childrcnb burcaa statistica/ series MATERNAT ond CH ItD HTAITH - Ig57 stRvlcEs MCH Co].].ection Doc um e n t N u mb e r 3 7 4 Providedby the Maternal and Child Health Library, GeorgetownUniversity I t, d, I i,-. ft t Statistical Series No. 53 I l'i;. I ). | | , , ., d " i, I i,*, MATERML A}ID CHILD HEAITH SER\ICES L957 Theodore Pritzker, Chief Health Statisties Section Program Analysis Braneh Dlvislon of Research Uo S. DEPARTfuIENT OF HEAITH, EDUCATION, A].ID WEI,FARE social seci:rity adninlstration chlldrenrs Bureau Provided by the Maternal and Child Health Library, Georgetown University 1 f TEXI TABLESAI.[DCiIARTS Page TABI.^EA. Nr:mber of lt{rcthers and Recaiving Direct Services, by Type of Service, United.States t L957 and L956..........'o TA3I.E B. Other Maternal United States, and Child Health Services, r' TABLE C. C h i l d H e a l t h N u r s i n g S e r v i c e , b y A g e G r o u p, L 9 5 7 . . . . . . . . . . FIGIIR^EI. ] V l c t h e r sR e c e i v i n g S e l e c t e d } l a t e r n i t y FIGURN 2. Chitdren Served by Well Child Conferences..'o............... FIGURN 3. Receiving Nr:rsing Service Outside WeIl Chlld C o n f e r e n c g sa n d S c h o o l s . . o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r . . o . . . . . . . . . . . . FIGURN 1. Child,ren Receiving Well Child FIGURN 5. Children Given Schoot Health Examinations FIGURN 6. Children IImUnl aed...... r o..... - ' ' ' ' o........................... L957 afrd L956. r o............ 2 5 o . oo , . . . . . , Services.... . 5 Conference Service t L947'L957. 5 t.......o. 6 artd Screenirl$..... o.... . o............. 7 DETAIL TABLES TABIE 1 . Mothers Receiving Maternity TA3I.E 2 . ivlcthers Receiving TABIE 3 " Children Other Selected Maternity Served in WeIl Child a a a a a a a a a . a a.. L957..4 Medical Clinic .. ! a a. a. Service t L957.... r0 Services t L957 .. . l1 Conferenees, by Age Group, a a a. a a. a a a.... a a ' t ' r " " " " o o ' L3 Receiving Vfell Child Conference Service t L957....... TABI.E 1 . Infants TABI,E Children Receiving WetI Chifd Conference Service, by Type of COUnty, L957. . . . . . . r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o. . . . . . . . . . . . | . TASIE 6. Child,ren Receiving L957. Chlld Health Ni,rrsing Service, L4. by Age, . . a . a . . . a . . . . . . . . . a a . . . . a a a . . . . . a . | . . . . . a r . . ' ' ' ' t ' ' c ' TABI.E7. Chlldren Recej-ving Dental Treatment arrd Topical ApplicationS, by Agg, L957...................... TABI,E B . School Hea1th Examinatlons, L957........................ TABT.Eo and Dental Screening Visual Screening, Audiometer Testirg, Undgr Sehoot Health Programs, 1957.......................... TA3I.E 10. Chj.ldren Receiving Smallpox Imunlzation, / a L2 o ' Fluoride or . . . t . . . . . . o.... by Age, L957...... ii Providedby the Maternal and Child Health Library, GeorgetownUniversity L5 I6 17 18 20 Page TABIE 11. Children TABIE L2, Children Receiving P e r t u , s s i s I m r : n i z a t i o n , Receiving Diphtheria Innnwrization, by Age, L957. . . . 2I by Age, L957.... . 22 TABIfi L3. Children Receiving T e t a r n i . s I m r n r n i z a t i o n , b y A g e , L 9 5 7 . . o . . o r 23 TABI,E T/,. Children 2/r TABIE L5. Children Receiving T l p h o i d k m r . r n i z a t i o n , b y A g e , L 9 5 7 . , . . . . . 25 TABIE 16. Children Served in Ullscellarreous Special Clinics, of Clinlc and Age, L 9 5 7 . r . . . . - . . . . . a r . . . . . . . . . . r 26 TABLE L7. Receiving Midwife Services, Polionyelitis 'l Immurrization, by Age , 1957 . by Type . . . . r .. . . ... o rirl J-,/J I . Footnotes For Tables L-L7. 27 28 111 Provided by the Maternal and Child Health Library, Georgetown University This pageis blank in the original document, Proyidedby the Maternal and Child Health Library, GeorgetownUniversity MATERNAL A}.ID CHILD HEALTH SERVICES 195? General of Cclr.mbia, Puerto Rico and the Virgin A11 the States, the District and improve services for promoting the to extend. funds Islalds receive Federal prograrn is adrninistered under Tit1e V t The health of mothers ard Act. SecuritY Part I , of the Social The maternal ald child health prograJn includes a variety of services, not all of which are provided in all States. The services selected for arrrrual reporting to the Children's Bureau which are presented in this restatistical port are those most commonly provided by the States. They are reported if prohealth agenci-es. vided or purchased- by State or local official In addition to the reported servi-ces, nearly all States include in their prograns study of the causes of maternal, infartt, neonatal and perinatal In-servdeaths, usually in cooperation with med.ical societies and hospitals. Statefs part every of is a personnel of maternal and child health ice training nutriphysiciarrs, nurses, for prograrn. Maly States conduct short institutes and others. Each medical social workers, hospital administrators, liottists, public health or grants in year several States award education or training offering are States of nurnber AJr increasing disciplj-nes. other professional of a consist that may team a through to improve hospital services consultation j-mes a and nutriti-onist somet a nr.lrses, and an obstetrician, ped iatrician, services are usually given to the medical social worker. Such consultation to the maternity and less frequently newborn nursery service of the hospital, pediatric services. 44 State As a result of increased fi:nds for mental retardation, children. retarded health departments have developed services for mentally treatment and evaluation Usually the core of this servj-ce is a diagnostic, parents. for children and cor.rnseling for clinic and morbidity from accidents loom large in childSince rnortality hood, a number of States also have developed accident prevention progralns tJrder maternal and chitd health auspices. Schedules providing the information presented in this report were of Colunbia, Alaska, Hawaii, receiveC from the /rg States and from the District puerto Rico, an6 the Virgin Island s . To avoid cumbers,cmeverbiage the word n as used throughout this report refers to these 53 jr-rrisdictions. "State The forms used in the reportirrg of the data were revised in L956 and Seare described in the report for that year (Cnifarenrs Bureau Statlstical then, reporting of redef initions ries No. /*g) . Because of the numerous few comparisons of that yearts record of services rendered with those of preshown herein will be compared vious years were possible. The L957 statistics reports have been added State pages wherein with Lg56 data in the following for each of these the nation together to show the overall totals throughout two years. Providedby the Maternal and Child Health Library, GeorgetownUniversity Trends A certain amormt of shifting of emphasis is reflecteC in the figures representing nrothers and children provided services in L957 and L956. Certain areas of service increaseo in L957 while others remained about equal to the previous year and a few were curtailed. Gains were registered in such important categories as medical clinic service +,o ilotrhers, wel-l child conf erence service, and jmmunizations. Table A presents totals of the number of mothers arrd children whc received selecteC types of direct service in L957 and L956, the percentage difference between the two years, and the number of States which prcvided each tlpe of service in each year. Table B presents totals for other services. These are discussed below for each cf the ma.jor classifications, TABLE A.