Plant recordings with the OEOS 800 sensor OEOS vs. Camera Author Document status Version / Date Kevin C. Bilges / Simon Kerssen / Daniel Mentrup / Tina J. Rosemann Released 28.05.2015 Copyrights The content and work published in this documents are governed by the copyright laws of Germany. Any duplication, processing, distribution or any form of utilization beyond the scope of copyright law shall require the prior written consent of the author or authors in question. Changes Change history: version notice date V1 Translation Version 15.05.15 Rosemann V2.1 Released Version 28.05.15 Rosemann / H. Kerssen Plant recordings with the OEOS 800 sensor (V2.1) name Page 1 of 16 Table of contents 1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................... 4 2 CONSTRUCTION OF THE SENSOR ........................................................... 5 3 POTENTIAL APPLICATIONS ................................................................... 6 4 EXPERIMENTAL SETUP ........................................................................... 7 5 MEASUREMENT RESULTS ....................................................................... 8 Advantage 1: Parallel projection ......................................................................................................8 Advantage 2: Detail depth.................................................................................................................9 Advantage 3: Background ..............................................................................................................10 Advantage 4: Lighting conditions ..................................................................................................11 Advantage 5: Measurement height ................................................................................................12 Advantage 6: Awns detection .........................................................................................................13 6 INVESTIGATION ABOUT AWN NUMBERS.............................................. 14 7 COMPARISON: OEOS VS. CAMERA ........................................................ 15 8 CONCLUSION ....................................................................................... 16 Plant recordings with the OEOS 800 sensor (V2.1) Page 2 of 16 List of figures Figure 1: Principle description ...................................................................................................... 4 Figure 2: Construction of OEOS 800 ............................................................................................ 5 Figure 3: Unmatched raw data ..................................................................................................... 5 Figure 4: Usage of Height-Algorithm (1)....................................................................................... 6 Figure 5: Usage of Height-Algorithm (2)....................................................................................... 6 Figure 6: Experimental setup ....................................................................................................... 7 Figure 7: Measurement 1 with OEOS 800.................................................................................... 8 Figure 8: Measurement 1 comparison photo with a camera......................................................... 8 Figure 9: Measurement 2 with OEOS 800.................................................................................... 9 Figure 10: Measurement 2 comparison photo with a camera....................................................... 9 Figure 11: Segment of the OEOS 800 measurement ................................................................... 9 Figure 12: Segment of the comparison photo .............................................................................. 9 Figure 13: Measurement 3 with OEOS 800................................................................................ 10 Figure 14: Measurement 3 comparison photo with a camera..................................................... 10 Figure 15: Measurement 4 with OEOS 800................................................................................ 11 Figure 16: Comparison photo with easy conditions .................................................................... 11 Figure 17: Comparison photo with dark conditions .................................................................... 11 Figure 18: Comparison photo with intense side lighting ............................................................. 11 Figure 19: Comparison photo with easier side lighting ............................................................... 11 Figure 20: Measurement 5 with OEOS 800................................................................................ 12 Figure 21: Measurement 5 comparison photo with a camera..................................................... 12 Figure 22: Measurement 6 with OEOS 800................................................................................ 13 Figure 23: Measurement 6 comparison photo with a camera..................................................... 13 Figure 24: Usage of the algorithm .............................................................................................. 