FINANCIAL INDUS'?'RY REGULATORY AUTHORITY LETTER OF ACCEPTANCE, WAIVER AND CONSENT NO. 2008011771601 TO: Dcpartment of Enforcctnent Financial Industry Regulatory Authority ("FTNRA") RE: Kcvin Lee Cliiie CRD No. 2448720 Robert J.R. Bun' CRD No. 2579551 Vincent Christopher CRD No. 5344944 Thoinas C. Gi llcland CRD No. 5504595 Pursuant to FINR.A Rule 9216 ofFINRA's Code ofProcedure, Kevin Lee Cline, Robert J.R. Burr, Vincent Christopher, and Thomas C. Gilleland (?'Respondents") submit this Letter ofAcceptance, Waiver and Consent ("AWC") for the purpose ofproposing a settlement ofthe alleged rule violations describcd below. This AWC is submitted on the condition that, ifaccepted, FINRA will not bring any future actions against Respondents alleging violations based on the same factual findings described herein. I. ACCEPTANCE AND CONSENT A. Respondents hereby accept and consent, without admitting or denying the findings, and solely for the purposes ofthis proceeding and any other proceeding brought by oronbehalfofFINRA, orto which FINRA isaparty, prior to ahearing andwithout an adjudication ofany issue of law or fact, to the entry ofthe following findings by FINRA: BACKGROUND Kevin Lee Cline (CRD # 2448720) was first registered with FINRA in 1994 and has been registered with Source Capital Group since March 2002. He currently is registered with Source as a Corporate Securities Representative (Series 62); Direct Participation Programs Representative (Series 22); General Securities Principal (Series 24); General Sccuritics Representative (Series 7); and Agent (Series 63). Robert J.R. Burr (CRD # 2579551) was first registcred with FINRA in 1994 and was registered with Source as a General Securities Principal (Series 24); Gcneral Securities Representative (Series 7); and Agent (Scries 63). He voluntarily terminated from Source on December 27, 2012. Vincent Chr?tophcr (CRD # 5344944) was first registered with Source in 2007. He maintained a Direct Piirlicipation Programs liccnsc (Series 22) and an Agent's license (Serics 63) with Sourcc. He voluntarily terminated troin Source on January 30,2013. i ? Thoinas C. Gillcland (CRD # 5504595) was first registered with Source in June 2008. He currently maintains a Direct Participation Programs license (Series 22) and an Ageiit's license (Series 63) with Source. Respondents Cline and Gilleland are currently employed in the securities industry in a registered capacity and are therefore subject to FTNRA'sjurisdiction pursuant to FINRA By-Laws Article V, Section 2. FINRA has jurisdiction over Respondents Burr and Christopher pursuant to Article V, Section 4 of FINRA's By-Laws. None of the Respondents has any prior, relevant disciplinary history. OVERVIEW Cline, Bu?7', Christopher, and Gilleland are or were associated with Source. Cline is the branch office manager for Source's Bowling Green, Kentucky branch office on Adams Street, Burr managed the firm's Bowling Green office on Wright Street, and Christopher and Gilleland were brokers working in the Wright Street branch. Source's Adains Sti?eet brai?ch office was the sole seller of private offerings of oil and gas securities issued by ceitain limited partnerships (the "Blue Ridge Securities") inanaged by Blue Ridge Group, Inc. (''Blue Ridge"). Source's Wright Street branch office was the sole seller ofprivate offerings of securities issued by certain limited partnerships (the''Argyle Securities") managed by Argyle Energy, Inc. ('?Argyle"). Blue Ridge and Argyle were housed in the same building as the Adams Street branch office and were owned by Robert ?Bob" Burr, who was a major stockholder and former officer of both Blue Ridge and Argyle. Atvarious times between October 11, 2006 and December 17, 2012 (the "relevant period"), Respondents engaged in the following violations ofthe federal securities laws and FINRA rules in connection with selling Blue Ridge and/or Argyle (as applicable) offerings. Cline sold or caused the sale of interests in Blue Ridge Securities r'Blue Ridge investments") without adequately disclosing that Blue Ridge provided funds to him that he used to pay brokers who sold Blue Ridge investments, thereby violating FINRA Rule 2010 and NASD Rule 2110 by virtue of violating Section 17(a)(2) ofthe Securities Act of 1933. Christopher and Gilleland solicited potential investors in Argyle Securities C'Argyle investments") through e-mails that made exaggerated and ut?founded promises regarding the