--Number of Mothers and ChlfdrenReceiving L957 Direct Servj-ces, and 1956 Selected maternity services: ryteo].cal clrm_c servlce rNtl 4r rer cf rr '€n o earrri Denta1 innat-ionl .^va Selected chil-d health services: Well child conferenee service Infarts .....r Preschool. General pediatric clinlc service (except mental retardation) Special cLi-nics Nursing service Tnnioe-l qnnl-ino-f f'l rrnrido Dental- treatment Hospital inpatlent lnfants Hospital inpatient nramof r'nnc care for i nmrra ...... Fiorna< nA\ 5,246 6,789 2B,67A 8,389 2 205 905 a a T q a f r y a t a L ) t 2 L ( /, .OBBtA*7 2 , 9 O 8, L 2 / " 2 , 6 L L1 6 2 8 85L,7L7 3 , 5 8 7, 2 5 5 21497,/,59 2 ' 1 1 2 7, 2 5 8 9O7,3O2 L t l r' * r' c ....., inn]rrrla children who received t L 2 t 2 J r 2,966,939 2 , o o 7, 6 7 3 2 , 7 4 5, 5 L 3 1 1 r 8 0 9, 0 6 9 1,257 ,9]-7 23,837 o Typhoid. Other. ' 5L7,243 769,LAz L53,069 L95,7/,3 2 9BO,606 165,66/t +2.9 -62.7 +L3.4 +?1 +7.8 -nt -4.3 -16. c -3.4 +35.6 +t3.2 1957 L956 53 L2 L3 53 T7 72 5? 53 )J 53 3L 53 16 I/+ 5T 3T JO -t6 L3 t5 +24I.8 1? L4 -O./" 4L 42 'Lo I/+ a1 a +I4.0 +L6.4 +7.6 -6.1 ) < , /./" /t7 12 .+O 23 20 53 53 53 53 I Pertussls Tetanus Pn] L 2861345 ?q? providing Number of States this service care excluding rrrr'*rr Imunizations: SmalJ-pox. honr' 225,621/*34t39/* 9,603 3/,t89B United. States, premature School health examinations and screening: Exarnins6 by physicians. .. Screening by other persomel Visual screening. Audiometer testing. Dental screeni-ng. Other. Tl{ nhi t 326,277 5 5 7, B O L 768,476 L46,543 L64,/+3c 2 878,L27 224,66L 506,7O4 Service, L956-1957 +or- l-956 2/"4'630 4j*6t843 3,583 39,562 ao treatment Hnqni-tql nhnnoc service L957 of Percent Number reported of by Tlpe basic serj-es plus L,6L2,r1.1 2,357,L28 Lr8rrr34O ) )?a 5)q L3,2O9,L7O L,O/r2,BO2 9 ,AB/, children +6.4 +25.9 + 1 0 .B +22.6 -r0. 6 +20.6 +L62.4 who recej-ved boosters 53 5? 2l T2 or 23 7 re-vaccinations. Provided by the Maternal and Child Health Library, Georgetown University L4aternal and Chil-d Health Services, TABIE B.--Other Unlted States, Number of deliveries by midwives supervised by health department persormel. lucation services (mrmberenrolled):Classes for expectant parents..... Other classes Nunber of States providing this service L957 ]-956 Percent change L956-L957 +or- l0 r0B7 9r2O5 +9.6 6,588 7 ,58O -]-3.r rB \7 l-r908 ).,(97 +13. :1- L2 11 -'t 1 5 5 40 2l JY r5? Number reported Type of service idwife services: in States.... Number of practicing nidwives i.n classes Number ef midw-ives enrolled ^9 I - ;f , I*E^ +U I- ' 9+U.V,S+O^ ^ 1957 artd L956 /,8 '782 B4,765 4< I nrl 55,232 L957 L956 zo 25 Maternity Service Mothers receiving maternity rnedical clinic service increased in numb e r f r o m 2 2 5 , 6 2 / , i n L 9 5 6 t o 2 4 A , 6 3 0 L n L 9 5 7, a g a i n e f 6 . 7 p e r c e n t . T h i s s e r v ice, provided u-nder t,he maternal aJrd child health prograJrls of 35 States includes consultation, diagnosis, treatment or fcllow-up care in clinics crgaJli ooA *n nr"nrri6ls altepartum or postpartum services niith a physic |a1 in attend r g v u v v } / r v v aJICe. A11 of the 53 States also provided maternity nursing services to mothers during and following pregnaJr3y. In L957, &6rB/r3 mothers received this service, a gain of 2.9 percent over the L956 total. These figures are in addition to il.Lrses f servj-ces at medical clinics where physicians were present. figure 1. MOTHERS RECEIVING SELECTED MATERNITY SERVICES Maternity medical clinic s er v ic e: 195? 240,630 1956 225,624 Maternity nursing 1957 446,843 1956 434,394 Servi-ces to no+,hers in both the antepartum aJrd postparturn perio,Cs generaily extenC over several months. As a consequence about one-fourth of the mothers cou.nted as having received service in L957 are included also in the Iq5A n^rr.* since service tc them began in that year. This duplication is avoided. if we eliminate the 'rcarry-oversrr and count orlty those mothers who r/ere first admitted to maternity medical clinic service in each yeaJ. In L957 there were l80r797 molhers new to this progran, compared. with L73,730 in L956. (The L956 figure is partially computed since 6 States did not furnish the breakdovm between new cases and carry-overs in that year.) L / t v v v q r v , Provided by the Maternal and Child Health Library, Georgetown University L{aternity services furnished by a minority of the States included dental treatrnent during pregnancy, which was provided by L7 St,ates r'n.-1956 and 1 2 t n L 9 5 7 , a n d h o s p i t a l i n p a t i e n t c a r e , p r o v i d e C b y L 2 S ' , a - i , c si n L 9 5 6 , L 3 i n is a selective t).pe of service usually given for the nore L957. The latter serious complications of pregnanc)/. lvlot,hers receiving dental treatment declineC in nunber from 9,603 in L956 t,c 3,583 tn L957. l'{others recei-ving hospital care increased in number *n L957 to 39 ,562 , L3 . /* percent above the 34 t89B number so served. in L956. Hospital care was provided by L3 States in L957 as compared with LZ tn L955. Child Health Service lJnder State maternal and child health programs, servi-ces are rendered to of all ages. Inc.luded. arnorg the servj-ces which are furnished r--' dnn^ n n o,^11 cf the S'bates are well child ccnf erences, a program for infants \JruJ D\Jlils and preschcol age children, general pediatric clinics or specialized clinics for diagnostic services, visits by pubtic health nurses to children of all dental treatment, hospir,al care for inages, topical fluoride applications, fnnts - sehool health examinations and screenings, and inmunization against commirnicable diseases . ! s r v v Clinics for the general health supervision of infants and presohool children, generally hrown as weII child conferences, render service under t,he -rhroughout They are to be for.r.ndin tovrns arrd cities supervision of physicians. all of the States. 0f a total of L1326,277 infants and pres:hocl children served in well child conferences, 557r801 cr /r2 percent were infants. -fhus the ccverage of infants in this field of service is far more intense than is the case for children in t,he preschool ages, which cover approximaiely a 5-year span. figure 2. CHILDREN SERVED BY WELL CHILD CONFERENCES WeIl child conference Inf ants P r es c ho o l : 195? 5 5 ? ,8 0 1 1956 5t7,243 195? 768,476 1956 7 6 9 ,1 0 2 Public health nurses not only participate in the work of weli c.nj io conferences but also render servi-ces in homes as well. These services r.lnisler of ways, includ:ng eouto the needs of children of all ages in a multiplicity in the form of advice and guidance to parents and crrrl iren. cational activities Public health nursing service for chiidren, in addition to the attenoarr::a :,i nurses in well chiid ccnferences and in schools, was orovided by 5L St,ates in L956 and 52 in LC)57, 4 Providedby the Maternal and Child Health Library, GeorgetownUniversity figure 3. CHILDREN RECEIVING NURSING SERVICE OUTSIDE WELL CHILD CONFEREI{CES ATiID SCHOOLS 195? 2,979,L27 1958 2,990,606 (birth through age 2A) served by public The total nr.mber of children health nurses in maternal and child health programs was 2,878 ,L27 tn L957 , representing a slight decline from L956. The distribution of this total by age groups was a.s follows : TABIE C.