Indian Trail High School & Academy April - May 2015 6800 60th Street Kenosha WI 53144 From the Principal's Desk ... Greetings IT families, It is hard to imagine that we have already begun the fourth quarter. Spring is always a busy time at Indian Trail. When we return from break, our spring sports season will be in full swing, our theatre and music departments will be giving their final performances, and our last testing cycle – MAPS, ACT Aspire, and A.P – will begin shortly. Soon prom and many senior activities will be happening as well. This newsletter contains much information about all of these end of year activities. Please read it and keep it handy. As always, there is much to be proud of here at Indian Trail. Our scholars, athletes, and involved students continue to impress. Thank you to all of our staff members for the time and energy they devote to making Indian Trail the special place it is. Have a wonderful and relaxing break! Maria Kotz Principal, Indian Trail High School and Academy IMPORTANT DATES April 2015 1st - Cheerleader/Parent Meeting in the Commons at 6pm 2nd - ASVAB 7:45 –10:45 A.M. 3-12th -Spring Recess Begins/ School Closed 13th - Students Report/ School Reopens Parent Advisory Meeting 6:30 P.M. in the Library 17th - Gateway Placement Test A..M. Hairspray Opening night - Indian Trail Auditorium 21st - Jostens delivering caps and gowns during lunches. 29th - WSMA Large Group Contest at Indian Trail 30th - NHS Blood Drive in the upper gym all day. Sunday 5 12 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 Cheerleader/ Parent Meeting 6pm ASVAB Spring Recess Begins/School Closed 6 7 8 9 10 Spring Recess Spring Recess Spring Recess Spring Recess Spring Recess 13 14 15 16 17 18 Hairspray ACT Testing/Art Preuss 24 25 Students Report Parent Advisory Meeting 19 20 21 22 23 29 30 WSMA NHS Blood Drive Jostens delivers caps and gowns 26 27 28 2 11 IMPORTANT DATES May 2015 4th - Parent Advisory Meeting 6:30 -7:30 pm 6th - Jazz Concert 6:30 - 8:30 pm 9th - Prom 5:30 - 11:00 pm 13th - Band Concert 6:30 - 8:30 pm 14th - Banquet for Band Seniors at Circa 15th - KMA Pass & Review 6 :00 - 8:00 pm 19th - NHS Ceremony 20th - Choir Concert 6:30 - 8:30 pm 21st - Hawk fest 3:45 - 5:45pm 22nd - 1/2 Day of School for Students & Staff Senior Scholarship & Awards Program 8:00 am 25th - Memorial Day 26th - Orchestra Concert 27th - Seniors last day 30th - Indian Trail Graduation 7:00pm Sunday 3 Monday 4 Tuesday 5 Parent Advisory Wednesday 6 Thursday 7 Friday Saturday 1 2 8 9 Jazz Concert Prom 6:30-7:30pm 10 11 12 13 14 Band Concert 17 18 19 15 Banquet for Band Senior Circa 16 KMA pass & Review 20 21 22 Choir Concert Hawkfest 1/2 Day of School for Students & Staff 23 Senior Scholarship & Awards Program 24 25 26 Memorial Day 27 28 Senior last day Orchestra Concert Senior Dinner 31 3 29 30 E-School Graduation IT Graduation 7pm Soccer March 31, 2015 Girls JV1 Game Vs. Mukwonago at Indian Trail High School & Academy 4:30pm Girls Varsity Game Vs. Mukwonago at Indian Trail High School & Academy 6:30pm April 1, 2015 Girls JV2 Game Vs. Warren Township at Indian Trail High School & Academy 4:45pm Physical Education Corner: Please make sure your son or daughter has the proper gym clothes for gym class each day. As the weather is getting warmer, we will be trying to go outside as much as possible. All students must have tennis shoes on in order to participate in gym class for safety reasons. For the remainder of the semester the Foundation classes will be doing flag football, soccer, softball, tennis, and weight room. Lifetime PE will be in volleyball, flag football, and softball. Active PE will be in Basketball, tennis, and badminton. Personal Fitness will continue the individual workouts in the weight room. All classes will continue to work on cardio respiratory endurance and participate in the walk/run on Thursdays. The goal is to walk/run one mile each week at a quicker rate then the student did it the week prior. If you have any questions, feel free to contact your student’s physical education teacher. 4 Upcoming events: WSMA Large Group Contest at Indian Trail on April 29, 2015. WSMA State Solo Ensemble at UW-Parkside on May 2, 2015. Spring Jazz Concert at Indian Trail on May 6, 2015. Spring Band Concert at Indian Trail on May 13, 2015. Banquet for Seniors at Circa on May 14, 2015. Orchestra Concert at Indian Trail on May 26, 2015. Graduation at Indian Trail on May 30, 2015. Choir Concert at Indian Trail on May 13, 2015. 5 April 17, 18, 25, & 26 at 7:30 pm at Indian Trail Auditorium April 19 & 27 at 2:00 pm at Indian Trail Auditorium 6 All seniors who have not picked up their caps & gowns and graduation accessories should make sure to do so this upcoming Tuesday, April 21st, during the lunch hours, in the Commons. Only cash or money orders will be accepted if you have a remaining balance due. Jostens will also be selling caps/gowns and tassels if you have NOT already ordered one. Graduation is a formal event and we ask that students refrain from decorating their caps. The Hawk Shop is a student-run store located in the Indian Trail Commons. The store features nutritional snacks and beverages. We are the official NIKE apparel center for “Hawk Wear” including T-shirts, Hoodies, Jackets, Caps, Yoga Pants, and Athletic Shorts in school colors featuring the Hawk logo. The Hawk Shop is a great place to shop for the holidays! Hours of Operation : Mornings from 7 -7:20 AM and during lunch hours. Place your Market Day orders now for tasty and convenient items Go to and click Indian Trail High School and Academy Order Deadlines and Delivery April 30th for May 5th All proceeds go to help the Indian Trail Choirs NHS Blood Drive Thursday, April 30th. Students who are 16 may donate with a parent permission slip and 17 and older can donate. The event is held in the Indian Trail upper gym and will run during the school day. National Honor Society Induction Ceremony will take place on Tuesday, May 19 at 6:30 in the Indian Trail Auditorium. The event should take approximately one hour. Refreshments will be served following the ceremony. The students who are being inducted should arrive 15 minutes prior to the ceremony and be seated in the front rows of the auditorium. Student inductees do not need to be present at the ceremony but should pick up any materials given out at the ceremony at one of the rooms listed below. 