Journal of Statistical Modeling and Analytics Vol. 1 No. 1, 69-79, 2010 Mean Chart and Median Chart with K – Control Rules Wong WK1 Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia Email: [email protected] Sim CH2 Universiti of Malaya, Malaysia ABSTRACT In the common control charting procedure, an out-of-control signal is detected when a single point falls beyond the upper control limit ( UCL ) or below the lower control limit ( LCL ) of a control chart. Control charts based on this criterion are easy to construct and implement by the quality control engineers. They are able to detect large shifts on the process mean and variation quickly. The drawback of this simple criterion is that the resulting charts are ineffective in detecting small shifts in either process mean or variation. To overcome this drawback, we propose a control rule that detects an out-of-control signal when K consecutive points all fall above the upper probability limits or all fall below the lower probability limits of the constructed control chart. We shall restrict our discussion to the construction and performance of the mean chart and median chart in detecting shift in process mean based on the K − control rule. Keywords: Statistical Quality Control, K − Control Rule, Probability Limits, Average Run Length. ISSN 2180-3102 © 2010 Malaysia Institute of Statistics, Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia 69 Journal of Statistical Modeling and Analytics Introduction In the common control charting procedure, an out-of-control signal is detected when a single point falls beyond the upper control limit (UCL ) or below the lower control limit ( LCL ) of a control chart. However, the drawback of this criterion is that the resulting charts are unable to detect small shifts in process mean and variation, i.e. they tend to have large out-of-control average run length ( ARL1 ) values when shifts in the process mean or variation are small. Procedures to improve the performance of the classical Shewhart charts in detecting small shifts in either the process mean or variation have been widely discussed in the literature. One of the well-known and established methods is to perform selected supplementary sensitizing rules (Western Electric (1956), Nelson (1984)) simultaneously to the Shewhart control charts. Two of the commonly used sensitizing rules are (i) two out of three successive points fall beyond two-sigma limits, (ii) four out of five successive points fall beyond one-sigma limits. These tests show positive results and are able to reduce the ARL1 values in detecting small shifts in process mean and variation. However, it was pointed out by Champ and Woodall (1987) that these additional supplementary tests would significantly increase the undesirable false alarm rate. Indeed, Montgomery (2005) suggested that the sensitizing rules should be used cautiously, as an excessive number of false alarms can be harmful to an effective statistical process control program. Instead of using the supplementary sensitizing rules in improving the performance of the 3 − sigma x − chart, Derman and Ross (1997) proposed the following two alternating control rules. Rule I: An out-of-control signal is detected if (i) two successive points fall above a specially designed UCL , or (ii) two successive points fall below a specially designed LCL , or (iii) either one of the two successive points is above the UCL and the other is below the LCL . Rule II: An out-of-control signal is detected if any two of three successive points fall (i) above the newly specified UCL , or (ii) below the newly specified LCL , or (iii) beyond either one of the newly specified control limits. Their study revealed that their proposed schemes increase the performance of the x − chart in detecting moderate shifts in process mean as compared to the Shewhart x − chart. 