--Chlld Health Nursing Service, by Age Group, l-957 Age group A11 Under L - 4 a E / 1r:t ! l fB-20. Not ages...... 1.... a a a o o o..... t . r . o. . .. .... a a a a a a a r a o a a a a a a . . o . r... given. r.... Number of childrenr r. o.......... . . o . .. . r. .. . .. r r r r r. | .... . .. . a o r a a a a a a a o a a a a a r r a a a a a l a a a a a a o a a a r . a a a a o a a a a a a a a a a l o t a a a o o a a a a a a a a a a a a r a a . .. ... o o . o o r... . .. o r... 2,B7B,L27 r........ r.... .. o a a o a a a . r . .. . . . . . . o. . . . . . . . . . . . r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o. . . . . . . . . 687,O73 829,7/l L r O 3 4, g L 9 L8,O2/* 3OB,37O r In addition to number of children served by nurses in well child ences where physicians are in attendance and on school premises. confer- 1,400 figure 4 1 ,2 0 0 CHILDREN RECEIVING 1,000 WELL CHILD CONFERENCE SERVICE I 9 4 ? - 1 95 ? I LProvidedby the Maternal and Child Health Library, GeorgetownUniversity School Health Service A.s has been the case in past years, the type of serviee most connonly provided under school health progran,q wa,s screen-ing for visual def ects. representing an increase In L95,7 this servlce was given to 4.OBB,&7 children, increases were also regisof 14 percent over the previous year. Significant up L6,4 percent over L956, tered. for audiometer testing , 2rgOB,L2/+ children, arrd dental screen-ing, Z.6LL1628 children, 7.6 percent above the L956 figure. ln the school health program held Chlldren examj-ned by physicians about even, w-ith 2,ZO5 ,gO5 tn L957 against 2 r2L5 ,5L7 in L956. Changes in the minor. each of the abolre services were relatively nr.imber of States providing to for 45; 47 from In the ca-se of visual screenirg this number decreased it went up from 42 to t/"; dental screening wa,s provided by audiometer testing 48 States tn L957r up from /*5 the previous year; arld 4l States furnished examinatiorrs by ptrysicia:r,s in L957, ris against /r2 in 1956. Reports &re not received on the service of nirrses on school premises; children visited in their homes by school nurses are included in Table C. figure 5 CHILDREN GIVEN SCHOOL HEALTH EXAMINATIONS AND SCREENING Examination by physician: 195? 2,205,905 1956 2,215,517 Screening: 4,088,64? Visual 3 , 5 8 7 ,2 5 5 Audiometer Dental 195? 2,908,124 1956 2,497,459 2,61L,628 2,421,258 Provided by the Maternal and Child Health Library, Georgetown University Immunization A record nu:nber of children received inulrnizations tn L957. Children receiving original smallpox vaccinatlons numbered L,373,67L and those revaccinated, 3/rLr6&, a 6./+ percent rise in the total mrmber of children over L956; the basic series of diphtheria inror:ni zations given to L ,55/* ,A32 and boosters for Lr4L2r9O7 reflected a 25,9 percent increasel the nwnber of chilpertussis iJnfiunizations rose 10.8 percentl tetarrus , 22.6 perdren receivirg cent; and tlphoid 20.6 percent. (See tables 10-13 ) t/ figure 6 CHILDREN IMMUMZED 1957 1 ,7 1 . 5 , 3 3 5 1958 1,612,144 Diphtheria: 1957 2,966,939 1956 2,357,L29 Pertussis: 1 9 5 7 2,007,673 1956 1,811,340 195? 2,745,513 1956 2,239,529 195? t1251,gl7 1956 1,042,902 Smallpox: Tetanus: Typhoid: I These figures on children lmunized are arrlved. at by adding together the mrmbers of children receiving both origlnal vaccinations or basic series ard those given revaccinations or booster shots during the year. Thus they represent the total number of who received protectlon against these diseases as a part of the maternal ard child health prograrns of State a3d local health departments. The number receiving the baslc series for pollonyelitis irnraunlzation and boosters, on the contrary, declined from L3 ,2Og,L7O given tn L956 to IlrB09 tO69 In L957, a drop of 10.6 percent, The poliomyeiitts fig6e for L957 is provislonal aJrd subject to correctlon. (see Table L/r) Providedby the Maternal and Child Health Library, GeorgetownUniversity In addition to the inmmizatiorrs mentioned above, other types of by imrunization are given from time to time in certain states when warranted local conditiorls. Other Services In a.ddition to direct servi-ces to mothers aJrd children of the. kinds described above, health departments usually organize aJ}d conduct a varying amourrt of ed.ucational services. Classes in health education are held in a classes for expectant parents. In 1957 large number of States, especially classes for expectalt parents were attend.ed by 48 t782, artd other classes related. to maternal and child health, by 84 '765 persons. nr.uaberof deIn those States where midwives perform a significant are pursued midwives are kept and activities of practicing registers liveries, ald safeguardirg the health of directed towara improving their abilities a total of 101087 mi-dwives. reporting States mothers. Table B shows 28 attended by 6 '588. As part of the classes conducted Eighteen of these States were supervised by health by midwives deliveries trai-ni-ng, a total of t, 9OB d,epartment persorrnel in 12 States. State Detail In the tables which follow, breakdowns of the services diseussed above are given, showing the numbers which have been reported by each State. Detalls by age group are given for child health services, children served in and we1l child conferences are divided into those residing in- metropolitan for tables the and Bureaur' the Census nor,rmetropolitan cor:nties as def ined by percent children of and the nr:mber school examinations a16 screen-ings show examined by physicia:r.s when parents were present. r Except in New England, a county is included in a standard metropolitan area if it contains at least one city of 501000 or more according to corrnty and , accordthe L95O Census r or if it is contiguor:-s to a metropolitan in character arld is metropolitan lt is essentially ing to specifled cri.teria, of the and economically integrated with the eentral city or cities "o"iutly rather than counties are the units used area. In New England, towns and cities area"s. However, for purposes of Childrenr s to define standard. metropolitan al-l New the total couaty is the report r:nitl therefore, Bureau reporting, metropolitart population standard in their than half more with couatj-es Englald Thls classif ication corresponds to areas are cla.ssif ied as I' State economic defining metropolitan in the Censr:s of Bgreau the by used that England. in New areas I Provided by the Maternal and Child Health Library, Georgetown University APPENDIX Provided by the Maternal and Child Health Library, Georgetown University APSENDIX TABLE I.--lrfothers State Receivlng Service, ]tredical Cllnic ]laternity Carried over frcm last year Total , 1 ( {^t 3,L28 4, tOOL L4r9OO 215 2239L (') 611 398 2r24L 11 /I\ (') r70 4rooo L2rL29 56 792 2,275 27,855 156 1rOLz L]-1 {^} / l \ (') (') r]) 3r088 7,676 w,063 z 1 ( 7,L3O 87 LO 1399 3 1912 (') L4 LA.3 4L /r\ 2,O12 3,267 L1,7Lr (1) /1\ 5 t&*9 (') ] 67.L 3,2A8 9,851. ov. z (JL. Z /I\ 85.6 23,81.3 r7tr, )42 F OZrU /1\ fI\ rr) 88.8 86./" 1r) 21713 6263L /r\ 558 r1) (3) r1) L,L28 651 101 831 45L f1\ 25,296 A /r\ /r99 LO1067 A?5 (') /]\ 5 1891 74 9,895 82.7 8 5 .r 95.2 3r3u /r\ 85.8 r1) r3) LLz 1L 78.3 IOO.O 9L1 2r6L3 L]-t52O r1) Ur.B 80.0 78.3 /3\ / L \ /l\ 2r758 J_1354 76.8 rtq /r\ /.L\ /I\ /1\ 32,691 n 56.1 /1\ \/ /I\ /1\ 1r608 1..{O.1 L nl /r r}/r'1+ 71.5 82.O 1 "QC I rL15 5,228 31t 5 rr) L29 1r8O7 67 886 9,569 329 70.7 rr) 87.3 66,6 83.r 15 168 (r) 91.8 rt) I.?J. /I\ /1\ 183 (1) 1I\ LL4 r2996 rr) L1236 L3 5U .+o z /r\ lr0r5 w,376 396 OZtv (1) (') 1 20L (') /a) 5 1129 6 1373 d . 85.0 (') (r) 315 ? an5 2,5L7 2,163 L2,659 (') /1\ 57 r99O (') (') 1 BO.1 11\ 92797 (') /1\ 3 1592 l_r805 rl) Percent of ca6es new this year (r) 306 Ro5 (1) Nev thls year L$O,797 24O,630 12,188 1957 /I\ /1\ (') ln lv Provided by the Maternal and Child Health Library, Georgetown University t'i APPENDIX TABLE 2.