Immanuel Lutheran Church W61 N498 Washington Avenue Cedarburg, WI 53012 2015 Come & join us on Saturday, July 4th, to watch Cedarburg’s 4th of July parade, that will include our own Alternative Fuel Praise Band. Great viewing areas in front of church. SUNDAY, JULY 19TH JOINT WORSHIP & PICNIC WITH OUR FRIENDS FROM INCARNATION (Additional details inside Reminder) Immanuel Lutheran Church W61 N498 Washington Avenue, Cedarburg, WI 53012 Phone: (262) 377-4484 Office Hours: M-F 9:00 am—1:00 pm Church Council: Executive Committee: President: Eric Hackert (2017) – 262-707-6732 Vice Pres.: Ray Spatt (2016) – 262-377-3005 Secretary: Sandy Arndt (2016) – 262-377-6259 Treasurer: Jeff Zahn (2017) – 224-558-3783 Members at Large: Tom Anderson (2018) – 262-375-0447 Bryan Balde (2016) – 920-207-1410 Shirley Burmeister (2017) - 262-377-3491 Joel Hoerchner (2018) - 262-483-0556 Wendy Lopez (2018) - 414-331-5560 Jim Muck (2016) – 262-377-8074 Steve Proefrock (2017) — 262-377-8651 Lisa Quick (2018) - 262-377-5535 Council email addresses: (their first name).(their last name) To email the whole council: [email protected] Church Staff: 262-377-4484 Pastor: Vicki Simon (920) 716-0661 [email protected] Church Secretary: Sandy Arndt (262) 377-6259 [email protected] Special Events Coordinator: Sandy Arndt (262) 377-6259 [email protected] Financial Secretary: Shirl Burmeister (262) 377-3491 [email protected] Custodian: Terry Gall-Proefrock Organists: Joann Wolff Pianists: Gretel Pitre, Lisa Quick Praise Band Director: Jim Reith Chancel Choir Director: Jim Reith [email protected] Handbell Choir Director: Debbie Donovan [email protected] BUILDING USAGE REMINDERS all events should be put on the MASTER CALENDAR on the wall in the secretary’s office, or by leaving an email message at [email protected] as soon as you schedule them. _________________________________ PLEASE make certain all doors are locked as you leave. If you are one of the last ones out of the building, at any time, please make sure the door locks behind you by pulling on it. Thank You! Our Newsletter Deadline is the 22nd of every month. PLEASE make certain that all schedules, articles, items of interest for our newsletter and Calendar Dates for events and meetings are turned into the Church Office (in the Reminder Bin) or emailed, on or before the 22nd for them to be included! Your timely cooperation in making our newsletter complete helps us keep our members informed and involved!! _________________________________________ Please check our website for updates to the calendar. Since our calendar is continuously updated you can check it out at any time for new event times, etc. Immanuel’s website is: If you would like to receive the newsletters by email, please call or email the office. PEOPLE OF GOD’S GRACE. BUILDING ON THE PAST. GROWING IN THE PRESENT. PLANNING FOR THE FUTURE — IN JESUS CHRIST Dear Friends, One of the things I truly cherish about the summer months is an opportunity to live a life of ministry in a different way! Because the program portion of our church year takes a bit of a hiatus during these months, there are new and unique ways to serve! The cool thing is, many of them just take a little time and have a very short term commitment of an hour, a couple hours or a day! These opportunities call upon us to use different gifts and may even call forth different people to become involved! At Immanuel this summer we will have SO MANY opportunities to serve! Do you have talents working with young children? We are in need of help for our VBS program co-hosted with Faith and Advent! We also need help with children’s games at our church picnic with Incarnation this summer! Can you build a fire? Make hotdogs, s’mores or pudgy pies or share fellowship around a campfire? Join us for one of our Summer Sounds fires in our park and share hospitality with friends from the other churches! Do you have a kind heart? Do you like to eat and listen to music during Strawberry Fest? Sign up to be available to greet people at our Loving Kindness Strawberry Fest event! Bring your kids to color on the paper on our picnic tables and greet people with a smile! Is that too much sitting for you? Great – sign up to help park cars as a fundraiser for church projects with a tithe going to help support our outreach missions! Have you always yearned to walk in a parade? Do you like passing out candy and flyers? Join us and members of Trinity, St. John’s and Faith churches in walking in our Fourth of July parade and teaching our