International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences © 2015 Available online at ISSN 2251-838X / Vol, 9 (4): 516-524 Science Explorer Publications A Study of the Effects of Karkheh Dam Lake on the Microclimate of Andimeshk Danesh Nasiri Ministry of Education, Andimeshk, Khuzestan, Iran Corresponding author: Danesh Nasiri ABSTRACT: The present study seeks to investigate the statistics obtainedfrom Dezful Meteorological Station througha 15-year-long period from1990 to 2005 to record the microclimate changes of Karkheh Dam Lake in two periods-before thelake flooding from 1990 to 1998 and after theflooding from 1999 to2005. In processing the weather data of Dezful in the longitude 24º 42َ andlatitude24º 42َ, the changes of climate were represented in the annual average temperature, relative humidity, annual total rainfall, the mean of dew point temperature, days with precipitation and days with storm in two times-before and after the impoundment through comparative figures. The results showed that among all the abovementioned components, the total annual rainfall and the storm days decreased after the flooding compared to the yearsprior to the flooding. Elements such as the average annual temperature, relative humidity, dew point temperature, rainy days and storm increased in theyears after flooding compared to the previous years,the results of figures, data and changes before and after flooding and the effects of microclimate revealed that it caused increases and decreases in some climate elements. In the current study, due to increase and decrease inthe elements, it emphasized on the optimal use of change statistics of the Dam Lake and microclimate so that the microclimate is balanced to the benefits of the local region. Key Words: Lake, Karkheh, dam, microclimate, Andimeshk. Microclimate Microclimatology is the study of two mutual effects of atmosphere and theEarth surface. Theseeffects are revealed in long term and give a region its microclimatic identity. Although the air layer nearby the Earth surface constitutes a small portion of the atmosphere, the processes which occur in small scale in it are of great importance to human’s life and activity. This is not only due to the oxygen in the layer, but also regard to the continual turbulences in the atmosphere that allow the pollutants mix and the heat, steam etc.To exchange with thesurface of the Earth. This turbulence is the main factor affecting the mixing and exchange of mass, heat and impulse in the boundary layer bywhich the nearby atmosphere of the Earth surface is made suitable for the living of humans, animals and plants. So, the process of turbulence-based exchange in boundary layer lays a deep effect on the weather an area representing itself in the long term as microclimates. With regards to the contribution of the above-mentioned effects to the formation of microclimates, the evaluation and consideration of this part of climate as one of the environmental potentials becomes necessary in development-oriented planning (Geiger, 1965). Microclimates of the Zones the water The thermal climate of water is considerably stable and inert. Compared to other natural levels, water attracts the sunlight better, but it displays the lowest level of reaction to sunlight. This is attributed to four properties of water: Penetration: since water allows short-wave radiations to penetrate the short-wave the great depth, the attracted energy is distributed in a higher volume of water, Mixing: The component of convection and mass transfer in liquid movements enables the exchange of heat in a large volume of water, Intl. Res. J. Appl. Basic. Sci. Vol., 9 (4), 516-524, 2015 Evaporation: The unlimited distribution of evaporation creates an effective factor for the consumption of the latent heat. Again, the evaporative cooling makes the water boundary layer more apt to be unstable and mix. Thermal capacity: One of the main characteristics of water is its high thermal capacity. For instance, water needs three times as much as the heat required for the same volume of stone to reach a certain temperature.This property of water is exactly contrary to that of lands. So, the coastal lines display two entirely different climates, and two mutual reactionstake place inthe coastallines (Kaviani, 2001). The Characteristics of KarkhehSub basin Thesub basin islocated in thewest to southwestIran among the Zagros Mountains that stretch from the northwest to southeast in the form of parallel folding’s. The numerous branches of Karkheh basin drain the folding of the Zagros Mountains in a parallel or perpendicular way leading the Hur-alazim through surface streams. This basin is confined from the north and northwest and also from a part of the west to the West boundary basin. It is confined from the southwest to the Iraqi border, from the south and southeast to the Karoun Basin, from the east to the central Iran