--tlothers State Receiving 0ther Selected llaternity Services, 1957 Nunber receiving naternity nursing service Nunber receiving dental treat'rnent /,1-6'813 3,583 39,562 r32,3O8 T2 123 2,9o2 14,731. 1 ?Q5 1.1815 3 1552 2LrL5O A ?12 27,35L 2r8O7 735 'r ? 1rt'J' /r\ f1\ rl) i t1 \ n rt) )6 /l\ Number of days /f\ ),/J, /f\ care Average number of days 3.3 6.9 (') (') /I\ /1\ (1) / I\ (') r1) 15 /1\ (I) /1\ )r( 7 2596 (') /1\ (1) 216 25 , {. 5,8 0 t _ l 114 L1332 5.5 (') ).4 /1\ 3.O /I\ /1) /]\ 13,536 5,OO9 31,8O0 21877 L9,1gl lnpatient rlr /r\ /4\ 5?5 I,5O2 973 LLr77L L O1 6 0 3 959 Number of mothers (') /f\ 1.961 (r) 161316 Hospital (r) r1t /1\ (') (') (') (') r1) (1) /r) rrt (') (') (1) /1\ 115 88 /I\ 208 (') (') (') 70 L2 /1\ I21.19 (') /f\ (') (') /1\ r1) (') 1 /I\ 321375 (') (') 65 (1) / r'\ (') 5,8 (') ).6 (') 65.O /'I \ (') 6,717 r1887 978 252 ]-rl"16 (') (') (') )'( (') (') (') (') (') /I\ (1) 20,270 (') (') /1\ ooo J t / r / " 21rL52 10r8r3 625 18 r4'.76 2,Lr5 r1378 4 1236 22,875 3 r3O9 37,771 zLz LOr2O9 25 r8O8 r1278 177 652 Lr1279 4,O58 2r59r 11r865 26r (1) (') 1.t //l\ (1) 100 25 (1) /I\ /I\ (3) (') (') (1) (') (1) (1) / 1\ (i ) (') /I\ /L\ /1\ (') (') (') (') (') 2r8L7 20r008 (') 16 /]\ (') 77 /I\ (') (') /I\ (') (') 56,912 (') /r\ (3) (') (') (') 381. L39 6 /1\ /1\ i'i lil 1r166 1,,?" /rB /I\ (') (r) //I\ 2.8 (') (') (') (') (') /1\ /1\ 2.8 /I\ T2 (') 2.o /]\ /1\ rlt /r) /r\ /I\ \/ l,1\ (') 3,865 8.301 (2\ 23L /L\ \i (') /r\ 3.3 6.6 (2) 4.8 /I\ r.l-r 11 Provided by the Maternal and Child Health Library, GeorgetownUniversify APPENDIX TAtsLE3.--Children served in well e+^+^ child I Colorado Conneeticut. . . . . Delaware District of Columbia..... Florida. t?6 95,/*OA L7,563 6,625 6,926 33,29r 31,,969 / r1 8 6 9 I t/'32 2,1.85 L2,036 12,018 4,25O 4/r,79L 3,168 643 / +t 6 2 3 1r017 4,56r 2,558 1 7, 9 9 4 20,096 B,727 L,989 L,a/,)7 ,O71 L3,475 3,252 57,LBL 47,A7O 1.9,16r L , 75 6 20,234 2r,9/,1 23,95L 1 1 ,B t O 468 /, t9L4 7I \.^-+,,^1^, I\E II U UU \Y Loulsiana. Maine Maryland Massaehusetts. Mlchigal. ivlinrLesota. 9 V I . . . . . . . 5t t v ? C q/ q / LB24"3 4,172 5,3OB lr.[issouri. Montara. Nebraska. Nevada. N e wH a m p s h i r e . . . 't Q 3,680 9,21.4 LO3,/"65 18 , t_40 ( 3) Ohio. Oklahona. Oregon. Pennsylvarda... .. Puerto Rico. 73,rO2 5,91O 5,679 27,392 33,r89 25,O39 2,365 L,605 7,865 I8 t9L/" Rhode Island South Carolina. South Dakota. Tennessee. Texas 5l-3 B,367 7L1 2r1695 29,L9B L17 r0,2/r5 a7,1L1. Utah. Veruont Virgin Islands Virginla. Waehington 2,9L8 5 r583 1r806 21r000 2 21 9 9 5 1r107 6r) 951 12,o35 7 .7BO Brggo 2,5O/* 8.700 T ^ -^ ^.. U VI DgJ New Mexico New York. \I^-+L l\UI ...... -i -6 n ^-^-1 V4 VAIIIE. UII North Dakota. Vfest Vlrginia.. WissoDaln. w.,^-{ rlJl\'/l"url5 . x Chiefly 5 and 6 year :(x- ! ' " prior to enrollment 0 0 0 0 0 8r002 /t to/r5 4,692 L,L48 l,l_09 20,394 9,889 in 1 )95 B58 0 13,062 0 0 o 0 0 0 925 1 0 278 0 0 0 0 0 0 C)D L 58,818 7 ,L3/* 909 3,276 at>)-) 4,73O L,B9L 0 0 0 0 0 0 l-5,491. 20,L/+3 3,324 L6,BL7 88 ltr700 0 0 0 0 0 L,228 0 0 69r 0 0 0 0 /ro Lr)ta L,242 ra,92o ro ?o5 20,83/" 1r200 3,6L6 8,527 ) 5.7R 3r188 58/' ).15 (') ,/. or1 0 0 0 0 0 8tLg" 5 t/+27 2,2L9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 r5OL 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,8L9 L2r/r7o 0 0 16 2,L16 2 r7/"5 0 0 0 0 0 3,807 7 ,250 t3\ 2,679 783 (3) 0 n 0 1f rL, F1 ) )L+ (3) Qoo J / t v 2 / "o 3,528 2,975 14.r 100 L2,056 3, Bo0 567 I,949 5 l+O 0 6,O7r 3 ,1"/+3 9;448 (3) 6,325 B,585 L55,AL/+ t567 () ) o1d childreh, 7,3LB L95 J0t, /, 1A n2,2 -d 6,678 720 3,24.8 L t7/+9 84,7OO AQQ 1 0, 0 0 5 23,896 26l-,922 39,LO2 (3) t T^ , I\gW Age u:r}<rLovrn 40 ro2 685 * L34,733 L,891 2,L2O 344 A'l 5 nracnhan'l 633,7O3 7,925 22r 4,9BO 9,523 /,tB29 180,l_00 ''I Iowa.. Kansas _ q)1 1 r03,609 rL,227 Georgia. Hawaii Idaho. Illinois Indiana. tt-'^^-'^^i--.-.' I V U D D I D D ] )1 \ro2T 5 5 7, B O r L,326,277 0ther L-/" years Under Total Alabarna. Alaska. Arizona. Arkalsas Callfornia conferences, bY Age Group, 1957 rr,78/, 1 Q'r1 4,768 rt A o/ o2 t v school. 12 Provided by the Maternal and Child Health Library, Georgetown University APPENDIX TABIE 1,.--Infants child Receiving well TotaI State 5 5 7, 9 O L 7,925 22L 4,98O 2,222 95,4OO 4,869 L,432 2,485 L2,036 -L2,ALB Colorado. Connecticul..... Del-aware. ni^+-:^t UlSlr]-CU ^4 Ol a^1,,-a' l-'O.l-UJllD1a.... ;... FIorida. 11,79L 3,168 603 / *t 6 2 3 1r017 r 2L,9/r/, ,? q5'l L,568 23 1 a/ F L ta+) L6L 24 r/,oo 1r390 898 6L9 /" II-OO 2,429 3,680 9,21O LO3r/+65 18.r40 ...... ...... Utati.. Verrnont. Virgin Isla:rds Virginia. Washington lrl-07 815 951 L2,O35 7,78O West Vlrginia.. tfflsconsin. 2 r5O4 8r7oO rr) LY6 2 t J r t L,9/rL 71,000 ow. z qoA r7 I ^ 87.1. 71..4 3 t/*79 L,866 7,936 q / 5 A q/ 2n 1, ry< l A4A .70 t rv T a 2 lLa) 1 L 3,225 t r ? qr Q v Q BO7 35/* 1 ?AA 2,969 /r69 6,9O3 B,372 TL7 20/* 910 L 2a'+) (') L,r82 687 5,7OB 10r 506 2,783 0 rr016 6,269 6J 501 5L LrL71 L,560 AAQ 59.4. 66.O ann .7Q ^ q5A l5,o4L AQ5 q./O 1 tC L t t t / 65.0 9,288 35L /r r7LO 75n o5q 7, 7 7 8 &9 (3) 2.66 JL o/.u i3\ 26.7 745 L1 ,3/*O 59L 0 2,O71 8r809 1 ,/. 17 6,357 (') 25,O39 21365 L,605 7 ,865 LB,9L1 LO,2/,5 L7,1).1. Percent new this year 389,5BO a a e) 368 1,567 New this year ( 5\ /,t336 (2) Rhode Island South Carolina. South Dakota. Tennessee. Texas 1957 2 t /Ll R AQQ )-,89/, 2,L2o 340 LO2 New Jersey New l{exico New York. North Carolina. North Dakota. Ifyoning. L56,798 tl- rBr0 468 1,9L4 lvlissouri Itilcntara. Nebraska. Nevada. New Harnpshire. . . Ohio.. Oklahoma. Oregon. Pennsylvania..... Puerto Rico. Carried over from last year qAq L,o1,L 7 ,O74 L 3r 1 7 5 3,252 Maryland. . . Massachusetts. Ivtichigan. Minlesota. lvtississippi..... conference Service, r02 2,6U, 2,97L 69,8O4 L3 ABO4 l') to,699 L,771. rr605 5 7q't /3\ o+. I 100.0 32.2 AN\ 76.L (2\ 12.7 r71 n 100.0 n'\ 10rr05 <).) 285 1,066 96 9rO7L L5,85/* /'t-t A ) 89.0 65.3 orn 73.2 L,7O5 810 780 787 1,732 6,O75 /-80 2,O2/, 80.8 (3) 297 ro/ n ?n,'l (3) (') z ? r (- l (') oq F/ 82.5 39.3 .7Q 1 (') l3 Provided by the Maternal and Child Health Library, Georgetown University APPENDIX Receiving Welt Child Conference Service, TABi,E 5.--Children by Tlpe of County, 1957 County Nurnber of children State Alabama... .... Afaska. Arizona. Arkalsas California Colorado Cormecticut. Delaware. of District Florida. ...... 6,882 (3) 2;47 0 9 t2/*2 ........ LO3,609 LL,227 2r,IL9 /" t82/* (3) 7,562 3 t3/"9 82,494 6 '/*43 (3) 337 90r 1.,283 1r830 278 o?o /26 n1 ..""""' ...... 'i q't ? -/ Qoo 4,25O / ,t 5 6 l 2,558 L7,991 20,096 B,727 ...... ........... Maryland. . Massachusetts. Michigan............. X.[Lrmesota. ItLississippi........... ...... 57,L3r 47,O70 /*9'46L r,756 2A,23O IB r/r1-3 lr r/r7Z Missouri Montana....r.. Nebraska. Nevada....... New Harnpshire. ..""| 6 ' 1 "nQ 615 685 .. NewJersey New N{exico .. ..... NewYork. North Carolina. North Dakota.. Ohio. Okfahoma. Oregon. Permsylvalia. Puerto Rico. 10,681 (3) 1.,6L9 33,29L ...... Iowa.. Kansas Kentuclcy. Louisiana. Malne. ..... . .......... r.......... ........... . .. ?" ...... tqq 5L3 B,367 7l.4 2L,695 29,L98 2,9L8 ...... Utah. Verrnont. ...... Islands Virgin Virginia. Washington West Virginia.. Wisconsin. Wyoning. lo r005 23,896 26r,922 39,LOz (2) 73,LOz 5,94O 5,679 27,392 ...... Rhode Island. South Carolina. South Dakota....... Tennessee. Texas. /,O2 1690 L7,563 6,625 6,926 33,29r 34,969 .. . G e o r g i a .. . . . . . Hawaii Idaho. Illinois...... Indiana. counties 6,716 L,\36 3,L77 3,758 30,704 ...... 2 ........... , ' v r a)tta/ t l.t ,/.oq Lv t-/t L2,o/*o 2,3',/B /"2 '489 /r/" tB96 36,r/,5 L rO/+5 33r 0 21253 0 55 9,249 3 1374 25O,95/* 6,681 (2\ &,339 2,962 r,8r7 LO,739 A'r5? 