INFANT JESUS’ SCHOOL, PATNA – 800 008 (Affiliated to C.B.S.E., New Delhi) SUMMER HOLIDAY ASSIGNMENT 2015 – 2016 Class VII English 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What, according to you, is the most useful invention of all ? Collect all the information that you can gather about its inventor and write a biography of the person in about 250 words. Work out Page Nos. 22, 31 and 40 from your Word Perfect Spelling Book. The earth revolves around the sun. It never gets late. Does punctuality help us in our life too ? Explain how ? Do one page writing daily (5 days a week) neatly in writing book. Mention the date and day on every page. Prepare yourselves for English Elocution Contest to be held in July 2015. Work out Question Nos. 1 & 3 in your Grammar copy. fgUnh izFke lIrkg%& fgUnh lkfgR; ^es|k* ikB~; iqLrd ds ikB & 1] 2 esa fn, x, ’kCnkFkZ iz’uksÙkj ;kn djks vkSj fy[kksA foykse ’kCn & la[;k 1 ls 50 rd ;kn djksA ys[k & ^ifjJe dk egRro* ij fuca/k fy[kksA r`rh; lIrkg%& eqgkojs la[;k 1 ls 30 rd fy[kks ;kn djksA le:ih fHkUukFk|d ’kCn%& la[;k 1 ls 17 rd fy[kks ;kn djksA uksV & lqys[k iqfLrdk esa izfrfnu ,d Page lqUnj fy[kkoV esa vPNh rjg i<+dj dye ls fy[kuk gSaA Sanskrit First Week:- 1- ikB & 1 ls 4 rd lHkh ’kCnkFk| ;kn djksA 2- eqfu] lk/kq] rr~ ¼iq- L=h-½ ds ‘’kCn & :i izFkek ls lacks/ku rd fy[kks vkSj ;kn djks & ikB~; iqLrd ,oa O;kdj.k&iqLrd lsA Second Week:- 1- ikB & 1 ls 4 rd vH;kl ds lHkh iz’uksÙkj daBLFk djksA 2- laL—r esa foykse ’kCn ;kn djks 1 ls 11 rd & ikB~;&iqLrd dh i`"B la- 101 lsA Third Week:- 1- yV~] yksV~] y³~x] y`V~ vkSj fof/k&fy³~x ydkjksa dh ifjHkk"kk,¡ o lw= ;kn djks & O;kdj.k iqLrd lsA 2- fy[k~] Hkw ¼Hko½] j{k~] vl~ ds /kkrq&:i ik¡p ydkjksa esa fy[kks vkSj ;kn djksA ikB~;&iqLrd ds ihNa lsA 3- ikB & 6 ¼lqe/kqjk% ’yksdk%½ dh ’yksd & la- & 1] 2] 4] 5 daBLFk djksA 4- Project & Assignment for F.A.-3:- ikB & 12 ¼uhfr’yksdk%½ ls ‘’yksd & la- 1] 2] 3] 5 lqUnj&lkQ v{kjksa esa fy[kksA rFkk ikB ls ns[kdj cM+k&lk pkjksa fp= cukvks vkSj muesa jax HkjksA (Whte Chart Paper ij djks) Mathematics First Week:- C.C.E. Test Paper – 1 Third Week:- C.C.E. Test paper – 2 Second Week – Exercise – 2D Maths Activity No. – 3. (Lab Manual) Science Physics First Week:Note down the maximum and minimum temperature from June 1, 2015 to June 7, 2015 and convert them into Fahrenheit and Kelvin scale. Chemistry Second Week:1. Make a project file – On SOREN PAPER LAVRITZ SORENSON, a Danish chemist, (Who introduced the concept of pH, a scale for measuring acidity or basicity) by writing on the following topic. (a) His early life (b) His education (c) His degrees, awards and achievements, (d) Importance of pH scale which he introduced. (e) Summary and conclusion Also draw or paste the pictures related to the above mentioned. 2. Write al the answers of Chapter – 6, S.A. portion (Sec. C, D, E) in the fair copy of chemistry 3. Learn all the answers of MCQ, F.A. and S.A. portion of Chapter – 5 and 6. 4. Read Chapter – 16. Biology Third Week:1. Make a model of any one of the following:(a) Model of process of different stages in the nutrition of Amoeba (Hint – Page No. 27) OR (b) Model of human digestive system. 2. Write all the answers of Chapter – 2, S.A. portion (Sec. C, D, E) in the fair copy of Biology. 3. Learn all the answers of MCQ, F.A. and S.A. portion of Chapter – 1 and 2. 4. Read chapter – 10. Environmental Studies First Week:On bio-sheet draw diagrams or paste the following. 1. Paste leaf and show the principle of photosynthesis. 2. Metamorphosis of tadpole. 3. Layers of atmosphere. 4. Layers of soil. 5. Forest products. 6. Endangered species of birds and animals. Second Week:Learn the question and answers and exercises of the following chapters. 1. Water a precious resource. 