community about Trek H20 packs that bring an easier access to water to up to 6,000 families globally! Are you a wizard on the grill? We’ll need some grill masters to prepare food for our picnic with Incarnation! Do you have a delectable dish you can make or bake? Share it with us at the potluck portion of the picnic! Are you good at set up or clean up? We’ll need your hands and help! Do you like to knit? Our knitters welcome you to join them on Wednesdays from 10-noon – if you don’t know how, they will teach you! Are you feeling called to learn and serve the Lakota people of Pine Ridge? Pray for our youth and their chaperones who embark on their journey beginning June 27-July 4 and prayerfully consider going on the adult mission trip October 3-10! Save the dates! Can you cheer on a baseball team? Check out Immanuel team’s schedule! We invite you to a pizza night with the team! Also, let us know if you would like to play! You’re invited also to sign up for the Chinooks game and join your faith family in a fun outing! (continued) We at Immanuel ALWAYS invite you to consider the ways you may share your spiritual gifts! We invite you to try something new – you never know what hidden talents may emerge! Please know you are so welcome to get involved in whatever captures your attention and imagination and to suggest new ideas for ministries we may venture in together! Don’t forget to take Flat Jesus along for the trip! Thank you for all the ways you serve all year – and please take a chance, and serve in a new way this summer! May you be safe, healthy, happy and at ease, aware of the peace that passes understanding in Christ Jesus that surrounds you always! Happy Summer!! Pastor Vicki TAKE JESUS WITH YOU AND SHARE A LOVING KINDNESS BLESSING ON YOUR TRAVELS THIS SUMMER. HAPPY SAFE HEALTHY May you be safe. May you be happy. May you be healthy. May you live with ease in your heart. May you ever be aware of the peace that passes understanding that surrounds you and is always available to you, that is Christ Jesus. FINANCIAL SECRETARY’S REPORT MAY 2015 MONTHLY BUDGET: $18,849.80 May 2015 Contributions: Current Fund Susan Endres $ 10 Candelabra Fund Roger Brandt $ 40 New Library Chairs Allen Haas $ 25 $ 20 $ 10 $935 $990 $ 15,810.28 Misc. Funds $ 72.00 Plate $ 164.00 TOTA L $ 16,046.28 Kitchen Fund Baseball Team Altar Guild New Library Chairs TOTAL Our giving in May of 2015 was as follows: CURRENT BENEVOLENCE 2013 (4) $ 9,446.08 966.67 $ 10,412.75 2014 (4) $ 11,233.23 1,076.77 $ 12,310.00 2015 (4) $ 15,810.28 1,578.72 $ 17,389.00 Note: Number in brackets behind year indicates the number of Sundays or deposits in that month. These figures include only contributions to the General & Benevolence Funds. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) New chairs for the library (style and price to be determined) Candelabras for the pews for use during special services Two flat-screen TV’s to replace our current old sets. Dish cloths and towels for the kitchen. Two 60-cup coffee pots. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL At Faith Lutheran Church JULY 13—17 9—11:30 A.M. Our theme for this year’s shared VBS for preschool through 5th grade with Advent and Faith is “Everest: Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power”. Cost is $5 per child. If you are interested in having your child attend you can register online at For additional information please contact Alisa Norquist from Faith at 262-376-0929 or [email protected] SUNDAY, JULY 19TH 9:00 A.M. — JOINT WORSHIP FOLLOWED BY A PICNIC LUNCH WITH OUR FRIENDS FROM INCARNATION Please join us on Sunday, July 19th, when our friends from Incarnation will be with us for worship with communion at a Traditional service and our annual picnic. We are hoping to have a presentation by their youth dance group immediately following the service before lunch. After the service we will have our picnic meal with brats, hotdogs and burgers. Everyone attending is asked to please bring a dish to pass that would feed your family and a couple extra people. This could include appetizers, salads, beans, fruit, veggies, or desserts. And following the meal the kids will move outside to play games and the adults will get ready for our rousing BINGO party. If you have items that can be used for bingo prizes, please bring them to church and leave them in the office. We are also looking for a family with middle school or high school-aged kids who would like to help with the kids’ games. If you have ideas for games and