Summer1996 Bcrklec to y A Forumfor Conte~mpor~zry Musicand Musicians 14 19 AIf Clausen ’1~;6: Theinsidestory on scoringthe hil: series "TheSimpsons" Windsof CDprice increase up ahead? SUMMER ¯ 1996 VOLUME ¯ VIII NUMBER ¯ 1 Contents LEADSHEETby David Mash. BERKLEEBEAT Honorary degrees for Pat Methenyand Patti LaBelle, new trustees, Bill Bresnahanprofile, faculty notes, visiting artists, and more ON THE COVER:Composer Alf Clausen ’66 speaks about scoring "The Simpsons." Story begins on page 14. Cover photo by Jim Hagopian. AGAINSTALL ODDSbyJulie Pampinella Record numbers of internatonal students come to Berklee each year; some have sacrificed much for the opportunity . 12 PRIMETIME TUNES by Mark L. Small ’73 Composer Alf Clausen ’66: An inside view from one of Hollywood’s top TV composers 14 WINDSOF CHANGE by Peter Alhadeff Recent U.S. music consumption and pricing patterns indicate an industry-wide reorientation maybe on the horizon. 19 OTHERDOMINANTS by Jeff Friedman 79 Alternate approaches to dominant chord substitutions 22 ALUM NOTES News, quotes, and recordings CODA:by Anna Tonsinskaya Music and Freedom of note ........ 24 ’87 36 LEAD SHEET Berklce t o d ay A Publication of the Officeof Institutional Advancement Editor MarkL Small’73 Copy Editor Stephen Melisi EditorialBoard A New Challenge David Mash "76 RobHayes Director of Public Information JudithLucas Director of Publications Lawrence McClellan Jr. Dean, Professional Education Division LarryMonroe ’70 Associate VicePresident for International Programs I:)onaldPuluse Dean, MusicTechnology Division Joseph Smith ’75 Dean, Professional Writing Division Officeof Institutional Advancement John Collins VicePresident for Institutional Advancement MarjorieO’Malley Director of Development Beverly Tryon ’82 Director of Corporate Relations PeterGordon ’78 Director of theBerklee Center inLosAngeles SarahBodge Assistant Directorof Development for Alumni Relations ChickaOkamoto Assistant to theVicePresident for Institutional Advancement As the alumni-oriented music magazine of Berklee College of Music, Berklee today is dedicated to informing, enriching, and serving the extended Berklee community. By sharing information of benefit to alumni about college matters, music industry issues and events, alumni activities and accomplishments, and musical topics of interest, Berklee today serves as both a valuable forum for our family throughout the world and an important source of commentary on contemporary music. Berklee today (ISSN1052-3839)is publishedthree times a year by the BerkleeCollegeof MusicOffice of Institutional Advancement.All contents ©1996by Berklee College of Music. Sendall addresschanges,pressreleases, letters to the editor,and advertising inquiries to Berklee today, Box333, BerkleeCollege of Music,1140Boylston Street, Boston, MA02215-3693, (617) 266-1400,extension 325. Alumniare invited to mail in details of activities suitable for feature coverage.Unsolicited submissionsaccepted. 2 Berkleetoday ~’~ ome of you reading this may knowme from when wewere ..students (1973-76--I was a composition major and guitarist), or from whenI was a teacher (1975-83--harmony, arranging, ensembles, and ear training), or from my days as Music Synthesis Departmentchair (1984-89), or from morerecent days as assistant dean of curriculumfor academictechnology. AsI write this article, I havea newrole as vice president for informationtechnology. Embarkingon this newchallenge, I looked around to see howmuchtechnologyhas changedour lives over the past 15 years--as musiciansand as citizens in society. Innovationssuch as the compactdisc, desktopmultitrack digital recorders, MIDI,digital samplers,affordablekeyboard workstations,MIDIwind,string, guitar, bass, and percussion controllers, and personal computers have changedhowwecreate, perform, produce, and distribute our music.Faxmachines,cellular phones,personalpagers, personal computers,the internet andworld wideweb, and electronic mail have changedhowweaccess information andcommunicate with one another. In 1945LawrenceBerk set out to create a newtype of school to focus on contemporarymusic and prepare studentsto face the challengesof the fast-pacedmusicprofession. Hewantedto build a school whichwouldnot only be different, but better. Hehas beenquotedas sayingthat "each September,wenot only start a newyear--westart a newschool!" I keepthis in mindalways. AsI begin mynewrole, I look to waystechnologycan serve us as wec, ontinueeachyearto create a newBerklee, a differentandbetter Berklee.Weseek to enablestudents, faculty, andstaff to better communicate with one another, andto providegreater access to educationalresourcesfor supporting students through their journey to Berklee, their studentyears, their professionallife, andas members of the Berklee alumni community. For those whoare online, I invite youto visit our world wide website at and to send email to meat [email protected]. Let’s participate in continueddialog, and discuss howwecan better take advantageof technologyto serve our goals of building a connected,online Berkleecommunity of active musicians, life-longlearners, friends, andcolleagues. Theseare excitingtimesto be alive, andI feel fortunate to have the opportunity to contribute to the continued growthand successof the college. Summer 1996 Berklee b e a t METHENYAND "Release Yourself," "Lady and "When LABELLE HONOREDMarmalade," You’veBeen Blessed." The on Hollywood’s "Walk of Fame," a Grammyaward, and the Congressional This year’s academic cal- song choices celebrating Black Caucus medal. He endar cameto a close on a Pat Metheny’s work also praised her untiring high note for Berklee’s includedearly tunes suchas efforts for a widerange of Class of 1996with a com- "Phase Dance," and later charitable organizations: N~’ of not8 mencementweekend hon- entries like "John McKee" Nine-time-Grammy oring vocalist Patti LaBelle and "Minuano." A high winner Pat Metheny was from about and guitarist/composerPat point was a string quartet introduced by President Metheny. Their achieve- rendition of Metheny’s Berk as one who has town and ments were celebrated at song "Jaco." It featured "reshapedthe voice of jazz the May11 commencement brilliant passageworkand’ guitar," andadded"vibrant, around the concert and again on soloing by violinists Evan imaginative, and enduring Sunday,May12, whenthey Price and Felipe de Souza, contributions to the jazz world each received honorary andviolist ValentinGregor, repertoire." doctor of musicdegrees. and energetic walkingbass Among the personal For the concert, lines from cellist Ina reflections Methenyshared Berklee’s Yo Team Kemmerzehl. with graduates as the comProductions staff and 31 After the concert, Pat mencementspeaker, was student singers andinstru- Methenysaid, "It is an this insight, that "perhaps mentalists (all but seven incredible honor to be the most important comwere graduating seniors) invited to return in this mitmentyou can makeis to presented a tribute to the capacity.It is a little over- the music fan that lives music of LaBelle and whelmingbecause it does- inside of you. Find out just Metheny.Selections from n’t seem that long ago-- whatit is about musicthat Patti LaBelle’sspectacular although it has been 22 knocksyouout. In that dis35-year career included years now--sinceI taught covery,you’ll find mostof at Berklee. Whateverthe what you need to knowto vibeit is that is the Berklee take you wherever you thing has traveled well over needto go." the decades. It is hard to Summingup the weekknowwhatto say about: the end’s events afterwards, musicaltribute. It is so rare Patti LaBellestated: "I’ve to hear mymusicplayed by beeninvolved in manyceranybodyelse. Thosetunes emonies, but never anyare sucha part of me,it was thing like this--I have an unbelievable experience neverreceived a doctorate. just to sit there and hear That is something most everybodyplaying them." people will never experiAt the commencement ence. It is very special. My ceremony, President Berk family members flew up chronicled Patti LaBelle’s from Georgia and other successful career and the parts of the country to be Honorees Patti LaBelleandPat Metheny withPresident many awards she has here today. This is an honor Berk.Metheny wasthe 1996commencement speaker. received--including a star I won’ttake for granted." Summer 1996 Berklee today 3 A 13ERKLEE SAILUTETOTHEARTISTRYOF MILT HINTON Jazz bassist Milt Hinton, who has taken nearly 40,000 photographs of fellow musicians since the mid-1930s, brought some of his best pictures to Boston in February for an exhibit sponsored by Berklee. The exhibit was part of Berklee’s Black Music Celebration during this 50th anniversary year. Thirty-six photographs hung in the Oliver Roomat the Massachusetts Historical Society until the exhibit closed on March1. On February 13, the 85year-old Hinton traveled to Boston from his NewYork City hometo give a slide presentation of his photographs and to receive an honorary doctor of music degree from Berklee. The evening ended with a gallery reception and viewing with Hinton. Nearly 100 people attended the evening’s events at the Massachusetts Historical Society, including Berklee students, alnmhi, faculty, staff, trustees, directors of the Historical Society, media representatives, and jazz fans fi~om around the city. Also in attendance were Hinton’s wife Mona, and David Berger and Holly Maxson, whohave collaborated with Hinton in organizing his photograph collection and in publishing his two books of photographs. "Milt Hinton continues to be an inspiration as a musician, educator, and photographer," President Lee Eliot Berk said in his remarks before conferring the degree upon Hinton. Amongthe photographs Hinton discussed during his slide presentation were images of a forlorn Billie Holiday during her final recording session, a picture of Branford and Wynton Marsalis as teenagers, and a group shot of Hinton’s favorite bass players. The octogenarian Hinton began working as a freelance musician in the late 1920s, and has performed with a long list of jazz greats, including Art Tatum, Cab Calloway, Dizzy Gillespie, Ben Webster, Billie Holiday, Coleman Hawkins, Duke Ellington, John Coltrane, and Count Basle, to namea installed at the Historical few. He has also performed Society building, and overwith contemporary artists saw the organization of the such as Paul McCarmey, event. Branford Marsalis, and vocalists Barbara St> eisand and Bette Midler. Trustee Rod Nordell suggested the idea of bringing the Milt Hinton photographic collection to Berklee as a 50th anniverevent. sary Susan Mrs. Berk made all arrangements to have the Milt Hintondiscusses his photoswith fellow bassistFabianBausch ’96. photo exhibit Yo~ur Source for the Fizzest Nazues in Brass ;~ YVoodwinds ¯ All Major BrandsNew,Used& Vintage ¯ Full Line of Accessories ¯ Trade-Ins Accepted ¯ WeBuy UsedInstruments ¯ CompleteRepairs & Restoration -Expert Consultation ¯ WeShip WoddWide MusicalIn~,’truments The "Hubof Musicin Boston" 263 Huntington Avenue Boston, MA02115 Tel. (617);266-4727 FAX (617) 266-1517 Next to Symphony Hail Bassistandphotograpl~er Milt Hinton(right) withLeeEliot Berkafter HintonreceivedBerklee’shonorary doctorate. 4 Berklee today Contact: Lee WalkowichClass of ’81 Summer 1996 ZILDJIANANDCOFFEY JOIN BOARD OF TRUSTEES Craigie Zildjian William M. Davis, chair of Berklee’s board of trustees announcedin March,the appointment of Craigie Zildjian, North Americangeneral managerof the AvedisZildjian Company, and Jack Coffey, president of CoffeyMusic Company, to the boardof trustees. In welcoming the newtrustees, Berklee President Lee Eliot Berk stated, "Weare pleasedthat these two individuals whohave demonstrated such long-standingdedication to the future of musiceducation haveagreed to join our Board of Trustees. As welook towardthe next50 yearsof the life of our college, weare thrilled to add such accomplishedmembersto our governance body." Vice Chair of the Board at Zildjian, Craigie was also named North Americangeneral manager of the companyin 1995. She has demonstrated a lengthy commitmentto musiceducationby initiating various musicscholarship programs,includinga scholarshipfund at Berklee in the memoryof her grandfather, company founder AvedisZildjian. Additionally, she has workedwith Bostonmusiceducators to help launch Zildjian’s Inner City Program,offering percussionclinics to Boston-areahigh schooland middleschoolstudents. Zildjianearneda master’sin education from BostonUniversity, an M.S. in personnel and human resource management from Summer 1996 JackCoffey AmericanUniversity, and has studied guitar andpiano. Jack Coffey,president of Coffey Music Company in Norwood, MA,has a long history of supporting music education. A former president of the National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM), he currently serves the boardof directors for both the AmericanMusic Conference, and the NationalAssociationof School MusicDealers. Coffeyis a trustee of the Foundation for the Advancement of Education in Music, and an active memberof organizanons such as the MassachusettsCoalition for Music Education, the International Associationof Jazz Educators,the National Band Association, and the Music Educators National Conference.Coffey is a trombonist and a graduate of Boston University’s School of Management. Board chair Davis also announcedthat long-time Berklee trustees Arif Mardinand Armand Zildjian will now join Quincy Jones ’51 and industrialist Genko Uchidaon the college’s Boardof Overseers. Mardin,vice president of Atlantic RecordingStudios, has served on Berklee’s board of trustees since 1984. Armand Zildjian, father of Craig[e, and chair of the Avedis Zildjian Company, has served on the board since 1984. MOORHEAD TO CHAIR SYNI"H DEPARTMENT After an extensive search for a newchair for the MusicSynthesis Department, Jan Moorhead has been namedthe department’s new head. Hebrings to the post a diverse experiencefromhis workas a musician, composer,educator, and as a director of creative services in the multimediaindustry. Moorhead grew up in the Detroit area and earned his undergraduate degree in music from Michigan State University. He movedto Los Angelesin 1977. He worked,extensivelyas a jazz bass[st there, performingwith artists such as Eddie Harris, PonchoSanchez, Nat Adderley, ShermanFerguson, and others. Healso operatedPulse Music--a music production company wherehe created soundtracks for video, CD-ROM, multiscreen slide shows,andother projects. Hereceived his master’s degree in ethnomusicology fromCalifornia State Universityat LongBeach,and pursued[further post-graduatestudies in electronics andprogramming. He served as a faculty memberat California State University at Dominguez Hills and at Long Beach City College, where his duties included teaching jazz improvisation, bass and guitar, MIDI,musicbusiness, and directing ensembles. Moorhead has frequently pennedtechnology-relatedarticles for Db,ElectronicMusician,Start, and other magazines.Beforecoming to Berklee,he servedas director of creativeservicesat Dynamix, a division of Sierra On-Line,the largest producerof entertainmentsoftware for the PC. Hestates, "I’mdelightedto come to Berkleeat a time whendramatic changes are taking place. The department is particularlyinterested in helping implementthe college’s goal of effectiveandappropriateuse of technologyin education.Berklee is a change from the corporate world of multimediadevelopment. Theopen and creative atmospherehereis a real pleasure." Berklee t o day 5 Video and Audio Clips Berklee is will now available have about application for majors, student Berklee picture, grow over time, via the World Wide Web. The initial the college, admission. life, and allow Included in the site and performance through interviews as resources them to query expand, is information There are also sound clips to make room for intended the Admissions is background opportunities. and short site to answer questions Department on the college’s video and audio files of college-produced a variety for of other interest that potential more information, mission, that recordings. areas. faculty, help to fill The site students and/or an facilities, in the whole is expected Check us out at... to THEGUITARS OFSUMMER For this year’s Berklee Summer Guitar Sessions, guitar faculty will offer two weeksof intensive guitar instruction on both the East and West coasts. The L.A. session will July 21-27. Sessions will be held on the campus of ClaremontMcKennaCollege, in Claremont, California. The Boston sessions will begin August 18 and wrap-up Saturday, August 23. Each day will be filled with instruction on a range of topics. Fretboard harmony classes cover scales, modes, and chord ~, voicings. Style work- . shops will explore~ blues, jazz, rock, ~ metal and fusion ~.2 guitar styles. ~ Ensemble work~ shops will pair gui- ~ tarists with top area ~ bassists and drummersto rehearse for a concert performance at the end of the week. Clinics and concerts by faculty as well as guest artists are scheduled throughout the week. Past guest artists have included Abercrombie, John Michael Fath, Ben and Carl Monder, Fender’s1995scholar.