Life Line - December 2012 249 N. Bolingbrook Dr., Bolingbrook, IL 60440 Tel: 630.759.7636 Fax: 630.759.7790 Where everybody is somebody and Jesus Christ is Lord! GOD’S GLOBAL BARNYWARD Have A Cow! or Just Give One. Looking for a fun, meaningful, memorable Christmas gift for that special someone? Donate a barnyard animal in their name (after all, Jesus was born in a barn!) Animals start at just $10, simply turn in cash or check at the display in the Narthex and instantly receive a custom card announcing your gift (for you to present to your “giftee.”) This is a great gift idea for teachers, co-workers, hard-to-buyfor people, or people who already have everything! If you want something more to unwrap, you can include your own “gag” gift with the custom card; we suggest a rubber ducky for a duck, a piggy bank for a piglet, an full (or empty) egg carton for baby chicks, goat cheese for a goat, a ball of yarn for a sheep, a carton of yogurt or gallon of milk for a cow! Watch the puzzled look on their face as they unwrap their “present”, then “present” them with the card explaining their real gift ~ fun & memorable! Last year many New Lifer’s gifted others at Christmas & some even used part of their Christmas bonuses to purchase animals after Christmas! ELCA’s GGB is sponsored by the Monday Night Women’s Bible Study (Sorry, we still haven’t thought of a cool name for ourselves!) We’ll be in the Narthex between 9-11 AM all during Advent (beginning Sunday, December 2nd.) Be sure to stop by & check out our “mural’ as we watch our barnyard grow! A Note from Council……. On Saturday, November 10, New Life Hosted a panel discussion titled Exposing Hunger. We had 5 speakers including the Master of Ceremonies Pastor Paul. We heard stories from the Senior Center providing meals, from several food pantries, DuPage Township, the Valley view School district, and Power Connection. It was alarming to a point to learn of the number of people in the local area that depend on support for the basic living needs. Those that are currently involved in support activities are slowly losing ground to the increasing number of folks needing help. In learning that 180 students in local schools are homeless – 20 in the Bolingbrook area – was very alarming, and to know that these kids are determined to get their education to gain access to a better way of life – doesn’t this motivate us to do something to help? Kim Owens from the DuPage Township urges all who need help to seek it early when problems begin as help is available before things become too desperate. Kim also describe her office as similar to a hospital emergency room where all people are helped at all times – there is no such thing as quitting time until all are helped. Comments from Council members in attendance: Suzanne Schorsch: Something I learned from the forum is that Seniors can receive meals at the Levy Center at 11:30 on weekdays, and that there is a GREAT NEED FOR DRIVERS for the Meals-on-Wheels program (they have people on the waiting list to receive meals right now) If you can volunteer to drive 1 or 2 days a month for an hour, they would appreciate it! The DuPage Townsite website gave the following contact: Call 630-759-3411 and ask for Jean. Mike Selep: Local hunger continues to grow. Great community resources are helping to feed the hungry. Local Bolingbrook organization POWER CONNECTION serves food to 3000 families per month. This is up from 2000 per month in 2011. POWER CONNECTION serves 100 new families per month. Joe Giganti: I learned that people who are suffering from hunger often have other needs as well, such as housing, clothes, other items (toothpaste/ brush, soap, diapers, etc. In some cases, donating money will be more effective than buying food items. That is because the organizations receiving the money can often buy at a cheaper rate than we can at retail stores, so the money will buy more, and they know what their specific needs are at any given time. Mike Stoehrmann: I learned that donations to food pantries do NOT need to be food! They can use monetary donations, as well as donations of your time to help distribute food, meals, etc... Norma Sabine: My "highlights” from the forum were the number of children in our area were on the lunch program at their schools or were homeless and living in motels. Many of our committee members were in attendance as well and used this opportunity to gather information for their committee work in the months ahead. We learned that hunger is a huge problem for many people both close to us as well as in other countries. Our focus to expose hunger is uncovering a number of facts that demonstrate that all of us have the chance to help in stemming the tide of a growing problem. Council urges all members to use the gifts that God has given us to help in support of reducing the effects of hunger. If anyone has ideas, please contact a member of council as we are constantly brainstorming for ideas on projects than can help those in need. Thank you, generous God, for feeding us with the gift of yourself, through Christ. Amen In Christ’s service, Jack Schlea - Council President New Life has a NEW website! After many months of hard