70 Mean Chart and Median Chart with K − Control Rules Klein (2000) has simplified the above two control rules of Derman and Ross (1997) by eliminating part (iii) of both rules. His study shows that his simplify schemes achieve the objective of increasing the sensitivity of detecting small to moderate shifts of the process mean from µ to µ + δσ , 0 ≤ δ ≤ 2.6 . In this study, we consider the control rules where an out-of-control signal is declared when K consecutive points are above a specified upper probability limit or K consecutive points are below a specified lower probability limit where the value K can either taken to be 2, 3 or 4. We shall call this the “K − control rule” in the sequel. Note that for the case when K = 2, the K − control rule” is the first out-of-control rule of Derman and Ross modified by Klein (2000). We shall restrict our discussion to the construction and performance of the mean chart ( x p − ~ chart) and median chart ( X p − chart) in detecting shift in process mean based on the K − control rule and for samples taken from the Normal(γ , β 2 ) and Laplace(γ , β ) processes. The construction of probability limits of the K − control rule is discussed in Section 2. ~ Section 3 discusses the performance of the x p − chart and X p − chart when the K − control rule is employed. The Probability Limits of the K – Control Rule Let W be a sample statistic that measures some quality characteristic of interest. Control chart of the sample statistic W usually consists of an upper control limit ( UCL ), a central line ( CL ) and a lower control limit ( LCL ). These limits divide the set of possible values of W into three quality zones. They are: • • • Target zone ( T ) : consists of values of W between UCL and LCL . Upper action zone ( A + ) : consists of values of W beyond UCL . Lower action zone ( A −) : consists of values of W below LCL . In evaluating the average run length (ARL ) , we follow the argument of Page (1955). Let the probability that a point falls in each of the three regions T , A + and A − be p , q1 and q 2 , respectively, where p + q1 + q 2 = 1 . Action will be taken if K consecutive points fall in to the zones A + or A − . Let L denote the ARL of the stopping rule, and L+i ( L−i ), i = 1, 2, ..., K − 1 , be the additional average number of points 71 Journal of Statistical Modeling and Analytics needed before an action is taken when the last i sample points have fallen in zone A + ( A − ). By taking expectations conditional upon the result of the first sample, we have L = p(1 + L ) + q1 (1 + L1+ ) + q 2 (1 + L1− ) . = 1 + pL + q1 L1+ + q 2 L1− (1) By taking expectations conditional on the results of the next sample when the last i sample points have fallen in zone A + , we have L+i = 1 + pL + q1 L+i +1 + q 2 L1− , i = 1, 2, ..., K − 2 L+K −1 = 1 + pL + q 2 L1− . (2) Similar argument gives L−i = 1 + pL + q1 L1+ + q 2 L−i +1 , i = 1, 2, ..., K − 2 L−K −1 = 1 + pL + q1 L1+ . (3) L+K −1 , Solving the set of ( K − 1 ) equations in (2) for ( K − 1 ) equations in (3) for L−K −1 , ..., L1− , we obtain ..., L1+ , and set of L1+ = 1 − q1K −1 (1 + pL + q 2 L1− ) 1 − q1 (4) L1− = 1 − q 2K −1 (1 + pL + q1 L1+ ) 1− q2 (5) and respectively. Finally, by solving equations (4) and (5) for L1+ and L1− in term of L , and by substituting them in (1) yields the solution L= (1 − q1K )(1 − q 2K ) (1 − q1 )(1 − q 2 ) − q1 q 2 (1 − q1K −1 )(1 − q 2K −1 ) − p(1 − q1K )(1 − q 2K ) . (6) Under the common assumption that the probability of a sample statistic falls above the UCL is equal to the