drawing Test,lI Ja~e6 E. GMai, PJU1Lt ht6.Utu.te. Judy,'t-t, Camp FMe GML6. LOl1g Ca.Ui\Olt.Ua. Cha j rperson Sess ion C registration is required. Fill out the form enclosed with this Newsletter and return with Annual Meeting registration. Enrollment will be based on a first come basis. ThIs workshop continues throughout all three Section meetings this day.) 11Workshop on Divorce Counseling,1I ShUla KeoJ!V!, Geoltgla S<tlLte. Ul1-ivlVl.Ally A.i..da Educat ion Sess ion A Chai rperson NCFR FILM AND FILMSTRIP AWARDS SESS ION 3:30 PM-5:00 PM PLENARY SESS I ON Presentation of the NCFR Student Award, (a<tol McLeotM flobMIl. lIn.lVelLl.i.:ty 06 NOlLtlt CMoUna ",t Gltee/1.6 bolto, Cha i rperson Address: "Adult Male Sex Roles G.tu'f Sehoal 0 (; Med.cell1e MaltgMU Saw-Ltt. COnJttR..:tal'J.t. Roehe&.telL, Ne"v 'IOltR. 1Ueharcd BJt.awn. U,uvM<6-i.:ty 06 NoUIt CaltoR.i.ta, G,te.elklboJto. pres j ding Session B and Res i stance to Change," RobeJt;t W<uc.on6-Lf1-Stout • CiutJtR.eo Pe.:tJtatlek., Indiana State. lUc.Ita.rcd Ke,~Qk.h06 6, PuJldue lrtttVelL6.i.:t:y pres I ding FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1976 7:00 AM-8:30 AM 1977 ANNUAL MEETING PROGRAM COMMITTEE MEETI NG Malty Lou Pttltc.ill, Stepltenl CoUeg e, Cha i rperson Sex Roles in Various Cultures MaJr.y Hotvedi, Saf1gamof1 StlJ..t~ UltIvlVl.Alllji PccVUc..[a Bill Sc.o-t-t. Ul1-ivlVl.ALty 06 Tef1nu,;e.e; and JC;I1-if1e. Zf1J1b,c.het. UfUVlVl.A.Lty af. Bet£. LaTltobe lI'ClVlVl.A.Lty, AIL'..tJt.aR.i.a. aM Temple UI1-iVelL6.Lty. STUDENT BUS I NESS MEET I NG AND SOC I AL HOUR CMol Mc.Le6te.Jt f/ObM.l. U,uvelL6Lty 06 NOlLth CaJtDU,m a;t Glteen6 bolto, Cha i rperson Divorce War kshop (Enro Ilmeni:limTted to 50 - pre- KI bbutz," SMa Tav.bI/1. UI1IVeAi>.Lty IIBirth Order and Alienation Among 2:30 PM-3:30 PM Sex Roles 'IReflections of Family Interaction LIThe Middle Years on an Israeli Tomc.h, Bo£<)I'.L'l{j Glt.een S<ta..:te Ul1-ivMJ.Lty. 101m Mogey. B06tal1 lIfUVelL&.Lty, 6 /3JLi.dg cpa1ot. Co I1l1ee.t.i.c.u.t, Cha i rpefson "The Double Standard." Etc.ltte.Jt. OI1-tcv-~o T1kI<t; Q 6 S.twii.eo It! Educ.a.ttot!. NCFR BOOK EXHIBIT M.iMoUlLl a;t K1ln6{1/) C.Lty UI1-iVCM.Ltlj Regulating Methods in Cross 8:00 AM-6:o0 PM 06 IIShort Term Counsel ing Strategies Cultural Perspective," 5:00 PM-7:30 PM Sex Roles and Counse 1 i ng 110ecision Making and Sex Role Stereotypes Among Ang 10, Black I and Chicano Couples,!! RO¥U1£.d ClLOl1Jwett, 11Promiscuity, Sex Roles and Family SPECIAL INTERNATIONAL LIAISON SESSION "Acceptab i i i ty of Fert ill ty UnLveAI~A:y, Cha i rpersons 8:00 AM-5:00 PM OPEN SESSION Mid-Marriage Role Change Vavld and Glll;'y K{.e.ill, U,UVlVl.A.Ltlj 06 Mlnl!eoo<ta. Ge,tltaJtd Ni!ll.bec.k., U,UV<?JLI.Lty 06 Mi.J1ne6o.ta, In terv i ewer and Cha i rperson Co 11 ega Women in Lebanon, 1\ V.[Jt.glnia. Chairperson HOSPITALITY ROOM--NCFR TASK FORCE ON THE ABUSED CHILD Hope Be.Jtn6tun, FfoWM Hill P~yQho.tlte.Jtapy artd CounJwng Ce.l1-tell, RO~<eYfl. New i'olt.11. afld Veafl K''lLl.dJel1. Pttltrill.e. 1I,uVelL6.l.ty, Co-cha j rpersons MOlrJLuon a.nd a/1d BMbQJr.a KJtlLgelL, Edmon:tol1, Mb<?JLta. V.Lal1l1e Kie.Jten, Ul1-ivlVl.A.i.ty 06 M.b<?JLta.. Cha i rperson 1:30 PM-3:30 PM NCFR FILM AND F I LMSTR I P EXH I B IT 8:00 AM-G:OO PM NCFR AFFILIATED COUNCILS LUNCHEON "Coping with Dual Careers,ll-- a video tape interview with four dual MUlLiet SrneJ';tze.Jt; Vavid afld Elaine BMlleo; Pue.Jt and B~t;.tJ.J c.~OW/1; 1ameo 12:00 Noon-I:30 PM 8:00 AM-G:OO PM presiding Fami ly Action at EvanJville. 2:30 PM-4;oo PM ,FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1976 CONTINUED 8:30 AM-\O:OO AM Research and Theory Session A SECTION MEETINGS II I Children, Siblings, and 'nlaws Counse 1 i n9 Session B I'Sibl ing and In-Law Relationships in Hong Kong: Impl ications for Role Reorganization,rt SheJ'J'LL{ Ro~en, l1aJtvaJui UI'Li.V <VL6,uy , Ea6t Ai>.i.aYl Ce;LtM itA Comparative Analysis of U. s. Session C who have pre-registered.) Educat ion Session A NolCtlt CaJtOUYlCl at GlLeerv.l bOJro, presiding Session B AlI1'.Il1e Rub,lll, BJtoo/i1ljlt Co.egege; lud.Lth MUEM, CotolLado State Ul'Li.v eJLl>,[tlj; L e"lie Liebeltmml Li?()t1t1ltd Ltco<?tlUrran, Cen.t'ULt UntVeJL!i.tV; R,ici1aJtd /.IoJtley, UniVeJL6Lty 06 WL6COMiYlStout Fami Action ion A and Psychological Effects of the Menopause on Black Women," lacquiline Jaelu,oll, V,,/Le U,""veM-Uv MelUeae Cel'l-te-t Presentation by HaJtl1.-L~t P.LEpe-E, rEI1Med PaJte.rltltood i Wo~_t.d POPllCCl-tiOil R06e SaIllMv.u~Ee, U"cLveJL6.Lty 06 CI1Uti OlLlLll1 at Salt Vieg 0 , Cha i rperson Session B Research and Theory Session A LOYo.Eo. liThe Future Impl ications for Changing Sex Ro 1es, II JrunM A. Levine, WeLEeA.eey Coucege lIPatriarchs, Victims or --Alternative Male Roles Western Farni ly,1t Ca)wC State Ul'Li.vM..o,ay b Nevi ROUND TABLE LUNCHEONS (Please See enclosed sheet for list of topics and instructions for reg i s ter i ng for a luncheon. Round tables are I imited to 10 and you mus t advance. ) at BURGESS AWARO ADORESS f1Kinship Mapping and Fami Iy Organization,!' BelLl'ulItd Fa.-'LbeIL, AJtiwll11 SttLte U.uVeJti"UV, 1975 Burgess Recipient. Pll.l.Li BulLCQ11 06 ,tile Ce.116ll~, SECTION MEETINGS IV a in Fami Iy Therapy,lI Model NolCtilC/U1 Ca.l:aiUldo and CaJtot HheiUdge., State UrcLV<VL6'u1j 06 New YOlLkiCollege at O.l:d WUtblL"Y, Vagwong, Pen'!.6ljEva,Ua State U.uvV-,A,alj • Jeanette Mtl1lw66, 1,loMae PlLobl1tLol1 Ve.pll1ltment, New VOlLl" Cha i rperson Session 8 itA Conceptual Model of Interpersonal Attract ion (Centers ~nstrumental Theory) Useful in Marriage and Fam; Iy Counsel Ree6e Kilgo, o~ Co-cha f rpersons Sess ion B Mode Is for Counse Ii n9 I UrUveJt<l'ulj ° Oui LVMtbulLY Fertility Behavior: Roles and the Couple Relationship From the Male's Perspective,!! Jan f!i1JrJLeit, Nal'telj McCIlIIHey, and Bev(!/cEv K'uhea'kt, TeXa6 Tech UI'I,LV <VL6ity liThe Ma 1 e Comm i tmen t to Equa 1 i ty: A Capital ist/Social ist Comparison,'! V.i.mH~. B-il'u,on, SiWt-eev NuM I1nd Stllala Ui.eIJI1W, Wl1yne stCl-te Ul'Li.v<VL6,"ty. RobeAt StUll, urciv<VL6'uI/ 06 NalLtIJM," CotolUlda, discussant. RobeJLt StUll, U'UV<VL6,uy 06 presiding Counsel ing Sess ion A TeachJng About Sex Roles PLENARY SESS I ON Presentation of Award. Patte GUd" BMetlli 06 Cell6tL;, Cha i rperson Presentation of Osborne A\-.tard. Maude PM/l(Ul, NeJoJ YolLfz CLtlj Schoo.l: Vi.;,tJLi.c..t Address: IIMan and Woman as Sexual Partners,ll Jay Mamt, UnA.veJt6Lty 06 CaUtiO>dUa at Sill!, W,[eUam c. llL., PI1.-Lvate PlLae.tic.e J Gli..O,j,).6e M-idd.fjltJl, presiding 2:30 PM-4:oo PM caU6o,~;,,[a La lolli, SaJ'illlt SIw66nl'A, U.uveMLty 06 Session B 1;00 PM-2;OO PM Experiential Session in Family Strengths Hv-.bel1.