Bb maj.7 is the Ionian Chord of the key of Bb. Bb is the Root, D is the maj.3rd. F is the 5th, and A is the maj.7th. For extensions, C is the 2nd, or 9th, Eb is the 4th, or11th, and G is the 6th, or 13th. Sing them against the Chord F min.7 is the Dorian Chord of the key of Eb. F is the Root, Ab is the min.3rd. C is the 5th, and Eb is the min.7th. KP2 means Key Position Two. Ab is the only new note. Bb13 is the Mixolydian Chord of the key of Eb. Bb is the Root, D is the 3rd. F is the 5th, and Ab is the min.7th. For extensions, G is the 2nd, or 9th, Bb is the 4th, or11th, and D is the 6th, or 13th. For extensions, C is the 2nd, or 9th, Eb is the 4th, or11th, and G is the 6th, or 13th. Sing them against the Chord. Sing the extensions against the Chords. Learn to hear them Eb maj.7 is the Ionian Chord of the key of Eb. Eb is the Root, G is the maj.3rd. Bb is the 5th, and D is the maj.7th. For extensions, F is the 2nd, or 9th, Bb is the 4th, or11th, and C is the 6th, or 13th. Ab9 is the Lydian Chord of the key of Eb. Ab is the Root, C is the maj.3rd.Eb is the 5th, and Gb is the min.7th, and a Leading Tone . Bb maj.7 is the Ionian Chord of the key of Bb. Bb is the Root, D is the 3rd. F is the 5th, and A is the maj.7th. The Gb pulls into F, the 5th of the Bb maj.7 Chord. For extensions, C is the 2nd, or 9th, Eb is the 4th, or11th, and G is the 6th, or 13th. For extensions, Bb is the 2nd, or 9th, D is the +4th, or +11th, and F is the 6th, or 13th. Notice that Bb has remained the Tonal Center throughout the entire Chord progression. 1st Ending C7 is the Mixolydian Chord of the Key of F. C is the Root, E is the maj.3rd. G is the 5th, and Bb is the min 7th. E is the only new note. The rest are the same as the Key of Bb. For extensions, D is the 2nd, or 9th, F is the 4th, or11th, and A is the 6th, or 13th. Cmin.7 is the Dorian Chord of the key of Bb. C is the Root, Eb is the min.3rd.G is the 5th, and Bb is the min.7th. G7b9 is the Phrygian Chord of the key of Eb. G is the Root, B is the 3rd, and a Leading Tone. It pulls to C, the root of the C min.7 Chord. For extensions, D is the 2nd, or 9th, F is the 4th, or 11th, and A is the 6th, or 13th. Sing them against the Chord. D is the 5th, and F is the min .7th. For extensions, Ab is the b2nd, or b9th, C is the 4th, or11th, and Eb is the b6th, or b13th. Back to Measure One The Song Form is AABA. This concludes the 1st 16 measure A section. Measures 13, 14, 15, 16 are the 1st ending of the 1st A Section. The F7+5b9 in measure 16 leads back to Measure One. The first measure of the repeated A section would rightfully be called measure 17, and the last as measure 32. However, everybody thinks of it as 2nd repeat of the A section, take 2nd ending. Cmin.77 is the Dorian Chord of the Key of Bb. C is the Root, Eb is the min.3rd. G is the 5th, and Bb is the min 7th. For extensions, D is the 2nd, or 9th, F is the 4th, or11th, and A is the 6th, or 13th. F7+5b9 is the Phrygian Chord of the key of Db., F is the Root, A is the maj.3rd , and a Leading Tone. G is the 5th, and Bb is the min.7th, it’s going to resolve to Bb maj.7. Db and Gb are the only new notes, All of the others are the same as the Key of Bb. The Db / C# is the melody note. The Gb pulls to F, the 5th of the Bb maj.7 Chord For extensions, Gb is the b2nd, or b9th, Bb is the 4th, or 11th, and Db is the b6th, or b13th. 2nd Ending Bb min.7 is the Dorian Chord of the key of Bb. C is the Root, Eb is the min.3rd.G is the 5th, and Bb is the min.7th. F7 is the Mixolydian Chord of the key of Bb. F is the Root, A is the maj.3rd.C is the 5th, and Eb is the min.7th. Bb maj.7 is the Ionian Chord of the key of Bb. Bb is the Root, D is the maj.3rd. F is the 5th, and A is the maj.7th. For extensions, D is the 2nd, or 9th, F is the 4th, or 11th, and A is the 6th, or 13th. Sing them against the Chord. For extensions, G is the 2nd, or 9th, Bb is the 4th, or 11th, and D is the 6th, or 13th. Sing them against the Chord. For extensions, C is the 2nd, or 9th, Eb is the 4th, or11th, and G is the 6th, or 13th. Sing them against the Chord. Bridge C#min.7 is the Dorian Chord of the key of B. C# is the Root, E is the min.3rd.G# is the 5th, and B is the min.7th. F9 