probability that it falls below the LCL , i.e. by taking q1 = q2 = q which leads to p = 1− 2q , equation (6) is then reduced to L= (1 − q K ) 2 (1 − q ) 2 − q 2 (1 − q K −1 ) 2 − (1 − 2q )(1 − q K ) 2 . (7) By fixing L at its desired value, q can then be found by solving equation (7). For example, by taking q1 = q2 = q, the ARL of a control chart with K − control rule when K = 2 is given by 72 Mean Chart and Median Chart with K − Control Rules ARL = 1+ q 2q 2 . By taking the desired ARL value to be 370.37 and K = 2 , we have ~ q = 0.0374235. The lower and upper probability limits of the X p − chart and x p − chart given in equations (8) and (9) with K − control rule ( K = 2 ) should then be constructed using q = 0.0374235. Note that, from equation (7), K − for control rule with K = 3 , we have q = 0.1150585; whereas for K = 4 , we have q = 0.20277. The sampling distributions of the sample mean x (Sim, 2000) and ~ sample median X (Wong, 2007) are required To evaluate the probability ~ limits for both the x p − chart and X p − chart with K − control rule. By taking a desired value of ARL and by estimating q from equation ~ (7), the corresponding lower and upper probability limits of the X p − chart are given as LCL X~ ( K ) = µ + Aq;K ,n σ UCL X~ ( K ) = µ + A1− q; K ,n σ (8) and the probability limits of the x p − chart are LCL x ( K ) = µ − B q; K , n UCL x ( K ) = µ + B1− q; K , n σ n σ n (9) where Aα ;K ,n and Bα ;K ,n are factors determined based on the αth percentile of the sampling distribution of the sample median and sample mean, respectively. ~ In this study, the X p − chart and x p − chart with K − control rule for the Normal(γ , β 2 ) and Laplace(γ , β ) populations are considered. Note that under the normality assumption, both the factors B q; K ,n and B1− q;K ,n depend only on K but not the sample size n and that Bq;K , n = B1− q;K ,n . The values of factors, Aq;K ,n , A1− q;K ,n , Bq;K ,n and B1− q;K ,n evaluated with ARL = 370.37 , corresponds to a false alarm rate of 0.0027, are given in Table 1 for Normal (0, 1) and Laplace(0, 1) distributions. Selected sample size of up to 20 are given in Table 1 as only samples of small size are usually used in industry applications. 73 Journal of Statistical Modeling and Analytics ~ Performance of the X p − Chart and x p − Chart with the K − Control Rule ~ To assess the performance of the X p − chart and x p − chart with K − control rule, we study the average run length ARL of the corresponding charts when the process mean shifts from µ to µ + δσ . The values of ~ ARL for the X p − chart and x p − chart constructed with K − control rule ( K = 2, 3, 4 ) are tabulated in Table 2 and Table 3 for samples taken from Normal (γ , β 2 ) and Laplace(γ , β ) populations, respectively. For ~ comparison purpose, the values of ARL for the X p − chart and x p − chart constructed with the conventional out-of-control rule (stated as K = 1 ) are also given in the tables. ~ Table 1: Factors for Constructing the Probability Limits for the X p − Chart and x p − Chart with K − Control Rule, K = 2, 3, 4 , when Samples of Size n are Taken from Normal (0, 1) and Laplace(0, 1) Populations. The Values of Factors are Evaluated with a False Alarm Rate of 0.0027. Note that q Takes the Values 0.0374235, 0.1150585 and 0.20277 when K Takes the Values 2, 3 and 4, Respectively. Normal (0, 1) n 2 3 4 5 7 10 15 20 Aq; K , n A1− q;K ,n Aq; K ,n A1− q;K , n Aq; K ,n A1− q;K ,n Aq; K , n A1− q;K ,n Aq; K ,n A1− q;K , n Aq; K ,n A1− q;K ,n Aq; K , n A1− q;K ,n Aq; K ,n A1− q;K , n K =2 K =3 K =4 –1.259642 1.259634 –1.193750 1.193747 –0.972948 0.972945 –0.954366 0.954363 –0.817408 0.817405 –0.662638 0.662635 –0.568152 0.568150 –0.482789 