-t O,tto, Cer&tM 6aA .tI1e. Vevei:opne,U; 06 ilWnCln pote,ttine, and Ca reef" Ro 1e Expectations: A Longitudinal Study," Pa.;tJUua KYlaub, UI'Li.V<VL6,uy 06 Neb,~a6ka at Uneoi:t!, lac.QueLille V04~ I1nd lolm VeFJULiJl, Ul'Li.v(?M.,"tv 06 Neb1UL6fza at Ltncob'l, Co-chai rpersons 12;00 Noon-2;OO PM Divorce Workshop Shwa Ke.;6!1'A, GeolLgia State. Univ<VL6Lty (Thi s workshop is cont i nued from the morn i ng and is open on I y to those Interaction and Sex Role Perception in a Simulated Career PI ann i ng S i tUB t i on, II Ramona. Mw'Wtz, UUil S:ta..te UI'UV<VL6,uy ItMothers and Daughters: Soc i a i i zation to labor Force Participation,li V. Rey, Kal:mnazoo Coi-Eeg e 10;15 AM-II:45 AM lysis for Dyadic Transactions," G. Hugh AUJred, /3JLigham Young U;t[vvuLtIj LClw"c.l'1c.e UngeJl., Wu,t Seneca, Ne10 ValLI< Oevei:opmeYltaE CentlYt aYld CIU1.dJLe.n' 6 P6Ljc!Ua.;tJUC CC.ntl'A and Mexican Intra-Familial s Making and Sex Role Stereotypes In Anglo, Black. and Chicano Coup les ,II V,LC.,tot. . tVlC. Clwmwe,U, Wyando,ttr. Cow'"tlj MentiLE fieaUit Cel1tVt, Km"6a6 "Mobl1ity. levels of Satisfaction, and Power Relations in Black Middle Class Fami lies," HM!LLcA:te MeAdoo, Howaltd Univel'v;Lty Sd100i: 0:\ SoeLaE WOILII. HParental Variation in the Transmission of Ethnicity Among I tal ian Americans,l' Cofteel'l JohfL6on, SYl1.aCl-Loc. Un-iV(ifd-ittj HAnother look at Black Males and Role Modelling Processes,ll Ronald Tl1ljEolL, UnA.v<VL6,alj 06 COI1nec..UC1!t tlChanging Theoretical and Methodol Issues in Studying Black i e s, 1I MaJ&Ll! PeteJL6, Un,"v(?M,[tLj 06 Connec..ti.C1!,t. Ma'Lce Pete"6, U'LlVefL6[tv 06 Connect£c.u-t, Cha i rperson SECTION MEETINGS IV .1.11 HUH,Uv.LUe and Consequences of Women's Involvement in Manis Domain,ll Seelll1 Kohl., We.b6,telL College "Sex Roles and Survival Strategies in a Midwestern Black Community," Cl1lLO.l: Sue", VUlle. UlUvefL6.Lty -7- FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, CONTINUED 2:30 PM-Ij:OO PM Research and ,~ ~15 PM-5:45 PM SECTION MEETINGS IV "Being Separate and Equal: Black Carib Marital Relationships,1I Session V.i.,gL,~ia Ke!til~, u,UV<?~;.L.tlj l.u.i.l1o.i..; ~t Ultbll!1a. Family Action Session B 06 IIWhy Migrant Women Make Their Husbands Tamales," B~<?tt W.i.eLUv'1.6, AllIe?cLCIlIl llJ,.i.veJt.;.i..tlj IIFrorn Love to Dependence: Middleclass Marri West Germany Salamon, Ult{.ve~l.i.t" 06 a-t Ultblll1ll. SOltljll SIlEcullOIl, 1I11.weuLty 06 and Japan, II PI~ «ohw", Un.i.ve4Il.tlj CoCwllb.La HThe Farmerls Wife: Contradictions and Conscquenccs of \~omen I s Involvemcnt in a ManIs Domain," Seellll 13. Koirt, WC.b~.tM Co.Uege, S.t. Loui;, MG16oUJ~ HWhy Migrant Women Make Thcir Husbands Tamales," BlLe·tt W.i.i..ciamo, Am<'-4L",," Uni.v ('.1[I.Lt(, liThe Decision to Parent or Not: Normativc and Structural Components,11 Ml.VLCia Ga.Lt Oltlj! Cha i rperson Counsel ing Session A Mad tal Role Prescriptions Bltuee. BJr. OH.llt , UI1.[veJt;Lty 06 fiaJllp.;i1lJtC. lIWork and HOUSC1tIOrk: Family Roles in Productivc Activity,1f ShalLO¥! N.idwth, Ul1ivcr.h.i..ty 06 M.i..I..IOUJct- 06 Na4tlr eMotentl a-t GlteeILlbo1[o, 4: 15 PM-5:45 PM and the Emergence Wives STUDENT SYMPOS I UM Ca.~oC MeLQ.6.t<?~ Waf-Ute e FuLto l1, Equ..! L.i. 6e AM,,"~.Cll1ee Soe-i.ety, New Vo.~h CLtlj. Vougfa.; Sp![el1iU!.<'., P""tdu<'. UnLl) QlLO,Lty, Cha i rperson Research and Theory Session A Ta.i..nO';.1 ~t tlltbm1a., Cha i rperson 3:00 PM-5:o0 SECTION MEETINGS V "Industrial Perspectives on the Work-Famt ly Relationship,1I SECT I ON MEET I NGS V Issues in Counseling IIMorality and Family Counselin9,11 Ned L GClyUJl, UI1.LVIY'l..;.i.ty 0 ~ MMU·wlld IICohabi tation: Does I t Make for a Better Marriage1 11 Ca.nJ: A. Rid.f.eLj, TeX[(; Teeh UnLVIY'LI.i.t[l, Van Pc.t<'.lW'lln, PW(My.CVlll1.ia S ta tc UnLvCMLtlj, lli1d A!ctlw.1J. AV<!.J[lj, T eXM Tec.h UI1i.V~I.i.ty IIMsrriage or Fami Iy Counsel ing hfith a Single Participant: The PulLriut! U'I.(vt2/t~,l.tlj "Transi tion to Motherhood," KClACI1 Sr'CM.CU, lIn.l\lVI,; i.t1j TUllloil Mt!a.teaf Cente/!, Ci7.ieagu lIFirst Pregnancy, Sex Roles, and Marital Power,I' RaCpil LaRo-:.\6t1, un Dynamic Interaction of One,1t Evetun HigM, Wi.,"d~M, Co 111"1 ecti.c.u,t , John EdwMdJ." G.'LeeVL;bo1[O, NOll.tll Ca}wLLn.ct J eha i rpc rson state lIi1iv".~litl/ CoCCege Session B Fe [fiJI/eli!, the PsychoLo~ Uni\}£J't~(_tlj,,et, Poli Session B Ange.tl1l, 11Alcohol i"sm and the Impact of lntrafamial Discord - Affect Parameters: A Conceptual Utilization of the Fami as a Subsystem," /.I.U.w,ed W.LU.illlll pa-tcJ'<.4on 06 Nell! C(JJ1!1C,C,t Chairpersons Fami ly p'm.,ter and Sex .. Roles 11Verbal Competency in a SexStereotyping Dj lemma , I I Nanc.l! F.i.t=gcJ[afd alld Ted lin; ton, . PCJ1n6sr£1:aI'1.[a Sta'tu Lhriv(,,!(b ('.'tlj lITask Allocation and Family Structure in Worki Wives' Farni 1 i es,'1 Ill1d Jean JOl1e6, /.Iolmt Ca/lJ)'u Guitd, Pa.teAMfl, New Jeil.6ey Sz,i.novt1c.z, lfS exua l ity in the PhysLcian/Patient Relationship: A Learning Module for Medical Students/I C{Vtyl ;',·!oU, SCln9aJll0l1 S.t<lte UnLvOLI.i..tIj. CaJLE Li.-ch;tmar!., ofLO!1X, NeJ.\l YOfLr~, Cha i rpcrson PC.flYl6uCVallta State UI'J,tVf!)lA.t,tl{ IIMarital Po~er Processes in Multidimensional Perspective. 1I Wa.ttM GaCtz and LU·te La!tIMl, UI1.iveJt~.i tlf (J II M.bC,7 til "Bedfellows Make Strange Politics," VOJtothy [LeIlan, WfH'(',Cud;: CufCL'9(1 "Shift in Intra-Fami ly Power Structure and Resultant Conflict and Violence f " Sue S.'t(l~tl'lmt!.tz.r Univ(!}UJLty (J tl Vetawaltc IIPower in Marital Relationships,'! E1:a,.lnc, Geoltg.[a S.tCLti! Session C Educat ion Session A UI1.LVCJL~.Lt!l. SitMort Plt.iee-Bol1iJaJll, lIyUVCJr..l.i.tU afld Robe/tt Lcw-fA, V.UU1nc. Ki".C.lLef1, Un,{vQJu,.Lty Ramona!, Un-lV£lUi Lttj, di scussants ShMo!1, UniV(!/l.6.['t1f uf! Gc£'"tfj.ia, Chairperson - 1\lalLOt:, JUI1t! 11, 6:30 PM-7:30 PM Session B Resea rch on Sex Ro I es A:UIilIomc.ft, BowUl1g 7: 30 G1[C.~" PM sta-t~ Un. ivCUt.J.J.Lty UI~LvQkl.itlj o~ Utah! Cha i rperson Presidential Address: Va.rdoMCl S ta.te 81[od<'-4Lei<, Ul'uveJt;Lty Coc.tege al1d W.i.eLUvll Gtel1 IM.l.I.i..;~.i.ppi BANQUET Presentation of Distinguished Service to Fami lies AItJard) J. RieiJMd Connu.r.y, Plwhm, Calol).ado S·t<lte CU1[ti.l, HOSPITALITY HOUR Ca-U6 oltrutl, S.tatc Car"E~l(cd B. ofJ So,,"tlJVIn NCFR Pres I dent. COM-few.Una. Sa.~.iUM-R[;, Wayne State UruveJt.,~-i.-.tlj, presiding Musit and Dancing, courtesy of the Trl-State Council on Family Relations F am i fy Act ion Session A SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1976 Session B Industry and Family 8:00 AM-12:00 Noon MESSAGE CENTER FOR NCFR EMPLOYMENT SERV I CE 9:00 AM-2:00 PM HOSPITALITY SUITE SPONSORED BY THE TRI-STATE COUNCIL ON FAMILY RELATIONS 8:30 AM-9:30 AM ANNUAL NCFR BUS I NESS MEET I NG CaJLI'.ri·'1ed B1[od~iek, Uruve.uLt" SOu.thMIl CaLi~OlIll.i.a, NCFR President, presiding 06 ·8SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1976 CONTINUED 9:45 AM-II:15 AM Counse 1 i ng Session A .1:45 AM-II:15 AM SECTION HEETINGS VI Open Fami ly Living "Enabl ing People to Change and Grow," TIlOmlt6 McG.lI1lUa. Coun.6eUl1fj al1d P~ijclw;theltapIJ Cen-telt, FCLiA Lawl1, NeJ,;J Je'tbcy. LLnda WaGtVCI, UIUve"-'l.Ltij Geoftg.