Basin and between 20َ 20to22َ 22 in north latitude and 24َ َ0-24َ 44 in north. This area is the second largest drainage basin in the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea and its area 50768 km/s out of which 33674 km/s is located in the mountainous areas and the rest is located in plain areas. The highest point equals to 3638 meters nearby Alashtar, Lorestan Province and the lowest place equals to 3 meters in Hur-alazim. Its main rivers are Seimareh (455 km), Karkheh (361 km), Kashkan (280 km), Gamasiab (198 km), Marak (133 km), Shavoor (111 km), Karkheh Koor (95 km), Ravaneh (93 km), Malayer (Khoram Abad) (90 km), and Razavar (75 km) (The Geographical Atlas of Iran’s Rivers, 2005). Location and characteristics of Karkheh River Karkheh River beginsfrom the middleand southwest areasof Zagros Mountains in west and North West Iran. It reaches Hur-alazim wetland on the border of Iran and Iraq after traveling 900 km from north to south. After Karoon and Dez, Karkheh River is the third large river in Iran from thedrainage point of view. The main head branches that make Karkheh are Seimareh, Kashkan, Gharehsou, Gamasiab and Chardavol. One of the characteristics of Karkheh is thehigh probabilityof floodand the consequent risks (The Iranian Company for the Development of Water and Power Resources, summer 2002). This massive project () is located at 48 degrees 08.07 minutes of east longitude and 32 degrees 29.06 minutes north in the northern part of Karkheh. The Karkheh River veers 90 ° in theupstream of the dam axis so theDam Lake is located on the right axis of the dam. Topography Karkheh River passes the hills and mountainous areas upstream the PayepolHydrometric Station.Downstream the station, it entersthe flat and wide plain ofKhuzestan. The location of the Karkheh dam is in the lowest point of the river. The Karkheh River veers 90 ° in the upstream of the dam axis so thedam Lake is located on the right axis of the dam. With regards to the relative low slope of the river, the lake possesses a significant area and volume. The left slope in the axial of the dam is so high, but the right one has arelatively mild slope. In the left bank, a relatively large channel enters the river inthe distance of 200 meters upstream the dam axis. Downstream the axis, there is a smaller channel on the left of which the dam power station is located. The t river bed is about 120 meters wide in the elevation of 115 meters above sea level. On the right bank, threeterraces areseen with a width of 80 to 120 m, 60 m and 250-300 m, respectively, at levels of 125, 135 and 145 meters above sea level. Stream flowing meets the latter channel at an angle of 90 degrees in the right wing. In addition to this channel, there is another channel upstream the dam in theright wing.(The Iranian Company for the Development of Water and Power Resources, summer 2002). Weather of the Basin The Karkheh Basin has diverse climatic conditions due to its wide area. KhuzestanPlain and thesouthern part of the basin are semi-arid with mild winters and long hot summers. While the northern and mountainous areas have cold winters and mild summers. The temperature is various ranging from at least minus 25 degrees up to 50 degrees Celsius throughout the year(The Iranian Company for the Development of Water and Power Resources, summer 2002). The average annual rainfall varies between 300 to 800 mm per year in the Karkheh Basin and half of the total rainfall belongs to winter, and before that, the most rainfall is in autumn and spring. The Karkheh Basin belongs to Special Mediterranean climate. The average rainfall annual in the dam areais about 290.6 mm. The highest recorded annual rainfall occurred in the agricultural year 1975-1976. The average temperature inthe dam is 517 Intl. Res. J. Appl. Basic. Sci. Vol., 9 (4), 516-524, 2015 24.6 and the highest and lowest were 53.6 and -4.2 respectively. The average evaporation from the free surface is about 2079mm, and the average humidity is about 45.5% per year. The number of frost is at least 4.5 days per year. The average wind speed is 2.5 meters per second, and the maximum velocity has been observed at the site of the 2/41 feet per second in the direction of the dominant West. The average sunshine is 7/2762 hours per year(The Iranian Company for the Development of Water and Power Resources, summer 2002). Hydrology There are 47 hydrometric stations on the Karkheh River and its main tributaries.The Karkheh basin area is 41,740 square kilometers up to the site from Payepol Station, andthe area between the station and the damaxis is around 63 square kilometers. Given the negligible area between the dam and station, the station results and statistical analysis have been directly applied to the design of the dam. The average annual volume ofthe riveras measured by Payepol Station accountsto 5,916 million cubic meters. The annual long-term average discharge