8610 1,806 2l-r000 22,995 rL r37A 2L,835 B,99O L6,733 4,76L 1L AA2 (*,) 7,199 8,056 61349 L5,O92 2,L74 L3,3L6 7LL qoo ro 5,A7B /" '472 3,455 r,6L5 630 naA 20,522 10 r 968 32.42L (2) B,763 2,978 3,862 L6,653 25,036 ))Y 1,,236 403 20,0/16 22,663 J-, duo (') -i t e n vs4r nnnnl vFv44 L5,2O5 0 6,346 1,071 L/"9'4OO 9,523 lrrB29 rB0,100 ...... v!+- vr 2-rt , 9 2 L . '.... ...... Colurnbia..... ma* r.rv 9r5 ,1/*9 t?6 in Percent Nonm o * vrr n nv r n l"itan v.!4 rrre L,326,277 ....... ...... trletropolitan 1,L3L 311 l-,€49 A v 5?5 t rr/ a n<ry a tvJ ( 0 91630 1 14n 69,4 0 66.6 22.2 o"n 66,7 100.0 .11, A 20,4 )'1 A |3" 78.B 5 qQ? 50q 27.2 95.1 n2 1 l_.6 0 42.1 0 an 92.4, I/+.1 L7.L (2\ B B .O /.o a )a.v 39.2 Zta.O 70.0 50,6 56.4 92.1 77.6 za.) .0 r00.0 o5n 4,229 q?n ?t?e\ ('.) QAA /1\ I t4 Provided by the Maternal and Child Health Library, Georgetown University a APPENDIX TABII 6.--Children State Alabama. Alaska. i-i -^-^ Receiving Child l{ealth Nursing Service, Under Totel 6 8 7, A 7 3 629,74L /,1,969 2A,967 2,163 I ,108 1,623 6 C ,C 5 0 12,226 2 '/*82 l, '558 q 547 LA,246 Delarare. Florida. Georgia. Hawaii. ILlinois. Indiana. I{aine. . Michigal. Mimesota. l\,lfiacieoinri Missouri. NIontana. Nebraska. Nevada. New Har4rohire JAraaar Nev [fexico. New York. \T^-+L a^-^f \T^-+L n^1-^+^ i-^ Ohio. . . 0kl-a.]:onra. Oregon. Pennsylvania. Pilar+^ Pi Rhnda Tcl Snrrth /.rral ^^ ori iro 72,r92 Utah... Verrnont. T^r ^-r^ fDfau Virginia. Washington. ,,cDU vrrtsflud uli ^^^--i- Wyoming. (') 2,r\7 74,8r5 ? aql 23,459 23,58r rL,1A3 2,11r 6,295 2,O99 66 'V,A 82,769 287,330 8 7, 5 3 4 4,(A! a1 ryn? 9,332 29,598 32,393 669 2 7, 5 8 6 I,783 6,1L3 23,907 23,539 10 r 112 LO3,r79 3,9!1 tt 5al 31,925 ?? ?ol 18,2O5 2,0116,3(A L7,LO2 156 r5/+2 /l\ 24,8t"5 2,698 c a?" 25,2r0 35,5C1 3,657 733,8&. 20,778 18,835 32,58L 49,129 L1.,665 6, 060 2,016 26,187 B / t' 7 5 9 aA )1n L7L,219 2a,378 ta9,991 7r,568 @ 1186 Texas. . \Il -4i vrrErrr 70,895 4,L33 1,861 r 8 , 75 8 L7 ,624 8r185 61,,254 19,U"O 10,961- Itloncoahrrca**< NTaE L43,487 'r, 5AO 5,88/* 7C,217 lll 72 0 1,1863 351 125 0 0 (3) 0 8,897 3,364 796 /*'O47 31.,367 24,062 t5 r5q (') 348,374 0 0 0 0 0 C 0 0 (3) 0 0 0 235 222 0 2,723 357 36,602 unkno!!]1 0 0 L1268 9,234 0 66,7\8 21.,3U" L8,a21 I,776 2,7OA I n?l (3) L9,/"4A ,1x t-,431,9t9 628 2,r88 (3 \ 6,16C ( 3) LLA,542 (') Iovra. . , Kansas. 1.2,2O4 2rIO3 |^nna^+i-,,+ 18-20 years L1 years 2,878,L27 v*,445 'I ATkalsas. by Age, 195? 0 0 0 0 (') (1) 9 r1/,3 1,606 22,948 8,845 5,126 0 L65 0 0 16 0 0 C 0 0 L7,238 31,573 98,036 9,328 35,83/t 2,5O8 1 5rA a /t5 r39O 0 0 0 0 2,759 17,27tr 0 77/r 2LB 0 546 0 83 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,252 0 8A 0 0 0 LL6,376 0 0 I ?t a 0 0 979 t26,O9E 35,789 2,993 319& ].o,429 10r711 (3) 7,58O 7,522 12,323 Ll ,960 (3) 9,247 3 7, 3 5 3 9,829 20,859 0 0 0 2,899 0 0 0 0 ].O,582 /,7 1]^69 4A 26,LL6 ].6,87O 3,971 l/r2 '355 789 29 r3J/'1 30 r9t8 r,997 267,OL9 2,657 16, l0B 0 51.9 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 r2,698 (3) ? ool 2,871 810 rL,681 -'qAs t t ) 4\n 31 r615 106 l,9gr 3 1263 10,030 8,778 2,529 52,I/,3 671 L9,OL2 5,687 I,025 2,rag 3r L 9 6 1.,72O 14,221 (3) I r)_19 322 0 42 0 306 2,]-67 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t5 Provided by the Maternal and Child Health Library, GeorgetownUniversity APPXNDIX Receiving Dental Treatment and Topical TABLE 7.--Cldldren Fluoride Iopical Dental- treatnent State Total 506,741 3,er'r2 (r) 2L7 Alaska. Delaware. District of Colwrbia...,. gr d. Hanaii. Ida.ho. . IlIinois. Iowa.. . Kans as . Kentucky. T ^,.1 ^i ^-^ Maine. . vr (r) 242 332 2, 8 8 1 qrq rl 3,11.8 (') (') (1) 0 (3) I,I72 (3) (') (') (') (') (') (') 0 23,931 843 300 0 2 56 0 807 L8,837 77,135 16,477 399 7 ,272 L70 LB,138 (') (r) 0 (') (') 1 6 ?1 1 5 (-/ (') LO1,879 (1) )r I (-) 0 0 0 0 0 0 /a (') (') (') (') (') (') 0 53r L92 0 0 0 (') (-') (') (') 2,000 (i) 0 (1) (') (') r-06 1.,:-'3L 23r ( 1,) )r i (-l 2,47O 863 0 0 0 0 7 ,Ol-8 t_0r983 53,3O3 36 t287 0 0 3,985 0 7 ,AL9 l0 ,983 /,/,,937 36l2B7 0 0 0 0 0 0 /, '38I 0 (') (') 0 9,8/*2 0 0 (') (-) 26,O53 2,726 503 (') 2,781 19,890 (') (3) 2t7 1 (') (t) (3) (3) 2,987 Jda (1) 5& 0 (') 'rL,a23 3,245 0 (') ad (') (r) (3) 73 (') 1A (3) /*30 (') 2,663 (3) L,O71 0 0 0 0 L2,2rO (') I I5, 150 (3) 0 (3) 150 i1\ \-) 0 ( 3) 0 (') 81 (3) o I (') 819 25,598 43r lYashlngton. (-/ 0 21726 0 (') 0 1A QOn 0 0 0 0 0 0 (3) (t) (' (' (' (t. (') (') (') (t 619 r,37O 1 ro8,773 (2) 800 t_7 (') 0 L ,26) 0 1 (') 503 (') (2) L '/'1o (') 18r (1) (') 0 0 (') (') xl-06 \7 ,969 3,825 0 0 0 56 LA,528 23,35O r,317 l-63 0 0 0 0 0 (3) 23L (1) (1) )r 1 (-J iij 0 (-) ( ) i L23 0 0 (') (3) !,374 1 (') 0 0 ro9,773 (3) (') o T6 0 (r) T7 3,1r4 0 (') 186 0 (') (1) (2) 800 (r) 0 (') 0 (' 0 (') (') (t ) 3,7/rO 526 (r) (2) 202 1t- C 0 (') (') / 3\ 3,1r1 28?Y t-, 0 0 0 0 (') (') 0 0 306 56 21,633 L,347 L67 0 (t 671. (r) (r) 0 0 (') (') 0 78 (') 67/, (1) L39,7/*8 (') (') (') (') L,768 L,815 8B 2,750 0 0 0 l_31 (') L,835 23,931 0 ot (') (3) (') 3,782 )-,!72, I 0 2 (') (') 0 Age unlcrown L-t, years (') (') (') o (') (') applicatiors A ,. 7 5 2 r,769 t,815 90 39L 0 Tennessee. Texas. . West Virglnla WisconEin. Wyoning.. (') (') 0 Total 2,861 863 12t2ro (-) * Includes LL,564 (') (') 0 (') I C 0 0 0 r 1 0r f luoride 224,66L 0 1t 20r L39 2, 8 8 r q I,r72 r,835 South Carolina vfrSfrue. 0 193 0 0 90 3,/.18 (1) t2 1106- Virgln Islands........... 246 (1) (') Utah.. . 0 1 (') t-l 9,812 3,241 A.A3 ctsulr. (1) \/ (') Permsylvanla. 3,563 (') LO6 1879 (-l Ohio. . . a5 (') unknown 27,625 (') (') New Jersey. New ilexico. New York. l , J o r t hC a r o l i n a . . . . . . . . . . . North Da.kota. 407,236 (1) (1) Montana. Nebraska. Nevada. New Hampshlre 19,8/,/r (t) LL,65/r ueur 18-20 years )_-1. years by Age,, 1957 Applications, (r) 0 28 15A1 (-, 11 (') 0 (1) 73 (r) (') (') (2) (3) (2) (3) (2) L,1./"O (1) (') C (') (') (1) (1) 130 (') 4AL (') (') ages 5-20. t _ =-_,6 Provided by the Maternal and Child Health Library, GeorgetownUniversity (') (1) 0 0 APPENDIX Health Exaninations, TABLE 8.--School Children exarined by physicien State 2,2O5,9O5 tt Afabama. Al-aska. a^--^^+ 524,769 ? 2t..r 3 ItQ 6,81.7 2 ,100 (t)- 5,C76 532 uEUr tsrd. Hawaii. Idaho. . Illinois. Indiana. 22,/,/,8 (r) 5,6/,3 i 2t Iowa... Kalsas. (') (') (') (') L qr ,rsrr (') aJ 9 (') 68,O5O 31,,95/r (1) Maine. . o? 24.6 2L.4 | 2\, 34.7 /l\ 447 3,962 29,26/, 532 Sdrt iri ^^ ^^i i --i Nevada, New Harpshire t6 r8).2 L7,e17 (r) ro,932 (2) (r) (') (') (r) 326,62r t55,327 7 ,673 r25,3L2 18,138 L1,81,2 7L)-,069 52,32? Ohio. . . Okfahona.. s6vrr. Pennsylvania. P{ an 1 Rhode Island. South Carolina South Dakota. aal r00.0 (') Utah... Vernont. Virgin Is1nwt6...... 6rrue. (2) taz,I2O 52rU6 L6r6U q Ana 1 r3L7 103,380 27 rBU 6,743 9,365 L,57/+ 3,L62 r,Lr1 (3) Washington. ]2 r 801 2,372 West Virginla Wlsconsln.. Wyonlng. 6,655 36,3L7 590 L2,5/,6 x Chil-dren referred for further dlagnosis (2) )5q (2) (2) 7L6 Percent completed t 8 ,320 I33.9 L!2 (2) o5 (r) (2) 373 ,7 0 (2) zo. ) (2) (2) (') (') (') (2'i (2) (2) (2) (r) (r) (2) (2) 2 r81.5 (2) (2) (2) (r) (') (') (') (2\ L.762 (2) 169 (2) zo. o (2) (1) )11 (') (') t-i 21..7 (') /r' 1 0 .I /,8.9 |2\ 26.8 (2\ /2\ 7.L ,(!- .l1) \,773 (2) /,4L 2L,9O1 1.3L8 (2) (2) 16,B58 (2) ('?) 653 r; ?98 (-) (') (') 17.2 (2) (') 60.5 t1,069 1,016 (2) (2) (3) (2) (2) 120 &,2 23.5 (2) (2) (3) (2) (r) /l-., (') (') (') 11\ (2\ (:) (") (') (') (r) (2) (3) (2) (2)> (3) (2) (2) (r) 59.242 (2) 2,LO8 226,L79 12,262 1t Rq5 (2) (2) (3) (2) (3) 51.1 52.9 l-7,067 L,949 (r) 23.5 \ta$ l') L81 3r.3 29,L L4. ) 70.1 (1) 51,39O L3,O12 /,69,424 Nurnber completed rI\ 23 (3) (3 ) Texas. . r rr 2L,069 (2) (2) (') North Carollna North Dakote. Drrar+a r t R ra (3) I,998 (') Ner Jersey. Nev ]v{exico. uf Lr,7L7 L)-6,3L6 24,163 l5B 33,51r odo Total- q ? 