perforniance ofthese Argyle Securities, thereby violating NASD Rule 2210(d)(1) and FINRA Rule 2010. Burr failed reasonably to supervise Christopher and Gilleland, thereby violating FINRA Rules 3010, 3012,2010 and NASD 2 600557v2 l?i, le 2110, Iii addition, Cline failed lo update his Form U-4 to disclose certain tax liens imposed on hiiii by the lntcrnal Revcnuc Service ("IRS"). FACTS AND VlOLAT?VE CONDUC'1' 1 . i Cline sold or caused the sitle of Blue Ridge investments without adequately disclosing in:,terinl facts Source's Adains Street branch office in Bowling Grecn, Kentucky, sold securities offered by Blue Ridge affiliates. Source had close ties with Blue Ridge. Source's Adains Street branch office was in the same building as Blue Ridgc and its Wright Street office was supervised by Robert J.R. "Jay" Burr ("Burr"), the son ofRobert Burr, a major Blue Ridge atid Argyle stockholder and former officer. Cline superviscd and solicited sales ofBlue Ridge investments in the Adams Strcct office. In selling or causing the sale ofBlue Ridge investinents. Cline failed to adequately , I disclose material information to investors. Specifically, at times, Blue Ridge gave money to Cline that Cline used to pay Source representatives a $2,000 monthly salary in advance oftheir draws. Some brokers did not repay the salary advances. Blue Ridge Securities' offering docuinents did not adequately disclose that Blue Ridge was indirectly compensating Source's registered representatives through Cline. '1'lie offering documents merely disclosed that Blue Ridge assumed responsibility for and paid "certain overhead expenses" ofSource in connection with the offerings of Blue Ridge investments and a separate agreement between Blue Ridge and Source stated that Blue Ridge would not provide funds to pay compensation to Source representatives. The failure to adequately disclose that Cline used Blue Ridge funds to pay compensation to Source representatives was a material omission. By selling the Blue Ridge investments without adequately disclesing the advances from Blue Ridge, Cline violated FINRA Rule 2010 and NASD Rule 2110 by virtue ofviolating Scction 17(a)(2) ofthe Securities Act of 1 933, 15 U.S.C. § 77q(a)(2)? 2. Christopher and Gilliland made misstatements in sales pitches to potential customers to invest in Argy?e Securities. To solicit investments in Argyle Securities. Christopher and Gilleland made exaggerated promises to customers regarding the oil and gas interests to be acquired by Argyle partnerships in multiple emails. For example, ? In a December 3,2009 email, Gilleland wrote to a potential customer"I have a very rare opportunity to you, . .[in which you have] "a potential of 6-8 times your money. . .. For the first time ever, Argyle has included a producing natural gas well which will show you 25-30% annually right out ofthe gate! There is no guesswork 3 600557v2 I hcrc, thc wcll is already drillcd and producing averaging 7 million cubic feet ofgas pcr day. Unbelicvablcl" . Gillcland sent at least one additional email that saine day making similar claims, along with other einails in November 2009 with diffe?ng but likewise exaggerated claims iii which he described a potential offering as a"slam dunk" and as ?the most conservative program I have ever offered." Gillcland's statcmcnts that the Argylc investment was "a very rare opportunity" that might return 600-800 percent were made without a reasonable basis and were exaggerated, and his statements that the well could produce returns of25-30 percent "right out ofthe gate" were made without a reasonable basis and were exaggerated. The customer who received the "slain dunk" einail invested $10,000 in Argyle oil gas securities in January 2010. 7'he same customer also madc two additional oil and gas investments totaling $16,400 in 2010, . In a December 4,2009 email, Christopher scnt an email to a prospective customer in which he claimed to offer an interest in "A COMMERCIALLY producing well." The einail further stated that in my years offunding, I never had an opportunity to offer interest in a well that is consistently doing 25-30% annually w/out fail. I now have that opportunity, and I'd like to tell you about it." Christopher followed up with an email later that day stating "[a]side from a natural disaster, there is no risk in this well." Christopher also sent additional emails in March 2009 claiming, for example, that an opportunity was "HISTORY MAKING"; that a project had a "safety net." He also sent an email in September 2010 stating that a project has "final insults still promising @ roughly 6 [dollars return] to 1 [dollar invested] and an annual return of apx. 80% between both wells w/ WAY less risk;" and a further email in February 2010 stating that "the producing well we are offering you... has generated a steady 70k a inonth in income, [so] we are considering closing the program tomorrow and keeping the remainder for ourselves. I only have a small portion left @ this point . . .." Three ofthe recipients ofthese emails purchased Argyle Securities. 