14 Plant recordings with the OEOS 800 sensor (V2.1) Page 3 of 16 1 Introduction This document presents the sensor system OEOS with its advantages in comparison to a conventional camera. The sender side of the Opto Electronic Object Scanner produces parallel laser beams. If an object interrupts these beams, it is visible on the receiver unit. The sensor is available in several configuration levels (98 mm up to 2000 mm) with a high resolution of 64 µm in measurement height direction. The images in this document were recorded with an OEOS 800 system which signifies an effective measurement height of 800 mm. With this sensor it is now possible to scan any object, e.g. plants, and get a shadow image of it. The schematic view on the left hand (Figure 1) illustrate it. The plants passes the scan field (of view) of the sensor: At time “t1” OEOS has nearly scanned the first plant. At time “t2” OEOS is just in the middle of recording the 4th plant. At the time “t3” all plants are scanned. Figure 1: Principle description Plant recordings with the OEOS 800 sensor (V2.1) Page 4 of 16 2 Construction of the sensor The OEOS 800 system works with nine modules (with each one 98 mm) which are cascaded to a measurement height of 800 mm (view Figure 2). Figure 3 displays the individual shifted recordings. But for the most applications you need raw data where the plant is already matched to a clone of the real plant. Therefore, there is an algorithm which matches the overlapping edges of the individual recordings. This algorithm is named “Matching-Algorithm”. Figure 2: Construction of OEOS 800 Plant recordings with the OEOS 800 sensor (V2.1) Figure 3: Unmatched raw data Page 5 of 16 3 Potential applications There are many fields of applications for the OEOS sensor. The sensor may be used in with different applications, both in- and outdoor (greenhouse, field robot). Consequently one of them (the sensor or the object you want to scan) has to be stationary. If the sensor is fixed, the object or plant has to move through it, for example by a conveyer belt. Otherwise if the object or plant is stationary, you have to pass the sensor by the plants. Therefor you need a carrier platform or another portal. In the application field of plant phenotyping (no matter if in- or outdoor) you can monitor growth process by gauging the same plants regularly (daily). Therefore before planting, the ground section can be preparing differently. Alternatively if you are using different fertilizers while the plants are growing, you can manage and control the growth in an efficient way. With other algorithms it is feasible to ascertain information like plant height, leaf count, plant density or ear/leaf length. Figure 4 and Figure 5 demonstrate the result of a Height-Algorithm. Figure 4: Usage of Height-Algorithm (1) Plant recordings with the OEOS 800 sensor (V2.1) Figure 5: Usage of Height-Algorithm (2) Page 6 of 16 4 Experimental setup For the following plant measurements the OEOS 800 system is mounted on a conveyer belt (Figure 6). For this purpose the velocity of the conveyer belt and the scan rate of the sensor were constant. Furthermore the system is linked to a computer via an Ethernet interface which receives and saves the measured raw data. Afterwards the Matching-Algorithm matches the records of the single modules to a coherent picture. Figure 6: Experimental setup Additionally to all measurements by the OEOS sensor a conventional camera took a comparison photograph of the measurement objects. Moreover all measurements that are shown in this document and some more are available on our website under Plant recordings with the OEOS 800 sensor (V2.1) Page 7 of 16 5 Measurement results Advantage 1: Parallel projection Figure 7 and Figure 8 show crops stuck into a Styrofoam plate. One advantage of the OEOS sensor is the horizontal line array of the laser beams. Therefore you get a parallel projection of the measured objects over the complete measurement height. As a result you get a distortion-free shadow image of the objects. Whereas a conventional camera has a focus point and the emerging image is defined by the opening angle of the camera lens. The photo is taken from the middle height of the plant. So as you can see in Figure 8 an angled view cannot be avoided on the Styrofoam. Figure 7: Measurement 1 with OEOS 800 Figure 8: Measurement 1 comparison photo with a camera Plant recordings with the OEOS 800 sensor (V2.1) Page 8 of 16 Advantage 2: Detail depth The following plant has many tiny hairs on the surface. This measurement 2 clarifies how the sensor has the ability to make very fine structures visible. Figure 9 and Figure 10 show the whole plant. Figure 11 and Figure 12 show a detailed view of the pictures above. In Figure 12 as you can see, the fine bright-colored hairs are only visible when the background offers a good contrast to the object. The OEOS sensor does not have this restriction. Figure 9: Measurement 2 with OEOS 800 Figure 10: Measurement 2 comparison photo with a camera Figure 11: Segment of the OEOS 800 measurement Figure 12: Segment of the comparison photo Plant recordings with the OEOS 800 sensor (V2.1) Page 9 of 16 Advantage 3: Background Another advantage of the sensor system is the fact that only the object which passes through is imaged. On the other hand a photo taken by a camera, especially outdoor may have difficult backgrounds which complicate the digital image processing when extracting the different measurement objects from the background. For the OEOS sensor the background is not importance. As proof the measurement of the OEOS sensor in Figure 13 shows a perfect shadow image of a root. In Figure 14 the fine structures of the root are obscured because of the non-linear background. Figure 13: Measurement 3 with OEOS 800 Plant recordings with the OEOS 800 sensor (V2.1) Figure 14: Measurement 3 comparison photo with a camera Page 10 of 16 Advantage 4: Lighting conditions For taking a shadow image with the OEOS sensor you don‘t have to bring the measurement object into a special lighting (compare Figure 16 to Figure 19). The receiver unit is equipped with band-pass filters which filter out all wavelengths except those of the sender unit (Figure 15). The plant which was scanned is a conifer. All fine needles of the plants are made visible by the OEOS sensor and a density estimation of the vegetation growth can be calculated of the shadow image by an algorithm. Figure 15: Measurement 4 with OEOS 800 Figure 16: Comparison photo with easy conditions Figure 17: Comparison photo with dark conditions Figure 18: Comparison photo with intense side lighting Figure 19: Comparison photo with easier side lighting Plant recordings with the OEOS 800 sensor (V2.1) Page 11 of 16 Advantage 5: Measurement height The OEOS system can be cascaded to any length in measurement height direction. Standard configurations are between 98 mm and 2000 mm. Larger systems are realizable as an oversize product, therefor contact us. Independent of the size, color or shape (Figure 21) the OEOS sensor creates an optimal shadow image of the passing objects (Figure 20). Figure 20: Measurement 5 with OEOS 800 Plant recordings with the OEOS 800 sensor (V2.1) Figure 21: Measurement 5 comparison photo with a camera Page 12 of 16 Advantage 6: Awns detection Because of the high resolution of the OEOS system it is possible to detect fine structures like awns (Figure 22 and Figure 23). These can be counted by algorithms and for example perform a non-destructive estimation about the crop forecasting. Such algorithm will be presented in the following chapter. Figure 22: Measurement 6 with OEOS 800 Plant recordings with the OEOS 800 sensor (V2.1) Figure 23: Measurement 6 comparison photo with a camera Page 13 of 16 6 Investigation about awn numbers The following points explain the first steps for detecting awns. The following algorithm was used for calculating the count of the (visible) awns: • • • • • • A complete ear was isolated from a shadow image (Figure 24-1) The isolated image is processed by erosion for deleting the awns. (Figure 242) The result is expanded (pixel were added to the outlines of the object). (Figure 24-3) A difference image is generated, which is formed by subtracting Figure 24-3 from Figure 24-1. Thus, an image that contains only the awns arises. With the removal of the expanded image (Figure 24-3) of the original image it is ensure that possible ears areas that were lost in the erosion process, are recovered (Figure 24-4). Following functions like correction, expansion, addition and skeleton are used. (Figure 24-9) The count of the awns could now determine by automatically recognizing the beginnings of the awns which are colored in red in Figure 24-10 …. Figure 24: Usage of the algorithm Plant recordings with the OEOS 800 sensor (V2.1) Page 14 of 16 7 Comparison: OEOS vs. Camera In the following table a comparison between OEOS sensor and a conventional camera is listed. The table is based on the advantages referred to chapter 5 Measurement results. Table 1: Comparison OEOS vs. Camera OEOS camera Optics method Parallel projection, distortion-free measurement over the whole measuring range Detail depth 64 µm resolution, Varying, fine, sharp-edged structures depending on the quality of visible over the whole meas- the camera aperture uring range Influence of the background No influence, only the by passing objects are recognized Wide influence, there is always an random background around the object which you want to take a picture of Influence of lighting conditions No influence, band-pass filters only passes a special range of wavelengths Wide influence, depending on different lighting conditions, the image processing can get very complex Measurement height Any, without losses in detail depth, typical measurement height between 98 mm and 2000 mm Any, with losses in detail depth, the higher the object, the greater the distance from the camera Awns detection Easily possible, by applying an algorithm to the raw image data Limited possible, depending on photograph quality. It is possible, but you always need a complex image processing to extract the awns Plant recordings with the OEOS 800 sensor (V2.1) Image built-up over one focus point, distortion photograph, limited on one focus level Page 15 of 16 8 Conclusion With the use of this OEOS sensor system there is no need of complicated image processing to knock out the background of a photo. Additionally the image information is saved binary (black/white picture). This is a huge simplification for later image analyzing over algorithms. Because of the parallel projection you get a distortion-free measurement over the whole range. The sensor has the ability to take a maximum of 4000 (nearly continuous) exposures per second, to create a shadow image. Therefor between the exposures only a fixed death time of 20 µs are needed. This is not even 10 % of the whole measurement time. Additionally the light-sensitive elements are not successive sampled like with other light grids. There is a permanent lighting of the elements in the receiver unit with a continuous synchronous exposure. The result of the high sampling rate (4000 Hz) and resolution (64 µm in measurement height direction) is that smallest structures like awns or tiny hairs on the surface of plants become visible regardless of the weather (outdoor) or other lighting conditions (in- or outdoor).The resolution in movement direction depends on the velocity of the passing object for example a velocity close to 1 km/h (0.62 miles/h) also leads to a resolution close to 64 µm. With this sensor system it is possible to scan plants in constant intervals for tracing the growth process. As described beforehand the OEOS sensor is indeed not a camera, but the shadow imaging has distinct advantages. If the sensor is operated in combination with a camera, the advantage of both systems are given. In the field of plant phenotyping the OEOS sensor may be a perfect assistant. Phenotyping becomes more and more automated, objective and reproducible. Therefor the evaluation gets easier and the results even more precisely. Moreover you are able to connect other sensors to this sensor system and let them work as a unit. For example, if you attach a start and stop trigger to a conveyer belt, it will automatically (by triggering of a passing object) start and stop the measurement. In addition it is possible to connect your own sensors to this sensor system. Plant recordings with the OEOS 800 sensor (V2.1) Page 16 of 16
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