~hip winnerswith Fender Verheyen. representative George Blodgett (center). Tuitionis $425 ($375 Fender is a major sponsor of the 1996 sessions. for alumni). Roomand -boardcost is $200. The registration deadline for Additional housing information will be sent ut~on receipt of a the L.A. sessions is June 28, for completed registration torm. the Boston sessions, the deadline The Berklee Summer Guitar is July 31. For further information Sessions are directed toward electric call (617) 266-1400extension 619, guitarists of all ages. Participants 511, or 2.94. The fax number is must be at least 15 years old. (617) 375.-9228. give perspective. VALUEOF ENDOWMENT The size of the endowment of a college is often seen as a measureof the quality of the institution because of the flexibility it provides to meet college needs---crises or opportunities. In a way, an endowmentis an insurancepolicy for a college’s future. Berklee’s endowmentwas created by gifts and funds generated within the college and the reinvestment of income earned by our funds since 1945. A Boston Globe article noted Berklee’s endowment had the best growth amongNewEngland colleges. Berklee’s conservative policy of spending from endowment, established by our trustees, allows for spending up to three percent of market value each year. This is belowthe four to five percent spending average of manycolleges. It is required to provide for real endowment growth beyond inflation in these relatively early years of our college’s life until external giving sources can provide that neededincrease. Manythink that because our $70 million endowment is relatively large and well managed, we do not need contributions. The following may Summer 1996 In 1995, Harvard’s improvefinancial aid amidfederal cutper-student endowment was backs, meet newstaffing needs to sup$393,514, Berklee’s was $28,478. port academic technology, and cover Berldee’s ranked 172nd in a national maintenancecosts of newfacilities. survey of the endowmentsof 308 priBerklee has remained strong in a vately funded colleges. Our endow- period of demographic declines in ment is about the average amountfor potential students. Because of our a collegeBerklee’ssize. attractive contemporary music proBecause the endowment has so grams, we are well positioned to manydemands upon it, Berklee must increase enrollment as demographic seek alumni, parent, corporate, and and economic conditions improve. foundation support. Overall donor Our investments are solid. Thoughwe support at Berkleeis far belowthat at have used endowmentreturns to meet most colleges (less than twopercent of operating budgets, those amountshave total revenues). As a young school been modest. Increasing the endowwith many international alumni, we ment through institutional advancedo not have a long tradition of exter- mentefforts will enable us to increase nal giving. Therefore, we must contin- endowmentspending on scholarships ue to allow for a portion of the return and. capital improvements. from the endowmentto be reinvested Thanks to Berklee’s strong endowto provide for Berklee’s future needs. ment, we are not asking our donors to Presently, we are making many giw.~ to charity, but rather to invest in improvements to the college which music education. This will keep the have been paid for by borrowing. college strong and enable us continue Total outstanding debt is approxito prepare talented, innovative stumately$21 million, and is projected to dents for successful careers in music. reach $45 million in comingyears as This will :further increase the value of we complete facility upgrades, wiring a Berklee education for past and campusnetworks, and keep pace with future generations. contemporary music and educational technology. The debt is repaid from --DaveHornfischer, Vice President for operating funds while we try to: Administration and Financeand Treasurer Berklee today 7 THEMASTER’S PROGRAM TWOYEARS LATER Berklee’sfirst foray into graduate education, the cooperativemaster of musicdegreein jazz studies, started twoyears ago andthe first graduates of the programhave received their degrees. Berklee entered into this agreement with the Boston Conservatory during the 1993-94 schoolyear andthe first twostudents entered jazz performancecourses in the fall of 1994.Bythe fall of 1995, offerings expandedto include two other options--jazz compositionand jazz pedagogy--andenrollment grew to 10 students. AlthoughBerkleeplays an assisting role in this program(under the current charter, the college cannot grant graduatedegrees),there are distinct benefits derived from this arrangement.Half of the 32 required credits are taught byBerkleefaculty. The conservatory awards credit, maintainsstudent records, andissues the degreeitself, androundsout the curriculum by offering courses in their areaof specialization. Graduatetraining has alwaysbeen a doorwayto teaching in post-secondary institutions. While most Americanuniversities require the doctoral degree for full-time employment, manycommunitycolleges hire full-time instructors with a master’s degree. Aswell, recent specifications by the Massachusetts Departmentof Education state that K-12 teachers should have a master’s degree for standardcertification. In the cooperativeBerklee-Boston Conservatorygraduate program, the composition emphasis expands the student’sstrengthsin jazz writingar~d related topics of formand orchestration. Throughinstruction in traditional andjazz composition,the sindents refine their skills to develop, evaluate, edit, and orchestrate their musical ideas. The pedagogyemphasis providesthe studentwiththe skills necessaryto teachin a variety of areas withina schoolor collegejazz studies program.There is special focus on developing strengths in arranging, performance, improvisation, al~d teaching methods. The performance emphasisincreases students’ performanceskills throughprivate lessons, improvisation, and ensembleexperiences. Thecurriculumprepares graduates for professionalperformance ;as well as teachingpositions related to jazz performance. Applicationfor admissionis made first to the Boston Conservatory. Berkleeadmissionspanels consisting of faculty and administrators then reviewa candidate’s materials. Some financial assistanceis available from both institutions. For informationon application requirementsand financial assistance, call either Officeof Admission. The phone number for the Boston Conservatory is (617) 536-6340,extension116; for Berklee, (800) 421-0084. --Bob Myers, Associate VP for AcademicAffairs~Curriculum PianistTony DeBIois, a blind,autistic,musical savant, received his performance diploma in May.CBS-TV is planning a movie about his life’s story. 8 Berklee t oda y KAOINFOSYSTEMS FUNDSSCHOLARSHIP Kao Infosystems Company of Plymouth, MA,a leading manufacturerof CDs,recently established a $10,000endowed scholarship at Berklee. The Kaoscholarship will. benefit students pursuing multimedia course work within the Music TechnologyDivision. In conjunction, Berklee is workingwith Kaoto produce a CDCROM project showcasing various careers in multimedia titled "Virtual Vocations."The project, whichis scheduledfor completion this summer,combines the musicaltalents of students enrolled in Berklee’s interactive multimedia class with the multimediaauthoring skills of Berklee’sdigital media developmentemployees. Kao’s Director of Human Resources,Bill Grovetant,has found the collaboration to have manybenefits. "Kao’spartnership with Berklee has allowed us to create a quality product by tappinginto the creative talent and multimedia acumen which you don’t find at many colleges," he said. "Weare very excited about working with Berklee, and we are pleased that the Kaoscholarship will support continued student involvementwith multmedia." Doug Roerden, media development specialist at Berklee,expressedsimiliar sentiments: "The CD-ROM offers our students a tool for practical training in multimedia, and will provide an excellent introduction to new careers in newmediafor high schoolandcollege students." Berklee’s partnership with Kao Infosystems began in the fall of 1995whenthe company madea gift to the college of 5,000 CDsto be packagedwith the college’s history, Berklee: TheFirst Fifty Years. Summer 1996 GOIN"UPCOUNTRY Bres was looking for more structure in his guitar studies whenhe ran into Bill Leavitt and was impressed watchinghim read throughparts at a bandrehearsal. Lawrence Berk later brought Leavitt onto the Berkleefaculty. In his years of study with Leavitt, not only did Bresfind the structure he wasseeking, but he wasalso introducedto the Boston music scene. Hewent to all the clubs whereLeavitt playedto listen andlearn. Leavitt got Breshis first club gig backingup singers. WhenLeavitt becamethe chairman of Berklee’s Guitar Department,Bres was one of the first instructorshe hired. Bres can look back on a long and rich teaching and performing career. His musical path has led him to becomeacquainted with someof the finest players in the business. He and the late Wes Montgomery became good friends. Oneof his fondest memories is of a dayin a local clubwhen WesMontgomery said to him, "I wantyou to go up and play a couple of tunes for mybirthday."Bres went up and sat in with Montgomery’srhythm section, including the great WyntonKelly. Lookingback on his years at Berklee,Bresstates, "It seemslike it went by very fast--until the final weeks.Thenit was kind of like the week before Christmas whenyou are a kid." Bres looks forwardto life at his newhomein NewHampshire where he plans to pursuehis manyother interests like running,hiking,target shooting (he saysit’s great for developing focus), expanding his laser disc collection, and learning more aboutanimalrights. Berklee has been fortunate to have a teacher like Bres for the past quarter of a century, passing on the rich heritage of jazz guitar to newgenerationsof guitar stu~ dents. --Steve Carter ’80 Bill Bresnahan: ABill LeavittproAssociateProfesso~Guitar tege,retiringafter25years. WhenBill Bresnahan reaches over to pick up the guitar, you knowyou’re going to hear what he calls "a little pieceof business," a finely polishedjazz gem,played with subtlety and swing. His goal as a teacher has always been to pass on these gemsand tips he pickedup fromthe masters. After 25 years of teachingfor Berklee’s Guitar Department,Bres (as he is fondly knownby his peers and students)retired in May. Bres attended the original Schillinger Housein the 1950son the G.I. Bill. Theentire student body at the time numberedabout forty, and he was one of only two guitar studentsat the schoolstudying with TedSimonelli. There was only one big band at the school then, but there wasalso a "combo ensemble." Bres remembersthat the teacher, Pete Cutler--who could play in 7/8 time while talking-would sit at the piano surroundedby students. Eachstudent wouldtake a turn soloing. Bres remembersthat as he took his turn, he thought he wasdoing okay,but after hearinga tape of the session, his perspective changed. "God protects us from knowing how badly we play," he says. "WhenI heard the tape I was shocked!" Cutler’s encouraging assessment was simply, "So you just haveto practice." Summer 1996 Jerry Bergonzi I I11,11~11 I~’~1 ;ilDi’Il,l:t I [~1~|1:1;I I :!,1 VOL, 2 "PENTATONICS’ (124 page book w/CD) $ 29.95 Manyof the great modern players have pentatonics at their command and melodic disposal. The book orovides a practical yet creative approachto assimilating pentatonics into your melodic musical reservoir. Theauthor has taught this methodover manyyears and it has proven ~o be very successful. Chordchanges are included for C Concert, B~ and E~, instruments. The accompanyingrecording has been design.ed for use in conjunction with the text. Thereare 18 tunes for you to play along with, featuring Renato Chicco on piano, Dave Santoro on bass and AdamNussbaumon drums, plus eight demonstration tracks performed by the author on tenor sax. also available VOL. IL "MELODIC STRUCTURES" A step by step methodfor learning to play over chord changes. (96 page book w/CD) $ 29.95 -fhe system presented in this volumeprovides a tangible pathwayto inside the creative imagination by getting inside harmony,inside the changes. There are nine tunes to play along with, each played at a slow and then mediumtempo, plus 12 demonstration tracks performed by the author on piano and/or tenor saxophone. Chord changes and examples are transposed for all instruments. "MELODIC STRUCTURES" (VHS-Video) $ 49.95 11 lessons with master teacher/saxophonist Jerry Bergonzi, based on his above method. Published by ADVANCE MUSIC Available from your favorite music supplier or directly from the publisher: ADVANCEMUSIC Maierackerstr. 18. 