Iowa Waltonian The official newsletter for the Iowa Division IWLA — WINTER 2014 A Message from your President WA R M W I N T E R G R E E T I N G S A N D A B E L AT E D H A P P Y N E W Y E A R F R O M T H E I OWA D I V I S I O N Get your chapter delegates ready. The Iowa Division would The State Convention is only three months away. love to have all of our chapters represented by energetic and Many of us have been working on this project. So each of us committed delegates. This meeting is the place to voice your needs to mark our calendars now for April 24–26, 2015. opinion, and watch and learn how things work. This year the convention will be hosted by the During the Convention we hosted in Des Warren County chapter in Indianola. Details are MARK Moines last summer, the national staff was in Iowa to provided elsewhere in this newsletter. We hope each YOUR visit many chapters. I made several trips with the staff, of you is planning to attend. Make sure to send award CALENDAR but we missed a few. So they are returning to Iowa in nominations to the division office. This is your chance FOR 2015 to visit more of our chapters. for the rest of the state see your Chapter shine! Don’t forget that the National Convention of April 24–26, 2015 Yours in Conservation the Izaak Walton League will meet in Pierre, South Anita Samuelson, Iowa Division President Dakota this summer from July 14–17. Send us photos of your Chapter in ACTION! IOWA DIVISION IZAAK WALTON LEAGUE Fall Trap Shoot Results East Fork Chapter • Algona, Iowa • September 14, 2014 youth division East Fork Ikes, Team #3 ....................................................Score: 220 Jay Stowater, Christian Davis, Joe Ingalls, Levi Eden, Evan Ingalls second place East Fork Ikes, Team #1.....................................................Score: 202 Taylor Erpelding, Mitch Priebe, Grant Arndorfer, Austin Chase, Seth Heinold third place East Fork Ikes, Team #2.....................................................Score: 197 Nate Walker, Cameron Kaltschree, Gabe Zwiefel, Kyle Stuecker, Brian Ziesman first place Central Iowa Paddlers on the Des Moines River Trail in Polk County Send us photos of members caught in the act of volunteerism, meetings, or fellowship! There is no better recruiting tool than showing the world what we can accomplish while having fun. Email your photos and captions to: [email protected] and we may print them in this newsletter as space permits. A volunteer samples water during an Iowa River Friends event. high male youth first place tied for second } } Seth Heinold, East Fork Ikes................................................. Score: 47 Joe Ingalls, East Fork Ikes.................................................... Score: 46 Jake Maakestad, Boone Valley Ikes ..................................... Score: 46 high female youth Mariah Bronk, East Fork Ikes............................................... Score: 41 Jakota Maakestad, Boone Valley Ikes................................... Score: 41 second place LeAnn Eischen, East Fork Ikes............................................... Score: 38 tied for first adult division Waterloo Ikes Team...........................................................Score: 221 Lee Kramer, Lane Schwaterath, Arnold Shares, Jeff Schwek, Kevin Shares second place East Fork Ikes, Team #1.....................................................Score: 219 P.J. Ingalls, Steve Hartman, Rick Chase, Ray Lichter, Rick Freeburg third place East Fork Ikes, Team #2.....................................................Score: 210 Larry Lenz, Alan Dearsch, Dick Crail, Steve Erpelding, & Brad Siefert first place Joe&Marie Thiry RECRUITING AWARD Any member who recruited three or more new members between January 1, 2014 through April 15, 2015 is eligible for this recognition. One entry may be submitted for every three new chapter members recruited. Your Membership Chair or Chapter Secretary should submit the name(s) of qualified recruiter(s) to the Iowa Divison office at the address on the back cover of this newsletter. The winner will be determined by a drawing at the state convention (during the banquet). Advertising for the 2015 State Convention Program Warren County Chapter Izaak Walton League of America April 24–26, 2015 Attach or write ad copy and/or logo in space below: FULL page$10000 HALF page $ 5000 Submit to Warren County Chapter by April 10, 2015 Mail checks payable to: Warren County IWLA PO Box 183 Indianola, Iowa 50125 to attention of: Craig McIntyre 2015 STATE TRAPSHOOT SUNDAY, APRIL 25th Warren County Izaak Walton League Chapter 16383 118th Avenue • Indianola, Iowa 50125 • (515) 961-3025 ADULT (over 18) ENTRY FORM • REGISTER BY APRIL 11, 2015 Name of IWL Chapter: _________________________________________________________________________________ Address /City / State / Zip: __________________________________________________________________________________ Team Captain Name, Phone & Email: ____________________________________________________________________________ YOUTH (18 and under) ENTRY FORM • REGISTER BY APRIL 11, 2015 Name of IWL Chapter: _________________________________________________________________________________ Warren County IWL Chapter House Address /City / State / Zip: __________________________________________________________________________________ Team Captain Name, Phone & Email: ____________________________________________________________________________ DIVISIONS Men / Women / Youth and Youth Team (18 & under) checks payable & mail entry form to: Number of 5-person Adult Teams: ____________ x $ 7500 ($ 8500 after 4/11) = $ ________________ Warren County IWLA PO Box 183, Indianola, Iowa 50125 amount enclosed Number of 5-person Youth Teams: ___________ (FREE, if mailed by 4/11, after that date, pay $ 7500) or (Pre-Registration must be received by April 11 2015) MAIL YOUR ENTRY EARLY – $8500 (adult team) OR $7500 (youth team) FOR LATE REGISTRATION OR EMAIL YOUR ENTRY TO BOTH [email protected] AND [email protected] PROGRAM 50 Birds: 25 @ 16 yards + 25 @ Handicap = 50 Total Food and Shells will be available for purchase Practice Time at 8:00am @ $500 per round (youth also pay for practice rounds) Program starts at 9:30 SHARP! submit your entry form via e-mail (send to all) [email protected] AND [email protected] questions can be directed above or call: Craig McIntyre @ 515-229-7418 Jim Lear @ 515-491-2412 MEAL TICKET RESERVATION FORM Iowa Division 92nd State Convention • April 24–26, 2015 Quality Inn DES MOINES CHAPTER, DES MOINES IOWA NOTE: THIS IS NOT A DELEGATE REGISTRATION FORM.This form is for MEALS ONLY! Delegates must also return Delegate Registration form to the Iowa Division by April 15, 2015. Copy this form as needed. NAME (to appear on badge) _____________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER_________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS_________________________________________________________________________________________________ CITY / STATE / ZIP __________________________________________________________________________________________ PHONE _____________________________________________ E-MAIL_______________________________________________ Warren County IWL Chapter House CONVENTION FEES & EVENTS COST # DINNERS TOTAL ENCLOSED Registration (by April 11th).............................................$15.00 x__________= _________________ Late Registration (after April 11th)...................................$20.00 x__________= _________________ FRIDAY, April 24th, 2015 HOST HOTEL Qualiy Inn 1701 Jefferson Way Indianola, Iowa 50125 515-961-0058 EARLY BIRD PARTY: Chapter House Social Hour 5:30–6:30 / Dinner 6:30–7:30 p.m. (price is for registered or non-registered guests) menu Spaghetti Dinner, Salad and Roll .....................................$10.00 x__________= _________________ Coffee & Tea rates $ 67.49 + tax single $ 71.99 + tax double Group rates available until March 1, 2015 SATURDAY, April 25th, 2015 BREAKFAST: Chapter House menu Biscuits & Gravy, Sausage Patties, Scrambled Eggs .............$ 7.00 x__________= _________________ Coffee & Juice AWARDS LUNCHEON: Chapter House 12:00 noon menu Pulled Pork, Potato Salad, Baked Beans ...........................$ 7.00 x__________= _________________ Chips, Coffee & Tea BANQUET: Chapter House Social Hour 5:30–6:30 / Dinner 6:30–7:30 p.m. (price is for registered or non-registered guests) menu Pork Chop, Baked Potato, Green Beans, ........................... $ 20.00 x__________= _________________ Garden Salad, Coffee & Tea and Dessert SUNDAY, April 26th, 2015 TRAP SHOOT & YOUTH EVENTS: Chapter House BREAKFAST: Chapter House menu Biscuits & Gravy, Drink ................................................. $ 5.00 x__________= _________________ Make checks payable / mail to: Warren County IWL PO Box 183 Indianola, IA 50125 attention: Craig McIntyre Total Amount Enclosed: $ ___________________ NONPROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID DES MOINES IA Iowa Division IZAAK WALTON LEAGUE OF AMERICA PERMIT NO. 4669 118 E. 4th St., Suite 104 Des Moines, IA 50309-4812 OFFICERS Izaak Walton League Pledge President Anita Samuelson “To strive for the purity of water, the clarity of air, 1st Vice PresidentOPENING and the wise stewardship 2nd Vice President Shane Howard of the land and its resources; 3rd Vice President Wendy Arnburg Secretary Vicki Arnold to know the beauty and understanding STATE DIRECTORS Wendy Arnburg Bill Arnold Jack Johnson Dean Knight Lisa McIntyre Mike Roland Sherry Stifel Michelle Strickland REGIONAL GOVERNOR Dean Knight, past national president of nature, and the value of wildlife, woodlands and open space; to the preservation of this heritage Treasurer Craig Rogers Brenda Smith and to man’s sharing in it. I pledge myself as a member of the Izaak Walton League of America.” Past President NATIONAL DIRECTORS Bill Arnold Tom Holm Jack Johnson Dean Knight Jay Samuelson Brenda Smith Marj Striegel Marion Striegel PAST NATIONAL PRESIDENTS Dale Brentnall Don Freeman REMEMBER TO SEND US YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS Iowa Division Office 7:00 am – Noon, M–TH 118 SE 4th Street, Suite 104 Des Moines, Iowa 50309-4812 515-883-2358 or 800-957-4340 fax: 515-883-2362 phone: e-mail:[email protected]
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