at this station is equivalent to 188 cubic meters per second. The time-based distribution of runoff during the year is very heterogeneous. More than 64 % of the total annual runoff comes in four months from January to May, and the peak runoff isobserved in April(The Iranian Company for the Development of Water and Power Resources, summer 2002). Geology Karkheh Dam is located in the southwestern margin of the folded Zagros Mountains. The hills and heights of the area are made up of the BakhtiarFormation conglomerate and the soft sedimentsof AghajariFormation. The main part of the reservoirandupstream the dam is made up of AghajariFormation that is composed of layers of sandstone and mudstone alternations. On the top, there is a conglomerate layer. The upper part of this formation is Lehberywing that is an alternation of sandstone and mudstone. Thus suitable conditionsare createdfor tables underpressure. Downstream the lake to the dam axis is Bakhtiari conglomerate with weak cement. The study area is located in the Arabic platform. The dam and reservoir are located in the northern part of EmbaymentDalpry. 12. 7 ° is near site tilt of layers 3 and 4 in the extreme lake level. The slopes of the layers are 7-12 degrees in the furthest end of the lake, and 3-4 degrees near the site of dam construction. Since the layer slope is low, and discontinuity is infrequent, no earthquake has been reported at the lake margins.Material fall is possible in the conglomerate folded mounds of the lake but its trend is slow and continuous. This, therefore, will not endanger the security of the hydraulic structures.(The Iranian Company for the Development of Water and Power Resources, summer 2002). Seismicity In terms of seism tectonics, Karkheh Damis one of the most active seismic areas in the state Zagros tectonics of Iran. It has witnessed many severe earthquakes in the pastcausing great fatality and damage. Investigating theseism tectonics of the area around the Karkheh dam is designed to represent the range of potential faults.The Lehbery Fault is the most probable fault in this area pregnant with potential risks. It can create a powerful, severe movement in the Karkheh Dam. The analytical methods and statistical probability were used inthe construction ofKarkhehDam for the purpose of seismic risk analysis. Also, due to special features state Seism tectonics of the Zagros basement faults that do not outcrop on surface, the floating quake model has also been used ( The Iranian Company for the Development of Water and Power Resources, summer 2002). In order to study the seismicity of the project span during the construction, impoundment, and exploitation phases, seismographic and accelerographic networks were built around the construction site. The seismography network of the Karkheh Dam includes five seismographic stations built as symmetrically as possible around the construction site in an expanse with the radius of approximately 25 kilometers. A three-component station is located in the center of system and nearby the construction site. The other four stations are of single component type. They constantly send their information to the system center in a telemetric fashion via a radio transmitter. The data receivedfromthe five stations are analyzed in the main monitoring center of the network. Thus, it is made possible to access,the various parameters of different earthquakes such as center, depth, magnitude and the precise time (The Iranian Company for the Development of Water and Power Resources, summer 2002). The Characteristics of Dam Reservoir (Karkheh Lake) Volume at operation level (elevation 220 m): 8/5346 million cubic meters of sediment Volume at minimum operation level (elevation 160 m): 430 million cubic meters seful volume of the reservoir: 81/3903 million cubic meters (after sedimentation) Non-useful volume of the reservoir: 1,443 million cubic meters 518 Intl. Res. J. Appl. Basic. Sci. Vol., 9 (4), 516-524, 2015 Water level at the time of maximum flood (PMF): 9/230 meters The lake covers an area of 47/162 square km inthe operational levelof 220 meters During the operation level of the lake at 220 meters: 60square km (The Iranian Company for the Development of Water and Power Resources, summer 2002). RESULTS The data used in this study includedthe measurements of microclimatic components at Dezful MeteorologicalStation in a 15 -year period from 1990 to 2005. These microclimaticcomponentsinclude the mean annual temperature, mean maximum and minimum annual temperature, total precipitation, relative humidity, dew point average, average days of rain, dust, storm days and the average annual relative humidity in the regions mentioned. Descriptive information includes the geographic coordinates and natural features of the region. Table 1. Data related to the microclimatic components from 1990 to 2005 at Dezful Meteorological Station Year 1990 1991 1994 1995 