would like to help please contact the office and we will put you in touch with the coordinator from Incarnation. IMMANUEL’S For summer reading we have selected the book “Unbroken” by Laura Hillenbrand. We will resume Book Club on Thursday, September 3rd, at which time we will discuss “Unbroken”. So enjoy your summer and happy reading!! We tend to forget that HAPPINESS doesn’t come as a result of getting something we DON’T HAVE, but rather of recognizing & appreciating what we DO HAVE. ILC MEN’S BREAKFAST CLUB Come join us at 8:15 a.m. on Monday, July 6th, for the ILC Men’s Breakfast Club when we will again meet at PJ Pipers right down the block from the church. All men are welcome to join us whenever they can!! BIBLE STUDY HIATUS Since summer is a busy travel season for a lot of people we will be taking off the months of June, July and August from our regular Bible study. Instead we will offer TUESDAY MORNING SOCIAL GATHERING time, an informal coffee and socializing time from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. on Tuesdays. Join us for that hour of unplanned activities that could include board games, cards, dice, puzzles, etc. Bible texts will be made available for previewing. It’ll be a “kick-back” summer with time allotted for socializing. See you there!! Sat, July 4 Cedarburg’s Holiday Parade Sun, July 19 Joint picnic with our friends from Incarnation here at Immanuel Thurs, July 23 PIZZA Party prior to 7:30 softball game Sun, July 26 Chinook Baseball at Concordia University Fri, July 31 Summer Sounds Bonfire in the Park Fri, Aug. 21 Summer Sounds Bonfire in the Park Sun, Sept. 13 Rally Sunday AND Sat & Sun Harvest Fest Parking Fund Raiser Packer Party vs “DA” Bears 9:00 A.M. SUNDAYS JULY 5TH JULY 12TH JULY 19TH JULY 26TH AUGUST 2ND AUGUST 9TH AUGUST 16TH AUGUST 23RD AUGUST 30TH SEPTEMBER 6TH TRADITIONAL PRAISE TRADITIONAL (Picnic with Incarnation) PRAISE TRADITIONAL PRAISE TRADITIONAL PRAISE TRADITIONAL PRAISE PLEASE POST FOR FUTURE REFERENCE DURING THE SUMMER. PIZZA & SOFTBALL — THURSDAY, JULY 23RD Please come and join us for our annual Softball Pizza Party on Thursday, July 23rd starting at 6:00 p.m. This year we will start with pizza and then go watch our softball team take on Crossroads at 7:30 p.m. CHINOOK BASEBALL FAMILY EVENT The Lakeshore Chinooks are a baseball team based in Mequon and the current defending champions of the Northwoods League, a collegiate summer baseball league. Their games are played at Kapco Park at Concordia University. Seats have been reserved for us for the 5:00 P.M. Sunday, July 26th game when they play the Madison Mallards. A promotion for that day is a Ruffy Racing Minnow Mini Bobblehead for the first 1000 fans. A sign-up board is available in Memorial Hall. SUMMER SOUNDS CONCERT BONFIRE Our 2nd bonfire of the summer concert series will be held on Friday, July 31st featuring “GREEN RIVER ORDINANCE” with special guest Brett Newski. Bring your lawn chairs or blankets, food for cooking over the fire (s’mores makings will be provided), and refreshments of your choice. Join us in our park behind the church for fellowship, fire, and music provided by the Summer Sounds Concerts. Needed: Bread Bringers for Praise Services We need volunteers to bring an unsliced loaf of bread for our alternating Sunday Praise communion services. Please bring it to church anytime, date it and put it in the freezer in the kitchen. A loaf can then be taken from the freezer each Friday for use on any given Sunday. Thank you in advance. If you would like to bring flowers for the altar or have them delivered, please sign up on the bulletin board in memorial hall. If you provide flowers and wish to have something noted in the bulletin please notify the office by the Thursday before your Sunday. Thanks for your help in this weekly mission. Collection boxes are in Memorial Hall for the following missions: Milwaukee Homeless Veterans Initiative SHOEBOX RECYCLING Family Sharing Food Pantry Don’t Throw It Away We are collecting, soup labels, can tabs, box tops and milk tops. There are plastic buckets located on the shelves in our library for these items. There is also a red bin for collecting greeting card pictures. Thank you for your continued support of all these worthwhile projects. The can tabs go to The Ronald McDonald House, the box tops, labels, and milk tops go to our local schools and the greeting card pictures to our local veterans. RECYCLE YOUR CANS AND SUPPORT OUR YOUTH PLEASE CONTINUE TO BRING ALUMINUM CANS to our church