0.482786 –0.848570 0.848567 –0.801976 0.801974 –0.654501 0.654500 –0.641362 0.641361 –0.549541 0.549540 –0.445802 0.445800 –0.382300 0.382299 –0.324964 0.324962 –0.588148 0.588148 –0.555165 0.555164 –0.453356 0.453353 –0.444056 0.444055 –0.380552 0.380552 –0.308809 0.308808 –0.264842 0.264841 –0.225152 0.225151 74 B q; K , n B1− q;K ,n B q; K , n B1− q;K , n B q; K , n B1− q;K ,n B q; K , n B1− q;K ,n B q; K , n B1− q;K , n B q; K , n B1− q;K ,n B q; K , n B1− q;K ,n B q; K , n B1− q;K , n K =2 K =3 K =4 1.781401 1.781401 1.781401 1.781401 1.781401 1.781401 1.781401 1.781401 1.781401 1.781401 1.781401 1.781401 1.781401 1.781401 1.781401 1.781401 1.200058 1.200058 1.200058 1.200058 1.200058 1.200058 1.200058 1.200058 1.200058 1.200058 1.200058 1.200058 1.200058 1.200058 1.200058 1.200058 0.831768 0.831768 0.831768 0.831768 0.831768 0.831768 0.831768 0.831768 0.831768 0.831768 0.831768 0.831768 0.831768 0.831768 0.831768 0.831768 Mean Chart and Median Chart with K − Control Rules Laplace( 0, 1) n 2 3 4 5 7 10 15 20 Aq; K ,n A1− q;K , n Aq; K ,n A1− q;K ,n Aq; K , n A1− q;K ,n Aq; K ,n A1− q;K , n Aq; K ,n A1− q;K ,n Aq; K , n A1− q;K ,n Aq; K ,n A1− q;K , n Aq; K ,n A1− q;K ,n K =2 K =3 K =4 –1.282225 1.282225 –1.031343 1.031343 –0.829554 0.829554 –0.763044 0.763044 –0.624110 0.624110 –0.487152 0.487152 –0.397563 0.397563 –0.329454 0.329454 –0.782965 0.782966 –0.609107 0.609107 –0.511887 0.511887 –0.460647 0.460647 –0.381976 0.381976 –0.305590 0.305590 –0.249949 0.249949 –0.209799 0.209799 –0.511538 0.511538 –0.386667 0.386667 –0.336847 0.336847 –0.297033 0.297033 –0.248645 0.248645 –0.202956 0.202956 –0.165669 0.165669 –0.140484 0.140484 B q; K , n B1− q;K , n B q; K , n B1− q;K ,n B q; K , n B1− q;K ,n B q; K , n B1− q;K , n B q; K , n B1− q;K ,n B q; K , n B1− q;K ,n B q; K , n B1− q;K , n B q; K , n B1− q;K ,n K =2 K =3 K =4 1.813341 1.813341 1.803094 1.803094 1.797354 1.797354 1.793800 1.793800 1.789755 1.789755 1.786849 1.786849 1.784756 1.784756 1.783793 1.783793 1.107284 1.107284 1.133953 1.133953 1.148546 1.148546 1.157826 1.157826 1.169001 1.169001 1.177827 1.177827 1.184977 1.184977 1.188650 1.188650 0.723425 0.723425 0.756597 0.756597 0.774307 0.774307 0.785306 0.785306 0.798208 0.798208 0.808100 0.808100 0.815907 0.815907 0.819844 0.819844 ~ Table 2: ARL of the X p − Chart and x p − Chart with K − Control Rule ( K = 1, 2, 3, 4 ) in Detecting Shifts of the Process Mean from µ to µ + δσ where Samples of Size n are Taken from a Process with Normal(γ , β 2 ) Distribution. n δ ~ Xp K =1 xp ~ Xp K =3 K =2 xp ~ Xp xp ~ Xp K =4 xp 3 0.0 370.3743 370.3907 370.3708 370.3712 370.3685 370.3759 370.3694 370.3715 0.2 258.2143 227.7224 209.4670 178.7858 186.3262 157.0062 173.3582 145.1200 0.4 125.1807 94.0443 80.4875 59.4618 65.7723 48.7933 59.1640 44.2010 0.6 59.2234 40.0324 33.9647 23.4342 27.5941 19.6058 25.3224 18.4412 0.8 29.6878 18.7862 16.5883 11.2352 14.0805 10.0809 13.5692 10.1144 1.0 15.9769 9.7647 9.3152 6.4164 8.5125 6.3315 8.7236 6.8229 1.5 4.6471 2.9081 3.6593 2.8516 4.1681 3.5610 4.9330 4.4188 2.0 2.0649 1.4734 2.4018 2.1477 3.2359 3.0721 4.1623 4.0428 4 0.0 370.3661 370.3907 370.3677 370.3712 370.3711 370.3759 370.3683 370.3715 0.2 220.0608 200.0741 168.4214 150.2423 134.3960 118.6848 146.2159 129.5332 0.4 87.0951 71.5523 53.1985 43.6284 43.2984 35.7572 39.2083 32.6263 0.6 35.9398 27.8213 20.4571 16.2757 17.1589 14.0015 16.2725 13.5440 0.8 16.4983 12.3826 9.7576 7.7946 8.8905 7.4059 9.0621 7.7673 1.0 8.4633 6.3030 5.6248 4.6119 5.6964 4.9215 6.2631 5.5855 Continued 75 Journal of Statistical Modeling and Analytics Continued from Table 2 n 5 δ ~ Xp K =1 xp ~ Xp K =3 K =2 xp ~ Xp xp ~ Xp K =4 xp 1.5 2.5352 2.0000 2.6408 2.3922 3.4046 