work from so many people, your church has a brand new website! Come visit us today at We have a brand new look, more content and more ways to get information about everything that is going on at New Life. But this is not end of a project, it's just the beginning. If there is something you think we should add, let us know so that we can continue to grow our little area of the internet and spread the word of Christ and New Life to everyone! If you do not wish your picture to be used on the New Life website please let the church office know at [email protected] or 630.759.7636 Growing up, making a family Christmas Card to be sent out far and wide to family and friends was an Evenson family tradition. I have been a bit adamant about starting a Christmas Card tradition in my own family, Ben and myself and now little Linnea. I find something very meaningful in condensing a full year into a single message, thought, picture, to be sent out and received by our family and friends. I treasure being on the receiving end of cards as well. I write about cards and this tradition I hold close because I find myself gravitating to anchors this Advent. Traditions anchor us in time, reminding us of the past, showing us what the new present looks like, sometimes even short glimpses into the future. Music has long been an anchor for faith. Early Christians gathered to eat a meal together and sing! Martin Luther wrote many hymns, putting the Reformation to song (maybe even like a musical?) One of the tell-tale signs of the holiday season is holiday music. The Advent Tea is a festive gathering of women—and a beloved part of the gathering for many is the tradition of singing Silent Night, in a circle around the Fellowship Hall, only strands of Christmas lights lit and glowing. The Advent Devotional this year is all music. Hymns you know are there: Silent Night and Go Tell It on the Mountain. Hymns you might know are there: Prepare the Royal Highway and Mary Did You Know. Songs you might not know are there: Come Now O Prince of Peace and Everlasting God. Music familiar and new are our texts this year preparing us for receiv- ing Christ once again. Beyond reading this devotional, we will be offering 3 opportunities to sing these songs, familiar and new, as we wait for Mary’s due date to finally arrive. Sundays, December 2, 9, and 16, we will gather for a short time, 5:00 to 5:30pm, to sing these songs that anchor us in our faith and in our Savior. You need not know harmony or have perfect pitch to join in. Come sing or come listen, and anchor yourself in the tradition of welcoming baby Jesus with notes, chords, rhythm and verses. Hark, the glad sound! The Savior comes, the Savior promised long; Let every heart prepare a throne and every voice a song. --Hark The Glad Sound, Advent Devotional for December 10th & 11th. Pastor Rakel Sharing the Advent Devotional Sundays December 2, 9, & 16 5:00 to 5:30pm We will sing the songs in the Advent Devotional for the upcoming week, as well as hear the devotions read aloud. Come enjoy the music of the season and treasured writings of the New Life congregation. All are welcome: tone-deaf singers, harmonizers, listeners-only, and Scrooges. CHRISTMAS EVE PRE-SERVICE MUSIC CONCERT: The Christmas season is fast approaching and time to plan for the Christmas Eve pre-service music concert. This concert takes place at 10:30 pm, ½ hour prior to the 11pm Christmas Eve Candlelight Service. All musically talented members of the congregation (vocalists, instrumentalists) are invited to participate in this concert. Please contact Roland Johnson at 815-886-2175 or [email protected] or the church office at 630-759-7636 or [email protected] to sign up to take part in the Christmas music concert. Operation Christmas Child Update This year the Sunday school classes and New Life Congregation filled 76 shoe boxes to spread God’s love to children around the world. Thank you! Advent Schedule December 2 1st Sunday of Advent Advent Tea - 3:00pm Sharing the Advent Devotional – 5:00pm December 9 2nd Sunday of Advent Sharing the Advent Devotional – 5:00pm December 13 Christmas Caroling at Greenleaf (meet at church to carpool at 6:30pm) December 15 Children’s Christmas Program 4:00pm “Christmas Around the World” December 16 3rd Sunday in Advent Chancel Choir’s Christmas Cantata SUPPLY Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser Sharing the Advent Devotional – 5:00pm December 19 Las Posadas – 6:30 pm in Fellowship Hall December 23 4th Sunday in Advent December 24 Christmas Eve Family / Children worship with puppets - 5:00pm Candlelight Service & Communion - 7:00pm Christmas Special Music - 10:30pm Candlelight Service & Communion - 11:00pm December 25 – Christmas Morning Worship with Communion 10:00am Congregational Meeting Sunday, January 27th Immediately after the 11:00am Worship We will be voting on the 2013 Spending Plan and electing new church leaders. All Members are Encouraged to Attend Childcare will be provided Youth Ministry Calendar Fall 2012 More information on all events comes out to respective groups as dates draw near. If you have any questions, please feel free to talk with identified youth ministry