COURSE SYLLABUS – SPRING 2015 – CRN: 57850 INTL 408: THESIS COMPANION WORKSHOP 100 Gilkey Hall – Fridays 8:30am-9:50am – April 3, 10, 17, 24; May 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 I. INSTRUCTOR Nick Fleury, M.P.A., M.C.R.P. Head Advisor – International Degree Suite 130J, 1600 SW Western Blvd Corvallis, OR 97333-4188 Tel: (541) 737-3729 Fax: (541) 737-6226 [email protected] Office Hours: Wednesdays, 3:00pm-4:20pm; and by appointment II. COURSE OBJECTIVES Develop skills in providing and receiving constructive feedback with regards to academic writing. Gain insight into your major field from outside academic disciplines. Incorporate feedback and suggestion into existing thesis for improved study. Develop a poster and presentation midway through course to enhance final product. Refine existing thesis timeline to effectively complete thesis degree requirements. Create a professional development network with other pending International Degree graduates. III. COURSE SCHEDULE AND REQUIREMENTS PREP for CLASS 1: Apr 1: Send a copy of your current draft of thesis outline. Compile a document of at least ten quotes from at least five journal articles you plan to use in your thesis. Apr 2: Look at other student’s current outlines; use examples to make 2-3 changes/additions to your draft outline Class 1 – April 3 – PEER REVIEW and USING FEEDBACK Introductions: Existing thesis topic and work completed to date Stretching your outline into a literature review Compiling your thesis log *ACTIVITY – Peer reviewer meeting and providing feedback *ACTIVITY – Select “hot seat” date PREP for CLASS 2: Apr 8: Send a copy of your draft literature review. Apr 9: Review another student’s literature review, being ready to provide comments and feedback for Class 2. Class 2 – April 10 – PEER REVIEW, STRUCTURING YOUR THESIS AROUND YOUR QUESTION *ACTIVITY – Peer reviewer meeting and providing feedback *ACTIVITY - Diagramming your research question PREP for CLASS 3: Apr 15: Send a copy of your revised literature review and draft version of your methods section of your thesis. Apr 16: Review another student’s literature review and methods, being ready to provide comments and feedback for Class 3. Class 3 – April 17 – PEER REVIEW, THE “HOW” OF YOUR THESIS, EFFECTIVE THESIS MENTOR MEETINGS *ACTIVITY – Peer reviewer meeting and providing feedback *ACTIVITY – The “how” of your thesis Making a thesis poster (handout) *DISCUSSION - Strategies for having an effective meeting with thesis mentor PREP for CLASS 4: Apr 22: Send a copy of your revised literature review and methods and a draft version of your results section of your thesis. Hot Seats #1 should have nearly a full draft complete. Apr 23: Review another student’s literature review, methods and results, being ready to provide comments and feedback for Class 4. Class 4 – April 24 – PEER REVIEW, BEING CONCISE, MAKING YOUR POSTER *ACTIVITY – Peer reviewer meeting and providing feedback *ACTIVITY – Hot Seats #1 *Wordiness and being concise *DISCUSSION - Preparation for Week 5 poster session presentations PREP for CLASS 5: Apr 29: Send a copy of your thesis poster based upon your thesis draft and be prepared to present for 5-7 minutes. Class 5 – May 1 – POSTER PRESENTATIONS *ACTIVITY – Public Poster Presentations and Q&A Session Incorporating feedback from questions and comments at presentation INDIVIDUAL MEETING – May 4 or May 5: Schedule meeting with Nick to go over current thesis progress, develop strategies for thesis completion and incorporating feedback from presentation. 2 PREP for CLASS 6: May 6: Send a copy of your revised thesis draft. Hot Seats #2 should have nearly a full draft complete. May 7: Review another student’s thesis draft, being ready to provide comments and feedback for Class 6. Prepare questions for Hot Seats #2’s drafts. Class 6 – May 8 – PEER REVIEW, STRUCTURING YOUR FINAL PRESENTATION *ACTIVITY – Peer reviewer meeting and providing feedback *ACTIVITY – Hot Seats #2 Check in – current thesis draft status and thesis log Presentation format *DISCUSSION - Tips for an effective presentation PREP for CLASS 7: May 13: Send a copy of your revised thesis draft. Hot Seats #3 should submit a completed full draft for review. May 14: Prepare questions for Hot Seats #3’s drafts. Class 7 – May 15 – PEER REVIEW, BREAKING FROM THESIS WRITING *ACTIVITY – Hot Seats #3 Incorporating feedback from questions and comments at presentation *DISCUSSION - Breaking from thesis writing PREP for CLASS 8: May 18: Schedule your thesis presentation date (May 27-29, June 1-5) May 20: Revisit your thesis draft and send a copy of the final draft and finalized abstract text. Hot Seats #4 should submit a revised final draft for review. May 21: Review another student’s complete thesis draft, being ready to provide comments and feedback for Class 8. Prepare questions for Hot Seat #4’s draft. Class 8 – May 22 –FINALIZING YOUR PRESENTATION AND THESIS DRAFT *ACTIVITY – Peer reviewer meeting and providing feedback *ACTIVITY – Hot Seats # 4 Formatting your thesis and logistics for the International Degree Slides for your presentation PREP for CLASS 9: May 27: Send finalized presentation slides. Submit your thesis log. Class 9 – May 29 – COLLECTING SIGNATURES AND POST-PRESENTATION CONSIDERATIONS *ACTIVITY – Mock presentations Working with varying mentor edits and suggestions Printing and binding your thesis 3 IV. GRADING SYSTEM The course is graded strictly on a pass/no pass basis (P/N). In order to earn a satisfactory grade, you must meet at least 70% of the required class preparation and participation activities. Late assignment policy: We strongly discourage submitting draft of your thesis late. Late assignments will receive ½ credit, regardless of the submission date. V. RESOURCES -Statement Regarding Students with Disabilities "Accommodations are collaborative efforts between students, faculty and Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD). Students with accommodations approved through SSD are responsible for contacting the faculty member in charge of the course prior to or during the first week of the term to discuss accommodations. Students who believe they are eligible for accommodations but who have not yet obtained approval through SSD should contact SSD immediately at 541-737-4098." -Statement Regarding Student Absences Attendance is required at all class meetings. Maximum effort should be made to attend this course in its entirety. Students are responsible for reporting absences to instructors as soon as possible. Email Nick at [email protected] as soon as you know if you will be unable to attend. You will not be penalized when an absence is due to significant illness or other serious, unforeseeable circumstances. Reasonable compensatory experiences will be agreed upon to ensure academic progress. -Link to Statement of Expectations for Student Conduct, i.e., cheating policies 4
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