1996 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 mean max temperature 32.9 31.5 32.1 32.2 32.9 31.3 33.3 33.4 32.4 33.6 32.5 32.3 32 32.2 Mean Min temperature 14.7 16.3 16.3 15.7 17 16.1 16.7 16.8 16.5 16.5 16.1 17.1 16.8 16.7 mean annual temperature 23.8 23.9 24.2 24 24.9 23.7 25 25.1 24.5 25 24.3 24.7 24.4 24.5 total precipitation 234.7 562 568.1 258.7 425.7 705.7 448.6 530.1 429.7 365.5 390 346 465.6 337.6 dew point average 10 9.9 9.4 9.2 13.6 10.2 11.5 12.5 10.5 11.3 12.1 9.8 9.6 9.3 rain storm Dust 40 61 62 50 63 25 53 41 50 55 58 60 54 45 11 29 33 22 25 56 30 23 19 40 34 41 42 31 148 179 102 78 73 105 50 76 112 46 58 124 94 117 Data classification Since the present study seeks to investigate the microclimatic effects of the Karkheh Dam lake on the surroundingenvironment, the data wereclassified into two categories and based on the year of impoundment of the dam: the first category included the measurement of the microclimaticcomponents in theyears prior to the impoundment of the dam (the statistical years of 1990-1998). The second category consisted of the measurement of microclimatic components in theyears following theimpoundment (1999-2005). The results aregiven in Tables 2 and 3. Table 2. The measurements of climaticcomponentsin theyears prior to the impoundment of the dam (1990-1998) Year 1990 1991 1994 1995 1996 1996 1997 1998 mean max temperature 32.9 31.5 32.1 32.2 32.9 31.3 33.3 32.31 Mean Min temperature 14.7 16.3 16.3 15.7 17 16.1 16.7 16.11 mean annual temperature 23.8 23.9 24.2 24 24.9 23.7 25 24.21 total precipitation 234.7 562 568.1 258.7 425.7 705.7 448.6 457.64 dew point average 10 9.9 9.4 9.2 13.6 10.2 11.5 10.54 rain storm Dust 40 61 62 50 63 25 53 50.57 11 29 33 22 25 56 30 29.42 148 179 102 78 73 105 50 105 Table 3. The measurements of climatic components in the years following the impoundment of the dam (1999-2005) Year 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Mean mean max temperature 33.4 32.4 33.6 32.5 32.3 32 32.2 32.63 Mean Min temperature 16.8 16.5 16.5 16.1 17.1 16.8 16.7 16.64 mean annual temperature 25.1 24.5 25 24.3 24.7 24.4 24.5 24.64 total precipitation 530.1 429.7 365.5 390 346 465.5 337.6 409.21 dew point average 12.5 10.5 11.3 12.1 9.8 9.6 9.3 10.72 rain storm Dust 41 50 55 58 60 54 45 51.85 23 19 40 34 41 42 31 32.85 76 112 46 58 124 94 117 89.57 519 Intl. Res. J. Appl. Basic. Sci. Vol., 9 (4), 516-524, 2015 Data Analysis In order to analyze data, the Excel software 2003 was used. This software is applied to provide the comparative figures of climaticcomponents such as relative humidity, total annual precipitation, annual temperature, frost days, and rainy days per year. Also, the SPSS software, version 14 was used to calculate the statistical parameters such as variance, mean and standard deviation. In analyzing the data in two categories before and after impoundment, the mean of each componentwas calculated for the microclimaticcomponents inthe two categories. Thensome graphsweredrawn to compare the data of thetwo categories. The graphs are represented as follows: Graph 1.A comparison of the mean of total annual raining before and after the impoundment 24.7 24.6 24.5 میانگین دماساالنه 24.4 24.3 24.2 24.1 24 23.9 متوسط دماساالنه 1369-1377 1378-1384 24.21 24.64 بازه زمانی Graph 2.A comparison of the mean of the average annual temperature before and after the impoundment 51 50 %مقدارمتوسط نم نسبی ساالنه 49 48 47 46 45 % متوسط نم نسبی 1369-1377 1378-1384 47.05 50.51 بازه زمانی Graph.3.A comparison of the mean of the annual relative humidity before and after theimpoundment 10.75 10.7 )c(مقدارمتوسط نقطه شبنم 10.65 10.6 10.55 10.5 10.45 )c(نقطه شبنم 1369-1377 1378-1384 10.54 10.72 بازه زمانی 520 Intl. Res. J. Appl. Basic. Sci. Vol., 9 (4), 516-524, 2015 Graph 4.A comparison of the mean of the average dew point before and after theimpoundment 52 مجموع روزهای بارش ساالنه 51.5 51 50.5 50 49.5 1369-1377 روزهای بارندگی 1378-1384 50.57 51.85 بازه زمانی Graph 5. A comparison of the mean of the days with precipitation before and after the impoundment 34 33 مجموع روزهای بارندگی 32 31 30 29 28 27 روزطوفانی 1369-1377 1378-1384 29.42 32.85 بازه زمانی Graph 6.A comparison of the mean of the days with storm before and afterthe impoundment 110 105 متوسط روزهای گردوغباری ساالنه 100 95 90 85 80 روزگردوغبار 1369-1377 1378-1384 105 89.57 بازه زمانی *The statistical parameters of climaticcomponents in theyears prior to the impoundment (1990-1998) 521 Intl. Res. J. Appl. Basic. Sci. Vol., 9 (4), 516-524, 2015 Table 4. The statistical parameters of microclimatic data in theyears before theimpoundment (1990-1998) Climatic component Min temperature Max temperature Average temperature Relative humidity Total precipitation Dew point Rain days Storm days Dust days Mean 16.11 32.31 24.21 47.05 457.64 10.54 50.57 29.42 105 Variance 39.3 44.33 0.278 83.45 29168 2.366 194 189 2019 Std. 6.269 6.658 0.527 9.135 170.79 1.538 