Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals Making a Difference for the Kids Banner Program Dear Business Owner, The Mesa Costco Wholesale has chosen you for a partnership to make a difference in the community through the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. In exchange for your goodwill donation of $500 plus $50 for banner cost to CMNH, your business will receive a 5’x3’ limited edition banner from Beyond Graphix to be displayed in our warehouse for the entire month of May 2015. The volume of members that Costco attracts on a weekly basis exceeds that of most retailers. The exposure provided to your company through the banner program would be unmatched by any other retailer’s in house marketing program. Considering that an advertisement in the local newspaper could easily run over $2,000, this taxdeductable donation provides you with a unique marketing opportunity while contributing to a great cause for the kids. In summary, in exchange for your $500 taxdeductible donation, a multitude of Costco members will be exposed to the limited edition banner displaying your goodwill for the entire month of May 2015. After June 1st, businesses will be given their banners so they may display them at their business to show their support and participation in supporting our local Phoenix Children’s Hospital. Please contact us if this is something your company would like to participate in. Kind Regards, Debbie Dahlberg or Carl Baldwin Marketing Representatives Mesa Costco #1028 4803336568 [email protected] [email protected] 1444 South Sossaman Road ● Mesa, AZ 85209 ● 480/3336552 ● Fax 480/3336554 ● Banner/Large Balloon Donor Recognition Member Order Form Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals Posting is from May 1 through May 31, 2015 Mesa # 1028 1444 S. Sossaman Rd. Mesa AZ 85209 Contact: Debbie Dahlberg or Carl Baldwin 4803336568 [email protected] or [email protected] Business Name: ____________________________________ Costco Membership Number: ______________________ Contact Person: ___________________________________ Contact’s Phone #: _________________________ Contact’s email address: ___________________________ Donor Recognition 5 ft vertical x 3 horizontal ft Banner $500 donation plus a $50 fee for banner production. Once we receive your donation, we will provide you with the contact for getting your banner produced. Order must be in by April 15th in order to display starting st May 1 . 口 Yes Banner Donation Payment Enclosed Donor Recognition 26 inch Paper Balloon $100 donation Your name on a 8 ½ by 11 sheet of paper and pasted on paper balloon. 口 Yes Large Paper Balloon Donation Payment Enclosed Note: Banners and Large Balloons can not offer any special discounts to Costco. members.
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