1q )2.6 rruqrr, Referralsx roo 652 979 (3) L,268 Ll1,37r 85,344 of Colr.rnbia. District Florida. Percent with parents present 7 ,426 r,636 /.'567 42,2OO ('i i ^rr+ Children examined rdth parents 1957 (') /1\ "?Q ('.) 18. 5 oco 0 r,L99 (3) 2]-,8 (2) qAo (3) I ,151 (') (2\ (3) (') (2) (r) 951 (2) L81 (2) (2) (') (') (') (2) (2) (2) (2) l2\ (2) 288 65.O (2) r00.0 (2) (2) 39.2 or 1 T7 Provided by the Maternal and Child Health Library, GeorgetownUniversity @c dc) P () fi0 o! lii trOoPi ciE o h- n N Ftr O ^ ooq \o .N (\ O - i -^ \to6o \t i \^-^^ o6oiq €^cn^{ f\o \oo ^^^^^ to o i tN^O^N \t # too\ -.iN^^^ oc{nn6 ^^^^ o o i o,c! \ti Fn^-^ ^^^^o {6 o \o o r\ ^^^^ ni q o o o o' cr^^^^ N lrO oa tr 0 o Orl Pd Otr ik \f Eil O d \n r oo i c{tDOO J^N6^ io{6o^66qi6o i O c\ N i^^^n $^$ofi -.tvJvo \t \t --t- oovvv dNJ 11 @ a N N d- tr o fr o 6 o N n to^N^^ doo^$q O'O, nn o \o^^n @ o l'6 tr-\t o..1 N O;--A J\tN 6 Aqa-nr N\tC'-c1O OO\C\OF- NI-n atr-mi nN:No f1 dN -d o \t ad no O 6^^^ oFO, oN6 n^i^€ vtori no 4 ooiqsoo n ovvv JT v . J v € i N v v v v o d a tro U o N s 6 o'OO N O-lO -,t^O'dt\ ! i n r n g q d z& n-nnC.1 o \t i i + ^t -O\irlm fO\tNO o'non\o v6 N saNto ii - r-lO6On -O OOf\ \o\oNot- O-.t CatO ;N t-l'.1 O^Nn O\tO @ \t OclO m^O\eln nJ6 \to, - F q--,t-od €-NO-.1 o @n NN J \t N d o P 0 trO Oil fri trOoP. CiE O oi oo LO o o o o b! o 0 L od io O n a S o^md^ odNf, a-^^.-o 66io N F F o o q^^^n oo - o \t E@ O-J H OL -l t{ Oi0 0 o f-€ :-t ^oi^ o n6 n @ N oo n {6 --N^t-fo Oo i-l D-O\t n 6N oNN^o d(\N6 i Nn-n,do6 io \t ^o^^^ s 04oi F tol^\t^nn s F-6 \t aon toqn^ NNo r\ o.> o oo--\I\-ooo nn o r o i ; a o o f OO OO FO dndl^qO -J -N a-tO\O nFn -tt-;^ O\ N Se'i\tcl\O NO\tOtO Nq nq -lOAa-\t €iC-OI! oF-ioo N o q ^ -1^^ d N ! o O a o N o tr E a Xf € O d -t N !o OL a O o Eo; o 0 €: o 0 6 P ao d0 o 11o FrOOO o !E c.l C-d o Nq S^N-t^ osoioo^$n$ iv -JnnOC nOncO FOnnto nJnnq -.t O m Lr^^^O $o rr\J\c) Or N{ NO O{ -q n6 \tni Nq q-.t q -NO OO 6J d- \o o O o NN-N- @nitoN N-t; OJ Nd NN C* q; m O\t^-.t-\ .lOONn nsqrO oaooo nO OO q€ @OoNq ooq@- fl \i -1 O F; Ni NO nO oo ( \I\i ;i .J-\tN.-. N r o \t too o no i--.i-i- roN q -j n i oo nvvvq .i ;qn NJ o d o { vJ.J-\t n o No nn-\iJo r N q oo NI.- n -\t No o -,t6-no o N . rJvNJ {i OS tOA -lO no\ o 6 \i^€ ^s^^oNn ^^- S N N^ i i o o o d trO d FA !p tr o-l ofr /k o oo .d o O ! q - d d @ .i d a 0 I I E o' q F i r O O N^ o con OCO r^ { tO \t r 6 o/-^^i $qa^odo^ ^^^-.i j . J . J J ( ) toi On \iOtO Oii i -.t-$^ ^^s n v v r o i N N - / o \tn lN---@6 -tio +\o qFci -tOO-O :Coq F J n i \t'.t i O 6 m @ Ot'--frL-d na.-l J N J i v r O ON fr^-tn^ no Noo t'O^^^C6soi .-1 d tC O F ' , " - N 0 v c q c J o n rl c- trO OFl 2A a o O 6 d \to. NCOA^NcC ooo do n ^^^:t-oNi oi n{o €f- n6ONq O\t\tN6 -+{O\\to !ONOf\n jNn Ni 6JC+i n n r o6rds oN6oo da; \t..-..- ;oooi in JN N r d O S-lOt--O \tOO\tO 6nF+\i t-n. r O€NI-Q qq - As Ov dN tO 6 n NI -i O o J4 Av ddo t-c.l €roNo nooN - w c ON io no i o Nl.-; v v o o v - . , f \ { . ...d. . .. .4 . . . . . H . . . . . . ...O . . .J r ' . . .P .q. . o d .) ...q d.<ddq EdCqo cdxOtr* [email protected] cdd.d)4; -lrLrrrcd d .c ...5. .o ., . o .o. o.iop, !Dtrod cdod.rd qOFriln OtrdrL ddJoo OOo'ii . . . a .P .P ,..@. cd..,id .d.d.otr bniOtrd lrd.<'i.d oFddd Odlrtr . ...d. . rbtr. ..Jdd. .oo.a. .dtqO dOr.dtr Egtrr.d OdoOd , . . . ...i . , . o . . P. [email protected] €rcr.d q.qcdO@ dob!@o id..o.>JO.qtro Frooio dd.ld.l . . .. . . . . . . o . A .,d . . . ."q ....@ ,d.d.a tJdl.E iCodcd OdddE @rqd @g.o>ts :-QooO ...d. . . g . . . ..i . . .dP . d . o o >,o oe.t,x o.-;rcJcd !*pOO ooo b>>S.q FtsFtrtr oOoOO i8 Provided by the Maternal and Child Health Library, GeorgetownUniversity -1 0 P o r<o oqrSrf t]oop{ kE o L o@ cJ .l o o ! e i o d o Or-l(r\'Cf\o L-nooNtO^O^O $$^oodsdoo JvNv(\.1 otr rltst .d a ^^^o^ ooo c!^O^^ i c)oq oo ' J d ' z v OO trO U E o.t-n\ooo -C^\O^n -.t mo:o ^\t^^ ^^^O^ Jvvqv N oo O : r J fi o o N N O \t -r^N --.-AN AO{nN onnnN n6N+O NOr-1;O rioo6 daido a O € -i o^{ NO 9Q O O ^^^ S^qOO+OO \ r- v n v a O a- aO ro ^O O - nv o- \t N \d -)A n 0 c, o LO OL .oqd E Orl N o Fr J a F o Fi o € @d -JO o L0 |{oopi qE o oO 0r ko 0 E w o- F .a JN OAO€O€ ^^^^O qori C-^rl.\^ \to isi c'l q^^ dfo c.l^O^^ Q6 Ooo !4e..J .-l\otoo\oo Eq oo OL c \ti .]NqF-Jol ^^^^r o,-N^^ $sao6ii^ofroi6 vvvJO \Ord.Jv d o! J! a 0 TNAO dNoN dNNNO qNooi 2.4 noo nOO \t-o noo noo \OOq n,o\t f rN N C O I-^ o tr .F 0 0 q o .i d q -l 0 d 'tr XO n Fo o-6o\ €n nqi pi€ _lNOn oONO N6\+o o! .oad o qd -O dP P d o |]0) oqi !d r{OoA o aE tu 00 !o o o oa oi o hN O o L' O .D q \o N-4^n q N. q O, @ .J na-\OFcn Oo_OD\06 no N oN N6^ i{n n N o- - d .! n d v J v U i ONN TO\t o;trt o r I N c { o q o F3 .d r N a a r l N - J E) E -t t- \^{ .NOO-Joi- o <o -ooir .i Otr ak ao o o o0 tr -$ m \o€ ca o^\o^f\ \to \tN C! a o q^O^^ Oo Oa ^^^trO o o s nn n @ 6^0l Q nr o J a v J N d -$o Td N o^c)^6 ${qoo ^-^@+ N . - N . N N J v v i ON o ^ JN O.- c.\ _-_- n t.J r U a - d d q 'n o o = n O 6 0 -N^-,t $<iooosqo <'vnvm t'- 6 n o -^ O c.l .f N o -n^ nJ 0+ -6o vvr\t !q- - \ton oNi n16 N- N - -\to-f' NrNOn rof\66 !a-tr\ao nNF q !o ofi I 6 o6r.i 6O-l 6NE o' 6 N iftaoN o -.t --i d C) O c € J'oO ortr idn qoN io -Nc\i \o(\ -.t d€ ota\o iQ o d F d o @ o € o a . . . d . . . O . . . g O .,.dF .d.:'d .g.J . o tr >O ..<O@p odblgi. Co ;q---)oo4E F-lOJ iooLr .d... . g . d d'i . . . . . . tri+ cd O O . . -L:{o. @ddo. HOA@. o . o.q.qo@ dP!trd OJ r t r X o .qOOOO cdoooFE- ..@. . .rd ' . q o . . . . .6 . : r tr . .i ..O.O ..HdP .iU0 .r . F C tr E .O.n.i.i .qEMh0.c cdlF.trQ rO'd'id =>>>> d . . tr . . .r . . Utr. L.a. .4@b, > tr tr O.d roE ooo o'd> === o rd J .i s O * l9 Provided by the Maternal and Child Health Library, GeorgetownUniversity APPENDIX TABLI 10.--Chllclren 'qhallpox Receivlng recelvlng Children state Total Af-abam4. .Llaska. Arkarsa6. ^^f J 4^*{ ^^**^^+{ ^ ^,,+ Delaware. Dl-strlct of Co1l:mbla. Florida. Georgla. Hawaii, Idaho.. Il1inols. Under I4a4r1ad. llhssachusettg Mlchlgan. rrJ ^^i ^-{--{ rvrDDrDDrPPr. Nebraska. Nevada. Nev Ha:rpsb.lre 31r,661 1,L32 802 2rO25 3,L62 24,95O 7,6].2 1r080 2,18O 5,312 35,34r 8r2 2I,5L2 22,325 29,743 o 0 0 0 0 27,L54 699 2,751 9,371 31,779 L,313 715 2 18 0 0 106 23,QLL 0 0 0 o 0 71,17L 1r005 673 (3) 1r005 86 2,610 L20 6Jb 5,93O 26r (3) ]--5,97O 10,f36 73 rL52 6,L12 L,317 '/ 1327 518 L1,!87 L 8r 1 2 ! 2) tt+\ ) 5,399 L,r2O I,669 9 1383 12rL99 7 r23O 25,127 2,113 1rO59 6r82O )V Ohlo.. . Oklahona. Oregon. Penasylverda. hrerto Rlco. 18,196 u,5oL rLr59O Weet Vlrglnla Wlsconsln. t$cmlng. r17,620 17,O85 2,694. 26,OL7 30,829 80,010 1,772 t1,59r ]--52,086 80,913 6,37r Utah... Vemont. Vfugln Islanda...r.. VLrglnta. Washlngton. Age ultlgrox'n 3O9,968 New Jersey. New lvbxlco. Ner York. North Carolfua North Datote. Rtrode Islard. South Carcl1Da South Dakote. Ternegsee. Texa-a.. 5-20 1-4 years Chlldr€n recelvlng revacclnatlons vacciratlon 220,757 2,uL llalne. . orlglnal L957 by lge' Lr373,67L u,725 670 foFa... I{arsas. Kentuc$, Imurdzatlon, /.10 2,283 r1229 2,006 374 Q ] A( 1,192 t1,681 LrU6 7,897 361 53,rJ8 15r080 r rydl 3,72L 3,O7r o !6ryt L1065 11,1r9 26,389 drb (3) I l7q L92 L2'r355 t L,781 L,L22 (3) 3!1918 1/"r835 3,82O 0 ]-5,97O 0 7 1198 0 3,603 3,O9r 32,U7 7,8& 27,O72 0 9,7!8 0 0 0 22r573 L7,6L6 10,938 251127 0 1.rO59 0 0 5,165 672 (3) 963 0 1,.772 0 0 0 (3) (3) 361791 (3) ,b6 (3) n 1,561 131 Lr2r3 (3) 6r011 0 (3) 6r67L L9,519 ? 