WORLD JOURNAL OWorld F PH A RMAC AND PH AR MACEUTICSciences AL SCIENCES Rajni Journal ofYPharmacy and Pharmaceutical SJIF Impact Factor 5.210 Volume 4, Issue 05, 1548-1554. Research Article ISSN 2278 – 4357 FORMULATION AND STANDERIDIZATION OF PANCHASAKARA CHURNA TO RECOVERY OF DIGESTIVE BALANCE Rajni Haridas Sonone* S.G.S.P.S. College of Pharmacy, District Akola-444002. Article Received on 13 March 2015, Revised on 04 April 2015, Accepted on 25 April 2015 ABSTRACT Most of the herbal drugs products have their own important placement in the world. The traditional systems of medicine are effective but there is need to improve them. A polyherbal ayurvedic formulation of Panchasakara churna which is used mostly digestive problems, *Correspondence for Author Constipation, pile, stomach pain a modify churna formulation contain honey base. Panchasakara churna contain an ingredient of a Terminalia Rajni Haridas Sonone S.G.S.P.S. College of chebula, Cassia angustifolia, Rock salt, Zingiber officinale and Pharmacy, District Akola- Foeniculum vulgare. Honey is a natural substance so that all the above 444002. mention herbal preparation to be the best modify for vita and digestive role in human being. It is authenticated an herbal drugs in house preparation of formulation and raw material standardization of each drugs perform powder microscopic by and a light microscope and physicochemical standardization performed. KEYWORD: Panchasakara Churna, Standardization, Ash Value, Digestive Balance, Honey Base, Phenolic and Flavonoid. INTRODUCTION The traditional system of medicine there is a health care is a most pivotal need to develop them. Ayurvedic herbal product which play classic role, but there is need to improve them self. Traditional system of ayurvedic herbal formulation the Panchasakara churna reported to characterize by constipation stomach pain digestive problems and a abdominal disease. In the ingredient of a Panchasakara churna formulation contain ginger, cassia angustifolia, terminal chebula, Foeniculum vulgare and rock salt (Saindhava Lavana). In this research the part of natural system of ayurveda contain modify churna honey base. In a reported study the preparation of Panchasakara churna during to perform collection of raw material, physiochemical standardization. Here respect to analyze them (Total ash, Acid insoluble ash, Vol 4, Issue 05, 2015. 1548 Rajni World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Extractive value of Alcohol and water, foreign matter, moisture content, determination of phenolic and flavonoid of an ingredient) (Nabavi SM, 2008). MATERIAL AND METHOD Plants material: Ayurvedic Advance churna honey base, contain cassia angustifolia and Terminalia chebula (Kim TG, 2001) which is collected from in the Nagarjun Udyan of Panjabrao Deshmukh Krushi Vidyapith Akola. Zingiber officinale and Foeniculum Vulgare were collected from Pathkhed, Taluka Vadegao. Rock salt (Saindhava Lavana) was collected from a local market at Amersing shop .The plants which is authenticated in the labortical department of Botany Shri. Shivaji collage Akola. As per mention in Indian Pharmacopoeia standard material and method has analyses to carry out. Panchsakra churna prepare as per in Indian Pharmacopoeia but additional base is used as a Honey Bee in modify Panchsakra churna. Polyherbal formulation of Panchasakara churna determination of foreign matter, total ash, acid insoluble ash (AOAC, 1990), Alcohol soluble extractive and water extractive, moister content, determination of total phenolic content and flavonoid content of selective raw material (Zheng W, 2001). RESULT AND DISCUSSION The present study records the highest yield in the case of Alcohol followed by water and chloroform solvents used in succession [Graph.3 to Graph. 4] Water soluble extractive value in Ginger: (L=41.80, H=64.80), Fennel (L=61.60, H=76.80), Hirda (L=51.20, H=67.20), Senna (L=10.40, H=29.60) and Alcohol soluble extractive value in Ginger: (L=24.08, H=60.80), Fennel (L=16.80, H=56.80), Hirda (L=4.80, H=11.20), Senna (L=1.60, H=18.40). In the churna was taken and was examined microscopically to identify the various features like phloem fibres, parenchyma, starch grain, endosperms, calcium oxalate crystals, oil glands etc using various reagents [Graph. 1] The foreign matter reported as Foreign Matter in Ginger: (L=0.80, H=0.95), Fennel (L=0.70, H=0.90), Hirda (L=1.04, H=1.08), Rock salt (L=0.90, H=1.24), Senna (L=1.05, H=1.08). In the formulation was prepared in accordance with the Ayurveda Panchasakara churna Ash values are present (total ash and acid insoluble ash) in [Graph 2] Total ash value in Ginger (L=0.2, H=0.22), Fennel (L=0.05, H=0.15), Hirda (L=0.1, H=0.40), Senna (L=0.09, H=0.15) and water soluble and Alcohol soluble extractive values are given in [Graph 3] Water soluble Vol 4, Issue 05, 2015. 