liaisons: Beth Girardier—Youth Education Coordinator Amy Beaugard—JAB. Coordinator (6-8th grade) Joe Moles—SUPPLY Coordinator (9-12th grade) Pastor Rakel Sally Minor—Confirmation Representative June Charnevsky—Sunday School December SUPPLY 2nd Caroling at Green Leaf at 6:30 pm 13th 15th Sunday School Christmas Program 4:00 pm th Cantata Breakfast – SUPPLY 16 Las Posadas at 6:30 pm 19th 23rd & 30th No Sunday School Children’s Christmas Program is Saturday, December 15 at 4:00pm Come watch our children tell about how Christmas is celebrated in different countries. If you have a child in Sunday School and still haven’t returned participation form please do so ASAP. LOMC Overnight Opportunity for 3, 4, 5th graders to go to LOMC for an overnighter January 11-12th. Cost is $65. Forms will be sent to all eligible to attend. A Big Loaves of Love - Thank You! Thank you to all of the New Life Congregation members that helped deliver bread to the new residents of Bolingbrook. We delivered over 100 LOL’s (Loaves of Love) and we could not have done it without every one of you. God Bless ~ Sandie Zihala – Outreach Committee LAS POSADAS It’s that time of year again as we take Mary and Joseph’s journey and combine it with a special tradition from Mexico. We will meet in the Fellowship Hall and travel as a group, door to door and look for a place to stay. We get turned away at every place except for church where we will enter and have a fiesta. Please join us this year as we are partnering with Santa Cruz Church in Joliet and our new friends from the South Suburbs Immigration Project. There will be food, drinks, Mariachi music, a piñata and no shortage of fun and fellowship! Wednesday, December 19, 2012 6:30 p.m. Bob Beckett son of Dick & Laurena Beckett. Stationed at Fort Carson. SPC. Beckett, Robert PO Box 13519 Colorado Springs, CO 80902 Eric Frederick Son of Charles & Vanda Frederick. PFC, Frederick, Eric 3208 MacArthur Avenue Room 253B Fairbanks, AK 99703 Erik Gundersen Son of Roger & Amy Gundersen. Stationed F.E. Warren AFB Lt. Erik Gundersen 62B Ft Warren Ave Cheyenne, WY 82001 Please contact the office with information on your loved one that is serving in the military. Money Matters Personal Financial Stewardship Why God’s Word Cautions us about Debt God cautions us from using debt because debt creates bondage to the world and prevents us from allowing God to act freely in our lives! Reverend Bill Hybels in his “Achieving Financial Freedom” audiotapes discusses reasons that God says “no” to debt: Debt obligates a person to earn more money and to earn it constantly. Working two or three jobs just to pay off debt is not the way to live. Debt enslaves a person to a creditor (Proverbs 22:7). When the creditor says, “Jump,” we say, “How high?” Debt undermines joy. It is difficult to enjoy a weekend away or a dinner out when we are deep in debt, because money spent for those activities is money not spent on paying off credit card debt, which prolongs the problem. Debt erodes giving opportunities. God gives us the ability and the desire to help others. The lack of money makes it difficult to respond to God’s gracious prompting. Debt imperils a Christian witness in two ways. First of all, we can be less effective in our evangelism when we face daily tension and anxiety over debt. Second, our witness to others suffers when they see or hear about our financial difficulty. Debt exaggerates character problems. Experiencing a problem with debt may reveal character weaknesses such as impatience, discontentment, a lack of self-discipline and even failure to trust in the Lord’s provisions. Before you use your credit cards, you should be slow, deliberate, and cautious. Prior to taking on debt, it is advisable to ask yourself some basic questions, such as the following: If I borrow, will I get something of enough value that it’s worth the added obligation? Will the asset purchased appreciate in value? Will the taking on of debt allow me to give, save, and maintain my lifestyle? Have I considered giving up expensive activities and/or liquidating valuable possessions? Does the borrowing fit my budget? Will the borrowing cause any tension or anxiety in my family? BLESSINGS FROM YOUR STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE Adult Education PSALMS This 3 week class will provide a general background on the history of the Psalms and their use as the prayer book of the bible. We will cover 5 major forms or types of psalms as well as authorship of the psalms. Selected individual psalms will be studied. Many have sought encouragement and comfort in times of crisis or despair from the Book of Psalms. The full range of human emotions is found in the Psalms from joy and exultation to disappointment, sorrow, anger, resentment and revenge. If you are interested in learning more what Martin Luther called the “Little Bible” within the bible be sure to attend. WHEN: December 2 – December 16 WHERE: Genesis Room – 9:30-10:30 am PARABLES OF JESUS This is a 6 week class on a key part of the teachings of Jesus. About one third of Jesus’ teachings are found in the parables. WHEN: January 6 – February 10 WHERE: Genesis Room – 9:30-10:30 am Name/Address/Phone change Garrett, Laura 224Meadowbrook Drive Bolingbrook, 60440 Dehnert, Melissa 368 Whitehall Dr. #106 Bolingbrook, 60440 (630)771-0661 AN OPPORTUNITY TO IMPACT THE HEALTHCARE OF PEOPLE AROUND THE WORLD AT A LOCAL MISSION!! You are needed to help us address the serious unmet medical needs of people in developing countries. With your assistance Mission Outreach can increase access to quality healthcare around the world through our medical recovery and responsible redistribution program. Each year hundreds of thousands of pounds of medical equipment and supplies are deemed surplus by U.S.