70? ?7 qo6 a A*) L2,321 (3) 2,319 '7)1 n L5 r98O 6,5L3 LrlW 27,819 n n n !2,666 332 o)z 0 35 1911 8,138 39,551 U 0 (3) Lrl% 15r810 e e?o 0 0 l-r96€ 1r016 Lr196 o too 1.686 l3r ? 5,671 3 1781 L4r91L 11,288 204 !31185 q qory 13r9r0 )8,376 L1999 ?10 z, ooo 20,9r8 Lrlrr 7,5O9 2,292 r,8o1 71,17L 0 0 2,O22 2,388 16,8OA r,165 290 198 17,71o t6,zoo 658 (3) 6,81.L L3,192 5,O17 0 r,250 391 0 377 (3) L2,Or3 797 (3) 6,729 (3) 1 nary ao 2,933 r7,8Ol 0 312 (3) 6,)!L 7,13O 2,8O2 (3) (3) 632 (3) 295 0 36,1.89 9,897 ozrDo 1,689 11r048 f,& !1561 2,889 )Y u,)6) z)4 n 1r171 ,1 0 Provided by the Maternal and Child Health Library, GeorgetownUniversity ryO? 'r A5n APPEI{DIX TABIE 11.--Chifdren Receiving Diphtheria lununization, Children State Total )-,551,O32 /,3,122 A-Idbama. Under l- year 10 r 900 2,678 6,O98 40,7O3 Coforado. L4,ag+ 516 2,2L6 7 ,724 1/",775 2,266 Georgia. Hawaii. Idaho. . Illinois. L13,143 ar)oz 1,1rB 1.93 Iowa... Kansas. 4 1521 L2,3& 3/*,28A 67,28O 5,214 L1aryland. Mas6achusetts Michigan. rvururgsu Le. lf i ^^.'^^: --: 'vuJ-!bDfPlr. 22,LO6 29,58t rr2,52O 7,088 13 r3I8 Nevada. New Haqpshire 3A,556 2,912 6,Ar5 r,L27 2,323 New Jersey.. New ]r,{exico. t3,253 Montana. Nnr+.h /loral [I^n+L n^r-^+^ i na Ohio... uregon. Pen:rsylveni a. Pr!an+^ Rh^da Tol.nd n^1-^+^ Tennessee. Tf+ aL Virgin Is1ands...... Virglaia.. Wa8hlngton. Wes+"Vlrginia nJ v4r€ 2L6,393 BO,6L3 5,9O8 . 2,Og]6,O7O 22,5AL r ,1L2r9O7 L4,821 642 12,859 B,723 3L,228 0 0 0 0 0 331,9OA 9,266 0 0 0 0 0 rB r186 738 3,908 18,071 10,r35 0 0 0 0 0 ( 3) 2,842 5,728 54 1138 6,A5A 1,789 27,62L L,5O4 )-,o32 3,22O L39 5A,35L 769 r,330 3 '6U* 224 65,1.7r 109 2,O56 L,392 (3) lQ,392 L7 ,881 2,536 2,3TL (3) t6 ro93 L6,3L4 L,3I7 l'5,869 5,860 24,273 907 )-1,2O1 rrbd? 0 5,513 Il_r113 0 0 0 2 6r 2 9 5 36 tO/+/+ 6-tJ 3,671 659 21168r L '/'5o 285 L20 110 r,827 396 0 0 0 0 0 20,t52 957 ( 3) 1r480 150 1,rL9 3,64r 8L,648 1,1917 2,069 992 3,679 85rOM 23,966 0 0 0 0 0 (3) 6,381 60,525 12,L76 30,A_5 4 166A 0 0 0 0 0 41,L99 11,832 22,L30 4,917 1,2Or 0 0 0 0 0 1,891 19,362 2,551 17 ,r79 0 6,7Or 7 \]-60 (3) l_,387 1,352 7,568 l_3,110 oJd t-8,001 2,2O1 'I 636 73 rB,313 130 1?A 19,71.t 24,704 1"7A 6i4 1r906 21,6LL 8,3L2 16,653 r20,723 547 8 r061 5,9O7 17 r 81-8 2t,492 7 ,518 r,825 5r0 30,4OO t5,694 !,13O 254 2t6 8,779 11925 20 t8&* 21,872 1r1.2C 7,9O1 ryAa I QO 22,O85 Ch-lldren recelvlng boosters 279 561 r,563 15,492 L2,532 1,9L2 I I 635,918 Age unlcrown I nra 6,A81 tL r34o 53,269 14,r89 LO,996 Br19o P{^^ South Carolina Q^rr+L n 1p.a yeaxa t7 ,698 17 ,6LB 2A,89L 94,132 ^.'* L-4 115,273 Arizona. Arkansas. earna^*i ba6ic series 150,726 r,222 Delaware. District of Columbia. Florida. receiving by Age, 195? 3,8O2 .tr ?r? q) L O1 3 2 2 1,6\7 3 rOB1 2,677 5l?a 1r711 22,6L5 917 lL,7O9 !,62L L5,739 5r,223 r,.279 909 290 8,13L 6,9O1 8r180 L93 1,81r 784 L3 1096 /"8r008 1,839 666 1 L2,676 1,991. 9r51O Q ryAA 5,181 0 L2,360 0 2,691 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 20,7r8 356 5,53O 31,2r9 18,r51. 91,395 6,512 5? ?Cq oo n?n (3i 2,171 L3,3O2 L1,LL3 6? ry?O LLr73O ZL Provided by the Maternal and Child Health Library, GeorgetownUniversity APPXNDIX TABLE f2.--Children Children State Under Total L,196,2L1 Afabs]na. Al.aska. Arizona. Arkensas. Callfonrla. 39,389 2,938 5,661 L5,724 70,969 Coloredo. Cormecticut. Delaware. District of Columbla. Florida. 516 2,2L6 6,809 31,35O Iowa... KaJl6as. rlsrruuury. Ma:ine. . rv'E:Ji4a. Massachusetts Michigsrl. Mimesota.. lVUdSISDlUUf . tr[lssouri. Montana. Nebraska.. Nevada. Nev Ha.rpshire North Dakota. 8.. Puerto Rlco. Rhode Island. South Dakota. Temesaee. Teras. .. --:-- at a LL,225 27,9L8 1r010 11358 to,129 26,287 6L,14O 5,O91 8r'7 22,106 22,632 36,781 2,497 31,853 LA,r27 2,796 6,Or5 r,o32 ) ?)'1 8L,596 5 r9OB 6,9r3 lR qR6 r,eA6 23,266 5,53O /,6 r545 ra6,972 receiving ba6ic series I ?47 1,352 623 17,884. 5,1O4 1.,O35 3,519 8r,1].2 3L2,293 )-9,264 l0 , B1/* LO,91A 577 943 1,16 B,762 0 0 0 0 0 5/* '438 3,442 4,\8a t6,675 69,5OO 5,182 12 636 12,971 738 8,'.|62 0 0 0 0 0 109 l- r 010 / *' 1 7 6 r20 0 0 0 0 0 (3) 2,812 1,791 L7,67L 78 2,AqL 5,3L/r 2L,7eA 2,1r2 279 56r L,626 L1,363 19,999 769 L13& 3,62L 547 B,A33 nrl 29,356 2,218 (3) 10,138 L2,1OA r,242 0 Lo,129 o 0 A ltA L5,869 5,697 L3,2r7 72l]-3,427 1,gg5 1,].'37 LO,601 753 3,912 0 L6r5r5 25,766 2 2r 7 5 2 1,5OA 559 227 L,448 3,785 )az 376 0 0 0 0 0 2,2OO 895 (3) 335 2,L39 4,BL4 0 0 0 0 0 ( 3) 1?O 386 r,827 I,932 5 1862 19,352 23,167 I,581 1,376 3,A/'/" 2,516 6,957 2L,931 rr,129 L,538 l_5,734 /,9 tI72 r,568 L,zBL ! / ,olz ? ona ]i r,293 ( 3) I t9/*5 L 7, 6 7 6 2,5O5 ,5 I O? I A I q? 6J4 I,721 1,82O 2,757 3 r808 LO,424 8rr,/,59 / * 2 0' 2 5 6 I r2a boosters ullmown )-31. 7,2O1 30,347 Children L-/, Vt-rglnta. flashfugton. 6,327 1,113 510 29,593 11,1r7 2L6 7,796 1,829 290 7,659 5,566 lfest Virglnla Wlsconsin.. Wyoning.. 2A,89* 23,321 L,51a 1,12O 7,826 92 6,9O1 Utah.. .. Vernont. - 10,113 3,381. r]. ,37O 176 35,188 rL,296 Ohlo. . .. 0kfalroma. 0regon. ?effLBylvani RR5 6,3O2 Lt,55O New Jer6ey. New lvlexico. Ner York. t7 ,635 1r186 2,68A 2,259 1?' Georgia. Hanali. Idaho.. Ill-inois. Indiana. 4,1 '445 1 by Age, 1957 honurization, Receiving Pertussis doo 150 0 0 0 3,068 19r060 34 1239 83,119 21r93L 1.50 0 30,Oza 58,978 12,176 0 0 0 0 0 21.,856 O O 0 0 0 1,891 LB,756 3,178 0 1. 0 0 0 9,993 2.65r 1,O22 0 2,275 ro,4r1 9,54O 7 ,385 L1298 0 0 0 L1r))3 19,527 !r63L 2,a9B 2,565 559 I,605 687 3,BA/, 763 t, q5q ,2 Provided by the Maternal and Child Health Library, GeorgetownUniversity 1t 6t? 3,919 1rO28 r 15q 47,2r8 9,62r ( ,) APPENDIX TABLE 13.--Children Recelvlng Tetanus Imwdzatlon, Children State Totaf A-1aba,aa. A]asks.. Arizona. a. + r' ar r* Delavare. District of Colrmbla. F1orida.. Georgia. Hawaii. Idaho.. Illinols. ^-^ Nevada. New Haupshlre Ne{ Jersey. New L1exico. Itlnr*h loral linrth loLnfo ino Ohlo.. . Oregon. r/oni o Puerto Rico. -f61 Q^,,+L a^-^r ydu ohd rvu ur I i -^ I d. Termessee. Texa.a.. Verrnont. I/{ --i vrrErlr 2,263 225 I n] 0 6,O8/, L Lr 1 3 O 27,521, zvo 2,834 rJd 82L (3) ] n1a L,3gg oo{nni Rh^da L3,723 51.6 2,321. 7,72O 51,822 1,L86 1,1.16 31,05O 67 ,3L5 Massachusetts ],tichigan. Pennevl 17,632. r r A5 2,678 6,O98 39,12I o50 12,482 192 Louisia:la. Malne. . lt^-+ 11,O33 L37,O29 2,382 IoYa. .. Kalsas. Itli eei /116,376 5,7Q+ 20,892 81,8L2 Col-orado. rnmon r,393,Lzl , C al-lforrli Under i year 22,t46 ?q 5ao 54,496 7 ,OBB 13,069 13,o6a 638 L 7, 7 O a 30,556 2r9Lt 6rOL5 lrl3B 2,204 829 (3) tL,55o 2t6,393 81,O99 5,908 (3) 3,51.9 Br,648 3r,912 Virginia.. Washing:bon. I[eet Vlrg{ris Wleconsln. baslc series to,855 2ro8r 6,070 2L,216 1,4.00 (3) 14 1334 17,884 2,517 58,259 l, '658 22,B9L 323,t-54 8, 960 0 0 0 0 0 1 7, 6 9 4 738 3,9OB t8 ,07f 5 4, 5 7 5 0 0 0 0 0 (3) 2,Btrz 5,066 20,878 1.L 743 59,566 109 /o 6,206 130 i3\ t5 aa? 16,383 '1 1t ? tt ota 3,67L 629 0 1,1.16 0 2,693 0 r Q(5 t? (3) 5,862 4.9,71r 21.,902 L6,5L5 0 O 0 6A,183 26,295 35,869 0 0 0 0 0 20,L52 953 (3) I,169 1,50 0 0 0 0 0 (-") ?oo 21,68r L,153 Lt,o)z L,627 L5,71D (3) 9,672 I,567 I,369 Qno 510 30,'./39 14,&.9 2L6 7,952 4,857 290 7,95O 51562 20 r8g+ 25,rO7 5,831 | 1,42O 6rgo1 8,050 ) to (3) 2,L39 85,CO1. 27,255 26,72O 5,672 5,L22 L3,O22 &7 7,010 7U 14,670 3 r t 3,443 l-3,646 47 ,294 91,68r 0 170 113 L,827 547 8,o57 5,947 17,831. ( 3) 92 0 0 0 0 0 9,651 23,L66 L,U,6 26,899 8r3L2 48,21/* 71,1l'2 nq2 15,546 598 I ,005 8 r72/+ 75,869 5,860 11.,27O 907 3,782 LA,4L7 ) L , 3 5 2, 3 9 2 )ry4 562 r,563 t5,237 1,9,939 769 i61 3,446 )2L Children receiving boosters 87,463 2,5OA I,778 1,6!7 3,O37 2,650 7,O55 o, t)z 1r9I2 4€e unknor?n yea.ra 14,23O t5 r2O1 ro,9I2 I,017 30,191 rrdb2 T-1 ^-JrErilus...... receivlng I 28/, L2A by Age, 1957 6 t38/+ 7\,98O A1 ?1a L2,L76 0 0 0 0 0 2L,397 1.,77O 5,147 0 0 2r,Er1 o 0 7t,1L2 6,736 706 1 L2,1O3 4 r23O 0 9ryo 9,235 5 1519 0 0 0 0 0 0 39,21O 1r89/" 49,891 (3) t6,196 7,529 (-, 2133]- 11,L]--3 53,882 1t qoa z3 Provided by the Maternal and Child Health Library, GeorgetownUniversity APPENDIX TABLE 14.