[a, Cha j rperson Session B Research and Theory Session A 60ft and Sex Roles: ImpJ ications 11111 May AMab Ve./Li.a, Wayne S.ta.te U,.,"ve.'LIl.ltif. Cal1.ll.taltt.l1111 S"n.u:'lO'; - Rot/Ll en.ild, liH_{VeJl.!>.Uy, Way,,,? S.ta.te Chairperson 11:15 AM-Il:45 AM ali BUSINESS MEETING FOR COUNSELING SECT I ON BaJLba.\a Jame..;, U",i.Ve.Jt6.Ltlj ali IJolLth CaitO.UM a.t Chape)' Hut, Cha i rperson 11: 15 AM-I I :45 AM BUS INESS HEETING FOR RESEARCH AND THEORY SECT I ON Jac.quef,lnc W.iJ.,eman, Ul1lVeJL~LtLJ 06 Ca.U601,,~la CoLeege J VAAf),i.t1,i.!1, Cha i rperson Out-of-Class Teaching Techniques V.L Re.)[noltd aYid !>IMif Le.Q_ Wood, Un.eveJl.!>.lt1} 06 r daho SturLi.e..; in EdCLciLticm IIFami Jy Some Theoret U"clVeJl.!>.Lty. Flted V. Lump/elf!, NoJt6oJ:/l State. Educat ion Session A IIFami ly Sociology and Sex Roles: Some Theoretical Imp] ications,'1 MaitgrvU Eich1'e.'L. r f1~:tLtu.te. Children and Phase of the Family VelLmon,t !IThe Life Development Specialist: New Careers for Undergraduate Human Serv i ce Personnel ," S.tevel'l J. VltltLlI" Penn6ijJ:volt{a S.t."Lte JerrY! Veeve'L6 and J. ,If. 06 We..;.teJtl1 Sociology," Issues in Counseling llCorrelates of Depression: Presence or Absence of Chi Idren, Number of and Volto.thy MM., UYbLVe"-';.Uy Some Intervening Theoretical Implications for Family Wal1k.tll1, O, 06 Life Cycle," WaUac.e. Panid(!JJ, Un-lVeJl.!>.ltij 06 HOlLlda IiExpectat ions and Adopted Chi Idren: A Preplacement Counsel ing Program for Parents Interested in Older Ch j I d ren Adop t ions," ViLLe Go.f'.dlmb"" SECTION MEETINGS VI llOying to be Equal: c"t Salt, Cha i rperson 9: 00 AM- 3: 00 PM McAnaw WeUh, Nw Mexico iJnivtJ}1.6.Lty CMt AlLeeo, New J<Vc;cy FcuJllJ:y TR I-STATE COUNC IL AND DEPARTMENT OF FAHILY STUDIES, HEHSERT LEHHAN COLLEGE. CUNY, ANNUAL MEET I NG ANO LUNCHEON. Tri-State Council is holding its 9th Annual Fall Conference. Theme is: liE thn i city and the Fami is: Joe)' Keynote speaker p6yeh.<.a.vvi..olt. pJw~e.b-60!t, O.ILthoJt. A panel of vJorkshop 1eaders wi 11 respond to the speaker and then break up into workshops to continue discussions on such topics as Ethnic Families and the Definition of Hental Health; Father Power - Ethnic Variations; Sex Role - Differences in Famil ies Session B by Ethnicity; The Battered Wife Fami Syndrome - Ethnic Variations Effects on Fami lies of ng Ethnics as Deviants; Ethnic Families and Life Rituals Effects on Women 1 s The Dual Career Family - Ethnic Variations; Mother Portnoy 1 5 Complaint Is it '''other 01Rourke 1 s, Saltini 's SandovJskJ IS. etc?; Feminism and Ethnicity Conflictin;: eho ices 7; E thn i c Approaches to the Act ion ion A recent taking place in gard to mari ta I Panelists and subject areas are: Demographic Pant G./'.i.cll, U. S. mas t BWU::!.CUL £10 .thc. C!!Jt6!.L6 and Econom i c - Fami I y Bus i nes s: Father and (Son) (Daughler) and Mother; Effects of v.c. Rel 19 ion - Bf.'/ljLlj, V.lvoltec arid bytC/Cl'"" Research HeLen Fam{,Cl! sta_te Cunege, Services and Profess Emiey St,eM Differing Ethnic Background on Fami ly Cohes iveness. ,w_,"oU'_l.L!!'l; New Yo,,/, C-Ltif NU'~no-t/, 10:00 AH-6:00 PH POST-CONFERENCE WORKSHOP V.lvultee W,'·C{,lli·U!. and The soc-lite Re..;eMe/, The of the conjoint husteam ltJorkshop is to demonstrate innovative diagnostic and therapeutic art psychotherapy techniques sensitizing family members to nonverbal corrmunication and the revelation of genuine feel ings~ Morning session will consist of an interview with alive or simulated fami ly. Afternoon session wi}l involve participants in a discussion of their observations and didactic conclusions related to the specific uses of family art and pup- Emi.Elj SfLOVJH, ehai rperson Session B liThe Foster Family of the 1 5 ," Ka.thee.e.fl Samp.lvlI, Iowa Un.lve>w.Lty 11Single-Parent Fatherhood: Emerging Family Life Venl'l..i..!> Oz'Lt/Welt, An petry psychotherapy. Conference is limited to 30. Cost is $40.00 Wr i te Vlt. and MlkL GaAM, 155 We!>t 68th S.t~eet, Velmi6 NolLth a.t Ka.~w BIt('the~£dl, Un-lUeJl.!>-lty, di scussant. Gltai1am Spar,,[eJi., Pel'LlLtJYLvanca S.ta.te UH.LV e"-'6ity, Chairperson Research and Theory Session A ApM;tmen.t 15, New YOIl.k, Ne.a YOI'~ 10023. 1:30 PM-9: 00 PM (Continued Sunday) POST -CONFERENCE WORKSHOP ntegration,ll Gltee'L UUorJ Fax, Melt-'Ull-PaEme·, II~I-ti..tJ.Lte U,,",-V£A6.lty SI1Mod MillM, A1.lI1l1e..;ota (See enclosed flyer for details) NEWSLETTER CONTINUED -9- ACME PUBLICATIONS AVAILABLE THE ASSOCIATION OF COUPLES FOR MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT wi1) hold its annual North American Conference on Marriage Enrichment at the Hotel Roosevelt, New York City, October 23-21" opening at 1:30 P.M. The theme is "Marriage and the American Future. lI Keynote speakers will be HeJtbm and RobeJLta O.tto, Naliol·'aJ'. Ce.MM the Ex.p-c'ollalioll Hwnall Po.telcti.a..t, Sail V,ceQo; Ne.l!a Q',Vw.£., g.u.tI. and aJJJ:holU., - New YOIlI, CIty; Lob~el1z, ,ur~teJt, New ¥oljl, CIty; and KeLth VaughMtLj, FarnLey AMOGla.t.con 06 AI1le.",lca, New yo.,1l CJ••tU. I n add i ti on, a number of timely workshops ,,; I I be available. Write ACME at P.O. Box. 10596, WiMton-SaJ'.em, NOJ;.,tir CMO£..LI1O. ?i108. TASK FORCE ON POPULATION AND FAMILY PLANNING The Family Action Task Force on Population and Family Planning will present a section meeting at the Annual Meeting in New York City at 10:15 AM On Thursday, October 21,1976; the '"ii I be "Adolescent Parents: A Case of Unplanned Fami ly.11 Participants wi 11 Ca.tiIe!Li.l1e C/~e.mal1 o~ the U,·clvvu..Uy o~ W.ueo,u.£11 at Jal1e-t FoJ;.blU>h 06 .the NlLtLOnai. At.Ual1ee W.l.ti1 Sehoot PMe,ctl.; KAtlgeIL 06 the. Ve.rxu~tlH<?l1t and Rodneu Shaw 06 .the Johl1 .the E. C. BftOWIl On Friday, October 22, the Force Tl!om~ UI'lLv vu..Ity, V.{1.elll'lOva. Pe.nMLj-C.varu'n 19085 has about 30 cop i es each of two publications available without cost to university libraries or research depositories: NCFR PRESIDENT BRODERICK GOES TO AUSTRALIA The Family Life Movement of Australia is celebrating its Golden Jubi lee September 1-4, with a conference on I!Living in Faroil ies Today and in 2001, a National Consultation on the Family." BIlodeJl..Ldl will lead the Consultation and outstanding professionals on the Au s t ra I i an scene. I nc I ud I ng Ro-semalLU WI.!ILUl1g and ROtlai.d Conwau, will also contribute. You are cordially invited to attend, welcome at both of these eventS. and chi NCFR AFFILIATED COUNCILS On Friday, October NCFR Annual Meeting, the jl.tLdugCUI 48170. 19-20, 1976: ng. A Celebration of and Diversity will be the Annual Meeting theme. 1976, at 2:30 p.m. Force on Abused Children of the Family Action Section is privil sent VJ;.. Vb,een.t J. Fontana as the featured to preDr. Fontana is the 1",edicai Director and Perl is being planned for the whole family. pJ;.ogP.L!J1I el1ailJpeJ!hOI1, 74 C.ta.M!IOOJIl 066-LC(: BuA.Lding, U'tLVM..;.