1 i i i , These emails were communications with the public. Christopher and Gilleland accordingly violated NASD Rule 2210(d)(1), which requires all such communications to be fair and balanced, and prohibits exaggerated, unwarranted and misleading statements and claims, as well as FINRA Rule 2010. 3. Burr failed to adequately supervise the sale of Argyle Securities. Burr supervised the Wright Street Source office, from which Gilleland and Christopher misleading and exaggerated emails described above and failed to supervise their activities the sent by, among other things, failing to adequately review such communications before they were sent to customers. Bui? violated NASD Rule 3010 and FINRA Rule 2010. 4 600557v2 4. I 1 Cline fi?il?cl t? ?ipcli?te his Form U-4 to disclose tax liens against him. Bctwccn .Iuly 23,2009 and Novembcr 29,2010, the IRS filed four liens againsl Cline sccking to collect a total of approximately $821,000 in unpaid taxes and iiiterest. Question 14M on the U-4 lbrm requires that any "unsalisfied judgments or licns" be reported. Pursuant to By-Laws Articlc V Section 2, Cline should have ens?ired that the liens were reported within 30 days ofleatning about them. Cline willfully failed to report any ofthe liens on his U-4 until August, 2012 -- - after FIT??RA qucstioncd thc firm about them. As a result, Cline violated FINRA Rule 1122, IM-1000-1; and By-Laws Arl. V, Section 2. B. Respondents consent to the imposition of the following saiictions: Kevin Cline consents to the iinposition ofthe following sanctions: ? ? A $10,000 fiiie; and Suspension from association with any FINRA member in any capacity for a period oftllrec inollths. 1 Robert J.R. Burr consents to the imposition ofthe following sanctions: I i ? A $10,000 fine; and . Suspension from acting in any principal capacity with any FINRA member firin for a period of20 business days. Vincent Christopher consents to the imposition ofthe following sanctions: i ? A $5,000 fine; and ? Suspension from association with any FINRA member in any capacity for a period ofthree months. Thomas Gilleland consents to the imposition ofthe following sanctions: ? ? A $10,000 fine; and Suspension from association with any FINRA member in any capacity for a period of 30 days. The sanctions imposed herein shall be effective on a date set by FINRA staff. Respondents Cline and Gilleland agree to pay the inonetary sanction(s) upon notice that this AWC lias bcen accepted and that such payment(s) are due and payable. They each have submitted an Election of Payment forms showing the method by which they propose to pay the fine imposed. Respondents Burr and Christoplier agree that their fine shall be due and payable either immediately upon reassociation with a member firm following their respective 20 5 600557v2 i busi?icss-day and three-month suspensions noted above, or prior to any application or I rcqucst for relief from any statutory disqualification resulting fivm this or any other event or proceeditig, whichever is earlier. Respondcns specifically and voluntarily waive any right to claim that they are unable to pay, now or al any time hereafter, the monetary sanction(s) imposed in this inatter. , Respoiidcnts Cline, Burr, Christopher, and Gillcland each understand that ifhe is ba?Ted or suspended from associating with any FINRA member, he becomes subject to a statutory disqualification as that term is defined in Article III, Section 4 of FINRA's By-Laws, incorporating Scction 3(a)(39) ofthe Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Accordingly, each Respondent understands tliat he may not be associated witli any FINRA member in any capacity, including clerical or ministerial functions, during the period ofthe bar or suspension (?QQ FINRA Rulcs 8310 and 8311). Respondent Cline understands that this scttleinent includes a finding