America The Beautiful A Signature Arrangement By Robert Conti Presented By Free Chord - An Affiliate Of A Message From Robert Conti, It is certainly a pleasure to present you with this complimentary arrangement, as an introduction to the learning resources I have developed. Although you may be anxious to get started with the music, please take a few minutes to read the following guidelines and suggestions before playing this arrangement. First, it is important to self-evaluate your current level of skill. If you are a very beginning level student, this type of material will more than likely exceed your skill level and may be somewhat difficult to comprehend and play. However, you should not be discouraged. Even if you are a beginning level student, it is perfectly acceptable to learn perhaps one new chord formation every two weeks or so. There are also exceptions in every situation. Through the years, I have seen students who, after only six months were able to play advanced level chord forms with little difficulty. If you are one of those type of individuals who can actually play the chord forms in the attached arrangement, then don’t worry about placing a label on your skill level, just enjoy the ability to play the music. As time passes, you will be amazed at what you can accomplish with some determination. If you are at the early level of learning jazz guitar, your emphasis should be on mastering every new chord form that you encounter and playing the arrangement in its entirety. In my observation, the more advanced players will have no difficulty playing the arrangement and they will likely direct their interests to the harmonic attributes that I employ to create my stylistic approach to solo playing. Your visit to this website indicates that you are seeking to improve your solo chord melody playing. Therefore, the following guidelines and suggestions are based on the presumption that you are a jazz guitar student. The topics below will address nearly all questions that have been presented to me in the past. Methodology: This music transcription will be easily playable at first glance by those who are familiar with the basic array of standard jazz chords, which are the only types of forms that I use in my chordal vocabulary. For those who have not yet been exposed to jazz forms, but are able to play simple barre chord shapes, some of the new forms may take a little practice, but rest assured, they are all easily manageable with a few hours effort. The format of the attached arrangement is consistent with the format of all of my printed chord melody arrangements and with those presented on my chord melody DVDs. The average person, in daily conversation, uses a relatively small vocabulary of only a few hundred words. Yet, we are all able to readily communicate very well in a variety of situations using various combinations of the same words again and again. My approach to chord melody is very similar, in that you only need to focus on learning chord forms as you employ them to play actual songs. Simply, you will learn new chord forms, only as you need them, one or two at a time, just as we do with our verbal skills, rather than a dry practice routine that is not connected to playing music that you enjoy. As you’ll soon discover, with a foundational knowledge of just a few dozen chord forms, you’ll become very familiar with them and use them again and again in a variety of situations that do not sound repetitive. For as many years as I can remember, I would hear students at every skill level imaginable complain that every teacher they had previously visited told them it was necessary to learn scales, modes and numerous chord forms, before they could make music. Like any discipline wherein mastery is achieved only by a hands-on approach, it is my firm belief that one can only learn to play well by actually playing the instrument, not talking about methods, books, modes, scales etc. Early in my teaching career, I observed an interesting trait of human nature. Every day, students would say to me, “Gee, I would love to be able to play a chord solo like that...” or “I would give anything to play that improv line!” etc. Consider that small children are routinely thrown into a swimming pool as their first lesson in learning to swim. Once they discover that they can stay afloat, they then learn the various strokes, etc. To learn how to ride a two wheel bicycle, one must actually sit on the bike and attempt to ride the bike. To learn how to swim, one must get into deep water and swim. To learn how to ice skate, one must actually put ice