~tu 06 MiI11lrz..;ota, St. Pau-C., MLnlte6o.ta 55108. Write ROtl NORTH CAROLINA: The 1976 Annual Meeting will be held September 24-25 in Raleigh. Theme is "People Helping People." Vac-cd R. I'Jl.Lg, M.Ldclgal1 S·ta.te. UI'C(.VeIL;Uy, I s keynote speaker. Wri te President, Ke!1l1e;th V. Se.U, Vepa'Ctlnelct 06 SOGi.o.[ogy, Catawba of the New York Foundl jng Hosp i ta I; Professor of Pediatrics, New York University Col November 6, 1976: Fall Workshop on Violence in Contact President Bet.tu Ba~beJ;., 44599 C-C.ailJe \-Jill be most TASI( FORCE ON ABUSED AND NEGLECTED CH ILDREN of Medicine; Cha i rman of the Mayor I S Tast( Force an ld Abuse and Neglect of the City of New York; Chairman of the Committee on Child Abuse of the Medical Society of the State of New York; and most recently, recipient of an Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters from St. John's University. Or. Fontana is the author of over one hundred scientific and cl inical articles and four books, inc! the current best The vital inquiry will focus on issues affecting fam!l ies and family patterns in Australian society today. In addition focus will be put On the I!New Woman ll and her significance for Australian families. and the Australian male--his search for role and an identity, Best \\fishes go to the Family Life Movement of Austral ia on this important occasion~ v..d 11 sponsor an IIHasp ita 1 i ty Roomll throughou t the ,lfMtha Lamb~t; 06 WlMltLng.tofl State UltLve'Cl.l.ty wi l i o n hand to demonstrate a .ne\-J simulation game deal i vJith decision-making in adolescent sexual! MOl'lailan, Vep«"'tmen;t 06 Souo-C.ogy, VLttatJOl'a Nordh CalLo.Una 28144. president is LoJ;.",tta FoCey, 13536 MbelLta. NATIONAL FAMILY WEEK PJ;.Mident Grz..~a.fd FOlld is of November 21-27, 1976 as Nat the week PLEASE NOTE The inclusion of an item in this Newsletter does not necessarily mean that it has the endorsement of the NCFR. Bi;t'i~~~·Ff.oweIL HLCL!l'Jtaplj and COlm! ULI1g CelLteIL, Yolt/? are co-cha i rpersons of th i s task force. DO YOU WANT ANEW POSITION OR STAFF? ASSORTED LOCATIONS: COUPLE COMMUN I CAT I ON 1NSTRUCTOR TRAI NI NG WORKSHOPS are The NCFR Emp I oymen t Serv i ce \·Ii II be through Friday during the Annual Meeting. is urged. copies of resumes should be returned lvith the applications. WORKSHOPS, TRAINING PROGR.8.MS, CmlFEWICES AND OTH ER OPPORTUN ITI ES It ,iii I be difficult and ex- pensive to have photocopies made at the Meeting, For forms, lease wri te to Be.ttlj ,110=[.6011, NCFR AHluutf EmptOljmCJLt SeIL"Lc.e, 1219 UItLveIt6.i.ty SE, M.LI1neapo.e.i.;, M.£;me.w.ta 55414. for the fo11owing dates and locations: Houston, Minneapolis, Minnesota; Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Francisco, California, Washington, D.C.j November 12-14, Atlanta, Georgia New York, New York, San Diego, California; December 3-5~ Illinois. Con tac t : Tv,teJ;.pefL6 Dna!'. C0l1l1Htl11LCa.t.loll ? 0 0 I RLvei(l,$e. AVe.llLle, Mbmeapof.L6, M,LIII1<?6o.ta 55454 161 THE NATIONAL YMCA FAMILY COMMUNICATION SKILLS CENTER POSITIONS AVAILABLE UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA: of Chi Id and Family Development is an developmental ist to complement an interd sciplinary faculty who will be initiating a recently approved Ph.D. program in child and family development ·in September 1976. Ph.D. and demonstrated excellence in both research and teaching required. Preference given to persons with research interest and in areaS involving It-child interaction ,·lith socializing agents 1 parents and teachers). research and teaching opportunities, salary based on quafifications. Position available J or September 1, 1977, Ing upon availabil Send inquir and vitae to VepalL:tment 06 GeoJ;.g.i.a, CIL~w ified idates. and CaU6o't.IILa. 94025. Com i ng BEHAV I NG MOD I F I CAT ION WORKSHOPS by. BMT, Inc., include the following: San Franci September 17-18; Seattle October 8-9; Chicago, October 15-16; Orleans, November 5-6; Dallas, November 12~13; practicum and symposia. A'lcadia V~Lve, Tu.;caEoCM, CHRONIC ILLNESS, San The School of Home Economics is seeking a facul ty member for full time - 9 month appointment! with a Doctorate", or near Doctorate, in Family Relationships and Child (Home Economics preferred). The assignment fall will include teaChing Family Relationships but a person who can teach Chi.1d Development and Family Relationships at both level is desired. Write Own, Seiwof Home. EC0I10m'£Ch. U,cLvC)u,.l.ty 06 W.WeoM.tIl, S.teVeJH WLoco,u,cn 54481. Denver, December Nashvi1le, January 7-8, 1977; HaIVai i January 11,-15, Acapulco, February 11-12, 1977; Phi phia, February 1977; Atlanta. March 1977. The \'Iorkshops are both intensive 19-21, : Mhe.M, Gc.oJ;.gia Opportunity Employer. UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-STEVENS POINT: the undergraduate and Agl'le.; A. Jone.;, Ph.V., has avai lable workshops in many parts of thl United States on the following: Positive Partners, and Peop I emak i ng Through Family Communication. Write: FamLeu Coml1lul1.i.c.atLol·' SIutt6 Cell.te't, 350 SiJa r.ol1 Pard, DJ;..Lve, Suite A-Z3, MeltEo Pcude, Joan Ba.&.&infjeJt, M.D., 81 35401. WORKSHOP ON FAMILY, FAMILY THERAPY AND iico. Contact Oft. S. T. Al1de!L6ol1, 1375 SOlltl, E.tL;CO D«vc, 1.la1.LI1 PJ;ueIILat-1Lc C({..Ll6o'!JH~a 94904. CONFERENCE ON PREVENT I NG MALPRACT I CE PROBLEMS, August 6, 1976. TH I RO ANNUAL CONFERENCE ON CH I LO DEVELOPMENT: SOCIALIZATION IN EARLY DEVELOPMENT, UCLA, November 6 For both conferences vlri teo Heatth Seftv.ceel. UCLA P.O. 80K 24902, Lo~ Allge.te.', Ca.U6ollua 90024. 1976. Family Life Education Training for Teachers of the Phys i ca 11 y Di sab led: THE HUMAN SEXUAL I TV PROGRAM OF THE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN FRANCISCO has received a training to augment the training approaches to fami I ife from HEW Office of Education education teachers in ne'l-"J for disabled students. The program (a of three seminars given during the school year) is open to special education faculty in schools -10- of higher education 1 special education teachers, and spec~ ra1 education students during thetr practice teaching. Per iem, transportation costs within Callfornia t and continuing education credit is available. Write: Cw,.e.a Tl1O'~fLtOj1, R.N., M.S., Hwnall SexuaLwj PILogILam, LI.uv~v.,uy 06 CaLL60iLlua Med.Lc.a.t CC!JLteIL, 350 PMWU.6(L; Avenue, Su.i.;te 700, Salt CaLL6oiLni.a 94143. several THE GESTALT THERAPY INST OF LOS ANGELES has available July-December. Some of the cour ses tArt Exper i enCe /' I!A Gesta it Therapy Approach with Chi ldren and Adolescents,1I IIWomen , Gestalt and Sex," and "Gestalt for Couples. 11 Contact: Ge.6·D.ctt TheJI.{[py II16.ti;tute., P.O. Box 45255, LOJ Allg<'..E<'..6, Ca.U,60i[1l-La 90045. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA/DAVIS: October 8-10, 1976, Human Relations Training Methods. Approved through appl ied behavioral sciences department, University of California at Davis. Family Therapy, November 5-7. Fami Iy Approved department, Schaal of Medicine, Davis. bath workshops Universi write: UI~Lvi!.itJ·i;t1f Exten6,l.on, Vavl6, THE CALIFORNIA LY STUDY CENTER (Ventura County Offices) and the TRANSACTIONAL ANALYSIS GROUTH CENTER OF VENTURA COUNTY offer counsel and educational services s. We i te CaU60iLlua R.i.veJU.Lde ViUve, BMbanlz, 28-30, 1976: THE 7TH NATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ANO WORKSHOP ON "PROTECT! NG THE ABUSED, THE NEGLECTED, AND THE SEXUALLY EXPLOITED CHILD" will be held in Denver. Convened August 11 13, September 10-12, October 8-10, 1976: Chicago workshops entitled "FAMILY THERAPY WORKSHOP: INITIAL STAGE." October Il-Oecember 1976: Workshop entitled "A LOOK AT THE OTHER SIDE." Steve.n Jay Family and 3179, UIUVVL6Lty P.O. Bax G'lO-6<), MASSACHUSETTS: ASSOC IATES FOR HUMAN i Id of professionals in humanistic behavior Write P.O. Box 727, Massachusetts. 01742. MINNESOTA: THE GESTALT THERAPY INSTITUTE OF MINNESOTA offers residential training and/or growth programs in Minnesota and in Florida, including cruise In both locations, weekend seminars and Write P.O. Box 26410, MISSOURI: November ST. LOUIS will THE CENTER FOR HUMAN CONCERN IN a film festival for professionals In the helping fields \"'IIho are involved in sex education and Write /.IaJrie E. BelLnalLdy,,t, The Ce.nte." Humall 100 NOJttl! Euc..ud, SuLte. 205, St. oiLMO,jJ'cl 08. sex counsel ing concerns. NEW JERSEY: August 28-September HUMANISTIC PSYCHOLOGY will THE ASSOCIATION FOR Annual Meeting at Princeton University, on the theme liThe Journeyl1; registrants wi II embark on a stream of apt ions that wi 11 add up to a four-day pant. to each particiN~l1tft Wr i te )0 Vall StJre.e.t, by the Children's Division of the American Humane Sal1 FJral1c..Uc.o, CCLU6oiLl'Li.a Association in Meeting. Write NEW YORK: --------SOUTH BEACH PSYCHIATRIC CENTER annoUnCeS its Fall '76 Continuing Education Seminar with Sa£vadM M.i.nudun, M.V., on "The Structural Theory of Farni Iy Development and th the latter's IODth Annual P.O. Box 2788, Vi!.nveil. 80201. CONNECT I CUT: Allgust Adults On Growing 1976: Connecticut. t COlebrook, the NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF Wr i te: MiL. ChaAEe6 T. SMd<'..6011 CHRISTIANS AND C0I10eiti!.I1Qi!. Workshop for Youth and ca at Camp Jewell,~, III, NCC), 111 PiUV/..C: StlLi!.<'..t, HalLt6o.~d, Conl1i!.Q.ti.wt 06103. Y NATIONAL SEMINAR ON FOSTER CARE, COST AND QUALITY Clayton Hall, University of Delaware. BalLbMa s<'..t.te~ is Project Co-Director and Conference Cha i Wr i te ConrleIL''.IlQ~ and Cel1.teILJ, Jol1l1 M. Cuy.tolt Vel'.awMe 19711. Ulli.vcA6Lty 00 Ve..uuVMiI., Nwalti" l7t October 15, November Therapy," on Fridays 19, 1976 and , A.M.A. Continuing Education Credit lable. Write M.{.Uol1 M. BelLg elL , M.V., Sou.tlt P~tjc.hLa.tJt.i.c. Cell-te,t, 777 Seav.i.ew Avenue, S.taten T~eal1d, New Yoith 10305. THE INSTITUTE FOR RATIONAL LIVING has many workshops available throughout the summer, including I!Becoming More Assertive"; uProbJems of Daiiy Living"; 'IRational-Emotive Psychology in Life!'; "Meeting Women: An Assert iveness for MenU; "From Here to Maturity: A Workshop Ages 13-16"; and IISeparation, Divorce Institute at 45 S.tltee..t, Contact the YOILIe, New YOiLQ 10021. THE NATHAN W. ACKERMAN INSTITUTE offers several week-long workshops In a summer setting, including 1976: THE ADLER-DRE I KURS I NST ITUTE AT BOWIE STATE COLLEGE, THE AMERICAN ADLERIAN PSYCHOLOGY ASSOCIATION OF WASHINGTON are sponsoring a series cf ten ian Psychology prior to the APA convention. H. MQKi.Ev~e, Adteil.VILdlzw'l-'; Bowie S.ta.te CoUege, Botl>i.e., MV 20715. THE CENTER GROUP STUD I ES, THE PSYCH I ATR I C INSTITUTE FCUNDATION AT TRINITY COLLEGE, has many summer/ fall education available: Working with 3; Psycho-Assert i veness f Augus t 5 t with Parents and Fami 1y Groups, 24; Cultural Factors in i The Child as Patient, MLUM., Ceil-telL uOil. GJWUp Studie6 Avenue and FJranrun S:tltee.t 20017. DIVORCE WORKSHOP: The legal, emotional and practical a one-day grant funded multIdisciplinary for mental health professionals and 1awye rs. Pu rpose: exchange of prof j c i enc i es between these two in handling divorce. National and local authorlt on divorce wIll present information and models which should enhance the skills of those working "lith a divorcing individual. Write shdt.a. K<'..M.f.e.It, COllluc.u'ng Cen.teIL, Ge.Oil.gia S·tate. UrI.i.veJo...6Lttj, A.tWfLta, GeoiLg.,:a 30303. FAMILY INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO, CENTER FOR FAMILY STUD I ES announces severa 1 forthcomi ng workshops. Top i cs include Interface Workshop for EXperienced Family ists and Partners; Working l.tJith Fami 1 ies with an Member; Integration of Sexual Therapy Couples Group Therapy; A Day PiLoO<'..Mionai. EduQaUol1 TIt6.t.i.;t:u.te. 06 Ciu.cago/Ce.nterc naiL liMon, ClUeago, IlliMO.u, 60611. M.D. Intermediate Workshop in Family Therapy, August 1-6; Personal Style--Use of Self August 8-13; and Brief Therapy, August 15-20. To ire about workshops, post graduate training in fami It/rite the Institute at 1 and other courses S.-t'LrJ!.t, Nr!lIJ VC)JI.R, New Yo·tk 10021. OHIO: October 22-23: THE HUMANISTIC INSTITUTE OF OHIO offers a tWO-day workshop on Human Sexua 1 i ty in Co I umbus. This \>Jill involve and small group interact j on focus att tudes and feelings about a wide range of behavior. Explicit educational films will be te Rob~t W. B.iAd?, Hwnanu.:t.i.e 1568 GU.i.En01Ld Road, COlwllbw.., August November 18-20, 1976: Columbus WORKSHOP: INITIAL STAGE; OF CO-THERAPY IN CONJOINT FAMILY THERAPYi September CONJOINT COUPLE 10-12: THE FAMILY THERAPY WORKSHOP: INTERMEDIATE STAGE. Wri te Steven Tlte family und G.~Ollp Edu<1aUol1aE Un.LveJUuy S.ta:t.i.o,., Colwnbu~, IIU.tUute., P.O. Oluo 43210. PENNSYLVAN I A: 30-August 1, 1976: The Second National Conference on MEN AND MASCULINITY Vii 11 be held at the Holiday Inn, State College, 8~ workshops have been des as didactic sessions in which men ItJomen may explore male sex role today and the central theme of the conference. II/-len Supporting Men." Contact: RobelL.t Lew.L6, CaoiLdil1a.tOiL, 1953 PMk FOi[~t Avenue., State CoUege., Penlt6ylvan.<a 16801. TEXAS: Allgust 2-13, 1976: Texas Woman1s Univers! fiwllan Veve.topment Venton, TUM 76201. 28-31: WORKSHOP ON DIVORCE COUNSELING, Contact HOl1OiL Evyan WIUtl1ey, Tex,,", Woman' ~ UJuvelLouy, INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF SEXOLOGY in Montrea 1. Theme is International Progress in Sexology. Wd te Ro belL.t CluUJunan, InteILnaUonal COl1g~u. 06 Sewlogy, Que.bec, J3V 4P8. ROUND TABLE RESERVATIONS NAM'E -----=---:-~-----------_;:;:;_:;_T;"_::__T._:;_.c:;_:c,_------____;~,.