Merchant Documents Checklist Please prepare the following documents, you may submit in person, fax to 03-79540711 or email to [email protected] For Individual Enterprise/ Sole Proprietorship/Partnership Copy Documents Remarks 1 New Merchant Application Form 1 Sign & Stamp/Chop at bottom of form 2 Merchant Product Questionnaire Form 1 ** Complete & submit relevant documents, if any 3 Photocopy NRIC of Proprietor/Partners 1 Front & Back, No foreigner 4 Business Registration Certificate 1 Photocopy 5 Tax File No. and GST Registration No. (If any) 1 6 Local Bank Statement 1 Cheque Payment All Cheques should be crossed and made payable to MCIL Multimedia Sdn Bhd 7 Payment (Cheque/ Bank Transfer) 1 Bank or On-line Transfer Bank in to MCIL Multimedia Sdn Bhd RHB Account No.: 2-12479-00046468 In any case, please fax receipt to 03-7954 0711 or email receipt to [email protected] ** Please submit any product’s certificate, catalogue, if any For Sdn Bhd (Private Limited Company) Documents Copy Remarks 1 New Merchant Application Form 1 Sign & Stamp/Chop at bottom of form 2 Merchant Product Questionnaire Form 1 ** Complete & submit relevant documents, if any 3 Photocopy NRIC of Directors 1 Front & Back Passport if foreigners 4 Business Incorporation Certificate (Form 9, 24,49) 1 Photocopy 5 Tax File No. and GST Registration No. (If any) 1 6 Local Bank Statement 1 Cheque Payment All Cheques should be crossed and made payable to MCIL Multimedia Sdn Bhd 7 1 Payment (Cheque/ Bank Transfer) Bank or On-line Transfer Bank in to MCIL Multimedia Sdn Bhd RHB Account No.: 2-12479-00046468 In any case, please fax receipt to 03-7954 0711 or email receipt to [email protected] ** Please submit any product’s certificate, catalogue, if any Page 1 of 5 OAF01_ APR2015 New Merchant Application Form Please select your choice of merchant package Platinum Gold Silver Company Stamp Company Name and Address Business Registration No. Tax File No. and GST Registration No. Please mark (x) in the box if NO GST : Office Tel No. Office Fax No. (Your online store front Name) Display Name Primary Contact (max 23 char. inclusive space) ( Mr / Ms ) NRIC Mobile Number Email Address Secondary Contact ( Mr / Ms ) NRIC Mobile Number Email Address Please check (x) if same as company information Warehouse Contact Mobile Number Email Address Warehouse Address Post Code City Warehouse Operation Hours Pick-up Time Account Name Account Number Bank Name Bank Swift Code Page 2 of 5 OAF01_ APR2015 2015 Packages (Valid From: April 1, 2015 – March 31, 2016) Merchant Packages (A) Platinum (B) Gold (C) Silver Maximum Product Listing 5,000 Products 1,500 Products 500 Products Online Payment Fee (Exclude PayPal) 3% 4% 6% Annual Fee RM 9,000 RM 4,000 RM 1,200 One-Time Registration Fee (Waived) RM 600 RM 600 RM 600 Discount RM2,000 RM1,000 - **Total RM7,420 RM3,180 RM1,272 Free Online Advertisement Premium Product Featuring **T&C Applies 5 Products 2 Products - Carousel Ad 3 Ads 1 Ad - Leaderboard Ads 2 Ads 1 Ad - Rectangle Ads - 1 Ad 1 Ad Category Product Featuring 3 Products - 2 Products Leaderboard Ads 2 Ads - 1 Ad - 1 Ad - Main Page + Websites Main Page Main Page Main Page Category Page Category Page Rectangle Ads Category Page ** Prices include 6% GST Company Authorized Signatory ) Name ) Company Title Date ) ) Stamp: ** Every application is subject to Logon screening process and it’s management final approval. SC NY CP GM LM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AGENT INFORMATION Agent Name/ID: Bank Name: Agent Email Bank Account Name: Agent Mobile: Bank Account No.: Date: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FOR OFFICE USE Approved By: Reviewed By: Page 3 of 5 OAF01_ APR2015 Merchant Product(s) & Services (s) Questionnaire Form No. Question Yes Q1 Please describe type of product(s) or service(s) you intend to sell on-line. A: Q2 Do you sell cosmetic products? No If yes, please attach the approval/ certification from relevant authority. Q3 Do you sell pharmaceutical products? If yes, please attach the approval/ certification from relevant authority. Q4 Do you sell food & beverages products? If yes, please attach the approval/ certification from relevant authority. Q5 Do you sell halal certified products? If yes, please attach the approval/ certification from relevant authority. Q6 Do you sell alcoholic beverages? If yes, please attach the approval/ certification from relevant authority. Q7 Do you sell premium or luxury goods and international brands or branded products? ** If yes, please attach the approval/ certification from relevant authority. ˜ Letter of authenticity from the Brand. ˜ Letter of authorization/ appointment given by the brand to certify merchant’s authority to sell the products. ˜ Proof of purchase of the products. ˜ Other related documents as proof of relationship between the companies. Q8 Are you selling products listed in the Appendix 1? Q9 Does your product(s) or service(s) comply with Malaysia laws and regulations? ** Failure to declare branded products and submit relevant documents will result in suspend or termination of merchant account due to strict regulations by Master/Visa I/We warrant that the above information is true and accurate. Signature: Name: Title: Company: Date: Page 4 of 5 OAF01_ APR2015 Appendix 1 Prohibited list of Product(s) and Service(s) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Firearms & weapons Ammunition Military items (military fatigues, uniform, badges) Police related items (uniform, badges etc.) Narcotics Steroids Prescription drugs, drug paraphernalia and drug test circumvention aids Internet pharmacies or referral site Fireworks and hazardous materials Miracle Cures Currency and forex Pornography and adult content Escort Services 14. Sexually oriented materials or services 15. Counterfeit pharmaceutical products 16. Counterfeit tobacco products 17. Counterfeit designer/luxury goods 18. Items or downloads that infringe or violate copyright, trademark, right of publicity or privacy or any other proprietary right under the laws of any jurisdiction 19. Tobacco 20. Pyramid or ponzi scheme, matrix program and other “get rich quick” scheme 21. Telemarketing 22. Time Sharing 23. Gold Bar 24. Investment Scheme 25. File sharing services 26. Items promote hatred, racism, religious persecution or contain offensive content. 27. Items encouraging illegal activity (lock picking tools etc.) 28. Human remains and body parts 29. Unlicensed Multi-level marketing 30. Stolen goods including digital and virtual goods 31. Items that are considered obscene 32. Associated with purchases of annuities or lottery contracts, lay-away systems, off-shore banking or transactions to finance or refinance debts funded by a credit card 33. Payment aggregator 34. Associated with the sale of traveler’s cheques or money orders 35. Cheque cashing businesses 36. Credit Counseling/ Credit repair or debt settlement services 37. Involve the sales of products or services identified by government agencies to have a high likelihood of being fraudulent 38. Gambling, gaming and/or any other activity with an entry fee and a prize, including, but not limited to casino games, sports betting, horse or greyhound racing, lottery tickets, other ventures that facilitate gambling, games of skill (whether or not it is legally defined as a lottery) and sweepstakes. 39. Direct-marketing-subscription 40. Involve rebate-based and up-selling business 41. Illegal downloads of movies, music, computer and video games or software 42. Outbound telemarketers 43. Mailing list and personal information Page 5 of 5 OAF01_ APR2015
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