7 As the weather becomes warmer please remember student dress code. Tops: Tops may not be see-through Must be long enough to cover waistline, no skin showing between bottoms and tops when seated or standing; Must cover chest and undergarments at all times Sleeveless shirts are acceptable if they reach edge of shoulder and arm opening cannot be excessive Students may not wear tank tops Bottoms: Bottoms may not be see-through Must fit appropriately and not drag on the floor; Must be at the waist and appropriately fastened with belts when needed; Must be clean and in appropriate repair, holes and rips, below mid-thigh are permissible but rips or holes above mid-thigh must not show skin. Under clothing must be covered; and the waist must be covered at all times Dresses, skirts, skorts, and shorts must be at least mid-thigh length at all times Leggings and yoga pants may not be worn as bottoms; however, leggings may be worn beneath dresses, skirts, skorts, shorts and tunics ________________________________________________________________________________ Parents, We are encouraging our students to have good “mobile manners” while at school and in the community. Please encourage your students to put their phones away during learning hours. Here are a few tips to reinforce with our kids. -Don’t text and drive -Let voicemail do its job. The call can wait. -think, pause and wait before writing an emotional text, tweet or post. -Put your phone away during the day. You are here to learn. -lock your phones up when not in use. Cells are the most commonly stolen item in the U.S. -headphones should be put away during learning hours. -use the main office to contact parents and family members. Dropping off and picking up. Please remember to have your students ready for departure when dropping them off in the morning. As you pull up to the curb have them equipped with their books and belongings and ready to exit. This will decrease wait times. When picking up students, in the round about, please do not block traffic in the exterior (left) lane. If you think your child will not be there right away, please park and wait for them in the parking lot. Thank you for your assistance. 8 ACT Aspire will be given to 9th and 10th graders April 27th to May 22nd. We will run an alternate morning schedule during testing. Please check the website for specific periods and times. The Indian Trail library has a designated area for making and creating. This area, called a fab lab or makerspace, will be a place where students can learn a new skill or discover a hobby. Topics will change often and students are encouraged to suggest topics they want to learn about. Some of the topics will include technology and some will focus on creating a tangible product. Students are self-directed in their learning in the makerspace. Supplies will be available and the students who are interested in the activity can participate. The goal is to have fun! Prom permission forms will be available the week after Spring Break. Prom is a Junior/Senior dance for students in good academic and disciplinary standing. Underclassmen may only attend if invited and escorted by an upperclassmen. Tickets will be on sale the week 4/22 - 5/1 (or until the sell out); the dance is limited to 375 guests this year, so students are encouraged to plan ahead and buy early. This year's theme is Around the World, and the dance will be held Saturday, May 9th at Parkside. 9 Senior Scholarships & Awards Program May 22, 2015 All seniors are required to fill out the Senior Scholarships & Grants form and return it to Sandi Zupancic in the Library. Forms and updated monetary awards must be submitted no later than Friday, May 15, 2015. Seniors accepting scholarships and heading off to college will be recognized at the program provided necessary information is turned in. In addition there will be awards for outstanding students, improved students, outside organization awards and more! Parents are welcome to attend the program on Friday, May 22 nd at 8:00am in the school auditorium. You will be notified ahead of time via school messenger if your child will be receiving an award so you can plan accordingly. If you have any questions or comments, contact Sandi Zupancic at 359-8594. SENIOR SCHOLARSHIPS & GRANTS Last Name: ______________________________ First Name: _________________________ Check your post-secondary plan: 4-year college: ____ 2-year college: ____ Military (specify): ____________ Other/Occupation (specify): ______________ COLLEGE YOU WILL BE ATTENDING FALL 2015 ___________________________________________ INTENDED MAJOR _____________________________________________ List all colleges that you were accepted to during the 2014-2015 academic year _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Please list all Scholarships/Grants awarded and from each college and/or university (include dollar figures by multiplying “renewable” scholarships x 4 years) Name: _______________________________________ $ _______________ _______________________________________ $ _______________ _______________________________________ $ _______________ _______________________________________ $ _______________ _______________________________________ $ _______________ _______________________________________ $ _______________ _______________________________________ $ _______________ Use back of paper if more room is needed Please return form and update info to Sandi Zupancic in the Library by Friday, May 15, 2015. This information may be used to acknowledge scholarship recipients at the Scholarship & Awards Program on May 22, 2015 @ 8:00am in the auditorium. 