skates on, get on the ice and attempt to skate. After numerous versions of those verbal requests, I decided to experiment with the idea of conveying data to students by visually illustrating arrangements and lines - chord-by-chord, phrase-by-phrase. Computer technology allows me to place the required chord above every melody note, thereby duplicating exactly what I played, without any guesswork on your part. More importantly, the DVD video allows me to actually be present to visually demonstrate the chords, sound etc. Consequently, my approach to teaching and all of my learning products are focused toward one common goal, i.e. to produce immediately playable results that are gratifying to the student. I also discovered that when a student was actually able to duplicate (with reasonable effort) whatever harmonically challenging solo arrangement or improv line that I had presented, the students’ interest level in learning even more about the subject material was extremely heightened. In essence, after a student was able to play just a few measures of the subject material, they were so impressed by their achievement, that their level of self-confidence went through the roof! As the student was now self convinced that he/she could quickly (much emphasis on quickly) play something other than a scale, my job as an educator became very easy. After seeing the undeniable results of that period experimentation, I refocused my learning products (like this arrangement) to achieve one common goal - to cause any interested student to play music, i.e. real tunes and/or improv lines - very quickly. Chord Formations: As you will soon discover, this entire pro-level arrangement utilizes a little more than a dozen or so standard chord forms, or “grips,” another term used by many players. Through the years, I have heard numerous versions of the following question from untold numbers of beginning jazz guitarists: “I was told that I had to learn thousands of chords to play jazz guitar, is that true?” My response is always: “No, it’s not true when you consider that for the most part, advanced chord forms utilize all closed strings rather than the elementary beginning chords. When you consider that without relocating your fingers, every closed string chord may be easily utilized in 12 different keys. The end result is that ten chord forms quickly become 120 chord forms!” If you encounter a chord form that feels “unfriendly” to your fingers at first, here’s an easy way to master that chord. Practice switching from the previous chord to the chord form you are trying to master. If you fumble initially, don’t worry, it’s part of learning. With a little bit of diligent practice and determination, you will have the new form under your hand very quickly. Tempo: Set your metronome to 62 - 66 bpm and try to duplicate the easy rhythmic feel that you heard me play on the video. As a suggestion to help you master each arrangement, play each chord very slowly and clearly, until you achieve a flowing legato sound from one chord to the next without difficulty. With practice and within a reasonable period of time, you should be able to play this arrangement as easily as you can write your name Multiple Rows of Chords: The primary row of chords is directly above the notation staff. Those are the chords that you will see and hear me play in the online video. The additional row of chords above the primary row were included to demonstrate other harmonic choices and occasionally, an alternate form of the same type of chord. As in all of my arrangements, each row presents the player with different harmonic choices over the same melody line to enhance harmonic awareness and fuel your continued musical growth. Notation: Please, don’t be concerned or discouraged if you are unable to read standard notation, simply play the chord grid above each note - the melody of the song will become apparent. If you are able to read standard notation, be aware that melody notes are written one octave below the note that is actually played with the chords for ease of reading. Embellishments: In various arrangements, there are certain sections where the melody is sparse or there is a long note. From time to time, you will find that I also included some of my stylistic trademarks, fills and embellishments to the melody line. Now It’s Time To Play! First, watch the video as many times as necessary to get a feel for playing the song. Then, simply begin reproducing the sound using the chord transcription below. The very familiar melody of this song will assist you in mastering the arrangement. And