-based healthcare providers. Hospital Sisters Mission Outreach recovers these usable items otherwise destined for landfills. The surplus is then sorted, cleaned, repaired, inventoried, and published in an online catalog where needy hospitals and clinics can “shop” for what they need. Mission Outreach has experienced an increased demand from healthcare recipients all over the world. In fiscal year 2010, Mission Outreach shipped 1.28 million pounds of medical equipment and supplies (77 container equivalents) to people in need throughout the developing world. Volunteers are the heart of Mission Outreach. We need your help to sort and pack supplies, enter data, or assist in the warehouse. . Volunteers must be 13 years of age or older. High School attendees can earn service hours. Learn more at Thank you to all the volunteers that dedicated so many hours to the Hospital Sisters Mission Outreach this year, and for reflecting the faith of New Life. For those who have not found an opportunity to attend a mission this past year, we hope that 2013 is your year to participate. All are invited to start the New Year attending our first mission opportunity of the year, which will be on Saturday 1/5 from 9 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. We also are scheduled for Saturday 3/2 from 9 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., hopefully either or both dates work for new and experienced Mission workers. We will be meeting at the church at 8:15 and will carpool to the warehouse. Please sign up in the Narthex for any or all of these dates. Any questions please contact Daryl Giganti at 630-759-7206 or [email protected] Are your weekends already too busy? There are always shifts open during the week between Monday – Thursday from 9-12 and 1-4, but hours can be flexible. Please contact Betsy Johnson the Mission’s Volunteer Associate at 708/496-3900 to let her know that you are coming and what hours you can work. The mission warehouse is located at: 5213 W. 65th Street, Bedford Park, IL. Seeking to provide care and compassion to our congregation, our community and the world around us. The Care Team is an expression of faith: a response to God’s new commandment in John 13:34-35, “As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” OPERATION CHRISTMAS - BOLINGBROOK Oh the weather outside is...cold! And Christmas thoughts are already in the air. So we wanted to let you know about several giving opportunities to help families right here in Bolingbrook. We will be collecting coats (new or clean gently used coats) in sizes children’s small through adults. Please place in blue bin in fellowship hall. We will also have available the hat/mitten tree to collect those items as well as scarves, socks, tights and underwear. The tree is located in the Narthex. And lastly, there will be families available to adopt. You can choose to purchase items for one or all the members of a family in need right here in Bolingbrook. Please see June to select a family. Please consider how you can make this a season of giving for your family. Items will be collected until December 16 so there is time to distribute them before Christmas. GIFTS THAT MAKE A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE Do you want to make a real difference this Christmas by purchasing unique gift items AND improving people’s lives abroad? Consider purchasing fair trade goods. It’s a win-win opportunity. The recipient will receive a finely crafted, unique item. You will have supported and honored the dignity of artisans and farmers around the world. You will have helped them send their kids to school, build community wells, attend training and fund community works programs. You will have helped women learn selfsufficiency and decision-making skills. To view the wide selection of beautiful ornaments, totes, jewelry, scarves, baskets and food items go to This is one of the many ministries supported by Lutheran World Relief. TUTORING The New Life tutoring program is serving over 35 youth (2nd-8th graders) from the community. But it’s not enough. We still have several students on the waiting list. Won’t you please consider stepping forward to volunteer one hour a week? You can choose to serve on Tuesdays from 7:008:00 p.m. or Wednesdays from 6:30-7:30 p.m. or both nights! Lots of resources and help is available during the session so don’t worry if you are puzzled by an assignment. If you are interested in assisting youth to reach their greatest potential, please contact Daryl Giganti at 630-759-7206. MOPS- CHRISTMAS OPEN HOUSE The MOPS group