2. Atmosphere a blanket of air. Third Week:Trees can service without us, but we cannot service without trees, why ? Collect information and paste pictures. Geography First Week:Collect information and pictures of the flora and fauna of the following region and prepare a project in the form of a file. (a) desert vegetation (b) Grasslands (c) Evergreen forest (d) Deciduous forest Second Week:1. Collect information and pictures of different types of settlements in different regions of the world. Mention the climatic factors that influence the settlement. 2. Show the evolution of the means of communication through the ages. Mention the names of a few national and regional newspapers, magazines and news channels. Third Week:Learn the question and exercises of the following chapters. (a) The structure of the earth (b) Land forms of the earth Social Science 1. 2. History Make a project assignment on the topic ‘Regional Culture’. (Refer Chapter – 9) Highlights the points as follows:(a) about the growth of regional cultures during medieval period. (b) how regional cultures created new styles of literature, paintings language etc. (c) about the famous scholars who helped shape and develop regional languages. make a list of some of the architectural terms of the Medieval period. Find out their meanings and make a chart with pictures depicting each style. Civics 1. Project Activity – Chart paper work:Advertisements can be utilized for sending social messages. If you had one chance to send a social message to the people through advertising. What would that social message be ? Related to the topic ‘Social Message paste photograph or cartoon whenever required. Note:- In History do project activity in A4 size paper and give finishing touch to the project by doing spiral binding. Computer A. Complete project first and second of Page No. 129 in PowerPoint and Excel. B. Write few lines about PowerPoint and Excel. Create your e-mail Id as name – class/sec. subject as. Computer project then send it to e-mail address. [email protected]/[email protected] OR Complete this project in thin rule copy. Date of submission:- Before reopens for online or after reopens for offline. INFANT JESUS’ SCHOOL, PATNA – 800 008 (Affiliated to C.B.S.E., New Delhi) SUMMER HOLIDAY ASSIGNMENT 2015 – 2016 Class VII URDU INFANT JESUS’ SCHOOL, PATNA – 800 008 (Affiliated to C.B.S.E., New Delhi) SUMMER HOLIDAY ASSIGNMENT 2015 – 2016 Class VIII English 1. 2. 3. 4. A verb must always agree with the subject in person. If your parents do not agree with you sometimes, what do you do ? Do you start shouting or do you try to convince them patiently ? Write in about 250 words. When we add ‘ry’ to the word ‘brave’ it becomes an abstract noun ‘bravery’. What is bravery in your opinion – to beat someone or to save someone ? Explain. Work out Page Nos. 33 and 51 from your Word Perfect Spelling Book. Do one page writing daily (5 days a week) in your writing book neatly. Mention the date and day on each page. Work out Question Nos. 1 and 2 in Grammar copy. fgUnh 1- izFke lIrkg%& fgUnh lkfgR; ^vfHkyk"kk* ikB~; iqLrd ds ikB 3] 4 vkSj 5 esa fn, x, ’kCnkFkZ ;kn djds fyj[ksaA 2- f}rh; lIrkg%& i;kZ;okph ’kCn & la[;k & 1 ls 36 rd ;kn djks vkSj fy[kksA Page No. 54 esa fn, x, lHkh foykse ’kCnksa dks ;kn djds fy[ksaA Jqfrle fHkUukFkZd & Page Nos. 68] 69 & 1 ls 36 rd ;kn djsaA 3- r`rh; lIrkg%& ¼d½ vusdkFkZd ’kCn & Page No. 57 & 1 ls 25 rd ;kn djds fy[ksaA ¼[k½ ,dkFkZd izrhr gksus okys ’kCn & Page No. 61 & 1 ls 13 rd ;kn djs vkSj fy[ksaA ¼x½ vusd ’kCnksa ds fy, ,d ’kCn & Page Nos. 64] 65 & 1 ls 40 rd ;kn djds fy[ksaA uksV%& lqys[k iqfLrdk esa izfrfnu ,d Page lqUnj fy[kkoV esa] vPNh rjg i<+dj dye ls fy[kuk gSA Sanskrit First Week:- 1- ikB & 1 ls 4 rd lHkh ’kCnkFkZ daBLFk djksA 2- loZ ¼iq-] L=h-½ unh] efr ds ‘’kCn&:i izFkek ls lacks/ku rd fy[kks vkSj ;kn djks & ikB~; iqLrd ds ihNs lsA Second Week:- 1- ikB & 1 ls 4 rd vH;kl ds lHkh iz’uksÙkj rFkk ikB & 6 ¼lqi|kfu½ dh ’yksd & la- & 1] 2] 3] 5 daBLFk djksA 2- foykse ’kCn laL—r esa ;kn djks & 1 ls 20 rd & ikB~;&iqLrd dh i`"B & la- & 108 lsA Third Week:- 1- yV~] yksV~] y³~x] y`V~] fof/k&fy³~x ydkjksa dh ifjHkk"kk,¡] lw= ;kn djks & O;kdj.k & iqLrd lsA 2- LFkk ¼fr"B½] n`’k~ ¼i';½] u`r~] izPN~ ¼i`PN½ ds /kkrq&:i