above all, don’t become stressed, as you’re going to do just great! America The Beautiful Lyrics By Katherine Lee Bates - Music By Samuel A. Ward A Signature Arrangement By Robert Conti Presented By Free Chord - An Affiliate Of Robert G7sus Cma7 B 6 11 D 69 11 Cma7 B 7 11 Am7 Em7 E 7 Dm11 D 7 11 Em7 E 7 Dm11 G7 5 F 9 F13 F 7 F13 Em7 E 7 Dm11 A dim G7 C dim Dm7 Em7 Fma7 G7 G9 Cma7 E dim Dm9 Em7 Dm7 Am7 Dm11 Em7 F6 A dim Em7 F6 G dim G7 Em7 Fma7 G7 A dim G7 A 9 G7 Gaug Dm7 Em7 E 13 Dm7 D 13 G7 A dim G7 America The Beautiful Page Two Cma7 Dm7 Cmaj7 Am11 C6 Dm7 Dm7 E dim Dm7 Em7 E 13 Dm7 A dim G7 Gm11 C7 5 C69/E Fma9 Fmaj7 F69 11 E 13 A dim Dm7 E dim Em7 E dim Dm7 D 7 11 F6 Em7 Dm7 Gaug G dim G9 C6 B7 5 C6 After playing this measure, use Ending #1 or Ending #2. B 13 A7 Or Cadd9 Ending #1 Fine Ending #2 C6 A ma7 (Robert Conti played Ending #2 on video) B13 9 B 13 Or A ma7 A7 5 9 C69 11 Dm7 Or Em7 Fma7 C69 11 Fine G9 C6 Dm7 E dim C/E 1-888-JAZZ-DVD Many thanks for your interest in my learning products! This is a quick guide to assist you in determining which product will enable you to reach your playing goals. Since 1966, it has been my teaching philosophy to get the music under your fingers first, as the actual act of playing something that is gratifying will quickly raise your confidence level sky high. In general, most advanced players and students are seeking to increase their knowledge of improv lines or chord melody arrangements. An automobile is a great analogy to assist in your selection of the most appropriate Robert Conti learning product(s). In much the same way that you are able to drive a car without knowing its internal mechanical functions under the hood, you are also able to play jazz guitar without knowing the “how and why” behind what you're playing. My learning products are designed to put you into the driver's seat of that automobile to get you driving (playing jazz guitar) immediately. Alternately, in order to understand what actually makes your car operate, you would read a technical manual that goes into great detail about the various parts of your engine, electrical system, transmission, wheels, etc. The technical manuals I have produced for jazz guitar are the Source Code DVD Series. These are five volumes of info-packed DVDs that present in great detail, the “how to, and nuts & bolts” driving the lines you already have under your fingers. I will absolutely assure you, it is much easier to comprehend the underlying “why does this work so well?” of theory AFTER YOU HAVE NUMEROUS LINES UNDER YOUR FINGERS. GOAL: Play Single Note Improv (Entry Level) The time-tested and acknowledged pathway to become a skilled improvisor is to play your instrument at every jam session or other opportunity that becomes available. That’s exactly how the early greats learned their craft, simply by playing jazz, not wasting time talking about modes, scales or unimportant activities that prevented them from actually playing their instruments. As seen in 25 prior DVDs, the core success of the Robert Conti approach is his ability to teach the jazz language at the street level, where it actually began. If you’re an entry level jazz guitarist such as a blues or rock player trying to make the crossover to jazz, this DVD will take you on one of most exciting and productive musical events of your life. Very soon, you will be impressing your friends with your new playing skills. As in each of his learning products, once again, Conti delivers another “Motherlode!” How? By teaching you exactly how to start playing an arsenal of lines over the chord progressions to three “must know” tunes that are played in every real life jam session. More importantly, after you learn the first three tunes, he will also teach you how to quickly begin reshaping those lines for usage in other tunes. Volume One - $24.95 (Includes MIDI Files, Solo Transcriptions (Tab & Notation)) Subject Songs: Satin Doll | Green Dolphin Street | Autumn Leaves | Bonus Solo! Volume Two - $24.95 (Includes MIDI Files, Solo Transcriptions (Tab & Notation)) Subject Songs: One Note Samba | There Will Never Be Another You | All The Things You Are | Bonus Solo! GOAL: Play Single Note Improv (Intermediate To Very Advanced) Includes 8.5”x11” Transcription, Tab, MIDI Files - $29.95 Each Volume, Fifteen Volumes Available! Conti plays a Pro improv solo over the chord changes to each of the tunes listed below. Then, in his straight-forward approach, he teaches you to duplicate the entire solo, close-up, measure-by-measure, note-by-note. As documented by thousands of players, you learn to play