garage for our recycling fundraiser. We continue this project year-round. THANK YOU! to the following members celebrating JULY birthdays: 7/01 Michael Dickmann 7/02 Lukas Hensel 7/02 Emma Larson 7/02 Tracy Johnson 7/03 Dennis Thusius 7/05 Art Filter 7/05 Bob Fischer 7/07 Emily Carpenter 7/07 Rick Kasten 7/07 Glenn Moegenburg 7/13 Rachel Balde 7/13 Erich Natzke 7/13 Jennifer Tucholka 7/13 Lyman Weber 7/13 Brady Rohde 7/14 Mackenzie Neumann 7/14 Delores Kasten 7/15 Fern Kannenberg 7/16 Ruth Theys 7/18 Marge Grasse 7/19 Sue Flanders 7/19 Coleen Steffen 7/20 Tyler Gallun 7/21 Ardell Guetzke 7/22 Ray Spatt 7/23 Darlene Schoessow 7/25 Gretel Pitre 7/25 Kayla Pitre 7/25 Owen Scibby 7/26 Nathan Bardwell 7/26 Jason Thusius 7/28 Franklin Krueger 7/31 Everett Bonk 7/31 Shirl Burmeister (If your birthday or anniversary is omitted or listed in the wrong month, please notify the church office so we can correct our computer records. Thank you.) Greeting Card Rack in Library We have 50¢ greeting cards available to purchase. We have also added a new variety of cards to the rack so stop in and take a look! What a great way to brighten someone’s day, send them a card. A thank you, congratulations, or just thinking of you. It’s so much warmer than email. to the following members celebrating JULY anniversaries: Steve & Terry Proefrock Robert & Lorraine Schmitz Frank & Nancy Hauck Amilcar & Gretel Pitre Ronald & Marian Brandt July 1, 2006 July 4, 1959 July 10, 1976 July 14, 1990 July 20, 1968 David & Darla Valentine July 20, 1968 Jason & Lauren Hoerchner Bill & Gloria Bruce Lynn & Marilyn Carpenter Walter & Judy Hohner July 20, 2013 July 23, 1966 July 23, 1983 July 25, 1959 And Happy 15th Anniversary to Pastor Vicki. July 9th she will celebrate 15 years as an ordained pastor! Congratulations!! Please remember these brothers and sisters in Christ in your prayers, along with others that we name in our hearts. Jonathan Quick, Nancy Tucholka, Kathy Portz, Bill Brandt, Art Filter, Ray Brandt, Vi Wittig, Wally Grube, Dorothy Karrels, Sylvia Krueger, Cindy Gill, Vera Anderw, Tonika Williams; Bishop Jeff Barrow and the Greater Milwaukee Synod, our partner churches - Incarnation, Faith, Trinity, St. John/Lakefield & Advent. Please notify our church office of names for prayers. JULY 2015 COMMUNION ASSISTANT SCHEDULE LECTOR SCHEDULE July 5th 9:00 am Ray Spatt July 12th 9:00 am Emily Carpenter July 19th 9:00 am Sandy Stoffel July 26th 9:00 am Jen Wendorf Please contact Gail Harvancik (262-377-5920) If you would like to volunteer! July 5th 9:00 am Ray & Linda Spatt July 12th 9:00 am Sheri Hoerchner & Karen Anderson July 19th 9:00 am Coleen Steffen & Sandy Arndt July 26th 9:00 am Christa Hackert & Sylvia Fischer Please contact Gail Harvancik at (262) 377-5920, if you would like to volunteer! HOSPITALITY MINISTERS ALTAR SERVICE SCHEDULE July 5th 9:00 am Karen Anderson July 12th 9:00 am July 19th July 26th 9:00 am 9:00 am NO COMMUNION Diane Brandt Christa Hackert Please contact Linda Spatt at (262) 377-3005, if you would like to volunteer! July 5th Anne Kitzerow July 12th Bob & Sylvia Fischer July 19th Roger & Jane Miller July 26th Miguel & Wendy Lopez Please contact Bob Fischer at (262) 377-3556, if you would like to volunteer! Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 10:00 AM Knitting Group Meets Thursday 2015 Friday 2 3 8:30 PM Softball vs Unitarian No. Sat. 4 HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY 5 6 9:00 AM Tradition- 5:30 PM TOPS al Worship Service Meeting (Library) w/Communion 7 8 9:30 AM Tues- 10:00 AM Knitting day Morning Group Meets Social Gathering 9 10 11 7:30 PM Softball vs 1:00 PM St. Francis Chair Yoga 12 9:00 AM Alternative Fuel Praise Band Service w/ Communion 13 9:00 AM VBS @ Faith thru July 17th 5:30 PM TOPS Meeting (Library) 14 15 9:30 AM Tues- 10:00 AM Knitting day Morning Group Meets Social Gathering 16 10:30 PM Softball vs Trinity 17 18 19 20 5:30 PM TOPS Meeting (Library) 21 22 9:30 AM Tues- 10:00 AM Knitting day Morning Group Meets Social Gathering 23 24 6:00 PM Pizza in the Park 7:30 PM Softball vs Crossroads 25 26 27 9:00 AM Alterna- 5:30 PM TOPS tive Fuel Praise Meeting (Library) Band Service w/ Communion 5:00 PM Chinook Baseball @ Concordia University 28 29 9:30 AM Tues- 10:00 AM Knitting day Morning Group Meets Social Gathering 30 31 6:30 PM Softball vs 1st Imm. Srs. 1 9:00 AM JOINT Traditional Worship Service w/ Communion w/ INCARNATION Summer Sounds Bonfire in the Park
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