Vol. 16 | APRIL 2015 ISSN-5563-1682 Journal of The International Association of Advanced Technology and Science APPLYING ADVANCED HUMAN TECHNOLOGICAL ABILITIES IN HEALING AUTISM Dr.RAJALAKSHMI KANDASWAMY Autism Expert, Consultant in Energy Medicine Sowjanya Centre For Holistic Healing, Chennai, INDIA Abstract Advanced human technological abilities such as remote viewing, remote sensing , intentionally shifting subtle energy fields to produce healing, remote healing and dowsing for water and so on have been known to a handful of people throughout the world. A few researchers and the U.S Military have been using and applying these advanced human technological abilities, largely unknown to the general public. Intent Healing(™) is one such advanced human technological method that has its scientific basis in Applied Intentional Epigenetics and Applied Energy Medicine that is being used today in healing the limiting symptoms in Autism.The Intent Healing(™) remote healing method is bringing about a paradigm shift in the field of autism that is transforming the way autism is being understood and addressed thus empowering the person with autism with the ability to thrive with their unique talents and abilities. Keywords Applied Energy Medicine,Applied Intentional Epigenetics,Intent Healing(™),Controlled Remote Viewing, Psychoenergetics, Human Energy System, Chakras, Meridians. Introduction While technological advancements in the field of material sciences, biotechnology and all other areas of science and technology are proceeding at breakneck speed, another kind of revolution has been happening in the area of healing the limiting symptoms in autism applying advanced technological capabilities that are inherently present in the human energy system. In this article I would like to present a few facts that have immense implications in opening the doors to healing the limiting symptoms in autism using the tools of Remote Viewing, Remote Sensing, Intention and Energy Fields. Practical Applications No. 06 www.jiaats.com JIAATS-JASE Vol. 16 | APRIL 2015 ISSN-5563-1682 What would be of interest to many is the fact that advanced human technological abilities such as CRV or Controlled Remote Viewing (the psychic ability to perceive the thoughts and experiences of others through the power of the human mind) has been used by the U.S Military in their secret missions during warfare and at other times that involved tracing the location of “enemy objects or persons”. One such example is the use of CRV by the U.S Military in identifying , and eventually leading to the capture of Saddam Hussein. It was not the sophisticated satellites or other devices that led to the discovery of the hide-out of Saddam Hussein, but the sophisticated CRV techniques of human beings trained by the U.S Military who located him with their ability to “sense” and “view” the location of a person anywhere in the world while being physically present in the U.S, that delivered the “results” they were looking for . The person who was involved in this particular exercise, Lyn Buchanan, a world-renowned expert on remote viewing has explained the details of this project and the technique of CRV itself in his book “The Seventh Sense”. What is of interest in the context of the title of this article is that he is now applying CRV in healing people of illness and conditions that conventional medical science has failed to cure. Another example of valuable research being done in the area of tapping into the inherent advanced human technological abilities that can be applied in healing is Prof. William A.Tiller’s research in the area of subtle energies. Fellow to the American Academy for the Advancement of Science, Professor Emeritus William A. Tiller, of Stanford University’s Department of Materials Science has done extensive research in the field of psychoenergetics. In his white paper titled ‘A Brief Introduction to Intention-Host Device Research’he states “For the past 35 to 40 years, in parallel with my traditional science research and teaching at Stanford University, I have been seriously investigating the effects of human intention on both the properties of materials (inorganic and organic; non-living and living) and on what we call physical reality.From this research, I and my colleagues have discovered that it is possible to make a significant change in the properties of a material substance by consciously holding a clear intention to do so. For example, we have repeatedly been able to change the acid/alkaline balance (pH) in a vessel of water either up or down, without adding chemicals to the water, by creating an intention to do so.” A third example where advanced human technological abilities is being applied literally on a daily basis in India is in Water Divination. “Water Diviners” as they are technically addressed are employed on a regular basis in India to “divine” the location of water so that borewells can be sunk into the ground in that area to access the water. These “water diviners” locate the presence of the water beneath the ground by “remote sensing” the location by the method of dowsing using nothing other than a twig from a tree. Application In Healing Autism While these advanced capabilities that are present in every human being are being applied in such diverse areas as discussed above , it should come as no surprise that it is now being used in healing autism. Today, all the limiting symptoms in autism are being healed by Remote Healing with Intent Healing(™) that has its basis in Applied Energy Medicine and Applied Intentional Epigenetics. The “Human Energy System” comprising of the Chakras and the Meridians is amongst the most sophisticated piece of technology that a handful of human beings today are Re-discovering. Especially in the context of healing in autism. The ancient Indian wisdom traditions have been applying this knowledge as present in the chakras to augment well-being and living life in harmony with the Universal field of Intelligence, since many centuries. Through the chakras, one has direct access to the endocrinology of the system and this has powerful and immediate beneficial effects. Using Intent Healing method of Applied Energy Medicine, not just the limiting No. 06 www.jiaats.com JIAATS-JASE Vol. 16 | APRIL 2015 ISSN-5563-1682 symptom in autism, but a whole lot of other conditions and illness that conventional medicine cannot “cure” can be healed. Portals to human technological capabilities that are inherent in every human being are still largely untapped and evolving simultaneously. The Energy System in the human body extends beyond the physical limitations of the body as an Energy Field that is intimately connected to other dimensional energies and the allencompassing energy field of Universal Intelligence. This extension goes way beyond what may be termed as “Intuition” and “Sixth sense or Psychic ability” as is usually described in common parlance. Conclusion Applied Energy Medicine is a scientific discipline with tangible evidence in the form of application and results that is only recently being structured into a format that can be taught to others. This does not prevent it from being used and applied in various field such as advanced human intelligence in the areas of defence,space research and so on. This very same technology is now being applied in healing the limiting symptoms in autism and empowering the person with autism to thrive with their unique gifts and talents using Applied Intentional Epigenetics with Applied Energy Medicine. Intent Healing(TM) marries the science of the technological intelligence present in the energy system of the human body with the art of applying the technique of channeling energy as remote healing to produce results in the healing of the limiting symptoms in autism. Beyond the seeming illusions of time, space and distance. To know more about how Intent Healing as a form of Applied Energy Medicine is transforming the lives of people with autism, it is recommended to peruse the other scientific publications in journals available through this link www.intenthealing.com/blog References 1.W.A. 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