--Children Receiving Polionyelitis Imunization, Children receiving Q*o*a Under 1 year Total 7, 5 7 8 , r 9 2 Total. 51.5,369 AJ-abama. Alaska. Arizona. Arkansas. California 235,794 L2,578 (2) L3/+'576 (2) L7,275 97 Colorado. Conrrecticut..... Delaware. District of Coluurbia. . . .. Florida. 58,548 /+16r/*98 5,959 1.5,51.2 236r3O7 L,656 38ro00 Irr2] 5,O23 L3,3Or Georgia. Hawaii. Idaho. Illinois Indiana. 298,56/* 7,3O7 611090 58,42]697 (2) (2) ( 2\ (') lr^*.1 ^-.J lv@l . J I4Iu lt^^^^^L.,^^++^ rvgDD4vllUDEUUD... Michj.gan. Mfuinesota. Mlssissippi. . . . . Missouri.. lvlcntana. Nebraska. Nevada. ...... New Haqrshire... 911 22r51.3 830 xt85 1683 2O3,338 L 5 O1 6 6 6 L9,6/18 187,811 9,2O5 17,L3lr,180 677 LB,356 L661897 6rO45 n 31. n )114) 1 zvt nol City not 2,680 9,58L 16,686 nAo 6I 2rL59 30,938 L76,32O r 3'l 5,O34 49,226 3 3r L 7 8 ou6 1.,281. 25,L/"3 57 ' l ? 1523 r]-1,16L L58,963 70,O2L 32r638 51r25O /*3 1684 /*,5/+3 L43,B/*O o1 0 LrLt lt U 296,L99 U 36r98r /r2 tIBg 391. 0 1r071 /r) 9 186I n n 0 L41428 I1Br 094 tJ U /r2t682 r,207 n I2/rt2I5 /t t8O/" n n QqrT L2,585 l-4i, J-Ot 1Q 1.111 37,585 1r506 n n )LTJOL r1) 6,75L f < a L)a 298,564 ro5,8o2 3LO,92O L/+9tO74 B9rjl/* 101,063 22,9L7 I Lt at < I22 4L) t L)J t U"'OO7 60 rB1B L6rLL5 2t,335 L5,19O 3,722 33,123 /3\ 12,169 661942 /t\ t3,229 (n) Lr591. 6,799 7,655 796 0 ( 2) (2) (2\ 0 5,470 63,2OO 89r29O U+'096 orr? 258,600 312 0 L6r7O5 537,60r 353,12O l2/"980 < /+'23O '877 161919 (') 1 Ctril-dren receiving boosters U n n A?5 1 Q? 2 41 5 5 6 L3O,g7g 0 0 L68,7OB 6rL)J (2) LO3,/*O3 (2\ A (r) L73,978 6r7L5 338,335 7521751 x Baltimore )-zv 5,69r Rhode Island. South Carolina. r47,251 721910 gr32O 9,91.3 5q J-5,/+65 565,9L4 2O9,922 LO6r'723 L29,r97 16,062 .. +rtz6 ( 2) 'I 17? ?1 o O h i o .. . . . r . . Oklahorna. Oregon. Pennsylvania. ... . Puerto Rico.. Yfest Virginia. Wi,sconsin. lbonuing. 1.9,gtr Lt3/+I L151329 218,890 81,77A t9,981 l.01669 Lr5O1 57,525 212r8r1 I,L/*g,32O 9,779 1r 900 2r65L L32r3r5 33,.O25 (o) tut-^+^ l.,@UUd. 1 , 6 9 9, 5 6 5 l.:o,523 n Tennessee. Texas. Lrr93r93B (3\ ( 3) L9Org/+2 28,OL5 733;l-L6 /,75t735 L89 1076 c^.,+L UUUUII years age udcoown (2) /1) L6,228 vLrB53 basic series L-1, Jrears rr5o4 'to1665 J.OWa.. Kansas. Kentuclry. Louisiana. by Age, 1-957 450 /f\ O r/O 71,973 r3\ 3,OO/, 2,58L 1,506 L5,512 3rr36/* 17,619 9/,O z)6,6VO ( 3\ L6,2OO 7,292 It/+68 L0r 505 223,550 L8B,C67 670 U U 27,788 (3) n n r/Q6 8r 380 (4\ -t 30,967 2'l n</ r 3t 0 L1661 1 ' 7 . 7 " 75 R 2Ot,962 2O/rtL79 65,75O 74.,566 t l 0 ci 0 21,852 ( 3\ n 0 62L,775 0 o /+I'362 0 \r5,BB7 6n /3\ 259,551 0 f1\ /1\ / 3\ 852,29O 3r,L94 n ?41 L29,642 66 L86,756 tz),vz6 ( 3\ n 0 inc']uded. z4 Provided by the Maternal and Child Health Library, GeorgetownUniversity LOO,857 /r77 292,986 l3\ L2,1.L5 36,435 (3) 2rr2o 6r,87r L69,A5L 81,040 3 t5/rI JPPENDIX TATLE 15.--Children ileceiving iTphoid lrmnurLization, by Lge, L957 Children receiving basic series S+"a-,e j'otaL Under children A_La6 ]{a. 35,04/- 275,1L6 249,33€ 733,406 3 '/34 150 2L1 L, /'01 29,644 r,696 L90 24,486 0 0 0 0 21,A85 L22'!l+O 6,699 32,/,3L Lt, (3) 3,386 I,524 5,536 67 (3) 2,L35 a5 63,DL6 2a,7E8 L'O l"lississippi. i\evaoa. Ohio.. . re]lneSSee. boosters 4,255 Arkersas. 0o1orado. rtlorida. unlloren Age unlalorm I-lr 7i,83.) 345 1 ,1 3 5 6 /*3,333 52,2)2 l2),447 9,188 3,559 2,246 ( 3) (3) (3) 6 2/. 0 5,r3/" C ft3 57) 36 L2 ra/" (,.3 ) (3) /+r7 83 0 2 95 (3) 6,41L 62 68 /',372 (3) (3) L,3L6 316 I93 t,21r 2 55 57,57L )-4,926 52 63,823 247 4,276 13,857 (3) (3) L,Cl7 1r7/,8 25,LLO (3) 0 0 I5 98 2,126 ltA L26,7OO 0 0 0 0 0 52,292 i09 ,989 294 L,039 L33,C38 r29,A/*7 0 2,LL3 O 0 0 i3) 33tt,\5 2,3/,9 !,235 4,525 57 z5 Provided by the Maternal and Child Health Library, GeorgetownUniversity APPEND]X Lr-br le .--.:'ifdre:, -pecial ;r ed in ':i-:cellaneous Special Clinics, cLiri:s Tctal.. Iiart{aii. Louisiala. lLrrl .nd Oregon, Sa6.h rnd 5:. ri n l rtri ^^^..-i Ne,.vYork. Vision. Totaf L6t,,13C 966 L1,658 2L 757 I L7t668 1 1 ClB I o41 2L (3) t_ 2L2 0 850 362 (3) 4A,88 qnd Itam'l 0 zu.emalic ferer, crrliac, Ohio. . . fd 16? and l eerin4..... 29,/.,t+6 6l'2 29,t.L6 6L2 778 5 /1 ]- and Age, f957 L1 years 18-20 9,1O8 1.,1L2 16,32L 130 L,441 ur.h:ronn 395 L3,068 100 I 653 26/ 786 39,652 NTdrr V^nL Pha,rh'+i^ linder by Tlpe of Clinic t3\ 38 38r 10,909 (3) 9 (3) 338 od /3\ L,O11 L5 850 850 39,84L 9 338 (3) L5 339 158 0 338 I 1.18 10 6,853 L7,902 (3) 17 ,9O2 39,84r 0 1,O79 4,O79 3T 333 3I 32 ) /6 378 357 (3) 9 (3) 22 (3) 301 1 (3) 30 J /6 '77 ,698 328 L,78L 7L,221 L57 1,2O8 Coloradc. Delaware , 965 lBB 5,r7O L93 318 346 llawaii. Louisiana. triaryland, l innesota. 26r ,!rerrr6arr. l,/tissouri, l{ew York. Al-1 other, nu5bf bbr_pI-rf,. l.iarr Hom-.6hi l.lew lork. ,rso u vf rSfrlq t^ LL7 tl6 63,232 33L 6L 7,2O7 50 r08 aoo 66 2 T5 30 5 L1 3 L,273 61 11 I1 za 16 11 3 827 1. t6) r-0 BO 73 o, 232 303 1.0 2 9l-7 33 5 2 1,2A8 3 26 Provided by the Maternal and Child Health Library, GeorgetownUniversity APPEIiDIX TABLE17. - -],'lidwife Service s , 1957 lJur,ber of midwives enrclled in classes or ins'Litu-,es State 6, 5 3 8 36r 108 t8 L26 Al-abalna. Al-aska. .Arizona, Arkansas. Califorrda. Colorado, Connecticut. Del-aware. J-eliveries by midwives supervised by health departnent member L,948 1L/, t6 0 0 llunber of -rcat i ci ro midwives in State 10,087 L,372 irl 23 383 (,) (,) (2) (r) )11 t-) (') (') Florlda. 283 50 6 L2 0 283 Georgia. Ha,Jeaii. Idaho.. Illinois. Indiana. /98 0 L5 0 708 10 ... '. '...... I (') (') (') t '7 (') (') /f\ (') (') 2 0 (,2') (.2 ) Iowa. . . Kansas. (') (') Louis iana. Maine. . ]CC 3!7 (2t (,2) Jldr y rdrru. (2) J\sir uuq^J . Michigan, l,{lrnesota. 'i )7 rri ^^i ^^l ..-l rv[oD f Db !PtJi. r'i ilfis souri. l,rtrontana, Nebraska. Nevada. I'len' Ha$pshlre l!Ew (') rl\ (2\ Dakcta. 5 (1) (') r v rr,!d. F-rerto llicc, Rhcde IslanC. Scuth Carclina Scurh Dakota. Temessee. Texas,. Utair. , . Vemont. Virgin Islands..... ' Virginia. V/ashlrgtcn. West Vlrginia 'l'/isconsin. WonirU. I aqP 11 2a (') 0 (') (') 0 (2\ ')41 140 / I\ 29 (') (') 0 (') 24 (r) /1, (') (') 2A L,LO2 3 ECC 0 l, 700 C C 0 (') 24 t62 7 (2) 982 (', (') 0 (') (') (') (') (2) C :3 (t/ la ( 2') 0 (2') C 3 (') (') (2'; 0 (') (,t -) Ohio. . , Llklahcna. :regcn. _-eIuEJ C (') (') (') (') 0 225 C 359 0 d E1 5sJ I'lew i!'iexico. lJew York. licrrh rl 4. (') (') (') C 0 L3 (2) C 1C9 3 (') z7 Provided by the Maternal and Child Health Library, GeorgetownUniversity FOOTNOTES FOR TABLNS 1-17 l-. Not included in program. 2. Not reported, information not given as to whether services are provided. 3. Incl-uded in program but number not reported. 4. Not reported ages 1-4. separately. from Bal_timore. inforrnation o Parent inforrnation examinations. not reported for which for 76I l-0. Based on 2781510 cases where referral data was reported. 11. Based on 791927 cases where referral vlas reported. 7 . Based on 2rL6IrB83 examinations where parent Based on I37,754 examinations referraldata was reported. Included under 1-6 years of age Reported o. 12. Based on 295,552 cases where referral was reported. data data 13. Ages 6-20. was reported. z8 GPO t78040 Provided by the Maternal and Child Health Library, GeorgetownUniversity Providedby the Maternal and Child Health Library, GeorgetownUniversity
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