72108 Rottenburg N. Germany Phone: 07472 - 1832 ¯ Fax: 07472 - 24621 GALACELEBRATION... On Saturday evening, October 19, Berklee will celebrate the second annual Encore Gala at the Harvard Club of Boston. Twenty top faculty and student ensembles will present performances in a range of contemporary musical styles--jazz, gospel, blues, rock, big band, reggae, bluegrass, and more-in eight nightclub settings. A silent auction featuring treasures ranging from autographed guitars to one-ofa-kind works of art will go on throughout the evening. Last year’s gala raised over $100,000, with proceeds benefiting the Berklee City Music (BCM)program, a programwhich assists at-risk Boston youth. BCMreinforces the college potential of talented Boston high school students through the summer performance program and year-round mentoring. For sponsorship opportunities, call Director of Corporate Relations Beverly Tryon, at (617) 366-1400, extension 660. INCREASEINCOMEAND REDUCE TAXES The Berklee Plan can help you reduce income taxes, capital gains taxes, gift and estate taxes. Howdoes it work? You transfer assets to Berklee for free professional management. You will then receive incomefor life, and the college owns the assets. Youreduce tax on capital gains and can claim a 1996 charitable deduction. For information on the plan, call Vice President of Institutional AdvancementJohn Collins at (617) 266-1400, extension 450. 10 Berklee today FACULTY NOTES Percussionist Victor Mendoz.a Lewis Nash on drums. participated in the opening of the Trombonist TomPlsek, and International Percussion Weekin bassist JohnVoigt performed in Mexico, and conducted several "Cage for Trombone," a concert clinics. presented by the Mobius Artist SaxophonistBill Pierce’s latest Group featuring music by comCDEpistrophy is on the Evidence poser John Cage. label. The disc includes one Pierce Berklee’s Vice President of original, and tunes by Thelonious Administration DaveHornfischer Monk,Sonny Rollins, and pianist and his wife Elsa cowrote Mother Donald Brown. KnewBest: Wit and Wisdom from Composer Thomas McGah the Mornsof Celebrities for the received a commission from the Penguin/Plume publishing comMassachusetts Cultural Council to pany. Featured are words from the write a composition for the mothers of Sting, Duke Ellington, Concord Band. "Reflections of George Gershwin, Van Cliburn, Emerson," based on the writings Dolly Parton, and 96 other rooms. of Ralph Waldo Emerson and Guitarist Leo Quintet0released scored for concert band with nar- the CDNothing Serious, featuring rator was premiered in March. five of his pieces. Bassist Oscar Guitarist DanB0wdenhas tranStagnar0is also on the disc. scribed the work of blues great DrummerSkip Haddenreceived Fred McDowell for a book pub- a service to music education award lished by Mel Bay Publications from the Polish National Ministry entitled Fred McDowelhThe Voice of Culture for his efforts over the of Mississippi Delta Blues Guitar. past 10 years in affiliation with DeannaKidd received an award Poland’s Jazz Society. marking 20 years of service in Trombonist Hal Crook headmusic education at the March 4 lined a March 11 concert backed Womenin Music Event. by guitarist Mick Goodrick ’69 RobinCoxe-Yeldham received an and drummer Paul Motian to a award recognizing her 20-year packed Berklee Performance career and her contributions as a Center. The event was sponsored womanin audio at the 99th Audio by the National Endowment for Engineering Society (AES) interthe Arts, and launched their national convention in NewYork. month-long tour of Europe. Vocalist IV~ili Bermej0 released NYCRecords has released saxher fifth album, Identidad, for the ophonist GeorgeGarz0ne’s latest Xenophile/GreenLinnet label. album Zoning In. The disc also Accentuate the Positive is a CD features saxophonist Joe Lovano celebrating the music of Harold ’72, keyboardist Joey Calderazzo, Arlen, performed by trombonist bassist John Lockwood’77, and Phil Wi~s0n and pianist P~ul drummerBill Stewart. Schmeling. DonPuluseengineered Pianist DeanEarl, saxophonist and coproduced the recording. Bill Thompson, bassist RonMahdi, Guitarist MikeIhde and song-- and drummer(Berklee trustee) Rod writer Pat Pattis0n were awardeci Rerdell performed at a Fulbright the 1995 Country Songwriter of Award ceremony at Harvard’s the Year award by the Fogg Museumin May. Massachusetts Country Music Bassist BruceGertz released a AwardsAssociation for their song new CDtitled Discovery Zone fea"Love Her or Leave Her to Me." turing John Abercrombie ’67, Pianist TimRayreleased Ideas Jerry Bergonzi ’69, Joey andOpinions, his first recording as Calderazzo, and Adam Nussbaum a leader on the GMlabel. The CD playing a selection of Bruce’sorigfeatures Rufus Reid on bass and[ inal compositions. Summer 1996 SPRING VISITINGARTISTS For the spring semester, the Visiting Artist program brought some of the top performers, songwriters, composers, and music business professionals to the college for a closer look at what has madetheir careers so special. The MP&E Division brought sound designer, keyboardist, and producer mancesand guest clinicians Pat Martino, John Scofield, and Mike Keneally. Larrydacobson, director of recording administration for MCARecords, gave a seminar on the workings of major label A&Rdepartmentpractices. Saxophonist Joe L0van0 held a question and answer session, played standards JimmyJam Joe Lovanoworkswith faculty drummer JameyHaddad. Jeff Bova and engineer John Jansen to present a number of master classes and studio demonstrations during their five weekstay. Bassist Jeff Andrews, sideman to Michael Brecker, Wayne Shorter, Mike Stern, and a host other jazz artists, gave a bass master class in March. Poll winning guitarist MikeStern presented a discussion and mini concert to a packed Performance Center audience on March 28. That evening, guitarist Lent Stern (Mike’s wife) joined guitar faculty Robin Stone, Lauren Passarelli, and Abigail Aronson in a concert celebrating women in music. This year’s Guitar Week, April 16-20, featured a record i3 faculty perforSummer 1996 with a piano trio, and then Attorney LaurenDavis free improvisation witlh the discussed how entertainAfrican drum ensemble. ment lawyers shop a deal AnneBraithwaite and for musicalartists. Brian Colemanof Boston Cuba’s premier Afromusicpublic relations firm Cuban drummer Ignacio Braithwaite and Katz, Berr0a, fielded questions shared tips on how new about his work with Dizzy artists can get the media Gillespie, Jaco Pastorius, exposure they need for a Wynton Marsalis, McCoy career boost. Tyner, and others. Jazz pianist and rausic Top Latin jazz pianist therapist Dr. Louise Montello DamiloP~rez’88 returned conducted a discussion and to campusto participate in demonstration of techPiano Weekactivities. He niques for achieving a also performedin a concert stress-free performance. celebrating women in music with vocalist Lalah Hathaway’90 and drummer TerriLyneCarrington ’83. Award-winning recording artists and producers Terry Lewisand JimmyJam presented a clinic on the business of production. Saxophonist MarkVinci, spoke about his sideman work and his new album Grand Slam. Above:LenieSternandfaculty member Lauren Passarelliat the BPC. Right: Vocalist/guitarist Jonathan Butler gave a clinic anda concert as part of the February Black MusicCelebration 1996. Berklee today 11 IN THE SPOTLIGHT Against by Julie B the Odds Pampinella n a recent issue of the Chronicle of Higher Education, experts voiced concern over dwindling enrollments of foreign students at American colleges and universities, placing the national average at three percent. In stark contrast to that trend, Berklee’s Office of the Registrar reported that for the spring semester international students accounted for a whopping40 percent of the student body. "Berklee has always had a high profile with international students," says Larry Monroe,associate vice president for international programs at Berklee. "From the start, Lawrence Berk was devoted to making Berklee an international place of learning. Even back then, the Voice Fulbright scholar Ignace Ntirushwamaboko, his wife Marianne, andsonsChristopher (left) andChristian(right) 12 Berklee today of America would broadcast jazz by Berklee players in Europe, building Berklee’s reputation over the airwaves as the place to study popular music." Since then, Berklee has developed a reputation as a place where players from around the world could communicatein the international language of music. UnlikeAmericanstudents, getting accepted to the college is onlyhalf of a foreignstudent’sbattle. In additionto financial issues and a paper chase with the U.S. Immigrationand Naturalization Service, hundredsof foreign students makea calculated risk pulling up roots and comingto Boston to pursue their musical dream. Not surprisingly, somestudents havelived epic tales in their journeyto Boston. "I walked 100 kilometers in these shoes," says singer/songwriter and keyboard player Ignace Ntirushwamaboko, pointing to a pair of once-white leather sneakers, tattered along the perilous path that stretched betweenwar-torn Rwandaand the refugee camps in Zaire. Enroute, Ignace and his family witnessed the unbelievable brutality of the 11994conflict betweenthe Tutsis and Hums. A radio journalist, Ignace was forced to flee Rwanda when the capital fell. The ill-equipped Rwandanarmy urgedthe populationto flee, and led a massexodusto Zaire. "There were a million people in the street," Ignace recalls, still amazedtwoyears later. During the dangerous trek with his then-pregnant wife Marianneand their youngson Christian, the family somehow eluded the gunfire which killed manyaround them. Even as he steppedover bodies, Ignace’s faith in Godgave him the hopethat his family wouldsurvive. Ignace had the same conviction that they would somehow makeit to Boston, and Berklee. He had been acceptSummer 1996 ed almost a year before his escape. At a refugee camp set up on a runway in Goma,Zaire, he managedto get the attention of Voiceof Americajournalist Larry James, on assignment in the region. Throughthe efforts of James, the U.S. Information Agency,Berklee, and the Fulbright program, Ignace receiveda Fulbright scholarship, a student visa, and the chance for a new beginning for himself and his family. Nowa second-year student, Ignace is writing songs inspired by his experience. Sometimes, although the student mayhavefilled all necessaryqualifications for entry into Berklee, political red tape can keep him or her from entering the United States. "Despite mucheffort on the part of the student and the college," says Luca Benedetti, international advisor in the Office of Admissions, "in some countries the consulate will choose not to give the student a visa. Undeterred, manyof these students will keep trying." This begs the question whyforeign students flock here in such numbers, despite a morass of complicated forms and financial and political obstacles. According to Ignace, Berklee was the logical choice of the manyschools he considered for someof the most obvious reasons. "Berkleewasthe first college to respond to myinquiries, and had the best choices of majors and classes in the catalog. I sawthe list of musicians that studied at Berklee and they were people I listened to in Rwanda."Jorge Farall, a student from Argentina, echoes, "If you’re into music, you read everything you can about your favorite musicians," he says. "I found that myfavorites--Al DiMeola, Steve Vai, and Joe Zawinul went to Berklee." Another reason Berklee is so popular abroad, according to Monroe, is that Berldee gains manystudents who have exhausted opportunities in their own countries, or who lack the resources to study music in their homelands. If the musicians can’t makeit to Berklee, Berklee will eventually makeit to them. The international outreach programsare a big factor in Berklee’s appeal abroad. Since 1985, Monroehas directed Berklee’s "On the Road" programs which bring Summer 1996 faculty membersto Germany, Italy, Japan, Argentina, and elsewhere for clinics and scholarship auditions. Thirty-six-yearold Argentinean Farall wona partial tuition scholarship at an "On the Road" audition tour. A pianist and MIDI enthusiast, he had exhausted the music education NeguiCapriles"96:"Many takea risk now.If their econresources available omygetsworse,they’ mightnot havethe chance later. " to him in Buenos Aires. The scholarship afforded him the chance to come Venezuela, "Myfamily wanted me to to Berkleeand Bostonwith his wife. In stay with myfather’s band," she says, his switch to music, he left behindthe "but I knew what I wanted to do. I promiseof a career as a pediatrician. "I applied to Berkleesecretly, and visited don’t think I had the nerve to handle the college during myvacation." being a pediatrician and seeing people Negui also hopes one day to raise a suffer," he says. family--something which is nearly Despite Farall’s strong desire to impossible on the road. "Becoming study music, the decision to turn his an arranger would allow me to have a back on a medicalcareer wasdifficult. homelife," she says. It wasdifficult to Like manyin Argentinean society, his leave financial independence behind parents--both physicians~don’t view and becomea student, relying on my musicas a career. This madehim seriparents again." ously ponder his choice. Lookingback ]Economicrecession in Venezuela on it he laughs, "Whenpeople back has made her budget even more tight homeask what you do for a living, and than when she enrolled at Berklee you say you’re a musician, they say three years ago. "Last year, inflation ’yes, but what do you work at?’" in Venezuelawas up 300 percent. This Whenhe receives his degree a year year, it rose another 100 percent. It from now,Jorge plans to workas a pri- costs me maybe 15 times as muchto vate teacher, and composeand arrange study now." for musicaltheater. While Berklee’s international numLike Farall, Negui Capriles also bers are healthy, it is a continualeffort gave up a career to study further. to keep attracting international stuThoughshe was first trombonist and dents. Inflation and currency devaluacodirector of Los Melodicos, one of tions leave students who formerly Venezuela’s hottest big bands, which could afford to enroll for four years her father leads, Negui had grown scraping to pay for two. Nevertheless, tired of living on a tour bus and play- they continue to come despite the ing until 4:00 a.m. Her ambition is to financial hardship. Capriles says, composeand lead a less hectic life. "There are no schools like Berklee in "I was at the top of the ladder in Venezuela. People are taking the risk what I was doing, and really couldn’t now, because if their homeeconomy get much further with the band," gets worse, they might not have the Caprilles states. "I wantedto create chance later. I know manywho come and have the opportunity not to play, to Berklee with whatever they