___-------------PREFERRED _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- -_ _ _ _- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MAILING ADDRESS Indicate by number the Round Table Luncheon and/or Coffee in which you wish to participate. Please make twelve choices so it will not be necessary for us to contact you again should some of your selections fill before we receive your reservations. Reservations will be filled in the order received. Topics which are identical for both days are starred. Any exchange of Round Table tickets must be handled by individuals, rather than through the NCFR office or by persons staffing the registration desk at the conference. WEDNESDAY COFFEES, 3:30-5:30 p.m., $2.50 each 1st choice 2nd choice 3rd cho ice ~th choice 5th choice 6th choice FRIDAY LUNCHEONS, 12:00-2:00 p.m. , $7.00 each 7th choice 8th choice 1st cho i ce 2nd choice 3rd cho i ce 9th choice ~th choice 5th choice 6th choice 10th choice II th choice 12th choice No Round Table reservations will be accepted without accompanying payment. check \-Jhether you would 1ike the NCFR office staff to: 7th choice 8th choice 9th choice - ...~-- 10th choice 11th choice 12th choice If none of your Round Table choices is available, please _____ Place you in another Round Table Refund your check If you do not wish any Round Table substitutions, PLEASE SEND SEPARATE CHECKS FOR EACH DAY'S ROUND TABLE SO· THAT THE CHECK MAY SIMPLY BE RETURNEo-fO YOU IN THE EVENT A REFUND IS NECESSARY. TICKETS WILL BE MAILED TO YOU IF YOUR REGISTRATION IS RECEIVED BY OCTOBER 6. Be sure to enclose this form with your Annual Meeting registration form and checks. AMOUNT OF CHECK(S) ENCLOSED $_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _* * * * * * * * * 0 ** ** * ** ** *• ***** ******* ***** n ROUND TABLE COFFEES Wednesday, October 20, 1976 3:30-5:30 p.m. 1. 2. 3. ~. 5. 6. 7. B. 9. "The Teaching Family Model: Professional Parent Surrogates as Teacher for Delinquent Youths in Community Group Homes," Pau.l. AmmoM, Ma.ude. CMpe.l'LteJl. CIU!riJte.n' J.. Harne, Wi.c.IUta., Ka.MM "Intimate Interaction: Designing Meaning Networks," BaAbMa. AfI1l1i.,tAong, U¥li.VeMUy 06 AfVLon "Sex Roles and Etiquette," Pe.1Vt.f. BCV!.te.Lt and Mel/til. HufteJl., GlMJ..bOlto sta.te. "Modern Marriage Needs a Bigger Dream," Ke.n and Janet<., Twi.n Fa£1A, Idaho "The Father's Adjustment as a Single Parent," Jane. BWtge.J..J..-Kohn, U¥li.VeMUY 06 w.u.c.OMi.¥t-Wa.uR.e.J..ha "Who's the Better Marriage Risk--Male or Female?," BaAbMa. Jo Che.J..J..eJl., U¥li.VeMUY 06 NebltMR.a "The Sexual Revolution in Middle America: ARe-assessment," J. Ke.nneth Vavi.di.on, SJr.., U¥;v.,Uy, Be.nd "Fami Iy and Sex Role Expectations in Conjoint Marital Therapy," Va.v,£d and V-Ur.gbua. EdeM, ste.pheM College. "Local Family Life Councils-Organi..:ational Matters," Lo.u. L. FMone., Phoe¥li.x. College, Vi.a.nne Ki.eJl.en, U¥li.veMUy06 AtoeM:a. 10. II. 12. *13. ',~, 15. *16. 17. lB. 19. 20. 2 J. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. . "chajienges and Problems of the Two-Career Family," Se.£ma. H. GMa.i., New Sc.hool 6011. SoUal'. Re.J..eaJtc.h, New YOlI.k "Mid-I ife Satisfactions and Attitudes Toward Retirement: Rural-Urban Residents," Ruby Gi.ngle.J.., U¥li.VeMUY 06 Ne.bIl.MR.a "Masculine/Feminine Role-Related Attitudes of University Students in the United States and France,"¥li.a FlI.u GII.U¥ldi.tAom, Noil.theJl.n Mi.c.h..ig a.¥t U¥li. v e;v.,Uy "Women: Perpetual Minority," GUflgevic.h, Sou.theJl.¥l AJL.i.zona. Men.:tal He.alth Ce.nXeJr. "Programming and Organi..:ation of State and Local NCFR Affiliates," The.fma. VUM Ha.Me.n, Mi.c.rugan S.ta.te. U¥;v.,Uy "Permissiveness with Affection: Myth or Reality," GMY L., AubUfln.U¥li.VeMUy "Some Attitudes of Some Couples Using Natural Family Planning,",£a., Mc.hd.£oc.e.J..e. 06 WMrung.ton, WMruvtgton, V.C. "Romantic Love Complex and Sex Role Attitudes," MMY Hi.c.!v." Kay RUMR., and Shu60ll.d Va.v.u., FloJL.i.da. S.ta.:te U¥li.veMUy "Premarital Cohabitation: Facts and Theory," Je.66,'!.e.y MMR. Ja.c.que.J.., FioJUda. A a.nd M U¥;v.,Uy IlS ex Roles and Urban Health," Anne. E. JOlI.dhUm, Mng<.boll.ough CommunUy, New YOII.b. IlMaie and Female Capacities to Love," LC!WII.enc.e. KeJl.J.,ten, EMteJtn Mi.c.rugan U¥li.veMUy "On the Uses of Te I ev i s ion in Teach i ng About Sex Ro I es ," Le.J..Ue and Le.onaAd UebeJlman, Cen.tJul.i Mi.c.hi.gan U¥li.VeMUy IlThe Contributions of a Youth Organization to Fami ly 'Role Changing/Sharing," CMOiyn Love, Fu.twr.e. HomemaR.eM 06 AmeJLi.c.a. "Teaching Human Sexual Communication in the Classroom," MaJLi..f.yn MMon, U¥li.VeMUY 06 Mi.nne.J..ota. "The Home as a Sex-typed Environment," Ga..U F. MeLlon, PUfldue. U¥li.VeMUy "The Male Response to the Changing Sex Role of Women," CII.c:Ug E. Me.J..<.eMmLth, AmeJLi.c.a.¥t U¥li.VeMUy "Sex Role Perceptions and Predisposition to Singlehood," M. A. Najmi., Bnadie.y UniVeMUy "Professionals as Parents," MMY Oilo and Vavid G. smUll, Oakland U¥li.VeMUy (over please) 28. "The Role of the Family in Social and Economic Development: Part I," Malty C. Rainey, Miwga.n S;(;a;te UMVe;u,.{;ty and Be.a;ttUce Paofucu, MidUgan Sta.U UMVeJU,Uy 29. "Father Involvement with First-Born Infants and the Effect of Infant Sex, Developmental Status and Temperament," E. Rendina, BowUng Glteen 30. 31. *32, 33. 34. 35. 36. "Fami ly Cluster Education - Six Years Old! ," MaltgalteX M. Saw-i.n, COIU>uLta.n:t -i.n FQJnLey Edueruon, New YOltl< "Teaching the Sociology of SeX Roles," Ka.:t:h£.een F. Slevbl, UMve;u,ily 06 R-i.ehmond "Developing Support for Married Student Families," Flted and Gtoua S.t;uUz, UMVe;u,Uy 06 Iowa "Is Child Abuse a Sex Role Problem?," CeeeLLa E. Sudia, 06Mce 06 CWd VeveLopme.nt, WIL6Mngton, V.C. "EXceptional Children: Parent-Family-School Involvement Workshops," Taylolt and VougllL6 Splteni<te, Pu.ltdue U;u've;u,Uy "Designing and Delivering Family Education through Existing OrganiZations," HeJtman, U,uon College "Fami Iy is Future," EUnolt M. Wol66, UMVe;u,.{;ty 06 Hawa.-U ROUND TABLE LUNCHEONS Friday, October 22, 1976 12:00 noon to 2:00 p.m. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. "Loca I Programmi ng," Maitgaltet Mi.-tue AlexandeJr., FcmU.ty U6e Counc..U 06 GlteateJr. GlteeVl.6bolto, Nom CaltoUna "The Challenge of the Family Counselor to Help Chauvinist Husbands and Fathers Accept the Liberation of Their Wives and Daughters ," 14i.lua.m E. BeJr.geJr., FembU-.6t TheJr.apy Collective., puvate. Pltac.ti.ce., Jamaica, New YOltl< "Factors Con t r i but i ng to Ma I e I nexpress i veness ," Jael< BaUcicl<, UMVe;u,Uy 06 Ge.oltg-i.a "Sociodrama: A Technique to Evaluate and Clarify Sex Roles in the Family," Le.e. A. BlIL6l<e., St. John'.6 U,uve;u,Uy "The Use of Art in Teaching Concepts of Masculinity and Feminity," Maltgaltet M. Bubolz, Miwgan S;(;a;te. UMve;u,ily "Punctuation and Power in Families," Von J, Cfvt.ihte.Vl.6on, Aubu.ltn UMVe;u,Uy "Counter Movements Wi th i n the Women's Movement," LaUJue. Vav-i.d./Jon Cwnm,{.ng.o, VougllL66 "Middle Age as a Grief Process," Wallace. Ve.l1-ton, Pu.ltdue. UMVe;u,Uy "Parent and Chi Id Enrichment - An Educational Program for the Fami ly," Baltbalta F-i.nn, Me.he.v~e. Schoot V.wtUa, St. Lou.,{.o, ~w...ooUJU 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. ;'51. 