10 11 Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a system involving the prevention of and response to classroom and school behaviors that can negatively impact academic achievement. The emphasis of the system is to develop and maintain safe environments where teachers can teach and students can learn. As we head into fourth quarter, our instances of negative behavior and discipline referrals are down compared to any other year at this time. Our students have been demonstrating safety, timeliness, respect, and responsibility in all areas of the building. Talon Tuesdays have allowed many students to earn Hawk Talons for positive behavior. The Talons can be entered our monthly raffles. This month, students can win Nike Shoes, Indian Trail gear, and even a giant Hawk Head logo. There will be many more great prizes in May and June! Thank you to all of our community sponsors who have donated to PBIS. If you would like to learn more about PBIS, you can check out the Wisconsin PBIS Network at or visit our school PBIS website at 12 MEDICATIONS: (Al fin del año de la escuela por favor de recoger su medicaciones en la oficina de la enfermera) As the end of the school year approaches, please remember to pick up your child’s medication from the nurse’s office. By policy, the school cannot store any medication for the following school year. Any medication not picked up and taken home will have to be discarded. As a reminder for Fall, the medication administration forms must be renewed annually, and a form must accompany all medication before it can be administered. Medication Administration forms may be printed off of the Indian Trail website @ for your convenience. Emergency medication, (i.e. Epipens, inhalers, Glucagon), must be in the nurse’s office or carried by the student on the first day of school. Kenosha County’s Division of Health encourages residents to dispose of medication that is unused, unwanted and expired. Medication dropped off at an official collection site helps prevent water contamination, addiction, and toxicity among children & teens. Medicine should be disposed of properly, not in the household trash can. Over-the-counter, prescription, as well as ointments, creams and sprays are accepted at all the sites. Intravenous solutions, injectables, illegal drugs, bioharzardous materials or needles are not accepted. Medications must be kept in original packages and in a sealed bag, with personal information crossed off. Here are several collection sites where you can drop off your medications for disposal. Public Safety Building 1000 55th St. Collection hours: Anytime Pleasant Prairie Police Department 8600 Green Bay Road Collection hours: Anytime University of Wisconsin-Parkside Police Department 900 Wood Road, Tallent Hall Collection Hours: Anytime IMMUNIZATIONS REQUIREMENTS FOR 2015-2016 School Year**: IN SEPTEMBER 2008, the Wisconsin Student Immunization Law was changed to include a 2 nd Varicella dose and a single dose of Tdap. All grades now require these additional vaccines. The following is the minimum required immunizations for each grade level: (Las siguientes son las vacunas minimas que se requiren para cada nivel de grado) Grad e 9th-12th DTP 4 Tda p 1 Polio 4 Hepatitis B MMR 3 2 Varicella or year of disease 2 To be compliant, the parent (or guardian) must provide to the school one of the following: The date of vaccination(s); or Documentation of the year your child had the chickenpox disease as a child; or A signed waiver for health, religious or personal conviction reasons. **Please mail in any records of vaccinations received over summer vacation. (Por favor de mandar por correo cualquier constancia de vacunas que recibir durante del verano) ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS: (Se recomienda que todos los adolescentes reciben la vacuna para meningitis. Para más información, llamada 605-6700) Meningococcal disease is a rare, but potentially fatal bacterial infection that can cause meningitis (severe swelling of the brain and spinal cord). The disease is spread through the exchange of fluids found in the respiratory system and throat, usually through close personal contact with someone who’s infected. Meningitis begins with symptoms that look like other common viral illnesses such as the flu. However, meningitis gets worse rapidly, and can kill a healthy person in 48 hours or less. Death rates from meningococcal disease are up to 5 times higher among adolescents and young adults (15 to 24 years old). Although meningococcal disease is serious and potentially life threatening, up to 83% of the cases can be vaccine preventable. The meningitis vaccine has been demonstrated to be safe and offers protection against 4 of the 5 most common strains of bacteria that cause the disease. For more information, you may contact your family physician, the Kenosha Health Department, or Visiting Nurse Community Care, Inc. 13 14
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