jazz, by playing jazz, not talking about modes or scales. More importantly, you’ll soon reshape the ideas for applications over other tunes. Volume One Two Three Four Five The Smoking Lineman On Green Dolphin Street Rhythm Changes Bluesette Satin Doll Cherokee The Sound Of Rio The Girl From Ipanema Quiet Nights (Corcovado) One Note Samba Wave Triste Big City Blues 12 Bar Blues Georgia Blues For Alice All Blues Summertime GOAL: Play Solo Chord Melody The Play Pro Chord Melody Today DVD Series Volume One Volume Two Since I Fell For You God Bless The Child Volume Three Danny Boy Volume Four Volume Five Indian Summer Poor Butterfly $19.95 – Each Volume Conti teaches you to play an entire arrangement chord-by-chord, measure-by-measure, simply by watching the DVD. More importantly, in addition to learning a great Pro Level arrangement, you’ll see how easily you can apply the knowledge to other songs. “You can’t take a lesson for that price. These DVDs are a terrific opportunity to learn from one of the best in the business. Highly recommended.” ~Ed Benson, Just Jazz Guitar Magazine. Signature Chord Melody Arrangements If you can play a chord grid, you can play these harmonically rich arrangements. For those who are unaware, Robert Conti’s chord melody arrangements are a favorite reader feature in every issue of Just Jazz Guitar magazine. (If you are not a subscriber, it is a great resource for jazz guitarists!) Almost every chord solo arrangement is written in notation and tablature, which is often discouraging and even more confusing than notation, and perhaps, the very reason why most guitarists steer clear of solo playing. Conti eliminates any guess work on your part because he is concerned enough to take the time to include the correct chord grid for every note in the melody line. In several arrangements, Conti includes multiple rows of chord grids to demonstrate harmonic choices for the player. The choice is always left to player preference, as either upper or lower row is acceptable. Players are also urged to experiment with varying combinations of the chords to create new harmonic palettes. While many guitarists do not read notes, every guitarist can read a chord grid, and the ability to play that simple grid will allow any guitarist to actually play a great arrangement. Every Conti arrangement offers clear proof of his determination to be certain that guitarists of even minimum skill, will be able to play his arrangement. $18.50 Each Volume | Holiday Edition $24.00 Volume One Volume Two - Nightingale Sang In Berkley Square - Bluesette - Born To Lose - Graduation Day - My Romance - When I Fall In Love Volume Four - Let It Be Me - Quiet Nights Of Quiet Stars - Sleepwalk - Tenderly - The Nearness Of You - When Sunny Gets Blue Volume Five - Days Of Wine And Roses - My Secret Love - Our Love Affair - Too Late Now - Body & Soul - I Got Rhythm - Summertime - The Shadow Of Your Smile - What Are You Doing Rest Of Your Life - Willow Weep For Me - You Stepped Out Of A Dream - You Go To My Head Volume Seven - At Last - Honeysuckle Rose - Laura - Softly As I Leave You - Someone To Watch Over Me - That's All Volume Eight - A Certain Smile - Ain't Misbehavin' - Love Is Here To Stay - On Green Dolphin Street - Since I Fell For You - Today Volume Three - I've Grown Accustomed To Your Face - Over The Rainbow - The Gentle Rain - Try A Little Tenderness - What A Wonderful World - What's New? Volume Six - As Time Goes By - Embraceable You - Fascinatin' Rhythm - Misty - Nevertheless I'm In Love With You - Round Midnight Holiday Edition - Auld Lang Syne - Frosty The Snowman - Greensleeves - Have Yourself A Merry Little X-Mas - Home For The Holidays - Jingle Bells - Let it Snow! Let it Snow! - Oh Christmas Tree - Oh Little Town of Bethlehem - Silent Night - Toyland - Winter Wonderland GOAL: Assemble A Chord Melody Arrangement (Entry Level) THE CHORD MELODY ASSEMBLY LINE DVD Includes Four Hour DVD And Full Size Book $39.95 The Chord Melody Assembly Line continues to be a best selling resource on this subject since 2001 for one reason, user satisfaction due to results. Robert Conti has now added the advantage of a Four Hour DVD to this component of the Source Code Series! If you’re an early to mid-level intermediate player with the ability to play common jazz chord forms, the Chord Melody Assembly Line will teach you to start creating your working repertoire of solo arrangements very quickly. Whether you aspire to perform as a soloist in first class establishments or for personal enjoyment, the Assembly Line will deliver the required results. As reviewed by