have, but to arrange and compose for Los apply for’ scholarships, and gig as Melodicos and other bands. I needed muchas possible. Studying here is an the tools to be a more complete musi- investment. Going back to Venezuela cian." Like Jorge Farall, Neguiexperi- with a degree from Berklee, you can enced familial pressure to remain in do very well." ~ Berklee today 13 Primetime Tunes ComposerAlf Clausen’66 is riding high underscoring "The Simpsons" by ~yf Mark L. inding through Coldwater Canyon in Beverly, Hills ~/~’ with Alf Clausen 66 on the way to a "Simpsons" spotting session, the conversation is wide ranging. By nature Alf is good humored, erudite, and unpretentious to a point belying his stature as one of Hollywood’s top TV composers. Traffic lights illustrated the subtext of our discussion of his bio: Alf’s arrival as composer was also not without inconvenient pauses. He recalls when the celebrated series "Moonlighting" ended in 1989 after a four-year run and six Emmynominations for Alf. He says it’s part of the business--riding high one day and then, boom, unemployed for seven months. However, when one door closes, it seems a better one always opens for Alf. His 18 years of persistent dues paying while seeking his break as a composeris a lesson in forbearance. Whenhe came to Hollywoodin 1967, he freelanced as a teacher, a bassist, music copyist, ghost composer, arranger-whatever put food on the 14 Berklee today Small "73 table and held the promise of a toehold in the business. It took nine years before he got his first solid break as an arranger. That led to his becoming music director and conductor for the "Danny and Marie" variety show. It wasn’t until 1985 when he began "Moonlighting" that he was recognized as a composer. Growing up in Jamestown, North Dakota, Alf studied French horn and piano. He sang in choirs and played in the concert band. After high school, he enrolled at North Dakota State University as a mechanical engineering major.Awarethat insights to the entertainment industry are rarely uncovered on the Dakotaprairie, All spent a summerin NewYork City with ihis cousin--a professional pianist there. The impact of Broadwayshows, concerts in Central Park, and lessons with a NewYork French hornist convinced All to switch his major to music as soon as he got back to campus. Correspondence courses acquainted him with Berklee, and ultimately led to full-time Berklee studies after graduation from the university. He PHOTO BYJIMHAGOPIAN, BAHT SIMPSON iLLUSTR~,TION COURTESY OFMATT GROENING. SPECIAL THANKS TO GROUNO CONTROL STUDIOS IN BURBANK, CA The "Simpsons" creator Matt Groening(left) calls AIf "oneof the show’sunacknowledged treasures." earned his Berklee diploma, taught at the school for a year, and then headed for L.A. To date, Alf has been composer and/or orchestrator, and/or conductor for 28 films, 24 TV series, and 24 movies of the week, and arranger/music director for several popular variety shows. He has received seven ASCAP awards for composition, 13 Emmynominations, and numerousother recognitions. The 150th episode of the "The Simpsons" recently aired in 70 countries. The showairs six nights in the U.S. A new CDof "Simpsons" music provides confirmation that Alf’s contribution to Americanpopular culture is no joke. over a bunch of things. I becamefrustrated. quit the university and cameto Berklee. I What were your impressions when you first arriw3d? At that time, there were a lot of professional musicians who would come off the road for more schooling. The level of the musicianship was amazing. It was so inspiring to be caught up in that intensity. There had never been a French horn player at Berklee, so the minute they found I played it, I was put into every ensemble I could possibly play in to add newcolors. Herb Pomeroyput me in his recording band and I am on sonae Jazz in the Classroomrecords. I played all the time. Whowere your most influential teachers? There were a lot of magnificent teachers-Bill Maloof, Dick Bobbitt, John Bavicchi, Bob Share---each had his own strong suit. Herb Pomeroyhad something that cannot be defined. It was a way of getting to the heart and soul of the m~sicvery quickly. I was fascinated by that. I rememberhim rehearsing somevery difficult pieces with the recording band. It seemedlike the music would never come together. Then we’d begin playing the piece and something would[ start happening in the room. Youcould feel this spirit start to rise up out of the music.I looked at the guy next to meand he was feeling it too. Wegot into it deeper and deeper, and the whole band was playing as one unit, going somewhere we hadn’t been before. It was spooky, but moving. Whenwe got done, everyone just looked around wondering what just happened. Herb had this smile on his face that said, "yeah, that’s whatit is all about." When did you know you would become a composer? It was such a gradual growth, that I can’t remember one conscious decision to go into that profession. As a student at North Dakota State University, I found it difficult to get answers to questions I had about the entertainment industry there. I remembergetting a copy of HenryMancini’s Sounds and Scores, a popuWhatwas the first door that opened up for lar book in the early 1960sabout arranging and you in L.A. ? howit applied to film. I found the bookto be a WhenI first got to town in 1967, I was doing revelation about movie music from the compos- a nun~Lberof things--playing casuals, teaching, er/arranger’s standpoint. Myinstructors didn’t doing music copying. It took a long time to get have a complete handle on what this was about. hired as a writer. I did a lot of piecemealghost writing. I would write a numberfor a Vegasact Howdid you connect with Berklee? here, a jingle there, perhaps an arrangementfor While I was earning myB.A. in music theoa record. All these things together kept me ry, I was taking the Berklee correspondence going. The first real break I got was as an course to learn about jazz and howto write big arranger with the "Donny and Marie" show in band music. One of myinstructors took a new 1976. position at the University of Wisconsin, and I got a panic call from myfriend, pianist suggested I come down there to work on my Tommy Wolf, whowas a special material writer master’s degree. Their French horn instructor for the Osmondsshow. He said the music direcwas John Barrows who had been a New York tor TommyOliver needed a last-minute chart studio player who played on the Miles by the next day. I stayed up all night and Davis/Gil Evans records and others. I ended up cranke, d it out. The next day around 11:00 a.m. hating it there. Theattitude there very anti-jazz. I got a call from Tommy Oliver saying I did a The jazz band wasn’t even allowed to rehearse great job. He asked me to be an arranger on the on campus. Barrows and I also knocked heads show. Every week he gave me more and more to 16 Berkleet o d a y Summer 1996 write. By the end of the season I was arranging the show’s finales, which were about 400 bars long. It was one of those jobs with a one day or a day and a half turnaround. I’d be up all night and the copyists were picking mychart up at four in the morning. The next season, Oliver decided not to come back, and I was asked to be the music director for the show’sthird season. A variety show must have been a great training ground for the various styles you are called upon to write in for "The Simpsons." After the "Donnyand Marie" show," I did a year of the "MaryTyler MooreVariety Series" on CBS, and had ghosted for other shows. Not onlywasit a great training for various styles, but it was the best place to !jearn to makechangeson the stand. Youmight fi-hd out that the choreographer and rehearsal pianist want changes in your chart. Youand all the musicians are in the studio with the clock ticking and you have to chop up the chart and still makemusicout of it. So you learn to think on your feet and communicate with an orchestra. Youare recomposing on the stand, and learning to work under pressure. You had a hiatus after "Moonlighting" ended in 1989 before your hiring for "The Simpsons" in 1990. Howdid the new connection happen? I was talking to a friend of mine lamenting my state. He gave me a tip about "The Simpsons." I had been so busy with "Moonlighting" for years. The series was considered a classic piece of television, you comeoff of that feeling pretty good, and then the phone stops ringing. It is a part of the business everyonehas to deal with whether you are a cameraman, actor, or composer. You can get into the depths of self doubt when it happens. You must have seen a lot of changesin postproduction technology over the course of your years in the business. I don’t think I could have done either "Moonlighting" or "The Simpsons" without Auricle [time calculation and synchronization software]. It is great when changes need to be made. Before, if a last minute change happened, you would have to wait while the music editor physically put new streamers and punches on the film. Now,after a few keystrokes, they are in the right place and on you go. Otherwise, I still work in the old-fashioned way. I write at an acoustic piano with a drafting board on the front, and pencils, erasers, and a straightedge. I have a monitor and a VCRthat will play picture and time code hookedup to the Summer 1996 ometimeslate at night, I amthinking of what to do on a cue and somebody’sscore I copied 20yearsago will flash in front of me.... Boorn,myin- spirationis there,, Auriclesetup. That’s all I use. Whatis your weekly schedu~’e like? Mondaythrough Thursday from 8:30 a.m to 11:30 p.m. I amwriting. Friday morni~.g, before I go to the spotting session, there is a brief recovery time, but sometimesI maystill have cues to write if I didn’t finish on Thursday.On Friday, the spotting session is at 2:00 p.m., and the recording session goes from 7:00 to 11:00 p.m. I try to keep Saturday and Sundayoff. When you begin to write, what comes first--a melody, a texture, or a chord sound? Eachcue is different, so I can’t say if I think of a melodyor a harmonicstructure first. Many times if there are determinedcues--like if Homer is angry and marching over to someone’s house--I will center the cue on the pace of his footsteps, and figure out the tempo and the groove. Next, I might approach it from a harmonicstandpoint and think of "what will illustrate his anger in that tempo. Manytimes the melodymaycomelast. It is the moodof the cue that exists first, but sometimesa melodywill comefirst, each cue is different. Some of the cues on the show are simply a whole-note chord. Are these fairly easy to come up with? I have a large repertoire of single-chord emotions that I have workedout--happy, depressed, angry, hurt, sad--but they are never quite the same.The character might be a little less sad, or whimsical and sad at the same time. There are times whenI have spent two or three hours working on three bars of music. As I play the piano I mightbe thinkingthis is sad, but too muchso, this is angrybut it’s too nasty. It is a weirdprocessof elimination in trying to find the right combination of notes to conveythe emotion. Berklee today 17 Whenyou do research to write in a certain style of music--one episode called for a klezmer cue--howmuchtime can you give it? About20 minutes. Part of the charmof this job has beenlearningto distill the essenceof a musical style in a very short period of time. Someoneon the production team says they’d like a cue to be like a klezmerpiece, but they mightnot knowwhat that consists of. Production assistants get meclips or CDsandI will listen to a few tracks and figure out what makes klezmerhavethat sound. ThenI makea spur of the momentdecision about what makesit seem like klezmerto these people. It is a very interesting study becausewhat klezmer meansto you or me maynot be the sarfie as what it meansto someonewithout a musical background.Havingto composesomething that is harmonically,melodically,andorchestrationallycorrect knowing that I still have 25 or 30 cuesleft to write makesmedistill pretty quickly. not somethingthat is tremendouslychallenging creatively,but I find sometimes late at night as I am thinking about what to do on a cue, somebody’sscorethat I copied20 yearsagowill flash in front of me. I start remembering what Lalo Schiffi:in did with the high strings and soprano sax doublingthe lead violin wayabovethe staff, and howit gave a real intense angst. Boom,my inspirationis there. It is weirdhowthat happens. Given the incredible pressure on a TV series composer,whatis it that makesyou love this very hard workso much? On~a televisionjob, the instant gratification part is; amazing. I canwrite this relatively large amountof musicthen record it and hear it the sameweek.I can take a piece of film with a certain emotion,andthen I havethe powerto make that emotion go any numberof ways through the music.If I amastute enoughto pull out the correct emotion,and if mycraft is goodenough to enhancethat emotion,the musiccan makeit 10 timesdeeperthanit is onthe film alone. Whatare some of the more unusual things WhenI take the music to the studio with you’ve been called uponto write? the right players whoare getting the right feel Thewholemusicalpalette exists on this se- in the studio, it can put goose bumpson your ries. Mybackgroundas a legitimately trained arm.It goes on tape like that andis preserved. Frenchhorn player familiar with concert band Tenyears later, I can listen to that cue andthe goose bumpswill happenin exactly the same and symphonic literature, loving rock androll and r&bin high school, becominga jazz bass- place. I have contributed somethingmeaningist, workingweddings,bar mitzvahs,and back- ful andI can preserveit. I amvery blessed, howmanyother jobs can ing singers in shows, knowingthousands of tunes fromplayingtrio gigs--givesmea lot to you say that about?It makesall those years of drawon. It all comesback. In the spotting ses- playing casuals and copying music until 3:00 sion today they askedfor a cue soundinglike a a.m. worthit. society bandplaying at a country club. I knew instantly whatI’d do for that. Wt~atis next for you? As a copyist, I worked on projects for Whoknows?The funny part about this busimanygreat composers.Generally copying is nessis: that a phonecall canchangeyourlife. ~1 18 Berkleet o d a y Summer 1996 Winds of Cha~nl~e Newdemographics,retail outlets, and pricing signal a reorientation for the record biz assettes are out, CDsare in. Baby boomersare up, teenagers are down, and womenseem to be buying more recorded music than ever before. These are someof the emergingtrends whichwill affect the styles of musicon the airwavesand in the stores, andthe strategies of those in the record business trying to connect with music consumersas weheadinto the 21st century. A recent survey indicates that during the decadebetween1985-95,the time people spent listening to recordedmusicgrewat a faster rate than time spent enjoying any other entertainmentmediaexcept homevideo. Moreover,per capita spendingon recordedmusicis still relatively low, whichsuggests roomfor further growth.