52. *53. 54. Couples' Reactions to a Marriage Contract," C. VIllUeL F.wheJr., St. La.wJte.nce. UMVe;u,Uy Impact of Sex Roles on Moral Development and Creativity," B~ and Ba./tba./ta. FoJti6ha, Bowling Glte.e.n Sta.:te. UMVe.It.6ity "Realistic Family Life Education Replacing Myth and Fantasies," Jo.oe.6 E. Galtai, New Schoot 601t SoUa£. Re..6e.altch, New YOltl< "Adopt i on and the Revers i b iii ty of Trauma Hypothes is," Vale. GoldhabeJt, UIUVe;u,ity all VeJt.moVl-t "Interactions with Pregnant Strangers: Social Support or Social Control?," LaU/ta. KltQJneJr. Goltdon, MoVl-tc.!tUJL S;(;a;te. "Women: A Perpetual Minority," Ste.ven, AUzona Vepa.Jt.tme.Vl-t 06 He.a.tth SeJr.v-i.Ce..6 "Masculine Anxiety and Opportunities for Sex Role Affirmation," Je.66Jte.y P. Hal1-toveJr., VandeJtb~ Un-i.veJr.-6ily "Some Attitudes of Some Couples Using Natural Fami Planning," V.iJtg-i.Ma He.66eJtnan, Altehdioce..6e. 06 WlL6hington, WlL6hington, V.C. "Contractual, Working Separation for Troubled Marr A Step Between Resumption and/or Divorce," Eve.R.yn S. H-i.ght, U;u've;u,Uy 06 Conne.c.ucu.:t 57. 58. "Mothers - The Makers of M-E-N," P. K. Houde.l<, Puvate Pltactice. 06 MMUage. and FQJnay CouVl.6e.Ung, KaVl.61L6 CUy, MiA.oOUJU "In-Service Parent Education through Commercial and Non-Commercial T.V, ," Gle.nn Je.Vl.6on, Utah State. UMve;u,ily, LogaVi. "Promiscuity, Sex Roles, and Family Commitment," BeJr.:t L Kaptan, Ade.R.pM UMVe;u,Uy "Extramarital Experience of Urban, Educated, Upper Middle Class Mothers," Janet Vav.w K.weJt, CouVl-ty Ex:te.Vl.6-i.on Ch~pe;u,on, WIL6Mngton Sta...te UMve;u,ily 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. "The One-Chi ld Fami Iy--A New Life-Style for Parents ," Knox, ElL6t Caltolina UMVe;u,Uy "Highly Competent Girls and Delinquent Girls: A ComparatiVe Study of Value-Needs Self-Concept, and Sex Role Orientations," HMUet K. Ught, Noltth Vako-til S.tate.;u,ity "Fami 1 ial Correlates of Androgyny," JudLth Lyne..6.6 and Le.onaltd NaltM, Pe.nVl.6ylvruUa S;(;a;te. Uluve;u,Uy "Men's Liberation in Capitalist SOCiety?," Ge.oltge. T. Mcvr..ti.n, JIt., MoVl-tct~ S:ta.te. College. "The Changing Role of Women and Its Impact Upon the Hi I itary System," Ham.u.ton 1. MeCubb-i.n, Ce.Vl-teJt 60ft PJti6oneJr. 06 WM stuMe..6, Ca.U60ltMa 64. 65. 66. 67. 66. "Cultural Support Systems for Qual ity Fathering," McVonald, UMVe;u,Uy 06 Al<!ton "Changing of Sex Roles at Retirement," Joyce. MeJr.ueJt, Iowa S:ta.te. UMVe;u,Uy "What's a Housewife Worth? Women's Economic Role in the Home," Shalton Y. N-i.ekou, Olu.ahoma Sta.:te. U,uve;u,Uy "Learning Sex Roles through Simulation Games," Chcvr..Ee..6 F. Pe.:tJta.11e.h, S;(;a;te. UMVe;u,Uy "Androgyny Category of College Freshmen and Seniors and Their Professional College Choice," Be.atUc.e. M. Qu.aJta,'!ta., Ohio We..6te.yan UIUVe;u,.{;ty 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. "Enhancing the Role of Women and Famil ies in Social and Economic Development: Part I I ," Malty C. RMne.y, MiCMgM S;ta;te. UMVe;u,Uy and Be.atUee Pao£, Mic.hi.gan State. UMVe.IU>Uy ~'Local Family Life Councils-Organizational Matters," E. M.,{.ng.o, Uluve;u,Uy 06 Noltth CaltoUna "Effects of T.V. on Husband-Wife Relationship," Cfvt.ihta RweJt, ElL6t CaltoUna UMVe;u,.{;ty "Sex Roles, Sexual ity and Love as Seen in 50 Long-Married Couples," L. RobeJr.:t.6 and Ann E. RobeJr.:t.6, UMVe;u,.{;ty 06 AUzona "Sex Role Perceptions and the Abortion Decis ion ," Raye. Ro.oen, Wayne. State. UIUVe;u,.{;ty "Sexual Ubiquity: A Toxic Aspect of the Male Role," Maltv-i.n Ryrung, UMve;u,Uy-Pwuiue.;u,Uy at Indianapoti6 "Appraising the Quality of Family Life," Goltdon SMpman, Uluve;u,Uy 06 W.wCOVl.6-i.n "The Differing Amounts of Freedom Parents Allow Their Preschool Sons and Daughters to Discuss Body Self-Concept," ,l.faJr..Uyn StOlty,;u,.{;ty 06 NolttheJr.n Iowa ;'77. 78. "Developing Support for Married Student Families," Flte.d and Gloua Stu.R.:tz, U;uve;u,Uy 06 Iowa "Sex Role Education and Sex Education for Talented and Gifted Young People and for TheirParents," Salta Taub-i.n, Vlte.xe.R. UMVe;u,Uy 79. 80. 81. 82. "Parent Effectiveness Training for New Fathers," ThomlL6 S. Tobe.y, S:ta.Yt60ltd UMVe;u,Uy "Married Women College Students Implications for Socialization and Education," Malty Jane. S. Van MeteJt, Wayne. S;(;a;te.;u,ily "The Effects of Television View ng on Sex Roles," Ke.nneth Willon, ElL6t CaltoUna UrUve;u,-i.:ty "Sexual Ethics Within Marriage n America," Re.g.ina L. Wo£.l<066 , Pwuiue. UMve;u,ily ANNUAL MEETING REGISTRATION BADGE INFORMATION: INFORMATION FOR ROSTER: ~~~~i~~EO -----___________________________ ADDRESS (please circle home or institution) City State Zip PROFESSIONAL PQS ITION _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ TELEPHONE _ _ _ _ __ If you are registering a second member of your family, please write for a separate registration form, or duplicate this form. Please return this form to: Annual. Meeting Reg.ib.trLlf.:Ci..OYl, NCFR" 1219 UniVf!}L.b-i..-ty AVeJ1u.e Sau;thea.6,t, MlJlftea/,olli, MinltMom 55414 REGISTRATION FORM COUNSELING SECTION WORKSHOP ON DIVORCE Sheila Kessler October 22, 1976 8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. ENROLLMENT LIMITED TO 50 - FIRST COME FIRST SERVE BASIS NAME~ ____________________________________________________ ADDRESS________________________________________ PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATION~ ~ ____________ _____________________________________ To enroll in this Workshop. please complete this form and return to: Ms. Ruth Jewson, Executive Director, NCFR. 1219 University Avenue, SE, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55414. REGISTRATION FEES, AND TICKETS FOR BANQUET AND LUNCHEONS MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE, REGISTRATION (P1ease note that registration fee does not include yearly membership dues.) NCFR member ••••.•..•••••••.••.••.••.••••••.••••.••••••••••••.•.• $25.00 NCFR member accompanied by additional person vJho !s not a NCFR member •••.•••••.•.••.••••.•••.••••• _ ••••••• ~"".'~""" Non -membe r ••••••.•••••.•••••• _ • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • •• • •••••••••• Amount enclosed S _ _ _ __ NCFR Student earning less than $6,000 a year •........