the publisher of this magazine, Robert Conti performs as a soloist in the finest establishments and numerous corporate events in Las Vegas and LA. Learn to play from this working pro. GOAL: Create Re-Harmonized Pro-Level Chord Melody Arrangements (Advanced) THE FORMULA! DVD Includes Six Hour 2-DVD Set And Full Size Book $39.95 Disc One Robert Conti teaches The Formula! Then he presents FOUR SOLID HOURS of the "How To Nuts & Bolts" with numerous ideas and examples. Within the first few chapters of this Book and DVD, any upper level intermediate student will learn exactly how to begin creating stunning Pass, Peterson and Tatum type substitutions and reharmonizations for any standard, simply by learning Conti's Formula to manipulate the most basic elements of harmony with ease. Disc Two Robert spends ANOTHER TWO HOURS to present the viewer with Three Full Length songs that further demonstrate real world applications of the methodology he taught on Disc One. You'll soon understand why thousands of savvy jazz guitarists and pianists rank The Formula! as the ultimate methodology book on the subject of reharmonization. Continued On Next Page GOAL: Improve Right & Left Hand Technique THE PRECISION TECHNIQUE DVD Includes Four Hour DVD, Full Size Book, MIDI Files, Free Pick $39.95 Over nearly five decades, critics and fans have continuously recognized his high level of technical facility. In addition to his unusual picking technique and pick size, guitarists are amazed by his ability to move horizontally across the neck at upper level tempos with great ease. Following a Conti performance, Zan Stewart, the respected jazz critic stated in the LA Times: “Robert Conti was dazzling, enough technique for two men!” Via the new DVD, Robert visually demonstrates his well-defined techniques. The PRECISION TECHNIQUE is the blueprint that allowed Robert Conti to develop his technique at an early age. More importantly, you can follow this time-tested, proven approach as your pathway to a high level of technical skill. As documented in numerous videos on his website, he was performing professionally (play for pay) in a road band by the age of sixteen. There is also a 1960’s video clip that presents his advanced technical skill at an early age. GOAL: Learn A Buffet Of Classy Intros & Endings (Entry Level) INTROS, ENDINGS & TURNAROUNDS DVD Includes Four Hour DVD And Full Size Book $39.95 Robert published the original version of this book which contained 100 professional, ready-to-use intros, endings and turnarounds. Each of those “ideas” are presented with the chord grid above every note for ease of playing, especially for those who do not read notation. Tablature is also included where necessary for single notes. And now Robert raises the bar on high value education with the addition of this 4 hour DVD where he visually demonstrates all 100 of those musical ideas. Each idea is quickly accessible as a chapter for easy reference! As if that was not enough, he added a substantial amount of new content in the “Quick Start” section that precedes the original body of data. This section contains another 23 musical ideas designed to essentially jump start your creative process! After you’ve learned just a few ideas presented in this package, you’ll begin to discover opportunities to reshape them into brand new concepts. Continued On Next Page GOAL: Learn A Boatload Of Great Lines And The Devices To Create Them! THE JAZZ LINES Includes Eight Hour 2-DVD Set, Full Size Book & MIDI Files $39.95 In the new DVD components of the “The Jazz Lines”, Robert presents numerous close-up examples of the easily accessible nuts ‘n’ bolts he employs to create lines and overcome common problems such as creating tension over the Altered Dominant 7th chord. The original book version has been a best seller since 2000. We think you’ll agree – with the addition of TWO DVDs, this resource is the motherlode of ready to use ideas. Like any other acquired physical skill, good reasoning would dictate that one can only learn to play jazz guitar by actually practicing jazz on the guitar, not modes and scales. Realistically, a jazz educator’s attained level of playing skill should be the result of his/her teaching methodology. Robert Conti plays what he teaches and more importantly, he teaches you what he plays. That’s exactly why his “No Modes No Scales™®” approach and his learning products are at the forefront of jazz guitar education. GOAL: Learn How To Comp Effectively THE COMPING EXPO Includes Four Hour DVD And Full Size Book & MIDI/MP3 Files $39.95 While guitarists spend much time improving