that he willfully omittcd to state a material fact on a Form U4, and that under Section 3(a)(39)(F) ofthe Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Article IH, Section 4 ofFINRA's By-Laws, this omission makes me subject to a statutory disqualification with respect to association with a member. I I II. , WAIVER OF PROCEDURAL RIGHTS Rcspondents spccifically and voluntarily waive the following rights granted under FINRA's Code of Procedure: A To have a Complaint issued specifying the allegations against them; B. To be notified of the Complaint and have the opportunity to answer the allegations in writing; C. To defend against the allegations in a disciplinary hearing before a hearing panel, to have a written record ofthe hearing made and to have a written decision issued; and D. To appeal any such decision to the National Adjudicatory Council C'NAC") and then to the U,S. Securities and Exchange Commission and a U.S. Court ofAppeals. Further, Respondents specifically and voluntarily waive any right to claim bias or prejudgment of the General Counsel, the NAC, or any member ofthe NAC, in connection with such person's or body's participation in discussions regarding the terms and conditions ofthis AWC, or other consideration ofthis AWC, including acceptance or rejection ofthis AWC. 6 600557v2 , 1 1 ?cspondcnls further specifically and voluntarily waivc any right to claim that a person violated thc ex parle pivhibitions ofl:INRA Rule 9143 or the separation of functions prohibitions ofFINRA Rule 9144, in connection with such person's or body's participation in discussions regarding the terms and condilioi?s ofthis AWC, orother consideration ofthis AWC, including its acceptance or rejcction. i ' k I ? 7 600557v2 111. OTHER MAT'1'ERS Respondents understand that: A. Submission of this AWC is voluntary and will not resolve this matter unless and until it has been reviewed and accepted by the NAC, a Review Subconiinittee ofthe NAC, or the Office of Disciplinary Affairs ("ODA"), pursuant to FINRA Rule 9216; B, If this AWC is not accepted, its submission will not be used as evidence to prove any C. of the allegations against them; and If accepted: 1. this AWC will become part of their permanent disciplinaiy record and may bc considered in any future actions brought by FINRA or any other regulator against thein; D. 2. this AWC will be made available through FINRA's public disclosure program in response to public inquiries about their disciplinary record; 3. FINRA may make a public announcement concerning this agreement and the subject matter thereofin accordance with FINRA Rule 8313; and 4. Respondents may not take any action or make or permit to be made any public statement, including in regulatory filings or otherwise, denying, directly or indirectly, any finding in this AWC or create the impression that the AWC is without factual basis. Respondents niay not take any position in any proceeding brought by or on behalfofFINRA, or to which FINRA is a party, that is inconsistent with any part ofthis AWC. Nothing in this provision affects their: (i) testimonial obligations; or (ii) right to take legal or factual positions in litigation or other legal proceedings in which FINRA is not a palty. Respondents may attach a Corrective Action Statement to this AWC that is a statement of demonstrable corrective steps taken to prevent future misconduct. Respondents understand that they may not deny the charges or make any statement that is inconsistent with the AWC in this Statement. This Statement does not constitute factual or legal findings by FINRA, nor does it reflect the views of FINRA or its staff. Each Respondent certifies that he has read and understands all ofthe provisions ofthis AWC and has been given a full opportunity to ask questions about it; that each has agreed to its provisions 8 600557v2 ' 1 1 I voluntarily; and that no offer, threat, inducement, or promisc of miy kind, other than the terms set forth herein tind lhc prospect of avoiding llic issuance ofa Complaint, has been madc to induce him submit it. , 1 Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Kevin Lee Cline Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Robert J.R. Burr Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Vincent Christopher Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Thomas C. Gilleland i Reviewed by: C7.U.