is the Mixolydian Chord of the key of B. F# is the Root, A# is the maj.3rd.C# is the 5th, and E is the min.7th. B maj.7 is the Ionian Chord of the key of B. B is the Root, D# is the maj.3rd. F# is the 5th, and A# is the min .7th. For extensions, D# is the 2nd, or 9th, F# is the 4th, or 11th, and A# is the 6th, or 13th. Sing them against the Chord. For extensions, G# is the 2nd, or 9th, B is the 4th, or 11th, and D# is the 6th, or 13th. For extensions, C# is the 2nd, or 9th, E is the 4th, or11th, and G# is the 6th, or 13th. Bridge Bmin.7 is the Dorian Chord of the key of A. B is the Root, D is the min.3rd.F# is the 5th, and A is the min.7th. E7 is the Mixolydian Chord of the key of A. E is the Root, G# is the maj.3rd. B is the 5th, and D is the min.7th. A maj.7 is the Ionian Chord of the key of A. A is the Root, C# is the maj.3rd. E is the 5th, and G# is the maj.7th. For extensions, C# is the 2nd, or 9th, E is the 4th, or 11th, and G# is the 6th, or 13th. Sing them against the Chord. For extensions, F# is the 2nd, or 9th, A is the 4th, or 11th, and C# is the 6th, or 13th. Sing them against the Chord. For extensions, B is the 2nd, or 9th, D is the 4th, or11th, and F# is the 6th, or 13th. Sing them against the Chord. Bridge Amin.7 is the Dorian Chord of the key of G. A is the Root, C is the min.3rd. E is the 5th, and G is the min.7th. D7 is the Mixolydian Chord of the key of G. D is the Root, F# is the maj.3rd. A is the 5th, and C is the min.7th. G maj.7 is the Ionian Chord of the key of G. G is the Root, B is the maj.3rd. D is the 5th, and F# is the maj.7th. For extensions, B is the 2nd, or 9th, D is the 4th, or 11th, and F# is the 6th, or 13th. Sing them against the Chord. For extensions, E is the 2nd, or 9th, G is the 4th, or 11th, and B is the 6th, or 13th. Sing them against the Chord. For extensions, A is the 2nd, or 9th, C is the 4th, or11th, and E is the 6th, or 13th. Sing them against the Chord. Bridge Gmin.7 is the Dorian Chord of the key of F. D is the 5th, and F is the min.7th. For extensions, A is the 2nd, or 9th, C is the 4th, or 11th, and E is the 6th, or 13th. Sing them against the Chord. C7 is the Mixolydian Chord of the key of F. C is the Root, E is the maj.3rd. G is the 5th, and Bb is the min.7th. C min.7 is the Dorian Chord of the key of Bb. C is the Root, Eb is the min.3rd. G is the 5th, and Bb is the min.7th. For extensions, D is the 2nd, or 9th, F is the 4th, or 11th, and A is the 6th, or 13th. Sing them against the Chord. For extensions, D is the 2nd, or 9th, F is the 4th, or11th, and A is the 6th, or 13th. Sing them against the Chord. Bridge From here, we return to the beginning for the final A Section. This will be Measures 49 to 64. However, most of us just think, “back to the A section, and the turn around progression in the last two measures that takes us back to the beginning of the Chorus. Another thing to notice is that Bb is still indicated as the Tonal Center. In the Key of Db, Bb is the Aeolian Tone of the Key. F7+5b9 is the Five Chord of Bb minor Aeolian. However, at the beginning of the next chorus it resolves to Bb maj.7. Here is an important concept to remember. The Five One Principal in music is so strong that any type of Five Chord from any mode, can resolve to any type of One Chord from any mode. In “Jazz Jargon” this is erroneously call “substitution”. In modern composition this is called “Modal Interchange”. F7+5b9 is the Phrygian Chord of the key of Db. F is the Root, A is the maj.3rd, C is the 5th, and Eb is the min.7th. For extensions, Gb is the b2nd, or b9th, Bb is the 4th, or 11th, and Db is the b6th, or b13th. Once again, the Overview of application is to learn the melody, listen to the backup track, and just change Key Positions at the right time. This will get you through the tune. Once you’re comfortable with the overview approach, you’ll begin to hear the chord changes within the different keys that the tune modulates through during the chorus. The following slide shows the “Turn Around” progression in measures 63, and 64. Measures 63, beats 1&2 Measures 64, beats 3&4 Measures 63, beats 3&4 Measures 64, beats 1&2
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