at New Life will be having a special Christmas Open House on Thursday, December 13 from 9:30-11:00 a.m. Please come join Moms from the congregation or community for snacks and a simple craft for the children and Moms. There will also be an opportunity for fellowship and learning about what MOPS has to offer. This will be the only meeting in December. MOPS stands for “Mothers of Preschoolers”, but don’t let that confuse you. MOPS is about meeting the needs of every mom of a child from conception through kindergarten. It is a chance for women to develop relationships with other mothers in the community, and to realize they are not alone in the adventure of motherhood. MOPS is an internationally recognized Christian group. The group helps Moms to develop authentic friendships, challenges every Mom to grow as a woman, Mother and leader, strengthen marriages, provide trusted parenting resources and draw Moms one step closer in their relationship with Jesus. Mark your calendars now for the January gathering dates. New Life Lutheran Church will be hosting a MOPS group on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month from 9:30 a.m.-11 a.m. officially beginning Thursday January 10, 2013. Membership will be open to all members of the community, regardless of religious affiliation. If you or a friend are interested in receiving information or joining this group, to please contact Alyson Wold at 630-768-7756. CARING FOR GOD’S CREATION - Something that comes with all the Christmas gifts is….wrapping paper. Consider using other items that can be recycled to wrap your gifts. For example, the comics paper, brown paper bags with ink stamps or drawn pictures on it, children’s paper artwork, or gift bags that can be reused. COUPONING FOR THE GREATER GOOD Many stores are offering a price match on advertised items for a limited time during the holidays. So be sure to check the sale papers to ensure you get the lowest price wherever you shop. WALK TO JERUSALEM Looking ahead to the New Year, here is a great opportunity the Care Team will be offering again. The Walk to Jerusalem is a walking program designed to increase the physical and spiritual health of our members. This imaginary trip to Jerusalem is accomplished by individuals logging their own physical activity each week. Then the individual “miles” are added together with the goal of accumulating enough miles as a group to reach Jerusalem by Easter. Stay tuned for more details about the Walk beginning in January. Just in time for your New Year’s resolutions! SAVE THE DATE Our first blood drive of the New Year will take place on Sunday, January 20, 2013 from 8:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Donors from the drive in November will be eligible to give again. FRIENDS IN FAITH COORDINATOR We are currently seeking a volunteer to serve as Coordinator for our Friends in Faith ministry. This ministry has volunteers that bring the caring presence of a friend and God to a Christian companion. Friends in Faith is a ministry intentional about practicing our faith in God’s call to love one another. Reaching out to those who are experiencing transitions, changes in life stages, or hardships to create meaningful relationships, generate a spirit of compassion and show the love of Christ. This one-on-one ministry recognizes the gifts and talents in the congregation and the spiritual growth that emerges for individuals, small groups, and the church community. As Coordinator (or Co-coordinators), your task is to coordinate the matching process of volunteers to people in need, facilitate the small group enrichment sessions for volunteers, and recruit new volunteers. The Coordinator provides support to the volunteers in their ministry. They are also integral to educating the congregation about Friends in Faith and involving church staff and pastors in promoting the ministry. Coordinator should be able to make a two year commitment. Training of the ministry is available. If you are interested in learning more, you can talk to Susan Brown of the Care Team. December Anniversaries 3 Mike & Sally Martin (46 years) 12 Fred & Colleen Mills 19 Debbi & Blaine Johnston 27 Joe & Abby Moles 30 Scott & Bonnie Bovaird If you do not see your name & date here please let the church office know. Have you moved or changed your phone # recently? If so it is important that the Church office is contacted so we can up-date our records. Thank you! DECEMBER WORSHIP LEADERS Greeters: 8:00am Jerry Schmidt 9:30am Nathan & Amy Foster 11:00am Rich & Cathy Hess Worship Assistants: 8:00am 9:30am 11:00am Ushers: 8:00am 9:30am 11:00am Jerry Streeky Shireen Behzadi Charlene Hopper John & Jackie Schmidt, Pat Jahn, Fred Mills Blumenstein, Karas, Nelson, & Costello Family Bruno & Maggie Sadowski, Cathy Taylor Volunteers are always needed to help with worship - interested? Contact the church office at 630.759.7636 or [email protected] MOPS Christmas Open House 9:30 - 11:00am Thursday, December 13th ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED BOLINGBROOK, IL PERMIT NO. 116 PAID NON PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE
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