[See Veronis, Suhler, & Associates, in Music&Copyright,Dec. 20, 1995,p. 5; also The Economist,Dec.21, 1993,page4.] This consumptionboomfor recorded music products has beenunderwritten by significant shifts in the music marketplace. Older age groupsare buyingmoremusic, there is a gender reorienation of the markettowardswomen,and purchasesof musicare happeningless andless at the traditional record store. Theseshifts are detailedon table I on the next page. It is becoming apparentthat teenagersare no C by Peter Alhadeff "92 Summer 1996 longerthe backbone of the business,as they were in the 1960sand 1970s.Today,babyboomersvirtually dominatethe U.S. populationpyramid.As their ages rangebetween32 and50, they guarantee a moreeven spread in the consumptionof music.Therehas beena relative decline in the marketshare of teenagemusicformssince 1990. Theseforms include rock, pop/easy listening, urban contemporary,and rap. Countrymusic has been growing in importance in the marketplace. Its increasedpopularity with consumers--mostin their 20s and 30s--presents further evidenceof the broader demographictrends that are playing upon the musicmarket.In turn, the proportionalrise of women in total consumptionis probablya contributing factor in the declineof the traditional record store, as is suggestedby the increased marketshare in total musicpurchasesat other outlets such as departmentand discountstores. Thegoldenyears Seen from the perspective of the record labels, the years between1990-95wereindeed golden. Sales performancewas so impressive that the slowdownof 1995 was to an extent: inevitable(see table II). Asthe formatof choice for consuraersbecamethe CD(see table III),. operating profits for record labels increased. considerably on account of the lower producPeter Alhadeff is member of the Music tion costs andhigherselling prices of CDsrela-Business~Management Departmentfaculty and rive to cassettes. Todate, for instance,reported[ associate editor of MusicaPro, a newbimonthly operating profits for five of the top six music magazinefocusing on the Latin music market. companieshave shownan increase from 17.5% Berklee today 19 / TABLE I ~J.S. COI~SUMER PROFILI-" 1990-95 Age group by percentage of market share 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 10-14 7.6 8.2 8.6 8.6 7.9 8.0 15-19 18.3 18.1 18.2 16.7 16.8 17.1 20-24 16.5 17.9 16.1 15.1 15.4 15.3 25-29 14.6 14.5 13.8 13.2 12.6 12.3 30-34 13.2 12.5 12.2 11.9 11.8 12.1 35-39 10.2 9.8 10.9 11.1 11.5 10.8 40-44 7.8 6.7 7.4 8.5 7.9 7.5 45+ 11.8 12.5 12.9 14.8 16.1 16.9 Genre by percentage of market share 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 Rock C’ntry Pop 36.1 34.8 31.6 30.2 35.1 33.5 9.6 12.8 17.4 18.7 16.3 16.7 13.7 12.1 11.5 11.9 10.3 10.1 Marketshare per gender 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 Male 54.4 54.1 52.6 50.7 52.7 53.0 Female 45.6 45.9 47.4 49.3 47.3 47.0 in 1993to 18.3%in 1994. This sounds good, yet there are some worrisome trends, and these become apparent when one studies recorded musicprices closely. A closer look at recorded music prices is madedifficult due to the the fact that labels do not wish to make price information public. The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA),for example, mantains that TABLE II 7.541 7.834 9.024 10.047 12.068 12.322 Rap Class. Jazz Gospel 8.5 10.0 8.6 9.2 7.9 6.7 3.1 3.2 3.7 3.3 3.7 2.9 4.8 4.0 3.8 3.1 3.0 3.0 2.5 3.8 2.8 3.2 3.3 3.1 [+4%] [+15% [+11%] [+20%] [+2%] Record store Record club Mail order Other 1990 69.8 8.9 2.5 18.5 1991 62.1 11.1 3.0 23.4 Berkleet 0 d a y Other 1993 56.2 12.9 3.8 26.1 1995 52.0 14.3 4.0 28.1 7.5 6.5 7.4 6.6 7.1 8.7 1992 60.0 11.4 3.2 24.9 1994 53.3 15.1 3.4 26.7 Source: RIAA,AnnualReports, 1990-95 is bound by confidentiality agreements with the labels, and cannot divulge unit wholesale prices.. Soundscan (the computer system at the record store cash register which monitors purchase data) has the capability to track retail prices nationwide, but has not been utilized for that purpose yet. Nevertheless, it is possible to construct a price series of recordedmusic Format Market Share 1990 1995 CDs 46% 76% Cassettes 46% 19% Cassettesingles 3% 2% Music videos 2% 2% CDsingles 0% 1% Vinyl singles 1% 0% LPs/EPs 1% 0% Source: RIAAAnnualReports. 1990-1994.RIAAdata for 1995is fromBillboard, March2, 1996, p. 70.Bracketed figuresin table II indicatepercentage changefromyearto year. 20 Sound Childtrack rens 0.8 0.5 0.7 0.3 0.7 0.5 0.7 0.4 1.0 0.4 0.9 0.5 Retail outlet percentage of dollar value TABLE III RecordSales (in $ billions) At suggested retail price 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 Urban cont. 11.6 9.9 9.8 10.6 9.6 11.3 products from the RIAA’s own wholesale and shipment data. For example, CD sales in 1993 were worth $6.511 billion and 495 million units were shipped in that year; in 1994, sales were $8.465 billion with shipments of 662 million units. Calculating unit prices by dividing sales figure by the number of CDs sold, we find that CDssold for an average of $13.10 in 1993 and $12.80 in 1994. In table IV, I have computed a price table for all recorded music products between 1990-95. Fallingprices It is readily apparentthat prices are falling overall. And the downward trend is dramatic whenprices are corrected for the rate of inflation. TableV summarizes these results with my owncalculations of a nominal and a real price index of recorded music products--to myknowledge, the first of its kind. The use of index numbers, of Summer 1996 course, is common in economics. A sellingrecordscheapin a bid to attract for electronicor other gear. nominalprice index measuresobserv- customers able price change.Areal price index Last year witnessed,for example,the measurestrue price change--figuring so-called "largest bankruptcyof the in the inflationrate. In bothcases,the music industry," the demise of chain in Torrance, CA. methodused to calculate these price Wherehouse indices is the same.Anannualaverage possibilities is computedfor all recorded music Future As retailers buy product from the prices with each format being weighed by its market share. CD labels, they will require moreconsidprices, for example,receive heavier eration from them to recoup their weightsthan cassette prices because diminishingprofit margins,and conthey are moreimportant to the mar- flict betweenthe two will increase. ket. Theaverageof 1990is then refer- Retailers maydemandeasier handling enced to the number100 for conve- by the labels on returned merchannience so percentage price changes dise, and labels maybe unwilling to can be read at a glancefromoneyear comply.Continuinglower prices may be good for the consumernow, but to the next. The prices of recorded music they mightalso bring about variable productsare not keepingup with the pricing policies embracedby both cost of living. It can also be shown labels andretailers in the future. Such that they are not keeping up with policies wouldseek to maximizetakother entertainmentindustries. This ings by raising the price of megastar tendency is aggravated by an releases and loweringthemon catalog unprecedented price war among products. The overall effect would retailers, that has wreakedhavoc.for probablybe detrimental to the conthe past two years: Best Buy,Circuit sumer makingthe U.S. becomemore City, and other department stores like the Europeanmarketfor recordhave been cutting fiercely into the ed music. In Europethere is more profit marginsof musicretailers by price differentiation, but recordsare TABLE IV U.S. prices of recorded music products 1990-95 Unit nominalprices 1995 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 $12.90 CDs $12.00 $13.00 $13.10 $13.10 $12.80 8.50 8.50 8.60 8.60 7.90 8.40 Cassettes 3.50 3.40 3.30 3.30 3.50 Cass. singles 3.00 6.00 5.20 5.90 5.50 6.20 6.20 CDsingles Music videos 18.70 19.40 20.70 19.40 20.60 17.50 4.00 4.60 3.40 3.40 3.40 2.90 Vinylsingles 11.40 8.80 9.40 6.10 5.90 LPs/EPs 7.40 Unitreal prices’:" 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 CDs $12.00 $12.60 $12.30 $12.10 $11.40 $11.30 7.90 7.70 7.40 8.10 8.00 Cassettes 7.90 2.90 3.30 3.20 3.00 3.00 3.20 Cass. singles 4.50 5.40 5.40 6.00 5.80 CDsingles 5.50 15.20 17.80 18.40 Musicvideos 18.70 18.80 19.50 3.60 4.00 3.20 3.10 3.40 2.80 Vinylsingles 9.90 8.10 8.40 5.90 5.50 LPs/EPs 7.40 *Realprices were obtainedby dividing unit prices by the Consumer Price Index, whichwasas follows: 1990=100;1991=103.0;I992=106.1;1993=109.0; 1994=112.0;and 1995=114.8.TheEconomist. Summer 1996 TABLEV Price index of recorded musicproducts Nominal Real prices prices 97.1 104.0 1989 100.0 1990 100.0 103.8 1991 107.1 102.2 1992 108.3 109.4 100.4 1993 96.9 1994 108.6 94.6 1995 108.3 generally moreexpensive. Against the backdropof falling prices in 1993,RussBach, president of CEMA Distribution, and an early championof such methods,is quoted in the August 15, 1993, issue of Billboard, advocating a true value pricingof recordsfor the first timein the business. Finally,in their desire to correct a movementaway from disequilibrium,labels mightengagein price setting collusive practices, openingthe business to intervention by the Federal Trade Commission.Four of the majorlabels havealready threatenedto cut accountsor curtail advertising incometo retailers whodo not respect Minimum Advertised Price (MAP)policies. It is safeto say that musicpricesin the U.S. neednot fall muchfurther. Despite last year’s slowdown, demand is generallyfirm and there is more room to tap consumer spending on music.Theindustry is relying increasingly on affluent age groups, nevertheless following loss-leader price strategies and underpricing itself relative to the consumer price index. The U.S. may be the most affordable music market in the world. It is time to reappraisecosts. More attention needsto be paid to the pricing of recordedmusicby everyonein the industry. There is no evidence that rock bottom prices last year boosted demand.A corrective backlash though hard on consumersand disruptiveto markets,is necessary.It wouldbenefit artists, whoseroyalties are calculated on suggested retail prices, andthe industry as a whole.N Berklee today 21 Other Dominants Alternate approachesto dominantchord substitutions ost jazz musiciansare familiar with the technique of making dominant tritone substitutions. This practice has its roots in bebopand has becomea mainstay of our harmonicvocabulary.Aless familiar form of dominant substitution by minor thirds is sometimesavailable to players and writers. The symmetric diminished dominant scale, and its attendant harmoniesand voicby ings, makesthis substitution possible. Symmetricdiminished harmoniesand voicJeff ings havelong held the interest of writers and Friedman "79 performers. The musician most commonly associated with this soundis DukeEllington. Duke’suse of these techniques can be traced back to the late 1920s. Themusic of Charles Mingus, Thelonious Monk,Thad Jones, and Gil Evans, amongothers, also demonstratesthe use of symmetric diminished harmonies and voicings. M Themechanics Diminishedseventh chords contain two tritones(see example1). Usingthe principleof tritonesubstitution, eachtritone can be interpreted as two dominantseventh chords (see example 2). Example3 shows that whenthe original diminishedseventh chord (the recombinedtritones) is analyzedin terms of the roots of the GuitaristJeff Friedman ’79 is anassociateprofessot in the Jazz CompositionDepartment and has written arrangementsfor Carla Bley, Steve Lacy, KarlBerger,andothers. 22 Berkleet o d a y dominantseventh chords, the result is four completedominantseventhflat 9 voicings. Example3 also showsthat the dominantseventh roots outline a diminishedseventh chord. Becausea diminishedseventh chord is a symmetricalstructure, all of its adjacentnotesbeing a minor third apart, the dominant seventh chordsderived froma diminishedseventh chord will havea similar symmetricalrelationship. By inverting a diminishedseventh chord, wesee that anyof its chordtones can be interpreted as the chord’sroot; thus allowingfor the substitution of diminished seventh chords by minor thirds (see example4). Bymovingthe dominant roots by minor thirds under the diminished structure, wefind that minorthird substitution of dominantsymmetricdiminishedstructures is also possible(again, see example 3). Thescales There are two symmetricdiminishedscales derived by joining the two diminishedseventh chords that comprisethe diminishedroots and the dominantroots (see example5a and example 5b). Thesescales are sometimescalled "combination diminished" or "double diminished". Example5a, whichbegins on a dominantroot andfollowsa half-step/whole-stepinterval configuration, is usedfor dominant seventhchords. Example5b, whichbegins on a diminishedroot andfollowsa whole-step/half-stepinterval configuration, is used for diminished seventh chords. Note that fromany scale memberthere exists anotherscale member a minorthird away. Thus, wecan movea root by minorthirds under Summer 1996 (Caution:enharmenics ahead!) MUSICAL EXAMPLES G~7 C7 Ex. 6 Ex. 2 A7(~9) G~7(~ 9) E~7(~9) C7(~,9) Ex. Ex. 3 C~ 7 E7 G7 Ex. 4 B~7 ::’incomplete voicings Ex.8 F7 Symetric DiminishedBlues by Jeff Friedman A7 ¢1C7I chord. These incomplete voicings, half-steps,theyare especiallywellsuited sometimescalled hybrids, have an to mixedinterval voicingtechniques. ambiguouscharacter that in certain situations can be very effective. In Theblues Example8 shows four-part sympractice, there are someinterval combinations that workbetter than oth- metric diminished upper structure ers, andsomethat shouldbe avoided. triad wficings,withsubstitutions,in a In all situations, stylistic contextand basic blues context. Each voicing your musical sense of right and contains a scale dissonance expressed as a majorseventh. wrongshouldbe the final arbiter. Note that the symmetric diminThings to consider when conished scale for the 17 chordis a halfstructing these voicings include the rangeof the lead note, the size of the step higher than the symmetric voicing, and perhaps most important diminishedscale for the IV7chord, of all, the interval contentof the voic- and a half-step lower than the syming. Approachesto interval content metric diminishedscale for the V7 Thevoicings Symmetricdiminishedvoicings are might include conveyingthe charac- chord. Therefore, moving any I7 voicingsderivedthroughthe vertical ter of a specificinterval type, suchas symmetricdiminished voicing down a half-step will result in a IV7voiccombination of notes from symmet- voicingsin 4ths or 2nds(clusters), ric diminishedscales. Aswith other the use of a mixtureof intervals from ing. Movinga I7 voicing up a halfinterval basedchordscale approaches the scale. Mixedinterval voicings step will yield a V7voicing. I hope this