-7-.mCPh-i Jeffr?y M. McPhaul Munck Wilson Mandala, LLP 600 Banner Place Tower 12770 Coit Road Dallas, TX 75251 972.628.3653 Accepted by FINRA: Date Signed on behalf of the Director of ODA, by delegated authority James E. Day Chief Counsel and Vice President FINRA Department of Enforcement 15200 Omega Drive, 3rd Floor Rockville, MD 20850 Telephone: 301-258-8520 9 600557v2 --? 1 I voluntarily; and tlial no offer, threat, inducement, or prornise ofany kind, other than the tenns set ioi,tli herein ??nd tlie pi,o?p?c?t oi.?ivoiding tlie is??u?????,?a Coii???????e?? inade to inciu?e him mtbmit it 4119113 i.c i I r IiL.9 Kgvi?ht.ce C:li?e Date (mm/dd/yyyy) r , i -- Date Onm/dd/yyyy) Robcrt J.R. Burr Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Vincent Christopher I 1 , 1 Date (nim/dd/yyyy) - Thomas C. Gilleland Reviewed by: Jeffrey M. McPhaut Munck Wilson Mandala, LLP 600 Banner Place Tower 12770 Coit Road Dallas, TX 75251 972.628.3653 , 1 , , Accepted by FINRA: I I Date Signed on behalf of the Director of ODA, by delegated authority L ' James E. Day Chief Counsel and Vice President FINRA Depmtment of Enforcement 15200 Oinega Drive, 3'? Floor Rockville, MD 20850 Telephone: 301-258-8520 9 60.0557vz ?,Iun I?lily. at?d th:it m, ?,ff?r, ?,rca?, i,?i ?,ccmmt, ??r ptomis? 0? any kind. i,thi.r thmn the terms; scl f?nih Ite,rri,? imd tlic pru?ix?c? o?' l,v?,i?Iing thc,?suanoc of a ('omplainl., has hwn ,n,?de *,inducc him wbm?,t. '. . , - M?A.TZA 0941H2013 I '' Kevin l .cc Cline Daw IMMMYyl mcmmm.n Robert J,R. B(,rr D?lc (m,tedd?yyy)4 - Vin?cnt (hri*ophcr Dalc (mmi?d/yy?y?- ll?uma? - -- -.... - -.---. -..- r. (;illcliind Ruvimval hy- JcITny M. Mciln? Muock Wilson M:,ndala. I.J.P ?0[) Bant??r M.ce'row?T .-.. ?2770 C:oil Raid I)?lla?. I X 7?251 972.(,2?3<?53 Accept?d by FINRA. -Date bchalf oi lhe Dirci:tor of ODA. by delegated a?thnrily Sig,?ed on .- - - - ?mes E. Da> Chief Counsel and V,ce P?esklwt FINRA Departmen? of F.,?fon??mcnt iSDaOOMA/MW. 3? Roor Rocio'ille, MI)20850 1'elqihonc: 101-2?8-8520 9 -1???l?2 - - - --- -- i voluntarily; and that no offer, threat, induccment, or promise of any kind, other than the terms set forth herein and the prospect of avoiding the issuance of a Complaint, has been tnade to induce him submit it, t Date (min/dd/yyyy) Kevin Lee Cline Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Robert J.R. Burr 0.9/19/208 Date (rhm/dd/yyyy) Date (mm/dd/yyyy) 42-Vincent Christopher Thomas C. Gilleland - Reviewed by: Jeffrey M. McPhaul Munck Wilson Mandala, LLP 600 Banner Place Tower 12770 Coit Road Dallas, TX 75251 972,628.3653 Accepted by FINRA: Date Signed on behalf of the Director of ODA, by delegated authority James E. Day Chief Counsel and Vice President FINRA Department of Enforcement 15200 Omega Drive, 3? Floor Rockville, MD 20850 Telephone: 301-258-8520 9 6O0551v2 - v?,I u n l nri ly ; and t hi? t m, oj ?i:r, t I ?, et, i, iducem e,it, 01- pro mi,?c ?,I' ?,n y ki nd. 0 th er t h?i? I th e tm'nI s set . I?rl h herci,? , it,d t he p, ?,N ?ect ofi,v oidi,ig tl?e i ssim,ice ?l'i? (.: c,inl,lai iit. I,ti?? I,een made to induec him ? ?ub,nil,? D,?te (ii?,iii(I?/yyyy) i -...-- Kevi, Cli,,e -.- --- Robert J.12. Burr ---- - D?Ie mnt/dd/yyyy) V i,?eent C'hris?i, 9/ZO/7Di- 2552.-. ?. ? Date (m,?,/?ld/yyyy) ??ie---1?, - - 7'I,o?t?a? C. Ciillcland >?.- ) ---, .-...... --' 1(evicwe,l by: jenmy M. Mcphaui - Munck Wilso?1 Mmidala, LLP 600 Banner Place Tower 12770 Coil Ro?id D:?lla:,. TX 7525 I 972.628.3653 Accei,?ed by ?INRA. Dale - --- Signed on behalfonhe Directot ofODA, by delegated authority --.- James E. Day Cl?iei Counsel and Vice President FJ NRA Depnrtment ?if E,iforccment 15200 Omega Drive. 3'? Floor l?ockville, MD 20850 Telephone: 301-258-8520 9 MM-'0 2 voluntarily; and that no ofl'er, threat. in?iucemeiit, or promise ofany kind, other than the terms set iorlli herein and the prospect oiavoiding lhc issuance ofa Complaint, has bccn made to induce him subniit it. Date (inm/dd/yyyy) Kevin Lcc Cline Datc (mm/dd/yyyy) Robert J.R. Burr Datc (mm/dd/yyyy) Vincent Christopher Date (rnrn/dd/yyyy) Thomas C. Gilleland Rcvicwcd by: Jeffrey M. McPhaul Munck Wilson Mandala, LLP 600 Banner Place Tower 12770 Coit Road Dallas, TX 75251 972.628.3653 Accepted by FINRA: n. 7 l 120113 Date Signed o??ehalfof the Directo?of OD?by delegated authority i, 11/? n /?-/?? ??66,?lyhief Counsel and Vice President lRFINRA Department of Enforceinent 1 15200 Omega Drive, 3rd Floor Rockville, MD 20850 Telephone: 301-258-8520 9 600557v2
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