1549 Rajni World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences extractive value in Ginger (L=41.80, H=64.80), Fennel (L=61.60, H=76.80), Hirda (L=51.20, H=67.20), Senna (L=10.40, H=29.60) [Graph 4] Alcohol soluble extractive value in Ginger (L=24.08, H=60.80), Fennel (L=16.80, H=56.80), Hirda (L=4.80, H=11.20), Senna (L=1.60, H=18.40). The ash values of the samples were carried out based on the method as described by the World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines for medicinal plant materials. The physicochemical organoleptic formulations are given in [Graph 1 to Graph 4] if estimation of other churna compares to this studies the active constitute content in very effective than other formulations. The standard plot for moisture content is given in [Graph 5] Moisture content value in Ginger (L=51.01, H=51.87), Fennel (L=52.08, H=53.07), Hirda (L=50.58, H=51.42), Senna (L=55.08, H=55.92). In liner standard stand the anti digestive content was found to be highest in Panchsakra churna Ayurvedic Pharmacy Formulation. Absorbance of Standard value at 765 nm in [Graph 6] Linear value Sample 1 (549, 603, 678), Sample 2 (463, 495, 608), Sample 3 (530, 594, 665) in its [Graph 6.1] shows phenolic value of Ginger at 765 nm Sample 1(0.777, 0.719, 0.377), [Graph 6.2] shows value of Hirda sample 1(0.515,0.377,0.307). Absorbance of Slandered value at 415 nm in [Graph 7] Liner value Sample 1 (549, 603, 678), Sample 2 (463, 495, 608), Sample 3 (530, 594, 665) in its [Graph 7.1] shows flavonoid value of Ginger at 765 nm Sample 1(0.777, 0.719, 0.377), [Graph 7.2] shows value of Hirda sample 1(0.515,0.377,0.307) The phytochemical evaluation for various phytoconstituents in resulted fractions of Ayurveda Panchasakara churna were marked as very well quality based on the intensity of the colored reaction product of the test compared to control in each case (Table-2 and Figures 2 to 7). Vol 4, Issue 05, 2015. 1550 Rajni World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences ADVANCE CHURNA FORMULATION CONTENT HONEY BASE Graph 1. Foreign Matter of various Herbal Preparation Graph. 2. Total Ash value in percentage for Herbal Preparation Graph. 3. Water soluble Extractive value in percentage for Herbal Preparation Graph. 4. Alcohol soluble Extractive value in percentage for Herbal Preparation Graph.5. Moisture content in percentage for Herbal Preparation. Vol 4, Issue 05, 2015. 1551 Rajni World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Graph. 6. (Phenolic content test) Absorbance standard at 765 nm value in percentage for Herbal Preparation Graph. 6.1. (Phenolic content test) Absorbance of sample (Ginger) at 765 nm Graph. 6.2. (Phenolic content test) Absorbance of sample (Hirda) at 765 nm Vol 4, Issue 05, 2015. 1552 Rajni World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Graph. 7. (Flavonoid content test) Absorbance standard at 415nm value in percentage for Herbal Preparation Graph. 7.1. (Flavonoid content test) Absorbance of sample (Hirda) at 415nm Graph. 7.2. (Flavonoid content test) Absorbance of sample (Ginger) at 415nm *Notes: L=Lowest, H=Highest, Series 1=sample=1, Series 2= Sample=2, Series 3= Sample=3 CONCLUSIONS The reported modify study of each ingredient were passable for on an panchasakara churna formulation and as a standardization, all these content extractive value, ash value, moisture content so that these stander which capable for a ayurvedic polyherbal formulation and standardization. So that all over test perform after the churna formulation it less beneficial to patient, but whenever it given with modify honey base formulation it give best reporting result to certified in this research. Finally this invention conclude that this modify honey base Vol 4, Issue 05, 2015. 1553 Rajni World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences churna is best for all over to human being for most of the stomach related Abdominal and digestive problems. While all the formulations were established for reported ingredients were genuine and passed the human beneficial. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Authors are grateful to the Head of Pharmacognosy Dr. Dhirendra Sanghai, S.G.S.P.S. College of Pharmacy District Akola for providing necessary facilities to carry out the present research work. REFERENCES 1. Kim TG, Kang SY, Jung KK, Kang JH, Lee E, Han HM and Kim SH. Antiviral activities of extracts isolated from Terminalia chebula Retz., Sanguisorba officinalis L., Rubus coreanus Miq and Rheum palmatum L. against hepatitis B virus, Phytotherapy research, 2001; 15(8): 718-720. 2. AOAC,. Methods of Analysis: 15th Ed. Washington, DC: Association of Official Analytical Chemists, 1990. 3. Zheng, W and Wang, S. Antioxidant activity and phenolic composition in selected herbs. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2001; 49: 5165-5170. 4. 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