article gives your to voicing,in principle, anycombina- enablea writer or playerto exert conapproach to dominant seventh trol over the relative "richness" of tion of availablenotes fromthe scale chord.,; some extra miles. Onceyou voicings. By observing the location of will result in a usablevoicing,i.e., a ihave digested these techniques,how dissonance in a scale (the half-steps), voicingthat expressesthe functional character of the harmonicsituation. one can create rich voicings by about trying someaugmentedsev-. This technique mightyield voicings including the dissonance, or conso- enth substitutions by wholesteps:, that do not explicitly express the nant voicings by avoidingthe disso- majorthirds, andtritones using the: chord sound, since they maynot con- nance. Since each of the two symmet- whole tone scale? That’s another ~1 tain the third or the seventh of the ric diminished scales contain four story for another time. Berkleet o d a y 23 Summer 1996 a dominant symmetric diminished voicing (see example6), or wecan movea dominant symmetric diminished voicing by minorthirds over a dominantroot (example7) becauseall of the transpositions stay in the scale. The resulting voicings might reflect an incompleteversion of the basic chord, but will contain only notes that are in the symmetric diminished scale, thus forming a usable voicing of the chord. The following discussion of voicing techniques shouldfurther clarify this point. Alum n o t e s Compiled by GordonBrisker ’58 of Sydney, Australia, has been appointed artistic director Negui Capriles "96 of jazz studies at the University of Sydney. BobCary"61 of Ontario, Canada, is playing aboard Meridian Cruise ships in the Caribbean. Michael Gibbs ’63 of London, released the CD Europeanafeaturing pianist Joachim Kuhn and symphony orchestra. He also RobMounsey "75 finished performed a concert with arrangingand conducting the NDR Big Band in for Natalie Cole’s latest Hamburg with Gary albumand for a Vanessa Burtonas the soloist Williamssingle. Hescored RogerAldridge "68 of five episodesof the CBS Sandy Spring, MD, comseries"CentralParkWest," pleted Volume 20 of his whichwill air this summer. original jazz and traditionAlex Ball 24 "97 and Berkleet o d a y al-style fiddle tunes. His original compositions were featured in a Chesapeake Bay Foundation Benefit concert held in Washington, D.C. Jay Patten ’69 (a.k.a. Joseph Pellechia) of Nashville released Standard Blue, an album featuring his vocals, piano, CharlesChapman’72 and saxophone work for the Flamingo label. The disc features 13 standards Frank Potenza ’72 of and two Patten originals-Lakewood, CA, was including a vocal duet with recently named assistant Crystal Gayle. professor of studio/jazz Joseph Levy"70 of Givat guitar at the University of Shmuel, Israel, won third Southern California. prize in the Composition Drummer ChuckZeuren competition at the 1995 ’72 of Valhalla, NY,recentRed Sea Jazz Fest. ly released a CD titled Guitarist/singer Michael Zeuren and featuring four Haydn’71 of Edgartown, of his original composiMA, played at the House tions produced by alumof Blues in Hollywood in nus JohnConardfor the March. Monadlabel. RandyKlein ’71 of New JohnHarrisonIII "73of York, composed the score New Bedford, MA, for the award-winningdoc- released his first CDas a umentary Black Boy which leader entitled Going won the Hugo Award at Places, on TCBRecords in the 1995 Chicago Film Switzerland. Harrison has Festival. also been a faculty member JayLeslie Lip~an’71 of for four years at the Studio City, CA, formerly of Sha-Na-Na, has now reunited with the Tokens ("The Lion Sleeps Tonight") and he is recording the first ever doo-wop Latin album. Guitar player Charles Chapman ’72 released his first album In Black & White, featuring bassist RichAppleman ’72 and guitarist MarkSmall"73. MichaelGibbs"63 Summer 1996 CLASSCONNECTIONS Alumni Chapter Presidents: New York Steve Ward’87 MuMusic Int’l. (212) 929-1161 Orlando Stan Kubit 71 Orlando Music Teachers Inc. (407) 352-9702 Chicago Doug Murphy ’90 The Star Store (708) 343-1750 Nashville Betsy Jackson ’84 (615) 832-6061 Mark Corradetti ’87 (615) 889-9219 Boston Jeannie Deva ’75 The Voice Studio (617) 536-4553 San Francisco Dmitri Matheny ’89 Monarch Records (415) 434-4400 Los Angeles Leanne Summers’88 Vocal Studio (818) 769-7260 Puerto Rico Ralina Cardona ’91 Crescendo (809) 725-3690 England Lawrence Jones ’80 Brighton, E. Sussex, G.B. 44-1273-707621 Athens Samy Elgazzar ’93 301-9451-457 Tokyo Alumni Coordinator: Michiko Yoshino ’90 042-241-4347 Summer 1996 It was another memorablespring. The March 4 Women in Music at Berklee event produced performances by Joanne Brackeen and Bill Pierce ’7a; the Berklee Women’sChorus; and pianists StephanyTiernan’74, Marty Epstein, and Rosey Lee ’94. An evening concert with Terri Lyne Carrington’83, Lalah Hathaway ’90, FrankWilkins ’78, and special guest Wannetta Jackson ’76 topped it off. The March 15 alumni music educators reception in Danvers, MA, was, as usual, a big draw. On March 18, there was an alumni reception and showcaseat Nashville’s Mer~Bulles. The bands of Rich Adams’82 and MikeMorris’Sa performed. March19, alumni and students gathered at the Bluebird Care to hear Gillian Welch ’92, DavidRawlings "92, andKamiLyle ’92, as well as clinicians MikeReid, Gary Burr, Gary Nichols, and Geraldine Peters perform. Christian recording artists Scott and Christine Oente(both ’87) and RCArecording artist WarrenHill ’87 received distinguished alumni awards. Many thanks to Pat Pattison and alumnicordinators MarkCorradetti"87 and Betsy Jackson’84 for makingthe events so successful. On March 20, Orlando Chapter President StanKubit’71 and his wife Anita organized a benefit for rock ’n’ roll pioneer Jesse Stone’s Berklee scholarship fund. The robust 94 yearold Jesse and wife Evelyn performed, as did alumni Stan Kubit, Skip Harding’61, Drury Betts "91, Doug Sinning "90, andRoger KingJr. "95. Net surfers: "The Berklee Chat Room,"is now a regular on America On Line. Wednesdays from 11:30 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. (E.S.T.) alumni across the country can makecontact. Those with access to America Online should: 1. Go to keyword"chat," 2. Click the icon "list room,"3. Click on "private rooms," and 4. Type "Berklee," and then chat away. European alumni: I’ll see you at the July 19 reception in Perugia, Italy! --Sarah Bodge, Assistant Director of Development for Alumni Relations SparrowRecordsduo Out of the Grey, ChristineandScottDlent~,receiveddistinguished alumni awardsfrom Sarah Bodge (right) at the Nashvillereception. SaxophonistandRCArecordingartist WarrenHill also received the distinguishedalumniawardin Nashville. PopmusicpioneerJesseStoneholdshis 50th anniversary medialreceivedat the MarchOrlandoscholarship fundraiser. Korean composerKwangMin Kim "89 receivedthe distinguished alumniaward fromBerkleeV.IP. JohnCollinsin Seoul. Berklee today 25 which airs worldwide. He also released an album of "Highlander" soundtrack music on Bellchant Recordslabel. DavidKowal’75 of L.A. had. composed a soundtrack for an exhibition of paintings by artist David Brady at a gallery in Santa Monica. CathySegaI-Garcia "75 of Toluca Lake, CA, is teaching voice and singing vocal JerryTachoir"76 tracks for commercials, movies, and CDs, and has University of Massachusetts contributed compositions for movies and recording at Dartmouth. Composer Nell Smolar projects. Composer/keyboardist "74 of Montreal, released a CDof his music from three Misha Segal ’75 of L.A. of his best film scores. released his JVCRecords Albert Weisman ’74 of debut titled Connected to the Unexpected. Spring Valley, NY,has Bassist JosephMacaro toured as a HammondB3 organist with Ashford and ’76 of Milltown,NJ, recentSimpson, Chubby Checker, ly accompaniedsinger/actor Freddie Jackson, and others. Ben Vereen at the Plaza in He also received a vocal NewYork City. Joseph also teaches bass to over 30 stucredit on Joe Jackson’s dents in his area. Night and Day CD. Wayne Naus ’76 of RogerBellon"75 of Los Boston, a Berklee faculty Angeles, is in his fourth member, led his band Heart year of scoring "The & Fire in a performance Highlander" TV series, MitchSeidman ’77 26 Berklee t 0 d 0 y Saxophonist/composer Edgar Duvivier ’83 of Rio de Janeiro,regeased his third solo CDSopruDoNorte. with famed Latin-jazz players Jesus "Chucho" Valdes, Carlos Emilio Morales, Mark Walker, and faculty bassist Oscar Stagnaro. Grammy nominee and mallet artist Jerry Tachoir "76 of Hendersonville, TN, released his fifth CD Beyond Stereotype this spring on Avita Records with his group. All of the compositions are by Marlene Tachoir ’77. Jim Gerrnann ’77 of Pittsburgh, PA, has relocated from L.A. to Pittsburgh and performed with the Pittsburgh Pops; Orchestra under the direction of Marvin Hamlisch. The orchestra taped two specials for PBS which are being aired in the Spring. Anthony MichaelGraziosi ’77 of Levittown, NY,is a professional music educator at a LongIsland school and is known as DJ Tony G, spinning records at local events. Singer/songwriter Hunter Moore ’77 of Nashville released Delta Moonfeatur- ing 12 original songs. The album appeared on the Gavincharts in April. Guitarist Mitch Seidman ’77 of Newtonville, MA, released an acoustic CD Ants in a Trance for Brownstone Recordings. Backing him are bassist Harvie Swartz’70, saxophonist Leonard Hochman,and violist Ella Lou Weiler. ComposerKenField ’79 of Cambridge presented a workshop on his work on soundtracks for the popular PBS TV program "Sesame Street" at the Carolina Film and Video Festival. EdwardDzubak ’79 of West Redding, CT, won a 1994-95 Emmy award in for "Best Composition in a Daytime Series" for NBC’s "Another World." He is up for the award again this year for two different shows: "Another World" and "Guiding Light." Julia Rogers Fraser"79of Eden Prairie, MR, was appointed vice president of Coda Music Technology’s Summer 1996 L.A. NEWSBRIEFS Several monthsago, I wasfor- Grossman "79, V.P of Television tunate to attend a tribute event to Musicfor ViacomEntertainment/ Quincy Jones ’51, at whichhe was ParamountPictures. In the category of interesting honored as the NARAS MusiCares Person of the Year. combinations.., keyboardist Jeff "71 led the back-upbandand Quincy gave a warmacceptance L0rber provided arrangements for Herb speech, in whichhe madeseveral at the references to his association with Alpert’s recent performance Berklee, and then introduced the Houseof Blues, while ex-Carsguitarist Elli0tt East0n’73 recreated concert portion of the evening. John Fogerty’s "swamp"guitar An amazingroster of artists, including Stevie Wonder, Milt parts in a CreedenceClearwater Jackson, James Moody, Nancy Revisited concert at the Greek Wilson, Take6, Coolio, and Brian Theatre.As for other alumniin the McKnight,performedtracks from news . . . amongthe winners of 1996 film and televsion Quincy’s latest album Q’s Jook ASCAP’s Joint. They were supported by an awards were composers Howard all-star band featuring John Shore"68 (Seven), EdAlton"76 Robinson ’75 on drums and Nell ("The Single Guy"), and AIf Stubenhaus "75 on bass. There was Clausen’66 ("The Simpsons").The also a large contingentof alumniin 43rd Annual Motion Picture the audience--ArifMardin ’61, AIf SoundEditors Awardswere also Clausen ’66, AbeLaboriel’72, Abe announced recently. Winners Flamberg ’75 (Toy Laboriel Jr. "93,LindaLorence ’87, included James Brooks ’80 (Mr. Roger Bellon ’75, ShelSondheim "80, Story), Christopher LeanneSummers "88--to namea Holland’s Opus), and Marty few. It wasquite an event. Wereski ’74 (Childrenof the Dust). As I write this column,the May Congratulations to all! Roger Bell0n’75, whohas just completed 30 alumni seminar is fast approaching. Entitled "Music his fourth season scoring the TV Supervision FromAll Angles," it series "Highlander," also scored will be cohosted by Berklee and the CBSmovie Unforgiveable. Harris’83, currentlyon tour the National Academy of Sharon Songwriters.Theformat will be a playing keyboardswith R&Blegpanel discussion and the modera- end Barry White, also composed tor will be BarbaraJordan,a song- the music for the Warners CD writer, musicsupervisor,publisher, LooneyTunesLoveableLullabies. and current Berklee faculty mem- That’sit for now.Stayin touch. ber. Includedamongthe panelists, whoare all prominentin the field Peter Gordon’78, Director, of film and TVmusic, is David Berklee Centerin Los Angeles WE’VE ALLSAIDIT BEFORE... "I wishI’d known this whenI wasstarting out!" Thereis no substitute for the exchange of ideas that can take place betweena student anda professional. Anopportunityawaitsall Berkleealumniwishingto share hardwonmusiccareer experience with current students. TheBerkleeCareer Networkbrings students andalumnitogetherfor learningand sharing. To get involved, checkthe box on the Alumnotesform (page 34) and informationwill be sent to you. Pleasespecifyyourareas of expertiseand howoften youwishto be c6ntactedby students. Yourright to privacywill alwaysbe respected. Welook forwardto hearingfromyou. --Peter Spellman,CareerDevelopment Coordinator(617) 266-1400,extension 246. Summer 1996 VivaceRepertoire developmentprogram.Julia formerlyservedas a vice president at Alfred MusicPublishing in L.A. GarySchreiner’79 of NewYork, recently completedscoring the feature film Runfor Cover. His music can be heard on national TV commercials for Club Med, Prodigy, Citibank, and others. He has also played keyboards backing Joan Osborne. Ricardo Simoes "79of Sao Paulo, Brazil, released a piano solo album titled PotStella Almeida. Guitarist Bruce Arnold’80 of New York, released Blue Eleven for the MMC label. The disc features 13 of his original compositions. AllenMezquida "80 of NewYork, released a CDcalled A GoodThing on Koch.International whichfeatures Bill Mays, Sean Smith, Brad Mehldau,and LeonParker. Ed Roseman ’80 of Kennebunkport,ME,has published a bookentitled Edly’s MusicTheory for PracticalPeople. Anders Bergcrantz ’81, trumpeter fromMamoe, Sweden,released his latest CD]n This Togetherwith backing by pianist RichieBeirach,bassist Ron McClure, and drummer Adam Nussbaum.The disc received the Golden Record award for Best SwedishJazz Recording. Thomas Brigandi ’81 of Syracuse, NY, has been touring with Chuck Mangione for three years and played acoustic andelectric bass on composer/keyboardist John Serry’s latest release,.Enchantress. KeyboardistDavidRosenthal ’81 of Iselin, NJ, has finished touring with Billy Joel andis writingsongsfor the next RedDawnrecord. Hedid synth programmingfor DreamTheater’s "A Change of Seasons" EP, and played on a forthcoming Yngwie Malmsteenalbum. David Reynolds’82 of Germantown,MD,recently received his master’sdegreein guitar performance from Towson State University, and he plays steadily at the MayflowerHotel in Washington D.C. Benjamin Smeall’82 of GreenBay, WI,contributed an article on playing jazz on bowedstring instruBerkleet