ik¡p ydkjksa esa fy[kks vkSj ;kn djks & ikB~; iqLrd ds ihNs lsA 3- i;kZ;okph laL—r esa nks&nks ’kCn daBLFk djks & 1 ls 11 rd & ikB~; iqLrd dh i`"B la- 108 lsA 4- Project and Assignment for F.A-3:ikB & 12 ¼lqHkkf"krkfu½ ls ’yksd & la- & 1] 2] 3] 5 lkQ&lqUnj v{kjksa esa fy[kks rFkk ikB ls ns[kdj cM+k&lk nksuksa fp= cukvks vkSj muesa jax HkjksA (White chart paper ij djksA) Mathematics First Week:Third Week:- C.C.E. Test Paper – 1 Second Week:C.C.E. Test Paper – 2 and Activity – 3 (Lab Manual) Exercise – 2(C) Environmental Studies First Week:1. On the bio-sheet draw the following:(a) Wind mill (b) Energy flow (c) Deforested area (d) Synthetic materials (Any 2) (e) Modern electrical appliances (Any 2) Second Week:1. Learn the questions and answers of chapter – 1. 2. Collect pictures for the following to make a collage out of the discarded things of your home, list the ones that:(a) you give away (b) sell (c) reuse for another purpose (d) those you throw away. Third Week:1. Learn the questions and answers of chapter – 2. 2. List / highlight any five problems created in our society due to over-population. Science Physics First Week:Learn all the exercise questions of chapter 11 (Force and Pressure) Chemistry Second Week:1. Make a project file on natural resources – exhaustible and inexhaustible resources, fossil fuel, coal its formation, uses, destructive distillation and coal, how is petroleum obtained and refining of petroleum. Limitation of fossil fuels and conservation of fossil fuels. Draw and paste the picture related to the above topics. 2. Learn the answers of Section B, C, D & E of chapter 5 of Summative Assessment – 1. 3. Read the left chapter of SA, portion. Biology Third Week:1. Make a file on life-history of scientist Robert Hooke or German Biologist Matthias Jakob Schleiden, write about their life history, early education, awards and achievements, invention, conclusion and summary. 2. Learn all question answer of the lesson taught. 3. Read next chapter to be taught. Social Science History 1. 2. Write a report on the development and impetus given to the cause of female education in colonial period – Page No. 5 Write a report on movement against different types of discrimination in modern India – Page No. 10. Civics 1. 2. Write down five laws that you believe should be implemented within the classroom to maintain proper discipline. Collect information about the various members of the constituent assembly and their social background. Paste photograph wherever required:Note:- Do all the project assignments in A4 size paper and give finishing touch to the project activity by doing spiral binding. Geography First Week:1. Make file on:(a) Subsistence agriculture (b) Commercial agriculture (c) Food crops (d) Commercial crops (e) Fiber crops (f) Beverage crops Paste picture and give account of their geographical requirements. Second Week:Find out different nomadic tribes and write about the crops they grow and the animals they rear. Paste pictures also. Third Week:Learn the question and answer and exercises of the following chapters. (a) Water Resources (b) Mineral and Power Resources. Computer A. Complete project of MS-Access A and B of Page No. 129. B. Write few lines about MS-Access. Create your e-mail Id as name – class / sec. and send your project to e-mail. Address:- [email protected]/[email protected] Subject:- Computer Project. OR Complete this project in thin ruled copy. Date of submission – After reopens first practical class for offline or before reopens for online. INFANT JESUS’ SCHOOL, PATNA – 800 008 (Affiliated to C.B.S.E., New Delhi) SUMMER HOLIDAY ASSIGNMENT 2015 – 2016 Class VIII URDU INFANT JESUS’ SCHOOL, PATNA – 800 008 (Affiliated to C.B.S.E., New Delhi) SUMMER HOLIDAY ASSIGNMENT 2015 – 2016 Class VI URDU INFANT JESUS’ SCHOOL, PATNA – 800 008 (Affiliated to C.B.S.E., New Delhi) SUMMER HOLIDAY ASSIGNMENT 2015 – 2016 Class V URDU INFANT JESUS’ SCHOOL, PATNA – 800 008 (Affiliated to C.B.S.E., New Delhi) SUMMER HOLIDAY ASSIGNMENT 2015 – 2016 Class IX English 01. Me and Mine – Work sheet in book (Use pencil) * ---- Unseen Passage : 1 to 10 * Literature Reader – All chapters taught in the class. * Grammar – All worksheets on Tense. 