3.2293 4.2932 4.1554 2.0 1.3475 1.1886 2.0939 2.0405 3.0424 3.0154 4.0240 4.0077 0.0 370.3416 370.3907 370.3697 370.3712 370.3750 370.3759 370.3739 370.3715 0.2 218.2345 177.7323 165.0617 128.7586 142.5051 109.5196 130.6299 99.7750 0.4 85.3881 56.5932 51.2249 33.7466 41.4827 27.7872 37.5331 25.6078 0.6 34.8985 20.5636 19.5261 12.2093 16.3637 10.8377 15.5597 10.7772 0.8 15.8972 8.8558 9.2964 5.9410 8.5074 5.9603 8.7213 6.4966 1.0 8.1119 4.4953 5.3779 3.6734 5.4941 4.1899 6.0851 4.9501 1.5 2.4297 1.5665 2.5769 2.1881 3.3583 3.0962 4.2572 4.0590 2.0 1.3120 1.0758 2.0795 2.0107 3.0350 3.0032 4.0196 4.0014 10 0.0 370.3743 370.3907 370.3677 370.3712 370.3672 370.3759 0.2 143.4612 370.3650 370.3715 109.9669 96.5370 71.3701 80.0888 58.8089 72.3348 53.1785 0.4 37.8519 24.1706 21.5859 14.2124 18.0455 12.3950 17.0475 12.1397 0.6 12.4086 7.4023 7.6437 5.1834 7.2613 5.3682 7.6358 5.9767 0.8 5.1585 3.1337 3.9604 2.9678 4.4061 3.6484 5.1374 4.4909 1.0 2.6846 1.7716 2.7159 2.2822 3.4593 3.1556 4.3371 4.1009 1.5 1.1814 1.0424 2.0375 2.0046 3.0143 3.0012 4.0072 4.0005 2.0 1.0092 1.0004 2.0005 2.0000 3.0001 3.0000 4.0000 4.0000 15 0.0 370.3743 370.3907 370.3656 370.3712 370.3659 370.3759 370.3702 370.3715 0.2 113.6483 76.2941 72.8682 46.8696 59.7593 38.3994 53.9237 34.9623 0.4 25.3471 13.6204 14.5586 8.4516 12.6058 7.9172 12.3095 8.2166 0.6 7.7560 4.0088 5.2835 3.4210 5.4345 3.9946 6.0339 4.7828 0.8 3.2557 1.8546 3.0051 2.3217 3.6746 3.1816 4.5137 4.1199 1.0 1.8198 1.2366 2.2975 2.0561 3.1659 3.0227 4.1090 4.0118 1.5 1.0475 1.0025 2.0054 2.0001 3.0015 3.0000 4.0006 4.0000 2.0 1.0006 1.0000 2.0000 2.0000 3.0000 3.0000 4.0000 4.0000 Examination of all these tables reveals that the values of the incontrol ARL , are close to the desired value, 370. Thus, fair comparison can now be made based on the out-of-control ARL ( ARL1 ) values. The ARL1 values of Table 2 and Table 3 decrease when K increases even when the shift in the process mean is small. For example, for a ~ X p − chart, with samples of size n = 5 taken from a Laplace(γ , β ) population with mean µ = γ and variance σ 2 = 2β 2 , we have ARL1 = 273 when K = 1 ; while ARL1 = 163 when K = 2 in detecting a shift in mean from µ to µ + 0.2σ . In another word, when the process mean shifts ~ from µ to µ + 0.2σ , the X p − chart will detect the shift on the average 76 Mean Chart and Median Chart with K − Control Rules ~ Table 3: ARL of the X p − Chart and x p − Chart with K − Control Rule ( K = 1, 2, 3, 4 ) in Detecting Shifts of the Process Mean from µ to µ + δσ where Samples of Size n are Taken from a Process with Laplace(γ , β ) Distribution. n δ ~ Xp K =1 xp ~ Xp K =2 3 0.0 370.3253 0.2 318.7948 370.3498 296.9734 0.4 218.4704 0.6 133.7128 176.7958 95.0529 92.6619 35.8670 xp 370.3718 370.3728 231.4998 211.6875 ~ Xp K =3 xp ~ Xp K =4 xp 370.3728 165.8537 370.3672 161.5457 370.3737 370.3745 122.5727 133.6116 77.8259 29.7862 46.2000 14.6735 47.4699 17.4871 27.4004 10.9623 36.5580 14.6987 0.8 1.0 78.6098 45.6763 50.3482 27.0296 14.7746 6.7142 13.0123 6.7162 6.9478 4.7739 8.6252 5.5188 6.9564 5.4599 8.3858 6.0472 1.5 2.0 11.9043 3.3608 6.4873 2.1542 2.6319 2.1413 2.7691 2.1538 3.3604 3.0859 3.4531 3.0882 4.3185 4.0767 4.3757 4.0711 4 0.0 369.9904 0.2 276.2455 370.3416 266.8217 370.3682 370.3728 172.8521 175.5819 370.3663 118.2006 370.3746 131.5735 0.4 144.2606 0.6 68.4807 132.2144 60.8031 50.2614 16.3894 53.6733 18.8700 26.9279 9.3695 34.1333 12.5739 20.1056 8.7532 27.8774 11.5091 370.3717 370.3671 90.0675 109.7374 0.8 1.0 32.3723 15.6553 28.4694 13.9297 6.6850 3.7165 8.2609 4.5855 5.2531 3.9379 6.6055 4.5378 5.8301 4.7880 6.9255 5.2652 1.5 2.0 3.1307 1.2736 3.1459 1.3667 2.2188 2.0313 2.3674 2.0532 3.1287 3.0178 3.2152 3.0282 