o d a y 27 WardThrasher "84 of Quincy, MA, is a private practice attorney in the areas of intellectual property, copyright, contract and entertainment law. He also produces "Legal Insight," a radio program on WJDA in Quincy. Pianist Cyrus Hhestnut "85 released Earth Stories for Atlantic Jazz. Chestnut is joined on one cut by saxophonist Antonio Hart’91. DavidGeist ’85 of New York, has been playing keyboards with the Broadway pit orchestras for Cats, Les Miserables, and Miss Saigon, among others. He has also worked with composers Stephen Sondheim and Andrew Vocalist MihikoTokoro’85 of North Hollywood, CA,has sungon the TVshow"Boston Lloyd Webber. Common," in the film MyFellowAmericans with JackLemmon, andfor bilingual jingles Christopher Guardino "85 (Japanese andEnglish)whichair in Japan. of Sherman Oaks, CA, is orchestrating for TV and film productions, and commerits to the fall issue of solo CDentitled Brazilian Party." posed the score for the American String Ballads on the Leblon TrombonistTed Kraemer Showtimefeature film Cafe Instruments. Recordslabel. Gancis also ’84 of Los Angeles, is fea- Society. Drummer Kathy Burkly a recording musician on tured in the new 20th Trumpeter Scott Aruda ’83 of Brockton, MA, Gtobo Network TV, and Century Fox Movie That ’86 of Somerville, MA,was recently completed backed Stevie Wonder at Thing You Do, clirected by a~varded a full scholarship a tour of Singapore backing jazz festivals in Rio and Sao and starring TomHanks. to the New England popular local country Paulo. Laura Rlein ’84 of Conservatory. He is feasingers John Lincoln ScottMartinGershin’84 Berkeley, CA,is a certified tured in the N.E.C. big Wright and Angela West. of Santa Clarita, CA, is a teacher of the Alexander band, under the direction Guitarist Richard partner at Soundeiux Technique working in the of George Russell. Schumacher "83 of Studios won the Oscar and San Francisco Bay area. Guitarist RudyLinka"8G Hamburg, Germany, has Golden Reel awards for ’ released Cool Shoes featur- creating sound effects on ing drummer Terri Lyne the film Braveheart. His Carrington ’83, bassist Kai other film credits include Eckhardtde Camargo ’83, True Lies, Pocahontas, keyboardist Patrice Rushen, Hunchback of Notre saxmen Bill Evans and Bob Dame, and others. Malach, and percussionist Film composer J0el MunyungoJackson. Goodman ’84 of NewYork Chris DeRosa "84 of New scored an upcoming TV York, finished recording an movie titled What About album with the Japanese Me? produced by Good rock group E Trance on Machine/NY. Shimmy Disc Records. He Mike Hickey ’84 of is also in the band Glow Athol, MA, has released with Spin Doctors bassist Venom with the band Marc White. Cronos. He also had an Woodwinds player article published in the David Ganc’84 of Rio de January 1996 Guitar Player Brigandi’81 Janeiro, released his first titled "Pentatonic Picking BassistThomas 28 Berklee t o d a y Summer 1996 LEARN TI) EARNI. DavidGanc’84 of NewYork, issued his second Enja CDcalled Czech It Out, with George Mraz’69 on bassand Marvin"Smitty" Smith’81 on drums. Cliff Brodsky"87 of Hollywood, CA, signed a record deal with Cleopatra Records. He released two CDs this spring, a techno/trance album, with some help from the drummer of Nine Inch Nails, and a children’s album. Christine Carer Harding’87 of Fargo, ND,has been appointed as the new executive director of the Fargo Moorhead Civic Opera. MarkCorradetti "87 of Nashville,and his company MACEnterprises have introduced a line of play-along instruction tapes for electric guitar and bass students. AlanPowell’89 played guitar and Corradetti played bass. Dennis Mitcheltree ’87 of New York, has a new CD out entitled Quartet~Trio, and his trio performed at the Cupping Room in Broome, NY,in February. RudyLinka"86 Summer 1996 NEED TO MAKE SOME EXTRA CASH ON YOUR OWN TERMS? Let us show you how to make up to $60,000 and more per year as a trained PIANO TECHNICIAN! Enjoy one of America’s most ~ress free careers and have time left over to spendas you wish. Everyday1000’sof pianos are being boughtandsold andall of themneed to be serviced. Piano technicians command $75.00per hour and morefor their services which include tuning, regulation, voicing, appraisals, r~building and mu&,muchmore. At New EnglandPiano we will showyouin just 30 days the necessaryskills neededto ~unea piano and get youon yourwayto success. This 10 hour courseis a hands on experiencewith one of NewEngland’sfreest Registered Piano Technicians. Tuition $350.00 Enrollmentwill be limited to or,~ly nine qualified students. Now England Piano (5081 879-4404 118 ConcordSt. Fi~imiinghamMA CatherineCarlesimo Metzinger’87 of Arlington, VA, married 1]mothy Metzinger"88on September9, 1995. David Radin ’87 of NYCwas mastering engineer on Eddie Palmieri’s Grammy-nominated Arete, and Bruce Springsteen’s upcomingBefore the Fame CD. Rob Steiner ’87 of Hollywood Hills, CA, plays worldwide with Kouros and the Persians. He has also had small parts in many TV shows and films, such as, "Seinfeld," "Coach," Executive Decision, and Murderin the First. 0wen Y0st "87 of NewYork City, has been playing bass and singing background vocals with Leslie Gore. They played at a fundraiser for President Clinton in February. ShigeyoshiKawagoe "88 of Tokyo is composing for Japanese pop recording artist Shoko Aida. The CD, produced by Sergio Mendes, Ben Wittman, and Sushi Kosugi, was released in Mayon Polystar Records. RussSpiegel "88 of Frankfurt, Germany,is presently teaching guitar and bass at the Future Music School in Aschaffenberg, Germany. SuzyNutkuSetel ’89 of Beecroft, Australia, is studying at the Music Therapy Center near Sydney. Glen~l Allen "89 of Natick, MA,has a piano and background vocal credit on Bellevue Cadillac’s latest on Ardeo Records. He also played piano and sang lead on Darkfeathers’ last CD. GuillermoGalindo’89 of Oakland, CA, has completed an orchestral composition titled "Ome Acatl," with a grant from the Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes in Mexico City. He also released a CDof electro-acoustic music for the dance work contemporary "Kiyohime." Colin Mandel"89 of Encino, CA, has a new solo CDout called Strange and Savage Tales, with bassists Jimmy Johnson, Anders Swanson, Clark Sourer, and Dean Schmidt, and drummer Chris Wabich. YumikoMatsuoka’89 of Newton, MA, and the a cappella group Vox One, with TomBaskett "91, Jodi Berkleet o d a y 29 PeteEmerson "95. TroyRichardson "90of Boston, won the Summer Boston Phoenix Demo Derby. His band Troy, featuring guitarist MarkSander’95 and drummer Peter Abdou,released a single on LP Records. KenMirrione ’91 of Edison, NJ, promoted and produced a showcase exclusively for Madonna’s Maverick Analbumof 13 classic old Records. He owns and operates the tunes plus 2 newoneswith booking agency K.M. Promotions. RickReese ’93 of Dover, NH,plays Jay on vocals, saxophone, bass and synth with the New andguitar. Hampshire-based group Sonic Special guests BuddySpicher Joyride. Theyreleased their self-titled debut CD on Anomaly Records. on violin, Jeff Steinbergon Geila Zilkha ’91 of Tokyo, Japan, piano, and Tommy Wells on recorded a jazz albumwith guitarist MickGoodrick "69, George Garzone "72 Watchfor it this summer in drums. on tenor sax, Noboru Kinukawa on stores or send $15 for CD, Plus a swingingduet with baritone sax, and HiroHonshuku ’90 on $12 for cassette(incl. shipflute. In November 1995, she released ping and handling) to: Crystal Gayle. a soul record titled Colors of Magic with the vocal trio Waterz. Flamingo Records - JMPProductions MarkZlatich ’91 of Vienna, VA,is P.O. Box 120215 currently the guitarist for Ringling Nashville, TN 37212 Brothers Barnum & Bailey Circus’ Blue Unit Band. "ThatOldFeeling.... It CouldHappen To You.... SerenadeIn Blue" and more Bassist Ivan B0dley ’92 of New York, and his band J’unk, have garJenkins "93, PaulStiller "89, andPaul RebeccaAlvin "90 of Rego Park, nered media attention on radio, telePampinella’90 took Album of the NY,just finished writing, directing, vision, and in Playboy, Jazziz, and Year honors at the 5th Annual and editing a 16ramshort film entitled Billboard magazines. As a sideman, Contemporary A Cappella Awards Voices. The sound designer/editor Ivan has performed with Gloria for their Out There CD. was MarkH. VanBork"93. Gaynor, the Uptown Horns, the AvaMichelleTracht"89 of Davie, After three years as vice president Shirelles, Peter Wolf, and manyother FL, teaches voice in the South Florida of A&Rat November Records in acts. area and has performed with Jon NYC,R0h H01t’90 enrolled in an MBA Bassist Greg Delacore ’92 and Secada. She is currently at the Miami programat Harvard Business School. pianist MarcDelacore"93 released a Beach Music Studios and recently Christopher Leible’90 of Bayport, CD titled East & West with their received the key to the city of Miami. NY,is a memberof a classical guitar group Expeditions and will be perduo that performs in his area. Christopher is currently studying guitar with BenjaminVerdery. DrummerRichard L~tourneau’90 of Grasse, France, played with George Duke at the 1996 MIDEM festival in Cannes. Bassist Chris Matheos"90 of Greensboro, NC, published the book Percussive Slap Bass with Mel Bay Publications. He is workingwith jazz vocalist Carolina Windsand record-ing artist Janis Price. Colin 0’Dwyer "90 of Boston:, recently released his debut CDSome Kind of Attraction with alumni Chris Ryan’92, WinstonMaccow ’82, Pat Guillermo Galindo’89 Loomis ’92, PernellSaturnino ’93, and AvaMichelleTracht’89 Standard Blue Jay Patten & TheNewSwingQuintet 30 Berklee t o d a y Summer 1996 Moving?. Relocating??.. Let "Boston Logistics" ship Returning your personal Home~ effects. Economical Shipping Services Domestic or |nternational AIR * OCEAN * TRUCK For estimates cal| |-800®929=2885 Boston Logisties, Inc. 186A Lee Burbanl~ Highway Revere, MA02151 Tel: 617-853-0666 * Fa~c: 617=286-4377 forming around the U.S. this summer. Kami Lyle "92 of Nashville, was interviewed in the NovemberDecember 1995 edition of Performing Songwriter. Josephine Packard "92 of Jamaica Plain, MA,is the singer/guitarist for Chelsea on Fire, whoreleased a selftitled CDin January. They were nominated for Best New Artist in the Phoenix/WFNX Best of Boston Music Poll. James Sale ’92 of Sherman Oaks, CA, has worked as a librarian on such feature films as Barman Forever, Seven, and Higher Learning. He has also worked as an orchestrator on several episodes of "VRS." Rob Simring ’92 of Somerville, MA,and guitarist CoreRedonnett "93of Boston, former membersof XIXXO,are frequent alternate players for the Blue Man Group theater production. Drummer Michael Voss ’92 of Uster, Switzerland, published the Swiss Real Book, which contains 620 pieces by Swissjazz artists. Singer/s ongwriter/fiddler Benjamin Wilborn ’92 of Reno, NV, and his band Lazy Eights released a new CD. He is also recording a CD tribute to Django Reinhardt with Willie Nelson and Freddy Powers. Flutist Sergiio Alvares ’93, of Miami, IFL, was a featured performer at Miami’s Lincoln Theater concert by the NewWorld Symphony Orchestra in a program of works by Heitor Villa Lobos. Alvares is pursuing his Ph.D. at the University of Miami. Recording engineer file× Case"ga of Boston,is working at both RoomWith A View and Blue Jay recording studios. Jaime Fatas "93 of Cambridge, MA, composed and produced the soundtrack for Lucia, an award-winning short video directed by Pedro Ballesteros. It wonat the Chicago Film Festival and took First Prize at the Brooklyn Council for the Fromthe left, saxophonist MichaelHamilton ’94, Berldee’s Arts Film Festiw~l and was MP&E Chair Bill Scheniman, andproducerJ. Dibbs. shown at the Cannes Film 32 Berklee t o d a y Festival. Kevin Giles "93 of Corbin, TN, played tenor saxophone with Dolly Patton at the Music Mansion Theater in Pigeon Forge, TN, in April. Dong-SungKim "93 of Kwachum-si, Korea, has composed and arranged music for the cartoon film Hong Gil Dong with the Buchun City symphony orchestra. He is also an instructor at the Seoul Arts Institute and Sangm~ung University Graduate School. Christian Moder’93 of Los Angeles, contributed music for Donald Emmerich’s post-millenium adaption of William Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure. GregBecker’95 Michael Hamilton ’94 played saxophone on the Winans’ latest CD Heart and Soul He also played on the CTI acid jazz compilation Thus Spoke Z, Evolution. Vanessa William’s producer J. Dibbs is producing Michael’s debut album. CorneliusKreusch ’94 of NYC, performed a concert for German radio with James Genus, Terri Lyne Carrington ’83, and Zaf Zapha. He is working on a project with drummerWill Calhoun "86. AdamKummins’94 of Summer 1996 FULLCIRCLE Thomas Feurer’95 Los Angeles, is working as a staff composerand recording engineerat Elias Associatesin Santa Monica. He has written music for TVcommercialsfor Nike, Plymouth,and others. DrummerDanny Mack’94 of Medford,/VIA,is touring with recordingartist Bill Morrisey. Eric Welsh’94 of Boston, MA,got a productioncredit on Laura Branigan’s new single "DimAll the Lights." He also produced a club remix with producerEhabE1 Saadi. MatthiasZimmermann ’94 of Bregan, Austria, received the Henry Mancini Fellowship at the Cinemusic International Music and Film Festival in Switzerland. GregBecker ’95 of Nashville was promoted to director of music publishing for the writer’s group at Copperfield Music Group. Jonathan Dowling ’95 of West Springfield, MA, endorses YamahaDrumsand Humesand Berg Cases. He plays on Rich Neville’s newalbum. ThomasFeurer "95 of Effretikon, Switzerland,played with Dutchrecordingartist and BMG/RCA recording artist CandyDuller and her band at a sold out concert in Zurich. He also performedwith Swisspopfunk band Contrast Family for the premiereof the tour Colors of Life. Summer 1996 For Gene Joly’73, seeingthe Beatles has been interwovenin mylife over on the "EdSullivanShow"in the early the past 24 years," Joly says. "I am 1960s madean impact that set the very excited with what the college coursefor his career. Likemanyof the hasdonein. recent years--especially babyboomergeneration, the appealof the wayit has embracedtechnology. the four Liverpudliansinfluencedhim There’.is a real senseof pride among to buyhis first guitar. Nowadays his the students today. Thesekids are workinvolves being on the other end real pros. Their self imageis very of such transactions. Aspresidentand professional[andthey regardthe colchief operatingofficer of Boston’ssuc- lege highly. Thatis not by accident; cessful E.U. Wurlitzer Music and there hasbeena lot of wise adminisSoundchain, Joly has completedthe trative planning. ASa trustee I see circle. Anationallyrespectedfigure in what is being workedon, and I see the musicproducts and retail indus- very exciting timesahead." As a trustee, Joly has helped to tries, he is also a member of Berldee’s board of trustees and the board of facilitate equipmentloans and