02. Project work:- Diary writing. Handmade diary which will include the diary entry of all the days of the vacation with each day on separate page. Format:13 May, 2015 Dear Diary, (Should not be mentioned) Body 09 p.m. 03. Novel:- Three Men in a Boat – Summary of the chapters 1 to 10. fgUnh 01- Project Work:vaydkj dh ifjHkk"kk] Hksn rFkk Hksnksa ds Hksn dh ifjHkk"kk mnkgj.k nsdj fy[kksA 02- nks cSyksa dh dFkk dks ukV~; :i esa ¼fp= lfgr½ fy[ksaA 03- dkO; ¼dchj½ iafDr;ksa dk HkkokFkZ fy[ksA ¼dkWih esa fy[ksa½ Mathematics Class A, B, C & E 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Define polynomial. Write different types of polynomials on the basis of degree of polynomial. Also define each types and give an example in each case. Define alcebecaic identities. Find expansion of following identities. (a) a2 – b2 = (b) a3 + b3 = (c) a3 – b3 = (d) (a + b + c)2 = (e) a3 + b3 + c3 – 3abc Define number. Define different types of number system. Factorize:(a) 1 + a + b + c + ab + bc + ca + abc (b) (2x (a + b) + 3y (6a + 6b) – 5z (3a + 3b) (c) x2 + y2 + 2 (xy + x2 + y2) 4 (d) x2 + 2 x (e) a2 – b2 – c2 – 2 (ab – bc) (f) x2 – 24x – 180 5x 1 (g) 2x2 – + 6 12 2 (h) (p + q) – 20 (p + q) – 125 (i) (2a + 3b)3 – (2a – 3b)3 (j) 2 2a 3 16 2b 3 c 3 12abc 0.69 0.96 0.96 0.04 0.04 0.04 Prove the 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.04 0.04 0.04 If the polynomials px3 + 4x2 + 3x – 4 and x3 – 4x + p are divided by (x – 3) then the remainder in each case is in the same . Find the value of p. Find the value of a if (x – a) is a factor of the polynomial x6 – ax5 + ax + 3x – a + 2. Find the values of a and b so that the polynomial x3 + 10x2 + ax + b is exactly divisible by (x – 1) as well as (x – 2). Factorize using factor theorem:(a) y3 – 2y2 – 2gy – 42 (b) y3 – 7y + 6 What must be added to x3 – 3x2 + 4x – 13 to obtain a polynomial which is exactly divisible by x – 3 ? What must be subtracted from 4x3 + 16x2 – x + 5 to obtain a polynomial which is exactly divisible by x – 5. If 2x3 + ax2 + bx – 6 has x – 1 as a factor and leaves a remainder 2 when divided by x – 2, find the value of ‘a’ and ‘b’. If both (x – 2) and (x – ½) are factors of px2 + 5x + r, show that p = r. Find five rational number between; 3 5 (a) and (b) 3 and 4. 9 6 Project Topic:Pythagoras Theorem. Content:- (a) Introduction (b) Verify Pythagoras Theorem (Paper cutting model must be posted in the Lab notes) (c) Applications of Pythagoras Theorem (d) Conclusion (e) Biblliography (If any) Mathematics Class D 01. 02. Do any 50 questions from Real Number from any book other than R.S. Agrawal and NCERT. Construct 2 , 3, 5 , 7 on chart paper. Science Physics Solve all inside and exercise questions of Chapter – Motion (NCERT) in H.H.W. Copy. Project Graphical representation of different types of linear-motion on chart paper. Chemistry 01. 02. 03. Give symbols and names elements having atomic number 1 to 30 and learn. Solve all index and exercise questions of chapter – 1 and learn. Explain any two activities given in chapter – 1 in your own words with diagram. Project Prepare a project on states of matter and their use in our daily life. Note:- All H.W. should be made in a separate copy. Biology 01. Draw a neat and labeled diagram of:- (In Interleaf fair copy) (a) Plant-cell (Seen under electron microscope) (b) Animal cell (Seen under electron microscope) (c) Mitochondria (d) Nuclbus Social Science History | Civics | Economics Project “French Revolution and the contemporary world.” Preparation of Project:(a) Project report will not be more than 20 written pages of foolscap size (A4 size) (b) Handwritten. (c) Supported by photographs. Instructions:Project should be presented in this order:(a) Cover page, showing project title, student information, school & year. (b) List of contents with page numbers. (c) Acknowledgements. (d) Project overview:- Purpose, aim, and experiences while doing the project. (e) Chapters with relevant headings. (f) Summary and conclusion. (g) Bibliography:- List of books, others sources of information. (h) Photograph and illustrations. (i) Spiral binding/Practical copy. Note:- Contemporary World – means world at present. Students have to co-relate the contributions of the French Revolution to the world at present. Only black pen is used. No extra decoration. Project Geography Make a project on “Physical Features of India”. INFANT JESUS’ SCHOOL, PATNA – 800 008 (Affiliated to C.B.S.E., New Delhi) SUMMER HOLIDAY ASSIGNMENT 2015 – 2016 Class X English 01. 02. 03. 04. Literature:- Complete the notes of all the lessons taught and learn them. (Word-meanings, MCQs & Question answers). Work Book – Do the exercises of Unit 1 – 3. Main Course Book – Read Units 1 – 3. Prepare 3 essays on the topics in Unit 1 – 3. Novel – (The Diary of a Young Girl) Read the novel and summaries the chapters. (Write on loose sheets (25 to 30 pages) and submit in stick-files) fgUnh Project Work:- 01- lHkh jlksa dks ifjHkkf"kr dj lfp= mnkgj.k nsdj Li"V djsaA 02- i<+k, x, lHkh ikBksa ds iz’uksÙkj ,oea HkkokFkZ fy[ksaA ¼dkWih esa iwjk djks½ x| ,oa inA 03- n`’; ds vk/kkj ij okD; ds lHkh Hksnksa dks Li"V djrs gq, ,d (Project work) rS;kj djsa X.C ds fy,A Mathematics Class A, B, C & E * * * Do all questions and answers from R.S. Agrawal Book. Chapters:- (a) Real numbers (b) Polynomials (In a separate copy, including CCE questions) Show different kinds of polynomials graphically on a chart paper with labeled diagram. make a Mathematical model (Working / non-working) in a group of 10 students. Mathematics Class D 01. Do any 50 questions from R. Ratio, T. identify from any book other than R.S. Agrawal and NCERT Science Physics 01. Verification of Ohm’s law. H.H.W.:- Solve all inside and exercise question of chapter – Current Electricity (NCERT). (In H.H.W. copy) Chemistry 01. 02. 03. Write 50 chemical equations and balance them. Classify them into following categories. (a) Combination reaction (b) Decomposition reaction (c) Displacement reaction (d) Double displacement reaction. Give 20 examples of Redox Reactions and Identify. (a) Oxidizing agent (b) Reducing agent (c) Substance oxidized (d) Substance reduced Solve all intext and exercise questions related to chapter – 1. Note:- All H.W. is to be made in a separate copy. Project Instructions:Use bio-sheet for preparing your project (Minimum 10 sheets) Prepare a project on any one of the following topic:(a) Photolysis (b) Electrolysis (c) Thermal decomposition (d) Neutralization reaction Biology 01. Draw a neat and labeled diagram of followings in your Biology fair copy. (a) Open stomata (b) Digestive System (c) Endocytosis in Amoeba (d) Explain the experiment that CO2 is essential for photosynthesis Social Science Geography * * * * Manuals for Disaster Management. Do’s and Don’ts. Picture collection from newspapers and magazines (Hindi or English) Conclusions. Instructions:Project should be presented in this order:(a) Cover page, showing project title, student information, school & year. (b) List of contents with page numbers. (c) Acknowledgements. (d) Project overview:- Purpose, aim, and experiences while doing the project. (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) Chapters with relevant headings. Summary and conclusion. Bibliography:- List of books, others sources of information. Photograph and illustrations. Spiral binding/Practical copy. Note:- Contemporary World – means world at present. Students have to co-relate the contributions of the French Revolution to the world at present. Only black pen is used. No extra decoration. INFANT JESUS’ SCHOOL, PATNA – 800 008 (Affiliated to C.B.S.E., New Delhi) SUMMER HOLIDAY ASSIGNMENT 2015 – 2016 Class XII English 01. 02. 03. 