4.1082 4.0146 4.1713 4.0212 5 0.0 370.4070 0.2 273.2579 370.3334 239.3736 370.3718 370.3728 163.1698 148.2892 370.3703 105.2263 370.3750 110.2650 0.4 139.4163 0.6 64.5466 101.1578 41.1957 44.1341 13.4506 39.6050 13.3647 21.1214 7.1862 26.3383 9.8683 14.7727 7.1767 22.4422 9.5529 370.3737 370.3671 74.4619 92.7299 0.8 1.0 29.7144 13.9642 17.6904 8.2324 5.1600 3.0925 6.0430 3.6095 4.4710 3.6055 5.4870 3.9959 5.2237 4.5188 6.0440 4.8127 1.5 2.0 2.5784 1.1603 2.0108 1.1414 2.1313 2.0174 2.1873 2.0187 3.0778 3.0100 3.1048 3.0090 4.0668 4.0085 4.0794 4.0063 10 0.0 370.2109 0.2 160.5076 370.3743 145.1555 370.3794 370.3723 68.4999 77.7484 370.3725 41.1276 370.3685 58.1741 370.3691 370.3766 31.0170 50.4465 0.4 0.6 41.4372 11.5422 36.1074 10.7122 10.7843 3.5982 14.9245 5.1902 7.3708 3.9203 11.8369 5.1614 7.4403 4.7642 11.3905 5.7861 0.8 1.0 3.8420 1.7252 4.0818 2.0619 2.3875 2.0990 2.9367 2.2756 3.2276 3.0553 3.5959 3.1554 4.1858 4.0437 4.4657 4.1119 1.5 2.0 1.0259 1.0007 1.0639 1.0016 2.0026 2.0000 2.0076 2.0001 3.0013 3.0000 3.0030 3.0000 4.0009 4.0000 4.0018 4.0000 15 0.0 370.3743 0.2 113.2463 370.4070 96.6079 370.3723 370.3728 42.7855 49.5619 370.3729 25.3196 370.3711 37.8402 370.3700 370.3685 19.2680 33.5736 0.4 0.6 21.3256 5.0516 18.0096 4.9165 5.8931 2.6057 8.5813 3.3972 5.0840 3.3599 7.6675 3.9339 5.7064 4.2930 7.9360 4.7422 0.8 1.0 1.7663 1.1518 2.0661 1.2927 2.1134 2.0195 2.3154 2.0598 3.0627 3.0098 3.1796 3.0274 4.0485 4.0073 4.1269 4.0169 1.5 2.0 1.0020 1.0000 1.0047 1.0000 2.0001 2.0000 2.0003 2.0000 3.0001 3.0000 3.0001 3.0000 4.0000 4.0000 4.0000 4.0000 77 Journal of Statistical Modeling and Analytics after 273 samples have been taken under the conventional out-of-control rule, whereas, when K − control rule, K = 2 is applied, this shift can be detected on the average after 163 samples have been taken. This is a ~ significant improvement. The performance of the X p − chart can be improved further by employing the K − control rule where K equals to 3 or 4, as its ARL1 value is 105 and 74, respectively. ~ When comparing the performance of the X p − chart and x p − chart with K − control rule, we found that for samples taken from a Normal(γ , β 2 ) population, the x p − chart has the lowest ARL1 values for all magnitude of shift in process mean. Whereas, for samples taken ~ from a Laplace(γ , β ) population, in general, X p − chart outperforms the x p − chart in detecting shifts in process mean when a K − control rule with K = 3 or K = 4 is applied. Summary In our studies, we propose to apply the K − control rule ( K = 2, 3, 4 ) on ~ X p − chart and x p − chart, in which an out–of–control signal is obtained when K consecutive points fall beyond same side of one of the probability limits. The results given in Section 3 show that the ARL1 values decrease as K increases for the both charts considered. The proposed K − control rule is effective in detecting small to moderate shifts in the process mean. For industry applications, for ease of implementation and interpretation, K − control rule with K equals to 2 or 3 is recommended. References [1] Champ, C. W. and Woodall, W. H. (1987). Exact Results for Shewhart Control Charts with Supplementary Runs Rules, Technometrics, 29, 393-399. [2] Derman, C. and Ross, S. M. (1997). Statistical Aspects of Quality Control. Academic Press, San Diego. [3] Klein, M. (2000). Two Alternatives to the Shewhart X Control Chart, Journal of Quality Technology, 32, 427-431. 78 Mean Chart and Median Chart with K − Control Rules [4] Montgomery, D. C. (2005). Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, 5th edition. John Wiley, New York. [5] Nelson, L. S. (1984). 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