THEFAMILYLINK APRIL 2015 I ed n th iti is on island coast primary care project, inc. TEXTING + DRIVING TIPS FOR READING IMMUNIZATION INFO 4150 FORD ST. EXT, 1B FORT MYERS, FL 33916 f FACTS ABOUT TEXTING WHILE DRIVING BROUGHT TO YOU BY STOP TEXTS STOP WRECKS 01 02 03 04 05 e e tim g a r ve the a he road g s i s ond off t velin 5 sec yes are hen tra e W h your texting. 's enoug of a t while ph, tha e length I) m th 5 at 5 o cover 009, VTT t (2 time all field. footb he der t n u ers tal l driv ved in fa s l a f o l a 11% f 20 invo eported the f r o age es were e time o s the h a crash cted at t group h vers i a e r dist . This ag ion of dr 12, t 0 crash t propor acted. 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(2010 n drivi r) e Cent Driving and texting has become a national problem. Thirty-nine states and DC have banned all drivers IMAGE FROM HTTP://WWW.FREEDIGITALPHOTOS.NET/ from texting. Thirty-two states have also banned all novice drivers from cell phone use. Teens who drive, spend approximately 10% of the drive time, outside the lane. Text messaging can make a crash up to 23 times more likely to happen to a driver. There are many ways to help your child drive safe and here are a few of them. Some ways to combat your child from texting and driving. 1. Download an app on their phone that prohibits cell phone use while driving. DRIVEOFF: ANDROID CANARY: ANDROID AND IPHONE NO TEXT and DRIVE: IPHONE 2. Talk to your child about the dangers. 3. Have your child turn their notifications off, so they will be less likely to be distracted. 4. Designate a texter who is in the car so the driver won't be likely to text while driving. 5. Put the cell phone on silent. 6. Place the cell phone in an out-of-reach location (glove box) 5. Be a role model and don't do it as well. WEBSITES FOR MORE INFORMATION: For more information, go here. Texting and Driving Safety EndDD From Reid's Dad *images from Free Digital Photos INFO ABOUT IMMUNIZATIONS TIPS FOR EARLY LITERACY AND READING Learning how to read is important for your child. The AAP has some great tips to promote reading with your child. - Use the 5 Rs of Early Education in your daily activities with your children, right from birth: 1. READ together as a daily, fun, family activity. 2. RHYME, play, talk, sing, and cuddle together often throughout the day. 3. Build ROUTINES for meals, play, and sleep. This helps your child/children know what to expect and what is expected of them. 4. Give REWARDS for everyday successes (especially for effort toward goals like helping), understanding that praise from those closest to a child is a very potent reward. 5. Develop RELATIONSHIPS that are nurturing, reciprocal, purposeful, and lasting, which are the foundations of healthy early brain and child development. - Read daily with your child as part of a regular bedtime routine. This is a wonderful way to have one-on-one time and can help your child transition to going to bed more easily. - Talk with your child about the things you see around you all the time, at home, at the store, or while traveling to places. - Sing songs, act out stories, and take time for pretend play with your young child. - Take time to visit the local library and enjoy story time. Read more about ways to read with your child here. *image from Free Digital Photos Immunizations are an important part of keeping your children and others safe. The CDC has a list of childhood diseases and information on each vaccine: Click each one to find out more information. Chickenpox Diphtheria Flu (Influenza) Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Hib HPV (Human Papillomavirus) - related Cancers Measles Meningococcal Disease Mumps Polio Pneumococcal Rotavirus Rubella Tetanus Whooping Cough (Pertussis) The CDC also has a pdf that goes more in depth and shares some statistics. Click here to view. LINKS FOR MORE INFO: Well Check-Up Schedule Recommended Immunization Schedule (ages 0-6 years): English | Spanish Recommended Immunization Schedule (ages 7-18 years): English | Spanish Catch-Up Immunization Schedule ISLAND COAST PRIMARY CARE PROJECT, INC 4150 Ford St. Ext, 1B Fort Myers, FL 33916
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