gifts directors for the NationalAssociation from key manufacturers."Theyrealize they are getting involvedwith an of MusicMerchants. Joly had played in garage bands institution "whichis in the processof before entering Berklee in 1972. inventinga type of universitythat has "Musichad becomean all-consuming never existed before," he says. "This passion," he remembers."Thecollege type of loan arrangementis not the haschangedquite a bit since I attend- type of thing companiescan do with ed though.Backthen it wasvery jazz a lot of institutions, but Berkleeis oriented--I was always a rocker. I really the only onethat matters. With walkedin with mysolid bodyguitar 40 percent of the student population and everybody else had these big being international, companiesreach bodiedjazzguitars.Atfirst I felt a lit- users all over the world by getting tle out of place, but endedup learning involvedwith Berklee. "Ourculture has never been more morein myfirst year thanI hadin the musically oriented," he says. "It is a previouseight. I wasn’table to finish great time to be in the musicindustry. Berkleebecauseof family problems. Myparents were both sick and I had Topmanufacturersare outdoingeach other desit;ning new products and to helptake care of the family. "I hadbeenwilling to starve to be reinventinghowthings are done. "][~houg[h myplayingtime is limita musician,but by the late 1970sI had a wife and three kids. I assessed my ed, I stiI1 havea free-formimprovismarketableskills andmusicretailing tional bandwith a few of myfriends, seemedto be the wayI could support and:myguitar playingis the best it’s ~1 themand stay in the industry." Over ever been." 21 years ago Joly beganin the warehouseat Wurlitzer’sstore at the corner of Newbury St. and Mass.Ave. "When I started, I workedin sales for five years andthen started doing someof the buying and advertising work," Joly says. "I kept trying to find waysto improvethe business.I wrote a training manualfor employees, andtook somebusinesscourses." Joly ultimately earned his degree in marketing from Bentley College. He becamepart of Wurlitzer’s managementstaff in the early 1980sand was namedcompanypresident in 1985. Joly"73, president of Boston’s In 1994 Joly was appointed to Gene andSound. Berklee’sboardof trustees. "Berklee E.U.WurlitzerMusic Berkleet o d a y 33 Martina Freytag "95 of Schloeben, Germany, received a scholarship from the Department of Science and Culture of Thuringia, Germany, to work on her second jazz voice book. It will be published by KurtMaas-Musikverlag of Munich. Cheryl Hagan ’95 of Boston has started C.A. MartinaFreytag’95 HaganArtist Associates, a company providing administrative services for the music community. A vocalist as well, she is recording her debut CD. Saxophonist Jason Jones ’95 of Auckland, NewZealand, pianist Mark de Clive-Lowe "94, and their quartet Jazz in the Present Tense have becomea popular act in the NewZealand jazz scene. Guitarist Stefan Machalitzky "95 and his group Chewy Soulfunk featuring vocalist den Chapin"95, bassist Why Not Jansveld ’96, drummer JamieMoore’94, and keyboardist Christian Lohr’95, played nine dates in Munich in March. ~m Mayer"95 has been named Boston correspon- THINK ABOUTTHE BARPROGRAM Berklee AlumniRepresentatives (BAR)visit dozens of high schools, conferences, and college fairs each year, talking about their Berklee experiences and answering questions about the college from talented young musicians. If youare interested in sharing your time and talent to help us reach the next generation of music industry leaders, call us at (800) 421-0084,or mark the BARinfo box in the alum notes form on page 30. Wewill send[ you more information on the BAR programalong with an application. Join us. dent for the nightly jazz program "Boulevard de Jazz," hosted by Javier Dominguez. Panos Panay "95 of Boston has been. promoted to a full booking agent at Ted Kurland Associates. He will be booking Kurland’stop jazz clients in Europe, the Middle East, and former Soviet Republics. Andre Spang "95 of Landstuhl, Germany, released a CDwith his band Triple Energy, and played at the Intenationale Musik Messe in Frankfurt with Sheila E. and Joe Porcaro. ALUMNOTESiNFORMATION FORM Full Name Address City State ZIP Country. Phone Q This is a new address. Your Internet address: Last year you attended Berklee Did you receive a ~ Degree Q Diploma? Please give details of newsworthyperformances, recordings, music projects, awards, recognitions, or other events you wouldlike us to knowabout (please print or type, use a separate sheet if necessary): gi Send me more information on the Berklee Alumni Representative program. Q Send me more information on becoming a Berklee Career Network advisor. Please send this form, along with any publicity, clippings, photos, CDs,or items of interest to: Berklee today, Berklee College of Music, 1140 Boylston Street, Boston, MA02215-3693. Internet address: [email protected] 34 Berklee t o d a y Summer 1996 FINALCADENCE Distinguished drummer and educator Alan Dawson died February 23 of leukemia at 66. He taught at Berklee from 1957-75 while also keeping a busy calendar as a player. He had worked with such artists as Lionel Hampton, Sabby Lewis, Booker Ervin, Herb Pomeroy, Dave Brubeck, and many others. Amonghis top students were Tony Williams, Clifford Jarvis, Jake Hanna,Steve Smith ’78, Harvie Mason, and Terri Lyne Carrington ’83. As a teacher, he stressed a melodic approach to drumming and helped to cultivate a strong sense of rhythm and confidence in his students. He leaves his wife Florence, his daughter Deborah, and three grand children. Former host of the "Voice of America Jazz Hour" Willis C0n0ver H ’90, died May17 at 75 of cancer. Conover is widely known in Europe, Asia, and Latin America for his V.O.A. broadcasts of jazz which began 1954. He referred to jazz as "the music of freedom," and to those living without freedom, it became a symbol of hope. At the peak of the cold war, Conover had an audience of close to 30 million listeners. Conover, a Berklee trustee, did muchto help build Berklee’s international reputation through his commentaryand broadcasts of the musicof Berklee-trained artists. He received Berklee’s honorary doctorate in 1990. FrankC0nr0y’71, of Wilmington, DE,died April 4 after a brief illness. Originally from Gloucester, MA, Conroy, a full-time musician, had lived in the Wilmingtonarea for the past few years. Saxophonist JohnProgris ’71 died December 20, 1995, after a brief illness. He was owner of Progris Music Store in Nashua, NH.He leaves his wife Una, three sons, and a daughter. Eric Lamoureux ’92 died April 6 at his homein Stephentown, NY.A trumpeter, he earned his degree from Berklee with a dual major in film scoring and MP&E. Bret Willmott’s Complete Book of Harmony, Theory & Voicing Bret Willmottis a highly acclaimedprofessor at Berklee College of Musicand a noted educator and performer worldwide. He has been a faculty memberof the college for more than 18 years and a performing guitarist for over 25 years. Mr. Willmott’s musical history would include studies and performance with ]Pat Metheny, Gary Burton, Mick Goodrick, Mike Stern, Bill Frisell, Wolfgang Muthspiel,Jeff E,erlin, and Steve Smith,as well a currently appearing on CDsthat include notables BobMosesand MikeStern. Bret is also the creator and primary teacher of twopopularcoursesoffered at Berklee College dealing with harmonic and rhythmic developmenton the guitar. (95112) Book$19.95. Thistext is a combination of harmony/theory/voicing with emphasis placedon "voice leading." Harmonicmotionand understandingare key elementsfor "comping"in today’sjazz andpopidioms.Through knowledge arid listening, studentswill discover and compose newvoicings and sounds. Thistext’s primaryfocuswill be that of presentingandexamining four-notevoicings onthe middle four strings of the guitar. Students will learnto recognize eachnote’s relation to the chordas well as eachnoteslinear motionto the nextchord.Thisbook: is completein itself with over 240pagesandis highly recommended to anyonewho wantsto learn harmony, theory, andvoicing. OrderToll Free1-800-8-MEL BAY (1-800-863-5229) ~ Web address: E-mailaddress: email@melbay. com MelBayPublications, Inc. ¯ #4 Industrial Dr. ¯ Pacific, MO 63069 D IMPROVE YOUR SAX HFE ,Sales ,Repairs -Rentals ¯ Brass °Woodwind ¯ Strings °Percussion Worldwide Professionaland personalserviceby EMILIO LYONS Your Source For the Finest Namesin Brass & Woodwinds Servingprofessional musicians,students,musicschoolsanduniversitiessince1939. Summer 1996 263 HUNTINGTON AVE., BOSTON,MA 02115 (NZXT VO S~nO~ a~e) 617-266-4727 Berklee t o d a y 35 CODA Music and Freedom Anna Tonsinskaya ~ "95 he first weekend of March is one I will not soon forget. On March 1, I received my American citizenship at a ceremonyin Faneuil Hall. The next night, I heard the Boston premiere of Dmitri Shostakovich’s SymphonyNo. 13 at Jordan Hall, just a few blocks from Berklee. The events provided a look at myfuture and a glance back at myheritage as a Russian Jewish emigre. I had gotten a letter from President and Mrs. Clinton wishing me joy and happiness in the freedom American citizenship represents. It remindedmeof whenI received myRussian passport, President Brezhnevdidn’t send mea letter wishing mehappiness in freedom.Ten years later, in 1989, myfamily realized mygrandfather Mikail Kheif’s long-held dream and we all came to America. I was born in St. Petersburg and first experienced the joy of listening music at Shostakovich SymphonyHall when I was four. The auditorium was namedfor the legendary composer Dmitri Shostakovich who was also born in St. Petersburg and spent his most creative years there. In 1962, the Soviets were shocked by Shostakovich’s Symphony No.13. It hit like an explosion in St. Petersburg. It is a powerfulsetting of the poetry "Babi Yar" written by YevgenyYevtushenko. "Babi Yar" railed against Russian anti-Semitism, stirring suppressed memoriesof the slaughter of manythousands of Jews in Kiev by the Nazis. The Soviet governmentdidn’t like to discuss howmanyJews the Nazis killed at Babi Yar, nor howmanydied under Stalin. That number includes mygreat grandmother Hannah for whomI am named. The "Babi Yar" poem and Shostakovich’s symphony became the first real memorialfor the victims. Since the icy reception its premierereceivedin Russia, SymphonyNo. 13 was rarely programmed. Yevtushenko’s poetry was one of the most virulent attacks on anti-Semitism then published in Russia. In Boston on March 2, many Russian-Americans ignored a raging snow storm to attend the performance Anna Tonsinskaya is a composer and producer. She earned her degree in MP& E and Commercial Arranging. 36 Berklee t o d a y by conductor Benjamin Zander and the Boston Philharmonic. In Boston for the performance, Yevtushenko read his poemsbefore the symphonyas he did in 1962. It took mybreath awayto watchthe musicianssit in rapt silence as Yevmshenkoread to an audience needing no translation. Zander raised his baton and the orchestra played the symphony’sheavy opening notes--symbolic of the forced marchto Babi Yar. The deep, dark timbre of the men’s chorus conwByedthe work’s somber character. Shostakovich had named each of the symphony’sfive movementsafter Yevtushenko’s five poems: "Babi Yar," "Humor," "In a Store," "Fears," and "A Careen" For contrast, Shotakovich placed the movement "Humor" second. Humor--a strong element in the Jewish character-got the Russians through the war and the postStalin era. Shostakovich’s atmospheric orchestration in "Fears" with a tremolo on a big drum evoked nervousness. "Weweren’t afraid of construction work in a blizzard or of going into battle under shell fire, but at times we were mortally afraid of talking to ourselves," wrote the poet. That was the Russia of mychildhood. Back then, ma~ypeople spent hours standing in lines at food stores. Poor people, poor stores. Shostakovich took a political risk with the movement"In a Store." Using the same adagio tempo and orchestration of the first movement,he compares the line to the store with the line to "Babi Yar." Shostakovich struggled for and loved Russia. It was a courageous move to write a symphony on this subject. The piece is a treasure. Whenthe last note of the strings faded, it was like a momentof silence in front of the monument in Babi Yar. thought of my grandfather who had o~ taught me hundreds of Jewish songs and 8 to be proud of our heritage. I turned in my seat to thank my mother who gave me myfirst musiclesson and first took me to Shostakovich SymphonyHall in St. Petersburg. NewAmericancitizens, we left Jordan Hall in the snow, where AnnaTonsinskaya "95: "It waslike a wonderful American musicians playing mement of silencein frontof themon- Shostakovich SymphonyNo. 13, conument in BabiYar." nected our past and future. Summer 1996 Here’sfive hotplugs & JamMan: Da~ T~r~a hasbeenextending theguitar’s sonicboundaries for many yearsl Inthet994 Readers’ Poll inGuitar Player Hagazine, hewas voted "Best Experimental Guitarist". £exicon processors have always been anessential ngredient ofhis~nque sounds~pes andaree~qdent onh s newalbum,"Tripping Over God." ’~amMan becomeerie e~ my very be~t ~rienfl& and Von~exi~ a benignly p~yehoticvidtvr ~romanother plane~. " .I~.c~a~eR I~a~r~n~ the b wlth hlsdarm~, releaso %:......shocked ,,. .assw.orldm. ~94 ~~’t~gaztne~ geaaers’ Poll. Alongtime fanofLexicon processors, Manring hasrecentl~ be~n toexperiment with Jam~an and Vortex, taking hissolo bass flights intoh~erspace. Anew album is due in~995. "Vo~ex ana JamMan~er an immense ranye ~ exciting newcreative Po~ibilitie& ,, plugone V~)urself. It’s no secret that Lexicon s~st<e~sare used by most of the world’s recording studios, and by many top performers. Lexicon’s Pe~ance 5e~ie~ effects processors are also affordable, and they’re also used by the world’s leading-edge musicians. Like these players and many, many more. So why not check ’era out for yoursel~ T~ ~ex -- the most radical firamm~ ~ward-winnin~ composer/trur~peter/keyhoardist ~~ G musical effe~ processor on l~a~~l~laa~ hasusedLexicon proauc~s for years. ~ ~e m~ket. Or~ -the hot lam~lan an(l~/ortex have added tohisunique paleUe otsounds s~pl~delay looper. Contact us for takin~ hisdistinctive, ethereal trumpet sound intofascinatin~ new a set of A~p~ca~o~ ~oXe~or visit your authorealms, lsham stays busy with maior f mscores, including a ~orthcoming soundtrack albu~ forSe~iltn"Waterworld." rized dealer now. "impress}re- ~eatty impressive, vo~ex and jamMa~reatty ~ive ~pace depth to my ~ound." ~ ~.e~~e~.nis widely regarded asoneof thefinest composers onthescene today. Herristin’ ~een called " remarka~o" ....... P~, , e(u!tar sound has Anew soloalbum, "Words", isdueinmid.~995. ’~amManh~ bee~mean e*aential composingtool, a~ Well ~ a Welcome addition ~or live Pe~o~ance~ I~ geeing ~ome great new ~ and ~ound~ ~romVo~ex. "
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