•......... Part time registration per day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Number of Tickets Amount enc losed AFFILIATED COUNCILS LUNCHEON - Thursday, $7.00* Number of Tickets Amount enclosed ROUND TABLE COFFEES Number of Tickets Amount enclosed ROUND TABLE LUNCHEONS Friday, $7.00* Number of Tickets (See round table reservation sheet for information) Amount enclosed EVENING BANQUET Friday, $17.00* Wednesday, $2.50* *All food tickets include gratuity and tax RT #s (for office use only) TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE NAT I atlAL COUNCIL ON FAMILY RELATlDNS. NO REFUNDS WI LL BE MADE AFTER OCTOBER 6. Expected Time and Day of Arrival at the Conference _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Indicate Conference address if you are not staying at the Roosevelt Hotel _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ NCFR Post-Conference Workshop • • • INTEGRATING COMMUNICATION SKILLS INTO FUNCTIONAL MARRIAGE AND FAMILY COURSES with Jim Maddock, Ph.D. and Sherod Miller, Ph.D. This workshop is designed to equip teachers with a classroom model for teaching interpersonal communication skills for enriching significant relationships to students in functional marriage and family courses. The material presented may be used as a supplementary unit or an entire course. The workshop will be based on the Minnesota Couples Communication Program which has been adapted for use in the classroom. There will be two sections. The basic section is for people unfamiliar with the frameworks, processes and skills in MCCP. The advanced section will review frameworks and skills, and add additional cognitive frameworks and classroom exercises which interlock communication skills with relationship dynamics. Both sessions will be oriented to the classroom setting. All participants will receive a set of instructional materials upon which to base their teaching program. REGISTRATION INFORMATION Workshop Dates: Schedule: Saturday and Sunday, October 23-24, 1976 1:30 - 9:00 p.m. Saturday 9:00 - Noon Sunday Fee: $40 professional/non-student $30 full-time student Workshop registration fee includes the following materials: ALIVE AND AWARE, STUDENT WORKBOOK and CLASSROOM INSTRUCTOR MANUAL Early registration is encouraged since enrollment is limited. making their own housing and meal arrangements. Participants are for WORKSHOP REGISTRATION FORM Enclosed is $ for professional/non-student, full-time student reservations. Register for basic section and for advanced section. Complete name and address below. MATERIALS ORDER FORM I will not be attending the NCFR Post-Conference following materials: ALIVE AND AWARE: Workshop~ but would like to order the one copy at professional discount $5.95 copies @ $6.95 COUPLE WORKBOOK: -copies@$3.95 . • • STUDENT WORKBOOK: _ copies @ $3.95 • • • • • • • CLASSROOM INSTRUCTOR MANUAL: _copies @ $3.95 Payment must accompany order. Minnesota residents add 4% for sales tax. • • $ $-$-$ $_- Total Please send me more information about Couple Communication Instructor Trainin~ Workshops. BICENTENNIAL BOSTON OCTOBER 16 TO 18 3 Dft.YS/2NJGHTS New YOiLk:City ctl'tdthe.AnvlLtai Me:f2;-Ur..g 06 NATIONAL COUMGJL ON FAMILY RELATIONS, Oert;obM, 1976. Theme.e,t.ingdate/) w~ti2ome. $61-$70 PER PERSOIiI. OCCUPANCY INCLUD~S: aJU'~ We.dvuudaYftOctooeIL20:th,;tfvwGLgh Su.ndaY1. . .beA24:th.• but :theTRT~STATE COUNC It pa!',. the.£.oc.a,tiJ/ULan.g eme.v-vt6 c.o rnm;i.;t:te. e., ;:Je.anned a 6u.ttwe.e/z o6a.e-UvJ. tJ_r.-!ih NeJ,\J YOlr..i2 ctbound·:s iniyl.:teJLe...!J;tLvl.geveJ1;b~.e.vel[yda.yp. and, ill add,.{;UOH" ,the. KLc.e.n.,te.Yl.YL-i11:l mOll.e. c..J1olc.e,f,. rYllLke.e. 6olce.v e.nmoiLea..c..;tLv{:t1j New YOiLki..6aL(.vea.nd btL6>ttlng • . Come. day W,{_ti be.afiLtU.daYt Roo~e.\J . Mo.clJ.l,on lwe11.ue.p L.., 066V'dvlg itf,ve/Ly, VVly ·.tOW .!ta..te.l,{jOIt the (LnWI?.. we.e.h. ThvLe.. W,{i:j~.. ptarme.d .taUJC6. ~ £,UJ1.vre)'["sp an.d aVLy;th:i..ngY(lu(;V~ {2tL6 .toa/Llu1.J'i.g e.. ad \} cute-e. : we. Ita \I c2. a:t:s a ptLe.palLe,d a. PJr...e..,Co Hve..ntL.m Kcc..eJtteIHIA.£ct r OWL () BO.6to no -V ~taJ.l. . ~ 60Jlthi.4 cU1..e.a utLLned wLthbl btwch.ulLe • We.u)tQe. to i.Vi> :o.i911 YOLt to OlLdeit youJtopelLaand tOUlL6 06QV1.e.,-i. 6I.ze. fe.vMqone C,([.n; 1976 f!lV:l,;.~y:.· (.t~~d ,t'-{m,ct e.d tog e.the/1.nrv.,.6 J.• (I./tc'. the:n i2..nJolj the. McJ.:,C yOU/L t1..p{J.fJ. .e(.tUOit now, Fu..Upc(yme..n;ts Jllu}), Jr.e.c.e:Lv a./c.t2.. J[e6undable. ,(.6 cLie..t:.teIL 06 g we,eJ<..::. pJr.{J)J/...;to YOU HERE.,,. ..t=tc..i<e.t6 ?:f0U)! ..SeJ-ttem bl?k 1 c..(tvLc.. eW:V~la 11. ;"6 11m c..eJ'rA'.8.A.}1 YOLUt v/./.,.Ut . tJJ.the.. COilve. f1..·U.cJI'l. wi. .U be. memOiJ[cb.e.e.. Nahma NeJ\;mW1..k V~ CHATRMAN COUMCIL r: orc·he~;;'tra sea,'t" "',. ".,' t_ 1'Cl:iOltUS· LIN-"EH OrCllJ;,8J:-I~i8r B!':?3t" ';' ~., '" SEATS LII\fI'flffi for all II ~ 7 <; ¢'.v "'~, ~ I; .. l' \::'" !::.,. Derfotln/:l};lC~S (..00 AbiDED f-NFORMAT ION Class Sal1.Frantisco San Jose sion'" Basing $602.00 $396.00 $337.00 $297.00 602.00 396.()O 337.00 297.00 602.00 396:00 337.00 602.00 396.00 337.00 297.00 578.00 380.00 323.00 i8S.00 532.00 350.00 298..00 280.Dei Tucson 528.00 348.00 296.00 278.00 Dallas-Ft. Worth 378.00 '248.00 211.00 None Oklahoma City. ' 360.00 240.00 204.00. None Tulsa 340.00 226.00 192.00 Me~phis 160.00 None 281:00 188.00 'Cleve1and 158.00 108.00 n.oo None Cincinnati 20();oO 136.00 116.00 None Dayton 196.00 130.00 I! LOO None Chk:ago 230.00 i 56,00 IJ3~OO "t'lone Detroit 182.00 124,00 105.00 None 98.00 68.00 58.00 176.00 i20.00 102.00 , J62.00 112.32 Toronto Group fare brochure strongly l'ersons in Pli)'!Y: "To qualify fOI'ExCIJfsjOll mus.t beheldfollrteen (14) lVIiNNEAPOLlS: FirstCl t;oacfi7tconomv,....;$196. OO~ Excurs . f' $i"vc>r, . 0'0 ; .,.," , JOUr " slng----;uroup;..$157. 00 TIH~ sj)(Jllsoringorganizn;ion und/or the tour (tperat9r and/or it~" ~gent:)J_·actS only ~5 an' agent (or 'lhe pc.s~eng{:r j_~1 aU mutters n:iJ)tiD-g tp _t.raycl ~n~l for the va,I~jous cornnnrlies.ovec t,he Ijn~~ of-. whi·:::h '~ickeJs ilre avaH~~ble uttd i..he:se tours -operale 1 and ~s sudr~ assumes-no responsibility fl)j' un}rdeiay~ dj~1nge-in-scheduIcJ 16551 injury ;md damage 10; or in respect of any persom or properties however- cau~cd, '0"[: arising ·in conllcction wiih the- _~l'r\'~c(:s- of any ~rains, ycbicie~l carr~3gesJ aircraft fI.l0Ior or ot,her", cOllvcyany.:cs? or 'hotel which may.he lIsed, ,whether wholly or in pari in th" perfonn<1J1coJ of irs duty to the pass,mger~. The Airlines concerned not If be h~ld re~ponslbk for nu)' ~\cty oiniss~~m:;' or cv~nt, during linH:· pnsseng:c;rs are n~l On bO<lfd ~hcir plnnes or conve?'~ItH:l:, The passage· c:onJrac,t in use,bv the, Airlines t1ol1~crncd, when issued. shaH cunl;l.ilule lhe',sole Gontr;\c1 between the Ajrlinc(:, and t~e p"ilf(hascr or ihese and/or pr.,!?~~~ager:)7 T1)1.:." rjght i~ rrsexved to \~;llhd(aw -:1n,:/ _in, th.i~J. foider. and/or Tna!;e such t:hange~-, in the·pro~raIn(;-;) as n1:JY be .found tle.siroble (or 'the t.:Dnvenit:n('t,~ of the -pctrries tlnd tire proper c;u:r:--'ing outof tour{s). TIlt: serVlcf:s of Amerkar: /\rrfincs and any othtT ATe Of l/\. TA carrier- rnnv b{- us.!::d in i.:onnt"'Ctron' v'lith 1he~e' 1I.::HU:':" ,F.ESPONSUnUTY, ST. LOUIS: First Class,,-$268,OO~ Coa~h/(conomy--$178o 00; E;:(cursion-,.. $142" 00; Tour Basin9-;--~;Group-"" $1 09~'26 A one-night depositis required 10 reserve your room. are to be made abov,;: ac!dre~~; and sent to Ib"
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