04. Write and learn answers to all the questions of the chapters taught in the class. (Approx 5 chapters) Write an article on ‘Man is still a dwarf before nature and its immeasurable powers’. (With ref. to natural disasters etc.) 200 words. Write an application to the principal of your school requesting him to take actions against the students who create indiscipline ad vandalism in school. (18 words) Compose a speech on ‘Importance of Disaster Management classes in schools of India’. (200 words) Mathematics 01. 1 2 2 If A = 2 1 2 verify that A2 – 4A – 5 = 0. 2 2 1 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 3 0 1 Obtain the increase of the following matrix, using elementary operations. A = 2 3 0 0 4 1 6 5 Using elementary transformations, find the increase of the matrix A = 5 4 Two schools A and B decided to award prizes to their students for three values honesty (X), Punctuality (Y) and obedience (Z). School A decided to award a total of Rs. 15,000 for the three values to 4, 3 and 2 students respectively, while school B decided to award Rs. 19,000 for the three values to 5, 4 and 3 students respectively. If all the three prizes together amount to Rs. 5,000, then (a) represent the above situation by matrix equation and form linear equation wins matrix multiplication. (b) which value you prefer to be rewarded most and why ? cos x sin x 0 If f (x) = sin x cos x 0 , then show that f (x) . f (x) + y) 0 0 1 Express the following matrix as the sum of a symmetric and a skew symmetric matrix, and 3 2 4 verify your result 3 2 5 1 1 2 sin(a 1) x sin x x Determine the values of a, b and c for which the function: f (x) = c x bx 2 x b x3 may be continuous at x = 0. a sin 2 ( x 1); x 0 Find the value of ‘a’ for which the function f debind by f (x) tan x sin x ; x0 x3 is continuous at x = 0. , ifx 0 , ifx 0 , ifx 0 1 kx 1 kx ; if 1 x 0 x Find the value of k, for which the function f (x) 2 x 1 ; if 0 x 1 x 1 is continuous at x = 0. Show that the function f (x) = 2x - |x| is continuous but not differentiable at x = 0. Show that the relation R detained by (a, b) R (c, d) a + b = b + c on the set N × N is an equivalence relation. Prove that the relation R in the set A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} given by R = {(a, b) : |a – b| is even} is an equivalence relation. Show that the relation S in the set A = {x z : o x 12} given by S = {(a, b) : a, b z |a – b| is divisible by 4} is an equivalence relation. Find the set of all elements related to 1. If R1 and R2 are two equivalence relations in a given set A, show that R1 R2 is also an equivalence relation. Let A be the set of all human beings in a town at a particular time. The relation R is given by (x, y) R x and y are associated with SAVE THE RARE SPECIES campaigning. Find whether the relation R is reflexive, symmetric and trangitive. Do you want to campaign for the above mentioned cause. Physics Solve:(a) Coulomb’s Law and electric field – 10 (b) 10 (Question) from Gauss’s theorem and electric flux. (c) 10 (Question) from capacitor. (d) 10 (Question) from resistance. Chemistry Collect 8 or 10 years questions of CBSE All India set for the following chapters and solve them in a separate copy. (a) Solid state (b) Haloalkane and Haloarenes (c) Chemical Kinetics Project Collect information related to Food Adulteration and arrange them in the following sequence on bio-sheets / A4 size paper. (a) Introduction (b) Data (c) Harms and Remedy (d) Conclusion. Biology Prepare the project already given Business Studies 01. 02. Management:- Nature and Principles * Meaning * Features * Importance * Levels of Management * Co-ordination * Management as Science, Art and Profession. Principles of Management:Fundamental principles (Hery Fayol) Scientific principles of management (As propounded by Frederik Windslow Taylor) Note:All assignments must be completed in their respective copies, topic-wise. Economics 01. Complete the exercise work of chapter 1 and 2 of Micro Economics.
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