their improvising skills, for the majority of time, they must also fill the role of supporting other instrumentalists or vocalists on the bandstand. This DVD is presented in a manner that allows you to Watch and Listen to a variety of real world excerpts of concert video and CD performances. More importantly, the printed transcriptions of all chord forms permit you to bypass the tedious task of trying to determine what chord was played– thereby allowing you to easily Watch, Listen and Duplicate all the data necessary to dramatically increase your comping skill. From intermediate to professional level, this DVD will breathe excitement into your comping skills with a truckload of creative and exciting ideas. The result producing efficiency of the Conti Approach is clearly evidenced by the demand for thirty DVDs in the last six years from students in every corner of the globe. In this 4 hour DVD and printed booklet, Conti teaches you to comp over a variety of songs and playing styles. Continuing his signature approach in each of his DVD releases, he holds nothing back from the student viewer. Continued On Next Page Lessons By Mail – 1 Lesson per month, Includes 30 minute audio CD & Sheet Music First, select a series: The Chord Series You will quickly learn to play the exquisite solo arrangements that keep Conti in demand for a variety of great gigs! In addition to the playing aspect, you will also see and learn all of the chord devices that he employs to create that full solo sound! As a renowned educator, Conti takes the art of teaching to a different and higher level with his unique and very effective way of quickly conveying immediately useful information in a "non-academic" "learn by actually playing it today" approach. We urge you to read the actual student testimonials on the website and in all the internet discussion newsgroups, as to the effectiveness of his approach to teaching. The Outrageous Blues Series Everyone who hears Robert Conti play is immediately knocked out by the fabulous blues feel and sound in every aspect of his single note lines or chord melody playing. Just watch any one of the video clips on the website and you'll agree. This much requested course has quickly become a favorite of numerous rock and blues players who simply want to add the edge of Conti's razor sharp blues sound into their playing. This course is also a favorite of another huge group of guitarists who choose to make their transition to jazz through the blues format, a traditional gateway to jazz guitar. Unlike the advanced improv lessons, Conti delivers each month what several students describe as that other "nasty and gritty" side of sizzling hot guitar playing. Enroll in this course if you want to learn how to play the blues or rock with an attitude! You can expect lots of thunder and lightning from this course. Along with Conti's playing and clear explanation of his blues lines, all lessons are presented in standard notation and easy to read tablature. Beginning Jazz Improv Primer This course is recommended for the beginning improv student. When a student becomes interested in playing jazz guitar, there is always an overwhelming case of "where do I start” anxiety. This Six Lesson Primer will quickly get you "jump started" and open all the doors for you to obtain a good foundation and increase your confidence and comfort level. In fact, Conti is clearly the living proof of his lessons. Unlike most teachers who tell novice players how difficult it is to improvise, Robert's teaching experience has allowed him to develop an outstanding array of highly efficient and well received "fingers on the neck teaching" methods. His "you can do it today" format causes you to make continuous and noticeable playing improvement. The sudden ability to play many new and exciting things will cause your confidence level to go sky high as you hear yourself actually playing very impressive improv phrases - thereby creating even bigger learning strides! After completing this six lesson primer, you will be ready to enroll in The Outrageous Blues! or, the Advanced Level Jazz Improv. Advanced Jazz Improv Series This course is recommended for the intermediate to very advanced level student and will provide you with a continuous pipeline to Conti's knowledge and ability to play seamless lines at upper level tempos, along with an endless number of great ideas and actual lines that you will be able to incorporate into your playing immediately. Robert Conti demonstrates and teaches you step-by-step, all of the musical devices and incredibly simple concepts that he