13.09 13.7 44.93 Variability coefficient 0.3349 0.224 0.0217 0.1941 0.373 0.1459 0.2756 0.4671 0.4279 *The statistical parameters of climaticcomponentsin the yearsfollowing impoundment (1999-2005) Table 5. The statistical parametersof microclimatic data in years after theimpoundment (1999-2005) Climatic component Min temperature Max temperature Average temperature Relative humidity Total precipitation Dew point Rain days Storm days Dust days Mean 16.64 32.63 24.64 50.51 409.21 10.72 51.85 32.85 89.57 Variance 0.099 0.38 0.092 8.56 4936.2 1.59 47.8 923.3 0.099 Std. 0.315 0.16 0.304 2.92 70.258 1.263 6.91 30.39 0.315 Variability coefficient 0.01896 0.01895 0.012 0.57 0.171 0.117 0.133 0.339 0.018 CONCLUSION Based on the results, and statistical figures, the reliabilitylevel of 95% and 5% error probability, the following results were obtained: The mean number of the storm days in years beforethe impoundmentwas 29.42 day per year with the variability of 0.46. This parameter increases 32.85 day in the years after theimpoundment with the variability coefficient of 0.276. Average total days of rain in the days prior to flooding by a factor of 50.57 to the 51.58 days. Variability 27/0 increases inthe years after impoundment reaching 0.133. As the rainfall follows the general cycling of atmosphere, the rainfall graph increases slightly. Average number of stormy days was 42/29 days prior to the impoundment with the co variability coefficient of 46/0. This increases inthe years afterthe impoundment of the dam lake to 32.85 with the variability coefficientof 0.276. Average dew point in time prior to the impoundment of thelake changed from 10/54 ° C with the variability coefficient of 0.146 to 10/72 ° C with a variability coefficient of 0.117 inthe yearsfollowing the impoundment. The mean annual relative humidity through years of impoundment of the dam (47 / 055 %) with a variability coefficientof 0.194reaches (50/51 %) withthe variability coefficient of 0.057. The average annual temperaturewas 24/64 C ° with the variability coefficient of 0.021before the impoundment of the dam lake but it reached 21/24 C ° with the variability coefficient of 0.12 in the years following the impoundment. With regard to the mean annual rainfall in the period before and after the impoundment of KarkhehDam, the mean of annual rainfall beforethe impoundment was 457.64 mm with the variability coefficient of 0.373 with a coefficient of variability. In the years after the impoundment of the dam lake, this declined to409.12 mm with the variability coefficient of 0.171. The interpretation of the above graphs and tables gives us the information on changes in the microclimaticcomponents such as increase in the annual average temperature, relative humidity, dew point, and rainfall associated with the storm days and decrease in the climaticcomponents such as annual precipitation and days with dust in the period after impoundment of the dam lake. In addition, according to the results of climaticcomponents in two times-before and afterthe impoundment, the variability of all components has declined inthe yearsafter theimpoundment. It seems that the geographical variability of climatic components has decreased after impoundment, and the stability of climatic components has increased, also the microclimatic conditions has caused the stability of the changes of climate elements in this time interval. 522 Intl. Res. J. Appl. Basic. Sci. Vol., 9 (4), 516-524, 2015 As the climate is considered as one of the most important environmental factors frequently affecting the conditions, so the role of environmental factors cannot be ignored in different plans. The microclimate of Karkheh Dam hascaused increases and decreases in the climaticcomponents ofthe environment. Suggestions Quick investments and the selection of plan and projects that enhance the environment, including its impact on the climate. Plans to care and cleanse and correct natural landscapes surrounding the damwith rational utilization. Further exploitation of surface water through the river water control. Training farmers to protect the lake and prevent possible damage and contamination of the lake. The prevention of forest and bush lands. The forest and bush lands are excessively exploited every year due to agricultural development in the Karkheh and excessive grazing, which annually decreases their area and coverage. Maintaining theses resources can enhance the refreshment of air. Creation of recreational sites around the laketaking the local conditions into account. Reconstruction of roads leading to the lake and addressing the cost of transportation of tourists. Prevent grazing in the mountains and hillsfor the purpose of watershed protection, these watersheds are effective in the maintenance of the microclimate of the region. Paying attention to ecotourism and environmental issues. 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