uses to create and play those mind boggling lines at any tempo. If you've gotten into the rut of playing the "same old lines over and over" and you would like to quickly learn how to play complex improvised lines over a wide variety of chord progressions, enroll in this course for the learning experience of a lifetime! Watch as you quickly begin to develop your own unique sound. In fact, with a reasonable amount of self-application and practice, you will reach new goals that you may have previously perceived as impossible. As you progress through the lessons, Conti also presents numerous and valuable "off-the-sheet" techniques. In this course, Conti delivers and teaches you how to play an endless buffet of lines that would take years to copy by ear, or try to transcribe from recordings. Just see and hear the excitement of the audience as he plays in the video clips on the website – this course will take you to that level of playing. Then, select your lesson package: 1 Lesson @ $35.00 | 2 Lessons @ $65.00 | 3 Lessons @ $90.00 | Six Lessons @ $165.00 MAIL ORDER FORM Please place a check mark in the boxes for the products you would like to order. Then complete the rest of the form on the following page. Ticket To Improv, Vol. 1 Ticket To Improv, Vol. 2 The Smoking Lineman, Vol. 1 (Green Dolphin) The Smoking Lineman, Vol. 2 (Rhythm Changes) The Smoking Lineman, Vol. 3 (Bluesette) The Smoking Lineman, Vol. 4 (Satin Doll) The Smoking Lineman, Vol. 5 (Cherokee) Big City Blues, Vol. 1 (12 Bar Blues) Big City Blues, Vol. 2 (Georgia On My Mind) Big City Blues, Vol. 3 (Blues For Alice) Big City Blues, Vol. 4 (All Blues) Big City Blues, Vol. 5 (Summertime) The Sound Of Rio, Vol. 1 (Girl From Ipanema) The Sound Of Rio, Vol. 2 (Corcovado) The Sound Of Rio, Vol. 3 (One Note Samba) The Sound Of Rio, Vol. 4 (Wave) The Sound Of Rio, Vol. 5 (Triste) Source Code – Chord Melody Assembly Line Source Code – The Formula Source Code – The Precision Technique Source Code – Intros, Endings & Turnarounds Source Code – The Jazz Lines Source Code – The Comping Expo Signature Chord Melody Arrangements – Vol. 1 Signature Chord Melody Arrangements – Vol. 2 Signature Chord Melody Arrangements – Vol. 3 Signature Chord Melody Arrangements – Vol. 4 Signature Chord Melody Arrangements – Vol. 5 Signature Chord Melody Arrangements – Vol. 6 Signature Chord Melody Arrangements – Vol. 7 Signature Chord Melody Arrangements – Vol. 8 Signature Chord Melody Arrangements – Holiday Edition Play Pro Chord Melody Today DVD – Vol. 1 (Since I Fell...) Play Pro Chord Melody Today DVD – Vol. 2 (God Bless The..) Play Pro Chord Melody Today DVD – Vol. 3 (Danny Boy) Play Pro Chord Melody Today DVD – Vol. 4 (Indian Summer) Play Pro Chord Melody Today DVD – Vol. 5 (Poor Butterfly) Lessons By Mail – The Chord Series Lessons By Mail – The Outrageous Blues Series Lessons By Mail – Beginning Improv Series Lessons By Mail – Intermediate/Advanced Improv Series 1 @ $35 | 2 @ $65 | 3 @ $90 | 1 @ $35 | 2 @ $65 | 3 @ $90 | 1 @ $35 | 2 @ $65 | 3 @ $90 | 1 @ $35 | 2 @ $65 | 3 @ $90 | Continued On Next Page $24.95 $24.95 $29.95 $29.95 $29.95 $29.95 $29.95 $29.95 $29.95 $29.95 $29.95 $29.95 $29.95 $29.95 $29.95 $29.95 $29.95 $39.95 $39.95 $39.95 $39.95 $39.95 $39.95 $18.50 $18.50 $18.50 $18.50 $18.50 $18.50 $18.50 $18.50 $24.00 $19.95 $19.95 $19.95 $19.95 $19.95 6 @ $165 6 @ $165 6 @ $165 6 @ $165 Sub Total:____________ FOREIGN Residents Please Add $8.50 Shipping Fee To Your Total:____________ USA Residents Please Add $3.25 Shipping Fee To Your Total:____________ ORDER TOTAL____________ Name:_____________________________ Telephone:_____________________________ Address:___________________________ ___________________________ City: ______________________________ Email:_________________________________ State___________ Zip code:_____________ Country:___________________________ Please complete the following section if you prefer to use a credit card (VISA or MasterCard) Name on Credit Card:______________________________________________ Card Number: ________________________________ Expiration Date, Month/Year:________ Credit Card billing address if different than above: Address:___________________________ ___________________________ City: ___________________________ State___________ Zip code:_____________ Country:___________________________ Please Mail This Completed Form With Your Check or Money Order Payable To: Pinnacle Production Group, Inc. P.O. Box 31343 Las Vegas, NV 89173-1343 USA Toll Free In The USA: 1-888-JAZZ-DVD International: (702) 240 - 8127
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